U.S. Taxation and Accounting

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Tax & Accounting Books
January-March 2015
U.S. Taxation and Accounting
California Income Tax Laws and Regulations Annotated
(2015) (U.S.) This exclusive tax reference is a great resource for anyone working with California income taxation issues. This comprehensive volume provides full text of the California personal and corporate income (franchise) tax law and Franchise Tax Board regulations as amended through January 1, 2015. List Price: $279 ‐ Personal Income Tax ‐ Administration of Franchise and Income Tax Book # 8283 ‐ Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance and Postponement Law ‐ Taxpayers' Bill of Rights ‐ Corporation Tax ‐ Multistate Tax Compact Each Code section is annotated with significant rulings, court decisions, and decisions of the State Board of Equalization, organized according to pertinent sections of the law. Detailed indexes precede the Personal Income Tax, Administration of Franchise and Income Tax Laws, and the Corporation Tax provisions. In addition, Federal‐
California and California‐Federal cross reference tables make research thorough and easy. 3/11/2015 978‐0‐8080‐3828‐3 6" x 9" 1,646 pages Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Topics (2015) (U.S.) Ephraim P. Smith, Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, California State University; Philip J. Harmelink, Chairman, Department of Accounting, University of New Orleans; James R. Hasselback, Professor of Taxation and Accounting, University of West Florida A popular teacher‐created combination first‐ and second‐level tax List Price: $290 course that offers comprehensive one‐volume coverage of all the Book # 7965 most important tax concepts and principles for a solid grounding in federal taxation. It offers clear and concise explanation of fundamental tax concepts in the framework of today's tax practice. Covering both planning and compliance, the book strikes an effective balance between AICPA model curriculum demands and the favored approaches of the majority of today's top tax teachers. Introduces students to the complex and absorbing study of federal taxation, covering a broad range of subjects beginning with basic concepts and individual taxation. Once the fundamentals are cover‐
ed, tax accounting and the taxation of partnerships and corporations become the focus. The final section of the book presents estate and gift taxation coverage, along with income taxation of trusts and estates. Deferred compensation, education savings, international tax, and state and local taxation are also addressed. Comprehensive Topics provides 25 chapters and additional support materials as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Federal Taxation and Understanding the Federal Tax Law Chapter 2 Tax Research, Practice and Procedure Chapter 3 Individual Taxation‐An Overview Chapter 4 Gross Income Chapter 5 Gross Income‐Exclusions Chapter 6 Deductions: General Concepts and Trade or Business Deductions Chapter 7 Deductions: Business/Investment Losses and Passive Activity Losses Chapter 8 Deductions: Itemized Deductions Chapter 9 Tax Credits, Prepayments, and Special Methods Chapter 10 Property Transactions: Determination of Basis and Gains and Losses Chapter 11 Property Transactions: Nonrecognition of Gains and Losses Chapter 12 Property Transactions: Treatment of Capital and Section 1231 Assets Chapter 13 Tax Accounting Chapter 14 Taxation of Corporations‐Basic Concepts Chapter 15 Corporate Nonliquidating Distributions Chapter 16 Corporate Distributions in Complete Liquidations Chapter 17 Corporate Reorganizations Chapter 18 Accumulated Earnings and Personal Holding Company Taxes Chapter 19 Partnerships‐Formation and Operation Chapter 20 Partnerships‐Distributions, Sales and Exchanges Chapter 21 S Corporations Chapter 22 Federal Estate Tax, Federal Gift Tax and Generation‐
Skipping Transfer Tax Chapter 23 Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates Chapter 24 Deferred Compensation and Education Planning Chapter 25 Multijurisdictional Taxation: International and State and Local Transactions 31/03/2014 9780808037965 8‐1/2" x 11" 1,216 pages List Price: $243 Book # 7873 Financial Accounting and Reporting (2014) (U.S.) Authors: Dr. L. Murphy Smith, CPA, Dr. Katherine T. Smith, and Shannon Knight Deer, CPA Designed to present financial accounting in a one‐sequence course in 2‐year or 4‐year colleges. The book can also effectively be used in a graduate‐level financial accounting course for MBA students, who are from non‐business major backgrounds. The text presents the fundamentals of financial accounting using a unique cross‐functional approach that demonstrates the relevance of accounting information to the various business functional areas (e.g., marketing, finance, and production). This approach motivates learning by both preparers and users of accounting information. Accounting majors will appreciate how accounting information contributes to the success of the firm and the decision‐making of every member of the management team. Non‐accounting majors will understand how accounting information contributes to their future job performance. Cross‐functional applications are interwoven into the presentation of accounting fundamentals in each chapter. In addition, the book contains contemporary accounting issues related to ethics, information technology, and global commerce. The textbook features a chapter, as well as observations throughout the book, on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and how they differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The textbook includes a CD‐ROM containing ancillary materials such as a Solution Manual, Test Bank, Study Guide (including chapter summaries and sample questions and problems), Working Papers in Excel, and Power Point Slides. Chapter 1: The Accounting Information System Chapter 2: The Financial Statements Chapter 3: Accounting Transaction Processing Chapter 4: Measuring Profitability and Financial Position on the Financial Statements Chapter 5: Cash, Internal Control, and Ethics Chapter 6: Accounts and Notes Receivable Chapter 7: Accounting for the Merchandising Firm Chapter 8: Plant Assets, Intangibles, and Long‐Term Investments Chapter 9: Liabilities Chapter 10: Accounting for the Corporation Chapter 11: More About the Income Statement and Statement of Stockholders’ Equity Chapter 12: The Statement of Cash Flows Chapter 13: Financial Statement Analysis Chapter 14: Accounting for Global Commerce 03/29/2015 9780808037873 8 ½" x 11" 592 pages List Price: $229 Book # 6463 Master Limited Partnerships (2015) (U.S.) Author: Glenn E. Dance, Partner at Ernst & Young, LLP This is the premier publication on the taxation of Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and their partners. Master Limited Partnerships are sophisticated publicly traded entities that are sometimes referred to as "publicly traded partnerships." This publication provides in‐depth coverage of all the key issues involving Master Limited Partnerships. Master Limited Partnerships are typically engaged in certain businesses, primarily oil and gas, real estate and financial services. They are highly attractive to investors as they tend to provide yields superior to bonds and corporate dividends. This publication discusses the significant tax advantages by virtue of the MLP's status as a pass‐through entity. MLPs are highly complex entities with significant administrative burdens which are discussed in detail. Moreover, MLP investors face tax complexities by virtue of the pass‐
through nature of the entity, This publication also explores the fact that MLPs are not subject to corporate tax or fluctuations in the investors' basis as a result of cash distributions. This treatise provides a detailed discussion of the tax issues associated with the entire life cycle of an MLP, from its formation to its operation and ultimate liquidation. This treatise simplifies these complex rules and provides the reader with a practical understanding thereof. It includes real‐life examples illustrating the application of the relevant tax rules to commonly‐encountered MLP fact patterns. References are made throughout the treatise to specific MLP structures that currently exist in the marketplace so as to provide focus and practical application of the rules. 1. An Introduction to Master Limited Partnerships 2. Comparison of MLPs to Other Types of Business Organizations 3. Application of MLP Qualified Income Test 4. Tax Issues Associated with the Marketability of MLP Interests 5. Tax Issues Associated with the Formation of an MLP 6. Classes of MLP Interests and the Allocation of Taxable Income 7. Tax Allocation Issues Related to Built‐In Gain or Loss Property 8. Basis Adjustments Resulting from Transfer of MLP Interest 9. Tax Treatment of Disposition of MLP Units 10. Tax Reporting Issues for MLPs 23/02/2015 9780808036463 7" x 10" 500 pages List Price: $225 Book # 0125 Provides an authoritative source of essential information reproducing the full text of the New York State laws concerning corporation taxes ‐ Chapter 60: Articles 9, 9‐A, 13, 27, 32 and 33, as well as pertinent regulations promulgated by the NY Department of Taxation and Finance. This new edition reflects the law as amended through January 1, 2015. Key legislative changes from the previous year affecting New York State business taxes are described in a special Highlights section for at‐a‐glance review and are also incorporated in the law text. To help pinpoint information quickly and easily, this volume also provides a helpful detailed Topical Index, Law and Regulation Finding Lists, and a list of Tax Law Sections Amended. 3/16/2015 9780808040125 6" x 9" 688 pages List Price: $225 Book # 0132 Book # 0156 New York State Personal Income Tax Law and Regulations (As of January 1, 2015) (U.S.) This comprehensive reference provides an authoritative source of essential information reproducing full text of the New York State laws concerning personal income taxes ‐ Article 9A, Articles 22, 30, 30‐A, 30‐B, 40, and 41, as well as pertinent regulations promulgated by the NY Department of Taxation and Finance. This new edition reflects the law as amended through January 1, 2015. Key legislative changes from the previous year affecting New York State personal income taxes are described in a special Highlights section for at‐a‐glance review and are also incorporated in the law text. To help pinpoint information quickly and easily, this volume also provides a helpful detailed Topical Index, Law and Regulation Finding Lists, and a list of Tax Law Sections Amended. 3/9/2015 9780808040132 6" x 9" 1,216 pages List Price: $208 New York State Corporation Tax Law and Regulations (As of January 1, 2015) (U.S.) New York State Tax Law (As of January 1, 2015) (U.S.)
This comprehensive reference provides full text of the statute affecting New York personal income, corporate franchise (income), estate, excise, sales and use, franchise, and other NY taxes as amended by legislative action through January 1, 2015. Also included is the full text of the New York State tax laws relating to city personal income tax, income tax surcharge, and city earnings tax on nonresidents. Key legislative changes from the previous year are described in a special Highlights section and are also incorporated in the law text. A Detailed Table of Contents and Topical Index are provided with this volume, along with a Law Section Finding List and a list of Tax Law Sections Amended, so you can easily find information you need and identify which specific tax law sections have changed. 3/16/2015 9780808040156 6" x 9" 1,696 pages List Price: $219 Book # 7989 Principles of Business Taxation (2015) (U.S.) Author: Linda M. Johnson, Ph.D., CPA Approaches the study of taxation from the perspective of the student who will become a business person faced with decisions that are inevitably affected by tax considerations. This perspective leads to a very different coverage in this textbook ‐ coverage that is useful for accounting, finance and general business majors. The new edition focuses on the central concepts that build our tax framework and avoids small exceptions. Many items that pertain specifically to businesses (for example, inventory valuation issues) usually not discussed in a traditional undergraduate tax textbook are covered in this book. Although so many of the exclusions, deductions, and credits apply equally to individual and corporate taxpayers, this book focuses on the business perspective. An advantage to this approach is that most of the students who take only one course in taxation will learn how businesses are taxed and, in turn, will have a better appreciation for how taxes affect business decisions. Another advantage to this approach is that the topics dovetail into other business, finance and accounting course work. The focus is on concepts and how taxes affect business decisions. This includes various business entities including closely held business, pass‐through entities and sole proprietorships. PART I: OVERVIEW OF TAXES AND THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX SYSTEM Introduces students to the concept of taxes to gain a better appreciation for why taxes exist and how taxes allow governments to provide goods and services. The discussion involves equity considerations, and introduces the "ability to pay" and "wherewithal to pay" concepts, among others. After providing students with a survey of the various taxes that governments impose, the federal income tax is discussed in detail, since it is the focus of this book. An overview of the taxable income formulas is provided, as well as a discussion of the concept of flow‐through entities as a business structure. This discussion sets the groundwork for the rest of the book. The second half of this Part discusses sources of U.S. federal income tax laws ‐ the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury regulations and case law. In addition to introducing students to the various types of tax authority, the "hierarchy" of these sources is discussed along with a strong consideration of tax planning, which is crucial for successful business operation and tax research. PART II: FEDERAL TAXATION OF BUSINESS INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS Illustrates how businesses calculate taxable income starting with a discussion of accounting periods and methods, a more detailed overview of taxable income and how taxes are owed or refunded. The focus then shifts to a discussion of which items of income are taxed and which expenditures can be deducted against taxable income. PART III: TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING BUSINESS PROPERTY Provides a substantive discussion of the tax consequences of owning property, such as depreciation, gain/loss on disposal, and the rules pertaining to property transactions. A comparison of the financial accounting depreciation methods and tax laws is emphasized . PART IV: CALCULATING TAX LIABILITY AND TAXES OWED Discusses calculation of tax liability including discussions of net operating losses, AMT and other business tax liabilities. In addition, chapter 11 addresses the topic of tax credits, which function to reduce taxes owed. This part helps students gain an understanding of how the tax liability is calculated for corporations and for individuals or businesses who operate a business as a sole proprietorship or in the form of a pass‐through entity such as a partnership, LLC, LLP or S corporation. PART V: SPECIFIC BUSINESS ENTITY ISSUES Discusses the tax laws unique to different business entities. This Part discusses corporate formation, distribution and other corporate tax issues. Part V also discusses the business tax structure and considerations for sole proprietorships and flow‐through entities including S corporations. The tax rate structure is examined as well as the reduced tax rates that apply to qualified dividends and net capital gains. Part V also discusses tax planning issues and brings the student information that allows them to understand the significance of tax considerations in the operation of a business. PART VI: Taxation of International Transactions Introduces the student to the operation of U.S. taxation of international transactions. As business becomes increasingly global, virtually all business must consider issues of taxation in international transactions. It addresses the tax structure of inbound transactions, effectively connected income, outbound transactions, foreign tax credits for individuals and business, tax status and more. This Part VI is a sound addition to Principles of Business Taxation and provides the student with a basic understanding of tax consequences affecting businesses involved in international transactions. 25/03/2014 9780808037989 8 ½" x 10 7/8" 760 pages List Price: $409 Book # 9709 SEC Disclosures Checklists, (2015 Edition) With CD‐ROM
(U.S.) Author: Paul A. Mackey, CPA A practical guide designed for CPAs who service public companies, whether internally or externally. It identifies disclosure requirements for financial statements, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), and the SEC rules mandated by the Sarbanes‐
Oxley Act of 2002. This product is both for preparers and reviewers of financial statements that will be included in 1933 or 1934 Act domestic filings, including those on Forms 10‐Q, 10‐K, and 8‐K. It can be used to prepare and review financial statement disclosures of most domestic registrants. The checklists are organized by question, disclosure requirement and reference source. First, the reader is prompted with a question, such as "Does the company have restrictions on its cash?" If the answer is yes, the reader proceeds to the disclosure requirement. The reader can also obtain more in‐depth information by reading the excerpts from SEC reference material that is provided in the book and supports the requirement. Once the reader is satisfied that the company has met the disclosure requirements, the response to the question and the workpaper reference can be entered into the book or on the checklist, which is available on the free, companion CD included with the volume. The completed checklists can be placed in quarterly or annual workpapers to provide support for review and compliance procedures. The back‐of‐the‐book CD contains three checklists covering the same disclosure questions and requirements in the book: 1. SEC Disclosures Checklist‐Financial Statements for Commercial Companies and Specialized Industries. This checklist outlines the required SEC disclosures for financial statements included in 1933 and 1934 Act domestic filings that are incremental to U.S. GAAP. The checklist for commercial companies is organized by accounting topic. 2. SEC Disclosures Checklist Mandated by the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act of 2002. This checklist outlines the certification, disclosure, and reporting requirements resulting from the SEC rules mandated by the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act of 2002. 3. MD&A Disclosures Checklist. This checklist outlines SEC disclosures required in MD&A that are included in 1933 and 1934 domestic filings. PART I: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS‐COMMERCIAL COMPANIES ‐ General Disclosures ‐ Cash ‐
Accounts and Notes Receivable Financial Instruments Inventory Other Investments Fixed Assets, Repairs and Maintenance, and Depreciation Intangible Assets and Amortization Accounts and Notes Payable Debt and Guarantors of Debt Leases Income Taxes Common Stock, Preferred Stock, and Noncontrolling Interests
Revenue Recognition Share‐Based Payment Pension Plans, Other Postretirement Plans, and ESOPs Bankruptcy Business Combinations Quasi‐Reorganizations Subsidiary's or Division's Separate Financial Statements and Segments Related‐Party Transactions Restructuring and Impairment Charges Quarterly Financial Data Consolidation Commitments and Contingencies Discontinued Operations Accounting Changes New Accounting Standards Interim Disclosures Form 10‐K Schedules 1933 Registration Statements PART II: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS‐SPECIALIZED INDUSTRIES ‐ Bank Holding Companies ‐ Regulated Industries ‐ Oil and Gas Companies ‐ Registered Management Investment Companies ‐ Employee Stock Purchase, Savings, and Similar Plans ‐ Casinos/Hotels ‐ Food Retailers/Department Store Chains ‐ Insurance Companies PART III: SARBANES‐OXLEY ‐ Annual and Quarterly Reports ‐ Proxy Statement or Annual Report Disclosures ‐ Form 8‐K Current Reporting ‐ Press Releases ‐ MD&A PART IV: MD&A ‐ General Disclosures ‐ Results of Operations and Financial Condition ‐
Liquidity and Capital Resources Off‐Balance Sheet Arrangements and Payments Due under Contractual Obligations Inflation and Changing Prices Forward‐Looking Disclosures Interim Disclosures Specialized Industries 3/16/15 9780808039709 6" x 9" 1,512 pages Tax Increase Prevention and ABLE Acts of 2014 and Other Recent Tax Acts: Law, Explanation & Analysis (U.S.) On December 16, 2014, Congress passed the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014, extending nearly all of the so‐called Tax Extenders for a one‐year period applying retroactively to the 2014 tax year, and the ABLE Act, which provides for the establishment of tax favored accounts to allow for care and support for individuals with disabilities. Understand how these Acts affect your clients. List Price: $87 Book # 0484 
Technical corrections for over ten years of tax legislation under the Tax Increase Prevention Act 
New rules relating to IRS levies and penalties under the ABLE Act 
Coverage of the Consolidated and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 01/30/2015 9780808040484 450 Pages CCH Federal Tax Perspectives: 2014 Year‐In‐Review (U.S.)
Taxpayers and tax professionals face new challenges and opportunities in 2015, many generated by developments in the 2014 calendar year. Learn how these developments impact both 2014 tax year return preparation and 2015 tax year planning. Receive a comprehensive review on the importance of over 75 highlighted developments, including: List Price: $23 Book # 0552 
Affordable Care Act compliance and strategies and retirement planning flexibility and restriction 
New regulations and procedures impacting businesses 
Tax accounting requirements and elections and revised IRS rules of practice 01/09/2015 9780808040552 51 pages 