2015-16 Kings County Spelling Bee I NTR OD UC T I ON R E QU IR E M EN TS Kings County Office of Education is pleased to host the annual 2016 Kings County Spelling Bee. The competition is scheduled to take place Tuesday, February 23, through Friday, February 26, 2016 at the Hanford Civic Auditorium. Morning and afternoon sessions will accommodate two grade levels each day. Each session will last approximately 2 – 3 ½ hours. In order to participate in the Kings County Spelling Bee, districts and private schools must submit their Intent to Participate form by Friday, October 30, 2015. Contestant registration forms will be sent to the designated contacts and must be returned by Friday, January 29, 2016. DATE Registered students will be photographed during the event for media and website promotional use. Districts and private schools are required to ensure parent or guardian notification and to have photo releases on file. E LI G IB I L ITY Public and private Kings County schools (grades 1 through 8), including area online/home schools, may participate in the spelling bee. In order to qualify, students must compete and place in their school and/or district spelling bee. First place winners will be registered as contestants and second place winners as alternates. Kings County Office of Education is able to accommodate up to 25 contestants at each grade level competition. Due to large student populations, Central Union School District, Corcoran Unified School District, Hanford Elementary School District, Lemoore Elementary School District, and Reef-Sunset Unified School District will be allowed to register up to two contestants and two alternates per grade level. All other districts must select one contestant and one alternate per grade. SP E L LI N G B EE D A TE S 2 0 1 5 F IR ST P LA C E W IN N ER S ITEM Intent to Participate due from districts to KCOE Fri. 10/30/15 Fri. 1/29/16 Contestant Registration due Tues. 2/23/16 1st Grade Tues. 2/23/16 2nd Grade (1:00 p.m.) Wed. 2/24/16 3rd Grade (9:00 a.m.) Wed. 2/24/16 4th Grade (1:00 p.m.) Thurs. 2/25/16 5th Grade (9:00 a.m.) Thurs. 2/25/16 6th Grade (1:00 p.m.) Fri. 2/26/16 7th Grade (9:00 a.m.) Fri. 2/26/16 8th Grade (1:00 p.m.) (9:00 a.m.) GRADE WINNER SCHOOL 1st Rebekah Rehfeld Jefferson Elementary 2nd Xander Stone Monroe Elementary 3rd Kristen Larios John C. Fremont 4th Trichelle Bico Armona Union SU B MI T PA P ER W O R K T O: 5th Brandi Valdez Mark Twain Elem. 6th Nathanael Atmajian Hanford Christian 7th Will Schalde MIQ 8th Jackie Gong Kings River-Hardwick Dee Fricks, Spelling Bee Coordinator / Curriculum Consultant Kings County Office of Education 876 East D Street, Lemoore, CA 93245 Direct Line: 559-589-7074 Fax: 559-589-7018 dfricks@kingscoe.org W OR D L IS T S Word Lists are available on the KCOE Website at: http://www.kings.k12.ca.us/EdServices/Pages/ Spelling%20Bee.aspx Sat. 4/23/16 (tentative) CA State Elementary Spelling Bee, Stockton, CA Sat. 5/7/16 (tentative) CA State Jr. High Spelling Bee, San Rafael, CA