
NISD Theatre Conference
Issue 1
Saturday, October 26, 2013 at
Stevens HS.
October 22, 2013
Inside this issue:
Rawlinson MS
Holmes HS
NISD Theatre
Brennan’s Shakespeare
What Thespians
mean to me!
Contact Info and
Special points of interest:
 Theatre Conference October 26, 2013 Stevens HS
 NISD College Auditions
October 26, 2013 Stevens HS
 Thrill-A-Mill November
7, 2013
 Texas Thespian Convention November 21-23,
We have locked in a great
group of presenters for our
conference this year. Joseph
Ulrick from SAC and Classic Theatre will teach unarmed stage combat, Laura
Michelle Wolfe from The
Playhouse will conduct a
workshop on interviewing
and the business side of running a theatre, and Molly
Schwenke and Sharon
Aguillen from Sea World
will teach about auditioning
and working professionally
for theme parks, etc.
Our mini presenters will be
Jose DeHoyos, Nora Moreno
-Jarrell, Michael Burger,
Nora Franklin and Francisco
Licon. Our Keynote speaker
is director, professional
actress Molly Cox and our
lunch presenters are Woodlawn Theatre's Broadway
Nights. Thanks to David
Nanny and his committee
for work in organizing this
We are very excited with this
year’s conference and we
hope you and your students
have a great experience!
New Teacher Spotlight: Kaci Rhine
Kaci Rhine is the new Assistant Theatre Director and
Drama Club Sponsor at
Stevens High School. Last
year, she joined Stevens
High School as a Dance and
Pep Squad Director. Before
coming to NISD, she was the
Tech Director at Jefferson
High School in SAISD for
three years and Pep Squad
Director for two years. She
has a BFA
in Theatre Studies from the
University of Texas in Austin and a MA
in Theatre Education from
the University of Houston.
We would like to welcome
Kaci to the NISD theatre
family and wish her all the
best at Stevens HS!
Go Falcons!
Page 2
NISD Theatre Newsletter
Rawlinson Theatre Presents:
December News:
"Come join the cast and
crew of RMS's Junior
Thespian club as they
sponsor a magical night of
Ghosts from Christmas
Past, Present and Future Monday, December 9th from 6:00pm to
7:30pm in the Rawlinson
cafeteria. "A Christmas
Carol" directed by Julie
Pedretti will give Mr.
Scrooge and you a night
to remember.
January News:
"The RMS Advanced Theatre class will
be performing a Community Review Performance
of their One Act Play submission of "The War at
Home" during the PTA
meeting on January 21st,
2014 from 7:00pm to
8:00pm in the Rawlinson
Holmes Theatre in Action!
Holmes High
School Theatre Department
is off to an exciting 20132014 school year. With the
addition of a
third theatre teacher,
Holmes now has nine Technical Theatre classes. Currently these classes are working on the scenery for the
upcoming production of
“Up the Down Staircase” by
Bel Kaufman. The show
runs October 28- 30 in the
Holmes High School Auditorium. Tickets are $5.
cafeteria. Please come and
support this amazing
group of young actors as
they perform a powerful
play concerning the tragic
and powerful events of
September 11th, 2001."
Issue 1
Page 3
NISD College Theatrical Auditions
Saturday, October 26,
2013 at Stevens High
dressed for success! No
jeans or shorts should be
worn for the audition!
Be sure you have sent in
your student applications
to chairperson Jennifer
Friedrich. Time is running out.
Second: Prepare your
slate. Your introduction is
important is setting up
the two monologues.
Also a couple of reminders about doing the audition:
Third: Prepare your transition between monologues. Do not drop character!
First: A reminder to come
Fourth: Make sure your
monologues stay within
the two minute mark.
Finally: Have a great time!
Enjoy your audition pieces and perform them with
We wish the best to all of
our school seniors as they
prepare themselves for the
upcoming auditions!
NISD Middle School Theater Students provide Community Service
for SA Food Bank: Thrill-A-Mill
Several hundred NISD middle school theater students
will rally together and perform the late Michael Jackson's "Thriller" at the San
Antonio Food Bank
on November 7 from 5:30
to 6:30 p.m. in order to
inspire people to donate non
-perishable food items. The
students are having a friendly competition to see which
campus will bring the most
non-perishable goods. Each
campus will have a bin with
their campus' name. It will
be fun to see which campus
donates the most items
The San Antonio news media has covered this event for
the last 5 years and we hope
they will come again this
year. If they cover the story,
it will help send the message
to our community in San
Antonio that their is a need
to help our brothers and
sisters who are hungry and
need assistance from the San
Antonio Food Bank. It is
great to see theater kids get
together, performing a challenging and fun dance, for
the purpose of helping others. Way to go, thespians!
Brennan Brings the Circus to Shakespeare!
Motivating an audience, or
even a director to watch , or
work with, Shakespeare can
sometimes be about the same
as putting a lemon wedge on a
paper cut. So how do you
make Shakespeare relevant or
even fun for actors, directors
and audience members? Sometimes the answer is right in
front of your nose.
At Brennan, we decided to do
a little twist on the “bard”. In
fact, what brought us to the
idea was what was right in
front of us in our costume
closet. With a sizeable collection of bright colored costumes we decided to approach
the Shakespeare’s “Twelfth
Night” as a circus.
Finding the relationships in a
Shakespearean comedy made
it more exciting and interesting for actors and directors
alike. Shakespeare can transcend into many different
realms and reach as far as the
mind’s eye can reach.
Challenge yourself, actors and
directors, into finding new
directions in the Shakespeare!
You may surprise yourself!
Thank you, Amy McFarlane
for chairing this event! And
thank you to all of our participating campuses for helping
our San Antonio community!
The Theatre Directors Working
Convocations 2013
Bringing the Best to NISD!
Do you have stories, photos
or lesson plans to share?
Send them to...
or Call 210-398-1385
Pictured Are: Michael Arellano (OCHS), David Nanny (WHS), Shawn
Saunders (WJBHS), Anne Smith (HHS). Michael Burger (THS), Vera Mendoza (OCHS), Nora Franklin (LBHS), Elvis (AKA Jose DeHoyos WJBHS)
What Does it Mean to be a Thespian? — A Student’s Perspective
by Robert Z. (Brennan HS)
Being a Thespian is not
only an honor but also a
privilege. A Thespian is
not just being an actor or
a Production Assistant, its
someone who lives with
theatre. Someone who
appreciates the Arts so
much they put time and
effort into theatre. Its not
only about self-growth but
learning to work together
as a cast or team, and to
make one a valuable member of society. Being a
Thespian I’ve learned to
appreciate diversity as well
as learning to cooperate,
and learn to respectfully
criticize. Also I’ve learned
how to take constructive
criticism and respect elders, not only from directors but any elder person I
come into contact with.
As a Thespian I receive
opportunities to learn
more about teamwork
and individual work, and
when it is necessary to do
either of which at a time.
A Thespian is also one
who puts the community
and their organization
before themselves. Doing
community service I’ve
learned to put people before myself and that its
better to help your community than to help yourself. Being a Thespian is
being an extra-ordinary