10909 SG RB2014 SABMiller Case Study (3).indd

Case study
Specialist software helps
brewer satisfy thirst for
BC worldwide
SABMiller is one of the world’s largest breweries with
more than 200 beer brands and 70,000 employees in
over 75 countries. It is also one of the world’s largest
bottlers of Coca-Cola products. Its portfolio of brands
includes premium international beers such as Pilsner
Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Draft
and Grolsch, as well as leading local brands like
Aguila, Castle, Miller Lite and Tyskie.
Its in-house business continuity (BC)
team has responsibility for the continuity
of SABMiller’s operations, which span
six continents. Its strategy was to
implement an effective BC strategy in
the UK and treat it as a test bed for the
rollout of a BCM programme worldwide.
It found the ideal tool in Sungard
Availability Services’ award-winning
LDRPS® – part of the CMS suite
of business continuity management
(BCM) software solutions.
Disaster Recovery Manager Adam
Wallace-Scott explains, “I have a global
remit and a small BC team but Sungard’s
BCM software is helping me push
business continuity out to a worldwide
audience. I see LDRPS® as an enabler.”
When Adam Wallace-Scott joined
SABMiller as Disaster Recovery
Manager he found its BC team was
relying on general purpose Microsoft
Word and Excel software to maintain
its plans, which simply isn’t enough for
serious BCM. He explains, “I discovered
our Continuity Manager loses a couple
of months a year manually updating
spreadsheets and documents.
With a huge responsibility resting
on the shoulders of just a handful of
BC professionals, this was clearly not
a productive use of her valuable time.”
Recognising that specialist BCM
software was the solution, Adam
Wallace-Scott researched the market
for the best option. Among the products
considered was Sungard AS’s LDRPS®,
which guides BC managers through the
planning process and has a 20-year
pedigree. He soon found that, “LDRPS®
was streets ahead of everything else
available. It is thoroughly tried and tested
and user feedback on the latest version
in particular was very positive, with
comments that it is more user-friendly,
highly customisable and intuitive to use.”
The scalability of LDRPS® was an
important factor in the purchase decision
and with a global DR remit, Adam
Wallace-Scott opted for the Enterprise
model. His experience since has
vindicated that original decision.
“I firmly believe you can do anything
you want with LDRPS® as long as you
are realistic and are prepared to invest
some time upfront. It is a complex
product, which is why it has immense
capabilities. But from the start I could
see it is a great, very useable tool –
not something that would sit on
a shelf gathering dust.”
Business problem
With 70,000 employees in over 75
countries, SABMiller is one of the
world’s largest brewers. Tasked with
implementing an effective business
continuity management (BCM)
programme to protect its people,
breweries, production plants and
distribution networks worldwide from
business interruption, SABMiller’s BC
team recognised this could only be
achieved with the help of purposedesigned BCM software.
LDRPS ® (Living Disaster Recovery
Planning System)
• BIA Professional
• Notifind
• Professional Services
• Workplace Recovery.
“I have a global remit
and a small BC team
but Sungard’s BCM
software is helping
me push business
continuity out to a
worldwide audience.”
Adam Wallace-Scott,
Disaster Recovery Manager,
Case study
“Sungard was extremely
proactive in helping
us to get the software
up and running at very
short notice and the
support that’s available
is phenomenal.”
Adam Wallace-Scott,
Disaster Recovery Manager,
Business benefits
• Gives a small in-house team
global reach
• Automates routine tasks
• Maps interdependencies and
reduces risk of human error
• A unified approach to BC worldwide
• Prevents downtime
• Avoids financial loss
• Protects SABMiller’s market share.
About Sungard Availability Services
Sungard Availability Services provides
managed IT services, information
availability consulting services, business
continuity management software, and
disaster recovery services. To learn
more, visit www.sungardas.co.uk
or call 0800 143 413
EMEA Head Office:
Unit B Heathrow Corporate Park, Green
Lane, Hounslow, Middlesex TW4 6ER
+44 (0)800 143 413
The decision made, Adam WallaceScott recalls, “Sungard was extremely
proactive in helping us get the
software up and running at very
short notice and the support that’s
available is phenomenal.”
SABMiller supplemented LDRPS®
with two additional modules, BIA
Professional – which automates much
of the time-consuming Business Impact
Analysis process – and the two-way
global communications system Notifind.
A third module, Vendor Assessment,
which evaluates suppliers’ BC provision,
is also under consideration.
Adam Wallace-Scott notes,
“The consolidation of our data into one
central database is already a very big win.
Knowing that everything – call trees, crisis
management plans and recovery plans
– is stored securely and easily accessible
gives us great peace of mind. When you
enter a piece of information once such as
a phone number, it automatically updates
all relevant documentation, saving hours
of time and reducing the very real risk of
human error.”
+32 (0)2 513 3618 www.sungardas.be
He points out another unexpected bonus,
“As people have begun to appreciate
what this software can do, there has
been a huge appetite for it internally –
it’s proving to be an easy sell.”
As the man responsible for driving
adoption of LDRPS® worldwide,
Adam Wallace-Scott appreciates the
many forms of support available from
Sungard AS, which he describes as
“extraordinary”. As well as the ten
consultancy days included in the
purchase price, he has taken advantage
of numerous free webex sessions,
online training videos, face-to-face
training workshops, as well as webbased and telephone support, to help
him exploit LDRPS® to its full potential.
He remarks, “Sungard has got the
support absolutely right with all the
different support channels. Quite rightly,
some of these are chargeable if you
need something bespoke but so much
of the training is free and easily
accessible.” He adds, “As for the
account management, I’ve found
it superb – and then some.”
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of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its affiliate
used under license. All other trade names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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