1 Dr FIORI A. ZAFEIROPOULOU She is an academic, researcher and social entrepreneur targeting transformational social & economic change. e-mail: f.zafeiropoulou@thenest.org.gr/ fzafeiropoulou@aueb.gr Tel: +30210 9855877 Mob: +306941687080 Add: Ivis 26, Athens, 17562 Greece EDUCATION Greek Ministry of Education Lecturers Registration No 319/2009 Candidate Post-Doc Social Investment Market, Esade Business School – AUEB 2014 PhD in Social Entrepreneurship BRUNEL BUSINESS SCHOOL, BRUNEL UNIVERSITY, Awarded Best Research Paper 2012 Thesis: “The Process of the New Inter-organizational Format of Social Franchising from a Social Network Theory Approach: Institutions, Social Entrepreneurship Profile, Social Innovation and the Argument of Embeddedness” ViVa Voce Successfully Completed 4/12/2013 2014 Certificate ‘Managing Civil Society Organisations’ Alba Business School, Deree MBA BRUNEL BUSINESS SCHOOL, BRUNEL UNIVERSITY, UK certified by DIKATSA BSc International Economics and Finance ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS-AUEB, Major: International and European Economic Studies UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE, Programme: ERASMUS-SOCRATES LECTURING & RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2012-ongoing Visiting Lecturer in Social Entrepreneurship, International MBA Athens University of Economic & Business. Lecturer in Social Entrepreneurship, City Unity College-Cardiff Metropolitan University. Achievements: 10/2015 Project Manager EU-funded Erasmus+ Programme “Social & Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurs”; 210k, Leader: AUEB, Partners: The Nest, Brunel, Wageningen. Role: designed the project n created the consortium Designed a 9month LLL Diploma on Social Entrepreneurship accredited by Ministry of Education & Strasbourg University based on action learning sets n design thinking methodologies. Research Partner European Commission project Life Long Learning Leonardo Da Vincy “WiSE-Women Innovators in Social Enterprises” www.wise4women.eu Principal Investigator ESADE Business School Spain. Role: researcher, e-module designer, teacher and mentor; Project Manager Creation of Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Local Authorities City of Athens www.social.developathens.gr. Including: “Mapping of the social economy sector, Design Call for ‘One Stop Shop’ business support centre, capacity building of first pipe line of social enterprises & International conference on transfer of knowhow from European best practices on Centres for Social Entrepreneurship” Excellent student evaluations. Adoption of new design thinking inductive methodologies START-UP INCUBATORS & ACCELERATORS Co-founder The Nest Social Coop www.thenest.org.gr, Athens 2014 Co-founder Social Fashion Factory, Athens 2015 Founder Zita Social Ltd, London 2005 Achievements: PM Sectorial incubators: Social Growth, Blue Growth www.bluegrowth.gr www.aephoria.net, SoFE- Social Fashion Entrepreneurs, Uberness-Food Incubator Mentoring Won Sponsorship for Social Fashion Factory @ Web Summit 2015 Leading global investors-startups event, Dublin Designed capacity building and acceleration programmes to start-ups with participation of AUEB, Action Aid, CSR Network; Volunteering BD Member & country co-founder of the global social movement Fashion Revolution www.fashionrevolution.org CONFERENCE CHAIR & HOSTING 2015 Annual Conference of European’s Commission European Maritime Day, Position: Organised Parallel Session on Social Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation, 28-31 May 2015, Athens Concert Hall 2013 1st International Experts Committee of European Best Practices on Centres for Social Entrepreneurship, 11-13 February 2013, Athens City Hall Centre. Position: Organization, Hosting and Chairing of the Conference 2 Detailed CV LECTURING & RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2011-2012 Adjunct Lecturer in Social Entrepreneurship at The American College of Greece-Deree 2007-2010 Lecturer in Management & Programme Leader for the MA in International HRM London Metropolitan UniversityBCA College; Module Leader for Strategic Management & Comparative Management at the MBA 2006-2007 Part-Time Lecturer Brunel Business School, Brunel University, UK, Achievements: EU-FP7 Grant, Role: Assisted PM & Research Fellow, Call: SSH.2013.2.1-2. Social Innovation. The proposal got successfully to second stage but not final approval JOURNAL AND BOOK PUBLICATIONS Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (under submission) “The Social Entrepreneurship Model; A systems approach of the dynamics of institutions and embeddedness in social entrepreneurship formation” International Small Business Journal (3* rating) Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Koufopoulos, D (2014) “The influence of the relational marketing paradigm on the governance of the novel channel format named social franchising: An exploratory qualitative analysis of four social franchises from the UK” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship; Special Issue on Cultural Marketing and Entrepreneurship: New Frontiers for Global Business, Vol. 19(2) pp10-24 Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Koufopoulos, D. (2013) “The influence of relational embeddedness on the formation of Social Franchising; An explorative qualitative analyses of four Social Franchises active in the UK from a social network theory perspective” Journal of Marketing Channels, Special Issue, Vol.20, No.1/2, pp.73-89 Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Koufopoulos, D. (2012) “The influence of the relational marketing paradigm on the governance structure of the novel channel format named Social franchising; A explorative qualitative analyses of four social franchises from the UK” International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Inderscience Publishers) Vol. 1 No.4, pp.404-418 Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Woods, A. (2012). Can issues of poverty be addressed through the emergence of relationally embedded social franchises? In D. Halkias & P.W. Thurman (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: Business Solution for Poverty Alleviation from around the World (pp185-198). London: Gower Applied Research. CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2015) “Social Entrepreneurship & Blue Growth Incubators” 2014 European Maritime Day. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Maritime Day, 28-31 May, 2015, Athens: Athens Concert Hall Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2014) “The Social Entrepreneurship Model; A systems approach of the dynamics of institutions and th embeddedness in social entrepreneurship formation” 2014 European Academy of Management. In: Proceedings of the 14 Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 4-7 June 2014. Valencia, Spain: Valencia Conference Centre & The Faculty of Economics University of Valencia Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2013) “Social Franchising Formation: A Systems Approach that enhances formation to resolve issues th created by the financial crises”. In: Proceedings of the 27 Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, 13-16 March 2013. China: Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Koufopoulos, D. (2012) “Could social franchising be the answer to the growth and sustainability of social enterprises? A social network theory approach based on four UK cases” 2012 European Academy of Management. In: Proceedings of the 2012 European Academy of Management Conference, 6-8 June 2012. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Koufopoulos, D. (2012) “The influence of relational embeddedness on the formation of Social Franchising; An explorative qualitative analyses of four Social Franchises active in the UK from a social network theory th perspective” 2012 International Society of Franchising. In: Proceedings of the 26 Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, 17-19 May 2012 Nova Southeastern University. Florida: ISoF Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2012) “Could social franchising be the answer to the growth and sustainability of social enterprises? A social network theory approach based on four UK case” 27-28 March 2012 Brunel Business School Doctoral Symposium, WON BEST PAPER AWARD, London: Brunel University Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Koufopoulos, D. (2012) “The influence of the relational marketing paradigm on the governance structure of the novel channel format named Social franchising; An explorative qualitative analyses of four social franchises nd from the UK” 2012 Global Islamic Marketing Conference and Emerald Group Publishing. In: Proceedings of the 2 Global Islamic Marketing Conference, 16-18 January United Arab Emirates University. Abu Dhabi: GIMC Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2011) “Social venture franchising” 2011 International Society of Franchising. In Poster Session th Proceedings of the 25 Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, 16-18 June, Boston University. Boston: ISoF Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2011) “Could Social Franchising be the answer? A social network theory approach on the influences of network embeddedness in interorganizational strategic alliances and social enterprises” in Proceedings of the Brunel Business School PhD Doctoral Symposium, 28-29 March 2011, Brunel University, UK 3 Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Woods, A. (2007) “The effect of social structure on the exchange of inter-organizational relationships: st A network embeddedness approach” 2007 International Society of Franchising. In: Proceedings of the 21 Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, 24-25 February 2007 Las Vegas Nevada. Florida: ISoF Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Woods, A. (2006) “Network embeddedness in interorganizational relationships/alliances: A case for domestic and international franchise” Nominated for Best Paper Award. In: Proceedings of the 2006 European Academy of Management Conference, 16-20 May 2006 Oslo. Norway: EURAM, 195-196. Zafeiropoulou, F.A. & Woods, A. (2006) “Network embeddedness in interorganizational relationships/alliances: A case for th domestic and international franchise” 2006 International Society of Franchising. In: Proceedings of the 20 Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, 24-26 February 2006 Palms Springs California. Florida: ISoF Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2006) “Network Embeddedness in Interorganizational Relationships/Alliances: A Case for Domestic and International Franchise” Won Third Prize for Best Paper Award. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Doctoral Symposium of Brunel Business School, 12-13 June 2006. London: Brunel University LECTURING MBA credits and teaching hours composition per level and course: International MBA AUEB Social Entrepreneurship (6 Lectures) Professional ΜΒΑ Advanced Marketing (1 Course 24crdts Lecturer Hellenic American University) Strategic Management (6 Courses 20crdts+ 2Courses 15crdts= 150crdts Module Leader LMET & UH) Comparative Management (4 Courses 20crdts= 80crdts Module Leader LondonMET) Business Research Methods Seminar (2 Seminars= 24hours Lecturer Uni of Herd.) MA in International HRM: International Strategic Management (3Courses 20crdts= 60crdts Module LondonMET) Cross-Cultural Management (1Course 20crdts= 20crdts Module Leader LondonMET) MSc: Business Research Methods (2 Courses 40crdts= 80crdts TA Brunel University) Diploma in Management Studies: Strategic Management (4 Courses= 154hours Module Leader LondonMET) LifeLong Learning and Ongoing Education Social Enterprises: Formation, Funding & Threats (2 Lectures Innovation Unit National & Kapodistrian University of Athens AND 2x 30 hours Courses: ACG-Deree, KEKD-Vocational Centre Athens) Pre-Master’s in Business and Management: Research Methods (1 Course= 48hours Teaching Assistant Brunel University LIBT) BSc: Entrepreneurship AUEB BSc in Economics (2 courses) Strategic Management/ Honours Level (7Courses 15/20crdts=110crdts Lecturer LMET,UH & Brunel) Issues & Controversies in Management Project/ Honours Level (1 Course 30crdts PTLecturer Brunel) Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management/ Honours Level (4 Courses 20crdts= 80crdts LMET) International & European Business/ Intermediate Level (1Course 20crdts Lecturer LMET) Human Resource Management Intermediate Level(5Courses 20cdts=100crdts Lecturer LMET) Contemporary Business Management/Intermediate(6Courses20crdts=120crdts Lecturer HAU&LMET&UH) Business Research Skills/ Intermediate Level (1Course 15crdts Lecturer UH) Business and Management/ Certificate Level (3Courses 20crdts=60crdts Lecturer LMET) People Management/ Certificate Level (3 Courses 20crdts= 60crdts Module Leader LMET) Introduction to Business and Society/ Foundation Level (4Courses= 150hours Lecturer LMET) MBA Dissertations 1st Supervisor: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Acquiring Competitive Advantage Through Investing in Quality: The Case of Titan Cement Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage In A Highly Competitive Industry: Case Study Of Coca-Cola Company The Influence of Marketing Mix and Innovation to the Performance of Jumbo Retailer Determinants of Consumer Online Behavior in China How Does The Relationship Between The Franchisors And The Franchisees Affect The Strategic Marketing Of The Franchising Chain 6. Induction Plan, Necessity Or Luxury: A Comparative Case Study Between Diageo and Temka 7. Is There A Pattern Of The Marketing Mix Of Companies In The Banking Industry? An Explanatory Case Of The Greek Banking Industry 8. Do Hybrids Represent an Opportunity for Toyota’s Growth in the Greek Market? 9. Motivation Theories In Small Medium Greek Enterprises 10. Prescribing Behaviour Of Greek Nephrologists Doctors For Drugs Referring To End Stage Renal Disease 11. Can Cross Cultural Diversity Influence the Relationship Among Business Representatives in the Medical Equipment Market? 12. The Effect Of Personal Influences On Consumer Behavior In The Context Of The Greek Bancassurance Products 4 13. The Importance of Internationalization Corporate Strategies As A Mode of Entry in The Balkan Telecom Industry; The Case of Tellasb in Greece and the Balkans 14. The Role of New Technologies in Business Functions: Menarini Hellas S.A. Case Study 15. The Role Of Organizational Structure To The Success Of M&As: The Case Of Johnson&Johnson 16. The Role Of The External Environment In Selecting Modes Of Entry At The Internationalization Of Financial Institutions: The Case Of Athens Stock Exchange 17. Theories and Practices of Motivation at the Greek Labour Market BSc Thesis 1st Supervisor: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Analyzing the Greek Banking Industry: Case Study of Millennium Bank Selecting and Recruiting Employees at the Greek Banking Industry The Importance of Employee’s Training for Sustaining a Company’s Competitive Advantage The Role Of Bonuses In Increasing Human Resource Motivation And Job Satisfaction The Role Of Innovation For Small Medium Enterprises’ Survival: The Case Study Of A Bio Company At The Food Sector PUBLIC SPEACHES, PROFESSIONAL SEMINARS, PUBLICATIONS Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2015) ‘Fiori Zafeiropoulou’ interview at Business Woman Magazine Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2014) “Women Innovators Life Long Learning EU Programme launching research results” KPMG HQ & Interview to TV Channel Ant1 official news [Available at: http://www.antenna.gr/news/watch?cid=w1_m_ic56x_n_e_u%3D] 27-06-2014; Interviews Published in Nafteboriki & Kathimerini financial newspapers. Zafeiropoulou (2014) “Social Entrepreneurship & The role of Women” Panteion University Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Women & Immigrants 12-05-2014 Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2014) «The Model of Social Entrepreneurship – Cases from around the World » Entrepreneurship & Employment Conference Development Partnership Αttikain Municipality of Agios Anargiroi- Kamatero 14-04-2014, Conference Centre Municipality of Agios Anargiroi- Kamatero Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2014) «Advice on the development of Social Enterprises» Entrepreneurship Conference Development Partnership Oiko-stirizo Municipality of Aigaleo 28-03-2014, Cultural Centre Municipality of Aigaleo Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2014) «Social Entrepreneurship – Specific Cases» Entrepreneurship & Innovation Conference Moving from Theory to Practice Athens Polytechnic University 27-03-2014, Conference Centre Athens Polytechnic University Interview by Andrew Higgins (2014) “After crisis. Greeks work to Promote ‘Social’ Economy” New York Times, 29-01-2014, p.A4 st Zafeiropoulou F.A. (2013) “Networking- Social Interfirm Alliances” 1 Greek Conference of Social Enterprises, 13 November 2013, Greek Chamber of Commerce. Athens: Greek Chamber of Commerce Interviewed by Henley, J. (2012) “Greek Crisis: social enterprise is one answer to economic strife” The Guardian, 15-06-12 Zafeiropoulou F.A. (2012) “Could social entrepreneurship be a solution to the financial crisis? What in the role of the new Greek institutional framework, of social innovation and social networks” International Sustainability Summit, 1-14 October 2012, Chania: European Sustainability Academy nd Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) “Social Entrepreneurship as a solution towards the Financial Crisis” 2 Capital & Vision Conference, 28-30 September 2012. Athens: Hilton Hotel Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) Live Interview NET FM 105,8 Journalist: Christos Pagonis, Programme: “Favoring Economics” 27-0912 15:00 Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) “Could Social Entrepreneurship help battling Financial Crisis? What is the role of Social Innovation and Social Networks?” Municipality of Stemnitsa, 26 August 2012 Stemnitsa of Arcadia: Stemnitsa Cultural Centre Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) Live Interview Ant1 FM 97,2, Journalist: Michaela Theofilou, 18-03-2012, 20:30 Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) “The formation of social enterprises in Greece is a fact” Sunday Kathimerini, Economic Edition 2602-2012, p.10 Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) “Training for social entrepreneurs” Kerdos, 10-02-2012, p.9 Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) Naftemboriki Zafeiropoulou FA (2012) “Social Enterprises: formation, funding and threats” Hmerisia, 18-02-2012 Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2011) “Social Enterprises and Social Franchises are emerging types of sustainable entrepreneurial rd activity in Greece” Municipality of Nea Makri, 3 Yearly Conference-Festival Thinking and Action, 2-10 Sept, Museum of Nea Makri Zafeiropoulou, F.A. (2007) “The effect of social structure on the exchange of inter-organizational relationships: A network embeddedness approach” 2006 ALBA Seminar Series, Nov 2006 Athens: ALBA FOREIGN LANGUAGES English proficient; Italian proficient Universita di Perugia Certificate Celi 5: Superiore; French proficient Superieure III; Spanish Brunel University Certificate of Proficiency; Greek native 5 REFERENCES Professor Adrian Woods, ex-Deputy Head of Brunel Business School; PhD Supervisor email: ade11@aol.com Professor Georgios Ioannou, Director of International MBA, Athens University of Economics and Business; Employer; email: Ioannou@aueb.gr Associate Professor Eric Soderquist, Innovation & Knowledge Management. International MBA Programme Athens University of Economics & Business, soderq@aueb.gr Dr Dimitris Gounopoulos Reader in Accounting n Finance Sussex University; External Examiner to PhD VIVA VOCE Committee; email: d.gounopoulos@sussex.ac.uk