Name ________ HUMAN URINARY TRACT AND KIDNEY Label the parts of the human urinary system, including the human kidney, in the diagram below. Give the function/purpose o~ each part. a. kidneys -'-~ln~~JJL__f..LLI..J.::tL~oP.:!~____!ii~t:..!.JUii!......-..!L-I. .!M!!:!!L_~~~ b. b lli;e.. d...J d. urinary bladder ,._.COst\ 4 ~- ,Sh,~, &A.-r•"d4 b• ,.,J,,·f ,.&/&+S«cl- f. g. h. cortex IA~er ".r J.(,·J.,~ i tltwu- "" cr u .f l<tJ."':J Cov,..f.c.,·n$ t)_a4AIM 11Cpl,q, ,...s I. medulla j. renal pelvis1'::.:. ~j!';-~~ :" c e«\tt._ --~J -4L-CL-- ___ ,At Fill in the blanks below with the correct answers. ~ ~Crt.Jo~ Kidneys are the "filters" of the balance between body salts and system. They control essential \AI A~ . They remove from the blood nitrogenous wastes, water, urea, nonvolatile foreign substances, excess salt and excess water. The kidney is enclosed by a connective tissue into an outer ( 6 ,. k .x.r and an inner f(u ( ~S.M& and is divided c;l ,_,J l"' . The l oor, "f J.k,..l .. functions chiefly for water resorption. The liquid waste. r-t. ri" nt · , collected by the kidneys passes through the to the (Are",.,.,_, bl..dt/ ,_,urinary bladder is a strong muscular organ that stores the urine until it can be excreted via the Biology IF8765 u rLI£ r (I r-tlJ~. 82 ©Instructional Fair, Inc.