PSYCHOLOGY UNIT 2 - AOS 1 CHAPTER 9 & 10 - TEST REVISION Social influences, pro-social & anti-social behaviour You will need to revise and prepare notes on the following topics for your Chapter 9 & 10 test. You will have one short lesson to complete the test. There will be multiple choice and short answer questions on the topics below. CHAPTER 9: Social influence Groups Characteristics of a group Difference between group & collective/aggregate Status Power Types of power (reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, expert & informational) Social hierarchies Roles Role expectations Zimbardo’s Standford Prison Experiment Ethical issues Milgram’s experiments on obedience What is obedience? Factors affecting obedience Social proximity, legitimacy of authority figure, group pressure Ethical issues Asch’s experiments on conformity What is conformity? Factors affecting conformity Group size, unanimity, informational influence, normative influence, culture, social loafing, deindividuation (including anonymity in a group & shift in a attention) Peer groups Peers & characteristics of peer groups Friendships Cliques Peer pressure Gender differences Risk-taking behaviour Gullone & Moore’s 4 types: thrill-seeking, reckless, rebellious, anti-social True/False quiz pg 412 Chapter 9 test pg 413 CHAPTER 10: Pro-social behaviour Factors influencing pro-social behaviour Personal factors (mood, competence, empathy) Situational factors (noticing the situation, interpreting the situation & taking responsibility for the situation - including bystander effect) Social norms (reciprocity norm & social responsibility norm) Factors influencing reluctance to help: diffusion of responsibility, audience inhibition & cost- benefit analysis Altruism Anti-social behaviour Aggression (four perspectives: psychodynamic, ethological, biological & social learning) Bullying Gender differences Causes of bullying True/False quiz pg 453 Chapter 10 test pg 454