Badge Prerequisites - Missouri Western State University

Missouri Western State University & Pony Express Boy Scout Council
Merit Badge College Badges Offered and Corresponding Pre-Requisites
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Each badge requires you to read the Merit Badge Book before anything else!
If there is a workbook associated with the Merit Badge you are doing, please bring that with you to class!
(You will not be signed-off on a Merit Badge unless you have done so. Reflects current
requirements and are subject to change. If changes are made, final requirements
will be sent with confirmations and posted at
Read the Architecture Merit Badge Book
# 1, 3, 4, 5
Bring completed items to class
Read the Art Merit Badge Book
Bring completed projects to class
Read the Astronomy Merit Badge Book
# 1a, 1b, 1c, 4c, 4d, 5d, 6a, 6b,
7a, 7b, 8 (I recommend choice e as it could be
done at the same time as 6b, but any will
work), and 9
Bring completed projects to class
Citizenship in the Community:
Read the CITC Merit Badge Book
# 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Bring completed projects to class
Citizenship in the Nation:
Read the CITN Merit Badge Book
# 2 Discuss the site you visited
# 8 Bring any response you received to class
Citizenship in the World:
Read the CITW Merit Badge Book
# 1, 4 and 7
Bring Merit Badge Workbook to class
Read the Communications Merit Badge Book
# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Bring completed projects to class
Composite Materials (PM Class Only):
Read the Composite Materials Merit Badge
Digital Technology:
Read the Digital Technology Merit Badge Book
Have a current Cyber Chip
# 6 (choose 3) and #9 (a or b)
Bring completed projects to class
Read the Electricity Merit Badge Book
#2, 9a
Read the Electronics Merit Badge Book
To review some of the information covered in
the Merit Badge Book, there will be a quiz in
class as well as a project
Emergency Preparedness: (All-day Class)
Read the Emergency Prep Merit Badge Book
#1 earn the First Aid Merit Badge
Do as much of the Merit Badge Workbook
before class as you can. With your own troop
and family complete 2b, 2c, 6b, 6c, 7, 8a, 8b,
8c, complete only one of 9a, 9b or 9c. (The
Sample Home Safety Checklist is in the
workbook that can be done before class which
fulfills 9a.) Bring all completed work and your
workbook to class. If all pre-work is done in
advance, the rest of the badge, as well as
hands-on demonstrations, will be done in
Read the Engineering Merit Badge Book
#1, 2 (research Internal Combustion Engine),
3, 6, 7
Bring completed items to class
Environmental Science: (All-day Class)
Read the Environmental Science Merit Badge
# 1, 2, 3f (1 or 2)
Bring completed items to class
Family Life:
Read the Family Life Merit Badge Book
# 3, 4, 5, 6
Bring completed items to class
Fire Safety:
Read the Fire Safety Merit Badge Book
# 6, 6a, 11, 12
Bring completed projects to class
First Aid: (All-day Class)
Read the First Aid Merit Badge Book
# 2b, 6b, 7 (have document from Scout Leader
stating completion)
Genealogy: (AM Class Only)
Read the Genealogy Merit Badge Book
# 2 (a or b), 3, 4b, 5, 6, 7
Bring appropriate items to class
Read the Geocaching Merit Badge Book
# 7, 9
Bring appropriate items to class
Read the Golf Merit Badge Book
NOTE: This badge will not be completed at
Merit Badge College - it requires the Scout to
complete 1 or 2 rounds of golf using the
knowledge gained at Merit Badge College
Indian Lore:
Read the Indian Lore Merit Badge Book
# 2a, 2d, 3a, and any 1 from section 4
Bring appropriate items to class
Law (AM Class Only):
Read the Law Merit Badge Book and be
prepared to discuss in class
Read the Music Merit Badge Book
# 3 (pick 2 of the pre-req’s to complete)
# 4 (pick 1 of the pre-req’s to complete)
Music Theory will also be covered in class
Personal Fitness:
Read the Personal Fitness Merit Badge Book
Bring a copy of current physical and dental
exam. #6, 7 and 8 must be completed in
order to earn the badge at Merit Badge
Read the Robotics Merit Badge Book
Read the Theater Merit Badge Book
# 1, 2, 6
Bring appropriate items to class
Traffic Safety:
Read the Traffic Safety Merit Badge Book
Weather (PM Class Only):
Read the Weather Merit Badge Book and
complete the workbook
her.pdf) using information from the Merit
Badge Book. Discuss requirement 2 with your
family. Prepare the talk for requirement 9. You
may give this talk to your troop before the
merit badge college, or you may give the talk
to the class at the Merit Badge College and
bring letter from Scout Master of completion.