Curriculum Map: Science Grade G6 Justyna Pęcherzewska Time Content Skill Assessment 3 weeks Investigation • name different branches of science • finding out what it means to be a scientist • plan and perform experimental investigation • drawing logical conclusions and presenting them in different way (graphs, tables, pie charts) • discovering different kinds of laboratory apparatus • take readings on measuring instruments • explain the structure of a microscope • use the microscope in simple investigations • review through history of scientific discoveries • explain how scientists develop explanations based on models, and then their ideas • give examples of how science has led to the development of products of science (laser, antibiotics, catalyst, plastics, microscope) • explain that all living things on Earth are related • planning and conducting simple investigation • presentation of chosen product of science • presenting how a microscope works • major test 3 weeks Cells • list life processes of all cells • define cells • draw animal and plant cells • describe the difference between animal and plant cell • revise how to use a light microscope to watch cells • observe permanent and fresh mounts • explain how different cells are specialised • describe the organisation of hierarchy of cell organisation • building a cell model • cell factoryproject • major test 2 weeks Plants • list parts of a plant • plant project • explain function of particular organs and possibility of their modifications explain the effect of light, air, water and temperature on plant growth explain the role of the leaf in producing new material for growth explain that the root anchors the plant, and that water and minerals are taken in through the root and transported through the stem to other parts of the plant 3 weeks Nutrition of plants • write equation of photosynthesis • depict and illustrate the process of food production in plants • explain how leaves are adapted for photosynthesis? • suggest way to detect stored food (starch) in plants? • building the model of leaf in relation to photosynthesis 3 weeks Energy •name a unit for measuring energy •explain what happens when energy changes form •explain that heat is different from temperature •describe how energy can be transferred by conduction and convection •energy resourcesproject •major test •describe how energy can be transferred by radiation and evaporation • calculate total energy input •explain how the Sun is the source of most of our energy •describe what our different energy resources are • calculate the cost of electricity 1 week Waves and colours •define light, explain what causes it and how it travels •explain reflection • draw angle of incidence •explain why objects are visible •explain how objects give colours •adding coloursproject •major test 4 week Plant reproduction • name parts of a flower and explain their function • explain the difference between pollination and fertilization •describe the process of pollination, fertilization, seed scattering • outline adaptations of flower to be pollinated by insects and by wind •explain how seed is formed list ways of scattering seeds and give examples of plants? • major test 3 weeks Food webs and chains • explain why all living organisms depend on plants • making a food • compare photosynthesis and respiration in plants chain poster and humans • major test • explain how plants and animals get energy for living • name the gases involved in making and using food • explain what food chains and food webs are • explain the relation in food webs and chains • explain terms: producer, consumer, top consumer, predator, pray, herbivore, carnivore and give examples of the organisms give an example of water food chain • draw a pyramids of numbers for a food chain • explain how toxic chemicals can accumulate in a food chain 2 weeks Forces •describe how forces are measured •explain that weight is the force of gravity •describe the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces •calculate speed •describe how friction can be useful and a nuisance and how to reduce it •measuring forcesinvestigation •major test •explain what pressure is and how to calculate it •describe some of the effects of pressure •calculate the turning effect of a force •explain why some things balance 2 weeks Electricity • explain where electricity comes from • explain what conductors and insulators are • describe how a simple circuit works • explain how current and voltage are measured • describe the difference between series and parallel circuits • describe the effects of magnets and electromagnets • explain some of the uses of electromagnets • oral or ppt presentationuses of electromagnets • major test