PR - Media Kit Assignment

Public Relations Writing
Media Kit Assignment Worth 100 points – 30 percent of grade Due: Monday, Oct. 17 This assignment has two components: 1. Media kit critique (10 percent) 2. Media kit creation (20 percent) Media Kit Critique
Critique five media kits, either digital or print. Write four to six double‐spaced pages in APA Style. Be sure to include the name of the company or organization and the media kit format (digital or print). In addition, address at least the following: • Does the kit contain adequate contact information for organizational members? •
What kind of kit do you have (media, investor, marketing, etc.)? •
What sort of publics (customers, professionals, experts, investors, media, etc.) are being targeted with the kit and why? •
Does the kit contain adequate information to write a feature story about the organization, individual, event, product, or service for which the kit was prepared? •
Does the kit contain adequate background information on the organization (and its members) for a journal (customer, investor, etc.) who is new to the area, the profession, etc., to write a story or make an informed decision? •
Does the kit contain all of the appropriate information listed on the media kit checklist? •
Was the physical design of the kit appropriate given its area? Why? •
Is the information organized “rhetorically?” •
If online, is the information easy to find and navigate? •
Do you find the kit compelling? Why? Be specific. •
Is there information that make this media kit especially appealing? What? Why? •
Is there information that should have been included that is missing? What? •
What does this kit do well? 1 •
How could this kit be improved? Be specific. Note: This is not a creative writing assignment but an analysis. Cover each item on the list above and others that are applicable. Write in complete sentences. Assume an analytical (not descriptive) tone. Media Kit Creation
Create the components of a media kit for a small business or organization of your choice. It should not be any of the companies/organizations you critiqued for the first portion of this assignment. Your media kit must consist of: • A one‐page cover letter (500‐1,000 words), • Two news releases (five to seven paragraphs), • A fact sheet (three to five pages), • A backgrounder (two to three pages), and • Thumbnails of 50 images printed on a proof sheet. You may also consider including a one‐ or two‐page memo that explains why you selected the company or organization that you did and your individual components, justifying their effectiveness for your company or organization. Your materials should look professional and be prepared according to AP Style and the standards for each of these elements. You will submit your printed media kit in a paper folder. 2 