Take Home II

International Financial Markets
Take Home Assignment – II part
Due date: 04/13/2015
a) Download the Excel file that you need to obtain the historical closing prices, using the
following url:
(If you prefer you can hand-collect the closing prices; otherwise, you can use our Bloomberg
terminal located in the library).
b) Choose 5 shares pertaining to one sector (e.g. oil sector) or one stock/equity index (e.g. S&P
100 Index).
If you use the excel spreadsheet as in letter a) you will need the share ticker. Each share
ticker is available on the website: http://finance.yahoo.com
c) Download the monthly data for a year (from January 2014 to January 2015). If you
download the prices manually, recall that the reference price is contained in the column
“Adj Close” or “Adj Closing Price”.
d) Create a matrix displaying in column the historical prices.
e) Suppose that:
You are a mutual fund manager.
You invest in the five shares just selected (letter b)).
Your portfolio is equally weighted.
f) Compute the monthly NAV of the mutual fund for each period, supposing:
1st period - Initial Subscription = 5,000,000.00 $ (€)
3rd period – Subscription = 10,000,000.00 $ (€)
4th period – Redemption = 5,000,000.00 $ (€)
5th period – Subscription = 1,000,000.00 $ (€)
8th period – Redemption = 500,000.00 $ (€)
11th period – Subscription = 1,200,000.00 $ (€)
In periods 2 - 6 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 12, Subscriptions = Redemptions = 0.00 $ (€).