2012-2013 STUDENT ORGANIZATION GUIDEBOOK The Student Organization Guidebook is an introduction to the policies and procedures that affect student organizations at Ithaca College. These policies and procedures have been designed to assist student organizations in achieving their goals and operating effectively as parts of the Ithaca College community. Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) The Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) manages the general student organizations. We assist with event planning, registration, finances and much more. For questions regarding student organizations please contact OSEMA by email or phone. Egbert 325 P: 607-274-3222 F: 607-274-3030 osema@ithaca.edu; studentorgs@ithaca.edu Student Activities Center (SAC) The Student Activities Center is a general student organization space that serves as a resource center for student organizations. Egbert 311 P: 607-274-3377 Theresa Radley- Assistant Director of Student Involvement -The Assistant Director of Student Involvement oversees the student organizations. For approval of registration and events, help with event planning and questions pertaining to IC Link please contact the Assistant Director of Student Involvement. tradley@ithaca.edu Mary Holland- Student Organization Business Specialist -The Student Organization Business Specialist manages finances for student organizations. For business and travel questions please contact the Student Organizations Business Specialist. meholland@ithaca.edu 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION IC Link Sports Clubs 3 REGISTRATION RELATED Student Organization Registration Student Organization Advisors Student Organization’s Constitution 4 6 7 THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER 12 OPPORTUNITIES ONCE REGISTERED Student Organization Programs Communication and Advertising Student Organization Finances Travel Policies and Considerations 32 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Program Planning Advertising Opportunities Leading @ IC 15 16 27 31 GLOSSARY Items that are italicized are defined in the glossary. 2 INTRODUCTION All members of a student organization are responsible for the information contained in this guidebook. Student oorganization officers are urged to work with their colleagues to ensure that all policies and procedures are understood and observed. Student organizations will be held accountable for observing all policies and procedures found in this manual. Failure to comply with all policies and procedures may result in the loss of registration by the student organization or other disciplinary action. Student organizations must register with the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) annually in order to formally operate at Ithaca College. Ithaca College does not acknowledge organized student that have not registered with the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs or are not coordinated by an Ithaca College academic department. To learn more about Ithaca College student organizations visit the Student Organization Directory on IC Link at www.ithaca.edu/iclink. IC Link IC Link provides students, organizations, and student affairs professionals with tools to promote and manage involvement experiences across the campus. IC Link hosts all the important documents, applications and forms student organizations’ need to have a successful organization. Students can access the full list of registered student organizations to see which ones they might like to join, and find out about upcoming event on campus. There are many features to assist student organizations with their programming needs including: An online campus flyer board Customizable web pages for each student organization Enhanced event management tools Create and upload documents and forms Run elections Post on student organization’s wall Student organization photo galleries Text messaging Social Media integration IC Link offers opportunities for individual use as well. Students have the opportunity to connect with their peers through the online directory, complete an involvement record and find about events on campus. To register a student organization, complete required forms, or find out more information about campus involvement please login to www.ithaca.edu/iclink with your Ithaca College netpass username and password. *Sport Clubs Student organizations that represent a sport or physical activity are identified as sport clubs. These organizations report to Recreational Sports; however, many of the general student organizations policies apply. Sport Clubs must still meet general registration requirements. They can advertise their events using the communication opportunities in this document and use the Student Activities Center for their organization use. Travel, finances and additional registration requirements apply to Sport Clubs. *Anything written in red and has an * pertains to sport clubs only. For more information regarding sport clubs please review the 2012-2013 Sport Club Manual or contact sportclubs@ithaca.edu. 3 REGISTRATION RELATED STUDENT ORGANIZATION REGISTRATION Registration is the process through which Ithaca College formally prepares and acknowledges student organizations as a part of the college community. Each student organization – new and returning – must annually register with the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. Student organizations must register between August 29, 2012- March 8, 2013. If student organizations do not register they will not have access to facilities, advertise their events or use their finances. The grace period ends September 26, 2012. The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs will not register a student organization whose mission is in conflict with the mission and/or policies of Ithaca College. The beliefs, interests, messages, and actions of registered student organizations do not necessarily reflect those of the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs, Student Affairs and Campus Life, or Ithaca College. Ithaca College does not currently register social fraternities and sororities. Several of the academic and honor societies on campus are named symbolically with Greek-letters and perform certain ceremonies. Additionally, there are several music and arts appreciation fraternities that are registered by Ithaca College that hold recruitment, education, and induction functions. These are not, however, social Greek-letter organizations that affiliate with national and international social Greek councils. Registration Process To become a registered student organization at Ithaca College each student organization must meet the following requirements: 1. Complete Registration form on IC Link Student Organizations can click the registration tab on their IC Link profile. The primary contact for the organization should complete the form, as well as create/update their organization profile. 2. Have an active 10 member roster1 listed on IC Link2. a. Each student organization is required to have: 1. One primary contact a. Presiding officer who will be the main contact person for the organization 2. One finance Chair/ Treasure a. Even if the organization does not receive funding from Ithaca College all registered student organizations must have an executive board position that handles finances 3. At least Two additional officers a. These two officers are selected individuals to serve on the executive board 3. Identify a full-time Ithaca College faculty or staff member to serve as the student organization's adviser: All advisers are required to sign the adviser agreement. An officer from the Student Organization will be responsible for bringing the signed advisor agreement to the OSEMA office. There is an additional information for Advisers on page 6 and on the OSEMA website. 1 Only current, matriculated Ithaca College students taking at least nine credits in the semester they serve may be on the executive board of a registered student organization. 2 Go to Roster- Manage Roster- Edit Positions 4 4. Student Organization Constitution: Each student organization’s constitution must be unique to their organization and updated annually. The student organization’s mission statement must be clearly stated on the constitution. Constitutions must state the membership discrimination clause: Membership in this organization is open to all meeting the above criteria, irrespective of race, creed, color, sex, class, age, nation of origin, nationality, gender identity or expression, disability, marital status, religion, military status, or sexual orientation. A sample constitution is available on Campus Links at www.ithaca.edu/iclink. For additional requirements about the constitution please review page 7. 5. Complete the Officer Requirement: Student Organization officers are required to receive training through the Leading @ IC series. Officers can attend the officer session or read thoroughly the student organization guidebook. To confirm the training has been completed each officer is required to score 100% on the selected quizzes. Three officers are required to complete the officer quiz. The quiz is available online. All Treasurers are required to complete the treasurer quiz. The quiz is available online. COMPLETION OF THIS PROCESS DOES GUARANTEE APPROVAL. New Clubs An additional step is required for all new student organizations o To register a new general student organization a meeting must be scheduled with Theresa Radley, Assistant Director of Student Involvement, OSEMA o To register a new sport club student organization a meeting must be scheduled with Megan Wagner, Program Coordinator in the Office of Recreational Sports. Upon completion of all steps in the registration process, the Assistant Director of Student Involvement will review the organization’s materials and approve its registration or contact the organization with additional questions. Registration is not guaranteed, and the Assistant Director of Student Involvement may choose to not register an organization. Registered organizations have the ability to create: Use “Ithaca College” in their names. Have an IC Link profile Access to resources and services offered by Ithaca College o The ability to reserve facilities on campus, with minimal or no rental charge, for meetings and programs. Apply for funding through Ithaca College. Travel and represent Ithaca College at conferences and programs. Solicit on campus:3 o Hang posters and flyers on approved campus bulletin boards. o Create a Web profile Manager Website (www.ithaca.edu/wpm) o Apply to use the bulletin boards o Submit material to be distributed in Club Hub, the electronic newsletter (studentorgs@ithaca.edu) Use the Student Activities Center and all resources found in the facility Apply for storage in the student organization storage cabinets Failure to comply with policies implemented by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and/or Ithaca College may result in the loss of registration. *Sport Clubs The Office of Recreational Sports has additional information and registration requirements for Sport Clubs. Sport Clubs must attend a group meeting coordinated by the Office of Recreational Sports at the 3 Please view Communications and Advertising for more on options on page 21. 5 start of the academic year and must meet individually with the Program Coordinator in the Office of Recreational Sports. STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISERS An adviser’s primary role is to support, guide, and serve as a resource to student organizations. All advisers are required to sign the Adviser Agreement. The agreement states: As an adviser of an Ithaca College registered student organization, I agree that I am responsible for communicating with my organization, signing and approving financial documents (Funding allocations, Travel authorization, etc.) and attending events as needed and following all OSEMA adviser requirements. An adviser of a registered student organization is required to: Be familiar with Ithaca College policies and ensure compliance. Be a full-time employee of Ithaca College. 4 Be in communication with student organization officers. Attend organization, meetings, programs and events, as discussed with the student organization o Attend off-campus and after-hour events. o Be present for the duration of all events with alcohol. o Be present at events where money is being collected o Additional adviser attendance requirements will be communicated by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement and the student organization. Be knowledgeable of the student organization’s purpose, events, and members. Be available for student organization members to discuss any organization-related issues. Maintain communication with Ithaca College and OSEMA, to uphold policies, and to help guide the student organization. Assist student organizations with travel and financial needs by signing allocation forms and travel documents. The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs encourages advisers to: Avoid leading a student organization. It is important that all student organization experiences are learning opportunities for the students involved. Assist in the development of a vision and mission by setting short-term and long-term goals. o Assist with transition and training new officers. o Provide stability and consistency during student leadership transitions. Encourage and assist members in making programs purposeful and meaningful for their target audience through organized planning, facilitating, and evaluating their programs. Additional information for Advisers on the OSEMA website and in the Adviser Guidebook. *Sport Clubs *Each sport club must have a club advisor who is a full-time faculty or staff member at Ithaca College. *COACHES AND INSTRUCTORS A coach is required for all competitive sport clubs and any other club the college deems high risk and sees as necessary. Semi-competitive, Instructional/Performance sport clubs may also choose a volunteer coach or instructor. 4 If there is not an employee of Ithaca College that has the knowledge or the expertise to serve as an adviser, OSEMA may choose to approve the organization’s nomination of a Ithaca College part time employee or an adjunct faculty. 6 *Please see the Sport Club Manual or contact sportclubs@ithaca.edu for more information. STUDENT ORGANIZATION CONSTITUTIONS A constitution is an essential declaration of an organization’s purpose, structure, and guiding policies. Student organizations’ constitutions should be reviewed and updated reguarly. Student organizations are required to upload their current constitution on IC Link during registration. Student organizations are responsible for reviewing and updating their constitution each academic year. Among the important components of a student organization’s constitution are policies that state: The purpose of the organization Clear statement of objectives Expectations of members Attendance requirements Election of officers Transition of officers Membership requirements Mission Statement The student organization’s mission statement must be clearly stated on the constitution. The mission statement must be unique from other student organizations and clearly state what the organization wishes to accomplish. Approval of registration may be determined by a student organization’s mission statement. At least 51% of the membership of a student organization must consist of current, matriculated Ithaca College students. Additional membership requirements may be implemented by the student organization. When permitted by the organization, membership in a student organization may be granted to Ithaca College alumni, faculty and staff members, and members of the Ithaca community. Student organizations must observe the following statement concerning discrimination and are required to include this text in their constitutions: Membership in this organization is open to all meeting the above criteria, irrespective of race, creed, color, sex, class, age, nation of origin, nationality, gender identity or expression, disability, marital status, religion, military status, or sexual orientation. Hazing Policy Ithaca College does not support hazing in any form. The Ithaca College Policy Manual defines hazing as “intentionally or recklessly subjecting any person to the risk of bodily harm, or severe emotional distress, subjecting a person to treatment intended to put that person in a humiliating or disconcerting position, or causing or encouraging any person to commit an act that would be a violation of law or college regulations for the purpose of initiating, promoting, fostering, or confirming any form of affiliation with any group, including, but not limited to, registered organizations or athletic teams on College-owned or operated property or at College-sponsored activities.” Any action that causes or encourages another individual to violate Ithaca College policies or local, state, and federal laws is considered hazing. Student organizations are expected to foster a culture of respect and civility. Reports of hazing will be swiftly investigated and appropriately handled. Student organizations found to be in violation of the Ithaca College hazing policy will be in jeopardy of losing their registration for the academic year and/or beyond. *Sport Clubs: *Recreation Sport Clubs: 51% of members must be Ithaca College students; alumni, faculty and staff members can join 7 *Competitive/instructional: 100% of the members must be current, matriculated Ithaca College students to participate THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER (SAC) The Student Activities Center serves as a resource center for student organizations. Limited storage space is available to registered student organizations in the Campus Center. *Sport Clubs may consult with the Office of Recreational Sports about their storage needs. GROUND RULES Supplies and services are for business use only. Failure to comply will result in the loss of privileges for the student organization. Keep the Student Activities Center clean, as it is used by all student organizations. It is not possible to save files to the hard drive of the general use computers, as they are set up to delete when they are logged off. Student organizations should use the Novell folders available on the Ithaca College network or secure other means of storing files. Please be mindful of the noise level of activities in the space. The Student Activities Center is a community space and others’ needs should be considered. Behavior that is not respectful will result in a loss of privileges to the SAC and all resources. Tape or any adhesives may not be used on walls or doors. Poster adhesive that will not damage surfaces is permitted. Nails and tacks are not permitted in the general space or enclosed offices of the Student Activities Center. Student organizations that use tape, unapproved adhesives, nails, and tacks run the risk of losing their office space. Additionally, the organization will be responsible for any repairs necessary to restore the surfaces. HOURS AND ACCESSIBILITY The Student Activities Center is open Monday-Thursday 10:00am10:00pm Friday 10:00am5:00pm Saturday & Sunday Closed Campus Center hours: Mondays through Fridays: 7:30am - 12 Midnight Saturday: 8:00am - 12 Midnight Sunday: 10:00am - 12 Midnight Tenants may be in the SAC after-hours to work on student organization business, but all students must leave when the campus center closes. OPPORTUNITIES 1.) Workspace Student organization members may make use of two large worktables for projects and meetings. Please note these tables are in an open area and is not private. Two desktop computers are available for student organization use. Each is equipped with internet and printer access. 2.) Communication Tools A fax machine is available for student organizations to use with the help of the SLC on duty. 8 A die-cutter and a paper cutter are available in the Student Activities Center for creating standard letters for bulletin boards and presentations. A scanner is available for student organizations to use with the help of the SLC on duty. 3.) Supplies Some supplies are available in the Student Activities Center To access supplies in the supply closet, please talk with the Student Leadership Consultant on duty. Supplies beyond the items provided are the responsibility of the student organizations 4.) Photocopying Members of registered student organizations may sign out a copy card from the SLC on duty in the SAC and use the photocopier on the third floor of the Campus Center. Student organizations are charged $.06 for each photocopy. This charge is automatically deducted from student organizations’ accounts by the Student Organization Business Specialist at the end of the semester. Copying must be less than 30 copies a day. For more than 30 copies registered student organizations may make use of IC Duplicating. Using the IC Duplicating may be less expensive than the photocopier at the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. Visit Campus Links for the link to the relevant forms and the instructions. 5.) Storage Registered student organizations may request space in a storage cabinet in the Campus Center by applying through the form on the Campus Links page on IC Link at www.ithaca.edu/iclink. The storage cabinets are locked and may be accessed by individuals specified by the student organization, upon the presentation of proper photo identification. Designated members may access the space 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Thursday and from 10am until 5:00 PM on Friday. The space is available until the last day of classes at the end of the academic year. Materials must be retrieved by the last day of classes. Student organizations may reapply for space once they have completed all registration requirements for the next academic year. 6.) Office Space The Student Activities Center serves as the headquarters for several student organizations. These organizations applied for and were granted office space by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement. SAC Tenants may use the space for one year, provided they use the space effectively. Every year all student organizations have the opportunity to apply. The Assistant Director of Student Involvement reviews applications. Factors Considered: the scope of the organizations’ initiatives; the impact of their work in the Ithaca College community; the number of participants; the frequency with which a sizeable number of members require designated space; and the intended use of the office space. Leases may be revoked by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs for failure to comply with policies, misuse of the space, and behavior that consistently undermines the community, at anytime throughout the academic year. 7.) Advisory Board The Student Activities Center has an Advisory Board which meets monthly to discuss the operation of the SAC, create a comfortable environment suggest recommendations and improvements. The Advisory Board is chaired by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement and discusses the assignment of office space, potential programming opportunities, and the most effective use of the SAC. Membership is open to all users of the Student Activities Center. SAC Tenants are required to have at least one representative at every SAC Advisory Board Meeting. 9 OPPORTUNITIES ONCE REGISTERED STUDENT ORGANIZATION PROGRAMS Programs coordinated by student organizations are opportunities for students to shape the Ithaca College experience and practical learning experiences for the students that develop them. Programming on campus is a privilege for registered student organizations. All student organizations’ programs must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. Approval is not guaranteed. Student organization funds may not be used for any expenses related to unauthorized events. Ithaca College assumes no liability for on- or off-campus events that are not approved. To begin the event planning process, student organizations must submit the Event Request Form to reserve their venue on Campus Links no fewer than four weeks prior to the proposed program. Failure to comply with requirements or policies in the Student Organization Guidebook and other Ithaca College policy guides may result in the early termination of the event and the loss of the organization’s programming privileges for the duration of the academic year. To ensure study time before final exams, student organizations may not have student organization meetings or events after 11:59pm on the last day of classes each semester. Campus Center & Event Services (CCES) Campus Center and Event Service is available to assist student organizations with the planning and implementing of their events. Please contact (607) 274-3313 or cces@ithaca.edu. Campus Center and Event Services will:5 Arrange student organization events’ Audio and Visual Needs – o $8.50 per person per hour (setup, duration and cleanup) Coordinate with catering – o Cost of food & labor (if needed)- Labor is $16.50 per person per hour Work with Public Safety (if needed) o $20-40 per hour per event depending on security Provide setup and take down Event Marketing Services Assist with some decorations6 RESERVING VENUES To reserve space on campus student organizations must submit the Event Request Form four weeks prior to the proposed program to Campus Center and Event Services. All details (contracts, food, audiovisual needs, Public Safety and facility set-up) must be confirmed with OSEMA and CCES at least three weeks before the event to allow for proper preparation. Details provided will be made available to the CCES and OSEMA’s programming staff. 6 Balloon orders may be placed with the Campus Center and Event Services for any occasion. Submitting an order at least three weeks in advance of the program is required. Additional information may be found on the website of the Campus Center and Event Services. 10 Failure to cancel arrangements may result in the student organization being charged for funds incurred. Student organization programs may be held in public and semi-public locations. Student organizations may not coordinate programs in private residences or students’ residence hall rooms. Many of the facilities available to use are coordinated by the Office of Campus Center and Event Services. Once the Event Request Form has been submitted, the student organization should contact the staff of the Campus Center and Event Services to discuss their event needs. If you wish to cancel a room reservation please contact CCES immediately. Any date or location changes must be approved by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement, Assistant Director Event Planning and Operations in CCES and Scheduling Coordinator in CCES. Types of Events: Below are examples of events that student organizations can sponsor. Please contact the Assistant Director of Student Involvement with any programming and event questions. 1.) Events with Outside Vendors 2.) Hiring a Student to work for Student Organization Events 3.) Films and Video 4.) Events With Food and Beverages 5.) Off-Campus Events 6.) After Hour Events 7.) Outdoor Events 8.) Events that collect money 9.) Community Service Events 10.) Events with alcohol 1.) Events with Outside Vendors These events consist of performers (speakers, comedians, musicians) and/or novelty items. All of these events require a written agreement pertaining to services provided. Contracting off-campus guest artists (performers) and novelty items A contract is a legally binding document and is designed to protect all parties involved in a business relationship; to clarify the agreement; and is a means of specifying arrival, sound-check, stage time, audio-visual, and set-up requirements. Contracts are required for all performers, speakers, or other activities requiring payment for services rendered. Student organizations must work closely with the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs to be certain that each party clearly understands all terms of the agreement and that all portions of the contract are executed. If an perform does not have its own contract student organizations can use the Student Organization Guest Contract, available on Campus Links. If an honorarium will be paid, a W9 form must be submitted to the Student Organization Business Specialist with the contract and the Transaction Request Form two weeks in advance of the engagement. Failure to submit a W9 at least two full weeks in advance of an engagement will result in a delay in payment. If an honorarium will not be received, a W9 is not required. The W9 is on Campus Links. Acquiring contracts for guests that do not require payment is strongly encouraged. Beginning the contracting process early is vital to the success of a program. In order for an event to be approved, the final versions of all contracts must be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs at least three weeks in advance of the program. Please realize that if a contract is extensive and/or travel and lodging arrangements must be made, final versions of contracts should be submitted farther in advance. 11 Only specific staff members in the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs are authorized to sign contracts for registered student organizations. Students and advisers may not sign contracts for student organizations. Signing a contract may be grounds for judicial referral and a loss student organization privileges. Students and advisers that have signed contracts on behalf of a student organization may be personally and/or financially liable for the agreement to which they have committed. 2.) Hiring a Student to work for Student Organization Events and Provided Services Before speaking with IC students about providing service(s) (including being a DJ, a makeup artist or other services) at student organization events please contact the Student Organization Business Specialist. If student organizations are interested in hiring a student for rendered services please read the information below. Student organizations may pay Ithaca College students for services rendered, but the student must be “hired” on the organization’s behalf by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. o This should be initiated four weeks in advance of the engagement to ensure the process and payment is completed according to Ithaca College policy and New York State law. Federal Guidelines mandate all students providing service(s) must complete an I-9 employment eligibility verification from and tax forms before they may begin to work. First time IC student employees must visit the Student Employment Office (located in the ground level of the Peggy R. Williams Center) and have identification when completing the forms. Visit www.ithaca.edu/hr/studentemplyment. All students being “hired” to work with student organizations must be treated as part-time eligibility employees of Ithaca College. Students are only allowed to work 20 hours a week (including all hours worked on campus) Students must record the accurate date and time in which they worked. All payments must go through IC Pay roll o No gift cards or gifts are allowed for payment. Student Organizations must complete the Request to Hire a Student form four weeks prior to the event. Only student organizations who correctly submit the form prior to the date of services rendered will be hired. NO EXCEPTIONS! 3.) Films and Video Copyright laws require that films and videos shown in a public venue be from a licensed distributor. Video rental stores are not licensed distributors. Films rented or purchased from stores may only be shown in private residences. All film showings must be approved by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement. Failure to receive approval may result in loss of programming privileges. 4.) Events With Food and Beverages Ithaca College has an contract with Sodexo Campus Services for all food service on college property. To have food and beverages at your events please contact Campus Center and Event Services. For additional information for foods at events please see the Alternative to Catering Policy: Ithaca College has an exclusive contract with Sodexo Campus Services for all food service on college property. All residential, retail food and catering services on campus must be provided by Sodexo Campus Services operating as the Ithaca College department of Dining Services. Due to Health Department 12 regulations and liability issues, all food service on campus must be provided under strict guidelines and supervision. The Office of Campus and Event Services has developed the following guidelines to help Ithaca College community members determine when alternatives to catering are possible and appropriate, and is the only office authorized to allow alternative catering. 1. In all dining halls and the Emerson Suites and Lounge Ithaca College Catering (or Casual Catering through Dining Services) must be used. 2. In IC Square groups are permitted to bring in prepared and/or pre-packaged food from licensed food providers for meetings as long as the Food Court and LaVincita are not open for business. No Ithaca College Catering services will be provided in combination with the external food. 3. In campus offices or meeting rooms, and the Clark, Klingenstein and McDonald Lounges, groups are permitted to bring in prepared and/or pre-packaged food from licensed food providers for departmental/group meetings. No Ithaca College Catering services will be provided in combination with the external food. Items permitted for meetings include: Doughnuts and breakfast items Pizza, wings, etc. Pre-packaged snack goods Cakes Individual servings of non-alcoholic beverages only 4. Items prepared from home are not permitted for meetings or events under any circumstances. 5. No outside catering services are allowed on campus under any circumstances. On occasion, community members plan events requiring very specialized menus. In these circumstances the Offices of Campus Center and Event Services and Catering Services are willing to meet with event planners to develop a custom menu. 6. When groups bring in prepared and/or pre-packaged food from licensed food providers for meetings, the group is responsible for all clean-up from the event. 5.) Off-Campus Events Registered student organizations requesting approval for events off-campus must receive prior approval from the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. In the event that a student organization’s program is held off-campus, the adviser’s presence is required for the duration of the event. Off-campus events must be requested, approved, and coordinated through the same process as oncampus events. All policies and procedures apply. Approval of requests for off-campus events is not guaranteed. Among the factors considered by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs are the size of the space and the appropriateness of its capacity; safety and liability issues; success of previously held Ithaca College off-campus events; and the facility’s past and current compliance with Ithaca College policies and procedures, contracted agreements, and general expectations. 13 Failure to adhere to policies and any requirements established by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs may result in the loss of programming privileges or registration for the rest of the academic year. In order for student organizations to receive approval for off-campus events an agreement form must be signed four weeks prior to the event by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement and the venue. If the venue does not have a contract the student organization must complete the Student Organization Venue Contract found on Campus Links. 6.) After Hour Events Registered student organizations requesting space for events that end after established building hours must receive prior approval from the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and the Campus Center and Event Services. A fee may be assessed for use of campus facilities after normal business hours. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol (SASP), Public Safety officers, and extra building staff may be required for after-hours events. To ensure that staff will be available, all details must be confirmed with the Campus Center and Event Services no fewer than three weeks before the event. The student organization adviser is required to be present for the duration of the event. 7.) Outdoor Events Events that are held outside on IC Campus space and will be using amplified sound may require a noise permit through the Town of Ithaca. If you are having an outdoor event, please contact the Assistant Director of Student Involvement. For all outdoor events with amplified sound the speakers must be turned in, facing the campus. 8.) Events that collect money There are many different opportunities student organizations may collect money: fundraising, selling of tickets, collecting donations or selling other items. Collection of money must be deposited as soon as possible at Ithaca College’s Cashing Services. Cashing Services is located on the third floor of Egbert Hall. Ithaca College is not responsible for lost funds before the deposit of the collected money Selling Tickets Student organizations have the opportunity to sell and distribute tickets through icevents.com. Fundraising As a non-profit organization, Ithaca College has several restrictions on fundraisers. Any program, meeting, event, etc. in which money is collected is considered a fundraiser. The Internal Revenue Service, therefore, does not allow Ithaca College to give funds to student organizations for fundraisers. Any and all IC funding given to an organization for a fundraiser is considered a loan. All funds borrowed for a fundraiser must be returned to the donor organization within 30 days of the program, meeting, event, etc. Because some fundraisers are educational in nature, they may be eligible to receive partial funding without repaying funds. In order to qualify for this exception, the Student Organization Business Specialist must classify the event as an Educational Fundraiser. To receive this qualification, students must submit an Educational Fundraiser Application on Campus Links. 9.) Community Service Events Student organizations are encouraged to participate in community service. Although we have many service based organization, service from all organizations is appreciated and rewarding for those participating. The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs provides opportunities for service through Ithaca as well as resources to get involved in service nationally and internationally. 14 Reporting/Tracking If a student organization completes any service hours, we ask that you track those hours. Please complete the Community Engagement Reporting Form on Campus Links at least once a semester. We encourage organizations to submit their hours frequently and by project Tracking includes: Event/Project Name: Date(s) of Event/Project: Event/Project Description: Name of Community Partner or Beneficiary of Service: Approximate Number of Student Participants: Approximate Number of Hours Served: Total Number of Hours Served Approximate Number of Community Members Impacted by the Event/Project: If money was raised for this event/project, indicate how much and for what cause or initiative the funds were raised 10.) Events with alcohol Alcohol is only permitted at events with special permission and coordination of the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and the Campus Center and Event Services. Requests must be approved at least 60 days in advance of the program to allow enough time for Ithaca College to process the necessary license-related requests. All participants consuming alcohol at a student organization event must be 21 years of age or older. A means of ensuring under-age participants are not consuming alcohol must be approved by OSEMA before the event may commence. Before the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs will consider approving an on-campus or off-campus event at which alcohol may be consumed, the student organization must furnish a list of at least two student event contacts. All event contacts must be present for the duration of the event. Event contacts are prohibited from purchasing, selling, consuming, or distributing alcoholic beverages before or during the event. The adviser must be present at all events at which alcohol is present and/or served. Student organizations may not co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor, on- or off-campus organization, establishment, or Ithaca College department where alcohol is given away or provided free of charge by the distributor. No alcohol may be provided to patrons free of charge. Drinking games are prohibited at any student organization event, regardless of whether or not alcohol is present. Failure to comply may result in the termination of the event and/or the loss of programming privileges for the duration of the academic year. Nonalcoholic beverages must be available and visible at events at which alcohol is present. Food must be available and visible throughout the period in which alcohol is being served during the event. The food and quantities available must be approved by CCES. Advertising Events with Alcohol Images of alcohol, alcohol containers, or images that may directly or indirectly evoke alcohol consumption are prohibited. Mention of drink specials – including prices, types, or names of alcohol or specials – may not be made in any advertising, including online advertising media. The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and the Campus Center and Event Services reserve the right to remove advertisements with questionable images. 15 The only permissible statement about alcohol being present is “Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. If you choose to consume alcohol, [name of organization] strongly encourages responsible participation, healthy decisions, and adherence to the law.” Failure to comply with this policy may result in the termination of the event and/or the loss of programming privileges by the student organization. The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs have adopted the following standing practices for on-campus events at which alcohol is present to ensure compliance with state law: No alcohol will be "free poured." All alcohol in mixed drinks (etc) will be measured. [At least] one bar will be required for every 150 participants, depending on the nature of the event. Depending on the size and nature of the event, drink tickets may be required in place of cash sales. Bartenders at all events have the right to refuse service at their discretion. No pitchers of drinks will be allowed at events. Depending on the size and nature of the event, glass containers will not be allowed at certain sponsored student organization events. Alcohol shots will not be poured at any Ithaca College event. Public Safety is required for an event at the direction of the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and the Campus Center and Event Services. Public Safety is required for an event at the direction of the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and the Campus Center and Event Services. Public Safety costs will be borne by the event sponsor. ID/wristband checking will be performed by Dining Services staff at the expense of the event sponsor. Depending on the size and nature of the event, the amount and type of alcohol provided may be limited by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs, the Campus Center and Event Services, and Dining Services. Alcohol can be served for a maximum of three hours per event. All alcohol service is "by the drink." There is a two drink maximum per patron per visit to a bar. Bottles of liquor, wine, etc. will not to be given to patrons. All alcohol is to be served by beverage staff: there may be no "self service" from a bar. 16 COMMUNICATION AND ADVERTISING The Ithaca College Solicitation Policy, contains many policies that pertain to advertising and communicating with members of the Ithaca College community as individuals or groups. Formal versions of many of the policies listed below may be found in the Solicitation Policy, and there are many policies that have not been included here. Student organizations are responsible for adhering to all elements of the Solicitation Policy and policies set by Ithaca College. Policies: Only registered student organizations may solicit on campus. All advertisements posted on campus must clearly state the name of the sponsoring registered student organization and the accommodation statement: o Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the (Sponsoring Organization) at (Sponsoring organization’s contact information). We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Organizations are responsible for paying for requested accommodations Most solicitation must be approved through Campus Center and Event Services. All advertisements should be free from offensive graphics or comments. Chalking on the Ithaca College campus is prohibited and is subject to judicial referral. Advertisements must clearly identify the sponsoring organization and related to college business. Advertisements should not include offensive graphics or statements. Posters found improperly posted or in conflict with IC policies will be removed, and the sponsor may be subject to disciplinary action. Images of alcohol, alcohol containers, or images that may directly or indirectly evoke alcohol consumption are prohibited. OSEMA reserves the right to remove advertisements with questionable images. Types of Advertisement Registered student organizations have the opportunity to advertise their organization’s meetings, events, or relevant information. Failure to comply with policies implemented by OSEMA and/or Ithaca College may result in the loss of registration by the student organization or other disciplinary action. 1.) Posters and Flyers Registered student organizations may advertise on specific bulletin boards designated for general posting in the Campus Center and academic buildings without stamped approval. One poster for an event or program is permitted per bulletin board. To post in Residence Hall please submit 120 copies to Residence Life. These postings, if approved, will be posted by the Residence Life staff. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to reject any poster if it deems not appropriate for the residence halls. No posters are permitted on doors, windows, walls, vehicles, waste cans, etc. Posters may not exceed 18” by 27”. Solicitation, with the exception of table tent advertisements (see “Table Tents” later in this section), is strictly prohibited in the dining halls, at the entrances of most dining halls, and in residence hall rooms. Each poster must contain the name of the registered student organization and an e-mail address for a contact person (or the student organization’s e-mail address), and the accommodation statement. 2.) IC Link IC Link offers many ways student organizations can communicate with the campus: Organization Profile o During the registration process each organization is responsible for creating or updating the organization profile on IC Link. It is their responsibility to update information and manage rosters. o Social Media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google calendar) can be integrated with IC Link to increase advertisement 17 Events & Flyerboard o Student organizations can create events using IC Link and upload posters to the Flyerbord. After approval of the event, the advertisement will be demonstrated on the IC Link corkboard. If an event is posted on the flyerboard OSEMA will create a Banner Header for IC Link. Banners o Student organizations can create their own banners and headers to advertise their organization or upcoming events. News o The news features assists student organizations with updating the campus of information throughout their organization. The news feature can be used as blog, to post information or recap events. All news features appear on IC Link’s home page under the flyerboard. 3.) Club Hub (Electronic Newsletter) Club Hub is the student organization newsletter that will be distributed every two weeks electronically to members on the student organization listserv. The newsletter features student organizations in Organization Spotlight and Kudos, updates student organizations with important information in “What’s up” and “Things to Remember.” Events are listed throughout the newsletter. To post information in Club Hub email studentorgs@ithaca.edu at least one week prior to your event. 4.) Solicitation Tables Student organizations may reserve tables in the main lobby of the Campus Center and the North Foyer outside the Emerson Suites Lobby. Student organizations may use the tables for announcements, recruitment, advertising, petitions, and fundraisers. Solicitation tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a table submit the Solicitation Form to CCES. A sample of materials that will be distributed may be required with the request for a table. If a student organization reserves a solicitation table and invites an offcampus vendor to distribute a student from the organization must be present at all times. 5.) Bulletin Boards Student organizations have the opportunity to reserve bulletin boards for one month. All requests must be made a month in advance. Student Organizations are responsible for creating their own boards as well as cleaning the boards. o Boards must be setup by the 5th of every month and taken down on the last day of the month. To apply for usage please complete the Bulletin Board application on Campus Links. o Applications are honored on a first come first serve basis. o Student Organization can rank their top 3 choices Failure to comply with these policies may prevent the student organization from reserving bulletin boards. Locations for Bulletin Boards: 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Display Case 2nd Floor Egbert Hall- Across from Ithaca Falls Bulletin Board 2nd Floor Egbert Hall-In front of Grand Central Café Bulletin Board 2nd Floor Egbert Hall- Stairwell leading to SAC Bulletin Board 2nd Floor Egbert Hall- Next to Klingenstein Bulletin Board 2nd Floor Egbert Hall- Adjacent to Information Desk Display Case 1st Floor Phillps Hall- By Campus Center Dining Hall 6.) Intercom Intercom is the web-based announcement system through which members of the Ithaca College community share information. Information submitted to Intercom by faculty and staff is subject to editorial review and may not be posted immediately. There is a section on Intercom specifically for student organization news. When student organizations register with the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs organizations have the opportunity to grant officers access to post on Intercom for the academic year. Postings may only inform the community of student organization business and events open to the public. This is not a venue to post executive board meetings, for example, as they are typically closed meetings. Students may view the postings or subscribe to the regular updates by visiting the Intercom site at www.ithaca.edu/intercom. 7.) LCD Displays in the Campus Center Lobby Registered student organizations may announce meetings and programs on the LCD monitors in the Campus Center. This service is free of charge, and student organizations may apply for an advertisement to the CCES at least five days in advance of the date the message is to be displayed. 8.) Web profile Manager- Ithaca College affiliated website Ithaca College allows all registered student organization to have a website through Web Profile Manager. Upon registration OSEMA will create a Web Profile Manager for interested organizations. It is the organizations responsibility to update their web profile and to ensure the Assistant Director of Student Involvement is aware of any primary content manager changes. Students can access their WPM with their IC Netpass username and password at www.ithaca.edu/wpm. 11.) IC Calendar Student organizations can advertise their events on the Ithaca College Master Calendar. All student organization events that are open to the campus and have been reserved through Campus Center and Event Services will appear on the IC Calendar. Student Organization can also submit an Event Calendar Request Form. Please check the calendar for accuracy. For additional advertising opportunities please see the Additional Information section on page 33. STUDENT ORGANIZATION FINANCES 19 Registered student organizations are eligible to have an Ithaca College financial account. The account may be used for incoming funds and approved expenditures. To request an Ithaca College account, registered student organizations can visit IC Link and submit the New Account Request Form. *Sport Clubs and organizations whose accounts are maintained by the Office of Recreational Sports should work with the administrative staff assigned to their operations for information about funding through Ithaca College. Please review the Sport Club Manual for more details. The student organization treasurer is responsible for maintaining records and managing the organization’s budget, along with approving all transactions. Once approved, the Student Organization Business Specialist will process all transactions. Treasurers will be held accountable for adherence to fiscal policies and procedures, maintaining the balance of the student organization’s account and overseeing all financial transactions made by the organization. Important Documents found on IC Link: These documents can be found under the documents tab on the organization’s page 1) The Account Information document provides a more in-depth understanding of the function of IC account numbers, and lists the account number of the student organization. 2) Each month, near the beginning of the month, each organization holding an account number receives an Account Statement update on their IC Account from the Student Organization Business Specialist. This Account Update is much like a monthly Bank Statement from a regular bank. When this Account Statement is updated on IC Link, each organization treasurer should check their records with the records of the Student Organization Business Specialist, to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Registered student organizations may not hold accounts with external financial institutions. All accounts must be maintained by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Student Organization Business Specialist. FUNDING STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Registered student organizations with Ithaca College accounts may have two different types of funding, Raised Funds and IC Funding. These two types of funding are tracked separately, although they are both held in one account. 1.) Raised Funds: Raised funds include any funds raised by a student organization, which includes ticket sales; merchandise sales, donations, and any funds received from non-IC organizations. Raised funding may be used by a student organization for any approved purchase for student organization operation, programming, or travel. Any funding raised each year that is left in an organization’s account at the end of May will roll over into the following financial year one time. If an organization has questions about the rollover policy, they are encouraged to contact the Student Organization Business Specialist. Depositing Raised Funds: Deposits may be made at Cashiering Services on the 3rd floor of Egbert Hall using a deposit slip found on Campus Links. Checks must be made payable to "Ithaca College” – checks made out to a student organization will not be deposited. Cash and checks should be deposited immediately upon receipt to ensure their safe handling. Checks older than one week may not be honored. 2.) Receiving Gifts & Donations: When funds have been given to an organization that are not in return for goods supplied or services rendered, it may be considered a donation. Funds given to cover participation expenses for a specific individual do not qualify as a donation. However, 20 funds given to cover unspecified members of an organization may be considered as a donation. Donations should not be deposited directly into a student organization’s Ithaca College account. Donation checks should be written to “Ithaca College” and should be brought directly to the Student Organization Business Specialist for processing. Ithaca College must process gifts and donations differently, but the funds will be available for use by the student organization. Funds that are given from within Ithaca College (academic departments, another club/organization, etc.), are NOT considered donations, see ‘IC Funding’. The Office of Recreational Sports will notify Sport Clubs when they have received gifts and the appropriate means of accessing them. 3.) IC Funding: IC funding includes any funds that are received from within Ithaca College. Because departments from within the College grant the funding, these funds are usually given to an organization for a specific purpose, and may therefore only be spent for the designated intention. All unused IC Funding must be returned to the department from which it was allocated once all purchases have been made. After a specific department allocates funding for an organization’s event, the Student Organization Business Specialist will contact the account manager of the source department (please provide contact information) to arrange the transfer of funds. Do not provide account information directly to another department. IC Funding does not roll over from year to year. Like all departments on campus, it is re-distributed with the new financial year. a.) Student Government Association Funding SGA Funding is considered IC Funding. Each year, the Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Life budgets Ithaca College funds for student organization initiatives. This money is reserved for the exclusive use of student organizations and is allocated by the Student Government Association (SGA). To be eligible for SGA funding, a student organization must complete the registration process and have an Ithaca College account through OSEMA, as well as complete any additional SGA requirements. The SGA Appropriations Committee considers Operational, Programming, Fundraising, and Travel funding requests from student organizations throughout the academic year and makes allocations after carefully considering proposals, initiatives' potential impact on the out-of-class experience, and other Ithaca College resources that might be available. Types of Funding Options: 1) Operational Funding is designated for regular purchases made for the operation of the organization. 2) Programming Funding is for specific programs put on by student organizations that do not occur regularly (for example: a once-a-year dinner dance, celebration, or service project). 3) Fundraising Loans, like all other fundraising allocations from within IC, are for any event or program in which money is collected. Unless the event qualifies as an educational fundraiser, all funds borrowed for a fundraiser have to be repaid in full. 4) Travel Funding is designated for certain purchases incurred from approved student organization travel. For more information on SGA funding, see the SGA Funding link on IC Link, or contact the SGA Vice President of Business and Finance at sgabusiness@ithaca.edu. Once an organization is allocated funding from SGA, they will receive a confirmation from the Vice President of Business and Finance which will include a blank financial statement and a due date for the organization to return any unused funding. Student organizations have within 30 days of the program/event to return all unused funding by submitting the completed financial statement. If the organization fails to complete the financial statement, the unused funds will be automatically deducted from the organization’s account after the 30 days deadline. b.) Residence Hall Association 21 The Residence Hall Association receives an allocation from Ithaca College to support student life initiatives and may also be a source of funding for student organizations. For more information, please e-mail rha@ithaca.edu. Fundraisers As a non-profit organization, Ithaca College has several restrictions fundraisers. A fundraiser is any program, meeting, event, etc. in which money is collected. The Internal Revenue Service, does not allow Ithaca College to give funds to student organizations for fundraisers. Therefore, any and all IC funding given to an organization for a fundraiser is considered a loan. All funds borrowed a fundraiser must be returned to the donor organization within 30 days of the program, meeting, or event. on for Because some fundraisers are educational in nature, they may be eligible to receive partial funding without repaying funds. In order to qualify for this exception, OSEMA must classify the event as an Educational Fundraiser. To qualify their event as an educational fundraiser, students must submit an Educational Fundraiser Application on Campus Links. ACCESSING STUDENT ORGANIZATION FUNDS Funds may not be withdrawn from an account in the form of cash. Except in rare circumstances, all payments must be made by check or credit card. Making payments from student organization accounts can be timely, so it is imperative organizations plan in advance to ensure payment is completed. As a non-profit, audited organization, Ithaca College organizations are required to provide documentation for every payment made (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc.). In addition, as a Non-profit entity, all Ithaca College payments should be Tax Exempt. Tax Exemption documentation can be found on Campus Links. Transactions may be made in the following ways: 1.) Ithaca College Credit Card Purchases Student organizations can make purchases by borrowing a credit card specifically designated for student organization use. Credit cards are requested by submitting a credit card request form found on IC Link under Campus Links. Your credit card request is not approved until the date for which you requested the card. (For example if you submit a credit card request for November 2nd, you will be notified on November 2nd that the card request has been approved). Once a credit card request has been approved, the credit card will be available for pick up in OSEMA. If the organization does not pick-up the card within two business days after receiving approval, they must resubmit a credit card request form to use the card. The envelope will include both the credit card and tax exemption documentation. As a tax-exempt institution, we cannot be charged for tax on any purchases. If an organization is charged tax, they will receive a written warning on the first offense. If an organization is charged tax a second time, their credit card borrowing privileges will be revoked. All borrowed credit cards should be returned to OSEMA within two (2) business days after borrowing and must include an itemized receipt for each purchase made with the credit card. An itemized receipt lists all of the items purchased. If a student fails to include an itemized receipt, they will lose credit card borrowing privileges for the remainder of the semester. Although the original receipts must be returned to OSEMA with the card, the purchaser should communicate the purchase amounts to the treasurer for their records. Credit cards are given out on a first come, first served 22 basis. At certain times in the semester, there is an extremely high demand for credit cards, and not enough cards to supply the demand. In these circumstances, your credit card request may be denied. In the event that a credit card is lost, the borrowing organization should contact the Student Organization Business Specialist as soon as possible. Organizations who lose a borrowed credit card will lose their ability to borrow a credit card in the future. Gift Cards/Prizes Gift cards may not be purchased without prior approval from the Student Organization Business Specialist. Ithaca College policy requires students to follow specific procedures when purchasing/gifting gift cards. When a gift card is awarded as a prize, the receiver is required to sign a prize receipt (available on IC Link). A gift card cannot be used or awarded for any establishments that sell alcohol (with the exception of Wal-Mart, Target and Wegmans). Any items containing alcohol cannot be purchased with student organization funds, whether the funds are IC Funds or Raised Funds. Gift cards may not be used as payment in return for goods or services. A prize receipt must be signed for any prize or gift, including non-gift card prizes. 2.) Reimbursement Requests If an organization member cannot secure a credit card, they may choose to make purchases from their personal funds and request reimbursement. In order to request reimbursement, all itemized receipts must be submitted with a Transaction Request Form to OSEMA. The Transaction Request Form may be accessed on IC Link under Campus Links. Payments requested on a Transaction Request Form will not be processed without the signature of the treasurer. Because Ithaca College is a non-profit, we cannot reimburse tax. If the total on the receipts includes tax, please subtract that amount from the total reimbursement amount. Reimbursements should be requested within a week of the initial transaction. Reimbursements require 1 week to be processed. Requests for payments must be submitted at least five academic days before needed. Student reimbursements are always mailed. 3.) Payments An organization may be required to submit payments for certain professional services including paying performers, t-shirt orders, large supply orders, DJ payments, etc. These types of payments are processed using the Transaction Request Form. The Transaction Request Form can be found on Campus Links. In order to make a payment, please submit a Transaction Request Form to the SLC in OSEMA with documentation for the payment. Documentation for a payment is usually in the form of an invoice or a contract. An invoice is usually used for a supply order of some kind. a.) Contracts Payment for a professional service always requires a contract. If you have an upcoming event that requires a contract, please contact the Assistant Director of Student Involvement in OSEMA as soon as possible. Students are not permitted to sign a contract on behalf of student organizations. The Assistant Director of Student Involvement will aid the organization with managing the contract, as well as signing for payment. Please plan ahead when making payments for professional services. Payments requested on a Transaction Request Form require at least 1 week to be processed. All payments requested on a Transaction Request Form will not be processed without the signature of the treasurer. For more information on events with contracts please see Events with Outdoor Vendors (pg. 14). Contracts for Student Services 23 If an organization wishes to pay an Ithaca College student to provide service(s) (such as a DJ, makeup artisit, photographer, etc) they must contact the Student Organization Business Specialist. For more information on events with student services see Hiring a Student to Work for Student Organizations Events and Provide Services (pg.15). 4.) Automatic Payments There are a few departments on campus that will directly bill a student organization’s account. These organizations are listed on the Account Information Document on IC Link, along with directions for communicating the organization’s account number. In order to make a payment at IC Duplicating, please fill out the requisition paperwork accessed on Campus Links and submit it at time of purchase. This will give IC Duplicating the information they need to correctly charge the student organization’s account. Unless it is to IC Duplicating, CCES, or the Ithacan, students are not permitted to give out their organization’s account number. If student organizations need to give another department their organization’s account number, please contact the Student Organization Business Specialist. 5.) Making Donations A student organization can request to donate their funds by submitting a Donation Request Form to OSEMA. The Donation Request Form may be accessed on Campus Links. No additional documentation is required. Donation Requests take one (1) week to process. Donations may only be made from an organization’s raised and rolled funds. This is to ensure that Ithaca College, as a non-profit institution, is not making a donation. Any donation represents the opinions, views, and desires of the student organization; not Ithaca College. INCURING A NEGATIVE BALANCE If a student organization spends more than is available in their account, they incur a negative balance. A negative balance is not permitted in a student organization’s account. When this occurs, the student organization forfeits their registration, and they can no longer hold events, receive funding, or reserve rooms. Any room reservations they have made previously will be cancelled after a 2-week grace period. The Student Organization Business Specialist will notify any organization that incurs a negative balance. Their registration is reinstated as soon as the negative balance is repaid by depositing the funds into their account. STUDENT ORGANIZATION TRAVEL POLICIES AND CONSIDERATIONS 24 Any time a registered student organization leaves Ithaca for organization-related business, it is considered a travel experience and must be approved by the Student Organization Business Specialist. Traveling within Ithaca on behalf of a student organization to hold a meeting or run errands is permitted without approval. Registered student organizations may be authorized to travel within the United States of America and Canada by the Student Organization Business Specialist. An adviser or full-time staff member must be in attendance if a student organization travels to Canada. Ithaca College does not currently support student organization travel outside of the United States and Canada. Sport Clubs should contact the Office of Recreational Sports for travel policies and procedures. Before making any travel arrangements, the President and Treasurer of the traveling student organization must meet with the Student Organization Business Specialist. The following forms are required at least five academic days before a student organization departs for a trip: § Travel Authorization Form: a summary of the details of the trip. The signature of the group’s adviser is required before the Student Organization Business Specialist will authorize the trip. § Travel Participation Form: must be filled out, signed and submitted by everyone traveling. Students that do not submit a Participation Form are prohibited from participating. Failure to comply may result in individual judicial referral and/or the loss of privileges for the student organization. Authorization to travel is not guaranteed. Failure to submit the required forms may jeopardize a student organization’s ability to travel, and no travel expenses will be reimbursed. When students travel for any reason, they represent Ithaca College and are expected to uphold the Ithaca College Student Conduct Code. For more information about Student Organization Travel, select the Travel Forms link on IC Link under Campus Links. 25 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROGRAM PLANNING Early planning helps ensure successful programs and makes the professional staff’s work more efficient and effective. When developing a program, it is essential that student organizations consider: 1.) How does the program help the student organization accomplish its mission? 2.) How will the program be funded? 3,) How many people will ideally be in attendance? a.)Who is the target audience? 4.) Are there other organizations with which the student organization can collaborate? 5.) How will the program serve Ithaca College students and the Ithaca College community? 7.) Will guests require special arrangements or equipment? 8.) Will my event be hiring an off-campus vendor or a student for services? When contacting an off-campus performer please check the three references below: 1. Caution is urged when students choose to talk with guests or guests’ agents. It is possible to commit one’s self to hosting an artist or speaker simply by word choices or tone. One’s words may enact a binding commitment. Using terms like “this is not a confirmation” and “I am just checking for availability, this is not a definite commitment” are strongly recommended. A student organization should contact the Assistant Director of Student Involvement in the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs about event approval and contracting issues well before requesting a contract as, again, proceeding prematurely could enact a binding commitment. 2. Student organizations must have adequate funds in their Ithaca College accounts before contract negotiations may begin. 3. Advertising a program should take place only after all parties have signed a contract. Advertising before a contract is signed puts Ithaca College at risk in the event that negotiations are unsuccessful. ADDITIONAL ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES 1.) Table Tents Approved advertisements may be placed in the plastic napkin holders in the dining halls to advertise programs and events. Student organizations that have been approved to advertise are responsible for inserting the pages and removing the table tents two days later. The name of the student organization and contact information must be prominently identified on each page. Table tents can accommodate 4.5” by 5.5” pages – roughly a quarter of a standard 8.5” by 11” piece of paper. There are approximately 300 table tents in the Dining Halls and IC Square. To request authorization to post table tent advertisements, a copy of the advertisement may be submitted to Dining Services. (Student Organizations are required to pay a deposit for advertisements in each dining hall.) Dining Services will inform the student organization when the advertisements may be inserted and when they need to be removed. Failure to remove the advertisements within two days will result in the loss of the deposit. The Form is available at http://ithacadiningservices.com/ 2.) Listservs and Email Registered student organizations may request a majordomo mailing list and a student organization e-mail by visiting the Information Technology Services website at www.ithaca.edu/ICaccounts/email. Email & majordomo accounts must be renewed each academic year through Information Technology Services. Upon an organization’s successful completion of the registration process, OSEMA will notify ITS that the organization is eligible to have accounts opened or renewed. 26 3.) Academic Quad Flag Pole Student organizations may fly a flag on the Academic Quad near the Campus Center to celebrate an idea, promote education, or raise awareness. The display case closest to the flag pole has been designated to allow for information to be posted related to the flying of the flag. Ithaca College does not endorse the flag or the message the flag is intended to communicate and will not regulate the content of the flag being flown. The Flag Flying reservation form may be obtained from CCES. The form must be submitted two weeks prior to the date a student organization would like the flag to be flown. 4.) Postal Mail The Office of the Registrar can provide student organizations with mailing labels for campus addresses. Student organizations seeking authorization to send a mass postal mailing to students may request information and an authorization form from the Campus Center and Event Services. Registered student organizations wishing to use the Ithaca College mail services to send information to off-campus addresses must provide their student organizations’ Ithaca College account numbers and a Bulk Mail Request Form to Mail Services. Please contact Mail Services for all postage questions and concerns. 5.) The Free Speech Rock The Free Speech Rock, or Venitt Terrace, is located on the west side of the Campus Center on the Academic Quad. It is a location designated for student organizations to voice their ideas, opinions, and thoughts openly and without censorship. Student organizations must reserve the Free Speech rock through CCES. To reserve the space please complete the Event Request Form. A back up location must also be reserved for inclement weather. Use of amplified sound at the Free Speech Rock is restricted to Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12:05 PM and 1:00 PM; Fridays from 4:00 PM until 10:00 PM; and Saturdays and Sundays, 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM so as to not interfere with classes or academic activity. 6.) Outdoor Directory Board The Outdoor Directory Board, located on the academic quad outside the main entrance of the Campus Center, is available to all registered student organizations for advertising programs and events. Postings must be related to Ithaca College and student organization business. Materials may be submitted to the Campus Center and Event Services and will be posted, upon approval, on a first-come, first-served basis as available. Directory boards are 30” high and 28” wide. 27 GLOSSARY Account Information: This document gives the reader a more in-depth understanding of the function of IC account numbers, and lists the account number of the student organization. It also lists approved uses of the account number. Student organizations are not designated to use their account number for any purposes except those listed on the Account Information document. Account Statement: The beginning of each month student organizations holding an account number receives an update on their IC Account from the Student Organization Business Specialist. This Account Update is much like a monthly Bank Statement from a regular bank. Treasurer should check their records with the records of the Account Statement to ensure accuracy. These account statements are not updated in real-time, but rather to the end of the previous month. Your account statement does not include your organization’s current balance. This statement should be used as an opportunity to check records, and not as a current record of the organization’s account balance. If there are questions about your account statement, contact the Student Organization Business Specialist. Appropriations Committee is responsible for providing financial support to all 200+ registered student run organizations to assist in the implementation of various campus-wide events and endeavors. The Vice President of Business and Finance oversees all transaction requests and chairs the Appropriations committee. It is the committee’s responsibility to fairly evaluate each request and ensure that funds are allocated in a way that benefits as many Ithaca College students as possible Campus Links: In the top right corner on IC Link, Campus Links, hosts links to the most important documents, links and forms for student organizations. Educational Fundraiser: When fundraisers are educational in nature, organizations may be eligible to receive partial funding without repaying funds. To qualify an event as an educational fundraiser, students must apply by submitting an Educational Fundraiser Application on Campus Links. Fundraisers: Any program, meeting, event, etc. in which money is collected. Any and all IC funding given to an organization for a fundraiser is considered a loan. All funds borrowed for a fundraiser must be returned to the donor organization within 30 days of the program, meeting, or event. Grace Period: Every year organizations have to register in order to reserve space, have events and use funds. However, a brief period is allowed for student organizations can act as a registered student organization until the end of the grace period. If they do not register by the end of the grace period they lose all of their privileges. IC Funding: Any funds that are received from within Ithaca College including Ithaca College Departments (academic, administrative, etc.), Student Government Association (SGA), Residence Hall Association and Fundraisers. Professional Services: These services can include performers, artists and entertainers, website builders, DJ’s, etc. They can also services provided by companies, such as large supply orders or t-shirt orders. Documentation for a professional service is required, normally in the form of an invoice or contract. Any questions regarding if a service is a professional service, please contact the Student Organization Business Specialist. Raised Funds: Includes any funds raised by a student organization, which includes ticket sales; merchandise sales, donations, and any funds received not within Ithaca College. Raised funding may be used by a student organization for any approved purchase for student organization operation, programming, or travel. Rollover Policy: Ithaca College’s financial year is from June 1st to May 31st. All funding within Ithaca College not spent by the end of May is automatically taken from its corresponding account and re-distributed with the new financial year. As an entity of Ithaca College, student organizations must abide by the same policies and procedures. Because student organizations raise funds independently of Ithaca College however, Financial Services has granted student organizations the ability to roll raised funds over from one financial year to another once. Any funding raised each year that is left in an organization’s account at the end of May will roll over into the following financial year one time. Because of this, it is important for every organization to spend all funds rolled over from the previous year. If an organization has questions about this rollover policy, they are encouraged to contact the Student Organization Business Specialist in OSEMA. SLC- Student Leadership Consultant: Student Leadership Consultants are the student staff of the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. SLC’s assist the professional staff with the planning and coordination of programs. SLC’s assist the office with administrative tasks and are available to assist all registered student organizations They are also available to consult with student organizations regarding program planning, coordination, and the navigation of institutional procedures. Transaction Request Form: This form is required for several different payment requests. In order to request reimbursement and/or payment for professional services this form requires the signature of the student organization treasurer in order to be processed. 28