BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY THAT INPACT OF EDUCATION Source: Becoming A Teacher, pp.81-83 Six main branches of educational philosophy may influence your personal philosophy of education. BRANCH OF PHILOSOPHY Metaphysics CENTRAL BELIEFS Epistemology Axiology Ethics Aesthetics Logic concerned with explaining, rationally an comprehensively, the nature of reality is concerned with the nature of being focus on knowledge, what is true, and how we know what we know studies ways of knowing: 1. Knowing based on Authority 2. Knowing based on divine revelation 3. Knowing based on empiricism/ experience 4. Knowing based on reason and logical analysis 5. Knowing based on intuition * concerned with values focus on the what is good and evil, right/wrong, just/unjust concerned with the values related to beauty and art deals with the process of reasoning and identifies rules that will enable the thinker to RELEVANCE TO EDUCATION the school curriculum is based on what we know of reality teachers need to determine what is true, and what is theoretical, about what they teach go beyond concerns about the quantity of what is taught to consider the quality of life that becomes possible because of what a person knows teacher must face the ethical dilemmas that are a part of classroom life how you address esthetics in all areas of the curriculum consider the role of discovery (inductive) teaching in your classroom reach valid conclusions through inductive ( moving from the specific to the general) and deductive reasoning (moving from the general to the specific) consider how/ when you will use Socratic methods for lessons