All-Use kind Words

It’s time for a little
You’ll need:
•a piece of paper
•a writing utensil
Number your paper
from one to five and
pick the best answer!
1) The boy next to you never brings
his pencil to class. He always
wants to borrow yours. What
would you like to hear?
a. “Give me a pencil or else!”
b. “Let me borrow a pencil.”
c. “Could you please loan me a
2) You’re playing basketball and
your team is losing by one point.
All you have to do is make this
last shot. You miss. What would
you like to hear?
a. “Nice one ace!”
b. “We lost because of you!”
c. “It’s ok. It’s just a game. We
can always win next time.”
3) You’ve had a dog as long as you
can remember and you just
learned that he was hit by a car.
What would you like to hear?
a. “Your dog died? Sounds like dinner!”
b. “It’s ok. He was ugly.”
c. “I’m really sorry to hear about
your dog.”
4) You’re in line in the cafeteria and
someone wants to reach in front
of you to get a fork. What would
you like to hear?
a. “Let me get a fork stupid!”
b. “Move it or I’ll hurt you!”
c. “Excuse me. Would you mind
if I squeezed in to get a fork?”
5) You got an F on a test in class and
were hoping no one found out
about it. The kid next to you sees
your grade. What would you like
to hear?
a. “Wow! If this were golf you
REALLY would have beaten me.”
b. “I really thought you were
stupid. Now I know you are.”
c. “It’s ok. That test did seem kind
of tricky!”
Hopefully you picked
C on each!
Why is that?
“Could you
weplease loan me a pencil?”
ok. It’s just
to a game. We can always
win next time.”
be nice to us!
“I’m really sorry to hear about your dog.”
“Excuse me. Would you mind if I
squeezed in to get a fork?”
“It’s ok. That test did seem kind of tricky!”
Today’s PBS lesson is on:
Using Kind Words
Where should we
use Kind Words?
Why should we
use Kind Words?
Be Respectful!
•When you use kind words, you
say “please” and “thank you”
•You encourage others with phrases
like “good job” and “good try”
•You avoid put-downs and anything
that might hurt someone’s feelings
Figure out if the following
are good examples or bad
examples of using kind
Good Example or Bad Example?
Tommy needs to go to the
bathroom, but Jimmy is
standing in the doorway.
Tommy says, “Excuse me.”
Jimmy says, “Sure” and moves.
Good Example or Bad Example?
Tommy had an “accident”
during class and Jimmy says,
“What a baby! You peed your
Good Example or Bad Example?
Tommy needs to go to
bathroom, but Jimmy is
standing in the doorway.
Tommy says, “Get out of the
Good Example or Bad Example?
Tommy tries to make a
basketball shot in P.E. but
misses. Jimmy encourages
him by saying, “Good try.
You’ll get it next time!”
In groups of 2 or 3,
•Brainstorm about some possible
examples of where kind words
can be used
•What kind words can be used in
your examples?
•different places (bathroom, hallway, etc)
•How do you feel when
others use kind words
with you?
•How do others feel when
you use kind words with
Give cat tracks to those
students who actively paid
attention and participated
during the presentation.