AFCDN French Classes Course Prerequisites

AFCDN French Classes
Course Prerequisites
Whether you be a 'real beginner' or you already have some knowledge of French and
you decide to choose to join one of our classes, you will be encouraged, 'coached' to
develop and use the 4 essential skills involved in the learning and being able to use a
Oral skills:
Being able to understand spoken French
Being able to communicate in French, to make yourself understood orally
Written skills:
Being able to understand written French
Being able to write in French, to make yourself understood in writing
These skills imply using grammar and vocabulary. Neither are systematically taught
as such. On the contrary, learners are 'led' to need and use them both in an active,
interactive, relaxed and enjoyable way.
You will also get to know or know more about the civilisation of French-speaking
countries and French-speaking people's idiosyncrasies.
Our tuition is in strict accordance with the 'Language European Common Reference
Frame' (CERF: Cadre Européen de Référence pour les langues)
The CERF advocates for task-focused learning, ongoing assessment, self-assessment
and the awareness of the plurality of languages and cultures.
Real Beginners
No course prerequisites except motivation, an urge to have fun learning and readiness
to do a bit of 'homework'!!!!!!
Beginners Level 2
Communication Skills 1:
Being able to identify a language
Communication Skills 2:
Being able to greet somebody and ask them how they are
Being able to say "How you are?”
Being able to introduce yourself (first name, surname, nationality, language/s
Communication Skills 3:
Being able to ask somebody else to introduce themselves
Communication Skills 4:
Being able to count up to 100
Communication Skills 5:
Being able to spell
Knowing the alphabet
Knowing when and how to use tu or vous
Knowing adjective of nationalities (masculine/feminine)
Knowing names of languages
Knowing names of countries and their genders
Knowing the definite articles: le, la, les
Knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles
Knowing how to use and conjugate in the present tense the verbs être and
Beginners Level 3
Communication Skills 1:
Being able to make contact with somebody, to greet them, to apologise, to
Knowing when and how to use tu or vous
Understanding and being able to use some non-verbal communicative
gestures French people use
Getting familiar with genders (masculine and feminine) of inanimate words
Communication Skills 2:
Being able to introduce yourself or others and ask somebody else to introduce
Knowing how to fill in a form
Knowing the definite articles: le, la, les
Knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, vous
Knowing how to ask and answer questions related to name, age, address,
telephone number
Knowing how to use the verbs (conjugate) être, avoir, s'appeler, habiter,
travailler, apprendre in the present tense
Knowing adjectives of nationality
Knowing how to count from 1 to 69
Communication Skills 3:
Being able to deliver personal information
Being able to express an opinion
Being able to express what we like and dislike
Being able to talk about our hobbies/pastimes
Being able to ask somebody else to talk about themselves
Being able to deliver personal information about somebody else
Being able to express possession
Knowing when to use possessive adjectives: mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa
Knowing when to use du/de la in faire de la natation or faire du tennis
Knowing when to use on/nous
Knowing how to use negation: ne....pas
Knowing how to conjugate -er verbs in the present tense
Knowing names of sports, jobs
Knowing numbers after 69
Beginners Level 4
Communication Skills 1:
Being able to make contact with somebody, to greet them, to apologize, to
Knowing when and how to use tu or vous
Understanding and being able to use some non-verbal
Communicative gestures French people use
Getting familiar with genders (masculine and feminine) of inanimate words
Communication Skills 2:
Being able to introduce yourself or others and ask somebody else to introduce
Knowing how to fill in a form
Knowing the definite articles: le, la, les
Knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, vous
Knowing how to ask and answer questions related to name, age
Address, telephone number
Knowing how to use the verbs (conjugate): être, avoir, s'appeler, habiter,
travailler, apprendre in the present tense
Knowing adjectives of nationality
Knowing how to count from 1 to 69
Communication Skills 3:
Being able to deliver personal information both orally and in written French
Being able to express an opinion
Being able to express what we like and dislike
Being able to talk about our hobbies/pastimes
Being able to ask somebody else to talk about themselves
Being able to deliver personal information about somebody else
Being able to express possession
Knowing when to use possessive adjectives: mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa
Knowing when to use du/de la in faire de la natation or faire du tennis
Knowing how to conjugate -er verbs in the present tense
Knowing vocabulary related to the family, to status (célibataire, marié/e, etc)
Knowing names of sports, jobs
Communication Skills 4:
Being able to speak about what you did in the past using verbs ending in -er,
aller included
Knowing how to conjugate 'e passé composé
Beginners Level 6
Communication Skills 1:
Being able to make contact with somebody, to greet them, to apologize, to
Knowing when and how to use tu or vous
Understanding and being able to use some non-verbal communicative gestures
French people use
Getting familiar with genders (masculine and feminine) of inanimate words
Communication Skills 2:
Being able to introduce yourself or others and ask somebody else to introduce
Knowing how to fill in a form
Knowing the definite articles: le, la, les
Knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, vous
Knowing how to ask and answer questions related to name, age, address,
telephone number
Knowing how to use the verbs (conjugate), être, avoir, s'appeler, habiter,
travailler, apprendre in the present tense
Knowing adjectives of nationality
Knowing how to count from 1 to 69
Communication Skills 3:
Being able to deliver personal information both orally and in written French
Being able to express an opinion
Being able to express what we like and dislike
Being able to talk about our hobbies/pastimes
Being able to ask somebody else to talk about themselves
Being able to deliver personal information about somebody else
Being able to express possession
Knowing when to use possessive adjectives: mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa
Knowing when to use du/de la in faire de la natation or faire du tennis
Knowing when to use on/nous
Knowing how to use negation: ne.... pas, pas... de
Knowing how to conjugate -er verbs in the present tense
Knowing vocabulary related to the family, to status (célibataire, marié/e, etc)
Knowing names of sports, jobs
Knowing numbers after 69
Knowing when to use on, c'est/il est
Knowing when to use si versus oui/non
Communication Skills 4:
Being able to speak about what you did in the past using verbs ending in -er,
aller included
Knowing how to conjugate le passé composé
Communication Skills 5:
Being able to talk about routines: being able to say how often you do
Being able to ask somebody how often they do such or such thing:
Knowing the expression combien de fois and when to use it
Knowing when and how to use jamais, parfois, souvent, toujours
Knowing how to ask questions:
- in a formal way: "Êtes-vous libre samedi?"
- using est-ce que: "Est-ce que vous êtes libre samedi?
- in a more informal way, using the right intonation: "Tu es libre samedi?"
Communication Skills 6:
Being able to ask somebody to do something in a formal or informal manner
Knowing when to use: j'aimerais, pourriez-vous? puis-je?
Communication Skills 7:
Being able to talk about one's own plans and to ask somebody else about their
own plans in a near future
Knowing when/how to use the immediate future: aller+ infinitive
Knowing how to use the imperative to give orders: va/allez, etc
Knowing how to form the plural of nouns
Knowing when/how to use il y a
Knowing all the subject pronouns: je/tu/il/elle/on/nous/vous/ils/elles
Knowing how to conjugate pouvoir, vouloir, aller, and reflexive verbs, e.g
s'appeler, in the present tense
Elementary Level 2
Communication Skills 1:
Being able to make contact with somebody, to greet them, to apologize, to
Knowing when and how to use tu or vous
Understanding and being able to use some non-verbal communicative gestures
French people use
Getting familiar with genders (masculine and feminine) of inanimate words
Communication Skills 2:
Being able to introduce yourself or others and ask somebody else to introduce
Knowing how to fill in a form
Knowing the definite articles: le, la, les
Knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, vous
Knowing how to ask and answer questions related to name, age, address,
telephone number
Knowing how to use the verbs (conjugate) être, avoir, s'appeler, habiter,
travailler, apprendre in the present tense
Knowing adjectives of nationality
Knowing how to count from 1 to 69
Communication Skills 3:
Being able to deliver personal information
Being able to express an opinion
Being able to express what we like and dislike
Being able to talk about our hobbies/pastimes
Being able to ask somebody else to talk about themselves
Being able to deliver personal information about somebody else
Being able to express possession
Knowing when to use possessive adjectives: mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa
Knowing when to use du/de la in faire de la natation or faire du tennis
Knowing when to use on/nous
Knowing how to use negation: ne....pas
Knowing how to use: oui/non/si
Knowing how to conjugate -er verbs in the present tense
Knowing names of sports, jobs
Knowing numbers after 69
Communication Skills 4:
Being able to talk about routines: being able to say how often you do
Being able to ask somebody how often they do such and such a thing
Knowing the expression combien de fois and when to use it
Knowing when and how to use jamais, parfois, souvent, toujours
Being able to speak about what you did in the past
Getting familiar with the passé composé, e.g ., nous avons visité Paris, nous
avons adoré!, using verbs ending in -er, aller included
Communication Skills 5:
Being able to ask somebody to do something in a formal or more informal
Knowing when to use: j'aimerais, pourriez-vous?, puis-je?
Communication Skills 6:
Being able to talk and to ask somebody else about one's plans in a near future
Knowing when/how to use the immediate future: aller + infinitive
Knowing how to use the imperative to give orders: va/allez, etc
Knowing how to form the plural of nouns
Knowing when/how to use il y a
Knowing all the subject pronouns: je/tu/il/elle/on/nous/vous/ils/elles
Knowing how to conjugate pouvoir, vouloir, aller and reflexive verbs in the
present tense, e.g., s'appeler
Knowing the days of the week, the months of the year
Knowing expressions with avoir, e.g: avoir faim, avoir de la chance, etc.
Communication Skills 7:
Being able to suggest, refuse, accept an invitation
Being able to ask/say what time it is
Being able to indicate the date
Being able to make an appointment
Being able to express one's opinion, one's likes and dislikes in a
formal/informal way
Being able to 'negotiate' in order to come to an agreement
Knowing how to ask questions:
- in a formal way: Êtes-vous libre samedi?
- using est-ce que: Est-ce que vous êtes libre samedi?
- in a more informal way, using the right intonation: Tu es libre samedi?
Knowing how to use je pense que, j'espère que
Knowing the pronouns after a preposition: avec lui, chez moi
Knowing how to conjugate: être, avoir, venir, savoir, connaître, pouvoir in the
present tense
Knowing time and date
Knowing the days of the week and the months
Communication Skills 8:
Being able to express one's opinion: both positive and negative and to ask for
somebody else's one
Being able to express quantities
Know when to use the definite articles:le/la/les or the partitive ones: du/de
Know how to express quantities in the negative:
Know how to use expressions like: un peu de, beaucoup de, etc
Know how to ask questions related to quantities: combine de/qu'est-ce que
Know how to use the pronoun en
Know how to conjugate prendre in the present tense
Know vocabulary related to food, drinks, meals