Curriculum Vitae - Department of Philosophy

PhD: Philosophy (Aug 2009)
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois.
M.A: Philosophy (Mar 2005)
with Distinction (Honors)
DePaul University Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois.
B.A: Philosophy (May 2004)
B.A: Political Science (May 2004)
Minor: Black American Studies
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois.
University Honors and Departmental Honors (cum laude)
University of Missouri Kansas City (1999)
Kansas City, Missouri
Social/ Political Philosophy, especially Ethical Theories of Oppression and Social Justice
Anti-Colonial Theory and Sexuality under Colonialism
Critical Race Theory and Civil Rights Jurisprudence
Africana Philosophy with an emphasis on the Intellectual History of African American Political
E. Contemporary Continental/Post-Colonialism
F. American Philosophy
A. Bioethics and Belmont as a Civil Rights Doctrine
B. Modern Social Political Theory (World Systems/ Caribbean School)
C. Philosophical Anthropology of Modernity (Kant, Rousseau, Hegel, Hume, Hobbes)
Associate Professor of Philosophy (2013-present) Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy (2009-present). Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Africana Research Center Post-Doctoral Fellow (2008-2009) Penn State University, University Park,
A. PESCA Grant: For writing of a manuscript entitled In the Light of Shadows: The Philosophy of
Derrick Bell. $10,000.00. Texas A&M University (May 2012-May 2013).
B. Ray A. Rothrock Fellowship: $15,000 over three years (September 2013-September 2016).
Phil 689: W.E.B. DuBois (graduate) (Spring 2012)—[10 students]
Phil 353: Radical Black Philosophies of Race and Racism (undergraduate) (Spring 2012)—
[21 students]
Lbar 181: Freshman Seminar: Racism and Mass Incarceration (undergraduate) (Spring 2012)
–[14 students]
Phil 680: Anti-Colonialism (graduate) (Spring 2011)—[12 students]
Phil 352: Studies in Africana Philosophy (undergraduate) (Fall 2010)—[14 students]
Phil 689: Critical Race Theory (graduate) (Spring 2010)—[14 students]
Afst 601: African Centered Thought: Methods of Inquiry into Africana Experience (Spring
2012)—[10 students]
Phil 252: Hip-Hop Philosophy (undergraduate)—[Fall 2009: 38 students], [Fall 2010: 40
students], [Fall 2011: 42 students]
Phil 685: Directed Reading: Hip Hop Philosophy and the Discourse of Revolt (graduate)
(Spring 2009)—[1 graduate student]
Phil 485: Directed Reading: Robert F. Williams’ Militant Civil Rights Philosophy
(undergraduate) (Fall 2011)—[1 graduate student]
Phil 685: Directed Reading: Latin America Philosophy and Coloniality (graduate) (Fall
2011)—[1 graduate student]
Phil 685: Directed Reading: Studies in Africana Womanism (graduate) (Fall 2011)—[1
graduate student]
Phil 685: Directed Reading: American Philosophies of Race and Racism: Ethnology to
Sociology (graduate) (Spring 2012)—[1 graduate student]
Curry, Tommy J. (ed). Republication of William H. Ferris’ 1913 manuscript The African Abroad
or, His Evolution in Western Civilization: Tracing His Development under Caucasian Milieu.
Fordham University Press (Under Contract) [Original scholarship includes: Preface, Two original
essays, and annotated footnotes added to the text].
Haile, James and Tommy J. Curry, (eds). Situating Black Existentialism (under contract) (U.K:
Cambridge Scholars Press).
Curry, Tommy J. and Richard Jones, (eds). Radical Philosophy Review (2013) (forthcoming)
Curry, Tommy J. and Leonard Harris, (eds). Radical Philosophy Review (2015) (assigned)
Curry, Tommy J. “The Ethical Horizons of Regenerative Sciences v. the FDA Debate: Politics,
Civil Rights, and the Need for New Ethical Concepts Regarding Regenerative Medical Care in
Orthopedics,” (under review)
Curry, Tommy J. and Richard A. Jones. “Introduction to Radical Philosophy Review,” Radical
Philosophy Review 17.1 (2014) (forthcoming)
Curry, Tommy J. “The Azibo Nosology Model: Implications for Studies in Anti-Blackness and
Coloniality,” Journal of Pan-African Studies (accepted)
Curry, Tommy J. “Beyond the Heuristic Posit: William R. Jones and the "Legitimacy and
Necessity of Black Philosophy" Reconsidered towards a More Radical End.” APA Newsletter on
Philosophy and the Black Experience. (forthcoming)
Curry, Tommy J. “Back to the Woodshop: A Racial Realist Assault on Liberal Education’s
Function as the Empire-al Pedagogy of Black Citizenship,” NSSE Yearbook (accepted)
Curry, Tommy J. "The Fortune of Wells: Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s Use of T.Thomas Fortune
Philosophy of Social Agitation as a Prolegomenon to Militant Civil Rights Activism,"
Transactions of the Charles S. Pierce Society 48.8 (2012): 456-482.
Curry, Tommy J. "Real Enough? Methodological Authenticity in Michael Eric Dyson's Hip-Hop
Corpus," Words.Beats.Life--The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture (2012): 120-129.
Curry, Tommy J. "Shut Your Mouth when You're Talking to Me: Silencing the Idealist School of
Critical Race Theory through a Culturalogic Turn in Jurisprudence,” Georgetown Law Journal of
Modern Critical Race Studies 3.1 (2012): 1-38.
Curry, Tommy J. “On Derelict and Method: The Methodological Crisis of Africana Philosophy's
Study of African Descended People under an Integrationist Milieu,” Radical Philosophy Review
14.2 (2011): 139-164.
10. Curry, Tommy J. “It’s Still Black in the Details: A Reflection on Robert Birt’s Interrogation of
‘On Derelict and Method,” Radical Philosophy Review 14.2 (2011): 169-170.
11. Curry, Tommy J. “It’s a Criticism because I Say So?: A Reply to Lucius Outlaw’s Defense of
Status Quo Disciplinarity,” Radical Philosophy Review 14.2 (2011): 175-176.
12. Curry, Tommy J. "The Political Economy of Reparations: An Anti-Ethical Consideration of
Atonement and Racial Reconciliation under Colonial Moralism," Race, Gender, Class Journal
18.1-2 (2011):125-146.
13. Curry, Tommy J. “The Derelictical Crisis of African American Philosophy: How African
American Philosophy Fails to Contribute to the Study of African Descended People,” Journal of
Black Studies 42.3 (2011): 314-333.
14. Curry, Tommy J. “Concerning the Under-specialization of Race Theory in American Philosophy:
An Essay Outlining Ignored Bibliographic Sources Addressing the Aforementioned Problem,” The
Pluralist 5.1 (2010): 44-64.
15. Curry, Tommy J. “Will the Real CRT Please Stand Up: The Dangers of Philosophical
Contributions to CRT,” The Crit: A Journal in Critical Legal Studies 2.1 (2009): 1-47. Available
online <>
16. Curry, Tommy J. “I’m Too Real for Yah: Krumpin’ as a Culturalogical Exploration of Black
Aesthetic Submergence,” Radical Philosophy Today 12 (2009): 61-78.
17. Curry, Tommy J. “Royce, Racism and the Colonial Ideal: White Supremacy and the Illusion of
Civilization in Josiah Royce’s Account of the White Man’s Burden,” The Pluralist 4.3 (2009):1038.
18. Curry, Tommy J. “Doing the Right Thing: An Essay Expressing Concerns toward Tommie
Shelby’s Mis-Reading of Martin R. Delany as a Pragmatic Nationalist in We Who Are Dark,” APA
Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience 9.1 (2009): 13-22.
19. Curry, Tommy J. “From Rousseau’s Theory of Natural Equality to the Resistance of the Historical
Inequality of Races,” C.L.R. James Journal 15.1 (2009): 135-163. [Special Edition: Creolizing
Rousseau]. (Eds.) Jane Gordon and Neil Roberts.
20. Curry, Tommy J. “Saved by the Bell: Derrick Bell’s Racial Realism as Pedagogy,” Philosophical
Studies in Education 39 (2008): 35-46. Available online at <>
21. Curry, Tommy J. “Please Don’t Make Me Touch ‘Em: Toward a Critical Race Fanonianism as a
Possible Justification for Violence against Whiteness,” Radical Philosophy Today 5 (2007):133158.
22. Curry, Tommy J. “Who K(new): The Nation-ist Contour of Racial Identity in the Thought of
Martin R. Delany and John E. Bruce,” Journal of Pan-African Studies 1.10 (2007): 41-61.
Available online at <>
Curry, Tommy J. “In the Fiat of Dreams: The Delusional Allure of Hope, the Reality of AntiBlack Violence and the Demands of the Anti-Ethical,” Situating, Black Existentialism (UK:
Cambridge Scholars Press, forthcoming).
Curry, Tommy J. “You Can’t Stand the Nigger I See!: Kanye West’s Analysis of Anti-Black
Death,” Kanye West Critical Reader (forthcoming)
Curry, Tommy J. “Illuminated in Black: Arthuro Alfonso Schomburg’s Revolt against Colonial
Historicization—An Anti-Colonial Reflection on the Philosophy of (Black) History,” in
Philosophizing the Americas: An Inter-American Discourse. (accepted)
Curry, Tommy J. “Capital Noir: white Supremacy, the Political Economies of the War on Drugs,
and the Road to Perdition,” in The Wire and Philosophy: This America, Man, eds. Seth Vannatta,
David Bzdak, Joanna Crosby, (Chicago: Open Court Press, 2013), 165-177.
Curry, Tommy J. “Race,” in Political and Civic Leadership: A Reference Handbook, ed. Richard
A. Couto (California: Sage Publications, 2010), 550-560. (9,000 words) (invited)
Curry, Tommy J. “African American Philosophy,” in The Encyclopedia of American Philosophy,
ed. John Lachs and Robert Talisse, (New York: Routledge, 2008), 26-31. (3,500 words)
Curry, Tommy J. “Hip-Hop Tactics: A Culturalogic expression of the African Aesthetics’ role in
determining the basis of creativity on 64 squares of Warfare,” in Philosophy Looks at Chess, ed.
Benjamin Hale (Chicago: Open Court Press, 2008), 137-155.
Curry, Tommy J. “When the Wizard of Oz Goes Black, Does it Ever Go Back?” in The Wizard of
Oz and Philosophy, ed (s). Randy Auxier and Phil Seng (Chicago: Open Court Press, 2008), 6378. For a review of the essay in the context of Film-Philosophy, see Anthony Metivier, "Review of
Wizard of Oz and Philosophy," Film/Philosophy 14.1 (2010): 481-483. []
Curry, Tommy J. “Racial Disparities,” in Juvenile Crime and Justice, (Thousand Oaks, California:
2011), 209-222. (5,000 words)
10. Curry, Tommy J. “The Derelictical Crisis of African American Philosophy and Its Culturalogical
Reformulation: Integrationism and the Dangers of Politicized Methodology in the Study of
African Descended People,” Emerging Voices of Africana: Disciplinary Resonances [this essay is
a version of an essay printed in the Radical Philosophy Review]
Curry, Tommy J. “Like Whoa: The Use of Critical Race Pedagogy as a justification for African
Teachers in the Academy,” Illinois Committee of Black Concerns in Higher Education Journal
(2001): 48-57.
Curry, Tommy J. “Haterz in the Midst: Reflections on the Sequestration and Vitiation of African
Male Identity in the Academy,” Illinois Committee of Black Concerns in Higher Education
Journal (2000): 28-33.
Curry, Tommy J. “Let’s Listen to Tim Wise: What white Privilege Talk actually Tells Us about
white Supremacy,” (August 22, 2013). Available online at:
Curry, Tommy J. “On Bootleg Race Theory,” (August 15, 2013).
Available online at: []
Curry, Tommy J. “Fear of white Backlash should not Prevent Blacks from Telling the Truth about
Racism,” (August 8, 2013). Available online at:
Curry, Tommy J. “Talking about white Privilege is not Profound, It’s for Profit,” (August 1, 2013). Available online at:
Curry, Tommy J. “On the Pathology of the Black Liberal,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (July 30, 2013). Available online at:
Curry, Tommy J. “On the Realities of Black Self-Defense,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (July 25, 2013). Available online at:
Curry, Tommy J. and Gwenetta Curry, “A Black Boy is Dead,” (July 24,
2013). Available online at: []
Curry, Tommy J. “On Black Intellectuals Lying on Trayvon Martin,” Talking Tough with
Tommy— (July 18, 2013). Available online at:
Curry, Tommy J. “On Trayvon Martin’s Death Being a Risk to Black Men,” Talking Tough with
Tommy— (July 11, 2013). Available online at:
10. Curry, Tommy J. “On July 4th and the Future of Blacks,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (July 4, 2013). Available online at:
11. Curry, Tommy J. “Interview on Voting Rights Act,” Reel Talk Radio (June 29, 2013). Available
online at: []
12. Curry, Tommy J. “Derrick Bell was Right: Black Americans Lost the Civil Rights Movement,”
Talking Tough with Tommy— (June 27, 2013). Available online at:
13. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Trayvon Martin Jury,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (June 20, 2013). Available online at:
14. Curry, Tommy J. “On Blacks and the Police State,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (June 13, 2013). Available online at:
15. Curry, Tommy J. “Interview by Andrew Travis: Hip-Hop Reappropriates Emmett Till,”
Huffington Post (June 12, 2013) Available online at: []
16. Curry, Tommy J. “On the NSA Report,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(June 6, 2013) Available online at: []
17. Curry, Tommy J. “On Obama’s Morehouse Speech,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (May 30, 2013) Available online at:
18. Curry, Tommy J. “On Public Health as Repressive Status Apparatus,” Talking Tough with
Tommy— (May 23, 2013) Available online at:
19. Curry, Tommy J. “When Black News Disappears,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (May 20, 2013) Available online at:
20. Curry, Tommy J. “When Black News Disappears,” (May 18, 2013) Available
online at: []; Reprinted in
at: [
black-intellectuals-minds-and-misinforming-the-black-public]; Translated into French by Etat
D’Exception at: []
21. Curry, Tommy J. “On When the Rapists of Black Men are white,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (May 16, 2013) Available online at:
22. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Academic Plantation,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (May 2, 2013) Available online at:
23. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Failure of the Black Intellectual,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (April 25, 2013) Available online at:
24. Curry, Tommy J. “On How Medical Technology is Still Being Used for Racial Repression,”
Talking Tough with Tommy— (April 18, 2013) Available online at:
25. Curry, Tommy J. “On Tyler Perry Giving a Lesson to the Academy,” Talking Tough with
Tommy— (April 11, 2013) Available online at:
26. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Myth of the Black Rapist,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (April 4, 2013) Available online at:
27. Curry, Tommy J. “ Interview by Travis Andrews Hip Hop Goes for Gay Marriage,” Huffington
Post (April 2, 2013) Available online at:]
28. Curry, Tommy J. “On How Black women Can Truly Empower the Black Community,” Talking
Tough with Tommy— (March 28, 2013) Available online at:
29. Curry, Tommy J. “On Ida B. Wells and the Black male/female Divide,” Talking Tough with
Tommy— (March 21, 2013) Available online at:
30. Curry, Tommy J. “On Black Feminists,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(March 14, 2013) Available online at: []
31. Curry, Tommy J. “On white Women’s History and Black Feminist Complacency,” Talking Tough
with Tommy— (March 7, 2013) Available online at:
32. Curry, Tommy J. “On Voting Rights,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(February 28, 2013). Available online at: []
33. Curry, Tommy J. “On Chris Dorner, Jordan Davis, Trayvon Martin and the Need for Anti-Ethics.”
Talking Tough with Tommy— (February 21, 2013). Available online at:
34. Curry, Tommy J. “On Black History,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(February 14, 2013). Available online at: []
35. “On the Conceptual Disintegration of the Black Community,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (January 31, 2013). Available online at:
36. Curry, Tommy J. “On gun control,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(January 24, 2013). Available online at: []
37. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Real MLK,” Talking Tough with Tommy—,
(January 17, 2013). Available online at: []
38. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Myth of Black Male Privilege and Violence,” Talking Tough with
Tommy— (January 10, 2013). Available online at:
39. Curry, Tommy J. “Defending Kwanzaa,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (January 3, 2013). Available online at:
40. Curry, Tommy J. “On Killing whites,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(December 27, 2012). Available online at: []
41. Curry, Tommy J. “On Newtown and the Historical Problem with Killing whites,” Talking Tough
with Tommy— (December 20, 2012). Available online at:
42. Curry, Tommy J. “On Serena Williams,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(December 13, 2012). Available online at: []
43. Curry, Tommy J. “On the Delusion of Hope,” Talking Tough with Tommy— (December 6, 2012). Available online at:
44. Curry, Tommy J. “On Jordan Davis,” Talking Tough with Tommy—
(November 29, 2012). Available online at: []
45. Curry, Tommy J. “How Black scholars have abandoned Black people and how Black people let
them,” Radio Interview on (November 22, 2012). Available online at:
46. Curry, Tommy J. “The Future of Black Politics in Obama’s Second Term,” Radio Interview on (November 15, 2012). Available online at:
47. Curry, Tommy J. “Social Repression in the Age of Obama,” Radio Interview on (November 8, 2012). Available online at:
48. Curry, Tommy J. “The De-politicization of Racism during Disaster,” Radio Interview on (November 1, 2012). Available online at:
49. Curry, Tommy J. “The Political Agenda of the Angry white Man,” Radio Interview on (October 25, 2012). Available online at:
50. Curry, Tommy J. “The Myth of Feminism Creating white Allies in the Obama Era,” Radio
Interview on (October 18, 2012). Available online at:
51. Curry, Tommy J. “Racial Inequality and Misunderstanding Racism,” Radio Interview on (October 11, 2012). Available online at:
52. Curry, Tommy J. “Post-Racialism and the Myth of American Individualism,” Radio Interview on (October 4, 2012). Available online at:
53. Curry, Tommy J. “The Death of Black Politics,” Radio Interview on
(Sept 27, 2012). Available online at:
54. Curry, Tommy J. “Romney Capitalizing on white Fear,” Radio Interview on (Sept 20, 2012). Available online at:
55. Curry, Tommy J. “Review of Gary Peller’s Critical Race Consciousness,” Radio Interview on (June 16, 2012) Available online at:
56. Curry, Tommy J. “He’s a Rapist Even When He Ain’t: Black Feminism and the Perpetuation of
Black Male Rapist Ideology,” (August 8, 2012). Available online at:
57. Curry, Tommy J. “Derrick Bell was not a racist, was non-violent: A Response to Breitbart.” Radio
Interview on (March 9, 2012) Available online at:
58. Curry, Tommy J. “Interview: Stem Cells and the Lawsuit that May Shape our Medical Future,” (February 10, 2012). Available online at:
59. Curry, Tommy J. "African American Professionalization as an Eurocentric Enterprise," AAPO
Newsletter Vol 6.4 (2011): 1-3. Available online at:
60. Curry, Tommy J. “Thinking Black: Derrick Bell and the Living of a Racial Realist Life,” Racism (October 11, 2011). Available online at:
61. Curry, Tommy J. “De-radicalization of Racism: The How and Why Philosophy Under-specializes
the Development of Critical Race Theory,” Racism (November 20, 2011). Available
online at:
62. Curry, Tommy J. “Racism, Critical Race Theory and Capitalism,” Interview on Our Voices,
OurSelves (June 9, 2011). Available online
Curry, Tommy. “Review of Andrew J. Pierce’s Collective Identity, Oppression, and the Right to
Self-Ascription,” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. (January 2013).
Curry, Tommy J. “Review of A Gift of the Spirit: Reading the Souls of Black Folk,” Peace and
Change: A Journal of Peace Research 36.2 (2011): 295-297.
Curry, Tommy J. “Illuminated in Black: A book review of Shades of Difference by Richard W.
Rees,” Journal of African American Studies 12. 3 (2008): 304-307.
Curry, Tommy J. “When Dubois Goes East: A Review of W.E.B. Dubois on Asia: Crossing the
Color Line,” by Bill Mullen and Cathryn Watson. SAAP Newsletter No. 107 (2008): 53-57.
Curry, Tommy J. “I Spit Fire from My Lips: A book review of Tommie Shelby’s Hip-Hop and
Philosophy,” Kinesis 33.2 (2007): 55-60.
Curry, Tommy J. “And They Said This was Critical Race Theory: Reflections on Revealing
Whiteness,” by Shannon Sullivan.” SAAP Newsletter, No. 105 (2006): 43-47.
Curry, Tommy J. “Enlightenment Philosophers and Race.” in Encyclopedia of Blacks in
European History and Culture, ed. Eric Martone (Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group,
2008), 203-206.
Curry, Tommy J. “African Diaspora.” in Encyclopedia of Blacks in European History and
Culture, ed. Eric Martone. (Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008), 20-22.
Curry, Tommy J. “Critical Race Theory,” In The Encyclopedia of Race and Crime, eds. Shaun L.
Gabbidon and Helen Taylor Greene, (California: Sage Publications, 2009), 166-169.
Curry, Tommy J. “Racism.” In The Encyclopedia of the Caribbean, ed. John Garrigus, (New
York: Facts on File), (forthcoming).
Curry, Tommy J. “C.L.R. James.” In The Encyclopedia of the Caribbean, ed. John Garrigus. (New
York: Facts on File), (forthcoming).
1) Royce, Racism and the Colonial Ideal
Auxier, Randy. “Royce’s Conservatism.” The Pluralist 2 (Summer 2007): 54: Credits work as the
foundational piece on Royce’s racism.
Tunstall, Dwayne. Encountering Josiah Royce’s Ethico-Religious Insight. (New York: Fordham
University Press, 2009), 168-169: Credits “The Lil’ White Man Who Could” and “Mr. Charlie and
the Horror of Shadows” for starting the conversation about Josiah Royce’s Anti-Black racism in
the field.
Pratt, Scott. "American Power: Mary Parker Follett and Michel Foucault," Foucault Studies 11
(2011): 76-91
Elizabeth Duquette. Loyal Subjects: Bonds of Nation, Race and Allegiance in 19th Century
America (Chapel Hill: Rutgers University Press, 210), p. 260 (n.73).
Robert Williams, "Politics, Rights, and Spatiality in W.E.B. DuBois's 'Address to the Country'
(1906)," Journal of African American Studies 14.3 (2010): 337-358.
Marilyn Fischer, “Locating Royce’s Reasoning on Race,” The Pluralist 7.1 (2012): 104-132.
Mathew Foust, Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life (New York:
Fordham University, 2012), 8, 115-118.
Shannon Sullivan, “Transforming [w]hiteness with Roycean Loyalty: A Pragmatist Feminist
Account,” in Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism, eds. Maurice Hamington and Celia BardwellJones (New York: Routledge, 2012), 28-29, 39
2) Will the Real CRT Please Stand Up?:
Trout, Lara. The Politics of Survival: Pierce, Affectivity and Social Criticism (New York:
Fordham University Press, 2010), 286.
Lopez, Caroline, Davida Finger et. al, "Redefining Human Rights Lawyering through the Lens of
Critical Theory: Lessons for Pedagogy and Practice," Georgetown Journal on Poverty, Law, and
Policy 18 (2011): 337( n51).
3) Please Don't Make Me Touch Em':
Azibo, Daudi Ajani ya, "The Psycho-Cultural Case for Reparations for Descendants of Enslaved
Africans in the United States," Race, Gender & Class 18.1-2 (2011): 7-36.
Azibo, Daudi Ajani ya, "A Critique of Reparations Nay Sayers who Pooh-Pooh Psycho-cultural
Damages Perpetuated on African-U.S. People," Race, Gender & Class 18:1-2 (2011): 37-51.
4) On Derelict and Method/ The Derelictical Crisis
(2 citations) Azibo, Daudi Ajani Ya, “ Africana Studies Moving Toward Dereliction, Saved by
Invisible Jim Crow, Warrior-Scholars in Chaos: What to do? Embrace the Irrefragable Africancentered Worldview,” Journal of Pan-African Studies 5.4 (2012), 12-23.
Carroll, Karanja, “An Introduction to African-Centered Sociology: Worldview, Epistemology, and
Social Theory,” Critical Sociology (forthcoming)
Presenter: “The Political Economics of Bell’s Interest Convergence Thesis: A Pessimistic
Genealogy of white Supremacy,” Central APA. New Orleans, La. February 20-23, 2013.
Presenter: “Anti-Ethic Commitments and Anti-Black Violence,” Black Existentialisms. Duquesne
University, February 15-16, 2013.
Presenter: “Anti-Ethics as the Foundation of Black Radical Theory,” Eastern APA. Atlanta, Ga.
December 27-30, 2012.
Presenter: “Thinking Black: Race Consciousness as the Anti-Colonial Basis,” Radical Philosophy
Association. Buffalo, New York. October 11-14, 2012.
Presenter: “We Who Must Fight in the Shade: Derrick Bell’s Philosophy of Racial Realism as the
Basis of a Politics of Disempowerment,” Midwest Pragmatist Study Group. Indianapolis, Indiana.
September 22- 23, 2012.
Presenter: “The Physician’s Duty to Heal,” 4th Annual International Cellular Medicine Society
Conference. Hollywood, Florida. May 3, 2012.
Presenter: “Back to the Woodshop: A Racial Realist Assault on Liberal Education’s Function as
the Empire-al Pedagogy of Black Citizenship,” National Conference of Black Studies. Atlanta, Ga.
March 9, 2012.
Presenter: “Complementarianism as Anti-Colonial Critique: Centering Colonial Sexuality against
the Intersectional Revisionism of the Black Feminist Paradigm,” National Conference of Black
Studies. Atlanta, Ga. March 8, 2012.
Presenter: “The Culturalogical Motif: Codifying Rigor through the Specialization of Africana
Philosophy—Reflections on Pedagogical Method,” Central APA, Chicago, Illinois. February 1518, 2012.
10. Presenter: “On the Dark Arts: The Ethnological Foundations of Josiah Royce’s Idealism as
Derivative from Joseph LeConte’s Southern Problems: The Racist Foundations of Royce’s
Colonial Assimilationism,” Eastern APA, Washington D.C. December 28, 2011.
11. Presenter: “DuBois’s Race Consciousness as Resistance to Empire: Towards an Anti-Colonial
Critique,” Philosophy Born of Struggle, East Lansing, Michigan. October 28-29, 2011.
12. Presenter: “He Wasn’t Even a Little Less Racist: John M. Mecklin’s Critique of Josiah Royce’s
Colonial Southern Strategy,” IUPUI. Indianapolis, Indiana. Sept 23-24, 2011.
13. Presenter: "The Fortune of Wells: Ida B. Wells’ Use of T.Thomas Fortune’s Philosophy of Social
Agitation and Civil Rights for Transformative Activism," Towards an Intellectual History of Black
Women. Columbia University. New York, New York. April 28-30, 2011.
14. Presenter: "On Derelict and Method: The Methodological Crisis of Studying African American
Philosophy Under the Integrationist Milieu," Pacific American Philosophy Association. April 2023, 2011.
15. Presenter: "Cultural Misunderstanding as the Catalyst of the Culturalogic Intervention,"
Philosophical Dialogue between Africa and the Americas: Africa and Its Diaspora. Purdue
University. West Lafayette, Indiana. August 19-20, 2011.
16. Presenter: "The Phenomenology of the Aggie Spirit: The Institutionalization of white Supremacy
as an Axiom of the Aggie Family," National Conference of Black Studies. Cincinnati, Ohio.
March 16-19, 2011.
17. Presenter: " The De-Aprioritization of white Life: Towards a Revolutionary Social Teleology,"
National Conference of Black Studies. Cincinnati, Ohio. March 16-19, 2011.
18. Presenter: "American Philosophy as Eurocentric Enterprise," Society for the Advancement of
American Philosophy. Spokane, Washington. March 10-12, 2011.
19. Presenter: "The De-Aprioritization of white Life: Towards a Revolutionary Social Teleology,"
Radical Philosophy Association. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. November 11-15, 2010.
20. Presenter: “Back to the Woodshop: The Contributions of Carter G. Woodson's Appeal to Racial
Realist Pedagogy,” Philosophy Born of Struggle. Austin Community College. Austin, Tx. October
22-23, 2010.
21. Presenter: “The Fortune of Wells: Ida B. Wells’ Use of T.Thomas Fortune’s Philosophy of Social
Agitation and Civil Rights for Transformative Activism,” College Language Association.
Brooklyn, NY. April 7-10, 2010.
22. Presenter: “The Derelictical Crisis of African American Philosophy and Its Culturalogical
Reformulation,” National Conference of Black Studies. New Orleans, La. March 17-20, 2010.
23. Presenter: “Black Nationism and the Eschatology Origin of the Black Man’s Racial Politics:
Incongruency in Contemporary “Black Feminist” accounts of Black Masculinity,” National
Conference of Black Studies. New Orleans, La. March 17-20, 2010. (Panel Organizer: Against
Feminism: The Gender Question and Africana Womanism.)
24. Presenter: "Illuminated in Black: Arthuro Schomburg’s Revolt against Colonial Historicization,”
First International Conference on Pragmatism and the Hispanic/Latino World. College Station, Tx.
February 20, 2010.
25. Presenter: On the Dark Arts: Problematizing Royce’s Assimilative Arts’ as a Response to
LeConte’s “Southern Problems,” Central APA. Chicago, Illinois. February 18, 2010.
26. Presenter: “When the Rapists are White: Reflections on Epistemic Convergence in Contemporary
Intersectionality Theory,” National Women Studies Association. Atlanta, Ga. November 12-15,
2009. (Panel Organizer)
27. Presenter: “Birthed from Africa: The Role of African Civilization in the Reclamation of the Racial
Spirit,” Philosophy Born of Struggle. Fayetteville, North Carolina. October 23-24, 2009.
28. Presenter: “Implicating the Philosophical Genealogy of Nationist Thought in Contemporary
Questions of African American Citizenship: Resisting the Teleology of Democratic Liberalism
Toward Racism,” “94th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of African American
Life and History (ASALH), Cincinnati, Oh. September 30-October 4, 2009.
29. Presenter: “The End of Feminism II: The Ethics of (Racial) Normativity in Contemporary Black
Feminist Thought and the Mirage of Africana Study,” First Africana Womanist Society
Symposium. Pittsburgh, Pa. April 21-22, 2009
30. Presenter: “We Who Must Fight in the Shade: The Philosophy of Racial Realism,” APA Central
Meeting 2009. Special Session Arranged by the APA Committee on Black Philosophers.
Vancouver, Canada. April 11th, 2009. (Paper read by Dr. Sybol Anderson)\
31. Presenter: “The End of Feminism I: The Problem of Epistemic Convergence in Contemporary
Black Feminist Thought,” Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations, Chicago,
Illinois, March 26-29, 2009.
32. Presenter: “I’m to Real for Yah: Getting Krump and the Cultural Logic of the Racial Realist
Response,” Radical Philosophy Association 8th Biennial Conference, San Francisco State
University, November 6-8, 2008.
33. Presenter: “The Derelictical Crisis of African-American Philosophy and Its Culturalogical
Reformation: How African American Philosophy Fails to Contribute to the Study of African
Descended People,” Philosophy Born of Struggle Conference. Michigan State University. East
Lansing Michigan. October 24-25, 2008. (Panel Organizer)
34. Presenter: “Encountering the Un-encountered: Justifying the Culturo-logic alternative in
“knowledge formation” in an effort to solve the paradigmatic crisis of Black studies, or
overcoming the problem of comparative metaphysics articulated in the Banksonian analysis of the
methodological crisis of the Afri-centric concept,” 40th Association of Black Psychologists 40th
Annual International Convention. Oakland, California. July 31-August 5, 2008. (Panel Organizer)
35. Presenter: “The Lil’ White Man Who Could: Josiah Royce’s Cultural Perpetuation of White
Supremacy,” Central American Philosophical Association. Joint Session of the Josiah Royce
Society and the Personalist Discussion Group. Chicago, Illinois. April 19, 2008.
36. Presenter: “The African Distanced from Themselves or the Culturo-logical Critique of His
Education under a Caucasian Milieu: A Ferrisonian Response to the Humanist Orientation in
Africana Philosophies of Education,” 32nd Annual National Conference of Black Studies. Atlanta,
Georgia. March 19-22, 2008.
37. Presenter: “Encountering the Un-encountered: Justifying the Culturo-logic alternative in
“knowledge formation” in an effort to solve the paradigmatic crisis of Black studies, or
overcoming the problem of comparative metaphysics articulated in the Banksonian analysis of the
methodological crisis of the Afri-centric concept,” 32nd Annual National Conference of Black
Studies. Atlanta, Georgia. March 19-22, 2008. (Panel Organizer)
38. Presenter: “Shut your Mouth When You’re Talking to Me: Silencing the Idealist School of Critical
Race Theory through a Culturalogical Turn in Jurisprudence,” Emerging Scholars Program.
Pennsylvania State University. University Park, Pennsylvania. February 6th, 2008.
39. Presenter: “Saved By the Bell: Derrick Bell’s Racial Realism as Pedagogy,” Ohio Valley
Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting. Bergamo Conference Center. Dayton, Ohio.
September 27-29, 2007.
40. Presenter: “Whose Person is He?: Changing the Lens of Philosophy-- Reading Martin Luther King
Jr.’s DuBoisian Social Organization as Africana Philosophy,” International Conference on
Persons. Asheville, North Carolina. July 31-August 4, 2007.
41. Discussant: “Retrieving Solidarity in Contemporary Virtue Ethics” by Benjamin Huff.
International Conference on Persons. Asheville, North Carolina. July 31-August 4, 2007.
42. Presenter: “Please Don’t Make Me Touch’ Em: The Critical Race Fanonianism of Second
Amendment Jurisprudence as a Possible Justification for Violence against Whiteness.
Empowerment through Knowledge, Impact through Scholarship,” 11th Annual Northwestern
University Black Graduate Student Conference. Chicago, Illinois. April 28, 2007.
43. Presenter: “Shut Your Mouth when You’re Talking to Me: Silencing the Idealist School of Critical
Race Theory through a Culturalogical Turn in Jurisprudence,” Eyes on the Mosaic. 14th Annual
Black Graduate Student Conference. University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois. April 21, 2007.
44. Symposium: “Real Talk: Is Race a Social Construct? Deconstructing Contingency (Social
Constructionism) through the Necessary Knowledge Thesis: The problem of the Cultural
Universal and Normative Human(ism) in African-centered Methodology,” The 39th Association of
Black Psychologists International Convention—Reclaiming and Revitalizing Our Communities.
Houston, Texas, August 1-5, 2007. (Panel Organizer)
45. Presenter: “Keeping it Real, Real: Extricating the white man’s Nigga from the modern concept of
Ownership through Derrick Bell’s Racial Realist account,” 13th Annual CPC Africana Studies.
Gettysburg College. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. March 30-31, 2007.
46. Presenter: “Breaking up the Klan, or “The Culturalogical Standard”: Writing African thought as
philosophical response,” Philosophical Collaborations: Memory and Culture. Joint presentation
with Dr. Ken Stikkers (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) and commentary by Dr. Lucius
Outlaw (Vanderbilt). SIUC Department of Philosophy. Southern Illinois University Carbondale,
Illinois. March 23-24, 2007.
47. Presenter: “Shut your Mouth When You’re Talking to Me: Silencing the Idealist School of Critical
Race Theory through a Culturalogical Turn in Jurisprudence,” 31st Annual National Conference of
Black Studies. San Diego Marriott Mission Valley. San Diego, California. March 14-17, 2007.
48. Roundtable: “Real-Talk” is Race a Social Construct? A Roundtable between Dr. Azibo, Dr.
Cokley and Prof. Tommy J. Curry. 31st Annual National Conference of Black Studies. San Diego
Marriott Mission Valley. San Diego, CA. March 14-17, 2007. (Roundtable Organizer)
49. Presenter: “Stop Frontin”: An adaptation to: “Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me”:
Eradicating Methodological Mentacide and European Thoughts about Africana Subjectivity
through Culturalogical Jurisprudence. 3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference. Perspectives on
Otherness: Transformative Possibilities for Contemporary Society. University of Memphis.
Memphis, TN. February 16-17, 2007.
50. Presenter: “Real Talk: Understanding the “Race Construct.” Graduate Student Colloquium.
Pragmatism and Evolutionary Biology. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale,
Illinois. February 16, 2007.
51. Presenter: “Check yo’ self Fool: The Theoretical Resurrection of Intersectionality Theory in Light
of Kwan’s Co-synthesis Theory; Breaking the back of Post-Intersectional Thought and Liking it,”
Blacker than Thou: Authenticity and Identity in the Diaspora. African American Studies and
Research Center’s 22nd Annual Symposium. Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana.
December 7-9, 2006.
52. Presenter: “Touch: The Critical Race Fanonianism of Second Amendment Jurisprudence as a
Possible Justification for Violence against Whiteness,” Seventh Biennial RPA
International/National Conference: Reclaiming Democracy: Visions and Practices from the
Radical Left. Radical Philosophy Association. Creighton University. Omaha, Nebraska.
November 2-5, 2006. (Panel Organizer)
53. Presenter: “Black Thought: A Recollective Account of Black Identity and Knowledge Formation
through Culturalogical Methodology,” An International Conference: Theorizing the African and
Black Diaspora: History and Memory. DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois. May 19-20, 2006.
54. Presenter: “Ride R Die—The Use of Second Amendment Jurisprudence in the verse of Black
Male Hip-Hop Artists,” History Graduate Student Association Conference on Contested
Landscapes and Mental Geographies. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale,
Illinois. April 7-8, 2006.
55. Presenter: “Get Back; You don’t Know me Like That!!—Culturalogical Proxemics: Toward a
methodological construction of cultural epistemology from an Afro-centric conceptualization of
ontological subjectivity in post-modern space,” 30th Annual National Conference of Black Studies.
Houston, Texas. March 15-18, 2006.
56. Presenter: “Appeal to the Muntu: Cultural Separatism, Africana Liberation, and the Diverse City,”
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 28th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada.
March 11-14, 2001.
57. Keynote: “Unsung Community Heroes, Sheroes, and Students of Distinction Reception,”
Southwestern College. San Diego, Ca. February 12, 2013.
58. Invited Panelist: “The Black Community,” Prairie View A&M University. Prairie View, Texas.
January 29, 2013.
59. Keynote: Alain Locke Conference—“On Derelict and Method,” Howard University. Washington
D.C. March 29, 2012.
60. Invited Talk: Robert F. Williams: Radical Civil Rights and the De-aprioritization of white Life,”
Lone Star Community College North Harris. Houston, Texas. February 29th, 2012.
61. Invited Talk: “The De-Aprioritization of white Life: Racism, Anti-Black Violence, and the Need
for a New Black Revolutionary Tenor,” College of Charleston, Dept. of Africana Studies.
Charleston, SC. November 3, 2011.
62. Invited Talk: "Think (ing) Black: Race Consciousness, Nationism, and the Anti-Colonial Basis of
Black Solidarity," Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy, New York, New York. April 17,
63. Invited Talk: “The Critique of Racial Normativity: The Assimilative Coercion of Post-Civil Rights
Ideology on Race Theory,” University of Houston, Dept. of Africana Studies. Houston, Tx.
November 2, 2009.
64. Invited Talk: “We Who Must Fight in the Shade: The Philosophical Contributions of Racial
Realism in the Post-Civil Rights Era,” Stockton: The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
Pomona, New Jersey. April 16th, 2009.
65. Invited Talk: “The Derelictical Crisis of African-American Philosophy and Its Culturalogical
Reformation: How African American Philosophy Fails to Contribute to the Study of African
Descended People,” Indiana University—Purdue University. Indianapolis, Indiana. March 4th,
66. Invited Talk: “Not Dead and Gone: Exploring the Need of Culturalogics in Africana Studies,”
Indiana University—Purdue University. Indianapolis. Indiana. March 3, 2009.
67. Invited Talk: “‘Obama as Negro-Saxon’: Nation-ism and the Future Concerns for African
Descended People under an Alleged "Post-Racial" Citizenship,” Black History Month: The Quest
for Black Citizenship in the Americas. Grambling University, Grambling, Louisiana. February 912, 2009.
68. Invited Talk: “Philosophy for the Future: Black/African versus white/Western,” Grambling
University. Black History Month: The Quest for Black Citizenship in the Americas Grambling,
Louisiana. February 9-12, 2009.
69. Invited (Job) Talk: “Will the Real CRT Please Stand Up: The Dangers of Philosophical
Contributions to CRT,” Texas A&M University, College Station, Tx. January 20, 2009.
70. Travel/Research Award: “Keeping it Real, Real: Extricating the white Man’s Nigga from the
Modern Concept of Ownership through Bell’s Racial Realist Account,” 13th Annual CPC Africana
Studies. Gettysburg College. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. March 30-31, 2007.
71. Invited Talk: “Multiculturalism and the Fallacy of Multicultural Identities in a Matrix of
whiteness,” Lecture for the Multi-cultural Greek Unity dinner hosted by Delta Phi Mu. Southern
Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. October 21, 2006.
72. Invited Talk: “Bamboozled Interpreted: The Fantasy of the white man, a Nigger, and a Critical
Race Theorist,” Black Law Student Association for Southern Illinois University Carbondale
School of Law. Carbondale, Illinois. February 17, 2006.
73. Moderator: “Do We Live in A Post-Racial America,” Texas A&M University. Texas A&M
University. February 7, 2013.
74. Invited Talk: “I’m To Real For Yah: Krumpin,” Alan Milam. Hip Hop Philosophy. Texas A&M
University. September 27, 2011.
75. Invited Talk: “Derrick Bell’s Racial Realism,” Jennifer Gaffney. Contemporary Moral Issues.
Texas A&M University. July 31, 2012.
76. Invited Talk: “Please Don’t Make Me Touch Em’,” Todd Couch. Sociology 101: Intro to
Sociology. Texas A&M University. July 31, 2012.
77. Invited Talk: “Critical Race Theory,” Todd Couch. Sociology 101: Intro to Sociology. Texas
A&M University. October 21, 2011.
78. Invited Talk: “Race, Racism and white Privilege,” Vandy Ramadurai Communication 335:
Intercultural Communication. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. September 30,
79. Invited Talk: "Miseducation, Black Radicality, and Hip Hop Philosophy," The Governor's School.
Texas A&M University, College Station Texas. June 14, 2011.
80. Invited Talk: “The Political Economy of Reparations: An Anti-Ethical Consideration of
Atonement and Racial Reconciliation under Colonial Moralism,” Linda Radzik Philosophy 489.
Texas A&M University, College Station Texas. April 27, 2011.
81. Invited Talk: "Race," Robert Garcia's Intro to Philosophy. Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas. November 1, 2010.
82. Invited Talk: "Race and Social Constructionism," Robert Garcia's Metaphysics. Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas. November 1, 2010.
83. Invited Talk: "Black Philosophies of Radicality," WBAC Presentation. Texas A&M University,
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. October 13, 2010.
84. Invited Talk: "We Who Must Fight in the Shade: The Philosophy of Racial Realism and the
Politics of Radical Disempowerment." AAPO First Friday Lecture. Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas. October 1, 2010.
85. Invited Talk: “The De-Aprioritization of white Life: Towards a Revolutionary Teleology,” Texas
A&M University, Joe Feagin’s Sociology 667. College Station, Tx. November 3, 2009.
86. Presenter: (Brown Bag): “The Derelictical Crisis of African American Philosophy and Its
Culturalogical Reformation: How African American Philosophy Fails to Contribute to the Study
of African Descended People,” Penn State University. University Park, Pa. March 2, 2009.
87. Presenter: “Split Their Heads to the white Meat: The Role of Culturalogics in “National
Culture”—The Mutual Exclusivity of the African personality and the Standard of Violence,”
Agora: Graduate Student Philosophy Forum. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale,
Illinois. May 4, 2007.
88. Guest Lecturer: Philosophy 309i: “Lecture on Frantz Fanon and Humanism,” Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. April 18, 2007. Invitation extended by Jeffrey Linz.
89. Guest Lecturer: Sociology 215: “Lecture on Institutional Racism and whiteness,” Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. April 13, 2007. Invitation extended by LaSheila
90. Presenter: “Damn, Is He Funny? Dave Chappelle: The Humorist Critical Race Theorist,”
Interdisciplinary Discussions Group in Conjunction with the Humanities Forum. Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. April 12, 2007.
91. Invited Speaker: “Multiculturalism and the Fallacy of Multicultural identities in a Matrix of
Whiteness,” Delta Phi Mu Unity Dinner. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale,
Illinois. October 21, 2006.
92. Discussant: “Rethinking the Invisible Hand—Hume’s Adam Smith and Deleuze’s Hume,” Agora:
Graduate Student Philosophy Forum. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale,
Illinois. October 13, 2006.
93. Plenary Panel: “The Black Man: A Series of Fortunate and Unfortunate Events of the African
American Man,” NAACP Student Chapter Forum. Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Carbondale, Illinois. April 18, 2006.
94. Workshop: “Ethics in Everyday Life,” SIUC Department of Philosophy. Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. September 2000/September 2005.
95. Presenter: “Racialized Proxemics: Interpreting Archeological space at Miller’s Grove, Pope
County, Illinois.” For Historically Black College and University Comprehensive Program.
Shawnee National Forest Preserve of the United States Department of Agriculture. Murphysboro,
Illinois. August 2002.
96. Plenary Panel: “Pan-Africanism and Joint Ventures,” Africa Week. Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. April 2002.
97. Plenary Panel: “Politically Incorrect, The Color Line Revisited: Is Racism Dead,” Black History
Month. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. February 2002.
98. Plenary Panel: “Race, Racism and the Future: Where do we go from here,” Black Leadership
Conference. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. February 2002.
99. Presenter: “Shaft: Thoughts and Reflections on One Bad Mutha******,” Black History Month
Lecture. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. February 2002.
100. Workshop: “Media, Racism and the De-essentialization of Stereotypes,” 11th Annual Black Affairs
Council Leadership Conference. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. November 8-11, 2001
University Evaluator for Merit and Diversity Fellowships. Texas A&M University. College Station,
Texas. (2013)
Department of Philosophy’s Graduate Program Advisory Committee. Texas A&M University. College
Station, Texas. (2012-2013).
Department of Philosophy’s Undergraduate Program Advisory Committee. Texas A&M University.
College Station, Texas. (2011-2012).
Department of Philosophy’s Diversity Committee. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas.
Department of Philosophy’s Graduate Student Colloquium Committee. Texas A&M University.
College Station, Texas. (2011-2012).
Developed and Administering 1st Class for Africana Studies Graduate Certificate. Texas A&M
University. College Station, Texas. (2011).
Affiliate Professor of Africana Studies Department. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas.
Member of Interdisciplinary Program in Social, Cultural and Political Theory. Texas A&M University.
College Station, Texas. (2010-present)
Member of University’s Liberal Art's Diversity Committee. Texas A&M University. College Station,
Texas (2009-2011)
Member of Diversity Learning Community. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas. (20102011)
Member of Dept. of Philosophy M.A. Comprehensive Examination Committee. Texas A&M
University. College Station, Texas. (2010-2011).
Africana Studies Curriculum Development Committee. Texas A&M University. College Station,
Texas. (2009-2010)
Member of the Distinguished University Visiting Professor (Critical Theorist) Search Committee for
Southern Illinois University School of Law and the College of Liberal Arts. Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. November 2006-2007.
Member of Black American Studies Program Search Committee. Southern Illinois University Black
American Studies Department. Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, Illinois. January 2005January 2006.
Reviewer for “Africana Philosophy” in PhilPapers (2013-present)
Member of ICMS Institutional Review Board (2012-present)
Conference committee for Radical Philosophy Association (2012)
Organizer of Philosophy Born of Struggle Conference (2012)
Reviewer for Choice Magazine: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. (2012-present)
American Philosophy Association Committee for Blacks in Philosophy (2010-2013)
JENDA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (Africana/African studies): Area of
Review: Womanism, Truth & Reconciliation Commission.
Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies (African Studies): Area of Review: World System
Theory and Blackness.
European Journal of Cultural Studies (Discipline: Philosophy): Area of Review: Poststructuralism/Black existentialism.
Journal of Translational Medicine (Discipline: Medicine): Area of Review: Stem Cells Technology
and Governmental Regulation.
Review of General Psychology (Discipline: Psychology): Area of Review: Black Psychology/ AfricanCentered Psychology
Social Problems (Discipline: Sociology) Area of Review: Critical Race Theory
Radical Philosophy Today (Discipline: Philosophy) Area of Review: Post-Colonialism, Race and
Africana Philosophy.
Florida Philosophical Review (Discipline: Philosophy) Area of Review: Post-Colonialism and
The Pluralist (Discipline: Philosophy): Area of Review: Africana Thought and Hip Hop
Journal of Black Studies (Discipline: Black Studies) Area of Review: Africana Womanism and
Africana Theory.
Kim Diaz (Philosophy): Dissertation (Committee Member)
Judith Bohr (Philosophy): Thesis (Director)
Danny Malone Jr. (Sociology): Thesis (Committee Member)
Omar Kamran (Sociology): Thesis (Committee Member)
Todd Couch (Sociology): Thesis (Committee Member)
Jana Dreserova (English): MA Final Exam (Committee Member)
“Talking Tough with Tommy:” A weekly radio segment on Redding News Review. A weekly six
minute segment on The Power—SiriusXM.
Member of Texas A&M University's African American Professional Organization (2009-present)
Career Preparation Camp. Mentor for At-Risk High School Students. Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. June-July 2001.
University of Missouri Kansas City Urban Debate League. University of Missouri Kansas City. Kansas
City, Missouri. 1997-1998.
Emory University Barkley Forum. Emory University. Atlanta, Georgia. 1997-1998.
Freshman Critical Thinking Seminar Grant for developing a class on Racism, Mass Incarceration and
Punishment. Texas A&M University. Spring 2012.
Glasscock Publication Award. Texas A&M University. Spring 2010.
Diversifying Higher Educational Faculty in Illinois Fellowship. Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. 2005-2007
University Teaching Fellowship. DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois. 2002-2004
Internship for United States Department of Agriculture (Historically Black College and University
Comprehensive Program): Archeological Research of Underground Railroad through Miller’s Grove,
Pope County, Illinois. Shawnee National Forest Preserve. United States Department of Agriculture.
Murphysboro, Illinois. June-August 2002.
University Honors and Dean’s List. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois.
Who’s Who among American Colleges and Universities. Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Carbondale, Illinois. 2002.
All-American Scholar Academic Award. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois.
Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale,
Illinois. 2001-2002.
Research Award: SIUC Cultural Studies Award: “Investigations of Slave Burials,” Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. August 2001.
Pi Kappa Delta National Honorary Tournament Debate Champion and Top Speaker Award. Webster
University. Saint Louis, Missouri. February 25-28, 2000.
Varsity Debate Academic Scholarship. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois.
Best Varsity Debater Award for Cross Examination Debate Association.. Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. 1999.
National Junior Division Debate Tournament Champion. Johnson County Community College.
Overland Park, Kansas. 1998.
Ben and Rose Eisenman Debate Scholarship. University Missouri Kansas City. Kansas City, Missouri.
Chancellor’s Historically Under-represented Minority Award. University Missouri Kansas City.
Kansas City, Missouri. 1997-1998
Association for the Study of African American Life and History, 2009-present.
American Philosophical Association, 2008-present
Radical Philosophy Association. 2006-present
National Conference of Black Studies. 2006-present.
National Women’s Studies Association. 2009-2011
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. 2007- present. 2000-2002.
Alain Locke Society. 2002-2003
Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy. 2000-2002.