part 2 Function, FAST, function-cost CAS INTERAMERICA 5403 WANETA RD BETHESDA MD 20816 301-229-0351 Introduction A user purchases an item or service because it will provide certain functions at a cost he is willing to pay. If something does not do what it is intended to do, it is of no use to the user and no amount of cost reduction will improve its value. Actions that sacrifice needed utility of an item actually reduce its value to the user. On the other hand, expenditures to increase the functional capability of an item beyond that which is needed also are of little value to the user. Thus, anything less than the necessary functional capability is unacceptable; anything more is unnecessary and wasteful. To achieve optimum value, functions must be carefully defined so that their associated costs may be determined and properly assigned. The VE approach requires the development of valid and complete answers for the following six questions: What is it? What does it do? What is it worth? What does it cost? What else would work? What does that cost? CAS – Part 2.1 Evaluation of When it has been decided that a VE study will be conducted on an item or system, the initial effort function must be directed toward determining the user's actual needs. The user's needs are those explicit performance qualities, traits, or characteristics that justify the existence of an item, that is, the characteristics that must be possessed if the system or item is to be useful or efficient. They define what the item must be able to do in relation to overall goals, or what it must be able to do in relation to the whole of which It is a part. The manner in which the user's needs are expressed may imply a method of satisfying them, but it is the designer's Job to make the method tangible and explicit. Therefore, the user's needs are the objectives; the design specifies the means by which the objectives are satisfied. The definition of the user's needs in explicit quantitative terms is a difficult task. Many times there is a temptation to look at an item and say that the function it performs is the required function. But this is not always true. By defining the function, one learns precisely which characteristics of the design are really required. CAS – Part 2.2 Determining function In VE, function is normally expressed using two words -- a verb and its noun object: a. The verb answers the question, "What does it do?" The verb defines the item's required action (it may generate, control, pump, emit, protect, transmit, etc.) b. The noun answers the question, "What does it do it to?" The noun tells what is acted upon, (electricity, temperature, liquids, light, surfaces, sound, etc.). c. This noun must be measurable or at least understood in measurable 'terms, since a specific value must be assigned to it during the later evaluation process, that of relating cost to function. d. For example: The function of a water service line to a building could be defined as "provides service." "Service," not being readily measurable, does not enable us to seek alternatives intelligently. On the other hand, if we define the function of the line "transports water," the noun in the definition is measurable, and acceptable alternatives, being dependent upon the quantity of water being transported, can be determined. e. The system of defining a function in two words, a verb and a noun, is known as two-word abridgement. This abridgement represents a skeletal presentation with retention of relative completeness. Advantages of this system are that it: (1) Forces conciseness. (2) Avoids combining functions and attempting to define more than one simple function at a time. (3) Aids in achieving the broadest level of disassociation from specifics. CAS – Part 2.3 Identifying function Proper identification of function involves a point of view and consideration of the application of the item. a. A function should be identified so as not to limit the ways in which it could be performed. For example, consider a buildings management operation of fastening a simple nameplate on a piece of equipment. b. Rather than the specific instruction "screw nameplate," the function would be better identified as "label equipment," since attaching a nameplate with screws is only one of many ways of identifying equipment -- the desired end. c. Nameplates can be riveted, welded, hung, cemented or wired in place. The name may be etched, stenciled, or stamped on the equipment, thus entirely eliminating the nameplate. d. Identification of function should concern itself with how something is used, not just what it Is. For example, the function of an electric wire could be "conduct current," "fasten part," or "transfer force" depending on application. The function of a door could be "provide access" or "close opening" depending on the designer's intent. e. Identifying function in broadest possible terms provides the greatest potential for value improvement because it gives greater freedom in creativity developing alternatives. Further, it tends to overcome any preconceived ideas of the manner by which the function is to be accomplished. CAS – Part 2.4 Classifying functions Functions of items or systems may be divided into two types, basic and secondary. a. Basic function defines a performance feature that must be attained. It reflects the primary reason for an item or system. In the case of the screwdriver, "transfer torque" would normally, but not necessarily, be the basic function. b. For example, if the desired application was to pry open lids of paint cans, the function would be defined in terms of the transfer of a linear force rather than a rotational force such as "transfer force." Thus, a clear understanding of the user's need is necessary if an adequate definition of the basic function is to be developed. c. An item may possess more than one basic function. This would be true In the case of one product, which provides several required functions. The camper's hand ax with a flat head for driving tent stakes and a sharp blade for cutting firewood is an example of an item providing two basic functions. d. A basic function answers the question, "What must it do?" e. Secondary function defines performance features of a system or item other than those that must be accomplished. (1) A secondary function answers the question, "What else does it do?" For example, the basic function of exterior paint is "protect surface." Then a secondary function is "improve appearance." (2) Secondary functions often result from the design configuration chosen to satisfy a basic function. For example, a valve on a radiator "restricts flow" and is necessary only because a hot water heating design was chosen. Then, the presence of a secondary function is incidental to the method chosen to achieve a basic function. CAS – Part 2.5 For systems, it is common practice to describe Functional relationships them: (1) in terms of their function and relationship within the next larger assembly, (2) in terms of their own components or subparts, or (3) in terms of their indivisibility or uniqueness. The relative position that a system or item occupies in the scheme of the total assembly is called its "level of indenture." a. In value engineering, the significance of level of indenture is that the designation of functions as basic or secondary depends upon the indenture level. A function, which exists to support the method of performing the basic function, is a secondary function. But when considered by itself and with respect to itself, it is a basic function. b. Systems and items may have many levels of indenture. The rule for functional evaluation is to work from the top down, and to consider the project under study as the top assembly. If the function of the top assembly is dependent upon the function of the indentured item, the function of the indentured item is basic. Consider the following example: Figure 1. Levels of indenture (1) Figure 1 illustrates the first three levels of indenture for a manually operated fire alarm system. (2) Figure 1 also illustrates the functional relationship between these levels of indenture. CAS – Part 2.6 (3) Observe that the system, as defined, must perform two basic functions. Rather than choosing the restrictive function of "ring bell," the broader term "make noise" was selected to permit greater freedom in developing alternative ways of making noise; i.e., horn, explosive charge, siren, etc. (4) Both items in the second level of indenture have functions that are basic because the function of the system is dependent upon them. (5) All other functions of items in the second level of indenture are secondary because they only exist to support the method or design selected to achieve the basic functions. (6) Similarly, in the third level of indenture, only the bells perform a basic function. CAS – Part 2.7 Evaluation of The second step in functional analysis is to establish a dollar value of worth for each worth function. It is done after all functions have been identified and classified. It is perhaps the most difficult step in VE, but it is an indispensable step. It is a highly creative endeavor because worth is relative to subjective rather than absolute or objective measure. Skill, knowledge and judgment play a major role in determining the quantitative aspect of worth in terms of dollars. The worth of a basic function is usually determined by comparing the present design for performing the function with other methods of performing essentially the same function. Questions that might be asked during the evaluation include the following: a. What is the cost of achieving the basic function as the item is presently designed? b. Do you think the performance of the basic function should cost that much? c. If not, what do you consider would be a reasonable amount to pay for the performance of the basic function (assuming for the moment that the function is actually required) if you were to pay for it out of your own pocket? d. What is the cost of achieving this function if some other known item is used? e. Is this a common, easily accomplished function or one that is rare and difficult to achieve? f. What is the price of some item that will almost, but not quite, performs the function? CAS – Part 2.8 Determining worth The above guidelines for evaluating worth must be applied against the following rules for determining worth for a specific VE analysis: a. The worth of all secondary functions is zero for VE purposes. b. A dollar figure for the value of worth must be established for each basic function. c. Worth is associated with necessary function or functions and not with the present design of the item. d. There must be no discrimination between a function that is definitely required and the consequences of failure to achieve that function. e. For example, if a bolt supporting a steel beam in a building fails, the building may collapse. Nevertheless, the worth of the bolt is the lowest cost necessary to provide a reliable fastening. Worth is not, therefore, affected by the consequence of failure. CAS – Part 2.9 Evaluation of The consideration of cost is the third step in functional analysis. cost In this application, it is the cost of the method chosen to perform the function that is considered, whereas before, worth applied to function. Evaluation of cost serves several purposes: a. Identifying high cost elements is useful in determining the priority of individual VE studies to be undertaken. b. Cost visibility is given to functional performance where normally such costs are buried in unit or system estimates. c. The validity of the claimed savings at the conclusion of a VE project depends upon the accuracy of the cost figures for the present design and the realism of cost estimates of the proposed design. Thus the cost figures obtained must be factual and realistic. CAS – Part 2.10 Determining cost The cost of the present design of a system, item or operation should be determined in as great detail as possible. However, in conducting functional analysis the following rules will always govern: a. Where an item serves but one function, the cost of the item is equal to the cost of the function. b. Where an item serves more than one function, cost of the item should be prorated to each function. c. For example, the cost of acoustical tile with a flame spread rating of 25 or less might be $0.50 per square foot. d. An appropriate break down of this cost on a functional basis might be: Item Acoustic tile Function Absorb sound B Cover ceiling S Protect ceiling S Cost per Sq.Ft. 0.35 0.05 0.10 CAS – Part 2.11 Evaluation of This is the fourth step in the functional analysis process. The term value is used in many different value ways, and has several meanings. It is frequently confused with the monetary price or cost of an item. The value of a given item may differ according to whether it is viewed from the standpoint of the seller, the buyer, or the user. Different concepts of value may exist between individual users, depending on the time, place, situation, or availability of substitute items. As an example, the value of a compass to a navigator is vastly different from its value to a housewife. Perhaps a more meaningful way to express value is to break it down into the four general categories of: (1) cost value, (2) use value, (3) esteem value, and (4) exchange value. From this one can see that: a. The sum of the dollar measures of the values offered by an article must be close to the price of the article (viz., cost value) for the purchaser to say, "This is a fair price." b. Buyer and seller may disagree on the worth of the values present in any article. c. Value is relative to both cost and price but use value, which is the value normally considered by the Government, may not be relative to either. d. The value of an end item approaches its maximum if its cost is made up solely of features that contribute to its use and do hot include any factors that contribute cost towards unnecessary esteem value. e. A VE goal is the maximization of end item value through the control of use value, cost value, and the elimination of costs associated with any other value not related to performance of basic function. CAS – Part 2.12 Determining value Value can be quantitatively expressed through the use of a value index that is the relationship between cost and worth. Remembering that cost and worth are related to functions rather than items, the index serves to: a. Assist in determining whether to proceed with the study. b. The study should proceed only if poor value, indicated when the value index is greater than one, exists. c. Good value is indicated when the index is one. d. Locate areas where the cost/worth ratio is greatest. e. Generally these areas will have the greatest VE potential and is useful in selecting projects for VE study. f. Provide a factor for measuring the effectiveness of VE efforts. (Did the cost/worth ratio after VE approach unity?) CAS – Part 2.13 Summary As noted previously the VE discipline deals with the functions of items. Function is used here to mean the purpose or use of an item. The VE approach first concerns itself with determining, "What does it do?" -- only afterwards with the item itself. This is a radical departure from traditional cost reduction efforts where the question is, "What is it?", and then concentrates on making the same item less expensive. Figure 3 summarizes the relationship between function, cost, worth and value index. Application of these fundamentals during a VE study while utilizing the VE job plan will be discussed. CAS – Part 2.14 Item, system, Operation Basic function Cost Functional comparative Worth of comparative Value index Tie clip Hold tie $2.50@ Paper clip $0.01@ 250 Ball point pen Make marks $0.98@ Nail $0.01@ 98 Fire alarm box Break circuit $45.00@ Light switch $3.00@ 15 Door latch set Retain door $8.00@ Magnet $0.50@ 16 Wax floors Protect surface $0.10/sf Kraft Paper $0.02/sf 5 Window Provide ventilation $50.00@ Hole & damper $5.00@ 10 Reporting system Transmit information $500/week Telephone call $5.00/week 100 Figure 3. Function-Cost-Worth-Value Index illustrations CAS – Part 2.15 Level of Indenture 1 Component Functions Classification B = Basic S = Secondary Fire alarm system Make noise Detect fire Protect building B B S Person Detect fire Pull lever B S Equipment Make noise Transfer signals B S Pull boxes Break circuit S Bells Make noise B Panels Provide power Control circuits S S Conduit & wire Transmit signal Transmit power S S 2 3 Figure 1 – Levels of indenture CAS – Part 2.16 Figure 27 – Functional Analysis System Technique, FAST CAS – Part 2.17 Figure 27.1 – FAST Diagram of a mouse trap CAS – Part 2.18 FUNCTION ANALYSIS SYSTEM TECHNIQUE (FAST DIAGRAMING) The next step in the Function Evaluation of a product would be the use of the Function Analysis System Technique (FAST). FAST is a diagramming technique that shows specifically the relationships and interrelationships of all the known essential functions of a system. Charles Bytheway of Sperry-Rand, Univac Division, introduced FAST Diagramming at the 1965 Society of American Value Engineers, SAVE, Convention. It to in to is first used in the Information phase help identify functions, then later, the creativity –or Speculation- phase help generate VE ideas. It is a diagramming technique, which at first glance, appears to be similar to PERT diagramming or flow-charting. However, the basic difference between FAST diagramming and these other diagramming techniques is that FAST diagramming is not time oriented, but is function oriented. We are basically trying to show pictorially the relationships of the functions as a product or service does the work it was designed to do, not what we would like it to do, but what is actually happening now. We describe this work by using the verbnoun functions defined earlier and arrange the function logically into a diagram following these guidelines: 1. Show the scope of the problem under study by two vertical dashed lines, one to the extreme left and one to the extreme right of the diagram. (See Figure 27). CAS – Part 2.19 Everything that lies between the two scope lines is defined as the problem under study. 2. Every FAST diagram will have a "critical path of functions" going from left to right across the scope lines. 3. On that critical path, we will find only required secondary functions, the basic function(s), and the Higher Order function. 4. The Higher Order function will lie to the immediate left of the left scope line. 5. The basic function(s) will always lie to the immediate right of the left scope line. 6. All other functions on the critical path will lie to the right of the basic function and will be required secondary functions (not normally aesthetic or unwanted secondary functions). 7. All other secondary functions which the product or service performs will lie either above or below the critical path of functions. These functions can be required secondary functions, aesthetic functions or unwanted functions. 8. If the function "happens time" and/or "are caused function on the critical place the function below path function. at the same by" some path, we that critical CAS – Part 2.20 9. If the function happens "all the time" the product is doing its work, such as an aesthetic function, we place it above the critical path function to the extreme right of the diagram. 10. If we have specific "design objectives" we wish to keep in mind as we construct the FAST diagram, we place them above the basic function and show them as dotted boxes. 11. To determine whether we have the proper arrangement and relationships of the functions, we have two basic logic test questions that must be met: How? Why? 12. Using the “How” test, we ask the question of any function, "How do I (verb) (noun)?" The function answer should lie to the immediate right. Every function which has a function to its immediate right should logically answer the "How" test. If it does not, we have either described the function improperly or have a function in the wrong place. 13. The second test of "Why" works in the same way, but in the opposite direction. We ask the question "Why do I (verb) (noun)?" The answer should be in the function to the immediate left and should read, "So that I can (verb) (noun)." The answer must make sense and be logical. CAS – Part 2.21 14. We are normally only concerned with "essential functions" when constructing a FAST diagram. 15. All functions that lie on the critical path must take place to accomplish the basic function. All other functions on the FAST diagram are subordinated to the critical path function and may or may not have to take place to accomplish the basic functions. The best way to learn the FAST diagramming technique is, of course, to try and apply it several times on simple items such as an electric toaster, a mouse trap, etc. A FAST diagram on the mouse trap assembly may look like Figure 28. You will find that depending upon your understanding of the problem, your FAST diagram on the same item may be slightly different than the one shown. It really makes little difference so long as we agree on the essential functions on the critical path and their approximate relationship. You will also find that as your understanding deepens about the problem, you will change some of the verbs and nouns defining the functions. You may also find that as you try to construct a FAST diagram, you may have either left out a function or have two functions that mean the same thing. In summary, the FAST diagram is a powerful VA technique which: CAS – Part 2.22 1. Shows the specific relationships of all functions with respect to each other. 2. Tests the validity of the functions under study. 3. Broadens your understanding of the problem to be solved, and 4. Aids in the generation of ideas during the Speculation Phase. CAS – Part 2.23 TYPES OF FAST DIAGRAMING There are two major types of FAST diagrams that are typically used. The “Technical FAST” and “Customer FAST”. They are similar but differ in the way they handle supporting functions and activity functions. Functions should be evaluated regarding their worth and cost (value). To avoid getting caught up in dollar details which may inhibit the understanding of the value determination effort, percentages of the total cost are used. Users of the Value Method should also avoid getting caught up in generating a complete, complex FAST that includes all the detailed activity type functions. While they assist in the exercise of determining the functional worth and costs, they are the details; necessary, but not where the big effort and expertise should be directed. Accordingly, the only concentrated effort for the activity functions in the FAST should be to examine functions with larger costs and the supporting functions containing a special kind of problem called a potential “value-mismatch.” TECHNICAL FAST In constructing the FAST, if I continue to generate answers to “how?” questions, eventually I will come to functions that are activities such as “write description” and “draw diagram”. These are activities of “causative” functions. Activity functions can be easily correlated to the component features used to generate cost estimates. In the Technical FAST nomenclature, another scope line is placed just before activity functions (to their left) so that their special activity functions status es more readily recognized. CAS – Part 2.24 functions status es more readily recognized. In the Technical FAST each function that occurs “as result of,” “at the same time as,” and “due to” a function are called supporting functions. It is required as a result of the selection of the function it supports. It may be critical to the successful performance of the function that is on the critical path, but it is not considered critical to the performance of the HOF. If I choose another functional method for the function in the critical path, I would not need that supporting function. The purpose of the activity is to achieve the basic function. It was done using the functions on the critical path. The supporting functions only support the choices and are not the activity purpose. Any function not on the critical path is considered to have little worth. Therefore, little cost should be associated with their performance. For instance, in a Technical FAST for the course, I need to “describe decisionmaking.” This functional need is “because of” the choice to show comparisons. If the cost for depicting decision-making was high, it would be best to rethink use of that comparison, or the technique of showing comparisons, ti achieve the why of “describing the job plan.” CUSTOMER FAST In the customer FAST the critical path technical activity functions are placed in a technical section related to the producing aspects. Development of activities is never brought out to the point where an activity scope lines is needed. That is considered to be too detailed and a waste of value study effort and resources. With exception of the supporting functions, the rules for a customer FAST are very similar to the technical FAST. CAS – Part 2.25 All supporting functions are grouped into four special categories: “Assure Convenience,” “Assure Dependability,” “Satisfy OUS,” and “Attract OUS.” Some special supporting functions can have a high worth to the consumer and be a basis for the purchase by the cunsumer. While they have little value to the producer, they may have high value to the consumer. The Customer FAST allows for these features to be more easily shown. Using the functional descriptors discussed previously for the Value Method, a Customer FAST generated to illustrate this FAST and the functional purposes for each job plan step is shown in the next page. Fig. Course-FAST Diagram (partial) To perform the same consumer match-up in the Technical FAST, two Technical FAST may need to be produced; one for the producer, and the other for the consumer. Then a matching of the two FAST diagrams would be done. This procedure would be used to assure the producer FAST functions have a sufficient match to the FAST for the consumer. While the Customer FAST generates less clarity about some of these issues and the related mismatch, it removes much of the rigorous aspects of the two Technical FAST technique. CAS – Part 2.26 LIFE CYCLE COST (LCC) The concept of economic analysis, which is used in LCC, requires that comparisons be made between things similar in nature. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is defined as a cost-centered engineering economic analysis whose objective is to systematically determine the costs attributable to each of one or more alternative courses of action over a specified period of time. It is a method used to compare and evaluate the total costs of competing alternatives for satisfying identical functions based on the anticipated life of the facility or product to be acquired. The key elements of such an analysis are those that affect the manner in which the analysis will be conducted and, therefore, the effectiveness of its results in a particular situation. This approach determines the least costly of several alternatives; however, the selected alternative may only represent the best of several poor value candidates. VE should be used to develop additional worthy alternatives to consider when life cycle cost studies are being performed. LCC emphasizes cost visibility, VE seeks value optimization. The two disciplines are complementary because LCC is required to achieve VE. A decision concerning each key element must be made before the LCCA can be performed. In particular, the definition of the LCCA suggests six questions that must be answered: 1. What analysis approach is to be used? Part 2.27 2. What is a realistic discount rate for use in the analysis? 3. How are the effects of inflation and increases in individual costs to be taken into account? 4. Over what specific period of time are the total costs of ownership to be determined? 5. When is that time period to begin? 6. What type of costs are to be included in the analysis and what costs (if any) may be ignored? Life cycle cost analysis requires the knowledge of several economic concepts. One of these is the concept of equivalent costs to deal with time frame. Equating using an variable develops all costs to a common baseline interest rate to adjust for expenditure years typically equivalent costs. One must also hold the economic conditions constant while the cost consequences of each alternative are being developed. That is, the same economic factors are applied to each alternative using a uniform methodology. The two most frequent methodologies used to calculate LCC are: 1. Present worth costs 2. Annualized costs, and Both methods account for the time value of money, and therefore are interchangeable as measures of life cycle cost. Part 2.28 The present worth method allows conversion Present worth method of all present and future costs to a single point in time, usually at or around the time of the first expenditure. In the present worth approach, the equivalent cost baseline would be present day values. All ownership costs would be recalculated to present day values – discounted for the cost of money. Annual cost would be calculated at the present worth of a periodic payment over the specified life cycle. Single Present Worth formula: PW = ____1____ (1 + i)n where: PW: Single Present Worth i: interest rate per period n: number of interest periods and P = F x PW Where: P: Present Amount F: Future Amount Part 2.29 Annualized method The annualized method is also used to convert costs expended over various points in time to an equivalent cost. Rather than being expressed as a one-time present worth cost, this method converts all costs to an equivalent uniform annual cost. Using this method, all costs incurred are converted to equivalent annual costs using a baseline and a specified life span. Initial costs would be amortized over the life cycle (such as home mortgage payments) and include principal and interest. Replacement costs at various points during the life cycle would also be converted to equivalent annual cost. Present Worth of Annuity formula: PWA = (1 + i)n -1 i(1 + i)n where: PWA: Present Worth of Annuity i: interest rate per period n: number of interest periods and P = A x PWA Where: P: Present Amount A: Uniform sum of money in each period Part 2.30