2011-12 Music Curriculum

Music Curriculum
A part-time music teacher teaches grades PRK-4, four days a week. The Kodaly
program, which emphasizes vocal skills and ear training, is taught from Pre-Kindergarten
through 4th grade. Soprano recorder instruction is begun in grade 3 and continues through
grade 4. Orff instruments, including non-pitched percussion, drums, and barred instruments,
are also included in the instrumental program. Some creative dance is taught as part of the
Orff program. Our Christmas and Spring Concert includes students in grades K-4. Throughout
the year students perform liturgical music as part of our all-school Masses and liturgies.
The purpose of the music curriculum is to develop a basic musical language. This allows our students
to create and participate in musical experiences through voice, instruments, and movement. The
student will comprehend and interpret various contexts of music to make interdisciplinary
connections. Music education enables students to communicate and converse musically, raising one’s
insight of the human spirit.
Essential Learnings
1. The student will understand and demonstrate singing concepts and skills.
2. The student will understand and recognize music listening comprehension.
3. The student will understand and demonstrate music reading and notation.
4. The student will understand and demonstrate instrumental performance skills.
5. The student will understand and demonstrate interdisciplinary relationships pertaining to music.