20 December 2015 - Saint Edward the Confessor


St Edward’s Annual Carol Service will take place this Sunday 20 th December at 7.30pm and Hot Punch and Mince Pies will be served in the hall after the

Service. Everyone welcome

First Communion: parents are asked to note that if their child is in a non-

Catholic school, he or she will need to attend the Sunday school classes during the previous academic year. Those who would expect to make their

Communion in the summer 2017, and are not in a Catholic school, must enrol in the appropriate pre-Communion class by January 2016.

Crib Offerings: Offerings taken at the crib will go to help the work of the

Catholic Children’s Society (Crusade of Rescue).

Westminster Year Books 2016 : These are available in the porch for £4.50 each.

Please put the money in the wall box.

Saturday 26 th December: no confessions .

RIP: The funeral for Mary Butler will take place at the Church of St Helen, The

Harebreaks, North Watford WD24 6NJ ion Tuesday 22 December at 11am.

The SVP are distributing 12,000 Vinnie Packs containing cold weather essentials to the homeless this winter. They would be very grateful if you could sponsor packs at a suggested donation of £3.25 per pack. Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO

Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or go to virginmoneygiving.com and type "SVP" into the charity section. Vinnie Packs is in the

Campaign drop down box. Thank you so much for your support.

Keep Watch! To mark the Jubilee Year of Mercy, The Dominican Sisters at 160, Anson

Road, Cricklewood NW2 6BH are organising a vigil of Adoration and Reflection to pray for the needs of the world, especially the poor, refugees and for peace and reconciliation. The Vigil will begin at 11.00 am on 31st December and end at 11.00pm on 31st of December. Please do come at any time suitable to you and spend as much time as you can, praying before the Blessed Sacrament.

 Hire of the hall: it may be possible to use the parish hall for private parties. Applications should be made by sending an email to the parish address.

 New to the parish?: please complete one of the blue registration cards and return to Fr


 In case you are admitted to hospital : In light of data protection, please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.

 School forms: For parents who wish Fr Tony to sign their priest’s reference form: please telephone or email to arrange an appointment .

St Edward the Confessor

700 Finchley Road

Golders Green NW11 7NE

Tel 020 8455 1300

Email: goldersgreen@rcdow.org.uk

Website: http://www.stedwardgg.uk

This parish is part of the Westminster Roman Catholic

Diocese Trustee Charity No 233699

Parish Priest: Fr Tony Convery

(Email: alvanoscrivano@rcdow.org.uk


Deacon: Rev Anthony Clark

Chief Catechist: Alvaro Scrivano Secretary: Marie Cooney

Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C



December 2015

Elizabeth was alert enough to recognise that Mary was carrying the child of God. As the commemoration of Christ's birth approaches, we ask for open minds that we too may recognise the voice of the Spirit whenever he announces Christ's presence among us.

Texts for this Sunday’s Mass

Micah 5:1-4 Out of you will be born the one who is to rule over Israel.

Psalm response : God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.

Hebrews 10:5-10 Here I am! I am coming to obey your will.

Luke 1:39-45 Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my


Sunday Mass times

Saturday 6.30pm (Vigil), 9am, 10.30am, 12.15pm, 6pm


Sunday 20 th Sat 6.30pm


YEAR C 10.30am



Monday 21 st 10am

Tuesday 22 nd 10am

Wednesday 23 rd 10am

People of the Parish

Grazina Bendikiene & Saulius Bendikas

Benjamin C Obiekwe

Margaret Reilly & Family

John Williams

Emma Manjares Lovedorial

Thursday 24 th 10am


Charles Sagayam


Friday 25 th 9am People of the Parish



Saturday 26 th 10am


Patrick Rock & Family


Sunday 27 th Sat 6.30pm


YEAR C 10.30am



Justin Jones

People of the Parish

E . Uriarte Family thanksgiving

Jyoti Ramchand

Gerard & Rachel McCann

Edith & Ian Jackson

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays 10.30-11am, 5.30 -

6pm and on request .

 Mass Intentions: please write the intention on the front of an envelope with your own name and preferred date and give to Fr Tony. The week’s intentions will be printed in the newsletter (as above) and the intentions for the current month will be posted in the porch.

 Items for the newsletter should reach the presbytery by Thursday 6pm, either by post or by email ( goldersgreen@rcdow.org.uk



The next Baptism Course (2 sessions) will be in January 2016, dates to be decided. Application forms in the porch (yellow).

Collection Weekend 12 th /13 th December 2015





Standing orders 265

Total £ 2,380.02

Visiting: From now until Christmas, I’ll be visiting our First Communion families.

Key holders : all those who hold keys to the church or hall are asked to give Fr Tony a list of the keys in their possession. Still waiting for this……

Year of Mercy: Available in the porch is a pilgrimage prayer card for the Year of Mercy, based on places of prayer in our own church. Also, we will be using the ‘Hail, holy Queen…’ at the end of the Bidding

Prayers in place of the Hail Mary.

Christmas Service Cards are now available. Parishioners may like to take an extra card for any Catholic they know who may not be practising their faith. Be discreet, but a reminder may bring someone back to Mass this Christmas.

At the Children’s Mass at 6pm on Christmas Eve , the children will be invited as the gospel is read to come up to the sanctuary as either shepherds, angels or star carriers for a nativity tableau.

Holy Family Service : At 3pm on Sunday 27th December the feast of the Holy Family, there will be a Family Service with a visit to the crib and a blessing of children.

New Year’s Eve: The usual morning Mass on Thursday 31st December at 10am will be followed by a Day of Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament ending with

Benediction at 7.30pm

. Parishioners will be asked to sign up for periods of watching during the day. The day will end with a New Year’s Eve Mass at 8pm .
