2009 Annual Report - American Hotel & Lodging Association

2008 Annual Report
The American hotel
& lodging association
2008 AH&LA Officers
Thomas J. Corcoran, Jr.
Chairman of the Board
Chairman, FelCor Lodging Trust, Inc.
Joe Martin, CHA
Vice Chairman
Owner/Operator, Stillwater Hospitality, LLC
David Kong
President/CEO, Best Western International
Robert L. Steele, III
Immediate Past Chairman
General Manager, Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Joseph A. McInerney, CHA
President & CEO
American Hotel & Lodging Association
2008 AH&LEF Officers
Jay S. Witzel
Chairman of the Board
President/CEO, Carlson Hotels Worldwide
Minaz Abji
Vice Chairman
Executive Vice President, Asset Management
Host Hotels & Resorts
Molly McKenzie-Swarts
Senior Vice President, Human Resources &
Diversity, Hilton Hotels Corporation
Gerald W. Petitt
Immediate Past Chairman
President/CEO, Creative Hotel Associates
Joseph A. McInerney, CHA
American Hotel & Lodging Educational
Joori Jeon, CPA, CAE
President & COO
American Hotel & Lodging Educational
2008 Annual Report
The American hotel
& lodging association
Roy Kennington
President & COO
American Hotel & Lodging Educational
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
letter to members
ast year truly exemplified the word “change.”
Those 12 months led AH&LA to shift membership strategies and initiatives, launch new and
necessary programs, and reconfigure governmental affairs activities to address the changing state
of the economy and priorities of the incoming
Obama Administration. In spite of the turmoil in the
economy, we were able to significantly meet our
budget goals.
The Foundation funded nearly $1.3 million in scholarships, research
grants, school-to-career, and workforce development programs. At EI,
Roy Kennington, president and chief operating officer for the last two
years, retired after 18 years and Robert Steele, former AH&LA chairman,
left Global Hyatt after 33 years to take the helm.
Our governmental affairs staff was busy during this election
year. We started off 2008 addressing the economy, with plans outlining the lodging industry’s priorities and recommended government
actions sent to Congress in early January. This issue was then addressed
with legislators during our Legislative Action Summit in April.
As co-chair of the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, which was
established in 2007 to fight the Employee Free Choice Act (card check legislation), AH&LA created a video explaining the legislation for our industry’s
managers, as well as assisted in the coordination of an awareness campaign
in five key senatorial races. Our aggressive Legislative Readiness Fund Task
Force raised more than $2.5 million dollars to fight this issue. As this is an
Administration priority, more funding will be needed to continue to fight
this proposed legislation in 2009.
As Congress wound down its work for the year, the Travel
Promotion Act came to the center of their agenda and was approved by
the full House in late September. Unfortunately it never reached a vote
in the Senate. This will be one of the key issues we will be concentrating on in the 111th Congress. Other issues AH&LA addressed included
new Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines, a renewed H-2B visa relief
program, an increase in the number of visa waiver countries, working with
the Department of Homeland Security to make entry to the United States
a friendlier, the economic stimulus packages, and many other initiatives.
On December 18, we released a letter to Congress outlining the lodging industry’s priorities in light of pending economic stimulus action, along with
specific recommendations for such action. HotelPAC raised over $440,000,
which was vital to assist the federal campaigns of our friends in the 111th
Congress and beyond.
Last year AH&LA made substantial investments and advancements
into the business of going green. Considered one of the association’s
major initiatives, AH&LA’s Environmental & Engineering Committee and
Green Task Force worked tirelessly throughout the year to tackle the
multi-faceted greening project with a three-pronged approach: 1) working
with the U.S. Green Building Council to craft a hotel-centric component
year in review
for their LEED certification system; 2) collaborating with the meeting planning community on eco-savvy guidelines for hotels and
standardizing RFPs; and 3) reviewing components of all existing and relevant environmental certifications to establish a set of
minimum environmental guidelines that provide hoteliers with methods for measuring and benchmarking progress in a variety
of areas.
Conscious of how technology is shaping today’s society and the way in which all hoteliers do business, new Websites for
AH&LA, EI, and AH&LEF were launched mid-year. A more user-friendly design and easily-accessible content has been drawing rave
reviews from members. AH&LA also took advantage of social media outlets with the launch of two weekly blogs.
Recognizing potential implications of a retiring workforce, AH&LA launched a new membership category in July — the
Under 30 Gateway — to recruit and engage young industry professionals. Similarly, Women in Lodging (WIL) Connect enhanced
their specialized membership benefits, launched a password-protected Website, and announced an ongoing partnership with
Dress for Success Worldwide kicking off in 2009.
This year’s calendar was full of successful events as well. January’s Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS) had its best
attendance ever with over 3,000 attendees. The Legislative Action Summit (LAS) in April drew hundreds of influential hoteliers
and partner state executives to the Hill speaking to legislators on behalf of hospitality. June took our members to the annual
Summer Summit in Oklahoma City, where among the many committee meetings we were delighted to honor our industry’s best
and brightest with Stars of the Industry Awards. Our golf fundraising events, the
AH&LEF Golf Classic and HotelPAC Broadmoor, drew significantly large crowds, as
did AH&LA’s first-ever presence at the Democratic and Republican conventions.
Rounding out the year, we had another strong Fall Conference in New
York in conjunction with the International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show, which
was filled with many seminars, exhibits, and networking events. We also ratified
the nomination of John Campbell, general manager of La Jolla Beach & Tennis
Club, as secretary/treasurer of our board; held the first ever Under 30 Gateway
Professional Bootcamp; the first CHA Emeritus awards breakfast; and officially
welcomed AH&LA 2009 Chairman Joe Martin, owner/operator of Stillwater
Hospitality, LLC.
With a strong board and dedicated staff, we are well aware that the way to build
a strong association and a stronger industry is to work together as one. In 2009,
we’ll be striving to open even more doors for you.
Thomas J. Corcoran, Jr.
Joseph A. McInerney, CHA
Thomas J. Corcoran, Jr.
2008 Chairman of the Board
American Hotel & Lodging Association
FelCor Lodging Trust, LLC
Joseph A. McInerney, CHA
President & CEO
American Hotel & Lodging Association
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
american hotel
& lodging association
erving the hospitality industry for nearly a century, AH&LA is the sole national association representing all sectors and stakeholders in the lodging industry, including
individual domestic and international hotel property members, hotel companies, student
and faculty members, and industry suppliers.
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., AH&LA provides members
with national advocacy on Capitol Hill, public relations and image
management, education, research and information, and other
value-added services to provide bottom-line savings and ensure
a positive business climate for the lodging industry. Partner
state associations provide local representation and additional
cost-saving benefits to members.
AH&LA’s dual-membership governance structure ensures a true
partnership with state associations and places a primary focus
on individual properties. AH&LA’s core members are individual
lodging properties served by state associations and the national
organization. Members range from economy properties to
five-star resorts, as well as allied, student, faculty, international,
retired, and sole practitioner members. The board of directors
consists of 83 members representing hotels, corporations, state
executives, industry vendors, and suppliers.
2008 Core Objectives
• Increase membership and retention of guestrooms in
partner state associations and direct member states.
• Capitalize on AH&LA brand value as the voice of the
• Strengthen and promote the industry’s multicultural
and diversity opportunities.
Industry At-A-Glance
Vision: AH&LA is the voice of the U.S.
lodging industry, its primary advocate,
and indispensable resource.
Mission: To serve the lodging industry by providing representation at the
national level in governmental affairs,
education, research, communications,
and value-added services.
earned per available room)
2008 – $106.55
2008 – $64.37
2007 – $103.64
2007 – $65.50
2006 – $97.31
2006 – $61.69
2005 – $90.88
2005 – $57.36
2004 – $86.24
2004 – $52.90
2008 – 60.4%
2008 – 2.7%
2007 – 63.2%
2007 – 1.4%
2006 – 63.4%
2006 – .6%
2005 – 63.1%
2005 – .3%
2004 – 61.3%
2004 – .6%
net profits
2008 – 1,000,000,000
2008 – not available at print date
2007 – 1,030,187,730
2007 – 26.9 billion
2006 – 1,017,599,027
2006 – 26.6 billion
2005 – 1,012,741,633
2005 – 22.6 billion
2004 – 985,345,689
2004 – 16.7 billion
Source: Smith Travel Research
he governmental affairs activities on behalf of members was broad-based and
dynamic, ranging from focusing on the elections to garnering maximum exposure
at the presidential nominating conventions to supporting HotelPAC. Through the
AH&LA Governmental Affairs Committee and the leadership of Chairman Bob Alter, the
association’s Washington program built upon its successes in 2008 in anticipation of a dramatically-different
111th Congress in 2009.
Card Check Legislation. Over the past year, AH&LA remained extremely
involved in the growing battle over organized labor’s Employee Free Choice
Act (EFCA) and its card check program. AH&LA’s Coalition for a Democratic
Workplace (CDW) was active in key Senate races in Minnesota, Colorado,
Maine, and several other states through television and radio advertising, polling, and news articles aimed against card check proponents. The association’s
Legislative Readiness Fund raised an astounding $2.5 million to support CDW’s
With the 2008 election results tabulated, AH&LA estimates there are 59 possible card check supporters in the new Senate, up from the past 51 in the
last Congress. It will remain a tough fight as the industry focuses its work to
convince enough moderate Democrats that card check is a detriment
to America’s workforce.
Travel and Tourism. For the first time, the Travel Promotion Act (H.R.
3232) reached the House of Representatives for a vote. After about
three weeks of frenzied legislative activity in House committees, the
Act passed the full House on a voice vote on September 25, 2008.
However, the session ended before the Senate could take the bill up
for a vote. The Travel Promotion Act establishes a nonprofit corporation
promoting the U.S as a valuable travel destination for international visitors, and counters and corrects misperceptions regarding U.S. travel policy. It
is expected to be reintroduced in the 111th Congress.
American with Disabilities Act (ADA). AH&LA was involved in two significant
actions on ADA in 2008. President Bush signed into law on September 25 the
AH&LA-supported ADA Amendments Act, which help clarify and redefine who
is covered under the employment provisions of the Act.
In August, the association also weighed in with comments to the Department
of Justice’s proposed changes to the Accessibility Guidelines of the ADA.
These regulations outline the specific requirements of ADA compliance on the
lodging industry. If implemented, these new regulations would substantially
revise the current accessibility requirements that apply to places of lodging
and impose a host of new requirements for guest reservations practices, and
for areas such as swimming pools, saunas/steam rooms, exercise rooms, windows, play areas, and valet parking. However, the regulation ran out of steam
when no final rules were formally issued before the Bush Administration
ended in January 2009.
H-2B Visa Relief. While this issue lay dormant in Congress for most of the
year entangled in the national immigration debate, AH&LA moved forward in a
number of different areas. The association established a Website (www.h2bworkforcecoalition.com) to educate lawmakers and the media, providing
news articles from around the country and fact sheets on the current state of
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
continued from page 5
H-2B needs in the hospitality industry. A Members
Only Webpage was set up on www.ahla.com to host the
“H-2B Exchange,” a common bulletin board where members
list available H-2B workers or their hotel’s labor needs under
the program.
(Right): Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) at
the April 2008 LAS in Washington.
(Right): Hotel Industry Leadership Summit in the
U.S. Capitol Building. September 2008.
Hotel Industry Leadership Summit. On September 16, 15 of
the industry’s most influential CEOs traveled to Washington to
take the industry’s case directly to Congressional leadership.
This august group discussed card check, Travel Promotion Act,
and other industry initiatives with House Majority Leader Steny
Hoyer (D-MD), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY),
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), House Education
and Labor Committee ranking member Rep. Buck McKeon
(R-CA) and Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin (D-IL), among
other Congressional leaders and lawmakers.
(Above): AH&LA’s Republican
convention event, Sept. 2008.
The industry’s presence at both national political conventions
was an important venue to showcase our industry and highlight the many economic benefits our industry provides in
every state to our nation’s present and future leaders.
(Above): AH&LA Fall Conference’s HotelPAC event,
Nov. 2008.
National Conventions. For the first time, AH&LA hosted
events at the Democratic and Republican party conventions
held in late August and early September. AH&LA’s guests
included Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, numerous
members of Congress, and hundreds of convention attendees
and industry members.
LodgingVotes.com. To help get the industry involved in the
2008 elections, AH&LA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
created a specific voter education Website for industry owners
and employees, www.LodgingVotes.com. This portal assisted
hundreds of users with registering to vote, finding their polling
place, researching information about their federal candidates,
and staying current with the industry’s issues to make an
informed vote at the fall elections. With the 2010 elections just
a year away, this tool will be added to AH&LA’s growing grassroots involvement.
HotelPAC. HotelPAC raised the largest amount of funds for
pro-lodging candidates in the PAC’s history in 2008. The PAC’s
success came from its many fundraising events, including
the annual HotelPAC Broadmoor Golf Classic in August and
November’s live auction at the Fall Conference, which garnered
more than $340,000. By the end of the 2008 elections, the PAC
was again a solid contributor to the success of those who support the lodging industry’s business environment by distributing $475,955 to Congressional candidates. The Democrats’
conservative Blue Dog coalition and the Congressional Black
Caucus also were highlighted by the PAC in 2008.
With a new Administration and Congress, the change promised by our nation’s leadership is becoming a reality. AH&LA’s
governmental affairs staff is positioning the industry’s legislative program to reflect the new Washington and the challenges
that lie ahead.
enefits that open doors are ones relevant to day-to-day business operations and
turn challenges into opportunities. A suite of new benefits positively impact our
members’ bottom line, public relations efforts, and green strategies, helping them open
doors for their guests, staff, and property as a whole.
Exclusive savings on gas from BP
to new benefits
In response to the summer’s sky rocketing gas prices, AH&LA teamed with
BP to offer members the BP Business
Solutions Universal Fuel MasterCard®,
offering rebates up to 6.5¢ on every
gallon of fuel purchased. Additionally,
the fleet card offers purchasing power
where your drivers need fuel, with the
security of purchasing control over
each card in any way you choose.
Increased advertising discount with
USA Today
A long-time partner of AH&LA, USA Today increased their advertising discount to an exclusive 25% in their Travel Today feature. Running
every Friday in the Destinations & Diversions
section and surrounded by travel focused editorial content, this generous offer provides an
affordable way for members to receive regional
and/or national exposure.
Additional savings with
Members now save 20% on all Website
advertising with ConventionPlanIt.com, a
global distribution channel accessed daily by
500 top corporate and association meeting
professionals. It’s a prime source for drawing in
more group business and working directly with
decision makers when they’re shopping.
Free exposure through Media eALERTS
This new benefit brings media pitches right to
your inbox. Distributed daily, members who
subscribe receive industry-specific pitches from
a variety of journalists, giving them the opportunity to reply directly and position themselves
as an expert. With little effort, our members
have the ability to receive regional or national
promotion at no cost.
Access premier industry data through
the AH&LA Data Center, powered by STR
AH&LA property and corporate members can
now enroll in the STR Lodging Survey program,
allowing you to compare your property’s performance against the aggregate of your local
market, as well as the Host Survey, comparing
your operating costs to other hotels in your
market. Members also receive a 25% discount
off their first year fee on the Monthly and
Weekly STAR reports that detail occupancy.
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
to a greener industry
H&LA’s evolving green strategy in 2008 focused on
determining the best way the association can assist
members who want to create an environmentally-friendly and sustainable hotel. Crafted largely by the AH&LA
Green Task Force, which is comprised of the environmental point persons for a dozen hotel companies as
well as AH&LA’s green consultant, Pat Maher, formerly
of Marriott International, actionable items include an
environmental policy statement, tracking state and national legislation, and the need for supporting educational
AH&LA is working closely with the U.S. Green Building Council via a Hospitality Advisory
Group. Additionally, we are working with two meeting planning organizations, including the Convention Industry Council, to create guidelines for green meetings that
are ASTM-certified, which are set to be released in May of 2009. AH&LA also serves on
the steering committee of the United Nations Foundation’s Partnership for Global
Sustainable Tourism Criteria program, which is adopting universal sustainable tourism
In January, AH&LA launched a Web-based Green Resource Center, which serves as an
online resource offering cost-effective and eco-savvy tips and strategies, information
on certifications and government funded programs, suppliers producing environmentally-friendly products, an RSS feed from Green Lodging News, and an “Ask
AH&LA’s Green Guru.”
With members predominantly requesting guidance on how to green properties effectively in various areas, the Green Task Force recommended identifying the most
important pillars — including energy, water, waste — and have hotels report on progress against the pillars in terms of benchmarks and baseline numbers. In November,
AH&LA launched a set of 11 minimum environmental guidelines, which are part of
more than 50 overall guidelines targeting these key areas. The guidelines are based
on criteria of existing state and national certifications and each minimum guideline
includes ROI information, business cases, and resources for general managers to
These guidelines — which address back-of-the-house and interfacing with guests —
will be continuously built upon in an ongoing effort to provide green resources in
a broad spectrum of areas, with the next set focusing on design and construction,
materials and resources, chemicals and cleaning, and indoor air quality.
The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) has integrated environmental information into its popular housekeeping operations textbook and Certified
Hotel Administrator (CHA) certification. EI also showcased a new resource at the
International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show (IH/M&RS) – High Performance
Hospitality: Sustainable Hotel Case Studies – in both print and CD formats.
Content is being updated to its front office, leadership and management, and resort
development and management textbooks, in addition to the creation of other educational resources around the AH&LA environmental guidelines.
Women in Lodging (WIL) Connect, the first
industry-wide forum exclusively for female hospitality professionals, unveiled an exclusive Website
for members. Featuring articles, tips, and an
enhanced member directory, this site is a crucial
resource for members to stay connected and leverage their career. In conjunction with the Under
30 Gateway, WIL Connect members also have
the opportunity to serve as a mentor to young
professionals or mentee, the type of program to
which many top executives credit their success.
to a diverse membership
In November, WIL Connect and Dress for Success
announced a national partnership to build awareness of and solicit donations to support the organization’s primary mission of promoting the
economic independence of disadvantaged women. Joi Gordon, CEO of
Dress for Success Worldwide, and Vicki Gordon, chair of AH&LA’s Women
In Lodging Executive Council, officially kicked off the new flagship initiative of WIL Connect, which will include a series of career fairs and suit
drives at hotels in half-a-dozen cities across the country in 2009.
Other WIL events included a mentoring luncheon, which allowed approximately 125 female lodging professionals one-on-one time with
the C-level hospitality professionals comprising the WIL Executive
Council. The luncheon followed an educational session featuring Susan
Steinbrecher, Embassy Suites’ youngest general manager in history, who
discussed why women are uniquely qualified to lead in the lodging industry and offered insight on how to capitalize on gender-specific traits.
With a hospitality workforce that is increasingly diversifying and travelers taking up accommodations from all over the world, improving a
property’s diversity initiatives is not just the right thing to do; it’s the
only way to open doors in today’s marketplace.
In an effort to better help hoteliers
understand and relate to their diverse
market of travelers and employees,
AH&LA created a diversity assessment
tool in partnership with the National
Multi Cultural Institute specifically for
lodging properties. By bringing an
awareness to the varying needs and perspectives of both employees and guests,
AH&LA’s new tool helps hoteliers create
a foundation for increased employee
retention and guest loyalty via a step-bystep assessment process. The guidelines
are broken down into three stages,
including a checklist to download and
self-audit through the various development steps. Additional resources include
best practices from some of the leading
hotel companies around employment,
property ownership, supplier diversity;
and useful links and tools.
With a hospitality workforce that is
increasingly diversifying and travelers
taking up accommodations from all over
the world, improving a property’s diversity initiatives is not just the right thing
to do; it’s the only way to open doors in
today’s marketplace.
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
ith baby boomers retiring and professionals from Generations X and Y
entering into the workplace
and ascending to managerial
positions, AH&LA launched a
new membership initiative
to engage a new era of hospitality professionals.
Twenty-nine individuals were selected to
sit on the association’s Under 30 Council,
the governing body of the new Under
30 Gateway membership initiative. They
represent a broad cross-section of the
industry, employed as hotel owners and
managers, financial consultants, governmental affairs executives, and
directors of partner state hotel
associations, among others.
The Council held its first meeting on March 7, 2008, to plan
the Under 30 Gateway launch
on July 1.
for the under 30 crowd
The Gateway’s new suite of benefits were specifically designed by AH&LA’s own
Millennial generation staff to address the personal and professional needs of young
Concentrating on facilitating connectivity for young professionals among their peers
and more established AH&LA members and providing opportunities for comprehensive career development, Gateway programming officially began in August with
a Webinar, What Your Boss Knows, But Hasn’t Shared – With You that featured
senior executives who provided their high-level insight on the state of the industry
and strategies for achieving success.
In November, the Gateway hosted two educational sessions at IH/M&RS, 5 Decades in
the Workplace, and the extremely successful Professional Bootcamp, along with
a well-attended evening networking reception, Not Your Boss’ Party, at the Hudson
Hotel, which raised money for AH&LEF. Also at the Fall AH&LA board meeting, the
winner of the 2008 Gateway to CEO contest outlined his idea for a comprehensive
student membership outreach initiative, which was then integrated into the association’s 2009 business plan.
Other membership benefits include the Gateway Mentorship Program, matching
Millennials with experienced AH&LA members and staff, a unique password-protected
Website, a quarterly eNewsletter, The Gate, and the creation of the Stevan Porter
Emerging Hospitality Leader of the Year award, part of AH&LA’s Stars of the
Industry competition that will recognize an exceptional professional under 30.
Through the end of 2008, membership in the Gateway had grown to almost 250,
making this initiative one of the fastest-growing in recent AH&LA history. As a result,
the Gateway even earned national recognition from the Hospitality Sales & Marketing
Association International (HMSAI), who awarded its initial launch campaign a coveted
Silver Adrian Award for public relations excellence.
hroughout 2008, AH&LA increasingly connected with
members via new communications initiatives in the virtual
In June, new Websites for AH&LA, AH&LEF, and
EI were launched, each featuring an improved
user-friendly design to better serve as a more
comprehensive resource for members and
the general online community. The sites, created based on click-through research and user
feedback, encompass more than 4,000 new
unique Web pages, and continue to evolve.
Major highlights of the new AH&LA Website include the Green Resource Center; an enhanced
Press Room to better benefit both members
and media; exclusive Members Only access to
STR Global’s new Data Center; a comprehensive
emergency preparedness section; and unique
password-protected pages tailored to AH&LA
member types.
AH&LA’s new site also features a Web 2.0 section, which houses personal blogs from
Joe McInerney, president & CEO, and
Marlene Colucci, executive vice president of public policy. Joe’s Tales from
the Road and Marlene’s View from the
Hill are updated each week giving the
public an inside look at the many travels,
events, and thoughts of a seasoned
industry executive and leading lobbyist.
The Web 2.0 site also serves as a beginner’s crash course for members looking
to get involved in social media outreach,
providing easy access to online search
tools and a tech-focused buzzword glossary.
The association also started establishing a presence on some other social media Websites.
Hospitality professionals can now network
with association staff and other members via
the AH&LA Linked In group. AH&LA’s Under 30
Gateway and the Foundation made their debut
on Facebook, providing members and the
general public with information on AH&LA programs and events, while recruiting members
in this virtual community. Members can follow
AH&LA and Joe McInerney on Twitter.com, the
free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send and read other’s
updates (otherwise known as tweets), keeping
followers informed of timely association and
industry news.
through new technoloGy
and social media
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
irty hotel glasses. Hurricanes Gustav
and Ike. Security breaches at properties abroad with disastrous consequences.
Hoteliers faced crises of varying degrees in
2008, many of which were scrutinized by the
American and international public by means
of aggressive media.
Throughout the year, AH&LA Media Advisories tracked and
kept members informed about media coverage of unfavorable or timely issues, and also provided reminders of how their
vigilance could help them avoid similar instances at their own
properties. Beginning back in November of 2007 and carrying
well into February, a string of undercover camera investigations revealed housekeepers insufficiently cleaning guestroom
drinking glasses. As this story spread to major and secondary
markets across the country and continued to produce offensive video footage, we encouraged members to stringently
evaluate their existing housekeeping policies and practices and
review related EI products to address any shortcomings. AH&LA
President & CEO Joe McInerney conducted media interviews
with trade and local press outlets and also received national
coverage on Good Morning America to comment on behalf
of the industry.
This summer’s hard-hitting hurricane season spurred AH&LA’s
frequent communication with FEMA and our members to
inform them of procedures to effectively house hurricane
victims. A FEMA widget was incorporated into the revamped
Emergency Preparedness section of the association Website,
which also showcased new and more comprehensive crisis
planning materials. Complementing these new resources,
the September Webinar, Curbing Crisis through Effective
Communication, featured advice from loss prevention experts and also corporate communications professionals, with a
major focus on maintaining an effective media strategy while in
an emergency situation.
Along with this fall’s terrorist attacks at hotels abroad came
new questions about the effectiveness of hotel security.
Shortly after the attacks in Mumbai, AH&LA Media Advisories
kept members up to speed with evolving press coverage,
recommended actions for improving their own security, and
tips from the Department of Homeland Security. AH&LA’s Press
Room was turned into a media hub and included a compilation
of major hotel brands’ issued statements on the attacks, along
with AH&LA comments on the current and future state of hotel
n February 1, high school students across the country experienced firsthand many of the estimated 200
diverse career paths within the lodging industry as they
shadowed industry professionals on National Groundhog
Shadow Day. This nationwide day of mentoring
to potential lodging employees
and career exploration for high school students is dedicated
to fostering the future hotel workforce, sparking interest
in the industry, and allowing students to preview the wide
array of career options in hospitality by “shadowing” a variety
of industry employees from line level staff to CEOs. In 2008,
AH&LA, partner state associations, and member properties
from Rhode Island to Hawaii — and various locations in between — all familiarized hundreds of students with careers
in hospitality.
ia a slate of educational, charitable,
and informational conferences
and events, members can exchange
ideas and strategies, and access exclusive networking opportunities with
industry leaders.
“Tour d’ ALIS – The Incredible Race Continues?” was
the theme for the seventh Americas Lodging
Investment Summit (ALIS), January 28–30, in Los
Angeles. Co-hosted with the Burba Hotel Network
(BHN), the two-and-a-half-day event featured an extensive array of seminars and panels hosted by leading
experts and investors discussing important trends and
identifying new opportunities. Stephen F. Bollenbach,
former co-chairman and CEO of Hilton Hotels, was
awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award, and four
individuals and companies were honored for outstanding business performance in the previous year.
The AH&LA Legislative Action Summit (LAS), April
14-15, in Washington, D.C., featured members of
Congress, including Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.),
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), and Representative Ric
Keller (R-Fla.), who spoke passionately on major issues
on AH&LA’s mind such as card check, H-2B Visa relief,
and others. LAS also featured a panel of top lodging
CEOs providing their perspectives on current legislative
trends and the impact the congressional agenda may
have on the travel and tourism industry.
Hundreds of hoteliers from across the country headed
to Capitol Hill and presented the industry’s position on
key issues to their Senators and Congressmen, highlighting the significant and positive impact lodging has
on their individual congressional districts.
The third annual Summer Summit, June 8-12, in
Oklahoma City, featured fast-paced days of business,
professional development, and networking, including
timely presentations on green initiatives, economic
analysis and foresight from industry insiders at the
Lodging Industry Summit, specialized certification and
educational seminars, and AH&LA’s annual Stars of the
Industry Awards ceremony. The AH&LA board of directors met, in addition to many of AH&LA’s more than 30
specialized committees.
The AH&LA Fall Conference, November 7-11, held
in conjunction with the International Hotel/Motel &
Restaurant Show (IH/M&RS), attracted more than 35,000
attendees and featured more than 1,400 exhibiting
companies and a comprehensive lineup of educational
to cutting-edge programming
With going green top of mind for AH&LA executives
and members, the conference featured a focus on
sustainability when Christine Ervin, environmental expert and former CEO of the U.S. Green Building Council,
addressed the need for hotels to become environmentally-friendly in the face of today’s global economy,
and was complemented by two related educational
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
through leadership and vision
During his inauguration speech at the Fall
Conference, 2009 Chairman Joe Martin, CHA,
owner/operator of Stillwater Hospitality, LLC, in
Stillwater, Oklahoma, focused on connectivity,
communication, and collaboration as avenues
to guide AH&LA toward the goals of increased
membership, comprehensive education and
training, and working with other travel and
tourism organizations to strengthen the association and industry.
An active and long-time supporter of AH&LA,
Martin has served on the association’s board
of directors for the past nine years. He is a
member of the Executive Council and officer
liaison for the Governmental Affairs/HotelPAC
committee, Multicultural & Diversity Advisory
Council, and WIL Executive Council, among
others. A 28-year industry veteran, Martin
is a past chairman of the Oklahoma Hotel &
Lodging Association and Stillwater Convention
& Visitors Bureau, and former treasurer of the
Stillwater Chamber of Commerce. Additionally,
he is on the advisory board for Oklahoma State
University’s College of Hotel & Restaurant
John Campbell, general manager of the
La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club in La Jolla,
California, was elected secretary/treasurer
of the 2009 AH&LA board of directors and
will serve as the association’s chairman in
Campbell has served on
AH&LA’s board of directors
for numerous years, and
was given the prestigious
AH&LA Lawson A. Odde
Award for outstanding
contributions by a board
member. He has also
chaired the association’s
Audit and Certification
Committee, and is a
current member of the
Governmental Affairs and
Resort Committees.
Prior to joining La Jolla
Beach & Tennis Club, Inc.,
in 1994, Campbell worked
at the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina,
the Anaheim Marriott, the Warner Center
Marriott in Woodland Hills, California,
as well as Bobby McGee’s, a chain of
freestanding theme restaurants in the
AH&LA Stars of the industry
Employee of the Year
Polly Vestall, Arctic Caribou Inn, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Mary Stone, Doubletree Guest Suites Anaheim Resort/ Convention Center,
Anaheim, California
Matt Lohnes, Westin Waltham-Boston, Waltham,
Outstanding Manager of the Year
Julie Allred, La Quinta Suites, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Brenda Bufford, Comfort Suites Perimeter Center, Atlanta, Georgia
Terry Richard, Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Outstanding General Manager of the Year
David Grossberg, Concord’s Colonial Inn, Concord, Massachusetts
Wes Tyler, Chancellor Hotel on Union Square, San Francisco, California
Dennis Clark, The Fairmont Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Washington
Community Service
SpringHill Suites by Marriott, St. Petersburg/Clearwater, Florida
Huntington Hotels/Courtyard Marriott San Diego
Central, San Diego, California
Good Earthkeeping
Sleeping Lady Mountain Retreat, Leavenworth,
Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center
Portland – Lloyd Center, Portland, Oregon
Guest Relations
Chancellor Hotel on Union Square, San Francisco,
Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona
Special Events
Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa, Stowe, Vermont
Boston Harbor Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts
Regency Suites Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center,
Kissimmee, Florida
Prism (for Diversity)
Loews Annapolis Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland
to high standards and
progressive initiatives
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
Product Showcase: New in 2008
Ethics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Second Edition
Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System, Second Edition
High Performance Hospitality: Sustainable Hotel Case Studies book and CD
Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Fifth Edition
International Hotels: Development and Management, Second Edition
Managing Housekeeping Operations, Revised Third Edition
Saving the St. George, a novel by hospitality veteran Greg Plank
Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction
The Payment Card Industry Compliance Process for Lodging Establishments
World Trainer: Guestroom & Bathroom Cleaning
World Trainer: Laundry; Housekeeping: Delivering Quality Guest Service
Lodging SafetyWorks
Green Lodging Resources CD
Supplementing Lodging SafetyWorks video, Safety World’s “Simpsons” themed safety
posters, table tent, and quiz card materials
online courses
Professional Development Program online courses with quizzes provide certified
hospitality personnel with educational credits needed for recertification, and are open
to any hospitality professional seeking management development.
american hotel & lodging
educational Institute
CARE® (Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively) Online Program includes updated content
and enhanced interactivity with new audio/video features, learning activities, review
questions, and a Certificate of Completion for servers who pass the final exam.
professional certifications
Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA) study material was expanded
and updated and translated into Spanish
CHA Assessment Tool offers candidates an opportunity to test their
readiness for the CHA exam
10 professional certifications exams now available online
through improved training
n 2008, the American Hotel & Lodging
Educational Institute (AH&LEI) continued
its efforts to revitalize its diverse assortment
of hospitality training materials through
product revisions, retiring numerous products, establishing new pricing, revamping its
Website and shopping cart, and partnering
with organizations.
Lodging and Specialized Markets
AH&LEI partnered with an array of organizations including
ISPA, FreemanGroup, and Safety Works, allowing AH&LEI to
expand its product line and broaden its customer base.
Under a new expanded partnership arrangement, AH&LEI and
International SPA Association (ISPA) continue to work together
on product development and publishing of spa-related products, and AH&LEI assumes sales, expanded marketing efforts
and fulfillment responsibilities for numerous ISPA-owned
products to all market segments. The spa textbook — Spa: A
Comprehensive Introduction — was the latest collaboration
between AH&LEI, ISPA, and the ISPA Foundation. Through this
arrangement, AH&LA members receive membership pricing
on these products.
AH&LEI and FreemanGroup came together in a strategic
partnership to provide hospitality operations with comprehensive solutions focusing on establishing quality standards,
practical training, professional certification, and measuring
performance. FreemanGroup has an extensive cadre of training and measurement professionals with hospitality industry
experience who understand the dynamics of training and
measuring performance in a challenging hospitality business
The housekeeping textbook — Managing Housekeeping
Operations, Revised Third Edition — was developed in collaboration with The Rooms Chronicle, an industry journal
that focuses on rooms management issues. For the first time,
the ethics textbook — Ethics in the Hospitality and Tourism
Industry — was also the focus of an educational workshop
presented by the authors at the annual conference of the
International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional
Education (I-CHRIE), which provided credit toward recertification for Certified Hospitality Educators (CHE).
In 2008, AH&LEI began several partnerships with industryrelated groups to provide and develop training content,
including the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the
world’s largest cruise association that is dedicated to the promotion and growth of the cruise industry. CLIA is composed
of 23 of the major cruise lines serving North America and is
now offering AH&LEI’s Supervisory Skill Builders program and
Similarly, the mutual goal of a new partnership between
AH&LEI and the International Association of Conference
Centers, N.A. (IACC) is to provide significant educational opportunities for conference center operators and meeting
planners, and to develop conference center-specific, customized materials.
Robert Steele named
Robert L. Steele III, former general manager of
the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay and former AH&LA
chairman, was appointed president and COO
of the American Hotel & Lodging Educational
Institute effective mid-November 2008. Steele
succeeds Roy Kennington, who retired after 18
As president and COO, Steele oversees the
day-to-day operations of the Institute, as well
as develops the overall vision and strategies
in conjunction with the board of trustees.
Steele’s responsibilities include representing
AH&LEI as its spokesperson and leader, formulating profitable and productive strategic
business alliances to enhance AH&LEI, increasing penetration of the international markets,
and enhancing marketing efforts within the
hospitality industry.
through improved training
continued from page 17
Academic Programs
AH&LEI introduced CourseLine® packages for academic customers, enabling schools to offer as many or as few online courses
as they wish on a sliding price scale. Schools may now offer
individual courses, all AH&LEI courses, or can adopt AH&LEI’s
five-course Areas of Specialization, eight-course Hospitality
Operations Certificate, or 12-course Hospitality Management
Diploma or Food and Beverage Management Diploma through
the CourseLine® system. In other CourseLine® news, the
Academy of Learning signed an agreement to offer AH&LEI’s
diploma program online at its campuses throughout Canada.
In March, 14 AH&LEI courses were reviewed and approved by
the American Council on Education (ACE) for college credit
recommendation. For 10 of those 14 courses, the online versions were also reviewed and approved. The ACE recommendation enables students who complete AH&LEI courses through
Distance Learning to request college credit for their coursework when applying to a traditional college program. AH&LEI’s
Distance Learning program, in conjunction with AH&LA’s
membership department, began requiring all new Distance
Learning students to join AH&LA as a student member. The
student membership fee is included in the cost of their first
AH&LEI course, and they receive all of the benefits of student
membership, including discounts on future Distance Learning
AH&LEI Around the World
In 2008, AH&LEI provided training resources for line-level
employees through a program funded directly by the Egyptian
Ministry of Tourism. In addition, AH&LEI is developing a new
project for Egyptian junior colleges and universities that will
incorporate AH&LEI’s academic program into their university
degree offerings. This program will be funded by the Ministry
of Education.
AH&LEI is working with several countries, including Malaysia,
South Africa, and Singapore, to introduce its Egypt Cascade
Training model to train hotel workers. With this proven technique, AH&LEI trains trainers, who earn the Certified Hospitality
Trainer (CHT) designation. These trainers then train departmental trainers, who earn either the Certified Hospitality
Departmental Trainer (CHDT) designation or the Certified
Hospitality Supervisor (CHS) designation. Both of these groups
then train line-level workers at local hotel sites. In this way,
training “cascades” through all levels of a hospitality organization, ensuring a continuum of consistent, measurable training.
Based on the successful launch of this program in 2007, US
AID continued to fund the program in 2008 and increase its
scope of operations to include Supervisory Skill Builders for
Restaurant and Foodservice Operations.
AH&LEI also signed a memorandum of understanding with
India’s Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) to
develop a bachelor’s degree in International Hospitality
Administration, using AH&LEI courses. As India’s premier open
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
learning university, IGNOU serves 1.5 million students in 35
countries. With hospitality and tourism as one of the fastest
growing sectors of India’s economy, this collaboration between
AH&LEI and IGNOU will help to prepare many hospitality professionals for successful industry careers.
AH&LEI established new Hospitality Education Program (HEP)
licensees in Nigeria, Ghana, and Sri Lanka. New Global Academic
Partner (GAP) schools in Romania, China, the UAE, and India also
joined the ranks of AH&LEI licensees.
High Schools
AH&LEI now has school-to-career hospitality training programs
(either LMP or START) in nearly 600 high schools across the
United States. In addition, EI’s programs are being successfully
implemented around the world in Department of Defense
(DOD) schools overseas, as well as in countries including China,
South Africa, and Taiwan.
In April, high school hospitality students from Oak Ridge High
School in Orlando, Florida, took the national title in the fifth
annual National Lodging Management Program (LMP)
Competition. The three-day event challenged teams of students through a series of contests designed to mirror real-life
hotel experiences. Thirteen teams competed, representing
schools in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, New Hampshire,
New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas,
and Washington, D.C., as well as Guam. The winning teams
earned thousands of dollars in scholarships from Johnson &
Wales University, San Diego State University, the University of
Houston, the University of Delaware, Paul Smith’s College, and
the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation. Event
sponsors included Sealy, Inc., Hcareers, Best Western, U.S.
Foodservice, and AH&LEF.
In 2008, AH&LEI again provided hospitality instructors with the
opportunity to immerse themselves in the hospitality industry
for a week’s time and work toward professional certification as
Certified Hospitality Instructors (CHI). The CHI Summer Institute
Levels 1, 2, and 3 were held at the University of Delaware, San
Diego State University, and Niagara University. These sessions
offer hospitality instructors a chance to learn about the industry, and also to meet other instructors and share teaching tips
and best practices. Teachers who participate in the Summer
Institutes are able to provide their LMP and START students with
a more rewarding and enriched experience.
s the charitable fundraising and
endowed fund-management subsidiary of AH&LA, the Foundation
identifies, cultivates, and supports
the human talent, research, and initiatives most vital to the progress and
prosperity of our industry through
cutting-edge publications, scholarship and grant disbursements, and
educational programming.
Last year the Foundation distributed almost $1.3 million
to education, research, and outreach programs. It’s
supported solely by progressive industry leaders and
companies and through a portion of proceeds from
Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS).
Building Future Leaders
Since the Foundation’s inception, approximately $7
million has been disbursed through its scholarship,
education, and outreach programs. In 2008, more than
$600,000 was awarded to approximately 400 promising
students and lodging industry professionals.
Scholarship monies were provided from the following
named scholarship funds, in addition to AH&LEF general
funds, proceeds from its Annual Giving Program, previous capital giving campaigns, and ALIS:
AAA Five Diamond Hospitality Scholarship – In
2001, the American Automobile Association ( AAA) established this scholarship to honor one of hospitality’s
brightest students. Eight $5,000 scholarships have been
AH&LA Allied Member Fund – Established in 1989 to
support scholarships and industry research, the fund
has awarded $337,000 in scholarships to 441 students.
american hotel & lodging
educational foundation
for tomorrow’s leaders
American Express Scholarship Fund – Founded by
American Express in 1994, this scholarship is designed
specifically for current hotel employees and their
dependents. The program offers academic and professional development scholarships for distance learning
courses and professional certification offered through
AH&LEI. To date more than $240,500 has been awarded
to 203 students and hospitality professionals.
Steven Belmonte Scholarship – As part of AH&LEF’s
last major capital initiative, Steve Belmonte, former
AH&LEF chairperson and long-time volunteer, established this fund designated for Roosevelt University
hospitality students. Eight students have received a
total of $7,500 in scholarships.
John Clifford Memorial Scholarship – In the
early 1980s, the Palm Beach County Hotel & Lodging
Association established a scholarship in memory of
John F. Clifford to benefit students attending Palm
Beach County Community College. To date the fund
has awarded $39,700 in scholarships to 48 students.
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
for tomorrow’s leaders
continued from page 19
Building Future Leaders
Cecil B. Day Memorial Scholarship – In 1981, a scholarship fund was established in
memory of Cecil B. Day from the Cecil B. Day Investment Company with a $500,000
contribution. More than $705,500 in scholarships has been awarded to 626 students.
Ecolab Scholarship – Established by Ecolab in 1996 as a commitment to the lodging
industry, the program offers academic and professional certification scholarships. To
date more than $237,000 has been awarded to 177 hospitality management students
and hospitality professionals.
The Employment Guide Scholarship – In 2006, The Employment Guide pledged
$75,000 to fund scholarships administered through AH&LEF’s Annual Scholarship
Grant Program. The entire amount has been distributed to 67 students.
Handlery Hotels Scholarship – Paul Handlery, AH&LEF’s Honorary Chairman for Life,
established this fund in 1982 to provide scholarships and funds for students to attend
national lodging conferences. Over the years, the Handlery Foundation has continued
to make annual donations to the fund, including almost $10,000 in 2008. Since 1989,
$316,500 has been distributed to 225 students.
Creighton Holden Memorial Scholarship – In 2005, more than $25,000 was
contributed in memory of Creighton Holden, AH&LA past chairman and volunteer,
to create this scholarship in his name, which benefits students from Michigan State
Conrad N. Hilton Memorial Scholarship – The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation created
this memorial scholarship with a $500,000 gift in 1995. To date the fund has awarded
$475,000 worth of scholarships to 430 students.
Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students – In 1988, Hyatt
established this fund to provide financial assistance to minority students pursuing a
degree in hotel management. A total of $474,000 has been awarded in scholarships to
237 minority students.
Steve Hymans Extended Stay Scholarship – This scholarship was originally created by AH&LA’s Extended Stay Council to encourage interest in the extended stay
segment. In 2006, it was renamed in memory of Steve Hymans and endowed with
contributions of more than $130,000. To date the fund has disbursed $44,000 to 23
Curtis C. Nelson Scholarship – The Carlson family established this fund with a
$100,000 endowment to benefit students attending Cornell University. So far $37,000
has been distributed to 14 students.
Richard Kessler Scholarship – In 1985, Kessler Enterprise created this fund to support students attending the University of Central Florida. To date a total of $40,000 in
scholarships has been awarded to 35 students.
J. Willard Marriott Memorial Scholarship – In 1989, the J. Willard Marriott
Foundation established this fund with a donation of $250,000. Today the fund has
disbursed $316,500 to 239 students.
Karl Mehlmann Scholarship – In 1978, the Colorado/Wyoming Hotel & Motel
Association established this fund for Colorado hospitality management students. The
fund has continued to grow and has awarded a total of $159,500 in scholarships to
118 recipients.
Arthur J. Packard Memorial Scholarship – Established in 1974, the scholarship
honors Art Packard, a third-generation hotelier and long-time AH&LA volunteer. Since
1987, more than 73 students have been recognized as Packard scholars with awards
totaling more than $230,000.
Pepsi Scholarship – In 2002, the PepsiCo Foundation made a $250,000 contribution to AH&LEF’s New Century Fund Campaign to
create this scholarship to benefit graduating seniors of the Hospitality High School in Washington, D.C. A total of 23 students have
received scholarships amounting to $63,500.
Rama Scholarship for the American Dream – JHM Hotels established the fund with a $1,000,001 endowment. Since its inception in 1998, the Rama Scholarship Fund has awarded $452,450 in scholarships to 266 recipients.
Melinda Bush Scholarship – Melinda Bush created this scholarship fund, which in addition to the monetary award, also offers
Melinda to be a mentor to the student recipients. In 2008, three students received awards totaling $6,000 at Florida International
Tom and Kathy Hewitt Scholarship – A one-time scholarship award totaling $7,000 was granted to the United Negro College
Fund. Two students were selected as recipients.
Supporting Students & Industry Professionals
he Foundation’s educational outreach programs support current and former scholarship recipients, as well
as encourage the professional development of hotel and
partner state association employees.
The Scholars Alumni Association (SAA) surveyed all previous AH&LEF scholarship
recipients and requested contact and employment information. Of the more than
500 respondents, 43 percent were working at hotels. The fifth edition of the SAA
Resource Directory is available on www.ahlef.org. The SAA also hosted a networking
breakfast as part of the International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show in New York
City. Attendees included former and current recipients as well as leading executives,
who shared stories on how they got their start in the industry and offered career
Ten outstanding students were sent to the 2008 Lodging Conference in Arizona to
network with industry leaders and learn about important industry issues.
Nine hotel employees took advantage of the Foundation’s professional development scholarships that cover the cost of certification and distance learning courses
offered through EI.
Eight AH&LA partner state association executives and staff received scholarships
to attend the Institute for Organizational Management, a series of one-week
seminars on association business management conducted by the U.S. Chamber of
The Foundation contributed $10,000 to the International Society of Association
Executives’ (ISHAE) 2008 Winter Conference & Membership R&R Workshop held at
the Driskill Hotel in Austin, Texas. The conference addressed important issues such
as hotel contracts, timeshares, leadership, and association
best practices, as well as membership growth. Additionally,
the Foundation provided travel stipends to 15 ISHAE members to attend.
for tomorrow’s leaders
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
Cultivating Tomorrow’s Workforce
ince 2003, almost $1.3 million has been expended through the Foundation’s workforce development and school-to-career programs to encourage career interest in
the lodging field. In 2008, these programs included the following:
Workforce Development Initiatives
• Skills, Tasks, and Results Training (START), a one-year program preparing both high
school and workforce development based students to enter the industry, trains
entry-level workers, welfare-to-work participants, in- and out-of-school youth,
dislocated workers, and other populations with barriers to employment, and is now
in 121 workforce training locations in 34 states. In 2008, the Certified Hospitality
Instructor (CHI) Summer Institute was offered to those instructors using the START
curriculum. To date, 27 teachers have attained the certification.
New Workforce Development Programs for 2008 are as follows:
• Easter Seals, Manchester, NH
• Flint Genesee Job Corp, Flint, MI
• Hospitality Industry Partnership, Harrisburg, PA
• Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Philadelphia, PA
• Keystone Development Partnership, Philadelphia, PA
High School Initiatives
22 • The Lodging Management Program (LMP) and the START Program, EI’s high school
based hospitality curriculums, have now been implemented in 47 states, to over
7,000 students, (including 300 students in China) enrolled at more than 604 high
• In 2008, 77 high school hospitality instructors and three workforce hospitality instructors took part in EI’s Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) Summer Institute.
for tomorrow’s leaders
Spearheading Green Initiatives
The Foundation allotted $63,000 to pursue the association’s green strategy. This included hiring our green
consultant, Pat Maher, partner, The Maher Group, to
create 11 minimum guidelines for properties, as well as
58 additional guidelines and a comprehensive glossary.
In partnership with Maher, AH&LA reached out to the
U.S. Green Building Council, meeting planners, and other
core groups to facilitate industry-wide mobilization for
becoming more eco-friendly.
Funding Cutting-Edge Research to
Advance the Industry
he Foundation provided more than
$2.4 million since 1995 to fund projects
benefiting the lodging industry. The 2008
research and project funding program
granted $256,000 to fund the following nine
Update the Computer System Failure Contingency
Plan – Outlines how to prepare and plan for brief and longterm failures of vital hotel computer systems – especially the
property management system, guestroom locking system,
telephone system, and point of sales systems.
Update the Strategies and Tactics in System Selection
primer – Provides an overview of the range of strategies and
tactics that one can employ when selecting computer and
communication systems for a hotel.
Update the Food and Beverage Systems primer – Provides
an overview of various aspects of technology used in F&B
operations both in the front and back of the house, including
point of sale system fundamentals and trends, table management applications that can drive increased revenue, gift cards
and loyalty programs, hardware and cabling requirements,
interfaces, inventory and purchasing systems, and centralized
Update the Principals of Privacy primer – Addresses the
nature of practicing privacy in the hospitality industry, including
actionable recommendations and checklists.
Continued funding of the Loss Prevention Management
Bulletin – A monthly e-newsletter that covers loss control, risk
management, safety, security, fire protection, and the various
mandates at the federal level that impact the industry. Bulletins
are archived at www.lossprevention.com.
Employee Free Choice Act /Card Check Video – Educates
hotel workers in regards to the Employee Free Choice Act and
the card check process.
ADA Grant – Provides necessary funding for activity related
to the lodging industry response to the U.S. Department
of Justice (DOJ) proposed changes to the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). Nearly every single property in the U.S.,
both existing and in the planning stages, can expect to be affected by these changes. The overall objective is to minimize
the negative impact of any changes.
Hotel Worker Claims – Gathers data to enable the hotel
industry to counter the frequently unsubstantiated claims
about the industry – particularly in the areas of work overloads,
dangers in housekeeping, and employment pay and benefits.
Workforce Recruitment and Retention – Analyzes the
employment conditions of the lodging industry including the
economic impact of the lack of labor, the current immigration policy, and temporary work visas, as well as provides an
accurate estimate of the projected future labor needs of the
All of these projects are still in progress and are expected to
conclude throughout 2009. Copies of the updated primers will
be available to AH&LA members through AH&LA’s Website or
can be purchased through AH&LEI.
The following publications were released in 2008 and available
for members to download free of charge in the Members Only
section of www.ahla.com:
• Update of the Impact of Room Tax Increases on the
Lodging Industry features updated state-by-state tables
describing the economic benefits of tourism and expenditures and one summary table for the various combinations
of bed taxes in each state, which shows the state and local
occupancy tax rates and the state and local sales and tax
rates where it applies to lodging.
• The 2008 Lodging Survey, conducted approximately every
two years by Smith Travel Research, provides one of the
largest representative samples and view of trends in the
American lodging industry. The survey covers 100 topic areas, including types of beds, pet-friendly ideas, frequency
of renovation activity, and wireless technology.
• Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Manual for
Hotels is a “how to” guide on complying with PCI Data
Security Standards, which are a set of standards developed
by the credit card industry for the technology and business processes essential for securing credit card data from
misuse and abuse.
• AH&LA Membership Technology Education Needs
Study surveyed members regarding their technology
systems and issues that are important to them. The results
showed an overwhelming agreement that IT is important
for increasing employee efficiency, customer satisfaction,
and generating revenue.
AH&LEF was one of several sponsor of the following publication that can be purchased through AH&LEI:
• High Performance Hospitality – Sustainable Hotel Case
Studies uses case studies featuring mid-rate, convention,
and luxury hotels across North America to demonstrate
how high performance can be financially feasible.
Additionally the publication reveals a variety of high
performance financial, social, and environmental benefits.
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
for tomorrow’s leaders
2008 Annual Giving Campaign Reached Record High
Chaired by Minaz Abji, executive vice president, asset management, at Host Hotels & Resorts, the 2008 Annual Giving drive raised
a record $119,000 in contributions — up 14 percent from last year. The Annual Giving Campaign is AH&LEF’s key yearly fundraising initiative, which raises unrestricted funds to support its core missions of providing scholarships to hospitality management
students; funding important research in areas such as room tax and ADA requirements; and promoting hospitality as a career
of choice and workforce development initiatives. Initiated in 1997, the program has collected more than $875,000 in charitable
donations from the industry, and is supported solely by progressive industry leaders and companies. The following 219 donors,
recognized as of the most committed in the industry, made contributions:
New York Marriott Downtown
Ocean Reef Club
Pacifica Hotel Company
Resort Hotel Association n
RLJ Development, LLC
Norma & Roger Saunders
Sea Island Company
Strategic Hotels & Resorts
Stonebridge Companies
Sunburst Hospitality Corporation
Tennessee Hotel & Lodging Association
Under 30 Gateway
Minaz Abji
The Robert Alter Family
Kirby Payne
Prism Partnership n
Oheka Castle Hotel
Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Gene Singleton
Robert Slater
Gaines Sturdivant
Texas Hotel & Lodging Association
The Broadmoor Hotel
Wholesale Commercial Interiors n
Robert Wiemer
Winegardner & Hammons, Inc.
($500 to $999)
($2,500 to $4,999)
Ruth and Joe McInerney
($1,000 to $2,499)
Aimbridge Hospitality
Ashford Hospitality
Geoff & Leslie Ballotti
First Hospitality Group
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Stephen Holmes
Hostmark Hospitality Group
Hotel and Lodging Association of
Greater Kansas City
Las Vegas Hilton
Marcus Hotels & Resorts
Marriott International
Marriott-Orlando World Center
A-1 Textiles & Hospitality Products n
Amelia Island Plantation
S. Lee Bowden
Capital Hotel Management
Douglas Geoga
GuidePoint Global
Robert Habeeb
Gregory Hodges (Matching Gift) n
Hotel Association of New York City
Hotel Capital Advisors n
Hoteliers Ink n
IHG in memory of John Brooke
Joori Jeon
Johnny Walker Hospitality Group
Don Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Kimpton Hotels
Hilton Garden Inn Lexington
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Pam Hewlett Inman
Paul Kirwin
Irwin Kishner
Konker Associates
Lynn Mohrfeld
Thomas Murray
New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association
Buggsi Patel
($100 to $499)
Brad Aldrich
Wes Ardis
Atlantic City Hotel & Lodging Association
Balboa Bay Club & Resort Newport Beach
Margaret Barsh
Jordan Beckner n
Steve Belmonte
Benjamin West, LLC
Beverly Coat Hanger Co., Inc. n
Madhusudan Bhakta
Big Cedar Lodge
David Black
Ernest Boger
Toma Brashear n
Sue Brush
Gary & Joanne Budge
Michael & Ann Bullis
Canyon Equity, LLC n
Dr. Ronald Cichy
Chateau on the Lake Resort Hotel Branson
Cindy Clark
Julie Coker
Douglas Collins
Colony Beach & Tennis Resort
Marlene Colucci
Colwen Management
Caroline Cooper
Allen Connors
ConventionPlanit.com n
Bob Craycraft
Tom Curley
Days Inn Shawnee
DHA Oklahoma Hotels, LLC dba Econo Lodge Inn & Suites
Raymond Ellis
First American Realty Associates n
George Fischer
Focus Hospitality Services
Focus Lodging Group
Faye Gayes
Joseph Geis
Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center
Sandi Goad
Ramesh Gokal
Marc Gordon
Green Stamp America
Gurneys Inn Resort & Spa
Terri Haack
Hotel Dynamics LLC n
Hotel Equities, Inc.
Kay Howard
Jon Inge
InnSight Hotel Management Group
Paul Jinneman
Alan Johnson
Debbie Johnson
Arnold Karr
Raphael Kavanaugh
Mo Kennedy (Matching Gift) n
David Kenney
Adi Kohler
Eugene Kordoban
La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club
Lago Mar Resort and Club
Chun Lee
Bree Lewis n
Michael Marshall
Marriott Denver West Golden
Matthew Masia
Joe Martin
Jon McGavin
Kimberly Miles
Brenda Moons
Mukesh Mowji
Daniel Murphy
Thomas Negri
Neil Locke & Associates, LLC
Robert O’Halloran
O’Neal Consultants n
Oregon Lodging Association
Palm Hospitality
Michelle Poinelli
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
Ron Pincus
Kathryn Potter
Edward Rabin
Lori Raleigh
Raphael Hotel Group
Richard Rasor
Barbara Readey
Ritz Carlton Hotel Amelia Island
Richard Roberts
Rosyln Claremont Hotel
Thomas Ruff
Warren Sackler
Gail Sammons
Charles Satkewich
Seventh Mountain Resort
Steve Shalit
Skytop Lodge
Sobel Westex n
Southernmost Hotel
Tom Staed
Standard Textile Co. Inc. n
Michael & Karen Stengel
David Stipanuk
John Strouse
The Biltmore Estate
The Breakers
The Colonnade Hotel
The Concord Group n
The Homestead Resort
The San Luis Resort & Spa
Michael Thomas
True North Hotel Group, Inc.
Uniguest of Tennessee n
Waterford Group Charitable
Waterford Hotels & Inns
Michael Watkins
White Lodging
Kenneth & Donna Widmaier
Carl Winston
Susan Wolfla
($99 and under)
Matthew Ardakanian
Fred Demicco
Herbert Everett
Osmond Gilkes
Nicholas Hadgis
Lanier Publishing International Ltd n
Amy Lavi
Mastervue n
Midwestern Specialty
Rambhai Patel
Vibhuti Patel
Manor Vail Resort
Kira Lynn Sanborn
Rolf & Judith Sick
Roy Watson
Lydia Westbrook
AH&LA Allied Member
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
Big Apple Silent Auction
he AH&LEF Big Apple Silent
Auction began in 1993 and has
become an annual fundraising
event of the International Hotel/
Motel & Restaurant Show (IH/M&RS)
held each year in November at the
Jacob Javits Convention Center
in New York City. For the second
consecutive year, the auction was
offered online approximately one
month before the IH/M&RS, which
opened the bidding beyond just
the show attendees, created flexibility of bidding virtually, and
enhanced the promotion of the
auction donors with links directly
to their Websites. This year gross
sales totaled $85,000 from the
more than 188 items that were
donated by exhibitors, lodging
properties, CEOs, suppliers, and
other industry supporters. Special
thanks to USA Today for donating
a full-page advertisement. The following is a list of auction donors:
A 1 Texture & Hospitality Products
American Hotel & Lodging Association
Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa
Arizona Hotel & Lodging Association
Arkansas Hospitality Association
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
Beacon Hotel
Steven Belmonte
Alan Benjamin
The Bethel Inn Resort
The Broadmoor
The Brown Palace Hotel and Spa
Best Western Grand Canyon Squire Inn
Bon Chef
Burt Cabanas
California Hotel & Lodging Association
Callaway Gardens
The Carriage House
Carlson Hotels Worldwide
The Carlyle Hotel
Douglas Collins
The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort
Comfort Suites
Convention Planit.com
Thomas Corcoran
Cornell University
Courtyard by Marriott San Diego Central
Courtyard Marriott - JFK
The Cove Atlantis
Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach & Marina Hotel
Crowne Plaza Resort & Golf Club
Danby Products Inc.
DoubleTree Golf Resort San Diego
The Drake Chicago
Easels by Amron
Eastern Tabletop Company
Educational Institute
Embassy Suites Tucson Paloma Village
Enchantment Resort
The Equinox
Expedia, Inc.
The Fairmont Banff Springs
Fairmont Hotel at Illinois Center Chicago
FiberBuilt Umbrellas
Floridays Resorts Orlando
Four Seasons Resort - Punta Mita Mexico
for tomorrow’s leaders
Friedr.Dick Corporation
Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association
Gilchrist & Soames
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
Grand Hyatt Denver Downtown
The Grand Summit Hotel
Great Wolf Lodge
The Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa
Gulf Shores Plantation
The Handlery Hotel & Resort
The Hassayampa Inn
Hawai’i Hotel & Lodging Association
Hawthorne Hotel
Hilton Chicago/Northbrook
Hilton San Francisco
Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
The Handlery Hotel & Resort
The Hassayampa Inn
Hawai’i Hotel & Lodging Association
Hawthorne Hotel
Hilton Chicago/Northbrook
Hilton San Francisco
Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
Holiday Inn Elmhurst
Hotel Association of New York City
Hotel Association of Washington, DC
Hotel Boulderado
Hotel Mar Monte
The Hotel Monteleone
Hotel Viking Newport
Hubbardton Forge
Hyatt Regency Long Island
Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association
Indiana Hotel & Lodging Association
InterMetro Industries Corporation
Island House Hotel
John Q. Hammons Hotel Management
JSG Oceana
JW Marriott Pennsylvania Avenue
David Kong
Koni Corporation
The Legacy Golf Resort
Lighthouse Inn
Lodging Hospitality Magazine
Lodging Magazine
Loews Philadelphia Hotel
Loews Vanderbilt Hotel Nashville
LRP Publications
Maine Innkeepers Association
The Marmara Manhattan
Marriott Denver Tech Center
Maryland Hotel & Lodging Association
Mauna Kea Resort
Joseph McInerney
Millionaire Gallery
Minibar Systems
Mission Valley Resort
Montage Resort Spa Residences - Laguna Beach
The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
Nevada Hotel & Lodging Association
New Mexico State University
New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association
Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa
Nonantum Resort
Ocean Reef Club
Oklahoma Hotel & Lodging Association
Orchard Garden Hotel
Orlando Worldwide Center Marriott
Passport Online Inc.
Peabody Court - A Clarion Hotel
The Peabody Memphis
Pennsylvania Tourism and Lodging Association
Port Royal Ocean Resort
PURE Solutions
Quail Lodge Resort & Golf Club
Radisson Plaza Hotel Minneapolis
Renaissance Dallas Hotel
Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
Residence Inn by Marriott Saratoga Springs
Rhode Island Hospitality & Tourism Association
The Ritz-Carlton New York Battery Park
Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge
Safemark Systems
The Sagamore
San Francisco Marriott
Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
Seachrome Corporation
Sealy, Inc.
Sheraton Ferncroft Hotel
Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center
SICO America, Inc.
Simmons Bedding Company
Skytop Lodge
Smith Travel Research
Sorrento Hotel
South Seas Island Resort
St. John’s University - Hospitality Management
Stark Service Solutions
Strategic Hotels & Resorts
The Strater Hotel
Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc.
Tennessee Hotel & Lodging Association
Texas Hotel & Lodging Association
Tradewinds Island Resorts on St. Pete Beach
Union Station - A Wyndham Historic Hotel
USA Today
Waterford Group Charitable Foundation
The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa
Wisconsin Innkeepers Association
Xanterra Parks & Resorts
Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel & Conference Center
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
AH&LEF Golf Classic
t the AH&LEF Golf Classic, 83 hotel executives and suppliers enjoyed an unparalleled golfing and networking experience at the La Quinta Resort & Club in
La Quinta, California, while supporting the industry. The three-day event, chaired by
Sam Winterbottom, raised approximately $95,000 for the Foundation.
Event Sponsors
Team Sponsors:
American of Martinsville
Carlson Hotels Worldwide
Global Hyatt Corporation
HD Supply
Minibar Systems
Philips Lighting Company
Towne Park Ltd.
Sunburst Hospitality Corp.
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Guest Supply, Inc.
Marietta Corporation
S&D Coffee
SICO America Inc.
Standard Textile Co. Inc.
U.S. Foodservice
Welcome Gifts & prizes
Harbor Linen
Marietta Corporation
Sealy Inc.
Troon Golf
vacation paCkage Donors
Amelia Island Plantation
Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa
Atlantis Paradise Island
Boar’s Head Inn
Dallas Marriott Solana
Evergreen Marriott Conference
Resort & Stone Mountain Golf Club
French Lick Resort & Casino
Furnace Creek Inn & Ranch Resort
Grand Hotel
Grand Wailea Resort
Gulf Shores Plantation
Heidel House Resort
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines
Resort and Spa
La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club
La Quinta Resort & Club
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
Ocean Reef Club
Quail Lodge Resort & Golf Club
Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge
Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort
Sheraton Ferncroft Resort
Skytop Lodge
Sofitel Chicago Water Tower
Stein Eriksen Lodge
The Breakers
The Broadmoor
The Colony Beach & Tennis Resort
The Fairmont Southampton
The Hotel Hershey
The Legacy Golf Resort
The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club
The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa
Tee Sponsors
AH&LA Career Center
powered by Hcareers
American Express
American Hotel & Lodging
Educational Institute
Bank of America
Best Western International
FelCor Lodging Trust
Lodging Hospitality
Lodging Magazine
Smith Travel Research
Jacket donors
These Golf Classic winners
declined accepting their prize
jackets in order to increase
proceeds to the Foundation:
Duane Elledge
Geoff Feingold
Kerry Hirschy
George Johnson
Ryan Keefe
Bill Oliver
Manila Patel
Ken Pilgrim
Terry Prilaman
Steven Samson
Rick Summa
partner states
o provide the most comprehensive range of services
to the lodging industry, AH&LA
works in partnership with state
lodging associations across the
nation. Partner state associations provide representation at
the state level and offer many
additional cost-saving benefits.
Iowa Lodging Association
(515) 278-8700
Oregon Lodging Association
(503) 783-2797
Kentucky Hotel & Lodging Association
(502) 875-1115
Pennsylvania Tourism & Lodging
(717) 232-8880
Louisiana Hotel & Lodging Association
(504) 525-9326
Maine Innkeepers Association
(207) 865-6100
Maryland Hotel & Lodging Association
(410) 974-4472
Massachusetts Lodging Association
(617) 720-1776
Alaska Hotel & Lodging Association
(907) 272-1229
Arizona Hotel & Lodging Association
(602) 604-0729
Arkansas Hospitality Association
(501) 376-2323
California Hotel & Lodging Association
(916) 554-2676
Colorado Hotel & Lodging Association
(303) 297-8335
Florida Restaurant & Lodging
(850) 224-2250
Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association
(404) 771-2995
Hawai`i Hotel & Lodging Association
(808) 923-0407
Hotel Association of New York City
(212) 754-6700
Michigan Lodging and Tourism
(517) 267-8989
Montana Innkeepers Association
(406) 449-8408
Nebraska Hotel & Motel Association
(402) 476-1528
Nevada Hotel & Lodging Association
(702) 878-9272
Tennessee Hospitality Association
(615) 385-9970
Texas Hotel & Lodging Association
(512) 474-2996
The Hospitality Association of
South Carolina
(803) 765-9000
Utah Hotel & Lodging Association
(801) 354-0104
Vermont Hospitality Council
(802) 229-2259
Virginia Hospitality & Travel
(804) 288-3065
New Hampshire Lodging &
Restaurant Association
(603) 228-9585
New Jersey Hotel & Lodging
(609) 278-9000
New Mexico Lodging Association
(505) 983-4554
New York State Hospitality & Tourism
(518) 465-2300
Hotel Association of Washington DC
(202) 289-0584
North Carolina Restaurant &
Lodging Association
(919) 844-0098
Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association
(312) 346-3135
Ohio Hotel & Lodging Association
(614) 461-6462
Indiana Hotel & Lodging Association
(317) 673-4207
Oklahoma Hotel & Lodging Association
(405) 942-6462
Rhode Island Hospitality & Tourism
(401) 223-1120
to partner states
Washington State Hotel & Lodging
(206) 306-1001
West Virginia Hospitality & Travel
(304) 342-6511
Wisconsin Innkeepers Association
(262) 782-2851
Wyoming Lodging & Restaurant
(307) 634-8816
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
to opportunities
Chairman’s Letter
s we look forward to 2010, to quote one of the great
leaders of modern times, Winston Churchill, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an
optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” And
I am certainly an optimist because I see tremendous
opportunity. AH&LA has the opportunity to show leadership by providing services and
value to its membership through
new and expanded resources and
to make our voices heard now more
than ever in Washington in this time
of uncertainty. Your membership in
AH&LA is an investment in the future of your hotel or company and
the industry as a whole, and an acknowledgement of this
AH&LA can give you the opportunity to expand your staff in a time when you won’t
likely be doing so internally. Can you think of a period in our history that service levels
in our hotels were as important as now in the competitive environment we find
ourselves? Many of us may be thinking of the challenge of investing in the education
and training of our employees, while at the same time, trying to find ways to trim
budgets. I would ask you to consider the asset of the Educational Institute to be your
own education and training department within your operation or company.
With the new leadership in Washington, how do we protect ourselves from legislation
and regulation that may come about that hinders our ability to do business in a profitable fashion? We are fortunate to have one of, if not the best, teams in Washington
working on our behalf. Their work will become much more critical in the coming
months and years ahead.
Who will we look to for leadership as we answer questions regarding what it means
to be a “green hotel”? In addition to AH&LA’s new Environmental Guidelines, AH&LA
has done much work to provide guidance to move towards bottom line savings that
come from measurable conservation and sustainability practices.
I believe there are three things we must focus on in 2009 to continue our mission
and to react to the headwinds we are going into. Three things that involve words that
are simple, yet powerful imperatives for us. Connect. Communicate. Collaborate.
Membership is the lifeblood of our association. It is imperative we not only solicit current members, but cultivate future members by connecting with them earlier in their
careers or even before they begin their careers. We have already taken the first step
by creating a new membership category last July, the Under 30 Gateway, which offers
connectivity and career development opportunities to hospitality professionals under
age 30, as well as exclusive access to a suite of professional development resources
via a password-protected Website.
An important part of that initiative, as well as our Women in Lodging Connect membership category, is a mentoring program. We all want to keep the best talent invested in
hospitality, and your support of this program will not just help build industry loyalty
amongst these young professionals, it will also make them better employees. Your role
as a mentor is flexible and you can choose your level of involvement. You can opt to
have regular meetings or phone calls, or just offer yourself as a resource when your
mentee is preparing a presentation or working towards a promotion. Once you are
paired with your mentee, the two of you can decide what works best for the both of
There are two other ways we can connect with future members. One is to enhance the
relationship between our Educational Institute and the Council on Hotel, Restaurant &
Institutional Education, or CHRIE. By enhancing this relationship, we have a better opportunity to engage with students before they enter the industry. We are also pursuing
the idea of student chapters within university hospitality programs, possibly coordinated
by our partner state associations.
A second way to connect with potential members before they enter the industry is for
us to explore, through the Educational Institute, the possibility of beginning the certification process while an individual is an upper class student. This will allow us to reach
out to young people, and help them stay connected as they work to fulfill the other
requirements of certifications such as time and experience within the industry. This will
also enhance the value of our brand and foster the importance of continuing education
— one of our missions.
It’s not enough to connect if we don’t communicate the value and benefits of the
AH&LA brand clearly, powerfully and often. Most all of us in this room realize the importance of brands, which is the reason we are affiliated with each of those we represent.
AH&LA must continue to truly develop a strong brand position that delivers value to our
members. What does the AH&LA brand mean today? What should it stand for in the
future? As we prepare for our 100th year anniversary next year, we’ve developed a task
force comprised of individuals with expertise in marketing and branding that will address the issue of building the AH&LA brand.
AH&LA has its own initiatives and agenda, as does the National Restaurant Association,
the Asian American Hotel Owners Association, and the U.S. Travel Association. But if we
want to affect change at the national level, we must collaborate, where possible, with
those in the hospitality and travel and tourism industry and speak with one voice on
the many issues we have in common. Whether it is “card check” legislation, immigration
reform, the Travel Promotion Act, or any array of other issues, when we collaborate we
will be a loud and powerful force. Even on those few issues where we might disagree,
we must agree on how to disagree so that we portray a united front.
We can collaborate more on public policy, education and training, workforce development, membership benefits, and consumer research. There are synergies in finding
innovative and new ways of collaborating more with others that if pursued will reap
efficiencies beneficial to all.
Two final words. You have my commitment that I will work with the leadership and the
outstanding staff of AH&LA to make a difference this coming year. Finally, I challenge
each of you to step up and help. This is your organization. With your help and guidance,
we will be there for our members not only in 2009, but for centuries to come.
Joe Martin, CHA
2009 Chairman of the Board
American Hotel & Lodging Association
Stillwater Hospitality, Inc.
2008 Annual Report The American hotel
& lodging association
AH&LA 2009 signature events
January 26-28, 2009
The Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS)
Hilton San Diego Bayfront
San Diego, California
March 16-17, 2009
AH&LA Legislative Action Summit (LAS)
The Mandarin Oriental
Washington, DC
April 16-18, 2009
AH&LEI Lodging Management Program (LMP) National Competition
Marriott Orlando Airport Resort
Orlando, Florida
June 23-24, 2009
AH&LA Summer Summit
Hilton Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
August 23-26, 2009
AH&LEF Golf Classic
Pinehurst Resort
Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina
September 3, 2009
AH&LA HotelPAC Broadmoor Classic
Golf Tournament
The Broadmoor
Colorado Springs, Colorado
November 6-10, 2009
AH&LA Fall Conference held in
conjunction with the International
Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show (IH/M&RS)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York, New York
1201 New York Avenue, NW #600
Washington, DC 20005-3931
(202) 289-3100