Microsoft Office Project 2003 Step by Step eBook

advertisement Page 497 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
# (pound signs), 110, 386
% Work Complete field, xxv,
_ (underscore), 365
abbreviations for durations, 37
accessing practice files, 34
accrual, 485
actual plans, 344–50
collecting from resources, 295
defined, 107, 191, 485
entering for assignments,
handling information submitted
from resources, xliv, 450–55
manually entering, 290, 294
Project’s rules for, 114–15
scheduling around status date,
tracking, xxv, xliii, 114–18,
282–89, 441–45
ACWP (actual cost of work performed), 382, 485
Add Information pane, 49
allocation. See also overallocations; resources
defined, 485
states of, 173–74
underallocated resources, 173,
392, 495
viewing resource, xxx, 174–80
Analysis toolbar, 273
Analyze Costs view, 312
Analyze Timescaled Data Wizard, 273–75
arrow symbols of Copy button,
As Late As Possible constraint,
129, 133
As Soon As Possible constraint,
129, 130, 145
Assign Resources dialog box,
xxiii, 73–75, 169
Assignment Information dialog
box, 169
assignment notes, 166
assignments, 71–83. See also
contouring resource
assignments; effort-driven
applying different pay rates to,
xxix, 166–67, 170
assigning extra resources, xxiii,
clearing for deleted sharer plans,
contouring, xxix, 63, 137,
controlling with Smart Tags
actions, xxiii, 78–79
defined, 485
delaying, xxix, 161–62, 170
documenting contouring, 166
editing, xxxvii, 182–83, 330–34
entering actual values for,
288–89, 294
matching material resources to
tasks, 82–83
Outlook for viewing and reporting progress on, xliii, 446–50
overallocating resources, 71, 83
overview, 71, 83
recording progress in Tasks
Center, 442–43
reducing costs by shortening,
resolving issues, xliv, 467–69
resource leveling, 188
scheduling duration, units, and
work, 76, 83
to tasks, xxii, 72–75
tracking actuals, xxxv, 277,
282–89, 290–95
undoing, 74–75
updating in sharer plan, 399
viewing in resource pool, xl,
AutoFilter, xxxi, 206, 207, 387
automatic saving, 26, 374
BAC (budget at completion),
387, 485
back-loaded contour, 164
Bar command, 104
Bar Styles command, 343
Bar Styles dialog box, 86, 345,
346, 347
colors of task, 280, 304, 305
customizing, 345
dragging vertical divider, 285
formatting for Calendar view,
xxxviii, 353–55, 356
formatting Gantt, xxiii,
xxxvii, 86–87, 90–91, 104,
progress bars, 112, 491
Bars tab (Bar Styles dialog box),
Base Calendar box (Resource
Information dialog box),
base calendars, 27. See also
assigning to task, 138
creating, xxvii, 139
defined, 485
Night Shift, 68
sharer plans and, xli, 402
Standard, 66, 67
baseline costs, defined, 190
baseline plans, comparing with
interim and actual plans,
actual progress vs. baseline,
color of baseline schedules, 304
defined, 108, 278, 485
saving, xxiv, 108–11, 119,
281–82, 299
updating, 278–82, 299
updating task, xxxv, 279
BCWP (budgeted cost of work
performed), 383, 384, 485
497 Page 498 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
BCWS (budgeted cost of work
scheduled), 382, 384, 486
blank report pages, 233
bottom-up planning, 41, 486
box styles, 351–53
Box Styles dialog box, 351
reviewing Project data in Web,
viewing Web page in, 252
budget. See costs
budget at completion (BAC),
387, 485
budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 383, 384,
budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), 382, 384, 486
Build Team from Enterprise feature, 427, 439
burdened labor rate, 317, 486
buttons. See also specific buttons
by name
assigning macros to, xxxix,
customizing image on toolbars,
xxxix, 377–78
displaying all toolbar, 7
calculating pay rates, 158–59
Calculation tab (Options dialog
box), 294, 388
Calendar tab (Options dialog
box), 37
Calendar view
bar style formatting for, 353–55,
illustrated, 18, 354
Page Setup dialog box for, 225
calendars, 26–28, 30. See also
base calendars; project calendars; resource calendars
defined, 486
editing in resource pool, 416
importing Outlook data to, 442
Night Shift base, 68
picking date with, 25
project, 26, 491
resource, xxii, 66–68, 442, 492
selecting base, 27
setting up nonworking time,
Standard base, 66, 67, 493
task, xxvii, 138–40, 152
task duration and project, 36–39
centers on Home page, 442
Change Project pane, 141, 142
Change Working Time dialog
box, 27–28, 67, 139, 402–3
clearing check boxes, 188
Collaborate menu (Professional), 12
colors of task bars, 280, 304, 305
Column Definition dialog box,
columns, widening, 87–88, 110
Compare To Baseline export
map, 308
connection status, manual or
automatic, 11
consolidated projects, xli–xlii,
409–12, 416, 486
constraints. See also inflexible
constraints; semi-flexible
As Late As Possible, 129, 133
As Soon As Possible, 129, 130,
categories and types of, 128–29
choosing categories, 130
deadline dates and, 144–45
defined, 55, 486
driving, 323
Finish No Earlier Than, 129
Finish No Later Than, 129
inflexible, 489
Must Finish On, 129, 144, 152
Must Start On, 129
setting, xxvi, 131–32
Start No Earlier Than, 129, 130,
troubleshooting problems with,
129, 152
types of cost, 477
viewing details in ScreenTip,
consumable resources, 62
consumption rates
fixed, 488
material resources, xxix, 167–70
variable, 167
contour, 486
contour indicator, 164
contouring resource assignments, 63
applying contours, xxix, 163–66
back-loaded contour, 164
documenting, 166
split tasks and, 137
Copy Cell command, 242
Copy Picture feature, 242–45,
253, 256, 367
Copy Picture to Office Wizard,
copying and pasting
data into Project, 256–59, 275
portions of tables, 242
cost indicators in earned value
analysis, xl, 385–87
Cost Overbudget filter, 312
cost performance index (CPI),
386, 486
cost rate tables, 155, 486
Cost table, 310, 314, 320
cost variance (CV)
defined, 386, 487
reducing, 330–34, 339
schedule and, 321
sorting resources by, xxxvi,
stoplight view of, 300, 318–21
viewing, xxxvi, 309–10
costs. See also cost variance; pay
burdened labor rate, 317, 486
defined, 486
displaying task’s baseline, 310
evaluating resource costs,
examining project, xxx, 190–92
fixed, xxvii, 147–48, 488
grouping resources by, 202–6
project triangle model and, 323,
reducing resource, xxxvii,
relationship to time and scope,
resource, 64–65, 166–67, 170
reviewing task, 308–13
tips for working with resource,
viewing details, 195
CPI (cost performance index),
386, 486 Page 499 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
Create New Base Calendar dialog
box, xxvii, 139
critical path
changing task relationships on,
defined, 133, 135, 152, 486
finish date and, 193, 195
viewing, xxvi, 133–35, 152
working with, 135
critical tasks
in Calendar view, 355
filtering, xxxvii, 335
illustrated, 134
cross-project links, 416
current costs, 190–91
Custom AutoFilter dialog box,
custom fields, 51, 193, 317
custom Gantt charts, 86–92
custom Project Guide, 425, 426,
427, 439
Custom Reports dialog box, 235
custom task calendars, 138–40,
Customize dialog box, 374
Customize Fields dialog box,
customized Home page, 442
availability of resources,
xxviii–xxix, 159–61, 167, 170
bar styles, 345
button image on toolbars, xxxix,
report headers and footers, xxiv,
sharing custom tables between
projects, xxxviii, 361–65
tables, xxxii, 210–14, 218
toolbars, xxxix, 374–79
views, xxii, xxxii, 86–92, 214–17,
CV%, 386, 487
CV. See cost variance
data. See also organizing project
copying and pasting into
Project, 256–59, 275
exporting from any view, 248
importing address book information, 57
importing Excel, 35, 265–69, 275
organizing for stakeholder
review, 197
saving to text file with Export
Wizard, 272–73
sorting in view, xxxi, 197–202
data maps, 245–46
data templates, 352. See also templates
Data Templates Definition dialog box, 352
date format, 160
dates. See also finish dates
changing in all linked sharer
plans, 403
displaying and changing on
timescale, 292, 299
entering deadlines, xxvii, 144–47
status, xxxix, 298, 382, 383, 493
deadline indicator, 145
checking project finish date,
xxx, 192–95
defined, 487
entering dates for, xxvii, 144–47
limiting scheduling flexibility
with constraints, 144–45, 152
missed deadline indicator, 145,
removing from tasks, 147
resolving missed, 324–29
Deadlines and Constraints pane,
default settings
constraint start and end times,
task relationships, 124
view, 86
work contour type, 163
Define Group Interval dialog
box, 204
delayed tasks, xxxv–xxxvi,
starting assignments, xxix,
161–62, 170
custom toolbars and maps,
items from global templates,
deliverables, 36, 476, 487
defined, 487
between projects, xlii, 412–16
destination programs, 255, 487
Detail Gantt view, 133–34
buttons on toolbars, 7
cost indicators, xl, 385–87, 388
cost variances, xxxvi, 309–10
dates on timescale, 176, 292, 299
details from multi-project view,
xliv, 455–61
Earned Value form, 387
Office Assistant, 374
overbudget resources, xxxvi,
312–13, 320–21
summary tasks only, 310
task’s baseline costs, 310
Tasks pane, 34
Variance table, xxiv, 110, 307
docked toolbars, 375
creating library for, xlv, 470–71
types of associations for, 469,
uploading to library, 472
drawing on Gantt charts, xxiv,
92–94, 104
Drawing toolbar, 93, 94
drilling into portfolio details,
xliv, 455–61
driving constraints, 323
duration, 36–39. See also tasks
abbreviations for, 37
changing for task contouring,
checking plan, xxi, 51–53
defined, 487
effort-driven scheduling and, 81
elapsed, 37, 487
entering actuals for tasks, xxv,
entering task, xx, 38–39
fixed, 140, 152, 488
making accurate, 39
managing project constraints,
overview, 36
project triangle model and, 323,
reducing with additional
resources, 77–78
499 Page 500 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
duration (continued)
reducing subtask, 326–27, 329
relationship to costs and scope,
rescheduling and changing values of, 140–44
as scheduling formula component, 76
unaffected by materials allocation, 83
Duration column in Gantt Chart
view, 87–88
EAC (estimate at completion),
387, 487
earned value, 383
earned value analysis, 380–88
changing calculation of earned
value numbers, 388
defined, 308, 381–82, 388, 487
displaying cost indicators, xl,
385–87, 388
displaying Earned Value form,
viewing schedule indicators,
xxxix, 382–85, 388
Earned Value dialog box, 388
Earned Value form, 387
Earned Value Schedule Indicators tables, 383–85
Edit Assignments view, 162
assignments, xxxvii, 182–83,
calendars in resource pool, 416
macros, xxxviii–xxxix, 369–73
maps, 249
Project data as Web pages, 249
reports, xxxiii, 234–37
editions of Microsoft Project, 5
Effort driven check box (Task
Information dialog box),
effort-driven scheduling
defined, 76, 83, 487
duration and, 81
enabling/disabling, 77
evaluating application of, 81
task types and, 144
elapsed duration, 37, 487
adjusting working times for single, xxii, 66–68
allocating tasks to categories of,
assigning to tasks, xxii, 72–75
entering pay rates for, 64–65
setting up as work resources,
xxi, 55–59
effort-driven scheduling, 77
Preview option for Open dialog
box, 29
endeavor, 475
Enterprise custom fields
(Project Information dialog box), 51, 193
enterprise global template, 360
enterprise project management
(EPM). See also Microsoft
Office Project 2003 Server;
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Web Access
about, 419, 420
benefits of, 439
Build Team from Enterprise feature, 427, 439
custom fields for, 51, 193
custom Project Guides, 439
defined, 487
deploying Project Server–based,
displaying multi-project details,
xliv, 455–61
enterprise global template with
Project Server, 360
enterprise templates, xlii,
421–22, 423, 439
handling actuals from resources,
xliv, 450–55
Outlook for reporting actual
work, xliii, 446–50
portfolio management, 391
reporting to stakeholders, 302
Resource Substitution Wizard,
xlii, 429–36, 439
toolset for, 420–21
tracking actuals in Project Web
Access, xliii, 441–45
enterprise resource outline
codes, 429
enterprise resource pool, 424,
enterprise templates. See also
global templates; templates
about, 421–22, 439
associating customized Project
Guide with, 425
contents of, 423
creating project plan from, xlii,
defined, 488
Entry table, 488
EPM. See enterprise project
assigning to tasks, xxii, 72–75
pay rates for, 64–65
setting up resources for, xxi,
as work resource, 56–57
estimate at completion (EAC),
387, 487
estimated task duration, 38, 39
Excel, 35, 265–69, 275
export maps, 245–49, 308, 367,
Export Wizard, 246–47
exporting maps, 245–49
Map Options page, 250–51
Map Selection page, 247
saving data to text file with,
data from any view, 248
data to Web page, 253
maps, 245–49, 308, 367, 488
source and destination programs, 255, 389
external predecessors, 414, 416
FF (finish-to-finish) tasks, 44,
% Work Complete, xxv, 113–14
custom, 51, 193, 317
defined, 488
Group, 489
Lag, 126
sorting by, 200
specifying graphical indicators
for tasks, 319
timephased, 108–9, 494 Page 501 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
grades of resources
typing first letter to navigate to,
accessing practice, 34
creating project file from template, 6
entering properties for, xx, 29
Global.mpt, 359–60
.mpd and .mpb, 270
MPP, 30
.mpw, 495
opening different file formats,
xxxiv, 264–69
.Published, 436, 438
saving automatically, 26, 374
saving file formats from Project,
xxxv, 270–73, 275
Filter button, 210
Filter Definition dialog box,
xxxi, 209, 307
critical tasks, xxxvii, 335
defined, 206, 488
highlighting tasks for, 210
removing, xxxi, 210
slipping tasks, xxxvi, 305–6
tasks and resources, 206–10, 218
finish dates
checking, xxx, 192–95
critical path and, 193, 195
scheduling projects from, 193
soft, 192
Finish No Earlier Than constraint, 129
Finish No Later Than constraint,
finish-to-finish (FF) tasks, 44,
finish-to-start (FS) tasks
as default task relationship, 124
defined, 44, 123
linking items as, 45–48
Finish-to-Start Link button, 45,
fixed consumption rate, 488
fixed costs, xxvii, 147–48, 488
fixed duration, 140, 152, 488
fixed task types, 140–41, 144,
fixed units, 140, 152, 488
fixed work, 140, 152, 488
flexible constraints, 128, 129,
130, 488
floating toolbars, 375
Font dialog box, 98
fonts, 97–98
footers, 102–4
formatting, 343–56
Calendar view, 353–55, 356
changing project Web page,
fonts, 97–98
Gantt bars, xxiii, xxxvii, 86–87,
90–91, 104, 343–50
inserting gridlines between
tasks, xxxvii, 349
items in Network Diagram view,
project plans, 85
removing text, 98
report headers and footers, xxiv,
text, 94–99
Formatting toolbar, 210
evaluating cost variance with,
319, 321
scheduling, 76, 140–41, 492
Formula dialog box, 318–19
free slack, 133, 134, 135, 488
FS (finish-to-start) tasks. See
finish-to-start tasks
fully allocated resources, 173,
392, 488
Gantt Chart view. See also Gantt
adjusting timescales before
printing, 228
defined, 343, 488
Entry table, 488
Network Diagram view vs., 356
Page Setup dialog box for, 225
pasting images or objects into,
percent work complete in, 114
progress bars and task completion, 112, 491
snapshot of, xxxiv, 245, 258
viewing entire project in timescale, xxi, 52
Gantt Chart Wizard, 86, 89–91,
343, 356
Gantt charts. See also Gantt Chart
bar representing tasks on, 34
components of, 86
creating finish-to-start relationship in, 48
customizing, xxii, 86–92
drawing on, xxiv, 92–94, 104
entering lag or lead time on, 127
expanding Duration column,
formatting bars, xxiii, xxxvii,
86–87, 90–91, 104, 343–50
illustrated, 15–16
previewing custom, 91–92
printing custom, 92
task relationships illustrated in,
viewing personal assignments
on, 443
views for, 343
GanttHead Web site, 484
generic resources
defined, 422, 424, 489
as part of enterprise templates,
replacing, xlii, 429–36
viewing, 428
Getting Started task pane, 8
ghost tasks, 413, 414, 416, 489
GIF images
copying information as,
xxxiii–xxxiv, 242–45, 253
importing Gantt chart to Word
as, 260–63
including in HTML Web page,
Global.mpt file, 359–60, 362
global templates. See also enterprise templates; templates
defined, 489
deleting items from, 378–79
elements and settings in, 359–61
enterprise, 360
renaming elements stored in,
storage of macros in, 365
Go To dialog box, 280
Go To Selected Task button, 139,
grades of resources, 480
501 Page 502 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
graphic images
graphic images
copying information as GIF
images, xxxiii–xxxiv, 242–45,
customizing on toolbar button,
xxxix, 377–78
importing Gantt chart to Word
as GIF image, 260–63
including GIF images in HTML
Web page, 251
graphical indicators, 319, 321
Graphical Indicators dialog box,
gridlines, xxxvii, 349, 350
Gridlines dialog box, 349
Group Definition in dialog box,
Group field, 489
defined, 489
printing views having, 228
project details, xxxi, 202–6, 218
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,
A (PMI), 475, 484
Header tab (Page Setup dialog
box), 102
headers, xxiv, 102–4
for Bar Styles dialog box, 345
baselines, 110
further Project resources, 483–84
view and report, 85
Hide Subtasks button, 175, 310
highlighting tasks for filtering,
Home page, centers on, 442
editing Project data as Web
pages, 249
HTML templates, 249–52, 489
including GIF files for HTML
Web page, 251
saving project data in, 247
HTML templates, 249–52, 489
hyperlinks. See also links
connecting tasks to Web page
with, 48
defined, 489
Import Wizard, 266–67
import/export maps, 264–65,
271, 275, 489
address book information, 57
Excel data, 35, 265–69, 275
files to Project, 264–69, 275
Outlook appointments and
events, 442
source and destination programs, 255, 389
Indent Tasks button, 42
indenting tasks, 41–43
inflexible constraints
defined, 128, 129, 130, 489
negative slack, 132–33, 490
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 50
Insert Picture button, 103
inserted projects, 409, 410, 411,
field or functions in formula,
gridlines between tasks, xxxvii,
hyperlinks, 50–51
logos on reports, 103
interim plans, 344–50, 489
interim project plans, 282
Internet Explorer, 248
interrupted tasks, xxvi, 135–38
issues, 467–69
creating, xliv, 467–69
defined, 467, 468
risks vs., 464, 472
types of associations for, 467,
Item to Change list (Text Styles
dialog box), xxiv, 96
Lag field (Task Information dialog box), 126
lag time
defined, 124, 489
entering, xxvi, 125, 126
using, 152
lead time
defined, 124, 489
entering, 125, 128
tips on entering, 128
learning resources for Project,
legends, 231–32
Level Resources dialog box, 184
leveling overallocated
resources. See resource
line manager, 490
link line, 46
Link Tasks button, 45, 124, 416
links. See also hyperlinks
breaking to resource pool, 396
creating between tasks, 45–48
defined, 490
inserting, 50–51
from project plans to resource
pool, xli, 404–6
to summary tasks, 47
to task relationships, 124
to tasks, xxi, 43–48
List Tasks pane, 34
logos, 103
job titles as resource names, 59
keyboard shortcuts
assigning to macros, 365
Go To dialog box, 280
macros, 365–73
assigning to toolbar button,
xxxix, 375–78
defined, 490
editing, xxxviii–xxxix, 369–73
naming, 365
recording, xxxviii, 365–69
running, xxxviii, 368–69
security level settings, 368
storing in global template, 365
managing project variances
cost and resource problems,
330–34, 339
critical path and, 338, 339
overview, 323–24 Page 503 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
More Groups dialog box
project triangle, 323, 339
scope of work problems, 334–39
time and schedule problems,
Map Options page (Export Wizard), 250–51
defined, 245–46
deleting, 378–79
editing, 249
exporting, 246–49, 367
import/export, 264–65, 271, 275,
selecting for data, 247
Margin tab (Page Setup dialog
box), 222
master projects, 409
Material Label field, 63
material resources
assigning to tasks, 82–83
comparing work and, 63
consumption rates for, xxix,
defined, 62, 69, 490
setting up, xxi–xxii, 62
maximum units. See also units
allocating for work resources,
defined, 174, 195, 490
equipment resources, 61–62
menu bar, 7
Microsoft Excel, 35, 265–69, 275
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 248
Microsoft Office Project 2003.
See also Microsoft Office
Project 2003 Professional edition; Microsoft Office Project
2003 Standard edition
compatibility of file formats, 271
editions of, 5
family of products, 5, 30
learning resources for, 483–84
overview, 30
project management with, 3–5
scheduling engine in, 6, 30
starting Professional edition, xix,
starting Standard edition, xix,
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Professional edition
Collaborate menu, 12
defined, 5
Enterprise custom fields of
Project Information dialog
box, 51
global template in, 360
illustrated, 12
starting, xix, 10–15
tracking with, 278
using with Project Server, 56,
working offline with book tutorial, 33
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Server, 5
assigning resource to resolve
issues, 467–69
benefits of, 439
Build Team from Enterprise feature, 427, 439
communicating project details
in, 101
creating document library, xlv,
custom Project Guides, 439
deploying, 421
enterprise global template with,
enterprise templates, 422, 423,
EPM capabilities of, 56, 160
generic resources, 424
integrating WSS with, 463, 472
publishing plan to, xliii, 436–39
risk management in, 464–66
staffing enterprise project with
resources, 427–36
substituting resources, xlii,
429–36, 439
toolset for, 420–21
uploading documents to document library, 472
working with task assignments
in Outlook, xliii, 446–50
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Standard edition
defined, 5
global template in, 360
illustrated, 7
starting, xix, 6–9
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Web Access, 5
handling actuals from resources,
xliv, 450–55
managing issues, 467–69
Project Center, 456, 460
recording assignment progress
in Tasks Center, 442–43
reporting out-of-office time, xliii,
reporting task changes, xliii,
risk management, 464–66
Tasks Center, 460
Updates Center, 452, 454, 460
updating calendar automatically
with, 67
Microsoft Office System Enterprise Project Management
Solution, 419, 490
Microsoft Outlook
importing appointments and
events from, 442
importing task lists from, 35
viewing and reporting progress
on assignments, xliii, 446–50
Microsoft PowerPoint, xxxiv,
Microsoft Project. See Microsoft
Office Project 2003
Microsoft Project Plan (MPP)
files, 30
Microsoft Project Task List
Import Template, 269
Microsoft Project Users Group
(MPUG), 483–84
Microsoft Visio, 259–64
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications, 369–73
about, 365, 369, 373, 379
editing macros in, xxxviii–xxxix,
recording macros in, xxxviii,
Web site for, 484
Microsoft Word
copying GIF image of Gantt
chart to, 260–63
generating project summary
report in, xxxiv, 259–64
saving data with Export Wizard
to, 272–73
milestones, xx, 40–41, 490
missed deadline indicator, 145,
“month-at-a-glance” calendar
format, xxxviii, 354, 356
More Filters dialog box, xxxi,
More Groups dialog box, 203
503 Page 504 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
More Tables dialog box
More Tables dialog box, 211
More Views dialog box, 19, 89,
displaying dates in timescaled
views, 176
dragging vertical divider bar,
splitting tasks with, 136–37
viewing detail for Gantt chart
items, 280
.mpb files, 270
.mpd files, 270
MPP (Microsoft Project Plan)
files, 30
MPUG (Microsoft Project Users
Group), 483–84
.mpw files, 495 Web site, 484
Multiple Pages button, 229
Must Finish On constraint, 129,
144, 152
Must Start On constraint, 129
macros, 365
resource pools, 394
toolbars, 375
negative slack, 132–33, 490
Network Diagram view
completed tasks in, 351, 353
defined, 18–19
formatting, 350–53, 356
illustrated, 19, 353
nodes, 350–51
task relationships in, 44, 86
New Business template, 9, 14
New Toolbar dialog box, 375
newsgroups for Project, 484
night shift, 490
Night Shift base calendar, 68
nodes in Network Diagram
view, 350–51
noncritical tasks, 133, 134, 490
nonworking time
illustrated in Scheduled Tasks
pane, 46
reporting out-of-office time as,
xliii, 444–45
setting up, xx, 26–29
specifying for individual workers, xxii, 66–68
task duration and, 36
assignment, 166
resource, xxii, 69
task, xxi, 48–50
types of, 48
Notes tab (Task Information dialog box), 49
Office Assistant, 374
Office Online Web site, 483
offline practice with book tutorial, 33
OLE, 256–57, 490
One Page button, 103, 230
ongoing operations, 3, 475, 490
online project information,
changing format of project Web
page, 249–52
copying information as GIF
image, 242–45, 367
macros for automatically publishing reports, 365–69
overview, 241
saving project information as
Web page, xxxiv, 245–49,
Open dialog box, 29
Open Internet Address dialog
box, 245
Open Resource Pool dialog box,
Open Resource Pool Information dialog box, 407
files of different format, xxxiv,
resource pools, 404
sharer plan and updating
resource pool, xli, 406–9
Options dialog box, 37, 86
Organize Tasks pane, 42
Organizer, 359–65
copying custom table to project
plan, xxxviii, 361–65
defined, 379, 490
deleting custom toolbars and
maps, 378–79
global templates, 359–61
illustrated, 362
renaming customized elements
in, 361
organizing project data, 196–218
customizing tables, xxxii,
210–14, 218
customizing views, xxii, xxxii,
86–92, 214–17, 218
filtering, 206–10, 218
grouping, xxxi, 202–6, 218
sorting, 197–202, 218
outline number, 491
defined, 491
enterprise resource outline
codes, 429
inserted project plans as summary tasks in, 410, 411
previewing before printing, 238
printing collapsed project plan,
Outlook. See Microsoft Outlook
Overallocated icon, 186
defined, 71, 83, 159, 174, 491
leveling resources, xxx, 184–90
resolving, 180–84
spotting resource, 416
viewing details in Resource
Usage view, 195
overbudget resources, xxxvi,
312–13, 320–21
Overbudget Resources report,
overhead, 317, 486
effect on project scheduling,
xxxvii, 335–37
pay rates for, 157
Overview Reports dialog box, 99
Page Down button, 229
Page Right button, 229
Page Setup dialog box, xxxii,
102, 222, 225
Page tab (Page Setup dialog
box), 222, 227 Page 505 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
project management
Paste Special command, 256
pay rates
applying at different times,
xxviii, 157–59
applying different rates to
assignments, 166–67
entering, xxii, 64–65
getting accurate cost information
for, 65
multiple rates for resources,
xxviii, 155–57
overtime rates, 157
percent work complete, xxv,
permanently renumbering
resources, 199, 315
PERT (Program Evaluation and
Review Technique) analysis, 38
phases, xx, 41–43, 491
placeholders for resource
names, 59
planning. See also project management; project plans
bottom-up, 41, 486
defined, 491
top-down, 41, 495
tracking actuals and, 277
tracking vs., 107
PMBOK (A Guide to the Project
Management Body of
Knowledge), 475, 484
PMI (Project Management Institute), 484
portfolio management, 391
pound signs (#), 110, 386
PowerPoint, xxxiv, 259–64
practice files, 34
predecessor tasks
adjusting, 127–28
changing relationship to
start-to-start, 338
defined, 43, 491
ghost tasks, 413, 414, 416, 489
lag and lead time, xxvi, 125,
126, 152
showing external, 416
Predecessors tab (Task Information dialog box), 47
predefined reports. See also
about, 22
listing all, 19, 227
printing and editing, xxxiii,
Preview option for Open dialog
box, 29
Preview Working Time portion
of Project Working Times
pane, 26
box styles, 351
custom Gantt charts, 91–92
multiple pages, 230
reports, xix, 21–23, 99–100, 238
views before printing, xxxii, 229
Print dialog box, 224
Print Preview toolbar, 229
Print Preview window, xxxiii,
printing, 221–38
blank view or report pages, 233
custom Gantt charts, 92
modifying page legends before,
previewing reports before, 238
project plans, 221–22, 228, 238
reports, 99–104, 234–37, 238
usage views, 191
views, 228–33, 238
product scope, 36, 478, 491
Professional edition. See
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Professional edition
Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT) analysis, 38
program office, 491
progress bars, 112, 491
Project. See Microsoft Office
Project 2003; Microsoft Office
Project 2003 Professional edition; Microsoft Office Project
2003 Server; Microsoft Office
Project 2003 Standard edition; Microsoft Office Project
2003 Web Access
project calendars, 26, 491
Project Center, 456, 460
Project Connections Web site,
Project Costs pane, 312
Project Guide. See also specific
about, 9, 14
assigning resources, xxii, 72
checking project duration, xxi,
constraints, xxvi, 131–32
creating project plan, xx, 23–26
custom, 425, 426, 427, 439
deadline dates, xxvii, 145
entering task actuals, xxv,
entering tasks, xx, 33–35
hiding, 20
linking tasks, xxi, 43–48
nonworking days, xx, 26–29
organizing tasks into phases, xx,
pane in, 9, 14
printing from, 233
project tracking, 119
project viewed in Gantt chart
timescale, xxi, 52
saving baseline, xxiv, 109
setting up work resources, xxi,
showing/hiding, 20
task notes, xxi, 48–50
tracking percent work complete,
xxv, 112–14
viewing resource usage in, xxx,
viewing task costs and overbudget tasks, xxxvi, 312–13
Project Guide toolbar, 9, 14
Project Information dialog box,
51, 303, 325
project management, 475–81.
See also enterprise project
about, 3–4
accurate resource cost information for, 65
accurate task durations, 39
assessing project status, 118
changes to project scope, 23
collecting actuals from
resources, 295
communicating with stakeholders, 221, 223
critical path concept in Project,
133, 135, 152, 486
deliverables and project scope,
determining level of tracking,
505 Page 506 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
project management
project management
earned value analysis for,
evaluating effort-driven scheduling for project, 81
evaluating task completion,
managing project constraints,
128–30, 144–45, 152, 478–81
options with Smart Tags, 79
PERT analysis, 38
Project as tool for, 481
project triangle, 476–78
projects, 475–76
resource allocation, 174
resource leveling, 184–85
scheduling recurring tasks,
substituting resources, xlii,
task types and effort-driven
scheduling, 144
techniques for reporting project
status, 308
tools for aiding, 4–5
top-down and bottom-up planning, 41
Project Management Institute
(PMI), 484
project plan window, 7
project plans, 173–95
actual progress vs. baseline,
adding to consolidated projects,
allocating resources for, 173–80
associating risk with, xliv,
changing Web page formatting,
comparing baseline, interim,
and actual, 344–50
consolidated, 409–12
copying as GIF image,
xxxiii–xxxiv, 242–45, 253
creating, xx, 23–26
custom Gantt charts, 86–92
custom tables, xxxii, 210–14,
custom views, xxii, xxxii, 86–92,
214–17, 218
defined, 7, 23
designating as resource pool,
drawing on Gantt charts, 92–94,
duration of, xxi, 51–53
examining project costs, xxx,
filtering details of, 206–10, 218
formatting, 85
grouping project details, xxxi,
202–6, 218
linking to resource pool, xli,
manually resolving overallocations, xxx, 180–84
overallocating resources, 71, 83,
previewing before printing, 238
printing, 99–104, 221–22, 228,
project finish date, 192–95
publishing to Project Server,
xliii, 436–39
resource leveling, 185, 186–90
saving automatically, 26, 374
saving baseline, 108–11, 281–82,
saving interim, 282
saving as Web page, xxxiv,
245–49, 253
saving as workspace, 410
sorting details, 197–202, 218
summary tasks in outline, 410,
templates for creating, xix, xlii,
6, 8, 9, 13, 422–27
tracking as scheduled, xxv,
using macros stored with, 366
versions of published, 436
viewing complete, xxi, 52
Project Professional. See
Microsoft Office Project 2003
Professional edition
project scope. See also scope
changing, 23
defined, 36, 478, 491
deliverables and, 36
Project Server Accounts dialog
box, 10, 11
Project Server Security Login, 10
Project Server. See Microsoft
Office Project 2003 Server
Project Standard. See Microsoft
Office Project 2003 Standard
Project Statistics dialog box, 52,
194, 303, 309, 325
project status reports, 301–21
evaluating task completion with,
examining resource costs,
examining task costs, 308–13
identifying delayed tasks,
xxxv–xxxvi, 302–8
stoplight view, 317–21
project summary report, 259–64
project summary task, xxx,
191–92, 491. See also summary tasks
Project Templates tab (Templates dialog box), 8, 13
project triangle, 476–81. See also
costs; duration; scope
costs, 477–78
defined, 323, 491
illustrated, 476
managing project variances, 323,
339, 478–81
scope, 323, 478
time, 477
Project Web Access. See Microsoft
Office Project 2003 Web
Project Web Access Appointment dialog box, 450
Project Web Access tab (Options
dialog box), 446
Project Working Times pane,
projects. See also project plans
consolidated, xli–xlii, 409–12,
416, 486
creating dependencies between,
xlii, 412–16
defined, 475–76, 491
deliverables, 36, 476, 487
ongoing operations vs., 3
risks and inaccurate task duration estimates, 39
properties for Project files, xx,
.Published suffix, 436, 438 Page 507 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
publishing project plans, xliii,
436–39. See also online
project information
RBS (resource breakdown structure), 429, 431
Record Macro dialog box, 366
recording macros, xxxviii,
recurring tasks, xxviii, 148–52,
Relationship Diagram view, 228
relationships, 44, 492. See also
task relationships
remaining costs, 191
Remove button, 75
deadlines from tasks, 147
filters, xxxi, 210
text formatting, 98
replacing resources for cost
reductions, xxxvii, 332–33
communicating with stakeholders via, 223
customizing headers and footers, xxiv, 102–4
defined, 21, 30, 492
editing Task, 236
inserting logos on, 103
macros for publishing, 365–69
Overbudget Resources, 316
predefined, 22
previewing, xix, 21–23, 99–100,
printing, xxxiii, 85, 99–104,
project summary, 259–64
setting page options for, xxxii,
stoplight view, 317–21, 456–60
viewing multiple pages, 101–2
Reports dialog box, 2, 99, 234
duration, 140–44
incomplete work, xxxv, 295–99
split tasks and, 296, 298
resizing row height, 217
Resource Allocation view, 181
resource breakdown structure
(RBS), 429, 431
resource calendars. See also
adjusting, 66–68
defined, 492
importing Outlook appointments and events for, 442
resource costs, working with,
Resource Form, 399
Resource Graph view, 180, 185
Resource Information dialog
box, 60–61, 68, 157,
resource leveling
defined, 184–85, 492
exercise in, 186–90
slack, 187
split tasks and, 137
Resource Leveling dialog box,
185, 186–90
resource manager, 492
resource notes, xxii, 69
resource outline codes, 429
resource pools, 63, 392–97. See
also sharer plans
about, 392–93, 416
advantages of, 393
clearing assignments for deleted
sharer plans, 409
creating, xl, 393–96
defined, 392, 492
designating project plans as, 397
editing calendars in, 416
enterprise, 424
linking project plans to, xli,
naming, 394
options for opening, 404
saving changes to resource
details, 408
updating, xl–xli, 400–401, 403,
viewing assignment details in,
xl, 397–99
Resource Sheet view, 16, 198–99,
201, 332, 394
Resource Substitution Wizard,
xlii, 429–36, 439
Resource Usage view, 16, 175,
179, 195, 428
resources, 55–69. See also generic
resources; material
resources; resource pools;
work resources
adjusting resource calendar,
allocating tasks to category of
workers, 59
allocating throughout project,
applying different cost rates for,
xxix, 166–67, 170
applying pay rates at different
times, xxviii, 157–59
assigning material resources to
tasks, 82–83
collecting actuals from, 295
comparing work and materials,
consumption rates for material,
xxix, 167–70
creating, 61
creating issues, xliv, 467–69
customizing availability of,
xxviii–xxix, 159–61, 167, 170
defined, 475, 492
delaying start of assignments,
xxix, 161–62, 170
displaying overbudget, xxxvi,
312–13, 320–21
editing assignments, 182–83
entering pay rates for, xxii,
equipment, 60–62
evaluating costs, 313–16
fully allocated, 173, 392, 488
getting accurate cost information
for, 65
grades of, 480
grouping data about, xxxi,
202–6, 218
handling actuals submitted from,
xliv, 450–55
importing information from
address book, 57
leveling overallocated, xxx,
manually resolving overallocations, xxx, 180–84
material, xxi–xxii, 62–63, 69
maximum units, 58–60, 61–62,
174, 195
multiple pay rates for, xxviii,
notes for, xxii, 69
overallocating, 71, 83, 174
overview, 55
507 Page 508 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
resources (continued)
permanently renumbering, 199,
replacing, xxxvii, 332–33,
setting up sharer plans for,
shortening assignments for,
sorting, xxxvi, 314–16
staffing enterprise project with,
underallocated, 173, 392, 495
updating task status without
updating, 295
work, xxi, 55–60
risks, 39
associating with project plan,
xliv, 464–66
defined, 464, 492
issues vs., 464, 472
types of associations for, 464,
viewing status and owner, 466
rolling down values, 283, 299
rolling up
baselines, 281
project information, 409
values, 283
running macros, xxxviii, 368–69
Save Baseline dialog box, 281–82
Save preview picture check box
(Properties dialog box), 29
Save to Project Server dialog
box, 437
automatic saving, 26, 374
baselines, xxiv, 108–11, 119,
281–82, 299
changes to resource details, 408
file formats from Project, xxxv,
270–73, 275
interim project plans, 282
project data in HTML, 247
project information as Web
page, 245–49, 253
project snapshot as GIF file,
xxxiii–xxxiv, 242–45
schedule indicators in earned
value analysis, xxxix,
382–85, 388
schedule performance index
(SPI), 385
schedule variance (SV)
defined, 321, 384, 494
viewing, xxxvi, 306–7
scheduled costs, 190–91
Scheduled Tasks pane, 45, 46
scheduling. See also effort-driven
overtime, xxxvii, 335–37
project from finish date, 193
troubleshooting problems in,
scheduling engine, 129, 152
scheduling formula, 76, 140–41,
defined, 492
deliverables and project, 36
product scope, 36, 478, 491
project, 23, 36, 478, 491
project triangle model and, 323,
reducing variances and, 334–39
relationship to time and costs,
scope creep, 480
defined, 492
displaying day’s date on timescale, 292, 299
information on split tasks, 136
project status for stoplight view,
task notes as, 50
viewing detail for Gantt chart
items, 280
Search for Help box, 7
security level settings and macros, 368
selecting check boxes, 188
semi-flexible constraints
defined, 128, 129, 130, 493
negative slack, 132–33, 490
sequence, 43, 493
Set a date to schedule from
(Task pane), 25
SF (start-to-finish) tasks, 44
Share Resources dialog box, 395
sharer plans
base calendars and, xli, 402
clearing assignments for deleted,
defined, 493
illustrated, 392
linking to resource pool, 395–96
making date changes in all
linked, 403
updating assignments in, 399
updating resource pool and, xli,
403, 406–9
sharing project information,
Analyze Timescaled Data Wizard, 273–75
copying and pasting, 256–59,
file format compatibility, 271
generating project summary
report, 259–64
importing files to Project,
264–69, 275
macros for automatically publishing reports, 365–69
online project publishing, 241
overview, 255
publishing plans to Project
Server, xliii, 436–39
saving file formats from Project,
xxxv, 270–73, 275
saving information as Web
pages, xxxiv, 245–49, 253
shortcut menu, 244, 493
Show Subtasks button, 311
Show/Hide Project Guide button, 20, 82
critical path and zero, 135
deadline dates and, 145, 147
defined, 493
free, 133, 134, 135, 488
negative, 132–33
resource leveling and, 187
total, 133, 495
Slipped/Late Progress filter, 302
Slipping Tasks filter, xxxvi, 302,
Smart Tag Actions button, 78
Smart Tags
controlling additional assignments, xxiii, 78–79
defined, 83 Page 509 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
Task Information dialog box
editing resource assignments,
182–83, 195
soft finish dates, 192
Sort dialog box, 199, 201
by fields, 200
cost variance, xxxvi, 315–16
data in view, xxxi, 197–202
defined, 493
overview, 197–98, 218
resource list by cost, 315–16
resources, xxxvi, 314–15
source programs
defined, 255, 493
setting up import/export maps
for, 265
Specify Resources pane, 57
SPI (schedule performance
index), 385, 493
split, 493
Split in-progress tasks check
box (Options dialog box),
Split Task mouse pointer, 136
split tasks
rejoining segments of, 138
rescheduling work and, 296, 298
resource leveling and, 188
setting up, 135–38
time increments for, 137
sponsors, 65, 100, 107, 324, 493
Spreadsheet Solutions tab (Templates dialog box), 269
SS (start-to-start) tasks
changing critical path task relationships to, 338
defined, 44, 123
entering lead times with, 128
defined, 493
displaying details from
multi-project view, xliv,
organizing data for review by,
printing project plans for, 221
publishing plan to Project Server
for, xliii, 436–39
reporting project status to, 223,
Standard base calendar, 66, 67,
Standard edition. See Microsoft
Office Project 2003 Standard
start dates, xxv, 116–17
Start No Earlier Than constraint,
129, 130, 131–33
Professional edition, xix, 10–15
Standard edition, xix, 6–9
start-to-finish (SF) tasks, 44
start-to-start (SS) tasks, 44, 123,
statistics, 100
status date
defined, 493
scheduling around, 298
setting, xxxix, 382, 383
stoplight view, 317–21, 456–60
Store macro in box (Record
Macro dialog box), 366
styles for text, 96
subprojects, 409
subtasks, 41
hiding, 175, 310
printing reports with collapsed,
reducing duration of, 326–27,
showing, 311
successor tasks
creating negative slack in,
132–33, 490
defined, 43, 493
entering lag and lead time for,
xxvi, 126
summary recurring tasks, 150
Summary table, 199, 200
summary tasks
controlling effect of baseline
updates on, 281
creating, 41–43
defined, 41, 53, 494
displaying only, 310
earned value indicators for, 384
formatting, 97
illustrated, 42
inserted project plans appear in
outline as, 410, 411
linking, 47
printing collapsing outline of,
228, 234
Summary view, 456
SV%, 384, 494
SV. See schedule variance
switching views, xix, 16–21
Table Definition in dialog box,
changing content or order of
information in view, 202
copying and pasting portions of,
242, 275
Cost, 310, 314, 320
cost rate, 155, 486
customizing, xxxii, 210–14, 218
defined, 494
displaying Variance, xxiv, 110,
Earned Value Schedule Indicators, 383–85
editing report format, 236
Entry, 488
Gantt chart, 86
pasting text into Project, xxxiv,
sharing custom tables between
projects, xxxviii, 361–65
widening columns of, 110
Work, 284
tabs in Bar Styles dialog box,
task bars, 304, 305
task calendars
applying, xxvii, 140
creating custom task, 138–40,
defined, 494
Task Entry view, 20
Task Form view, 228
task ID
defined, 494
dragging to resize row height,
Task Information button, 46,
140, 329
Task Information dialog box
changing earned value calculation in, 388
documenting tasks in, 48–50
entering lag or lead time in, 125
illustrated, 47
marking tasks as milestones in,
509 Page 510 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
Task Mapping page
Task Mapping page (Import Wizard), 267–69
task notes, xxi, 48–50
Task Notes button, 49
task priority, 494
task relationships
adjusting, xxvi, 123–28
appearance in views, 44, 86
defined, 44
effect of lead and lag time on,
125–28, 152
Network Diagram view and,
351, 356
setting up predecessors, 46–47
Task Report dialog box, 236
Task Sheet view, xxiv, 110, 306,
task types
defined, 494
fixed, 140–41, 144, 152
Task Usage view, 17, 283, 316
tasks, 32–53, 123–52. See also
duration; task relationships;
actual progress vs. baseline
plans, 303–7
adjusting individual’s working
time, 138–40, 152
allocating, 59
assigning resources to, xxii,
72–75, 82–83
changing task types, xxvii,
compressing duration, 334–39
constraints on, 128–33, 152
creating links between, 45–48
critical, 335
critical path, xxvi, 133–35, 152
deadline dates for, 144–47
defined, 494
delayed, xxxv–xxxvi, 302–8
delaying assignment start,
161–62, 170
developing list of, 53
displaying baseline costs, 310
documenting, 48–50
dragging task ID to resize row
height, 217
duration of, xx, 36–39, 51–53
earned value indicators for, 384
effect of resource leveling on,
effort-driven scheduling, 83
elapsed duration, 37, 487
entering, xx, 33–35
evaluating completion of, 301–2
examining costs of, 308–13
filtering, 206–10, 218
fixed costs for, xxvii, 147–48
Gantt chart representations of,
34, 44
ghost, 413, 414, 416, 489
graphical indicators, 319, 321
importing, 35
inserting gridlines between,
xxxvii, 349
interrupting work on, xxvi,
lead and lag time effect on relationships, xxvi, 125–28, 152
linking, xxi, 43–48
manually entering actual values
for, 294
milestones, xx, 40–41, 490
Network Diagram view of completed, 351, 353
organizing into phases, xx,
overview, 33, 53
project summary, xxx, 191–92,
recurring, xxviii, 148–52, 492
relationships between, xxvi, 44,
53, 127–28
removing deadlines from, 147
rescheduling incomplete, xxxv,
rolled up/down values, 283
rolling down to assignments,
shortening duration, 326–27
summary, 41–43, 47, 53
task types and effort-driven
scheduling, 144
tracking actuals for, xxv, xxxv,
114–18, 119, 282–89
Tracking Gantt view of, 280
tracking timephased actual
work, 284–85, 290–95
updating baselines for, xxxv,
variances in, 304–5
viewing and approving, 452, 454
working assignments in
Outlook, xliii, 446–50
Tasks Center, 442–43, 460
Tasks pane, 7, 24, 34
Tasks Tracking view, 460
TCPI (to complete performance
index), 387, 494
templates. See also enterprise templates; global templates
creating project plan from, xix,
6, 8, 9, 13
defined, 6, 10, 494
enterprise, 421–22, 439
global, 359–61
HTML, 249–52, 489
installation of, 9, 14
Microsoft Project Task List
Import Template, 269
selecting data, 352
Templates dialog box, 8, 13, 269
adding styles to, 96
formatting in views, xxiv, 94–99
pasting into Project tables,
xxxiv, 256
removing formatting, 98
Text Box button, 93
text box on Gantt charts, xxiv,
92–94, 104
Text Styles dialog box, xxiv, 94,
96, 98
Text tab (Bar Styles dialog box),
time. See also duration; nonworking time; timescales
constraint start and end, 132
defined, 494
lag and lead, xxvi, 125, 126, 152
setting nonworking, xx, 26–29
timephased cost values, 316
timephased fields, 108–9, 494
timephased tasks, 273
tracking timephased actuals,
277, 284–85, 290–95
troubleshooting variances,
Timescale dialog box, 177–78
Timescale options (Print dialog
box), 224
timescaled bar charts. See Gantt
timescales. See also time
defined, 495
displaying dates in, 176
increments on, 292, 299 Page 511 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
printing, 228
in Task Usage view, 17
viewing entire project in, xxi,
Timesheet view, 444
to complete performance index
(TCPI), 387, 494
Toolbar Options down arrow, 7,
assigning macro command to,
xxxix, 375–78
changing button image on,
xxxix, 377–78
creating, 375–76
customizing, xxxix, 374–79
deleting, 378–79
displaying all buttons on, 7
docked or floating, 375
illustrated, 7
Print Preview, 229
Project Guide, 9
using, 7
Toolbars shortcut menu, 244
Toolbars tab (Customize dialog
box), 374
top-down planning, 41, 495
total slack, 133, 495
tracking, 107–19, 276–99
actual values for tasks, xxv,
xxxv, 114–18, 119, 282–89
actual work through Project
Web Access, xliii, 441–45
defined, 107, 277, 495
entering actual cost values manually, 290
evaluating project status, 118,
percent work complete, xxv,
projects as scheduled, xxv,
purpose of, 107–8
remaining task values, 282–89
rescheduling incomplete work,
saving project baseline, 108–11,
119, 281–82, 299
timephased actuals, 277–78,
284–85, 290–95
updating baseline, 278–82, 299
Tracking Gantt view
about, 280–81
delayed tasks in, 302
viewing task status in, 304–5
Tracking tab (Assignment Information dialog box), 289
trigger, 464
Type a question for help box, 8
unassigned resources, 176
underallocated resources, 173,
392, 495
underscore (_), 365
Undo Assignment command, 74
undoing assignments, 74–75
assigning resource, 72
defined, 495
equipment resource allocation,
fixed, 140, 152, 488
maximum, 174, 194
overallocating resource, 159
rescheduling and changing values of, 140–44
as scheduling formula component, 76
work resource allocation, 58–60
Unlink Tasks button, 46
Update Project dialog box, xxv,
111, 297
Update Resource Pool command, 406
Update Tasks dialog box, xxv,
Updates Center, 452, 454, 460
assignments in sharer plans, 399
baselines, 278–82, 299
baselines for tasks, xxxv, 279
resource pool, xl–xli, 400–401,
403, 406–9
sharer plans and resource
pools, 403
working times in resource pool,
uploading documents, xlv,
user Home page, 442
VAC (variance at completion),
387, 495
vacations, 66–68
variable consumption rates, 167
variable resource availability,
xxviii–xxix, 159–61, 167,
Variance column, 311
Variance table
delayed tasks in, 302
displaying, xxiv, 110, 307
variances. See also managing
project variances
defined, 277, 302, 495
displaying cost, xxxvi, 309–10
identifying schedule, 321
managing project, 323–24
reducing cost and resource,
330–34, 339
reducing subtask duration,
326–27, 329
sorting resource list by cost,
spotting task, 304–5
stoplight view, 300, 317–21,
variance at completion, 387,
VBA. See Microsoft Visual Basic for
versions of published project
plans, 436
vertical divider pointer, 285
View Definition dialog box, 88,
216, 344
View Options area (Project Web
Access), 453
View tab (Page Setup dialog
box), xxxii, 222, 225–26
viewing. See also views
assignment details in resource
pools, xl, 397–99
constraint details in ScreenTip,
cost variances, xxxvi, 309–10
critical path, xxvi, 133–35, 152
critical tasks, 335
entire project in timescale, xxi,
511 Page 512 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM
viewing (continued)
generic resources, 428
multiple report pages, 101–2
overbudget resources, xxxvi,
312–13, 320–21
resource allocation, xxx, 174–80
schedule indicators, xxxix,
382–85, 388
schedule variance, xxxvi, 306–7
task details, Updates Center,
task status in Tracking Gantt
view, 304–5
timephased cost values, 316
work breakdown structure, 43
work schedule for week, 444
views, 15–21, 30. See also Gantt
Chart view; Network Diagram view; Tracking Gantt
Analyze Costs, 312
appearance of task relationships in, 44, 86
Calendar, 18, 353–55, 356
Copy Picture to Office Wizard
unavailable for some, 259
copying snapshots of,
xxxiii–xxxiv, 242–45, 258
customizing, xxii, xxxii, 86–92,
214–17, 218
default, 86
defined, 15, 214, 495
formatting Gantt bar styles,
xxxvii, 343–50
listing all predefined, 19, 227
pasting images or objects into,
previewing before printing,
xxxii, 229
printing, 191
Resource Allocation, 181
Resource Graph, 180
Resource Sheet, 16, 198–99,
201, 314, 332
Resource Usage, 16, 175, 179,
seeing timephased cost values,
sort order and active, 200
sorting data in, xxxi, 197–202
split project, 19, 20, 21
Summary, 456
switching, xix, 16–21
Task Entry, 20
Task Sheet, 306
Task Usage, 17, 283, 316
text formatting in, 94–99, 104
time increments in, 292, 299
viewing project plan in, 85
Visio, 259–64
Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA), 369–73
Visual Basic Editor, 369–73, 379
WBS (work breakdown structure), 43, 495
Web sites. See also online project
connecting tasks to, 48
editing Project data in, 249
exporting Project data to, 253
formatting project, 249–52
Project, 483–84
reviewing Project data in
browser, 248
saving project information as,
xxxiv, 245–49, 253
viewing in browser, 252
widening columns, 87–88, 110
Print Preview, xxxiii, 229
project plan, 7
Windows Clipboard, xxxiv, 257
Windows SharePoint Services
(WSS), 463
Word. See Microsoft Word
defined, 495
fixed, 140, 152, 488
rescheduling and changing values of, 140–44
as scheduling formula component, 76
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 43, 495
work resources, 55–60. See also
allocating maximum units for,
assigning to multiple projects,
comparing material resources
and, 63
defined, 55, 495
different pay rates for, 155
replacing generic resources
with, 429–36
setting up, xxi, 55–62
specifying individual’s nonworking time, xxii, 66–68
Work table, 284
work values for assignments,
working offline with book tutorial, 33
Working Time tab (Resource
Information dialog box),
68, 401
working times
defining, 26–29
setting up nonworking time,
updating in resource pool,
workspace, 410, 495
WSS (Windows SharePoint
Services), 463
XML files, 270
Zoom dialog box, 52
Zoom In button, 180
Zoom Out button, 180