Israeli Society JUDS0870 (x-lists: Anthropology & MES) Brown University - Spring 2010 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm MWF Sayles Hall 200 Professor Marcy Brink-Danan Office hours Monday 2:15-4:00, 163 George St/Corner of Brook By taking an anthropological approach to Israeli society and culture, this course focuses on the social, economic, political, and immigration factors shaping the lives of Israelis today. As an introduction to the present conditions of those living in Israel today, we trace the ideological foundations of political Zionism and the establishment of the State, increasing ethnic diversity, the changing Arab minority, gender, sexuality, patterns of socioeconomic development, political and religious divides, war, terrorism and the military. We will discuss these issues in critical relation to stories told by Israelis and by scholars who analyze these social experiences. To this end, we will invite scholars and “regular” Israelis to join our class discussions on a number of occasions. As such, this course balances academic criticism and analysis with our own engagement with Israeli social productions (as evident in speech, film, music, literature, art, clothing and other symbolic realms). This course will be part of an ongoing experiment in creating a semi-paperless course. Class assignments will be completed and submitted online to a course folder on our mycourses page. All required reading for the course will be available online in the form of articles in PDF or online books. For some e-books you may need a plug-in that you can download from the ebrary site. If you prefer to read off-line, these books are, of course, available for purchase at your favorite bookseller and/or at the library. Note: You are NOT required to read all articles and book available on our class’ e-reserves – only those marked on the syllabus. The others are resources for further study and especially useful for class presenters and final projects. The syllabus, readings, assignments, messages and folders for this course can be accessed on (formerly “WebCT,”) under the name “Israeli Society.” Our course password for OCRA is “sabra.” If you have technical difficulties, please contact the computer help desk: 863-HELP. Brink-Danan JUDS0870 1 Student Responsibilities Your successful participation in this class is contingent upon completion of the following: Class Participation (in class and/or online) (15%) It is understood that students will keep up with all readings and films. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get notes from peers and/or watch the films viewed in class. One of the best ways to prepare for class discussion is to write a paragraph synopsis (or thought-piece) of the readings as you complete them. Each student must post 3 questions or comments for general viewing on our “my courses” page 24 hours prior to each class meeting. Presentations by Groups of Expertise (G.O.E.) (10%) Everybody comes to this class for a different reason and with various goals in mind. Because this class covers such a broad range of topics, students will be required to become “experts” in a chosen topic through extra attention to the readings. As such, after shopping period, the class will be divided into “groups of expertise” (G.O.E.) that take responsibility for deeper knowledge of one section of the material presented. They are expected to work together outside of class in order to prepare an oral and/or visual review of their findings (to be presented to the class). Throughout the course, all students will be responsible for submitting 3 questions to our course website (at latest) the day before class meets; these may be the starting point for the G.O.E.’s review. Two Short Exercises (to be assigned by professor) (3-4 pp each) (10% each) Final Project (10-15 pp) (45%) The final project will be an extension of your growing expertise in a set of questions about Israeli society. Many of the issues covered in this class reckon with Israel’s social “problems” (democracy, ethnic discrimination, religious coercion and secularism, economic disparity, etc.). As part of your final paper assignment, you are to choose a problem that most concerns you and explore the background and present status of this issue. This might take the form of a literature review (what has been written about the topic). Another angle might include contacting an Israeli, American or international organization which attempts to tackle your chosen problem and conducting an interview/collecting materials and then reporting on their obstacles and successes. I am open to creative proposals! You will gain valuable research experience through this project and I will work with you throughout the semester to ensure that you are accessing useful materials for your particular analyses. You must submit an outline/1-2 paragraph abstract for your final project on 2/15. There are no exams for this course Late papers will be graded down. Papers submitted more than 5 days after the due date will not be accepted. All references quoted or otherwise cited in assignments should follow anthropology citation standards (see: * Note: I highly recommend taking advantage of the Writing Center to edit your papers before you submit them to me. Papers are graded on content and style, argument, clarity, etc. Brink-Danan JUDS0870 2 Class Meeting Times and Schedule: The semester has been divided into sections according to themes explored in the class. Some themes will recur throughout the readings, but the focus of each section will be as follows: Section 1. Introduction Section 2. Foundational Ideologies: Zionism, “Aliyah,” Settlement & the Sabra Section 3. Natives, Immigration and the “Ingathering of the Exiles” Section 4. Religion and Secularism Section 5. Ethnic Divisions Section 6. Arabs in Israel, Israeli Arabs, Palestinians Section 7. Military Service and Violence Section 8. War and Holocaust Commemoration Section 9. Economic Changes Section 10. Gender and Sexuality Section 11. Israeli Popular Culture Section 12. “Yordim:” The Israeli Diaspora/Israelis Abroad Section 13. Israeli Multiculturalism Additional topics (not covered in the class, but suggested as Final Project topics) include: architecture and social space; archaeology of Israel; Diaspora relations; post-Zionism; art and photography; theatre; peace, conflict and diplomacy, etc. For each section, required readings are listed following class date; Suggested readings (especially useful for the G.O.E.s) are in italics. ** Indicate assignment handed out or due. Date listed indicates date by which the reading must be completed. Syllabus subject to revision. Section 1. Introduction Class 1. 1/27 Introduction Class 2. 1/29 -Border Crossings: American Interactions With Israelis (1995) (Shahar, L. e-book). Class 3. 2/1 -Finish Border Crossings. *Assignment 1 Posted* Section 2. Foundational Ideologies: Zionism, “Aliyah,” Settlement & the Sabra Class 4. 2/3 -Invention and Decline of Israeliness : Society, Culture and the Military. Kimmerling, Baruh (ebook) Chapter: Introduction -Herzl, Theodore Introduction to “The Jewish State” (1896) Online Resource Brink-Danan JUDS0870 3 - Berkowitz, Michael. Nationalism, Zionism and Ethnic Mobilization of the Jews in 1900 and Beyond (e-book). -Rubinstein, Elyakim THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AS A BASIC DOCUMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, Israel Studies 3(1) 1998 -Israeli Declaration of Independence - online link on my courses Class 5. 2/5 -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 1 The Mythological-Historical Origins of the Israeli State: An Overview -Zerubavel, Yael THE ZIONIST RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PAST, IN: Recovered Roots: Collective Memory And The Making Of Israeli National Tradition (1994) Section 3. Natives, Immigration and the “Ingathering of the Exiles” Class 6. 2/8 -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 2 Building an Immigrant Settler State -Lissak, Moshe THE DEMOGRAPHIC-SOCIAL REVOLUTION IN ISRAEL IN THE 1950s, Israel Affairs 2003 Class 7. 2/10 -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 3 The Invention and Decline of Israeliness -Zerubavel, Yael THE “MYTHOLOGICAL SABRA” AND JEWISH PAST: TRAUMA, MEMORY AND CONTESTED IDENTITIES, Israel Studies 7(2) 2002 *Assignment 1 Due* Section 4. Religion and Secularism Class 8. 2/12 -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 4 The End of Hegemony and the Onset of Cultural Plurality -Liebman, Charles THE NEW CIVIL RELIGION, IN: Civil Religion In Israel /1983 -Rebhun, Uzi MAJOR TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISRAELI JEWS: A SYNTHESIS OF THE LAST CENTURY, IN: Jews In Israel : Contemporary Social And Cultural Patterns 2004 Class 9. 2/15 *(Submission of Final Project Topic [1-2 paragraph abstract])* -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 6 The Cultural Code of Jewishness: Religion and Nationalism -El-Or,Tamar The Ultraorthodox Flaneur: Toward the Pleasure Principle. Consuming Time and Space in the Contemporary Haredi Population of Jerusalem in Carmeli, Yoram S.(Editor). Consumption and Market Society in Israel. 2004 Brink-Danan JUDS0870 4 -Tabory, Ephraim THE INFLUENCE OF LIBERAL JUDAISM ON ISRAELI RELIGIOUS LIFE, Israel Studies 5(1) 2000 - Mezvinsky, Norton Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel 1999 (e-book) Section 5. Ethnic Divisions Class 10. 2/17 -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 5 The Newcomers -Golden, Deborah "NOW, LIKE REAL ISRAELIS, LET'S STAND UP AND SING:" TEACHING THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE TO RUSSIAN NEWCOMERS IN ISRAEL, Anthropology And Education Quarterly 2001 Class 11. 2/19 - Weingrod, Alex EHUD BARAK’S APOLOGY: LETTERS FROM THE ISRAELI PRESS, Israel Studies 3(2) 1998 - Weissbrod, Lilly SHAS: AN ETHNIC RELIGIOUS PARTY, Israel Affairs 2003 - Bilu, Yoram; Eyal Ben-Ari The Making of Modern Saints: Manufactured Charisma and the Abu-Hatseiras of Israel American Ethnologist, Vol. 19, No. 4, Imagining Identities: Nation, Culture, and the Past. (Nov., 1992) 2/22 No class, university long weekend. [see Film: Sof ha olam, smola: Left at the End of the World] (on OCRA) 2/24-3/5 Independent work on final project. Project prospectus with provisional bibliography due 3/7. Section 6. Arabs in Israel, Israeli Arabs, Palestinian-Israelis, Druze, Bedouin Class 12. 3/8 -Kanaaneh, R. Birthing the Nation 2002 (e-book) Chap. Intro-III Class 13. 3/10 -Kanaaneh IV- Conclusion *Assignment 2 Posted* Class 14. 3/12 Film: The Syrian Bride (HaKala Ha Surit) -Sa'ar, Amalia CAREFULLY ON THE MARGINS: CHRISTIAN PALESTINIANS IN HAIFA BETWEEN NATION AND STATE, American Ethnologist 25(2) 1998 -Abu-Saad, Ismael THE EDUCATION OF ISRAEL’S NEGEV Bedouin: BACKGROUND AND PROSPECTS, Israel Studies 2(2) 1997 Brink-Danan JUDS0870 5 Class 15. 3/15 Yael Zerubavel in Class Class 16. 3/17 -THE FUTURE VISION OF THE PALESTINIAN ARABS IN ISRAEL The National Committee For The Heads Of The Arab Local Authorities In Israel, 2006 [selections from Avoda Aravit (Israeli TV Show)] Section 7. Military Service and Other Violence Class 17. 3/19 -Kimmerling, Baruh Chapter 7 The Code of Security: The Israeli Military-Cultural Complex -Lomsky-feder, Edna YOUTH IN THE SHADOW OF WAR, WAR IN THE LIGHT OF YOUTH: LIFE STORIES OF ISRAELI VETERANS, IN: Social Problems And Social Contexts In Adolescence : Perspectives Across Boundaries /Klaus Hurrelmann 1996 -Lieblich, Amia MOTHER-SON RELATIONSHIPS IN THE SHADOW OF WAR, IN: Mothers & Sons : Feminism, Masculinity, And The Struggle To Raise Our Sons /O'Reilly 2001 Class 18. 3/22 -Dloomy, Ariel THE ISRAELI REFUSENIKS: 1982–2003, Israel Affairs 11(4) 2005 -Kanaaneh, Rhoda EMBATTLED IDENTITIES: PALESTINIAN SOLDIERS IN THE ISRAELI MILITARY, Journal Of Palestine Studies 2003 Class 19. 3/24 Film: Yossi & Jagger Class 20. 3/26 Finish Film and discussion -Weiss, Meira WAR BODIES, HEDONIST BODIES: DIALECTICS OF THE COLLECTIVE AND THE INDIVIDUAL IN ISRAELI SOCIETY, American Ethnologist 1997 *Assignment 2 Due* 3/29-4/2 Spring Break 4/5 No class; Passover Observed Section 8. Holocaust and War Commemoration Class 21. 4/7 -Sheffi, Na'ama BETWEEN COLLECTIVE MEMORY AND MANIPULATION: THE HOLOCAUST, WAGNER AND THE ISRAELIS, The Journal Of Israeli History 23(1) 2004 Brink-Danan JUDS0870 6 -Baumel, Judith “RACHEL LAMENTS HER CHILDREN” — REPRESENTATIONS OF WOMEN IN ISRAELI HOLOCAUST MEMORIALS, Israel Studies 1(1) 1996 Class 22. 4/9 -Mosse, George L. 1979. "National Cemeteries and National Revival: the Cult of the Fallen Soldiers", Journal of Contemporary History 14. -Handelman, Don.1998 [1990]."State Ceremonies of Israel - Remembrance Day and Independence Day" in Models and Mirrors: Towards an Anthropology of Public Events, New York: Berghahn, pp. 191-233. (in Online Ebook: Nationalism and the Israeli State : Bureaucratic Logic In Public Events, Don Handelman 2004) Section 9. Economic Changes Class 23. 4/12 -Grossman, Ronit Tourism and Change in a Galilee Kibbutz: An Ethnography; in Carmeli, Yoram S.(Editor). Consumption and Market Society in Israel.New York, NY, USA: Berg Publishers, 2004 -Zilberfarb, Ben-Zion FROM SOCIALISM TO FREE MARKET - THE ISRAELI ECONOMY 1948-2003, Israel Affairs 11(1) 2005 Class 24. 4/14 (Selections from Film: James’ Journey to Jerusalem) -Ram, Uri CITIZENS, CONSUMERS AND BELIEVERS: THE ISRAELI PUBLIC SPHERE BETWEEN CAPITALISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM, Israel Studies 3(1) 1998 -Landau, Pinchas THE ISRAELI ECONOMY IN THE 1990S: BREAKOUT OR BREAKDOWN?, IN: Whither Israel? : The Domestic Challenges /Keith Kyle 1993 Section 10. Gender and Sexuality Class 25. 4/16 Selections from Fink, Amir Independence Park : The Lives of Gay Men in Israel (1999) Class 26. 4/19. -Kaplan, Danny THE MILITARY AS A SECOND BAR MITZVAH: COMBAT SERVICE AS INITIATION TO ZIONIST MASCULINITY, IN: Imagined Masculinities : Male Identity And Culture In The Modern Middle East /Mai Ghoussoub 2000 -Izraeli, Dafna PARADOXES OF WOMEN'S SERVICE IN THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES, IN: Military, State, And Society In Israel : Theoretical & Comparative Perspectives /Daniel Maman 2001 -Herzog, Hanna HOMEFRONT AND BATTLEFRONT: THE STATUS OF JEWISH AND PALESTINIAN WOMEN IN ISRAEL, Israel Studies 3(1) 1998 Brink-Danan JUDS0870 7 Class 27. 4/21 -Izraeli, Dafna THE POLITICAL CONTEXT OF FEMINIST ATTITUDES IN ISRAEL, Gender And Society 1988 -Weil, Shalva . ETHIOPIAN JEWISH WOMEN: Trends and Transformations in the Context of Transnational Change. Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues (8), 2004 Section 11. Israeli Pop-National Culture Class 28. 4/23 -VINITZKY-SEROUSSI, VERED "JERUSALEM ASSASSINATED RABIN AND TEL AVIV COMMEMORATED HIM": RABIN MEMORIALS AND THE DISCOURSE OF NATIONAL IDENTITY 1988 -Salamon, Hagar POLITICAL BUMPER STICKERS IN CONTEMPORARY ISRAEL: FOLKLORE AS AN EMOTIONAL BATTLEGROUND, The Journal Of American Folklore 2001 Class 29. 4/26 - Almog, Oz FROM BLORIT TO PONYTAIL: ISRAELI CULTURE REFLECTED IN POPULAR HAIRSTYLES, Israel Studies 8(2) 2003 - Tasha, Oren Demon in the Box: Jews, Arabs, Politics, and Culture in the Making of Israeli Televison (E-Book) Class 30. 4/28 -ISRAELI ROCK, IN: Popular Music And National Culture In Israel /Motti Regev 2004 - Saada-Ophir, Galit BORDERLAND POP: ARAB JEWISH MUSICIANS AND THE POLITICS OF PERFORMANCE, Cultural Anthropology 21(2) 2006 Section 12. “Yordim:” The Israeli Diaspora/Israelis Abroad Class 31. 4/30 -Haviv, Ayana . Next Year In Kathmandu: Israeli Backpackers…in Israeli Backpackers 2005 - Feldman, Jackie MARKING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ENCLAVE: DEFINING THE ISRAELI COLLECTIVE THROUGH THE POLAND 'EXPERIENCE', Israel Studies 7(2) 2002 Class 32. 5/3 -Meyers, Oren A HOME AWAY FROM HOME? ISRAEL SHELANU AND THE SELFPERCEPTIONS OF ISRAELI MIGRANTS, Israel Studies 6(3) 2001 -Shokeid, Moshe THE PEOPLE OF THE SONG, IN: Children Of Circumstances : Israeli Emigrants In New York /Moshe Shokeid 1988 Brink-Danan JUDS0870 8 Section 13. Israel as Multicultural or Divided? Class 33. 5/5 -Kimmerling Chapter: Conclusions Class 34. 5/7 Sticking Together : The Israeli Experiment in Pluralism. Litan, Robert E. Kop, Yaakov (selected chapters) (e-book) Class 35. 5/10 Course wrap-up and class dinner *Final Project Due 5/18* Brink-Danan JUDS0870 9