-Information ONLY Section- adia City of Arc This is not the schedule of classes. Check next page for current classes. Wilderness Park John Panatier Nature Center Merit Badge Class Schedule DEC, JAN & FEB 2014/2015 Attn: Parents & Scouts Remember: Keep in Mind: A Scout is always prepared! Pre-Registration is Best!!! Requirements for all classes: 1. Merit Badge Book READ COMPLETELY PRIOR TO CLASS. 2. Scout will not be allowed to take classes if book is not read. (NO REFUND) 3. Bring a blue card for each badge (Signed by Unit Leader before coming to class) Park Email: wildpark@ci.arcadia.ca.us Pre– Requisite Requirement (At Badge Sign-Off ) Cit. Community None 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Cit. Nation Cit. Community or 8th Grade 2, 3, 6, 8 5. Class A uniform must be worn to class. Cit. World Cit. Nation or 8th Grade 3, 4b, 7 http://online.activenetwork.com/ cityofarcadia 6. Scout Handbook Camping Star Scout 4b, 5e, 7b, 8d, 9 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066-6021 7. A notebook and pen/pencil for note taking. Hiking Star Scout 5, 6, 7 First Aid None 2d City Website: www.ci.arcadia.ca.us Register Online: Physical Address: 2240 Highland Oaks Dr. Arcadia, CA 91006 Badge (Before Class Starts) 4. Bring worksheets from site Meritbadge.org Phone: 626.355.5309 (M-F 8a-12p) 626.574.5113 (Rec Office) Attn: These notes are meant to be a Guideline Only. Eagle required badges require work over a period of time. Scouts are responsible for reading the requirements in the Merit Badge book to determine if they can finish them prior to a class or not. Scouts are not required to do the work ahead of time, and will receive a partial for their work completed in class as well as instructions on how to proceed for each requirement. Badge Pre– Requisite Requirement (Before Class Starts) (At Badge Sign-Off ) Personal Fitness (6 weeks of testing) Medical Form at 1st Class 1, 6, 7 Communications None 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Sports Proof of 2 Sports: Chart of practice Schedule & Progress 4 Emergency Preparedness First Aid Badge 6C, 7, 8, 9 Golf None 8 Personal Management None 1, 2, 8 Badge Pre– Requisite Requirement (Before Class Starts) (At Badge Sign-Off ) Environmental Science 11 yrs & up None Mammal Study 11 yrs & up None Reptile & Amphibian 11 yrs & up 8 Indian Lore 11 yrs & up None Nature 11 yrs & up None Soil & Water 11 yrs & up None Boy Scout Merit Badge Classes McCune’s Schedule Info: Fees: $20 - Environmental Science $15 - All other McCune Classes Class Duration Times: Approximately 2 - 6 hours CHECK IN Time: 9:15am (McCune’s classes ONLY) Eagle Scout Required Badges Morris’s Schedule Info: Fees: $20 per Merit Badge Jan 24 ~ Mammal Study (9:30 - 11:30a) Feb 21 ~ Environmental Science (9:30a - 2:30p) scout must bring a lunch Fees: $20 per Merit Badge Class Duration Times: Approximately 4 - 5 hours Approximately 4 - 5 hours Dec 13 ~ Camping (9:15a - 12:15p) Dec 13 ~ Hiking (12:30 - 4p) WINTER Schedule: Wong’s Schedule Info: Class Duration Times: WINTER Schedule: Still need to have your blue card signed off? Eagle Scout Required Badges WINTER Schedule: emergency kit per 2c & 8c. Jan 10 ~ First Aid (9:30a - 2:30p) Feb 14~ Personal Fitness (9a - 1p) Jan 17 ~ Citizenship in the Community (9:30a - 1:30p) Feb 28 ~ Golf (9a - 12p) Feb 7 ~ Citizenship in the Nation (9:30a - 1:30p) Feb 28 ~ Sports (1 - 4p) Must have SPRING Schedule: Mar 7 ~ Citizenship in the World (9:30a - 1:30p) SPRING Schedule: SPRING Schedule: Mar 28 ~ Camping (9:30a - 1:30p). Mar 14 ~ Communications (9a - 1p) Mar 21 ~ Indian Lore (9:30 - 11:30a) Apr 18 ~ Citizenship in the Community (12 - 4p) Apr 11 ~ Personal Management (9a - 1p) Apr 18 ~ Nature (9:30 - 11:30a) Apr 25 ~ Citizenship in the Nation (9:30a - 1:30p) May 9~ Personal Fitness (9a - 1p) May 16 ~ Reptile & Amphibian (9:30 - 11:30a) May 30 ~ Citizenship in the World (9:15a - 1:15p) May 30 ~ Hiking (1:30 - 5:30p) Helpful Hints/Tips Jennifer Morris & Robert Wong How to secure a spot: Dec 6 ~ Personal Management (9a - 1p) Jan 31 ~ Emergency Preparedness (9a - 1p) This is for boys that have taken a class and received a partial blue card sign off for the following instructors: Students must bring a blue card and worksheets to class. Worksheets can be printed/downloaded from meritbadge.org Scouts are responsible to read the book before coming to class or the scout will be sent home without getting a refund 1. Call the park Monday - Friday for availability on the below dates. 2. The clerk needs the following: badge, desired date from below, phone number & email address. 3. You must have a “Confirmation Letter” from the park to come to the sign-off. (Letters are emailed the Thursday before the sign-off) Sign Off - Dates & Times: Jennifer Morris: Robert Wong: Jan 10…8:45a Jan 17...8:45a Feb 7...8:45a Mar 7...8:45a Mar 28...8:45a Apr 18...8:45a Apr 25...8:45a May 30...8:45 Jan 31...1p Feb 14...1p Feb 28...4p Mar 14...1p Apr 11...1p May 9...1p Important! Please Read: Merit Badge Class: ~ Merit Badge Registration Form ~ Date: Price: It is the responsibility of the parent and the Scout to know the following: All Scouts are required to: 1. Make sure the Scout meets all requirements prior to class. 2. Attend all class meetings and arrive five minutes early to check in. 3. Notify Wilderness Park of any changes or cancellations BEFORE 12 noon (M-F) at least 8 DAYS PRIOR to the class to receive a refund less a $10 processing fee. No changes will be made the week of the class. Note: $2.00 PROCESSING FEE is required for each form, not class!! $2.00 Total: Scout Name: Birth Date: MM. DD. YYYY Parent Name: Address: City: Home Phone: Please fill out the registration: Processing FEE: CA Zip Code: Email: Cell Phone: Forms are NOT accepted if the following is missing: Parent Signature Payment Attached Checks are made payable to: “City of Arcadia” Mail registration to: Attn: Wilderness Park P.O Box 60021 Arcadia, Ca 91066-6021 Phone number: 626.355.5309 Fax number: 626.355.8419 RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS - I hereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims or rights to claims for damages for death, personal injury or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, as a result of participation in said activity. This Release is intended to discharge in advance the City of Arcadia, (and their respective agents, volunteers and employees), from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected in anyway with my participation in said activity. I further understand that accidents may occur during said activity, and that participants in such activity may sustain personal injuries, and/or property damage, as a consequence thereof. Knowing the risks of said activity, nevertheless, I hereby agree to assume those risks and to release and hold harmless all of the persons or entities mentioned above. It is further understood and agreed that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. If the participant is a minor, I also give permission for his/her participation in the above activities, and for any necessary emergency medical treatment. I understand that the City of Arcadia has no obligation to supervise my children at the close of the above activities and I release the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees and agents from any liability resulting from the lack of supervision of my children at the close of the above activities. I understand and agree that participants involved in recreation programs are subject to being photographed and such photographs may be used to publicize city programs. In consideration for the City of Arcadia’s acceptance of this registration, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees, agents, or volunteers from any liability or claim or action for damages resulting from or in any way arising out of my participation in any City Recreation and Community Services Department program. I further understand and agree (1) to assume all risks inherent in the activities which are available and in which I may participate, and understand that these activities involve risk to my person and property and (2) to assume the risks, if any, arising from the conditions and use of equipment and facilities. I further understand and agree that there may be risks and dangers not known or reasonably foreseeable to me at this time, and in accordance with Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, I understand that my release extends to claims which I did not know or suspect to exist in my favor at the time of execution of this release. I understand and agree that included within the scope of this release is any cause of action, arising from the performance of or the failure to perform maintenance, inspection, supervision or control of equipment and facilities, or the failure to warn of existing dangerous conditions not known to or reasonably discovered by the City, including all acts of negligence of the City. City programs DO NOT qualify as childcare for tax purpose. IF THE PARTICIPANT IS A MINOR, his or her custodial parent or legal guardian must read and execute this agreement. I hereby warrant that I am the custodial parent or legal guardian of __________________________________ (print minor’s name), who is a minor, and I agree on my own and said minor's behalf to the terms and conditions of this release. In the event of injury or illness while the participant who is a minor is attending the recreation activity, I hereby authorize the City of Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Department to consent to medical treatment on behalf of the minor as deemed necessary. The undersigned, as parent or legal guardian of the child identified on this form, hereby authorizes the Recreation and Community Services Department and its officers, employees and agents into whose care the registered child has been entrusted, to consent to the advice of trained emergency personnel. This authorization to consent to treatment of the minor identified above is given to the Recreation and Community Services Department in conjunction with any activity or event in which the minor’s care is entrusted to the Recreation and Community Services Department. The Recreation and Community Services Department may take and use photos of participants for publicity purposes. Photos of participants are used in the City’s activity guide and other media publications. I hereby grant the City of Arcadia permission to use my, or if the participant is a minor, the minor’s likeness, name, voice and words in any broadcast, telecast or print media account of this event or activity free of charge. SIGNATURE _____________________________________________DATE_________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) Scan & email: wildpark@ci.arcadia.ca.us Please Check: □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover Expiration: Month/Year Personal Fitness requires the Scouts to come back every other week for six weeks to monitor progress in fitness. Please make sure your Scout is able to make the testing dates. If you are going to have any problems making the testing dates please email the instructor Robert Wong at meritbadge@rocketmail.com. Personal Fitness testing dates for: May 9th Class Personal Fitness testing dates for: February 14th Class 1. May 23 (3:30 - 4p) 1. February 28 (3:30 - 4p) 2. June 6 (3:30 - 4p) 2. March 14 (3:30 - 4p) 3. June 20 (3:30 - 4p) 3. March 28 (3:30 - 4p) 4. July 4 (will not meet email results) 4. April 11 (3:30 - 4p) 5. July 18 (3:30 - 4p) 5. April 25 (3:30 - 4p) 6. August 1 (2:30 - 4p) Last test 6. May 9 (2:30 - 4p) Last test and and Sign-Offs Sign-Offs