Common Assessment Instruments - Slides and Handout

NIH SciEd 2014 Breakout session: Using common assessment tools across projects
Kristin Bass, Senior Researcher, Rockman et al
Selected Databases of Evaluation Instruments
Assessment Tools for Informal Science (
Measures appropriate for use in formal and informal science projects. Instruments are organized
into the following categories:
Attitude/ Behavior
Content/ Knowledge
Engagement/ Interest
Competence and Reasoning
Career Knowledge/ Acquisition
Math Science Partnership Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP
KMD) Instrument Database (
Descriptions of student content knowledge measures, and teacher content and pedagogical
content knowledge measures.
CYFAR (Children, Youth and Families at Risk) Common Measures
Measures of youth social and behavioral outcomes. Information on the psychometric properties
of the instruments when available. Instrument categories include:
Leadership Development
Physical Activity
Science and Technology Attitudes
Workforce Preparation