Suppliers Code of Conduct

This Code is applicable to suppliers of Toyota Kenya Limited (hereinafter called “TKEN”) and their
employees (be they permanent, temporary or casual) and subcontractors. This Code sets out the
standard we wish to see achieved by TKEN and our suppliers over time. This Code will be updated
from time to time to improve in all aspects of our dealings. The implementation of this Code may
include joint audits and site visits to assess and continuously review performance and compliance
This Code sets forth the guidelines our suppliers should observe and adhere to in doing
business with TKEN.
Communication and awareness
Suppliers are encouraged to take all reasonable endeavours to promote the Code to their
employees, suppliers and subcontractors. In addition TKEN and its suppliers will ensure that
all the relevant people are provided with appropriate guidance to support the Code.
Suppliers applying the Code are expected to comply with the relevant laws, regulations
and standards in Kenya and applicable international laws
The Code is applied for the purposes of promoting safe and fair working conditions and
management of the environment and social issues in TKEN’s supply chain
TKEN will work jointly with its suppliers in the implementation of the Code, which
may include audits and site visits to assess performance against the code
Suppliers will be requested to provide TKEN with reasonable access to all relevant
information and premises for the purposes of assessing performance against the Code
Corrective action
Suppliers are expected to identify, correct and monitor the continued compliance of any
activities that fall below the standards of the Code
Suppliers shall immediately report to TKEN any serious breaches of the Code and
together agree on a schedule for corrective action
Any violations of the Code that indicate fraudulent, corrupt or illegal activity on the
part of our suppliers will result in the termination of their contracts with TKEN
Where serious breaches of the Code are identified and persist, TKEN will consider
termination of the business relationship with the supplier concerned
Monitoring and reporting
TKEN will use a risk-based approach to monitor implementation of and adherence to
the Code and will report the progress in the appropriate forum
TKEN and its suppliers will use reasonable endeavours to provide employees and other
stakeholders with a confidential means to report any actual or potential breach of the
Relations with competitors
Suppliers will be required to comply with applicable antitrust or competition laws and
will not engage in any restrictive trade practices as defined in the Restrictive,
Monopolies and Price Control Act (Cap 504, Laws of Kenya)
Suppliers will at all times act in a manner that will uphold and encourage healthy
Bribes, Conflict of Interest, Gifts and other Courtesies
Suppliers shall not make or offer bribes or payments of money or anything of value to any
TKEN employee or any other third party for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business with
TKEN. As for TKEN an act of bribery includes the giving of money or anything of value where
there is belief that it will be passed on to a third party or TKEN employee for this purpose.
Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable local anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.
7.2 Conflicts of interest
No supplier shall enter into a financial or any other relationship with a TKEN employee that
creates a conflict of interest for TKEN. A conflict of interest arises when a TKEN employee’s
own personal (financial, social, political or other) interest or other activity or relationship
interferes or has the potential to interfere with the interest of TKEN and the employment
responsibilities. This is the case when an employee’s own interest, relationship or circumstance
is likely to influence or could appear to influence a business decision. Suppliers have an
obligation to report any conflict of interest to the TKEN MD for approval of the transaction.
7.3Gifts and other business courtesies
Suppliers shall ensure that any expenditure incurred in relation to any particular TKEN
employeeis in the ordinary and proper course of business and cannot reasonably be construed
as a bribe so as to secure unfair preferential treatment.A general guideline for evaluating
whether a business courtesy is appropriate is when public disclosure would be embarrassing to
the supplier and TKEN.
A supplier may give unsolicited gifts to TKEN employees provided that:
The gifts are small, occasional, customary and usual e.g. advertising and promotional
materials having a wide distribution such as calendars, t-shirts
The gifts have a monetary value of not more than Kshs 6,000
The gifts are moderate in terms of frequency and quantity
Acceptance of the gift does not violate any applicable law
Gifts should never be given in cash or cash equivalents.
Employment relations
The supplier will comply with all Kenyan laws relating to labour, employee health and safety
and wages.
8.1 Child labour
TKEN suppliers and their sub-contractors will not hire children;a child being any person below
the age of 16 years, unless as provided for under Kenyan laws.
8.2 Forced labour, Disciplinary practices and Elimination of discrimination
Suppliers will:
Not use forced labour nor require any worker whether local or foreign to remain in
employment for any period of time against his or her will
Treat workers with respect and dignity and ensure workers are not subjected to any
form of physical, sexual, psychological or other form of harassment or abuse
Ensure that workers are free to express their views about their workplace conditions
without fear of retribution or losing their jobs
Not negatively discriminate against any employees, for example, discrimination based
on race, tribe, colour, sex, marital status, pregnancy and any other characteristic
protected by Kenyan law
8.3 Freedom of association
Suppliers will allow and respect their employees’ right to form or join trade unions of their own
choice and to bargain collectively.
8.4 Wages and benefits
Suppliers will meet minimum wage requirements and will ensure that all statutory
deductions as required under any Kenyan laws from time to time are complied with
Suppliers will ensure that working hours as provided for in any employment
legislations or regulations in force from time to time or in any collective bargaining
agreement entered into with the employees’ trade union are observed
Suppliers will also ensure that workers are provided at least one day off during any
seven day working period
8.5 Health and safety
Suppliers will provide their workers with a safe and healthy work environment; clothing and
other protective gear in compliance with any Kenya health and safety laws and regulations.
Environmental matters and the community
Suppliers will comply with all Kenya environmental laws in force from time to time. TKEN
encourages its suppliers to play a role in improving the environment, comply with applicable
environmental, health and safety Standards and seek ways to use and produce products that
are environmentally friendly. In addition suppliers are encouraged to engage with communities
and invest in society in a way that makes effective use of resources including the support for
charitable organizations.
Compliance and implementation
10.1 Licences and returns
The supplier will be required to obtain and renew, in accordance with any law or regulations all
permits, licences and authorizations required for it to carry out its business. In addition the
supplier will be required to prepare and file any returns that shall be required under the law.
10.2 Taxation, Financial integrity and Retention of records
The supplier will comply with all revenue laws and will not evade tax
Suppliers will be required to maintain accurate and reliable financial and business
records and shall not have any false or inaccurate accounting books or records relating
to TKEN for any reason. Suppliers shall maintain all business records in compliance
with the law and regulations applicable
When any government investigation or audit is pending or ongoing then suppliers will
not destroy any relevant records until the matter has been investigated and closed.
Duty to report
It is the duty of our suppliers, contractors and employees to report dishonesty, corruption,
fraud, labour and human rights concerns, environmental damage or any other unethical
behavior. All pertinent details should be reported in confidence to the Managing Director of
Report to the Managing Director of
Managing Director
Toyota Kenya Limited
Toyota Building, Uhuru Highway,
Opposite Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi
P.O. Box 3391 – 00506
Phone No:+254 (20) 6967555
TKEN reserves the right to vary this Code at any time.
This code should be signed by an authorized signatory of the supplier.
Received by:
Designation: _____________________________________________________
Please include your company stamp