Unit 1 100 Agraïments: Toni Amengual, Scott Wilde, Ricard Sánchez, el nostre alumnat, els IES Binissalem i Damià Huguet i les seves directives pel seu suport, les persones que han prestat la seva imatge per les fotos i els nostres fills i parelles. Si teniu alguna observació per ajudar-nos a millorar aquest manual podeu contactar amb nosaltres en el número de telèfon 971 886 612 o a l’e-mail iesbinissalem@educacio.caib.es Aquest manual, el teniu a la vostra disposició al weib de la Conselleria d’Educació Dipòsit legal: PM 2238-2009 Index_ Presentation activities 9 Unit 1 Elements of music 11 Unit 2 Rhyhm and beat. Tempo terms 25 Project 1 Inventing a Christmas song 37 Melody and harmony. Textures: how music is made. Expression terms 41 Unit 4 Musical instruments 49 Project 2 Orchestral instruments project 71 Unit 3 Unit 5 Dynamics, expression terms and form in music 75 Unit 6 Music in films 89 Project 3 Singing activities 99 Language Appendix 109 Intro_ 7 El present manual sorgeix de la tasca realitzada pels departaments de música de l’IES Damià Huguet, de Campos, i l’IES Binissalem. És el fruit del treball realitzat durant els cursos 2007-2008 i 2008-2009 pels professors de música i llengua anglesa. Aquesta col·laboració ha portat a: - Un intercanvi constant de material, a títol personal, primer, i després a través d’un grup de treball creat expressament al CEP de Manacor. - La celebració de tres trobades que tengueren lloc a l’ermita de Sant Blai i a can Gelabert durant els esmentats cursos. Els motius que ens han empès a començar aquesta intensa tasca són principalment els següents: - Hi ha una gran mancança de manuals adaptats al nostre currículum. Al Regne Unit els manuals de música de secundària preparen l’alumnat per a la Standard Grade Music d’una manera molt específica amb tota una sèrie de proves que ja en el seu plantejament no són aplicables a la nostra realitat. - Les competències musicals del nostre alumnat necessiten ser desenvolupades en un anglès més senzill que el que es troba en manuals i webs anglesos del mateix nivell educatiu. Per tot això, i a partir de la nostra experiència, hem decidit elaborar un manual de música en llengua anglesa per a primer d’ESO, que pot servir d’ajuda al professorat implicat dins el Programa de Seccions Europees. L’objectiu al qual es pretén arribar és doble i se centra en l’aprenentatge dels continguts de música i en l’aprenentatge simultani d’una llengua estrangera, en aquest cas l’anglès, tal com es fa referència a la metodologia CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Això ha comportat una gran feina d’equip entre els departaments d’anglès i de música per tal d’adaptar els continguts de les dues àrees i elaborar activitats encaminades a millorar les destreses orals i escrites dels alumnes en llengua anglesa. Antònia M. Vaquer Adrover i Miquel À. Bauzà (professors de música) Antònia Motos Moens i Maria Vicens Nadal (professores d’anglès) Joana Cabot ( professora de plàstica) Mallorca, primavera del 2009 Presentation activities_ Before we start learning music, let’s get to know each other! Choose from the following activities and have fun with your classmates! Anyone who has... Sit on chairs in a circle one standing in the middle. The person in the center calls out Anyone who likes... or Anyone who wears... Example given: Anyone who likes chocolate? People who like chocolate change seats... but you cannot return to a chair you have just vacated. If you call FIRE – everyone has to change places. Budge Five in a group- four stand on the points of a square and one in the middle – object of game is the middle person to get onto one of the points. Point players can change places – but they must send a visual or aural message to one of the others before they move – otherwise everyone just runs to the same place making it easy for the guy in the middle! Try to do it fast! It’s quite exhausting so don’t let it go on too long! Traffic ligths A control game. The group moves around the room and responds to orders – if anyone gets it wrong they are out. The orders we used were: RED - stop GREEN - go YELLOW – sit down Other orders could be BRIDGE- lie down with only your hands and feet touching the floor, and LEVEL-CROSSING – lie on floor. A variation: after playing this way for a while you could change the meaning of the orders so for example RED could equal go. 9 10 Snow white and the seven darwfs Hi ho, hi ho, It’s off to work we go, With a shovel and a pick and a walking stick, hi ho, hi ho. This is the “passing the shoe game”: learn it in sections – first the words, then the shoe patterns. Pass a shoe and place it in front of the person on your right and on the beat. Then teach the “pass, pass, false pass, pass” sequence – or make up one of your own. Lula Lula, lula, lula, lula ley lula lula lula lula lula ley Lula, lula, lula, lula ley Lula, lula lula ley. Hey! For this song we worked out a series of actions e.g. touching the knees of the persons on either side of you! Unit 1 Elements of music 1.1 What is Music? Music is always present in our lives1, from lullabies2 to the songs we listen to on the radio. But do you know what music is? What are its elements? Many people have said things about music: “Without3 music life would be4 a mistake5”. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche “Music is the universal language of mankind”6. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “When words leave off7, music begins” Heinrich Heine me 1 Can you write your own definition? Music is .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Let’s talk a bit more about Music… Music as an art Music is one of the arts and all musicians are artists, like painters, sculptors, poets, novelists, dancers and actors. All of them8 need9 to use some material (medium) to create a final product. For example, a painter can use paint to make a painting and a sculptor can use wood10 or stone11 to make a sculpture. Without extraordinary skills12, effort13 and talent it is impossible to create a piece of art. What about music? A composer uses sounds and silences to create music in a score. Then, the musician plays it on an instrument. When you hear music, you feel an emotion. So, what does the musician use? Paper? Pencil? No, because these are just tools14. The musician’s medium is the sound, and the art of combining sounds in space is music. lives: vides 2 lullabies: cançons de bressol 3 without: sense 4 would be: seria 5 mistake: error mankind: humanitat 7 leave off: t’abandonen 8 all of them: tots ells 9 need: necessiten 10 word: fusta 11 stone: pedra 12 skills: destresa 13 effort: esforç 14 tools: eines 1 6 11 12 In music, we can distinguish different elements: • Melody: ascending or descending, high or low, ... • Tempo: fast, slow, getting faster or slowing down15, ... • Dynamics: very soft, loud, getting16 gradually louder or softer... • Form/structure: chorus and verses, repetitions, ... • Timbre/colour: instruments you can hear, contrasts, solos... ee 1 Find these words in English: 1. suau: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. ràpid: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. agut: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now find their opposites: English 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ee 2 Many words are similar to Catalan. Try to guess their meaning before looking them up in a dictionary, e.g. Ascending ==> ascendent. Try to find 5 more examples. English 1 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ee 3 ee Catalan alt lent greu Catalan 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Go to the Language Appendix and write all the new words which are specific to music in your MD (=Music Dictionary) with their translations. Musician, Composer, Sound, Rest, Score, Audible, Play an instrument, High, Low, ... 4 Are these activities/subjects forms of art? Discuss in groups of 3-4 people. e.g. A. I think dancing is a form of art. B. I agree/I disagree Dancing Tennis Swimming Biology Writing Mathematics Poetry 15 slow down: reduir velocitat 16 getting: tornant-se ee 5 What’s the name of the artist? ARTS 13 Complete the chart: What’s the artist’s medium? What’s the final product? MUSIC PAINTING DANCING POETRY ACTING WRITING SCULPTURE LANGUAGE CORNER To refer to the people who do a certain activity, we can use the following noun suffixes: -er, -or, -ian eg. Magic: magician eg. Teach: teacher eg. Conduct: conductor ee 6 Who is who? Match these artists to the form of art: Gauguin Ramon Llull Shakespeare Rodin Goya Pau Casals Michelangelo Joan Miró Painter Musician Sculptor Writer Music as a universal language Music is considered a universal language. Do you know why? Firstly, music is always composed with these 12 notes everywhere, with any instrument. It is not important if the notes have different names. For the musician, they are the same. Secondly, music, like any other language, can express all kinds17 of emotions to people all over the world. 17 kinds: tipus 14 Music as a way of expression of different cultures All cultures in the world have their own18 music. People use it in many different ways. They create different types of music for different purposes19, for example religious or ceremonial purposes or entertainment20. Music is a way of communication. It transmits knowledge21, ideas and feelings22. Some examples are the drums23 rhythmic language or the sound of bells24 ringing. 1.2 Elements taking part in the musical communication When the composer creates music, he/she does it on paper, trying to write down all the ideas he/ she has in his/her mind. But when this score25 has to be listened to, we need someone to perform26 it. For this reason, we say that the role of the performer is very important in the communication process. He/she has to27 express what the composer wants to express. More than one performer can play the same piece of music. Do they play it in the same way? Probably not, in spite of28 having the same music score. That’s because they play his/her own interpretation. Nowadays, there are hundreds of interpretations of any piece of music. The people who listen to the performer are called the audience. Here you have all the elements put together: COMPOSER - PERFORMER - AUDIENCE 1.3 The Sound Qualities We can distinguish four qualities in musical sounds: duration, pitch, dynamics and timbre. a) DURATION : It is the length of a sound. Musical notes do not have the same duration. There are long notes and short ones, and others in between. All of them together form the rhythm. Musicians need a way 29of indicating how long to hold30 each note. This is why each note looks a little different. This is a semibreve or a whole note, sitting on a line: This diagram helps you visualise its length. It is showing that the semibreve value fills31 the entire line. If we divide the line into two equal parts, the semibreve would be too big to fit32 in it. We need notes of shorter duration, called minims or half notes: their own: la seva pròpia... 19 purposes: finalitats 20 entertainment: divertiment 21 knowledge: coneixement feeling: sentiment 23 drums: percusió 24 bells: campanes 25 score: partitura 26 perform: tocar, representar, actuar/performer: person who performs 27 has to: ha de 28 in spite of: malgrat que 29 a way: una manera 30 hold a note: mantenir una nota 31 fill: omplir 32 fit: cabre 18 22 You can tell33 with this diagram that you need two minims to make a semibreve. The next smaller note value is called a crotchet or a quarter note: You need four crotchets to make a semibreve or two crotchets to make a minim. This is a mathematical exercise! There are notes of shorter value, called quavers or eighth notes. They look like34 crotchets or quarter notes with flags: So, eight eighth notes or quavers have the same value as one semibreve, two minims, four crotchets... and so on35. Let’s look at all the diagrams placed together. You can see the relationships between note lengths very clearly. Furthermore, there are groups of three notes played in one beat. They are called triplets (=tresets) and they are marked with a ´3´ above36 or below37 the middle of the three notes. This triplet has 1 beat me ee (Write the name of the notes in English (American and British English). 7 Let’s play a couple of games to learn the names of the notes! 1. First, we are going to play MEMORY. Take 2 sheets of paper and cut each one in 12 squares. On one square, write down the name of a note in American English. On another square, write its translation in Catalan. You have to do this for each (=cada) note, making pairs of cards. Do the same for British English. When you have finished, you are ready to play a game of memory in pairs. 33 tell: veure 34 look like: semblar 35 and so on: etcètera 36 above: a dalt 37 below: a baix 38 clef: clau 15 16 2. Now you are ready to test your knowledge with a game of KNOTS & CROSSES. Divide the class in two groups. Each group needs to know the names of the notes in English if they want to win, because if you don’t know a translation, you lose your turn! ee 8 Before reading the following paragraphs, remember the meanings of these adjectives: High: Fast: Long: Loud: Low: Slow: Short: Soft: b) PITCH: The highness or lowness of a sound. A sound can be high or low and we use different clefs38 for high or low pitches. The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of its vibrations. When the vibrations are fast, the pitch is high and when the vibrations are slow, the pitch is low. Also, the highness or lowness depends on how long or short the string is. If you pluck39 a short string40, the sound will be higher than if you pluck a long one. For instance, a violin produces high pitches because it has short strings. A double bass produces lower pitches because it has longer strings. c) DYNAMICS: It indicates an increase or decrease41 in the volume of a sound. If you pluck the string of a guitar hard, the sound will be loud. If you do it smoothly (= softly), the sound will be soft. Composers have traditionally used Italian words and their abbreviations to indicate dynamics. The most common terms are: pppp, ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff, ffff and so on. Terms such as crescendo or decrescendo mean that there is a gradual increase or decrease in volume. Volume gets42 gradually louder or softer. d) TIMBRE or TONE COLOUR: It is the quality that distinguishes43 which instrument a musician is playing. The musical instruments that belong to44 the same family have a similar timbre. You can describe timbre using words like bright (=brillant), dark (=obscur), rich (=ric en) … Like changes in dynamics, changes in tone colour create variety and contrast. When you play the same melody with different instruments, the colour changes because each instrument has a different timbre. Also, you can use contrast in timbre to highlight45 a new melody. On the other hand, timbre also gives a sense of continuity. It is easier to recognize the chorus of a melody when the same instruments play it again. In fact, composers often create a melody with a particular instrument tone colour in mind46. The brilliant sound of a trumpet is good for heroic or military tunes. On the other hand, the tone colour of a flute is perfect for a calm melody. clef: clau 39 pluck: puntejar 40 string: corda 41 increase/decrease: augmentar/disminuir guish: distingir 44 belong to: pertànyer a 45 highlight: emfasitzar 46 in mind: en ment 38 42 get: es torna 43 distin- ee 9 Write the definitions of these concepts in English and add them to our MD. Duration: Pitch: Dynamics: Timbre/tone colour: and REMEMBER to write any other new word specific to music in your MD! HAVE A LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING WEB PAGES! http://www.sfskids.org/templates/musiclab.asp?pageid=4 http://www.classicsforkids.com/music/ 1.4 Sound, silence and noise47 The sound is the most important material in music and it has four qualities. Do you remember them? You measure48 sounds in decibels and an excess of dB can provoke damage49 to our hearing. Silence is also a very important element in music. We can define silence as the absence of sound. In music, it is represented by a symbol called rest. Each note value has its own rest, as you can see on the table. In this table you can find the most common rests in music: Note Rest Name Semibreve rest or whole note rest Minim rest or half note rest Crotchet rest or quarter note rest Quaver rest or eighth note rest Semiquaver rest or sixteenth note rest LANGUAGE CORNER You have to use the word “rest” after the name of the note, like in the example: e.g. Crotchet rest You need to learn their symbols. Do this exercise to help you remember. 47 noise: renou 48 measure: mesurar 49 damage to your hearing: mal a l’oïda 17 me 18 Fill the gaps and draw the symbols below: Semibreve rest has.................................... beat/s........................................ Minim rest has............................................ beat/s ....................................... Crotchet rest has........................................ beat/s ....................................... Quaver rest ha............................................ beat/s ....................................... Semiquaver rest has................................. beat/s ....................................... HAVE A LOOK! John Cage (1912-1992) composed a musical piece titled 4´33´´. Go to www.youtube.es , write John Cage 4´33´´ and listen to it. Pay attention and explain what happens. The noise is a sound that disturbs50 us. It can be too loud or have an unpleasant51 timbre for a certain activity. Can you name a few examples of noisy activities, noisy jobs or things that produce noises? Is this noise pollution52? 1.5 How is the sound transmitted? Sound begins with the vibration of an object, such as a knock53 on a door. The vibrations are transmitted to our ears by a medium, usually air. The speed54 of a sound depends on the type of medium. It is different if the medium is air, a solid object or water. What happens to the sound? The ear is very important in this process. The ear has 3 parts: - middle ear - external ear - inner ear First, the vibrations are transmitted through55 the auditory canal56 and our eardrums57 start vibrating. Then, the vibration is transmitted through the ear bones58 to the cochlea59. The cochlea has liquid and this liquid has sensory cells60. These cells transmit signals to the brain61 and the brain selects, organizes and interprets the nerve impulses62. disturbs us: ens molesta 51 unpleasant: desagradable 52 noise pollution: contaminació acústica 53 knock: cop, truc 54 speed: velocitat 55 through: a través de 56 auditory canal: canal auditiu 57 eardrums: timpans 58 ear bones: ossos de les orelles 59 cochlea: coclea 60 sensory cells: cèl·lules sensorials 61 brain: cervell 62 nerve impulses: impulsos nerviosos 50 1.6 What is music made up of? 19 Music is made up of63 different symbols. We use these symbols to write and read a score. It is like cooking, the cook needs different ingredients to cook a meal. The musician needs 5 horizontal lines and 4 spaces to write music on. This is called64 a staff (=pentagrama) Then, the musician needs a clef: a treble clef (=clau de sol) for high pitches and a bass clef (=clau de fa) for low pitches. See their symbols below and write their name: If you want to read music, you have to memorize the names of the notes. Careful! They are different in English! You can name the notes as DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO´like in the Latin countries; or C D E F G AB C´, like in the Anglo-Saxon culture. When you reach Si or B, you start again. Ordinary scales have 8 notes, starting and ending with the note of the same name. The scale is divided into tones and semitones. They are the different distances between65 the sounds. There are two main types of scales: major and minor scales. Major scales sound bright66 and cheery67 and they follow the same pattern68: Tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone tone-semitone Minor scales sound a bit sadder69 because they have a different pattern: Tone-semitone-tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone There are also other types of scales, like the pentatonic or chromatic scales. They follow a different pattern. Have a look! 63 68 made up of: feta de 64 is called: s’anomena pattern: model, patró 69 Sadder- sad: trist 65 between: entre 66 bright: animat 67 cheery: alegre 20 Pentatonic scale: me Could you improvise a melody using this scale with the recorder or the xylophone? Chromatic scale: me What is the distance between each note? me Type www.exploratorymusic.net/TeacherResources.html – 14k on your computer. You will find some worksheets. Print them and do the exercises. Go to the 9th worksheet. It is a secret message that you have to decipher, writing the letter names of the notes. me Read these scores and find out (=averigua) the missing words. Hey, Are you He said to my _ _ _ _! _ _ _ _? _ _ _ _ There are a lot more signs in music you have to know. The symbol # represents a sharp (= sostingut) and the symbol b represents a flat (=bemoll). When you see a sharp, you play a note half a step higher than a natural note. If you move one step70 lower, you play a flat. Also, when you see a sharp or a flat in front of a note in a bar, all the same notes in that bar are also sharp or flat. A natural (=becaire) restores the original pitch of the note. Can you draw it? LANGUAGE CORNER Do you remember how to make the comparative? Higher than, lower,… Short adjectives: -ER THAN Long adjectives: MORE…THAN Look it up in your English grammar appendix! 70 step: pas, passa Sometimes, the musician needs a key signature (=armadura) after the clef. It indicates how many sharps and flats there are. After the key signature, there is the time signature (= compàs): the top number tells you how many beats are in each measure and the bottom number tells you how long each beat lasts. Can you tell what the key signature is? And the time signature? LANGUAGE CORNER Remember! How many? - Quants/quantes? How long? - Quant de temps/ quina duració? The staff is divided into measures or bars (= compassos). The vertical line located between bars or measures, is called bar line. The bar line situated at the end of the melody is called a double bar. me me Could you write down the bar lines? Type www.exploratorymusic.net/TeacherResources.html – 14k on your computer. You will find some worksheets. Print the 15th worksheet and follow the instructions. Finally, one last symbol for now: a tie(=lligadura) is a curved line that joins71 two notes of the same pitch together. You have to play or sing them like one note, not like two. Look at the example: ee 10 There are a lot of specific music words in the last paragraph. Let’s make a list, translate them and add them to your MD. Staff natural Clef key signature Scale time signature Sharp flat Tietriplet 70 joins: uneix bar/measure tone/semitone beat bar line break 21 22 CROSSWORD Complete the crossword puzzle below: 13 18 14 17 6 3 7 8 4 2 1 10 9 5 15 12 16 11 Across: 1. A gradual increase in volume. 2. Play it softly. 4. The third note of C major scale (in English). 7. Person who creates music. 9. It is the vertical line placed between two bars. 11. A measure. 12. It is a curved line that joins two notes of the same pitch together. 10. When you see it, you play the note a semitone higher. 15. It lasts 4 crotchet beats. 16. It is the sound quality that distinguishes which instrument is playing. 18. A sign placed on the staff after the clef and the key signature. Down: 2. It is the highness or lowness of a sound. 3. It is the speed of the music. 5. The bar line situated at the end of a score. 6. You use it for high pitches. 8. It is a universal language. 10. It is a group of five lines and four spaces where we write the music on. 13. Person who plays music. 14. It is the notation of a musical work. 17. It is the most important material in music and it has four qualities. CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE 23 I. Fill in the following chart with the missing information:[12 points] Notation name Symbol Value Rest Whole note 1 beat II. Match these qualities with the different elements of music. [5 points] 1. High/Low 2. Bright/dark 3. Loud/Soft 4. Long/Short 5. Slow/Fast a. Timbre b. Pitch c. Dynamics d. Duration e. Tempo III. How many words can you translate in one minute? Time yourself! Correct with a classmate. [9 points] silenci de blanca: bemoll: clau de Sol: becaire: compàs:treset: clau de Fa: sostingut: escala:públic: pentagrama:pulsació: altura:timbre: partitura: compositor: músic:renou: IV. Match these terms with the definitions. [12 points] 1. Beat is … a. … an increase or decrease in volume of a sound. 2. Duration means… b. …the organisation of rhythm in bars indicated by two numbers. 3. Dynamics indicates… c. …the regular pulse in a piece of music. 4. Time signature is … d. …a group of 3 notes played in 1 beat. 5. A triplet is … e. …the quality that distinguishes which instrument a musician is playing. 6.Timbre is … f. … the length of each sound. 24 V. How is the sound transmitted? Put the sentences in the right order.[12 points] Sounds begins with the vibration of an object. a. Our eardrums start vibrating. b. The vibrations go from the ear bones to the cochlea. c. Vibrations are transmitted by the auditory canal. d. The brain interprets the nerve impulses. e. The sensory cells in the cochlea send signals to the brain. f. The cochlea has liquid with sensory cells. Unit 2 Rhythm and beat. Tempo terms 1.1 Rhythm and beat UNIT 2: Rhythm and beat. Tempo terms We can find rhythm everywhere. It’s what makes music move, but are rhythm and beat the same1? The rhythm has a beat(=pulsació), which is the regular pulse in a piece of music. It is what people tap2 when they listen to music or the pulse of their heart. Now take a minute to feel your heartbeat. Your heartbeat will not always have the same rhythm or tempo. It can change depending on your level3 of activity or other factors. CUPS ACTIVITY Class organisation: Everybody in circle having a turned-down4 cup in front of him/her. Students have to play this rhythm with different beats. 1st bar 1st & 2nd beat: clap your hands5 3rd & 4th beat: tap with your fingers on the top of the cup, alternating hands 2nd bar 1st & 2nd beat: clap your hands 3rd beat: tap with your fingers on the top of the cup, alternating hands 3rd bar 1st beat: clap your hands 2nd beat: take the cup with your right hand from left to right 3rd beat: tap your left palm with the cup in your right hand 4th beat: tap the desk with the cup turned up 4th bar 1st beat: pass the cup to your left hand 2nd beat: tap the desk with your free right hand 3rd beat: pass the cup to the neighbour on your right with your left hand turning it upside down. 1 the same: el mateix 2 tap: colpejar fluix 3 level: nivell 4 turn down: girar cap abaix 5see language appendix to learn expressions used in body percussion. 25 26 Rhythm is made up with6 sounds and rests which are put together in a pattern7 you can repeat. This is called8 a rhythmic obstinato. Play this song with the famous Queen obstinato: Tap your legs (two quavers) and clap your hands (1 crotchet). In a Persian market Do you know which sound quality the rhythm is related to?... Duration!, that is to say the length of a sound. 1.2 The notation of rhythm The notation system consists of various combinations of note heads, stems and flags. made up with: compost per 7pattern: pauta 8 is called: es diu 6 me 27 Let´s remember the values of the notes: Name in British English Name in American English Duration Semibreve Whole note 4 beats Minim Half note 2 beats Crotchet Quarter note 1 beat Quaver Eighth note ½ beat Semiquaver Sixteenth note ¼ beat Note symbol Rest symbol LANGUAGE CORNER HOW TO SAY FRACTIONS IN ENGLISH? ¼ : One Fourth (the second is an ordinal number!) Do you remember ordinal numbers? 1. The first 3 are irregular (1: first, 2: second; 3: third) 2. From 4 on, add “th”, e.g. fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. You can also find notes with a dot located on its right. Do you know what it means? The dot adds9 half of the note value to the previous note. Look at the example: A minim has 2 beats. If the note has a dot, you have to add 1 beat more (half of 2) to its value, so10 its value is 3 beats. me Here you have a famous Catalan Christmas song which has a lot of dotted notes, can you hear which one it is? LANGUAGE CORNER In English, when a note has a dot, we call it a dotted note. The word “dotted” goes before the noun. e.g. a dotted crotchet 9 add: afegir 10 so: així doncs me 28 Can you write the values of these dotted notes? Note Value Dotted semibreve Dotted minim Dotted crotchet Dotted quaver INTERESTING WEB PAGES http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/music/musicalelements/rhythmandmetrerev1.shtml me me ee 1 Could you write these equivalences? Type www.exploratorymusic.net/TeacherResources.html – 14k on your computer. You will find some worksheets. Print them and do the following exercises: 1- Go to the 13th worksheet and do the musical maths additions. 2- Go to the 14th worksheet and do it. FLASH CARD ACTIVITY Form groups of 4 or 6 people. Place the cards in the middle of the table. Each student picks a card and asks his/her neighbour the question written on it. It can be a translation of a musical concept into English or Catalan, a question about duration or the names of the notes. Pass the card to the neighbour on your left. Take turns to ask. Discard the cards which you have already used. 1.3 Time signature Some beats are stronger than others, like the first one of each time signature. This symbol > is used to mark the accent. As you know, rhythm is organized in bars, so that you can read it. After the treble clef, you will find two numbers that we call time signature . They give us information about the beat: - the top number tells you how many beats there are in each bar. - the bottom number tells you how long each beat lasts11. For instance, if the bottom number is a 4, it tells us they are crotchets or quarter notes. If it is an 8, what kind of notes do you think they are? 11 last: durar Look at the example: 4/4 means that there are 4 beats in each bar. This time signature is sometimes written as C. 3/4 means that there are 3 beats in each bar. 2/4 means that there are 2 beats in each bar. 6/8 means that there are 6 beats in each bar. Simple Times Two beats in a bar Double Time1 Three beats in a bar Triple Time2 Four beats in a bar Quadruple time Crotchet beats 2 4 3 4 4 4 Compound Times Two beats in a bar Double Time Three beats in a bar Triple Time Four beats in a bar Quadruple time3 Dotted Crotchet beats 6 8 9 8 12 8 ee 2 Add these musical terms to your music dictionary: Beat, rhythm, pulse, time signature, bar, accent, double time, triple time, quadruple time, ... me What is the time signature of this popular song? For he is a jolly good fellow (x3) Which nobody can deny(x2) me In a 2/4 In a 3/4 In a 4/4 Test yourself. Add the missing bar lines: 29 30 1.4 Tempo The speed12 of beats is called tempo. Tempo can be slow or fast and it can change during a piece of music. Composers can indicate tempo in two ways: - by a metronome, marking13 for example = 77 - by Italian words, called tempo terms14 What happens when a musician wants to practise a piece of music at a specific tempo? They use a metronome, a device15 that indicates the beat with audible ticks16. It has a stick17 with a piece of metal that you can move up and down to increase18 or decrease19 tempo. 1.5. Tempo terms The following are the most common terms for tempo: Grave - Very Slow Largo - Lento - Slow Larghetto - A bit4 faster than Largo Adagio - Moderately5 Slow Moderato - Moderate Andante - “Walking” Tempo Andantino - A bit faster than Andante Allegretto - A bit slower than Allegro Allegro - Fast Vivace - Lively6 Presto - Very Fast Prestissimo – Very, Very Fast Terms indicating changes of tempo: Accel., Accelerando - Gradually becoming7 faster Rit., Ritardando - Gradually becoming slower Rubato – Flexible tempo ee 3 Your teacher will give you a tempo term and you have to represent it without words for your classmates. They have to guess. The person who guesses will have to represent another one. Extra points will be given to the students who can provide the English translation as well. speed: velocitat 13 marking: assenyalant 14 tempo terms: indicacions de moviment ticks: fer tic-tac 17 stick: pal 18 increase: augmentar 19 decrease: disminuir 12 15 device: instrument, aparell 16 LISTENING EXERCISE 31 Listen to the music In the Cave20 of the King of the Mountain composed by Edward Grieg. Do you know him? He was born21 in Norway in 1847 and he belongs to22 the Romantic period. His first teacher was his mother. She sent him to study in Germany where he graduated23. He became a great pianist and he gave concerts all over Europe. He composed the music for Peer Gynt, a play written by the famous playwright24 Henry Ibsen. This piece of music belongs to it. LANGUAGE CORNER In English there are two ways to form the Simple Past tense, depending on the type of verb: - Regular verbs form the past simple adding –ed to the base form: e.g. graduate – graduated - Irregular verbs use a different word for the past. You have to memorize them: e.g. send-sent, become – became me After listening to this piece, answer the following questions: 1) Tap the beat on the table. Can you guess25 the time signature? 2) Tap the rhythm of the theme on your legs and write it down in the box : 3) Choose the suitable26 tempo term at the beginning: a. Grave b. Moderato c. Adagio d. Allegro 4) True or False? a. The music starts slowly and it gets faster. T/F b. The music starts softly and it gets louder. T/F c. All the instruments of the orchestra play together at the beginning. T / F d. The beats are regular during the whole piece of music T/F 27 e. All the beats are the same, none of them are stronger than the others. T / F 5) Which musical term in this musical piece is suitable to express changes in… dynamics? tempo? 6) Underline28 the adjectives that describe this piece of music: Firm29, calm, idyllic, sad, repetitive, agitated, brilliant 7) How many times is the theme repeated? Notice that the length of the notes is short. This is called staccato, an Italian word that means detached or separated notes. The term legato means the opposite. It refers to connected or joined notes. cave: cova 21was born: va néixer 22belongs: pertany a 23graduated: es va llicenciar 24playwright: dramaturg guess: endevinar 26suitable: apropiat 27none of them: cap d’ells 28underline: subratlla 29 firm: ferm 20 25 32 LANGUAGE CORNER Some adjectives are formed adding the suffix e.g. connect (v) – connected (adj) –ed to the base form of a verb: 8) Let’s play a fragment of In the Cave of the King of the Mountain with the recorder or Orff instruments and body percussion. 1.6. Body percussion* When we use our body to make sounds, we call it body percussion. Body percussion can be performed on its own30 or as an accompaniment to a song. We can produce a lot of sounds, but how? There are different ways of creating sounds.You can: 1. Stomp (stamp your feet against the floor). 2. Tap your thighs31 with your hands. 3. Clap your hands together. 4. Snap your fingers. 5. Hit your chest 6. Whistle 7. Slap your cheeks with the mouth open 8. Click with the tongue against the roof of your mouth 9. Grunt 10. Hit your bottom What is polyrhythm? When we play different rhythmic patterns together with one or more instruments, we are making polyrhythm. It’s a simultaneous and independent rhythm. LANGUAGE CORNER In English, adjectives don’t change and they always go before the noun: e.g. different rhythmic patterns. on its own: tot sol 30 31 thighs: cuixes * Go to the language appendix Play Everybody dance now Play Tarragona m’esborrona 33 34 1.7 The drum set8 The drum set is a percussion instrument. One person alone32 can use it to make different rhythms at the same time. You need coordination, because you have to play different patterns with hands and feet. INTERESTING WEB PAGE: http://www.musictechteacher.com/musicquizzes.htm 32 alone: tota sola WORDSEARCH 35 Find the words below. Words can be found vertically, horizontally, forwards or backwards. L D P J B H Z L E O L W Y E E X E F Z R P L N Q Y U H Q T S A R R F O P B Y J S A S F G D X Q L A R F F D R U M R K B A L X E W G L U O B W U U Y D N X H E U Y M W W C A E R P H O R L D W O I K T Y T H U B N C O G N Y B B U V W E T M O V I U V R J X A N Y S N T Y N H D G T F Z O Y F A D W R A I J I Z D D N H H G H M D O E M O N O R T E M I M J J B M R A R A T S A Z O N I D L E W N T H J H R V E U X D P D T R Q G D T B V J I Q P S K U C O P Z V Q S N N Y L I T A U B S O G C I N D R Q U I M S T A C C A T O Q L B A G G V E J S M X A D X I P T O D V T Y K F A V K G F E W X Y R W B J O L Q N A F Y U I P M O T S W F C B J L P N G Y R G Q Q Y J I I I G P A L C J V C I Q V U M V T Q B X G O M P N Z C A Q S D Z D V Q R O E V S G F J M A N X C S C P A N S E I B E V S I N H O J P H F V J Z S J M P E P N Q T V Y K S U M G H W O L X K W F P P B B C N B Z T E M P O U C Y H B M F R S L E G A T O V I V A C E Q H S I H E U N P K W Q A J B N X Z S U B G I H I N N H Y V pulse legato presto rhythm metronome stomp polyrhythm staccato allegro dot clap vivace snap tempo beat andante 36 CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE I.Can you write the values of these dotted notes? [2 points] NOTE VALUE Dotted semibreve Dotted minim Dotted crotchet Dotted quaver II. Tempo terms. Classify the tempo terms in the box. Are they fast or slow? [1.5 points] Adagio Presto Largo Grave Vivace FastSlow ---III. Is it True or False? Correct the mistakes: [4 points] 1. Rubato is a term which indicates flexible tempo. 2. Ritardando is a term which indicates that the tempo gradually becomes faster. 3. Accelerando is a term which indicates that the tempo gradually becomes slower. 4. Larghetto is a bit slower than largo. T/F T/F T/F T/F IV. Write the concept next to its definition:[2.5 points] DEFINITIONS Playing different rhythmic patterns together with one or more instruments The regular pulse in a piece of music. Two numbers situated after the treble clef which give you information about the beat A device to indicate the beat with audible ticks. Using our body to make sounds CONCEPTS Allegro Project 1 Inventing a christmas song INTRODUCTION Have you ever wanted to write your own lyrics for a piece of music, but you didn’t know how to? Have you ever realized that pop songs lyrics are sometimes very bad? Have you ever thought of your Music teacher as old-fashioned? If you have answered “yes”, now it is your chance! Let’s invent a Christmas song together! You will think of new lyrics for any pop or rock song you like. Your favourite pop star lends you the music, YOU write the lyrics. TASK Your task is to create the lyrics for a song and play it at the Christmas concert. The lyrics you invent have to be about Christmas, even if it is only to criticize society’s hypocrisy. You have to work in groups of four. First, give a name to your group; then, each member has to choose one of the following jobs: 1.Writer: in charge of writing the lyrics and handing them to the English teacher. 2.Conductor: responsible for the accuracy during the performances. 3. Fashion designer: in charge of the group’s look and of finding a unique style for each group member (clothes and hair during the performances). 4.Manager: in charge of communication, contact person with the English and the Music teachers. If there are more than 4 members in a group, the additional members will assist the others in any way necessary. PROCESS Let’s start with... Activity 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Start singing the song. Play it with the recorder or the xylophone. Change the lyrics. Hand them to your English teacher. Finally, perform the new version of the song with your group in the Music class. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Hi ho, hi ho, It’s off to work we go, With a shovel and a pick and a walking stick, hi ho, hi ho. 37 38 Activity 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ Start singing and playing the song with the recorder or the xylophone. Change the lyrics, Hand them to your English teacher Finally, perform the new version with your group in Music class. Lula, lula, lula, lula ley lula lula lula lula lula ley Lula, lula, lula, lula ley Lula, lula lula ley. Hey! Activity 3 Don’t you know...? Oh can’t you see You belong to me How my poor heart aches with every step you take. 1st step Surf the Net searching for the lyrics of the most famous Rock and Pop music hits. These two websites can help you: - http://www.metrolyrics.com/ - http://www.azlyrics.com/ but surely you know more! 2nd step Write down the chorus (NOT THE VERSES!) 3rd step Invent a new chorus for the song and: ■ hand it to the English teacher ■ sing it to the Music teacher. Activity 4 Try now with one of Bonnie Tyler’s best known singles: It’s a Heartache 1st step Surf the Net looking for the lyrics. 2nd step Surf the Net looking for the chords (it is in C major). Be careful, sometimes it is better to search by the title, sometimes by the singer... -http://www.azchords.com/ -http://www.lyrics-p.com/ -http://www.chordie.com/ 3rd step Make your own lyrics and hand them to the English teacher. 4th step Rehearse your version and perform it with your group in Music class. ASSESSMENT 39 This project will be evaluated based on the following rubric. At the end of the project you will have two different grades: one Music mark and one English mark. MUSIC MARK Criteria Assignment Points Activity 1 They sing in tune. out of 10 Activity 2 Canon can be noticed clearly. It is a tuned and accurate performance in Music class. out of 10 The new lyrics go well together with the chorus music. The performance is tuned, accurate and original. The new lyrics go well together with the music. Activity 4 The performance is tuned, accurate and original. Individual res- Developing your own role. ponsability Playing and singing well during the performances. The group rehearses properly. Group dynamicas Everybody starts and finishes at once. The students hand in the tasks at the required dates. Total ENGLISH MARK Assignment Criteria Handing the new lyrics to the English teacher on time. Activity 1 Writing the new lyrics without spelling errors. Handing the new lyrics to the English teacher on time. Activity 2 Writing the new lyrics without grammar and spelling errors. Handing the new lyrics to the English teacher on time. Activity 3 Writing the new lyrics without grammar and spelling errors. Differentiating chorus and verse. Handing the new lyrics to the English teacher on time. Writing the new lyrics without grammar and spelling errors. Activity 4 Differentiating chorus and verse. Having original and coherent lyrics. Individual responsability Individual responDeveloping your own role. sability Having an accurate pronunciation. The group is well organized. Group dynamicas The students hand in the tasks at the required dates. Total Activity 3 out of 10 out of 50 out of 10 out of 10 out of 100 Points out of 10 out of 10 out of 10 out of 50 out of 10 out of 10 out of 100 CONCLUSION By doing this project, you will learn how to play in group for an audience and how to surf the web and work in collaboration with your classmates. And now..., finally..., after two weeks..., you are ready to perform your own work! So... relax and enjoy yourself!!!!!!!!! If you do the activities step by step, you will do fine. 40 Unit 3 Melody and harmony. Textures: how music is made 3.1 Melody Melody is a very important element of music. We can define it as a group of notes with some character. It appears1 when you play or sing a group of different notes, one after another2. All these notes can have different pitches and lengths and they are usually repeated and contrasted3 at the same time in a musical piece. MUSICAL NOTE Do you remember the meaning of pitch and length? Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of a sound. Length refers to how short or long a sound is. Melody is the horizontal structure of music and it is also the easiest part to remember. A lot of popular melodies survive4 from the past to nowadays because they are transmitted across generations5. When we talk about melody we can distinguish: ■ Range: the distance between the lowest and the highest note. The range of a melody can be narrow6, medium or wide7. If the lowest note is a C and the highest one is an A, the range is of 6th (=sixth): C-D-E-F-G-A. ■ Direction: it can be ascending (= going up), descending (=going down) or it can remain8 static (= the same). ■ Melodic motion: notes can move by short intervals (Conjunct motion) or by large (= big) intervals9 (Disjunct motion). ■ Form: the structure of the melody. LANGUAGE CORNER Do you remember how to make the superlative? - Short adjectives: the + adj-est eg. Low_ the lowest - Long adjectives: the+ most +adj. eg. intelligent _ the most intelligent appears: apareix 2 one after the other: un darrere l’altre 3 contrasted: contrastats 4 survive: sobreviure 5 across generations: de generació en generació 6 narrow: estreta 7 wide: ampla 8 remain: mantenir 9 for the definition of interval, see below 1 41 42 Let’s clarify what an interval is: an interval is the distance between two notes. For instance, the distance between a D and a F is three notes: D-E-F. So, it is an interval of third. What is, then, the distance between the E and the B? Intervals can be descending (if they go down) or ascending (if they go up). Also, intervals can be melodic (as a part of the melody) or harmonic (as a part of the harmony). LANGUAGE CORNER To talk about intervals we use ordinal numbers. e.g. an interval of third a) Melodic What kind of intervals are they? b) Harmonic me Activity 1 Click the following webpage http://makingmusicfun.net/ 1. Go to PRINT IT! and click PRINT IT! Index. 2. Go down and you willl find FREE PRINTABLE MUSIC THEORY SHEETMUSIC. Click FREE INTERVAL WORKSHEETS. 3. Try to do the four exercises! me me Activity 2 COMPOSING YOUR OWN MELODY Compose a melody of 8 measures using the notes C, D, E, G and A. Write the time signature, the range. Don’t forget to write the treble clef! Activity 3 Click the following webpage, go to COMPOSE YOUR OWN MELODY and follow the instructions: http://www.musicatschool.co.uk/year_7/melodicphrase_worksheets.htm 3.2 Harmony 43 Harmony is a group of notes that supports10 the melody. It’s the vertical structure of the music and it gives mood11 to it. If the harmony changes, the melody will sound very different. The chords and arpeggios form the harmony. What is a chord? It is a group of notes written one above the other which sounds at the same time. The most common chord in Western music is the triad chord. It is a combination of 3 notes and we can build12 them on every note of the scale. Look at the example: C major chord LANGUAGE CORNER Be careful: Chord is pronounced /ko:d/ If these notes sound one after another, we call it arpeggio. You can use chords and arpeggios to make an accompaniment for a song. ee 1 Look for the names of these concepts in Catalan and add them to your music vocabulary: Range: Disjunct motion: Direction: Scale: Melodic motion: Harmony: Interval: Accompaniment: Chord: Triad Chord: Form: Arpeggio: Conjunct motion: 3.3 Textures: How music is made The texture describes how the tune and supporting harmony are woven13 into a piece of music: - Monophony: a single line of melody. It is usually a solo, unaccompanied, unison... support: donar suport teixir 10 11 mood: ambient, estat d’ànim, sentiment 12 build: construir, muntar 13 woven-weave: 44 - Homophony: melody with harmonic accompaniment. It is usually a strong lyrical melody with chordal accompaniment (like in the pop songs). - Polyphony: melodies weaving together. It is usually a canon or different rhythmically independent melodies . me Activity 4 Can you write down the name of these popular melodies? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 45 46 CROSSWORD Complete the crossword below: 8 4 7 2 9 3 5 1 6 10 Across: 1. When an interval goes up is... 3. It is the distance between two notes. 6. When in a chord the notes sound one after the other we call it... 7. It is the horizontal structure of music. 10. It is a group of independent melodies weaving together. Down: 2. It is the distance between the highest and the lowest note. 4. It can be ascending or descending. 5. It is a group of notes that sounds at the same time. 8. It is a group of notes that supports the melody. 9. It is a single line of melody. CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE 47 Let’s do a little quiz! Form groups of three people. You have 15 minutes to answer these questions about the unit. You MUST NOT look at your photocopies! I. Define melody [2 points] II. Name the types of melodic motion. [1 point] III. What is the difference between range and interval? [2 points] IV. Write what you can about these intervals. [3 points] Give information about: 1. The distance (Remember to use ordinal numbers!) 2. Melodic or harmonic? 3. Ascending or descending? 123- 123- 123- 123- 123- 123- V. What gives support to the melody in a piece of music? [0,5 point] VI. What is the difference between chord and arpeggio? When do we use them? [1 point] VII. A canon, is it a polyphony or a homophony? [0,5 point] Now, exchange your answer sheet with another group. Correct your classmates’ answers. The group with the highest score gets a prize!!! Good luck! Unit 4: Musical instruments 1. Musical instruments Musical instruments are divided into families. The family members have things in common, just as people in human families can look and sound similar. There are different ways of classifying musical instruments: A. We can group them according to1 how their sounds are produced, which is the most accurate way: 1. Chordophones: The sound is made2 by vibrating the strings. Some examples are the violin and the guitar. 2. Aerophones: The sound is produced by vibrating air, e.g. the flabiol. 3. Membranophones: The sound begins with the vibration of a streched3 membrane or skin4, like the timpani. 4. Idiophones: The vibration of the instrument itself is the main source5 of the musical sound. The xylophone is a good example of an idiophone. 5. Electrophones:They rely on6 electronics instead of7 a resonator to produce and amplify the sound, like the keyboard. ee 1 There are a lot of new words in this unit. Don’t forget to write them down in your MD and translate them. Produce a sound Chordophones/aerophones/ … Vibrate/vibration Amplify Resonator … B. The most common classification, however, is the one that divides the instruments in four families: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. 1 according to: segons 2 is made: es produeix, es fa 3 streched: tensada 4 skin: pell 5 source: font 6 rely on: depenen de 7 instead of: en lloc de 49 50 STRING8 INSTRUMENTS Four stringed instruments are commonly used in the modern orchestra: violin, viola, cello and double bass. All are made of wood9 and have four strings.In an orchestra there are more string instruments than any other type of instrument. 8 violin viola violoncel double bass string: corda 9 wood: fusta Another stringed instrument which can be part of an orchestra is the harp. It is different from other stringed instruments. Do you know how many strings it has? It has about 47 strings running perpendicular to the soundboard and it has a triangular shape with seven footpedals at the bottom. Look for a photo of a harp and draw it: The guitar is also a stringed instrument. It has 6 strings, but guitars with a different number of strings are also common.We can find acoustic and electric guitars and they are commonly used in flamenco,blues, country, rock and pop music... guitar 51 52 String instruments are usually played by: -BOWING: You draw a bow10 across the strings, as you do in the violin,viola, cello and double bass. -PLUCKING : You pluck11 the strings with your fingers like with the harp or with a little triangular piece of plastic called pick12, like the guitar is sometimes played. The violin, viola, cello and double bass can also be plucked. If the string is short and thin, the sound will be higher and if the string is long and thick, the sound will be lower. The piano is an instrument with strings inside and it is played using a keyboard. The sound is produced by small hammers striking the strings and it is controlled by the pressure of the pianist’s hands on the keyboard. It was invented around 1700 as an evolution of its predecessors, the hapsichord and the clavichord. And how can we classify the piano? Is it a string instrument or a percussion instrument? Discuss it with the classmates and your teacher. Do you know any other instrument with a keyboard? piano The violin The violin is the smallest member of the string family. It is a very popular instrument and it has a very wide range (=tesitura ampla). It has 4 strings and its tone is sweet and clear .It is commonly used in orchestras as a solo instrument. The body of the violin is made of wood. They exist in different sizes (=talles): full-size, half-size or quarter-size, for younger students. The bow is made of horsehair. Italy was an important country of violin makers. A lot of families became famous making violins, using the best materials to produce beautiful sounds.The Stradivarius, Amati and the Guarnieri were luthiers from Italy. Do you know what a luthier is? 10 draw a bow/bowing: passar l’arc 11 pluck: puntejar 12 pick: pua Did you know...? Mr Antonio Stradivari was an Italian violinmaker who lived between 1644 and 1737. His violins are considered the best ever made13 and they are still the most prestigious of all. Nowadays, a Stradivarius violin could cost about 1.5 million euros! WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS Woodwinds14 were all originally made of wood. Now, they are made of metal or wood. Their different shapes15 and materials give them a variety of sounds. They have the form of a tube with keys16 you can press with your fingers. Some instruments have reeds17 to produce their sound. Clarinets and saxophones have a single reed, while18 oboes and bassoons have a double reed. They use vibrating air to produce sounds. The sound is produced by BLOWING19 through a hole20 (flute, recorder) or a reed (clarinet, oboe...). Some of the woodwind family instruments that we can find in an orchestra are the flute, the clarinet, the oboe and the bassoon. If the tube is longer, the sound will be lower and if the tube is shorter, the sound will be higher. Let’s find out something about each instrument... The saxophone is the only woodwind instrument made of brass and it belongs to this family because it has a single reed like the clarinet. We can find it occasionally in an orchestra. Its name comes from the man who invented it, called Adolph Sax. The clarinet is a single reed instrument that belongs to the woodwind family too. A reed is a small piece of cane that is located at the bottom of the mouthpiece. The musician presses the metal keys with the fingers of both hands to produce sounds while blowing. saxophone clarinet The oboe is quite similar to the clarinet. It belongs to the same family and it has metal keys like the clarinet, but it has a double reed, not a mouthpiece. The bassoon and the contrabassoon are the largest instruments in the woodwind family. They have a double reed and they make the lowest sound in this family of instruments. oboe bassoon best ever made: el millor que s’han fet mai 14 woodwinds: instruments de vent fusta reed: canyeta 18 while: mentre que 19 blow: bufar 20 hole: forat 13 15 shape: forma 16 key:clau 17 53 The flute doesn’t have a reed, but a mouthpiece. It belongs to a large family of instruments. Piccolos, recorders, ocarinas and other unusual instruments are also part of this family. 54 flute The bagpipe This is a traditional woodwind instrument throghout Europe. It is a double reed instrument and it has been played in Majorca for centuries. Do you know its name in Catalan? The parts of the bagpipe are: the chanter, the bag, the blowpipe, the bass drone, the tenor drones. Can you guess what these parts are called in Catalan? Fill in the gaps. Parts English name Catalan name 1 Bufador 2 Sarró o sac 3 Grall 4 Bruma 5 Fiols BRASS21 These instruments are made of metal. Their sound is produced by BLOWING and BUZZING22 the lips against the mouthpiece. The orchestral brass instruments are: the trumpet, the French horn, the trombone and the tuba. Their sound is louder than the woodwinds and they are commonly used in military bands playing outdoors. trumpet 21 tuba brass instruments: instruments de vent-metall tromboe 22 buzz: brunzir french horn 55 The trombone Trombonists use the slide (=vara) and the shape of the lips to change the pitch. They hold (=agafen) it with their left hand while moving the slide back and forth (= cap envant i enrera) with their right hand. The trombone sounds wonderful. In orchestras, they play harmonies and also great solos. PERCUSSION The percussion family is very big and includes a variety of different instruments. The sound is produced by HITTING23 , SHAKING24 or SCRAPING. There are two types of percussion instruments. There are the ones you can play tune with, which are called tuned percussion, because they can produce specific pitches or notes . There are also percussion instruments which produce an indefinite pitch and that is the reason why they are called: untuned. xylophones guiro 23 hit: colpejar 24 shake: agitar maracas or shakers triangle wood block sleigh bells darbouka 56 tambourine claves cimbals drum castanets bass drum timpani me Classify the instruments below in tuned/untuned, membranophones or idiophones. Be careful! The same instrument can be written in two columns. E.g. the bass drum is untuned and a membranophone: PERCUSSION Tuned Bass Drum me Untuned X Membranophones Idiophones X which is which? Try to find the percussion instrument that corresponds to the following definitions: a. They are two pieces of wood and when we strike them we produce an untuned sound. They are often associated with Spanish dances. b. It is a circular-shaped drum covered on one side with plastic or animal skin. It has small discs, called jingles, located in its circular frame and it sounds when we shake it or we strike it with our hands. c. It is made of metal and it has a triangular shape. We play it with a metal stick. d. It has two membranes streched over a circular frame.We play it with a pair of wooden sticks. e. It is often made of wood. It has an irregular surface and it is played by scraping the surface with a stick. f. It is a big percussion instrument that is used in the orchestra. It produces a specific pitch that changes depening on the drum size. g. They are a pair of little brass plates and they are crashed together to produce the sound. h. It has bars of different lengths made of wood following one after another and you play it with two drumsticks. i. It is the biggest drum used in orchestras or music bands. Its sound is very low and deep. j. It is a type of drum that is commonly played in the North of Africa and in the Middle East. me 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Let’s see how much you remember. Work in groups of 4 students. Find the missing information in the text. You have 5 minutes. The quickest wins. Go! You can group instruments in four families: strings, ……………………, brass and percussion. Which instruments produce sound by vibrating strings? …………………….………………… Membraphones are classified according to ………………………….. of the resonating body. Cello is a …………………………………….. instrument. The viola is the smallest stringed instrument. TRUE / FALSE 57 58 6. How do you play a woodwind instrument? ………………………………………………………… 7. The woodwind members of the orchestra are the flute, ……………., clarinet and ……………….. 8. In aerophones the sound is produced by ……………………..…………………………………… 9. What is the difference between brass and woodwinds? ………………………………………….. 10.What type of instrument is a triangle? …………………...………………………………………… ee 2 BLOWING BOWING STRIKING When talking about the different instruments, it is important to know how their sound is produced. In pairs, play a guessing game. One student mimics the meaning of these verbs and the other tries to guess the verb in English. For extra points, name instruments that are produced in this way. Keep score! DRAWING A BOW SLIDING BUZZING HITTING PLUCKING SHAKING PRESSING KEYS III. Add these verbs to your MD with their translations. IV. Let’s play charades, but with instruments. One student gets the name of an instrument and his/her classmates have to guess which one it is by asking questions. The answers can only be Yes or No! Have a look at the type of questions you can ask: e.g. Is it a strings/brass/woodwinds/percussion… instrument? Yes, it is /No, it isn’t Is it an idiophone/membranophone…? Is it made of wood/metal/plastic…? Do you play it by blowing/ striking/…? Yes, you do/ No, you Do you use your fingers/ a bow to play it? Is it big/small/long/short/round…? Is it bigger/smaller than…? Does it have a low/high sound..? (Yes, it has/ No, it hasn’t) don’t 1.2 What is an orchestra? The orchestra is a group of musicians with their instruments playing together. It is divided into different sections. It is very well organized! me Now, you are a musical detective and you need to know where the following instruments sit in an orchestra. Read the following instructions and you will find out the right answer. One, two, three and…go! - Percussion instruments sit at the very back of the orchestra. - The harp occupies the smallest space on the left and the 1st violins sit at the front, next to the harp. - The 2nd violins sit next to the 1st violins. - The violas are directly in front of you. - Double basses are behind the cellos, where the string section finishes. - The flutes are behind the violas, on the left. - The oboes sit next to the flutes and are directly in front of the bassoons. - The clarinets sit next to the bassoons and in front of the horns. - The trombones and tubas sit in a place behind the bassoons, on the right and the trumpets sit next to them. me Can you write where the different families are located? Fill the gaps The string family is located25t������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� the conductor. The woodwind family is located........................................................................................... the strings. The percussion is located........................................................................................................ of the orchestra. The harp and the piano are located.................................................................................... of the wind family. The brass family is located...................................................................................................... . LANGUAGE CORNER Before doing this exercise remember the prepositions of place in English: Behind Next to In front of On the left/right At the front/back Between 25 is located: està situat 59 1.3 The conductor 60 A conductor is the person who leads26 the musicians. He guides them and makes them play louder, softer, faster, slower... A conductor uses his or her whole body, not only his hands. The expression of the conductor´s face is very important. Eyes are especially useful27 to communicate with the musicians. Sometimes, conductors wave28 their hands with a thin stick29 that is called the baton30. Occasionally, with the excitement of the music, the conductor loses31 the baton and it goes flying away! The conductor also chooses the pieces the orchestra has to play and he attends the rehearsals32. He corrects the musicians if they play a part of the piece incorrectly, just like teachers do with their students! me As we said before, the orchestra is organised in four sections or families of instruments and their sound is produced in different ways. Fill in the gaps: SECTIONS INSTRUMENTS HOW THE SOUND IS PRODUCED Plucking and bowing with a bow sliding across the strings. Blowing on a single or double reed, except the flute. Trumpet, trombone, tuba and French horn. Striking1 with different kinds of sticks, striking them together, hitting them with your hands or shaking. Percussion ee 5 There is a lot of new vocabulary to learn. Add these terms to your music dictionary. lead: dirigeix 26 Bow tuned / pitched instruments Reed untuned / unpitched instruments Valvesslide Sticksconductor useful: útil 27 wave: moure 28 stick: vareta 29 baton: batuta 30 lead orchestra rehearsal conduct lose: perdre 31 rehearsal: assaig 32 1.4 Chamber music 61 Chamber music33 is composed for a small group of people and it was originally performed34 at rich people’s homes as entertainment. Rich people used to pay musicians to come and play in their “chambers” and for this reason, the music composed for these private performances is called chamber music. The name of the main chamber groups are the following: Duet, Trio, Quartet, Quintet, Sextet, Septet and Octet. They don´t need a conductor, because they are so few. Instead35, one of the players leads the group. Composers always compose chamber music thinking of specific music instruments.The most popular types are: String trio: violin,viola,cello. String quartet: violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello. Piano trio: piano,violin, cello. Brass Quintet: 2 trumpets, French horn, trombone, tuba. me Click the following web page: http://www.artsalive.ca/en/mus/instrumentlab/, and go to Instrument lab. A- Draw the string instruments, write their characteristics and listen to them. B- Draw the wind instruments, write their characteristics and listen to them. C- Draw the percussion instruments write their characteristics and listen to them. 33 35 chamber music: música de Cambra Instead: en lloc d’això 34 perform(v)/performance(n): representar/representació 62 STRING INSTRUMENTS WIND INSTRUMENTS PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS me 63 Listen to the following instruments. Guess the instrument playing and complete the chart: Instruments Instrumental family 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. ee 6 LET´S MAKE COMPARISONS... Write comparisons between instruments within each instrumental family using the comparative and the superlative. You can compare the size, the pitch, the length of the strings, how they sound... Go over your grammar first. 64 STRING FAMILY Ex. The violin is the smallest instrument in the string family. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ WIND FAMILY __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ PERCUSSION FAMILY __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 1.5 Human voice Is our voice a musical instrument? Of course! Our voice is the most natural instrument in the world and the oldest one, as well. It doesn´t cost money and like other instruments, you don´t need a case to put it in, you don´t have to polish it, but it needs care. How can we produce the voice? We produce it with our two vocal chords36, two pairs of mucous membrane folds37 located across the larynx that start vibrating when the air goes through them. You take a big breath38 to produce a long note, like a wind player. HAVE A LOOK! If you are really interested in watching real vocal chords in action, you can watch the following video: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=iYpDwhpILkQ 36 vocal chords: cordes vocals 37 fold: plecs 38 take a breath: aspirar Men and women have different vocal chord sizes. Adult males, for instance, have larger vocal chords and they are usually lower pitched. Types of voices We can find different types of voices depending on their pitch: Female voices Soprano: The highest voice. Mezzosoprano: The pitch of this voice is between the soprano and the contralto. Alto: The lowest female voice Male voices Tenor: One of the highest male voices. Baritone: The pitch of this voice is between the tenor and the bass. Bass: The lowest male voice. The choir is a group of voices. A conductor leads them, like in an orchestra. Many people can sing quite well and singing together with others can be a satisfying experience. 65 66 A choir can sing without instrumental accompaniment. Then, it is called a cappella. It can also sing together with an orchestra, like in Beethoven´s 9th Symphony, where we can find the famous Ode to Joy. Do you know it? HAVE A LOOK! Here you have an interesting website where you can have fun with a lot of music games and quizzes. You will also find some ideas to make your own instrument! http://www.nyphilkids.org/games/main.phtml? Enjoy! CROSSWORD 67 Complete the crossword below: 13 6 10 8 9 5 2 11 3 1 12 7 4 Across: 1. It is one of the main chamber groups. 4. It is a group of musicians and their instruments, playing together. 5. The sound is made by vibrating the strings. 7. It is made of horsehair. 9. It is a traditional woodwind instrument and it has been played in Majorca for centuries. 11. It is the smallest member of the string family. Down: 2. The person who leads the orchestra is the... 3. It is one of the highest male voice. 5. It belongs to the woodwind family. 6. It is the most natural instrument in the world and the oldest one. 8. The sound can be produced by hitting or shaking. 10. It belongs to the brass family and it has a slide. 12. These instruments are made of metal. 13. He was an Italian violin maker. WORDSEARCH 68 Find the name of the musical instruments below. Words can be found vertically, horizontally, forwards or backwards. W A A Q A O V I I G S N G H H D A B W P X L P U A Z X F M E C V W H K X I U S W I H M P C T R X O B A R U X M R C Z A D C O B A S S O O N K B P N U I T U Q M T F K L J A H K E J T M B U T B M S I S M P A L X V O B R Y O Q P Z W M L S I W X N I I L K C W B X U K G S I H O E X A K Z K E Z X R Q N I A F N K E A N N O F Y S P T W H W N P T I W T K G I K L Z X R O G O I V I X I Z S M E L U R U I S Y L I N L K O Q T G G P Y Y E M D T H H O H P X P L M B E Z Y S Z G B R I D E D A G S V Z X Y M N O L H M N O O O K V C I C A W P H G M W L I M F T A O G O A P I A F M K L O E U G N O Q R N A K E U B J E R K Q X X V E O S I O S P Q I A V N R P C L F G P D A S B A K R I D D S Y W K W L L L M I B M O J D A R B O U K A S V A L R D B S C S O O P E F M J D Y F L T C C K I D X N D O W W N C S N E W G I Q C I Q R E C O R D E R X N Z Y T A E X Q P U K O M P K O A W N V F C I S K U H Z O E N B Z F H B X Y W R Z W O J B N D H K H S E T S W S X V Q J R V O N F R Z P N trombonepiano violin clarinet viola trumpet triangle shackers timpani flute recorderbassoon bagpipe keyboard darbouka CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE 69 I. WHICH IS WHICH? [22 points] Label the following instruments and write the instrumental family they belong to: II. Match the instrument with its definition [18 points]. 1. A percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that you strike with a drumstick. A. Tuba 2. A percussion instrument made of wood consisting of a pair of shells held in your hand.It is used in popular music. B. Triangle 3. A large stringed instrument.The musician holds it upright while playing. C.Saxophone 4. A brass wind instrument with a brilliant tone. D. Gong 5. A woodwind instrument with single-reed. E. Castanets 6. It has the lowest pitch of the string instruments. F. Double bass 7. This instrument has the lowest pitch of the brass instruments. G.Trumpet 8. A percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar in the shape of a triangle. H.Trombone 9. A brass instrument consisting of a long tube with slides. I.Violoncel 70 III. Which family or families of instruments are played by…? Give examples. [10 points] By striking: By blowing and buzzing: By blowing through a hole or a reed: By plucking: By drawing a bow/bowing: Project 2 Orchestral instruments project PROJECT DESCRIPTION Poster presentation about one family of orchestral instruments. WHAT FOR? Objectives: At the end of this project you will be able to: ■ Explain the most important characteristics of one family of orchestral instruments and describe the different instruments within that family. ■ Make up a visually-attractive poster which summarises the information you have collected. ■Present the poster with the information to your class. ■ Understand and actively listen to you classmates´presentations. ■Show in a test your acquired knowledge of orchestral instruments. HOW? ■ You will work in groups of 3 or 4 people. ■Divide the workload evenly among the members of the group. Remember that your active participation in the task is required. ■ Within the group there should be a leader (who organises the work), a secretary (who records everything his/her group has decided in writing), a time-watcher (who controls the time and prevents his/her teammates from losing time) and a spokesperson (a student who asks the teacher any doubts and transfers the information back to his/her classmates). WHAT? At the end of this project you have to: 1. Hand in the poster, and a questionnaire for your classmates. 2. Present the contents of the poster to your classmates. 3. Choose a piece of music that illustrates best your presentation. 4. Test your classmates with 5 made-up questions about your presentation. 1. Requirements on the poster: On the poster there should be information about: ■ Name of the family of instruments and main description. ■Names and drawings of the most important instruments representing the chosen family. ■ Definition of each instrument, with special emphasis on how the sound is produced. ■ The layout of the orchestra, highlighting where the family of instruments is located. 71 72 2. Requirements on the presentation: ■ 15 - 20 minutes long ■ During the presentation all members of the group are required to talk the same amount of time. ■ No reading will be allowed. ■ Provide difficult vocabulary to your classmates or repeat if necessary. 3. Requirements on the questionnaire: ■ 5 made-up questions about your presentation to test if your classmates were listening carefully. Don´t make them too difficult! WHEN? Date What to do in class? What to do at home? Week… Project presentation · Choose your group and the roles. · Divide the tasks Look for information and suitable pieces of music Week … Each group reads and summarises the information Look for information and suitable pieces of music Week … Start on the poster: form, content,… Finish draft poster Week … Hand in a draft of the poster to the teacher Prepare presentation in English class. Make up questionnaire and make copies. Practise presentation at home. Week … Present your poster to the class. Hand in poster and questionnaire. Practise presentation at home. Week … Present your poster to the class. Test on orchestral instruments. Study for test Finished? WHAT DO I GET FROM IT (apart from learning English and Music)? Evaluation: 1. A final grade for English class, which will be the average of the following parts: ■ Poster (40%, group grade). Grade based on accuracy, clarity and creativity. ■ Poster presentation and questionnaire (20% group grade). Based on accuracy, structure and clarity. ■ Individual presentation (20%, individual grade). Based on fluency, accuracy and pronunciation. ■ Group work ( 10% group grade). How did the groupwork go ? 2. One grade for Music class: ■ 50% Poster presentation (group grade) ■ 50% Test on instruments (individual grade). Remember!! ■ Delays won´t be allowed and will be penalised with a deduction of points. ■ All group members have to participate equally. If a student doesn´t carry out his/her task, he/ she will be penalised with a deduction of points. ] We hope you enjoy this project! Your teachers YOUR GROUP Fill in this form and give it to your teacher when asked. MEMBERS OF THE GROUP AND ROLES Name Role Phone number E-mail DIVISION OF TASKS Name Task related to poster Part of presentation Answer these questions: 1. Did you have any problems working together? If so, could you solve them without the help of the teacher? Did you need the teacher´s help? 2. What would you improve (=millorar) next time? 3. Give a mark to your groupwork: . 73 Unit 5: 75 Dynamics, expression terms and form in music 1. DYNAMICS In music, dynamics normally refers to the softness1 or loudness2 of a sound or note, e.g. “pianissimo” or “fortissimo”. Traditionally, dynamic markings3 are in Italian, but there is nothing wrong with writing things like “quietly” or “loudly” in music. “Forte” means loud and “piano” means soft. In the past, the piano (instrument) was called the “pianoforte” because it could play dynamics, unlike4 earlier popular keyboard5 instruments like the harpsichord6. LANGUAGE CORNER Be careful! Don’t mix these words: ■ softness (noun) ■ softest (superltive) ■ softer (comparative) ■ soft (adjective) - loudness - loudest - louder - loud The two basic dynamic indications in music are: •p or piano, meaning7 “soft.” •f or forte, meaning “loud” or “strong”. More subtle degrees8 of loudness or softness are indicated by: •mp, standing for9 mezzo-piano, meaning “moderately soft” and •mf, standing for mezzo-forte, meaning “moderately loud”. Beyond10 f and p, there are also •ff, standing for “fortissimo”, and meaning “very loud” and •pp, standing for “pianissimo”, and meaning “very soft”. softness: qualitat de so fluix 2 loudness: qualitat de so alt 3 markings:senyals, marques 4 unlike: a diferència de keyboard: instrument de tecla 6 harpsichord: clavecí 7 meaning: que significa 8 more subtle degrees: indicacions més subtils 9 standing for: que significa 10 beyond: més enllà 1 5 76 Dynamic indications are relative11, not absolute12. For example, mp does not indicate an exact level of volume, it only indicates that music in a passage so marked is a little louder than p and a little quieter than mf. Interpretations of dynamic levels depend on the performer. Abbreviation Italian word English meaning pp pianissimo very quiet p piano quiet mp mezzopiano medium quiet mf mezzo forte medium loud f forte loud ff fortissimo very loud cresc crescendo getting louder dim diminuendo getting quieter 1.1. Gradual changes In addition, there are words which indicate gradual changes in volume. The two most common are crescendo, sometimes abbreviated to cresc., meaning “get gradually louder”; and decrescendo or diminuendo, sometimes abbreviated to decresc. and dim. respectively, meaning “get gradually softer”. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ crescendo: becoming louder decrescendo or diminuendo: becoming softer morendo: dying away13 marcato: stressed, pronounced sotto voce: soft, subtle 1.2. Sudden changes Sforzando indicates a strong, sudden14 accent and is abbreviated as sfz . Fortepiano indicates a forte followed immediately by piano and is abbreviated as fp. 1.3. Accents Sometimes a composer wants a particular note to be louder than all the rest, or wants the very beginning of a note to be the loudest. Accents are markings which indicate that these notes sound especially loud. 11 relative: relatiu 12 absolute: absolut 13 dying away: fer-se inaudible 14 sudden: sobtat, instantani ee 1 There is a lot of new specific vocabulary. Make sure you add these new words to your MD. Dynamics : Loud: Quiet: Strong: Interpretation: Gradual change: Stressed/pronounced: Get louder: Accent: ee 2 Soft: Marking: Indication/indicate: Level of volume: Music passage: Sudden change: Subtle: Become softer: Let’s play Hangman with these new words. 2. EXPRESSION TERMS As you know, a lot of musical terms are in Italian. Do you know why? Because a lot of composers of the Renaissance Period were Italian and they used many indications for the first time. Here you have some of them: affecttuoso with feeling, tenderly grazioso gracefully,with charm agitato agitated and fast legato smoothly and connected animato animated maestoso majestic cantabile in a singing style rubato taken out of tempo dolce sweetly scherzando playfully espressivo expressively staccato short and detached giocoso humorously tranquillo calmly, peacefully ee 3 Translate all these expressions terms into Catalan and add them to your MD. affecttuoso grazioso agitato legato animato maestoso cantabile rubato dolce scherzando espressivo staccato giocoso tranquillo 77 78 ee 4 Let’s play Bingo. Draw a table of 6 squares and write an expression term in English. When you hear the teacher say the equivalent Italian term, cross out the square and write its translation. You win when you’ve crossed out all the terms in a row or on your card. 3. FORM Every piece of music has a structure or form. You can analyze every piece of music like you can analyze every word you write. You can enjoy music without analyzing its form, of course, but this helps to understand and perform a piece of music. We can say that form is the basic structure of a piece of music. 3.1. What does a composer need in order to create a composition? A composer needs 3 important elements: 1. Repetition: you can repeat any element you want (notes, phrases, themes, dynamics...). Most popular songs use this element. 2. Contrast : you can mark a difference between two notes, phrases, themes, dynamics... and a new theme appears. 3. Variation : the melody varies during the composition. The first theme is usually a simple one and after this, the composer writes the variations he/she wants. This form is called theme and variation form. It can be written like this: A A1 A2 A3 A4... 3.2. The most common forms Binary form Ternary form Rondo A B A A Strophic form Theme and variations or A A B A A B A A1 B B A C A... A A A2 A3 A A... A4... Canon A----------------------------------------A---------------------------------A--------------------------A-------------------- BINARY FORM 79 A piece of music with two different sections, an A section and a B section, is a binary form. We can repeat both sections. Section B contrasts with section A and the two themes sound different. Section A Section B This is a traditional dance from the Basque country. Can you underline section A? Can you draw a circle on section B? TERNARY FORM The ternary form has three sections. The A section returns after a contrasting B section. It is a musical sandwich. Section A contains the first composer´s musical idea. Section B is a contrasting idea and the last section A can be the same as the first or can vary a bit. Section A Section B Section A 80 Copy section A: Section B Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! In the dark blue sky you keep, While you thro’ my window peep, And you never shut your eye, Till the sun is in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! RONDO FORM In this form, the main theme, A, keeps15 coming around16 or repeating after contrasting sections. Section A is always alternated with a new one. 15 Section A Section B Section A Section C Section A Section D Section A Section E ... keeps: continua 16 coming around: tornant Look at the music score Te deum composed by Charpentier and answer the questions: How many sections does this piece have? Could you fill the gaps with the letters of the form? Copy section A: Section B: Section C: 81 82 STROPHIC FORM Strophic form in a song is when we use the same music for every verse. Centuries ago, when televisions did not exist, people in Majorca used to17 sing ancient18 stories about love or traditions, called romanços. The composer of the song was anonymous and the most important thing about the songs were the lyrics, so the musical form of the romanç was strophic. Nou Romancer: La donzella i el mariner A la vorera del mar, que brodava un mocador, Quan el té a mig brodar, - Mariner, bon mariner, - De quin color la voleu, - Vermelleta la vull jo, - Pujau, pujau dalt la nau, Mentre va mercadejar, hi ha una donzella, que és per la reina. li mancà seda. que portau seda. blanca o vermella? que és millor seda. triareu d’ella. la nau pren vela. Mariner es posar a cantar, i amb el cant del mariner, I amb els aires de la mar, Quan ella s’ha despertat, - Mariner, bon mariner, que a mi els aires de la mar, - Això sí que no ho faré, set anys fa que vaig pel món, cançons novelles, s’és dormideta. ella es desperta. fou lluny de terra. tornau-me a terra, me donen pena. que heu de ser meva, per vós donzella. - De tres germanes que tenc, una porta vestit d’or, l’una és casada amb un duc, i jo pobreta de mi, - No en sou marinera, no, que jo en som el fill del rei, que jo en som el fill del rei, som la més bella, l’altra de seda, l’altra és princesa, marinereta. que en sereu reina, de l’Anglaterra, de l’Anglaterra. THEME AND VARIATIONS As in the strophic form, the one theme is repeated indefinitely, but it varies a bit each time. Each variation is a recognizable version of the main19 theme but with some differences. Section A 17 used to: solia Section A1 18 ancient: antigues 19 main: principal Section A2 Section A3... Haydn: Emperor Quartet. 2nd movement 83 This is the theme of the string quartet. After this, there are 4 more variations. Which instruments are there in a string quartet? Who plays the melody in each variation? Theme 1st variation 2nd variation 3rd variation 4th variation What is the tempo of the piece? CANON It is a musical form in which a melody is repeated again and again at different times. A----------------------------------------A---------------------------------A--------------------------A-------------------The popular song Frêre Jaques is a good example of a canon: 3.3 How can we vary a theme? We can change a piece of music in different ways. Let’s try with Frêre Jaques. a) Change the tune into a minor tune. 84 b) Add notes to the theme like a melodic decoration. c) Change the time signature or the rhythm. d).... me Read the following instructions and compose a ternary form in C major. Instructions: a. Each section must be 204 measures long. b. Start and end section A on C, and section B on G. c. Label21 A, B, and A sections. ee 5 ee 6 What are the names of the different forms in Catalan? Add the English names to your MD. Make groups of 3 people. You have 2 minutes to learn as many words as you can from this unit. Close your books and write down all the words you remember on a piece of paper . The group with the highest number of words wins. 20 must be: ha de ser 21 label: posa nom LISTENING EXERCISE 85 Listen to the following music pieces and write their forms: Musical example Composer Title Musical Form Nº 1 Nº 2 Nº 3 Nº 4 Nº 5 Answer the following questions about the composers listed above1. Complete the chart. COMPOSER When was he born? When did he die? He was born on .... He died on .... What instrument/s did he study? His most well- known2 musical pieces He studied ..... He composed ... MATCH-UP WORKSHEET Write the letter of the correct match next to each word: 1. _crescendo 2. _sotto voce 3. _diminuendo 4. _sforzando 5. _legato 6. _staccatto 7. _binary form 8. _rondo 9. _strophic form 10. _ternary form 11. _cantabile 12. _dolce 13. _ff 14. _pp a. AB or AABB b. short and detached c in a singing style d. soft e. ABACA... f. AAAAA g. very soft h. ABA i. sweetly j. a strong and sudden accent k becoming softer l. smooth and connected m. becoming louder n. very loud 86 CLOZE TEXT Use the words in the list below to complete the sentence: 1 2 In music, dynamics normally refers to the ......... or ............ of a sound or note, e.g. “pianissimo” or “.............................”. There are words to indicate gradual changes in volume. The two most common are crescendo, sometimes abbreviated to cresc., meaning «get gradually louder»; and .................... or diminuendo, sometimes abbreviated to decresc. And .................. respectively, meaning «get gradually softer». decrescendo notes. dim. composer music 3 Sometimes a ..................... wants a particular note to be louder than all the rest, or wants the very beginning of a note to be the loudest. ............................... are markings used to indicate these especially-strong-sounding ............... loudness Accents softness structure 4 Every piece of ................... has a ................. or form. You can ................. every piece of music like you can analyze every word you write. rondo “fortissimo”. 5 In the form called ................., the main theme, A, keeps coming around or repeating after contrasting sections. analyze CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE 87 I. Complete this table [10 points] Indicator Italian term English term/explanation ff mp sfz dim fp II. Match these definitions with the concepts.[10 points] ■ Form ■ Accent ■ Dynamics ■ Morendo ■ Expression terms a. …is a gradual change in volume meaning “dying away” b. ….tell us about the mood in a piece of music c. … is the basic structure of a piece of music. d. …is a marking used to indicate a strong -sounding note. e. …is an element of music which refers to the loudness or loudness of a sound. III. What does a composer need to make a composition? [6 points] IV. Write the name of 4 different types of forms and their structure. [8 points] V. Give the Catalan or the English term for these expression terms.[6 points] “In a singing style”: “Taken out of tempo”: “Short and detached”: “Grazioso”: “Scherzando”: “Legato”: Unit 6 Music in films Music plays a very important part in filmmaking. Even in the early days, silent films were accompanied by ‘live’ music, usually a piano or a chamber ensemble. Then in the late 1920’s1, the soundtrack was invented. The voices of the actors and the background music could be recorded. OST means Original Sound Track, which is the music of the film. 1. OST Each dialogue, sound effect or piece of music in a film has its own separate track2 (dialogue track, sound effects track, and music track), and these are mixed together. The abbreviation OST is often used to describe the musical soundtrack on a recorded medium, such as CD, and it stands for Original Soundtrack (BSO in Catalan, that stands for “Banda Sonora Original”). LANGUAGE CORNER Do you know what Passive Voice is? In this chapter there are a lot of examples. Can you transform them into active voice? “The abbreviation is often used …” ==> People … “Silent films were accompanied by ‘live’ music” ==> Live music … “The soundtrack was invented” ==> Somebody … Spot the grammar! What’s the structure of passive voice? In the soundtrack genre3 there are three types of recordings: 1. Musical film soundtracks which concentrate on the songs themselves. (Examples: “Mamma Mia”, “Moulin Rouge”) 2. Film scores which concentrate on the background music. (Examples: “Star Wars”, “”Braveheart”) 3. Albums of pop songs. Sometimes, you hear the whole4 song or part of it in the background5 of non-musicals. (Examples: “Love Actually”, “When Harry Met Sally”) in the late 1920’s: a final dels anys 20 2track: pista 3genre: gènere 4whole: tota/completa 5background: de fons 1 89 90 The term “soundtrack” usually refers to the music used in a film and/or to an album containing that music. Soundtrack may also refer to music used in video games. 2. Film scores A film score is the music written specifically to accompany a film by the film’s composer. The soundtrack, on the other hand, can include songs featured6 in the film and also, previously released7 music by other artists. Since the 1950s, a growing8 number of scores are electronic or a mixture of orchestral and electronic instruments. 3. Leitmotif A leitmotif is a recurring9 musical theme, associated with a particular person, place, or idea. It is usually a short melody, but it can also be a chord progression10, a few notes or even a simple rhythm. me Do you know the film? Who is the composer? The word is usually used when talking about dramatic works, especially operas, although11 leitmotives are also used in other musical genres, such as12 instrumental pieces, cinema, and video games music. Leitmotives are very common in film scores. A well-known example is the Star Wars Imperial March: and the Superman theme, both composed by John Williams, or the alternating “E” and “F” key sequence from the “Jaws” film series. Sometimes, a leitmotif of a main character is the same as the theme music of the movie or TV show. featured: que surten 7release: publicar 8growing: cada vegada més nombrós 9recurring: often repeated 10chord progression: progressió d’acords 11 although: tot i que 12such as: com per exemple 6 4. Functions of film music There are many ways in which good film music can make you enjoy yourself or understand a film better. It has different functions: 1. It can create a mood13 or an atmosphere14. Music can be often more effective than words or pictures. 2. It can give us information about a place or a character15 in the film. Music can set16 the atmosphere of a certain country or a period of time. Moreover, it can also tell us something about a character, like his state of mind17. 3. It can build up suspense. Music can prepare us for something about to18 happen, perhaps not hinted at19 by the pictures we see. 4. Finally, it can emphasize an emotion. Music can make us feel sadness, fear20, pity21 or laughter more strongly. LANGUAGE CORNER Some emotions terms are made by adding suffixes to verbs or adjectives. Have a look! Sad ==> sadness Laugh ==> laughter Happy ==> happiness Can you guess their meaning? Add all emotion terms to your MD. 5. Some important composers of film music HENRY MANCINI Henry Mancini (1924 –1994) was an Academy Award winning American composer, conductor and arranger22. People remember him mainly23 as a composer of film and television scores. LANGUAGE CORNER Years are said in two parts (in tens). For instance, 1924: nineteen twenty-four. ee 1 Write down these years in words: 1994 1965 Now, practise with a partner. One says an arbitrary year; the other one, writes it down. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. Listen to this piece of music. Do you recognize the film? 13 18 mood: estat d’ànim 14 atmosphere: ambient 15 character: personatge 16 set: determinar 17 state of mind: estat anímic about to: a punt de 19 hinted at: suggerit 20 fear: por 21 pity: pena 22 arranger: arranjador 23 mainly: principalment 91 92 JOHN WILLIAMS John Towner Williams (born in 1932) is an American composer, conductor, and a pianist. He has composed many famous film scores in Hollywood, for instance Star Wars, Superman, Harry Potter, most of the Indiana Jones series, Schindler’s List and Jaws. Williams has been awarded five times by the Academy. His music is strongly influenced by Wagner. Listen to this piece of music. Do you recognize the film? HOWARD SHORE Howard Shore (1946) is a Canadian composer, orchestrator, conductor and music producer. He composed the scores for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy and King Kong. Play the following score. Do you recognize the film? What is the leitmotiv? JAMES HORNER James Horner (1953) is an American composer and conductor of orchestral and film music. He is famous because he integrates choral and electronic elements in many of his film scores and he often uses Celtic musical elements. Horner won two Academy Awards for his score and song compositions for the film Titanic in 1997. He has also composed: Willow, The mask of Zorro, All the King’s Men, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Avatar. Listen to this. Do you know the film? YANN TIERSEN Yann Tiersen (1970) is a Breton musician and composer. He is internationally famous for composing the score for the film Amélie. He uses a large variety of instruments but his compositions are minimalist24. There is often a touch of European classical music and he uses primarily the piano, accordion or violin together with instruments like the melodica, xylophone, toy piano, ondes martenot, harpsichord and a typewriter. Listen and guess what film it is: me Play these scores and write down the name of the film and the composer: 24 minimalist: minimalista (=very simple, few things) 93 94 1 Film: Composer: 2 Film: Composer: 3 Film: Composer: 4 Film: Composer: 5 Film: Composer: 6 Film: Composer: 7 Film: Composer: 95 96 WORDSEARCH Find the words below. Words can be found vertically, horizontally, forwards or backwards. L B A W M R E R M Q E Y M D H F S Q A L O X Q O Q W L V T F Y R V R W P K P W W M Q B K Y R I V I N D N M N F C O V M E V J P M R Z L T V O V J E A Z O V C O J D I M K L P R I N R T G C F O Q C N I G I G E T Y J R V G Y W I X N A D Y A S T E C V C Z G W N M J H N P P G N E H C V U S N S P D I U A N B H Y J O M D R A W A Y M E D A C A R S N X F I Z I Q O T Q R Q G D I I L W N J M N P E R O K H D N D A N Y L A E J F U P G I W P C X P soundtrack composer film Mancini nominationHorner academy award Williams arranger CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE I. 97 a. What’s a soundtrack? [5 points] b. Is a soundtrack the same as a film score? If not, why? [5 points] II. Can you explain the differences among the soundtracks of these films? [12 points] Mamma Mia - Love Actually - Braveheart III.Film music has different functions. Match the beginnings and the endings to make up correct sentences. [8 points] 1. It can create 2. It can build up 3. It can give us 4. It can set 5. It can emphasize 6. It can tell us 7. It can make us 8. It can be a.... an emotion. b.... quicker than words or pictures. c..... a mood. d.... something about a character. e.... suspense. f..... feel sadness, happiness, etc. g.... the atmosphere of a country. h.... information about a place. 98 IV. Complete the chart with the names of important composers of soundtracks and 2 famous films they composed for. [20 points] COMPOSER FAMOUS FILM SOUNDTRACK …../50 points Project 3 99 Singing activities INTRODUCTION In this project you will find the instrumental accompaniment of several pop songs. The first thing you must do is listen to the song and fill the gaps. Then, sing them. After this, you can try some instrumental accompaniments. Have fun!!! LEMON TREE – Fools Garden I’m sitting here in the __________room It’s just another __________ Sunday afternoon I’m wasting my time I got nothing to do I’m hanging around I’m waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder I’m driving around in my car I’m driving too __________ I’m driving too __________ I’d like to change my point of view I feel so __________ I’m waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me ‘bout the _______ _______sky And all that I can see is just a __________lemon-tree I’m turning my head up and down I’m turning turning turning turning turning around And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree I’m sitting here I miss the power I’d like to go out taking a shower But there’s a __________cloud inside my head I feel so __________Put myself into bed Well, nothing ever happens and I wonder Isolation is not __________for me Isolation I don’t want to sit on the lemon-tree I’m steppin’ around in the desert of joy Baby anyhow I’ll get another toy And everything will happen and you wonder Chorus x2 100 You could try this accompaniment with the body percussion: And now, try to add this one with your feet: Try this rhythm. Be careful it’s a bit faster! BEN E KING – Stand by me A F#m D E When the night has __________ And the land __________dark And the moon is the only light we’ll __________No, I won’t _______ _______ No, I won’t _______ _______ Just as long as you stand, stand by me. Chorus: So, darling, darling, stand by me, Oh, stand by me. Oh, stand, stand by me, Stand by me. If the sea that we __________upon Should tumble and __________ Or the mountain should crumble in the sea, I won’t __________, I won’t __________, No, I won’t shed a tear Just as long as you stand, stand by me. Chorus This melody above is probably one of the best known bass lines of all the times. Can you play it with the recorder? Let’s add some percussion: Guiro Now you can add the rumba pattern with the darbouka: And clap hands with this rhtyhm: Triangle 101 102 ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE - Phil Collins She calls out to the _____ on the street, sir, can you help me? It’s _____ and I’ve nowhere to sleep, is there somewhere you can tell me He walks on, doesn’t look back, he pretends he can’t hear her He starts to whistle as he crosses the _____, seems embarrassed to be there Oh, think twice, it’s just another day for you and me in _________ Oh, think twice, it’s just another day for you, you and me in paradise Just think about it She calls out to the man on the street, he can see she’s been crying She’s got blisters on the soles of her _____, she can’t walk, but she’s trying Oh, just think twice, it’s just another _____ for you and me in paradise Oh yes, think twice, it’s just another day for you, you and me in paradise Just think about it, aha, just think about it Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do Oh Lord, there must be something you can say You can tell by the lines on her face, you can see that she’s been there Probably they moved on from everyplace, ‘cos she didn’t fit in there Oh yes, think twice, it’s just another day for you and me in paradise Oh yes, think twice, it’s just another day for you, you and me in paradise Just think about it, aha, just think about it It’s just another day for you and me in paradise Try the funky pattern with the body percussion: Why don’t you try now to improve the body percussion accompaniment stomping your feet on the floor? You could do the funky pattern as well, tapping with a percussion instrument like this one below. Firstly, try to play slowly and secondly try to play quicker, at a double tempo: But if not, you can try this poly rhythm with these two instruments: Caixó Darbouka 103 THREE LITTLE BIRDS - Bob Marley 104 Intro A Chorus A A,D A A,D Don’t worry about a __________ Cause every little thing gonna be all right Sayin’ don’t worry about a __________ Cause every little thing gonna be all right Verse A A,E,A A,D,A A,E E,D,D,A Rise up this __________ Smile with rising __________, Three little __________ It’s by my doorstep, Sayin’ sweet __________ of melodies pure and true Sayin’ this is a __________to you uh uh Chorus Verse Chorus x 3 BIG BIG GIRL - Emilia C G F C/G I’m a big big girl, in a big big ______ It’s not a big big _____ if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will Miss you much, miss you much... C G F C/G I can see the first leaf falling, It’s all _______ and _______ Am G F C/G It’s so very ______ outside Like the way I’m feeling ________ Repeat chorus Outside it’s now ________ And tears are falling from my _______ Why did it have to happen? Why did it all have to ________? Repeat chorus F G Am F I have your ____ around me ooh like _____ FGC But when I open my ______ You’re gone Repeat chorus: D A G D/A D A G D/A Repeat chorus 105 106 The bass drum can play: 107 And the darbouka or another percussion instrument could play as well: Meanwhile you could try this poly rhythm: Caixa Darbouka STARMAN – David Bowie 108 BbF BbF GmF Didn’t know what ________ is was, and the lights were low - ow -ow C I leaned back1 on my ________ - o - oC7 F G Bb G Some cat was laying down some rock’n’roll, “lotta soul”, he said. GmF Then the loud sound did seem to fade, C Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase, C7 A G That weren’t no _______, that was hazy2 cosmic jive. F Dm Am C There’s a starman waiting in the _____, he’d like to come and meet us, C7 F Dm but he thinks he’d blow our minds, There’s a starman waiting in the _____, Am C C7 he’s told us not to blow it, ‘cause he knows it’s all worth-while, Bb Bbm F D7 he told me, let the _________ lose it, let the _________ use it, GmC7 let all the _________ boogie3. Bb FCFBb FC I had to ________ someone, so I picked on you - ou - ou Hey, that’s far out, so you heard tim too - oo - oo Switch on the ________, we may pick him on channel ______. Look out your window, I can see his ligh - igh - ight, if we can sparkle4 he may land tonigh - igh - ight, Don’t tell your _______ or he’ll get us locked up5 in fright. Why don’t you try the rumba pattern? Lean back: tirar-se cap enrere, tombar-se un poc 2Hazy: boirosa, confusa 3Boogie: ballar el boogie 4Sparkle: brillar Lock up: tancar amb clau 1 5 Language appendix 1. CLASSROOM LANGUAGE 1. Make groups of 3 people. 2. Write in Catalan on a piece of paper 10-15 expressions/words you normally use in the classroom in the following situations: a) Asking/Saying things to the teacher (e.g. Can you repeat that, please?) b)Asking/ Saying things to a classmate (e.g. Can I borrow your pen, please?) c) Asking/saying things to teacher/classmate in group work? (Did you print the paper?) d)Asking things to the music teacher (e.g. Do we have to play it on the recorder?) e)Things your music teacher might say to you (e.g. “Too fast”, “Finger the notes without blowing”) 3. Each group writes about 1 situation (3 minutes). Then you have to hang your paper on the wall with a bit of cello tape. 4. Walk around the classroom to see what your classmates have written. Add 1 or 2 more expressions/ words to their lists. 5. Go back to your seats. Each group tries to translate the expressions of one of the lists in English. The teacher will help you. 6. Each group takes to class 10 sheets of colour paper and cuts each in 6 square pieces. Each square piece will be a flashcard. Write on one side the Catalan word or expression and on the other side, the English translation. 7. Use the flashcards to ask each other the vocabulary. 8. Homework: Think of 10 classroom objects and look for their translation in a dictionary. Then, write all the words and phrases in the section Classroom Language and hand it in to your English teacher. 109 110 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE CLASSROOM LANGUAGE 111 112 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE CLASSROOM LANGUAGE in music class 113 114 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE in music class CLASSROOM LANGUAGE in music class 115 116 2. BODY PERCUSSION LANGUAGE In unit 2 you start doing body percussion. These exercises will help you understand the different instructions. I. First, match these words with the different body parts. Fingers knees chest hand chesthead bellybuttock cheek waist arms legs tonguefoot(feet) back thighsmouth II. Then, look at the following photographs and make sure you understand the meaning of the words. Then copy them in the section Classroom Language in Music Class and learn them. STOMP TAP YOUR THIGHS CLAP YOUR HANDS SNAP YOUR FINGERS 117 118 HIT WHISTLE SLAP GRUNT 119 HIT YOUR CHEST III. Match the English terms with their translations: COLUMN I 1.Whistle 2.Stomp / Stamp 3.Clap 4.Snap 5.Tap 6.Hit COLUMN II ___ A. colpejar ___ B. esclafir els dits ___ C. donar copets ___ D. xiular ___ E. trepitjar fort ___ F. aplaudir IV. Let’s play the game “Simon Says”. Listen to the teacher’s instructions and do what “Simon Says”. Revise the language corner first. Eg. Simon says.... stamp your feet on the ground twice. LANGUAGE CORNER Per dir quantes vegades fas qualque cosa: 1 vegada: ONCE 4 vegades: FOUR TIMES 2 vegades: TWICE X vegades: ....X.... TIMES 3 vegades: THREE TIMES 120 V. In pairs follow the rhythmical pattern below and invent different body percussion movements. Then, in groups of eight people, explain WITH WORDS! to your classmates how to play it (Hands on your back!!!). Your classmates have to follow your instructions. Remember to use linkers such as “First, then, finally”. You also have to use the imperative. Check the language corner. LANGUAGE CORNER Imperatives Les formes de l’imperative es fan servir per donar instruccions i ordres. Affirmative: Stop! Negative: Don’t stop! 3. DANCING VOCABULARY In this section you will find some exercises on dancing vocabulary. Remember to revise the vocabulary on body parts before you start doing them. I. On the wall there are different texts with dancing instructions (see Llibre del professor). You’ll need them to do these exercises. Scan the text to search for the vocabulary you need. Work in groups of 3 people. Each student can do a different exercise. Help each other! You only have 5 minutes. A. Find the translations to these words or phrases. Mirant cap a… Dirigir la parella Ma dreta a la seva esquena Agafar la dona Passa/fer una passa Parella de ball En la direcció de les manetes del rellotge Donar una volta sense mans En la mateixa direcció Canviar/intercanviar posicions En direccions oposades Cap a la dreta/esquerra Línia recta 121 122 B. Match the words with their translations. 1. caminar 2. moviment 3. cap enrere 4. segueix el compas 5. gir/girar 6. potada 7. cap al costat 8. cap endavant 9. obrir 10. passa a. kick b. sideways/to the side c. follow the beat d.backwards e. open f. step g. walk h. forwards i. move j. turn C. Revise the prepositions of place (in/inside, outside, accross, around, etc). Find them in the text and locate them with the help of these forms. II. Correct the exercises with a classmate and ask your teacher for help. III. Let’s play a game! Simon says…. TURN! IV. In groups of 3 invent an easy choreography with 5 instructions. You have 10 minutes. Then, explain it to another group without moving. Your classmates follow your instructions. Show it to your teacher. V. Copy all the specific vocabulary in the section Classroom language in Music Class. EXTRA EXERCISES1: I. Go to http://www.learning2dance.com/ and watch the video “Anyone can Dance”. Can you hear how they say these expressions in English? Caminar cap enrera: Caminar cap endavant: Caminar en cercle: Passa: Posició de ball: Note for the teacher: If you have access to a computer room you may want to use the videos in You Tube to do some extra exercises. If your students have computers at home, these exercises can serve as homework. 1 II. Then, go to You Tube, type: “Anyone can dance” and watch the videos of these series (waltz, hustle, hip hop...). Then, translate these words and phrases into Catalan. Use the free lessons to revise your dancing vocabulary. Turn: Underarm turn: Turn on the inside: Back: Forward: Side: Toe: Heel: Together: Replace: One more time: 123 124 4. YOUR MUSIC DICTIONARY During this year you will learn a lot of new English vocabulary. It is important that you start building your own Music Dictionary (MD) from the very first day. You can use it when you study the theory for an exam or when you do the tasks set by your teacher. What is it? It is a list of words which are specific to Music: words used in class or difficult words from your photocopies. Look at this sentence from the first unit. You could add the underlined words to your MD. “PITCH: The highness or lowness of a sound. A sound can be high or low and we use different clefs for high or low pitches.” How do we do it? In this section you will write all the important new words that are specific to music in the corresponding unit. In order to remember what they mean, you can write their translation in Catalan, an explanation in English, a drawing, a sentence, etc. anything that will help you understand the word. Look at these examples: 1. Pitch: altura 2. Highness – high: î 3. Low: the opposite of high 4. Use: When you write you use a pen. Don’t forget to build up your MD every time you study or do your tasks. Revise and study the words and their meaning, specially before an exam. UNIT 1 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 125 126 UNIT 1 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION UNIT 1 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 127 128 UNIT 1 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION UNIT 1 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 129 130 UNIT 2 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION UNIT 2 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 131 132 UNIT 3 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION UNIT 4 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 133 134 UNIT 5 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION UNIT 5 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 135 136 UNIT 6 WORD TRANSLATION/EXPLANATION 137 138 139