OPTIMAL INVESTMENT DECISIONS OF COFFEE FARMERS IN VIETNAM Tran Cong Thang A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (School of Agricultural and Resource Economics) October 2011 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements I would like to give special thanks to my principal supervisors Prof. Michael Burton and Dr. Donna Brennan for their role in supervising my work on this thesis. They are generous with their wisdom and encouragement. They are not only my supervisors but also my very good friends in Australia. Sincere thanks are due to my supervisor Prof. Ben White, for his helpful comments and suggestions. The supportive co-operation of staff and colleagues from the School of Agricultural and Resource Economics and AusAID officers at the University of Western Australia gratefully acknowledged - particularly Jan Taylor, Deborah Swindells, Theresa Goh, Sally Marsh, Vilaphonh, Sharon Harvey, Rhonda Haskell, Cathy Tang, Christine Kerin, Deborah Pyatt and Alicia Zabah. My sincere thanks go to Dr. Dang Kim Son for his approval and encouragement. Sincere thanks are due to my colleagues in the Center for Agricultural Policy for their useful support: Nguyen Ngoc Que, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Tran Thi Quynh Chi, Nguyen Le Hoa, Truong Thi Thu Trang, Pham Huong Giang, Nguyen Nghia Lan and Phan Van Dan. Support from my friends in Perth during my program is gratefully acknowledged; particularly from Ngoc Linh, Bich Ngoc, Lan Huong, Trung Khanh, Manh Hieu, Thanh Nhan, Tu-Huong, Ha-Trong, Lam-Huong, Van Liem and Doc Lap. The generous financial support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) I gratefully acknowledge. Finally, I owe thanks to my parents and my wife for their great support, encouragement and love. Perth, August 2010 i Abstract Abstract For perennial crops like coffee, identifying the prices at which farmers should cut or replant is a key investment decision. Optimal cutting and replanting can help farmers use their resource to maximise income. The response of individual households may also significantly affect the supply response at the aggregate level. In addition, knowledge of how supply responds to different variables can help planners forecast supply. While coffee is a major crop in Vietnam, the number of studies on the aggregate supply response, or on optimal production decisions at farm level, is limited. In this study, two types of models are developed to analyze the supply response of coffee in Vietnam and identify optimal investment and production decisions of coffee farmers. The first model uses the fixed form optimization method to solve a stochastic optimal control model of the household’s cutting and replanting problem. The model identifies optimal ‘trigger’ coffee prices for cutting and replanting. The second predictive model estimates an aggregate coffee supply function. This model gives the determinants of coffee area variation in Vietnam. The results from the stochastic optimal control model explore the optimal trigger prices in different scenarios. The first result shows that coffee farmers can have a low ‘trigger’ price for cutting and a high trigger price for replanting. Between these two values is a range of price values for which there is a ‘hysteresis effect’ where neither cutting standing trees nor replanting occurs. Second, if this model extends to allow age dependent trigger prices, as opposed to fixed trigger prices, the income is significantly increased. These results reckon that farmers should not cut the trees before the 11th year of planting A third set of simulations analyse the importance of credit on the availability of working capital. Poor or cash constrained households are more likely to remove coffee trees compared to the unconstrained households. Thus, the cutting frequency of the poor households is higher than that of the non-poor for all ages of coffee trees. The cash constraint leads to a higher cutting percentage of coffee trees for poor households, especially young trees. Furthermore, the poor farmers wait for significantly higher trigger prices before replanting. Due to their cash constraint, farmers cannot follow the ii Abstract same decisions as their richer neighbors, and this reduces their average income. The credit available to poor household has a significant impact on the poor farmer’s income and behavior. However, the importance of credit depends on the age of coffee trees: it is more important for farmers with young trees that have not started to produce as harvest. Fourth, if the model is generalised to allow for the short-run application of inputs such as fertilizer, this has a significant impact on income. Furthermore, farmers are much less likely to cut if they can adjust input use efficiently in response to coffee price changes. Fifth, the cutting/replanting decision of farmers is influenced by the profit of alternative crops. If the profit of the alternative crop falls, farmers are less likely to cut and more likely to replant. Previous studies of the coffee supply response for Vietnam assumed that the supply function of coffee was symmetric with respect to changes in prices. The possibility of an irreversible response was neglected. The results of this study show that the response of coffee supply in Vietnam to price is asymmetric: it reacts more to a price increase than to a price decrease. The asymmetric response of coffee area at the aggregate level to price changes is consistent with the optimal decisions of farmers because they optimize their decision by different ‘trigger’ prices for cutting and replanting. The area response is similar across regions. Studies of the response of coffee at both aggregate and farm level are useful for households and planners. Despite some limitations, the modeling approaches used in this thesis can be applied to supply response and farmers’ decision for other perennial crops. iii Table of Contents Table of Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ i Abstract ............................................................................................................................. ii Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. iv List of Tables..................................................................................................................viii List of Figures ................................................................................................................... x Table of Abbreviations ...................................................................................................xiii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1 1.1. Rationale of Study .................................................................................................. 1 1.2. Objectives ............................................................................................................... 3 1.3. Methodology .......................................................................................................... 4 1.4. Data ........................................................................................................................ 6 1.5. Thesis Structure...................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 2. THE COFFEE SECTOR IN VIETNAM ................................................... 9 2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 9 2.2. Agricultural Sector in Vietnam .............................................................................. 9 2.3. Coffee Production ................................................................................................ 13 2.4. Coffee Export ....................................................................................................... 18 2.5. Coffee Households ............................................................................................... 23 2.5.1. Farm Size and Distribution ........................................................................... 23 2.5.2. Starting Year of Coffee Production............................................................... 25 2.5.3. Income Sources ............................................................................................. 27 2.5.4. Profitability of Coffee Production ................................................................. 28 2.5.5. Source of Water............................................................................................. 30 2.6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER 3. STOCHASTIC OPTIMAL INVESTMENT DECISION FOR PERENNIAL CROPS: A LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................... 34 3.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 34 3.2. Theoretical Models for Optimal Investment Decision ......................................... 35 3.3. Faustmann Model with Risk ................................................................................ 40 3.4. Stochastic Optimal Control Methods ................................................................... 41 iv Table of Contents 3.4.1. Dynamic Programming (DP) ........................................................................ 41 3.4.2. Real Option Approach .................................................................................. 45 3.4.3. Other Techniques of Solving the Complex Dynamic Stochastic Models ..... 53 3.5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 55 CHAPTER 4. OPTIMAL REPLANTING AND CUTTING RULES FOR COFFEE FARMERS IN VIETNAM: FIXED YIELD MODEL ................................................... 57 4.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 57 4.2. Coffee Farm System in Dak Lak .......................................................................... 58 4.3. Model Structure.................................................................................................... 61 4.3.1. Objective Function ........................................................................................ 61 4.3.2. Profit Function .............................................................................................. 63 4.3.3. Decision Rule ................................................................................................ 63 4.3.4. Yield Function ............................................................................................... 67 4.3.5. Production Cost ............................................................................................. 68 4.3.6. Price Simulation ............................................................................................ 69 Lagged Price Model ..................................................................................... 70 Price Cycle Model ........................................................................................ 72 4.3.7. Procedure for Estimation .............................................................................. 75 4.4. Results of the FY Model ...................................................................................... 78 4.4.1. Optimal Rule with Lagged Price Model ...................................................... 78 4.4.2. Impact of Substitute Crop on Coffee Farmer’s Decision .............................. 84 4.4.3. Optimal Rules with Price Cycle Simulation Model ...................................... 85 4.5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 89 CHAPTER 5. OPTIMAL COFFEE PLANTING DECISIONS UNDER A CASH CONSTRAINT ............................................................................................................... 91 5.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 91 5.2. Impact of Cash Constraints on Farmer’s Decision .............................................. 91 5.3. Poverty Trends in Vietnam .................................................................................. 93 5.3.1. Saving and Income Level in Vietnam ........................................................... 98 5.3.2. Relationship between Income and Expenditure of Poor Farmers ............... 102 5.4. Structure of the FY-CC Model........................................................................... 105 5.4.1. Objective Function ...................................................................................... 107 5.4.2. Profit, Yield and Production Cost Function ................................................ 108 5.4.3. Expenditure, Saving and Loan .................................................................... 108 5.4.4. Decision Rule .............................................................................................. 110 v Table of Contents 5.5. Results of the FY-CC Model ............................................................................. 111 5.5.1. Impact of Cash Constraints on Income ....................................................... 112 5.5.2. Effect of Loans and Savings ....................................................................... 113 5.5.3. Optimal Rule for Poor Coffee Farmers ....................................................... 117 5.6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 122 CHAPTER 6. SHORT-RUN RESPONSE AND OPTIMAL RULES FOR COFFEE FARMERS IN VIETNAM ........................................................................................... 124 6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 124 6.2. Review of Literature on Yield Response Functions .......................................... 124 6.3. Coffee Yield Function in Vietnam ..................................................................... 127 6.3.1. Yield Coffee Function Estimation .............................................................. 127 6.3.2. Optimal Cost Specification by Output Price ............................................... 130 6.3.3. Supply Price Elasticity ................................................................................ 131 6.4. Variable Yield Model (VY model) .................................................................... 132 6.4.1. Model Structure........................................................................................... 132 6.4.2. Adjustment of Yield function...................................................................... 133 6.4.3. Optimal Rule of the VY model ................................................................... 136 6.5. The Variable Yield – Cash Constraint Model (VY-CC model) ......................... 140 6.5.1. Model Structure........................................................................................... 140 6.5.2. Optimal Rule of the VY-CC model ............................................................ 141 6.6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 145 CHAPTER 7. SUMMARY OF THE OPTIMAL MODELS ........................................ 147 7.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 147 7.2. Model Development ........................................................................................... 147 7.2.1. Objectives of Models .................................................................................. 147 7.2.2. Rules and Constraints.................................................................................. 148 7.3. Changes in Coffee Farmer’s Decision ............................................................... 150 7.4. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 154 CHAPTER 8. COFFEE SUPPLY RESPONSE IN VIETNAM ................................... 155 8.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 155 8.2. Literature Review on Supply Response Analysis using the Econometric Approach ................................................................................................................... 156 8.2.1. Nerlovian Approach .................................................................................... 157 8.2.2. Extended Nerlovian Approach .................................................................... 160 8.2.3. Wicken - Greenfield Approach ................................................................... 161 vi Table of Contents 8.2.4. Price Asymmetric Response ....................................................................... 163 8.2.5. Previous Studies on Supply Response of Coffee in Vietnam ..................... 167 8.3. Empirical Model of Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam ................................. 169 8.3.1. Data ............................................................................................................. 169 8.3.2. Model Results ............................................................................................. 169 8.4. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 177 CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................... 178 9.1. Background ........................................................................................................ 178 9.2. Key results .......................................................................................................... 181 9.2.1. Response at the Farm Level ........................................................................ 181 Cutting and Replanting Decision ............................................................... 181 Impact of Cash Constraints on Farmer’s Behaviors .................................. 182 Change of Farmer’s Decision with Short-run Response ............................ 183 Impact of the Profitability of the Substitute Crop ...................................... 184 9.2.2. Coffee Supply Response at Aggregate Level ............................................. 184 9.3. Policy implications ............................................................................................. 185 9.4. Limitations ......................................................................................................... 186 9.5. Further Studies ................................................................................................... 188 References ..................................................................................................................... 190 Appendix A ................................................................................................................... 199 Appendix B ................................................................................................................... 206 Appendix C ................................................................................................................... 210 Appendix D ................................................................................................................... 211 vii List of Tables List of Tables Table 1.1: Sample of Coffee Farm Survey 2007 in Dak Lak............................................ 6 Table 2.1: Key Economic Indicators of Vietnam............................................................ 10 Table 2.2: GDP in agriculture, forestry and fisheries 2005-2008 (current price, %) ..... 10 Table 2.3: Area and output of crops in Vietnam, 1990-2008.......................................... 11 Table 2.4: Agricultural commodity exports in Vietnam, 2007-2008 (mill. $)................ 12 Table 2.5: Value and share in import-export of agricultural commodity ....................... 12 Table 2.6: Changes in coffee production in different periods (%) ................................. 14 Table 2.7: Coffee production by region in Vietnam, 2008 ............................................. 17 Table 2.8: Main markets for Vietnamese coffee in 2005 and 2008 ................................ 20 Table 2.9: SWOT analysis of coffee ............................................................................... 22 Table 2.10: Number of perennial crop households and size in Vietnam ........................ 23 Table 2.11: Distribution of coffee household by groups................................................. 26 Table 2.12: Average crop area of coffee households by district (m2) ............................ 27 Table 2.13: Earning sources of coffee households in 2006 ($) ....................................... 28 Table 2.14: Coffee farm performance in Daklak province, Vietnam 2006 ($/ha) ........ 29 Table 2.15: Main source of water (%) ............................................................................ 30 Table 2.16: Is yield limited by water (%) ....................................................................... 31 Table 4.1: Percentage of household with other activities excluding cropping (%) ........ 60 Table 4.2: Percentage of households reducing coffee area ............................................ 60 Table 4.3: Percentage of farmer switched to other crops ................................................ 60 Table 4.4: Coffee production cost by age of tree (US$/ha) ............................................ 69 Table 4.5: Distributions of actual international price and price data set simulated from two models ...................................................................................................................... 74 Table 4.6: Summarized results of different cutting rules of FY model .......................... 83 Table 5.1: Perceived causes of poverty in Dak Lak Province ........................................ 95 Table 5.2: Coffee farming in Central Highlands ............................................................. 96 Table 5.3: Poverty incidence of coffee farmers in Central Highlands, Vietnam ............ 97 Table 5.4: Household income and expenditure in rural area in 2006 ($/year) ................ 99 Table 5.5: Household income and saving in rural by region in 2006($)....................... 100 Table 5.6: The saving flows of household by types ...................................................... 101 viii List of Tables Table 5.7: Number of poor households by region in VHLSS2006 ............................... 103 Table 5.8: Regression between per capita income and expenditure of poor HHs ........ 104 Table 5.9: General data of poor coffee household ........................................................ 105 Table 5.10: Loan amount and duration ......................................................................... 109 Table 5.11: Main loan purpose (% respondent) ............................................................ 110 Table 5.12: Percentage of loan by different sources by districts .................................. 110 Table 6.1: Sample distribution of coffee households in Agrocensus_2006 .................. 127 Table 6.2: Regression Results of Coffee Yield Function .............................................. 128 Table 6.3: Comparison of optimal rule between FY and VY model ............................ 137 Table 6.4: Average cost and yield from the VY model and the FY model................... 139 Table 6.5: The results of FY model with average cost and yield from VY model ...... 139 Table 7.1: Main objective of models ............................................................................ 148 Table 7.2: Decision rules and constraints ..................................................................... 149 Table 7.3: Main results of simulation models ............................................................... 150 Table 8.1: Data series and source .................................................................................. 169 Table 8.2: Estimated results from different models ...................................................... 172 Table 8.3: Results for testing the difference of coefficients among provinces, Modified Wolfram model with window=6 ................................................................................... 174 Table 8.4: Elasticities of coffee acreage to price .......................................................... 175 ix List of Figures List of Figures Figure 2.1: Migration to Dak Lak province, 1976 to 2000 ............................................. 15 Figure 2.2: Coffee area development in Vietnam, 1975-2008 ........................................ 16 Figure 2.3: Coffee area structure by age group in Vietnam, 2007 .................................. 18 Figure 2.4: Quantity and value of coffee export in Vietnam, 1991-2008 ....................... 19 Figure 2.5: Vietnam coffee price export, 1988-2008 (FOB-$ per tonne) ....................... 19 Figure 2.6: Coffee export value of Vietnam by destination (%) ..................................... 20 Figure 2.7: Exporting cost for coffee in some countries (cent/lb) .................................. 21 Figure 2.8: DRC of coffee and other export commodities in Vietnam ........................... 22 Figure 2.9: Coffee Household Structure by farm-size (%) ............................................. 24 Figure 2.10: Distribution of coffee households across Vietnam ..................................... 24 Figure 2.11: Coffee household structure by number of plots (%)................................... 25 Figure 2.12: Percentage of new coffee farmers and farm-gate price .............................. 26 Figure 2.13: Distribution of coffee production cost, 2006 ($ per ha) ............................. 30 Figure 3.1: The determination of PH and PL .................................................................. 51 Figure 4.1: Development of coffee area in Dak Lak, 1986-2008 ................................... 59 Figure 4.2. Example of optimal cutting and replanting rule ........................................... 67 Figure 4.3: Coffee yield by age of tree ........................................................................... 68 Figure 4.4: Fitted and actual value of logarithm of price ($/kg) ..................................... 71 Figure 4.5: Examples of price trajectories predicted from Lagged price model ............. 72 Figure 4.6: Price cycle of coffee in the world market (UScent/lb) ................................. 72 Figure 4.7: Example of price trajectories predicted from Price Cycle model ................. 74 Figure 4.8: Model Structure Map ................................................................................... 77 Figure 4.9: Optimal cutting and replanting rule from the FY model .............................. 79 Figure 4.10: Proportion of actual cut in FY model with Lagged price simulation ......... 80 Figure 4.11: Comparison of optimal RP of FY model and farmer’s estimates .............. 81 Figure 4.12: Optimal quadratic CP and best constant CP from the FY model .............. 82 Figure 4.13: The maximum ENPV per ha among different CP rules ............................. 82 Figure 4.14: ENPV with different starting ages for quadratic CP and no cutting rule ... 83 Figure 4.15: Changes in optimal rule when maize profit varies ..................................... 84 Figure 4.16: Changes in the maximum ENPV when maize profit varies ....................... 85 x List of Figures Figure 4.17: Optimal rule of the FY model with Price cycle model ............................... 86 Figure 4.18: Optimal rules of Price cycle and Lagged price simulations ....................... 86 Figure 4.19: Distribution of farm-gate price data set simulated from two models ......... 87 Figure 4.20: Simulated percentage cut at each age of trees from two data sets .............. 88 Figure 4.21: Different optimal rules of FY model with Price cycle simulation ............. 89 Figure 4.22: Actual cut of the FY with Price cycle model and different CP forms........ 89 Figure 5.1: Poverty trend in Vietnam 1993-2006 ........................................................... 94 Figure 5.2: Poverty trend in Vietnam by regions 1993-2004.......................................... 95 Figure 5.3: Coffee area of poor farmers in Central Highlands by provinces ................. 97 Figure 5.4: Structure of family size of poor and non-poor coffee household ................. 98 Figure 5.5: Per capita income and expenditure by area in 2006 ($/year) ..................... 100 Figure 5.6: Per capita income and expenditure of the poor in rural areas by regions, 2006 ($) ......................................................................................................................... 101 Figure 5.7: Fitted per capita income and expenditure by family size ........................... 104 Figure 5.8: Plot of per capita income and expenditure of the poor ............................... 105 Figure 5.9: ENPV from FY-CC if imposing optimal rule of FY and optimal ENPV from FY ($/poor farm) ........................................................................................................... 112 Figure 5.10: ENPV from FY-CC at different initial savings at annual loan of 625$ .. 113 Figure 5.11: ENPV of farm income at different annual loans and savings................... 114 Figure 5.12: ENPV of FY-CC with different starting age of trees and loans ............... 116 Figure 5.13: Optimal Rules of the FY-CC model ......................................................... 118 Figure 5.14: Optimal rule of FY model and FY-CC model .......................................... 118 Figure 5.15: Actual cutting percentages by age of trees ............................................... 119 Figure 5.16: Impact of cutting decision by CP rule and by cash constraint in the FY-CC model ............................................................................................................................. 120 Figure 5.17: Optimal rule of the FY-CC model with different initial savings .............. 121 Figure 5.18: Optimal rules of FY model and FY-CC with initial saving of $1500 ...... 121 Figure 6.1: Coffee yield – age relationship at average cost .......................................... 129 Figure 6.2: Cost –yield relation for 11 year old coffee trees ........................................ 130 Figure 6.3: Simulation of cost and yield relationship (age of tree =11 year old, medium yield level district)......................................................................................................... 131 Figure 6.4: Simulation of price and coffee yield........................................................... 132 Figure 6.5: Coffee yield by age of tree in FY model .................................................... 133 Figure 6.6: Yield in the FY model and Adjusted Yield in the VY model at cost of $930/ha .......................................................................................................................... 135 xi List of Figures Figure 6.7: Yield variation at different production costs .............................................. 135 Figure 6.8: Optimal cutting and replanting rules in the VY model .............................. 136 Figure 6.9: Optimal rules for FY model and VY model ............................................... 137 Figure 6.10: Percentage of cases in which farmers cut coffee at optimal rule.............. 138 Figure 6.11: Optimal rule of the VY-CC model ........................................................... 142 Figure 6.12: A comparison of optimal rule between FY-CC and VY-CC model......... 142 Figure 6.13: Percentage of cases in which farmers cut coffee at optimal rules ............ 143 Figure 6.14: Percentage of actual cut of the VY-CC model by cutting rule and by cash constraint ....................................................................................................................... 143 Figure 6.15: Comparison of ENPV from different models at poor farm-size ............. 144 Figure 7.1: Maximum ENPV achieved from models ................................................... 151 Figure 7.2: Optimal cutting and replanting rules in different models ........................... 152 Figure 7.3: Actual cutting percentage at optimal rules in FY and FY-CC model ........ 152 Figure 7.4: Cutting percentage at optimal rule in FY and VY model ........................... 153 Figure 7.5: Optimal replanting prices for different models .......................................... 154 Figure 8.1: Hypothetical response overtime of Wolffram model and Modified Wolffram model ............................................................................................................................. 165 Figure 8.2: Fitted and actual area from Modified Wolffram model (ha) ...................... 176 xii Table of Abbreviations Table of Abbreviations ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ADB Asian Development Bank Agrocensus Agricultural Census Survey Agroinfo Information Center for Agriculture and Rural Development CAP Centre for Agricultural Policy CH Central Highlands CPI Consumer Price Index CP Cutting Price DARDD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dak Lak DP Dynamic Programming DRC Domestic Resource Cost index EMA Equivalent Mature Area ENPV Expected Net Present Value FY Fixed Yield Optimal FY-CC Fixed Yield-Cash Constraint Optimal GDP Gross Domestic Product GSO General Statistical Office of Vietnam ICARD Information Center for Agriculture and Rural Development ICO International Coffee Organization IPSARD Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development LP Linear Programming MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Mill. million MOLISA Ministry of Labour and Invalid Social Affair MRD Mekong River Delta NCC North Central Coast NES Northern East South NPV Net Present Value xiii Table of Abbreviations RP Replanting Price RRD Red river delta SCC South Central Coast VHLSS Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey VND Vietnam Dong VY Variable Yield Optimal Model VY-CC Variable Yield – Cash Constraint Optimal YMA Yield of Mature Area $, USD United State Dollar xiv Chapter 1. Introduction CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Rationale of Study Vietnam has an agriculture-based economy in which the sector accounts for about 22 percent (in 2008) of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The coffee crop, with its rapid expansion in the 1990s, became the second largest export agricultural commodity after rice. In 2007, the total coffee exports of Vietnam were over one million tonnes, with a value of $1.8 billion. At present Vietnam is the second largest coffee exporter in the world. In addition, the coffee sector plays an important role in labour absorption in rural areas. In the peak harvest season, the coffee sector employs about 800,000 workers (The World Bank, 2002). Since the early 1990s, the coffee area in Vietnam has increased rapidly, from only 100,000 ha in 1990 to about 600,000 ha in 2000 (GSO, 2001)1. Coffee trees are planted in 30 provinces in Vietnam, of which Dac Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum and Lam Dong in the Central Highlands are the main producing areas with 90 percent of national output. Natural conditions in the Central Highlands of Vietnam are favorable for coffee cultivation. In addition, labour in rural areas in Vietnam is abundant and relatively cheap. Thus, the production costs for coffee in Vietnam are normally lower than that in other countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia (PI-IPSARD, 2007). Other studies by Oxfam (2002) and CAP (2006)2 also show that Vietnam has a comparative advantage in coffee production. Coffee production in Vietnam is dominated by small farm households. The average coffee area of coffee farms in Vietnam is only 8799 m2 and in total 477,000 coffee farms, over 60 percent had less than one ha of land (GSO, 2007). 1 2 GSO denotes General Statistical Office of Vietnam CAP signifies Centre for Agricultural Policy, Hanoi. 1 Chapter 1. Introduction Many coffee farmers are relatively poor and are from ethnic minorities. Over 30 percent of coffee farmers in the Central Highlands belong to minority ethnic groups3 and about 25 percent of coffee households are poor people4. Thus, coffee farm households are typically economically vulnerable, and so the coffee sector contributes significantly to development and household income in the rural economy. As a major coffee exporter, the coffee price for Vietnamese producers is determined on the world market. This means that Vietnamese producers are vulnerable to price variability. This clearly shows by the low prices in the early 2000s. The farm gate coffee price in Central Highlands reduced from $2 per kg in 1995 to less than $0.25 in 2001 (Thang, 2008). According to the Financial Times, coffee farmers in Vietnam's Central Highlands lost $172 million from their 2000/01 coffee crop because of low world prices5. In Dak Lak province, where household incomes had grown by 9 per cent annually from 1996 to 1999, this growth rate fell by reductions of around 10 per cent when the price of coffee fell. By 2002, about 45 per cent of coffee growing households lacked adequate food, 66 per cent had bank debts and nearly 45 per cent had members of the family who had turned to off-farm wage labour to earn money (Oxfam 2002). When the price of coffee dropped, many smallholders fell into debt, they could not afford to pay the loans and input costs. Due to losses, some coffee farmers cut down trees and switched to other crops. In Dak Lak province alone, during 2002 and 2003 over 25,000 ha of coffee trees were cut down and replaced with other crops6. The rapid decline in price reduced the coffee area in Vietnam from 600,000 ha in 2001 to about 491,000 ha in 2005. The cutting decision raises several issues. First, replacing coffee by other crops is a complex and difficult decision for farmers. If they switch too early, and the coffee price increases sharply then they bear the cost of re-establishing trees. High replanting costs and other switching costs are a significant proportion of costs for coffee households, especially poor households. Second, it is likely that the cutting decision will depend heavily on the age of the coffee trees. It may be appropriate to cut older trees first as the coffee price reduces. Thus, the 3 Vietnam has 54 people’s groups in which Kinh is major group with occupation of 87% total population. Others are ethnic people. This number is calculated by author based on Agricultural Census in Vietnam in 2006. 4 According to the definition of the Ministry of Labour and War Invalid and Social Affairs: The people are defined as poor are ones whose per capita income of less than $12.5 per month for rural areas and $16.25 per month for urban areas. The poverty issues will be mentioned more detail in Chapter 5. 5 Available at http://www.allbusiness.com, accessed on 14/09/2009 6 DARDD: Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dak Lak. 2 Chapter 1. Introduction relationship between the age of coffee trees and optimal cutting prices are an important parameters. Third, the identification of price at which farmers should replant coffee is also important because it can help farmers (or their advisors) optimize their decision and significantly increase their income. Farmers may consistently replant before or after the optimal replanting price. Fourth, it is possible that many poor coffee households cut earlier to meet cash requirements for household expenditure, and inputs for subsistence crops. The replacement of coffee by annual crops such as maize, and rice may help them meet their cash requirements in the short-term. However, this decision may be more costly in the long-term than keeping coffee and waiting for a price increase. The availability and cost of credit is critical to this decision. If credit is cheaply available then farmers could delay the cutting decision by borrowing to cover living expenditure and input costs. Fifth, understanding the response of input application to coffee price may help farmers to reduce short-run production costs to improve their income. The relationship between the short-run response of inputs and the cutting decision for those under cash constraints is important to understand. Finally, coffee farmers may optimize their decision by different ‘trigger’ prices for cutting and replanting. This asymmetric response of coffee households could reflect in an asymmetric response of the aggregate coffee area to price changes. Thus, analyzing the pattern of coffee supply in Vietnam may show an asymmetric response to price. An understanding of the coffee supply response in Vietnam provides useful insights for participants in the coffee sector and policymakers. Identification of optimal cutting and replanting rules will be beneficial to coffee producers. 1.2. Objectives Although agriculture and rural development in Vietnam has received great attention from researchers from both Vietnamese institutions and international organizations, there have been limited attempts to study coffee supply response in Vietnam either in aggregate or at farm level. The only published research on Vietnamese coffee farmer cutting and replanting decisions is by Luong and Loren (2006). There have been two 3 Chapter 1. Introduction studies that present estimates of the coffee supply function (Tien, 2006, EDE-IPSARD, 2007). Both considered a symmetric price response of coffee area in Vietnam and estimated the supply function based on aggregate time series data. The lack of empirical research on coffee in general and on farmer’s decisions in particular is a principal motivation for this study. The detailed objectives of the study are: 1. Determine the optimal cutting and replanting rule for coffee farmers in Vietnam, in particular: identify the price at which farmers should cut and replant coffee to maximise their income; investigate how the cutting rule changes with age of the coffee trees; examine how optimal rules change if profit from a substitute crop varies 2. Assess the loss of farm income due to cash constraints, in particular: examine the relationship between expenditure and saving of poor farmers; investigate how saving and loan availability affects the income and optimal rules of farmers 3. Analyze how much farmers can improve their income if they can adjust crop input levels: first, examine the relationship between the yield of coffee and variable costs using cross-sectional data second, investigate changes of farmers’ planting/cutting behaviors and income if they have an optimal short run response 4. Estimate the supply response function for coffee in Vietnam based on time series data. 1.3. Methodology 4 Chapter 1. Introduction Determining the optimal replanting and cutting rules for coffee farmers is a stochastic control problem. In this study, the Dynamic Model with Fixed Form Optimization is used to solve this problem. The Dynamic Model with Fixed Form Optimization is structured as a system of equations (such as revenue, cost and profit) and decision rules for cutting and replanting. The core objective of the models is to find the optimal cutting rules and replanting price to maximise income per unit of land under price uncertainty7. A number of optimal models are developed: The Fixed Yield Optimal Model (FY model) investigates the optimal cutting and replanting price for coffee farmers. The FY model maximises the net present value from a unit of land (here one ha). In this model, the coffee yield function only depends on the age of trees. In addition, representative farmers in the FY model are not restricted by cash constraints when making replanting decisions. Fixed Yield-Cash Constraint Optimal Model (FY-CC model) expands the FY model by adding cash constraints into the FY model. In the FY-CC model, representative farmers take cutting/replanting decisions in a household context, in which expenditure, other income and loan factors constrain choices. Farmers spend their income on living expenses and inputs including hired labour. Thus, the decision rules for the FY-CC model are more complicated than in the FY model. Farmers cannot continue producing coffee if their total budget (income and loans) cannot cover household expenditure and production costs. Similarly, they cannot resume coffee production if their budget is less than the replanting cost. Further development of the FY model and the FY-CC model that captures the short-run response of farmers is presented through Variable Yield Optimal Model (VY model) and Variable Yield – Cash Constraint Optimal Model (VY-CC). In these models, coffee yield varies according to the use of variable inputs, and the level of variable inputs is determined by the price of output. The VY model and VY-CC model answer the main question of how much farmers can improve their income if they can follow an optimal adjustment of input application in the short-run. The “Positive” approach estimates the aggregate coffee supply function using historical time series data. The data used includes coffee area, output, world price, export price, 7 In the model, it is assumed that in cases where farmers cut their coffee trees they will switch to maize. Thus, the income from farm land is the sum of coffee and maize income. 5 Chapter 1. Introduction domestic price, consumer price index (CPI). The data covers a period from 1986 to 2007. 1.4. Data The data used in this study stems from three main sources. The most important source is the Coffee Farm Survey in early 2007 in Dak Lak province by the author. The total sample of the Coffee Farm Survey is 150 households in three districts of Dak Lak: Cu Mgar, Krong Pak and Eakar. All farmers in the Coffee Farm Survey are private smallholders. Table 1.1: Sample of Coffee Farm Survey 2007 in Dak Lak Districts Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar Surveyed Communes Number of interviewed households Cuor dang Cu se Hoa Tien Ea Kuang Cu ri Ea pal 25 25 25 25 25 25 150 Total Source: Thang (2008) The survey collected general information about the households (farm size, land area, education, sources of income), coffee production (coffee area, yield, output, number of plots, sale price, input use, input price, irrigation), credit issues and response of coffee farmers to price uncertainty. The full questionnaire is presented in Appendix C. The Agricultural Census Survey in 2006 (Agrocensus_2006) from General Statistical Office consists of several secondary surveys of which Coffee Efficiency Survey and General Household Survey are used to estimate yield coffee function and analyze coffee household characteristics of Vietnam. Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys (VHLSS) is the source of additional data.. The General Statistic Office (GSO) implemented the first VHLSS in 1992. From 1992 to 2002, the VHLSS was done every 5 years. After 2002, the VHLSS has been implemented every 2 years. VHLSS covers many aspects of household income and expenditure. In this study, the VHLSS are used to investigate saving and expenditure of poor coffee households and to investigate the relationship between income and expenditure. 6 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.5. Thesis Structure Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 reviews the recent development of the coffee sector in Vietnam. The main coffee household characteristics discussed in the chapter are from the Coffee Farm Survey of 2007. An analysis from Chapter 2 provides a review of existing issues of the coffee sector in Vietnam. Chapter 3 reviews the literature on optimal planting and clearing decisions. This chapter discusses different methods of solving the stochastic optimization problems, such as dynamic programming, real option theory, and approximate dynamic programming. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 report the alternative models of optimal cutting/replacement rules. Chapter 4 develops the Fixed Yield Optimal Model (FY model) to determine the cutting and replanting price to maximise the expected NPV per hectare given uncertain coffee prices. Chapter 4 also investigates changes in farmer’s decision when the income of the substitute changes. In Chapter 5, the Fixed Yield-Cash Constraint Optimal Model (FY-CC model) investigates modifications to the optimal rules to account for a situation where coffee farmers are poor and they do not have enough money to cover annual costs or invest in new trees. A brief analysis of poor coffee farmers’ income- expenditure relationship is included in this chapter. Chapter 6 explores the optimal cutting and replanting decisions of coffee farmers with a variable coffee yield function. An estimated yield function identifies the relationship between yield, production cost and age of trees. Thus, optimal yield becomes a function of the coffee price. By including the coffee yield function into the FY model and FYCC model two new models are obtained - the Variable Yield Optimal model (VY model) and the Variable Yield – Cash Constraint Optimal Model (VY-CC model). This chapter contains a discussion of the income and the farmer’s decision, including the short-run response. Chapter 7 presents a synthesis of results from Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Chapter 8 estimates the supply response function of coffee in Vietnam based on aggregate series data from 1985 to 2007. This chapter reports both symmetric and 7 Chapter 1. Introduction asymmetric response functions, with the latter providing an improved explanation of coffee areas in Vietnam. Chapter 9 concludes the thesis and summarizes the main results – discussing the limitations of the study and suggesting ideas for further studies on these issues. 8 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam CHAPTER 2. THE COFFEE SECTOR IN VIETNAM 2.1. Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the agricultural sector in Vietnam. It also reviews recent developments in the coffee sector and highlights the importance of coffee in the rural economy. In addition, this chapter describes the characteristics of farm households producing coffee in Vietnam. The chapter is organised as follows. Section 2.2 presents a brief overview on the agricultural sector in Vietnam. Section 2.3 and Section 2.4 discuss coffee production and export trends, and Section 2.5 provides an analysis of the main characteristics of coffee households. Some conclusions are presented in Section 2.6 2.2. Agricultural Sector in Vietnam Vietnam is a developing country with average GDP in 2008 of $1020 per capita per annum. The total population of Vietnam in 2008 was 86.2 million people of which nearly three-fourths live in rural areas. Agriculture plays a central role in Vietnam’s economy. The GDP from agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounted for 22 percent of the national economy in 2008 (GSO, 2009). Vietnam has achieved strong growth in agricultural production and trade over the past twenty years. This is commonly attributed to infrastructure investment in irrigation and perennial crops before the 1988 “Doi Moi”(Innovation) policy changes that encouraged: market-oriented production and input use; the allocation of individual land use rights; sound macroeconomic policies; and improved credit access for farmers. The annual growth rate of the agricultural sector has been maintained at a record high level of 3.7 per cent per annum for the five years from 2003 to 2008 (MARD, 2008). The rapid growth of the economy after “Doi Moi” policy has benefited most of the Vietnamese population. However, the country remains one of the worlds’ poorest and a relatively high 16 per cent of the population was below the poverty line in 20068. 8 The poverty incidence in Vietnam will be presented in more detail in Chapter 5. 9 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Agriculture contributes about 22 percent of GDP but employs about 70 percent of the workforce. This reflects the low labour productivity in the agricultural sector compared to the rest of the Vietnamese economy. Table 2.1: Key Economic Indicators of Vietnam Indicators Vietnam Population in 2008 (000 persons) Rural population, 2008 (%) GDP per capita (US$) Agricultural GDP per capita, 2008 (US$) Share of extended-agriculture in GDP, 2008 (%) Share of extended-agriculture in labour force, 2008 (%) Annual agricultural GDP growth, 2004-2008 (%) Annual nonagricultural GDP growth, 2004-2008 (%) Poverty rate in 2006* (%) Share of rural poor in total poor in 2006* (%) Source: GSO, 2008 86210 73 1020 304 22 70 3.7 8.7 16 90 *GSO, 2007 Note: Extended agriculture consists of agriculture, forestry and fisheries Agriculture is the engine of rural development, accounting for 77 percent of GDP for the extended agricultural sector (agriculture, forestry and fisheries). In recent years, fisheries have become more important and accounted for nearly 20 percent of GDP in agriculture, forestry and fisheries (see Table 2.2). Table 2.2: GDP in agriculture, forestry and fisheries 2005-2008 (current price, %) 2005 2006 2007 2008 75.6 75.3 75.0 77.2 Forestry 5.7 5.4 5.2 4.9 Fisheries 18.7 19.3 19.8 17.9 Total 100 100 100 100 Agriculture Source: GSO per com. Growth in production has been across most food and industrial crops, with only jute and cotton showing a reduction in output. Since the early 1990s, perennial crops have shown the highest growth rates. In 2008, the total area of tea was 129,000 ha, more than double the tea area in 1990. Over the 1990 to 2008 period, the coffee area increased 4.4 times to over 500,000 ha in 2008. Pepper and cashew also increased significantly. In the same period, the area of pepper rose 5.43 times, from 9200 ha in 1990 to 104,000 ha in 2008. 10 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Prior to 1990, cashews were a minor crop, however, from 1992 rapid growth has led to over 300,000 ha in 2008 (Table 2.3). Rice is the mainstay of smallholders in the agricultural sector and is important for ensuring food security. Between 1990 and 2008, rice area and production grew 1.22 times and 2.01 times, respectively. The rapid development of rice changed Vietnam from a rice importer to an exporter; in 1999 Vietnam ranked third in rice exports behind Thailand and the United States. Some annual industrial crops such as sugar, cassava and soybean also increased markedly. The area under some minor commodities (jute, cotton and tobacco) have tended decline in the 1990-2008 period (see Table 2.3). Table 2.3: Area and output of crops in Vietnam, 1990-2008 1990 Crop Paddy Cassava Cotton Jute Rush Sugarcane Peanut Soybean Tobacco Tea Coffee Rubber Pepper Cashew Agricultural land 2008 Area Output (000 ha) (000 tonnes) 6042.8 256.8 19.2 11.6 11 146.4 217.4 97.3 31.4 59.9 119.3 221.7 9.2 79* 19225.1 2275.8 3.1 23.8 63.6 5405.5 213.2 86.6 21.8 145.1 92.0 57.9 8.6 23.7* 6693 Area (000 ha) 7400.2 543.8 5.8 3.3 11.7 270.7 255.3 192.1 16.6 129.6 525.1 618.6 50 404.9 9436 Output (000 tonnes) 38729 9090.3 8 7.8 84.8 16145 530.3 267.6 28.8 706.8 996.3 662.9 104.5 313.4 Change in area 2008/1990 (times) 1.22 2.12 0.30 0.28 1.06 1.85 1.17 1.97 0.53 2.16 4.40 2.79 5.43 5.13 1.4 Source: GSO per com. Note: * data for cashew area and output are for 1992 Vietnam has become a major world exporter of several agricultural products. Vietnam is the largest exporter of Robusta coffee and pepper and the second largest exporter of rice and cashew. Rice is the largest export commodity in terms of value from Vietnam. In 2008, the export value of rice was over $2.7 billion. Coffee is the second largest export commodity in agriculture, with an export value of $2.1 billion in 2008. Alongside 11 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam agricultural commodities, aquaculture and forestry contribute markedly to earnings from international trade. In 2008, export value of aquaculture and forestry was about $7.4 billion (see Table 2.4). Table 2.4: Agricultural commodity exports in Vietnam, 2007-2008 (mill. $) 2007 2008 % change 2008/2007 Agriculture Coffee 6153 1881 8572 2116 + 39.3 Rubber 1296 1675 + 29.2 Rice 1472 2758 + 87.4 Tea 128 147 + 15.2 Cashew nut 642 914 + 42.4 Groundnut 30 14 - 45.8 Pepper 267 310 + 16.1 Fruit/vegetable 303 394 + 30.0 5 9 + 60.7 Milk, Milk products Oils 35 47 76 101 + 117.1 +114.9 Meat, meat products 46 57 + 25.7 Aquaculture 3752 4436 + 18.2 Forestry Wood, wood products 2564 2330 3004 2764 + 17.2 218 223 + 2.3 16 17 + 6.3 12469 16012 Sugar Bamboo, Jute Cinnamon Total Source: AGROINFO per com9 + 12.5 + 18.6 In 2008, the value of agriculture, forestry and fishery export accounted for over 25 percent of total export of Vietnam (Table 2.5) Table 2.5: Value and share in import-export of agricultural commodity Year 2007 2008 Export Value (bil. $) (%) Value (bil. $) (%) Total 48.56 100 62.68 100 Extended agriculture 12.47 25.68 7.02 11.20 Others 36.09 74.32 55.66 88.80 Total 62.90 100 80.40 100 Extended agriculture 16.01 25.45 10.14 12.61 46.89 74.55 70.26 87.39 Others Source: GSO (2007) and GSO (2009) 9 Import Agroinfo denotes Information Center for Agriculture and Rural Development. 12 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam The development of the agricultural sector has contributed greatly to improving livelihoods of people in rural areas as well as the positioning of Vietnam in international markets. However, despite the success of “Doi Moi”(“Innovation”), the agricultural sector in Vietnam still has a number of economic problems, such as high labour surplus in rural areas, limited land endowment, high poverty incidence, low labour productivity and environmental degradation (Son, 2008). 2.3. Coffee Production Coffee is an important part of Vietnam’s economy – even though the price collapsed in early 2000s it is still the second largest export agricultural commodity after rice, and employs over 600,000 workers, rising to nearly 800,000 workers at the peak of the season or 2.93 percent of the agricultural labour force (The World Bank, 2002). French missionaries introduced coffee to Vietnam in 1857. However, coffee production developed after the unification of Vietnam in 1975. Following reunification and as a result of resettlement programs to move people from densely populated provinces towards sparsely populated provinces in the Central Highlands, the coffee area more than doubled to reach nearly 45,000 ha in 1985 (GSO, 2000). Although ethnic minorities predominated in the region, almost all of the immigrants and most of the new coffee farmers were Kinh people. However, the growth rate of coffee area in 1975-1980 was not high, only 3.56 percent annum on average (see Table 2.6). Coffee production has expanded rapidly since 1980, especially after the “Doi Moi” (Innovation) policy in 1986 that transformed Vietnam from a centrally planned to market-oriented economy. From 1980-1990 the rapid development of coffee was fostered by a policy of land use reforms and relaxed government control. Before 1981, farmers belonged to a cooperative and land belonged to the government. The production contract (“Contract 100”) policy introduced in 1981 radically changed the role of households. Contract 100, reallocated land to individual households, meaning they were still members of cooperatives but it gave farmers more rights in the management of their land. They were required to produce a predetermined quota by cooperatives but they could sell output above the quota. However, maximum forestry land allocated to farmers was only three ha. In addition, all input purchases were through the cooperative (fertilizer, seed, pesticide and irrigation water). 13 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam In 1988, the Contract 10 policy introduced rights for households which had not been covered by the Contract 100 policy. According to Contract 10, farmers had control over the entire management of their land including the purchase and utilization of inputs. The land, assigned for a maximum of 15 years gave households a strong incentive to invest in their farms. The land reforms (Contract 100 and Contract 10) and mass migration to the Central Highlands are the main drivers of the rapid development of the coffee sector from 1980 to 1990. During that period, the coffee area in Vietnam grew on average by 23.2 percent per annum. With considerable improvement in yield, the coffee output in that period had a very high annual growth rate of over 40 percent (Table 2.6). Table 2.6: Changes in coffee production in different periods (%) Period 1975-1980 1981-1990 1991-1999 2000-2008 Area Output Yield 3.56 9.51 6.38 23.29 41.58 13.06 17.27 22.73 5.72 -1.71 7.95 9.81 Source: GSO per com. In the following five-year period, coffee production continued expanding rapidly. The area of coffee increased from around 100,000 ha in early 1990s to nearly 600,000 ha in 1999. A trade liberalization policy within Vietnam and relatively high coffee prices since early 1990 drove the development of coffee during this period. The export price of coffee in Vietnam increased from about $700 per ton in 1990 to over $2000 in the middle of the 1990s (GSO, 2008). Furthermore, land reform continued improving through the Land Law in 1993, strengthening the rights of households. According to the Law, households can use, exchange, transfer, lease, inherit, and mortgage their land. Furthermore, land allocates to households for long-term use (20 years for annual crops and aquaculture, 50 years for perennial crops). In addition, the maximum arable area for perennials was not limited. By removing restrictions to expansion, the Land Law in 1993 facilitated the development of the coffee sector. During the period from 1991 to 1999, the coffee area kept increasing, on average, 17.2 percent per year. The second half of 1990s was a boom period for coffee in Vietnam. The coffee area rose from nearly 160,000 ha in 1993 to 600,000 ha in 1999 (see Figure 2.2). Together with land policy reform, the re-settlement policy generated mass migration to the Central Highlands and contributed significantly to the expansion of the coffee area 14 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam (D’Haeze et al., 2005). Besides large planned migration flows, spontaneous migration was also significant. Attracted by high economic returns for Robusta coffee, spontaneous migration increased rapidly between 1991 and 1995. According to the Settlement Committee of Dak Lak province, about 100,000 people moved to this province in 1991-1995 (see Figure 2.1). Immigrants to the Central Highlands exploited uncultivated land to grow crops (mainly coffee) but the expansion of agricultural land in Central Highland resulted primarily from the conversion of forestland. For example, between 1976 and 2001 forest cover in Dak Lak province decreased by approximately 235,000 hectares to approximately 1 million hectares, approximately the increase in coffee area (D’Haeze et al., 2005). 200000 Official migration Number of people 160000 Spontaneous migration 120000 80000 40000 0 1976-80 1981-1985 1986-90 1991-95 1995-99 2000 Figure 2.1: Migration to Dak Lak province, 1976 to 2000 Source: Settlement Committee of Dak Lak per com The coffee price collapse in the early 2000s had a detrimental effect on coffee producers, processors, traders and exporters. In response to the price fall, many coffee farmers cut their trees and switched to other crops. At that time, the coffee area in Vietnam reduced, from 600,000 ha in 2001 to about 491,000 ha in 2005. The government response to the crisis was to reduce the coffee area. In 2001/2002, the Vietnam government suggested a reduction of about 150,000 ha of coffee. Furthermore, provincial authorities in the main coffee areas such as Dak Lak, Lam Dong proposed to keep the existing area of coffee but not allow any expansion (The World Bank, 2004). More recently, however, in response to an increase in the coffee price, many producers have replanted coffee trees as the price has been gradually increasing (see Figure 2.2). 15 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Alongside the rapid expansion of area, coffee yield has been increasing, especially in the past 10 years. During 1998-2006, coffee yield had an average annual growth rate of 9.8 percent. In general, however, the coffee sector in Vietnam has been developed extensively via area expansion, although yield improvements have contributed to output increase. 700000 2500 Area (ha) yield(kg/ha) 600000 2000 Yield (kg/ha) Area (ha) 500000 1500 400000 300000 1000 200000 500 100000 0 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 0 2008 Figure 2.2: Coffee area development in Vietnam, 1975-2008 Source: GSO per com. There are two coffee varieties in Vietnam– Robusta and Arabica, of which Robusta is the major one, accounting for more than 95 percent of the total coffee cultivation area. Coffee has been planted mainly in the North West of Vietnam, Central Highlands (see Table 2.7)10. The Central Highlands region (including Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Lam Dong province) is the main coffee production area, producing over 90 percent of the national coffee output. Dak Lak is the largest coffee province with total area of about 180,000 ha (approximately 35 percent of national area). 10 The regions of Vietnam are mapped in Figure A1 in Appendix A. The coffee area and output maps in Vietnam are presented in Figure A3 and Figure A4 in Appendix A. 16 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Table 2.7: Coffee production by region in Vietnam, 2008 North West Area New plant (ha) (ha) Harvested Yield Output area (ha) (quital/ha) (tonnes) 4478 707 2 931 12.46 3651 Dien Bien 1029 575 374 16.63 622 Son La 3449 132 2 557 11.85 3029 6621 472 5 491 14.75 8097 82 15.61 128 North Central Coast Thanh Hoa 102 Nghe An 1269 49 1 077 14.08 1516 Quang Tri 4335 209 3 681 16.65 6128 915 214 651 4.99 325 1729 79 1 650 13.15 2170 278 7.01 195 Hue South Central Coast Binh Dinh Phu Yen 278 1174 70 1 104 14.00 1546 277 9 268 16.01 429 480774 10023 456862 21.69 990924 Kon Tum 10360 476 9626 22.61 21764 Gia Lai 76368 337 75788 17.76 134595 Dak Lak 182434 2946 173233 23.98 415494 Dak Nong 75470 2898 70341 19.40 136484 Lam Dong 136142 3366 127874 22.10 282587 37 306 3 011 33 246 15.32 50931 Binh Phuoc 11 130 556 10 215 12.92 13198 Dong Nai 17 729 2 189 15 516 16.30 25294 Binh Thuan 1 381 92 994 13.55 1347 Ba Ria-Vung Tau Source: ICARD per com.11. 7 066 174 6 521 17.01 11092 Khanh Hoa Central Highlands North East South Despite its position as a major exporter, the quality of Vietnamese coffee is still relatively low due to inferior harvest and post-harvest technologies. For instance, about 65 percent of Vietnam’s coffee is graded second class due to high proportions of black and broken beans and high humidity. This affects the price of Vietnam’s coffee in the world market (Chi et al., 2009). 11 ICARD denotes Information Center for Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam. 17 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam The normal production cycle of coffee trees is from 20 to 25 years, of which the first two to three years is the gestation period. Normally, the coffee tree starts to produce ‘‘berries’ from the third year. From the eighth to sixteenth year, the tree reaches its highest yield. The age distribution of coffee trees in 2007 is represented in Figure 2.3. 15-20 years 24% >20 years 9% 0-4 years 5% 5-9 years 22% 10-15 years 40% Figure 2.3: Coffee area structure by age group in Vietnam, 2007 Source: MARD, 2008 With a relatively large share of aging trees, there is a prospect that the quality and yield of coffee in Vietnam will decline in coming years. Thus, policies for encouraging farmers to replace old trees are a big concern of the Vietnam governments. 2.4. Coffee Export More than 90 percent of coffee in Vietnam is exported. The export quantity has increased rapidly since the early 1990s from less than 100 thousand tonnes in 1991 to over 1 million tonnes in 2007. Similarly, export value rose to over $2 billion in 2008. During the period 1991-2008, export quantity grew on average by 17 percent per year, while value increased on average at 30 percent annum (see Figure 2.4 ). 18 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam 1400 2500 Quantity (000 tons) 1200 Value (Mil.USD) 2000 1500 800 mil.$ 000 tons 1000 600 1000 400 500 200 0 0 Figure 2.4: Quantity and value of coffee export in Vietnam, 1991-2008 Source: MARD per com Vietnam is currently the second largest coffee exporter after Brazil. In 2008, Vietnam contributed over 40 percent of Robusta coffee and 13 percent of overall coffee trade in the world market. During the 1995 to 2002 period, the export value of coffee has stagnated due to the falling real price. The export price reduced from over $2000 per ton to less then $500 per tonne in 2001. Since 2002, the coffee price has recovered gradually, resulting in an increase in export value and quantity12. 3000 2500 $/tonne 2000 1500 1000 500 20 08 20 06 20 04 20 02 20 00 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 0 Figure 2.5: Vietnam coffee price export, 1988-2008 (FOB-$ per tonne) Source: MARD per com. 12 The time series data of coffee exports from Vietnam is presented in Table B3 in Appendix B. 19 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam The number of countries to which Vietnam exports is increasing over time. In 2000, Vietnam exported coffee to only about 50 countries. In 2005, the number rose to 80 countries and in 2008, Vietnamese coffee has been exported to about 100 countries throughout the world. The main export markets are the EU (Germany, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, Spain, Italy …), USA and Asia (Japan, Singapore, China, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia); those markets accounts for 58 percent, 15 percent and 21 percent of total export coffee value of Vietnam in 2008, respectively (see Figure 2.6). Ocean Cont. 2% Other 5% Ocean Cont. 1% Asia 12% Africa 7% Asia 21% Latin America 18% West European 59% East European 4% West European 51% Latin America 13% East European 7% In 2005 In 2008 Figure 2.6: Coffee export value of Vietnam by destination (%) Source: General Custom Office of Vietnam per com. Table 2.8 gives the main destinations of Vietnamese coffee in 2005 and 2008. The United States and Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain are the main export markets. Table 2.8: Main markets for Vietnamese coffee in 2005 and 2008 In 2005 In 2008 Quantity Value Destination Quantity (000 tonnes) (mil. $) (000 tonnes) United States 117.7 97.5 Germany 138.5 Germany 92.1 76.1 United States 131.5 Italia 62.6 54.2 Italy 86.4 Spain 63.9 53.8 Belgium 88.5 United Kingdom 46.4 36.7 Spain 78.5 Japan 29.4 25.9 Japan 59.2 France 27.5 22.7 Korea 42.1 Switzerland 27.1 19.5 United Kingdom 35.2 Belgium 23.4 19.3 Switzerland 29.4 South Korea 23.0 18.2 Algeria 22.4 Total Export 892 735 Total Export 1000 Source: General Custom Office of Vietnam per com Destination Value (mil. $) 274.1 211.4 171.1 168.1 148.5 127.5 82.8 69.3 54.4 47.7 2115 20 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Vietnam has important advantages in coffee exports. The natural conditions in the Central Highlands of Vietnam are suitable for growing Robusta coffee (D’Haeze, 2004). The production cost of coffee in Vietnam is relatively low. According to Chi et al (2009), the cost for exported coffee (which includes both production cost and ex-farm gate cost, defined as the cost from farm gate to port) in Vietnam is only 25 cent/lb, while exporting costs for India and Indonesia where Robusta coffee is the important crop are 34 cent/lb and 37 cent/lb, respectively. 60 50 Extra cost Production cost cent/lb 40 30 20 10 0 Vietnam India Indonesia Brazil Figure 2.7: Exporting cost for coffee in some countries (cent/lb) Source: PI-IPSARD (2008) quoted in Chi et al (2009) The advantage of coffee production in Vietnam reflects the Domestic Resource Cost index (DRC)13. Generally, DRC ranges from 0 to 1, with a smaller value implying a competitive advantage because it means Vietnam utilizes less domestic resource to produce one unit of coffee for export. A study by the CAP (2006) on Competition under AFTA shows that the DRC of coffee in 2006 is only 0.37, smaller than rice (0.59) and much lower than rubber (0.7) or tea (0.79). This suggests Vietnam has a comparative advantage in coffee production (see Figure 2.8). n aij p*j 13 j k 1 k Formally, the DRC is defined as p b i , where j=1…k are traded inputs, j=k+1…n are aij p b j j 1 domestic resources and/or non-traded inputs, p* is the shadow price of domestic resources and non-traded inputs, pib is the border price of traded output calculated at the shadow exchange rate and p jb is the border price of the traded input at the shadow exchange rate (Sadoulet and deJanvry 1995) 21 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Rice Coffee Rubber Tea Figure 2.8: DRC of coffee and other export commodities in Vietnam Source: CAP (2006) Son et al. (2005) summarizes strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in the context of export assessment of coffee. The core strengths of coffee in Vietnam are high yield and low production costs. However, low/inconsistent quality, undeveloped post harvest process technology and the shortage of storage capacity are the main problems (see Table 2.9). Table 2.9: SWOT analysis of coffee Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Suitable natural conditions for coffee Low production cost High yield Good experience in coffee cultivation Having concentration area Large export market share , specially Robusta Development of private export Dominated by small households Low/inconsistent quality no brand name/mostly export coffee bean over expansion of coffee area Lack of storage facilities, marketing services Export through intermediaries Underdevelopment of future market, transaction floors Vietnam standards are inconsistent with international standards. Overuse of fertilizer and pesticides Mainly dry process application Lack of risk management measurements Export market diversification Recovery of export market Development of wet processing technique 22 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Government supports to develop brand name , trade promotion Competition from other crops Competition from other exporters Unstable price Over expansion of Robusta Inefficient plan for Arabica development Drought Water resource limitation Source: Son D.K. et al (2005) Threats 2.5. Coffee Households 2.5.1. Farm Size and Distribution Coffee is the most important perennial crop in Vietnam with over 477 thousand households producing in Vietnam, accounting for 3.29 percent of the total number of farm households in Vietnam. The share of coffee households in Vietnam is much higher than rubber households (0.73 percent) and pepper households (1.24 percent) and slightly larger than cashew household’s (3.14 percent). The average of coffee area is 8799 m 2, much higher than average farm-size of tea households and pepper households, but smaller than rubber and cashew (see Table 2.10). Table 2.10: Number of perennial crop households and size in Vietnam Tea Coffee Rubber Cashew Pepper 380751 477235 106139 456141 179478 % farm household 2.62 3.29 0.73 3.14 1.24 Average area (m2/household) Source: GSO (2007) 2414 8799 16906 10274 2470 Number of household The coffee sector in Vietnam is dominated by small households. According to GSO (2007), over 60 percent of coffee households have less than 1 ha of coffee land and 10 percent of households have more than 2 ha of coffee land (see Figure 2.9). Small size and land fragmentation are problems for the coffee sector in Vietnam. Small farms are unable to invest in improved harvest and post-harvest technology and this has led to variable coffee quality. 23 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 under 0.5 ha 0.5-1 ha 1-2 ha 2-3 ha 3-4 ha over 5 ha Figure 2.9: Coffee Household Structure by farm-size (%) Source: GSO (2007) Most coffee households are concentrated in the Central Highlands. According to Agrocensus_2006, nearly 90 percent of coffee households are located in the five provinces in Central Highlands (Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Kon Tum and Lam Dong), of which nearly 40 percent of total households are located in Dak Lak province; 24 percent in Lam Dong and 7.5 percent in North East South. Recently, Vietnam has tried to expand coffee in some provinces in the North Mountains of Vietnam. However, programs for developing Arabica in the North Mountains could not achieve successful results. Thus, coffee area in the region is still very limited14. 427,316 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 36,054 10,463 3,364 North Central Coast South Central Coast 0 Central Highlands North East South Figure 2.10: Distribution of coffee households across Vietnam Source: GSO (2007) 14 The structure of coffee households in Vietnam by farm size in all provinces in Vietnam is presented in Table B6 (Appendix B). 24 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Figure 2.11 gives the distribution of coffee households by number of plots farmed. Nearly 70 percent of household own one plot of coffee land. Small size and land fragmentation are general characteristics of agricultural production in Vietnam. In 2008, the average agricultural land per person in Vietnam was approximately 0.11 ha (GSO, 2008). Due to the high population growth, this number is projected to be only 0.08 ha by the year 2020 (D’Haeze, 2004). However, land for coffee as well as other perennial crops is spatially concentrated compared to that for annual crops such as rice. 3 plots 11% 4 plots 3% 2 plots 17% 1 plot 69% Figure 2.11: Coffee household structure by number of plots (%) Source: Thang (2008) 2.5.2. Starting Year of Coffee Production Coffee became a major crop in Vietnam in the 1980s following its introduction during the French colonization period. As mentioned in Section 2.3, this expansion of the coffee area was due to stimulation by policy reform, migration into the Central Highlands and the development of a coffee market. The most rapid growth of coffee area occurred in the mid 1990s when coffee prices were high. According to the Coffee Farm Survey 2007, about 30 percent of coffee households in Dak Lak province started producing in 1994-1995. 25 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam 20.0 proportion of new coffee growers (%) 4.00 18.0 farm-gate price (USD/kg) 3.50 16.0 3.00 12.0 10.0 8.0 2.50 2.00 price % of new grower 14.0 1.50 6.0 1.00 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.50 0.00 Figure 2.12: Percentage of new coffee farmers and farm-gate price Source: Thang (2008) and GSO (2009) The expansion of coffee area in Central Highlands goes hand in hand with migration into that region. Thus, many coffee households are migrants from other regions. They came to the Central Highlands and exploited bare land or forest for coffee cultivation or bought coffee land from ethnic people. The migration to the Central Highlands has changed the ethnic distribution of the population. Indigenous minorities such as the EDe and the H’Mong, who had made up 48 percent of Dak Lak’s population in 1975, now only account for 20 percent of the population (D’Haeze et al., 2005). According to Agrocensus_2006, in the Central Highlands about 70 percent of coffee households were Kinh people who are not originally local people (see Table 2.11). The rest are local people such as E-De (9.8%), Gia-Rai (5.1%), Co Ho (4.9%). The involvement of a large percentage of ethnic households in coffee production shows the importance of this sector in rural development and social stability. Because a disproportionally large number of ethnic minority people are in low-income groups, they are vulnerable to coffee price shocks. Table 2.11: Distribution of coffee household by groups 26 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam Groups Number of households Percent Kinh people Minor ethnic people In which: E de Gia-Rai Co Ho Nung Ba Na Tay Ma Other 263292 110491 70.44 29.56 36570 19052 18250 7451 6365 6196 3475 139349 9.78 5.1 4.88 1.99 1.7 1.66 0.93 3.52 Total surveyed households 373783 100 Source: Author’s calculation based on Agrocensus_2006 2.5.3. Income Sources Besides coffee, farmers in Central Highlands also cultivate other annual crops such as rice, maize, cassava and sugarcane. Some people also grow other perennial crops such as rubber, pepper, cashew and durian. However, the area of those crops is very limited. Table 2.12: Average crop area of coffee households by district (m2) Rice Maize Cassava Sugarcane Coffee Rubber Pepper Cashew Durian Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar 104 60 0 0 19376 200 101 0 0 2529.0 279.6 20.4 0 9038.8 0 0 0 20.4 2118 0 20 1600 7354 0 234 3270 0 Souce: Thang (2008) Beside crop production, coffee households also participate in other economic activities with livestock production and waged labour as the other main sources. The income and production diversification are important to ensure food security. According to the Coffee Farm Survey 2007, the average revenues of coffee households from livestock in Krong Pak and Cu Mgar were nearly $300 (8.1%) and $200 (3%), respectively. Waged labour is also a good source of income and it is stable across surveyed districts. However, analysis of income sources shows coffee is the most important source of 27 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam income and coffee households have limited opportunities to diversify their income. This makes coffee households vulnerable when the price of coffee goes down. Ability to diversify income of coffee farmers depends on different factors. Agergaard et al (2009) indentified four factors which influence the possibility for livelihood diversification of coffee farmers in Daklak province such as (i) the ethnic background of the inhabitants. (ii) the specific period in which settlements become coupled to the dynamics of the global value chain. This relates to the timing of when smallholders started to benefit from their investments in coffee (iii) organisation of coffee marketing activities, (iv) constraints of remote and undeveloped areas. Table 2.13: Earning sources of coffee households in 2006 ($) Source of revenue 1.Crop from coffee 2.Livestock 3. Aquaculture 4. Wage/salary 5. Pension 6.Other income Total Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar 5643 5565 204.7 0 295.7 2.1 37.5 6182.9 3042 2906 299.9 5.1 144.2 39.8 169.2 3700.4 2680 1918 29.9 303.8 263.2 0 37.5 3314.8 Source: Thang (2008) Note: earning sources from activities are measured by sale revenue. 2.5.4. Profitability of Coffee Production The production cost of coffee varies across districts. This depends on favorable natural conditions for coffee such as soil, water, slope and the weather. According to a Coffee Farm Survey in 2007, the average annual cost of coffee production in Cu Mgar district and Krong Pak district was about $980 per ha. This cost was lower at $920 per ha in the Eakar district (Table 2.14). Fertilizer is the largest cost component with about 45-50 percent of total cost. Next is labour, with about 35-40 percent. Expenditure for electricity and fuels are also important, accounting for 15-20 percent of total annual production cost. Yield varied across districts. This affects revenue and profit for coffee farmers. On average, profit per ha achieved by coffee farmers in Cu Mgar was $1775, Krong Pak ($1638) and Eakar ($1395). These profits reflect the relatively high price of coffee in 28 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam that year. A simple simulation of coffee revenue earned by coffee household at the 2002 price with an assumption of the same cost in 2006 are presented in Table 2.14. This assumption may not hold because farmers respond by reducing input use during periods of low prices. Table 2.14: Coffee farm performance in Daklak province, Vietnam 2006 ($/ha) Annual cost ($/ha) Fertilizer Manure Micro fertilizer Labour Electricity/fuel Irrigation fee Others Yield (kg of coffee bean/ha) Price ($/kg coffee bean) Revenue ($/ha) Profit ($/ha) Price in 2002 ($/ha) Revenue 2002 ($/ha) Simulated profit in 2002 ($/ha) Source: Thang (2008) Cu Mgar district Value ($) % 978.1 100 290.9 29.7 67.0 6.9 26.0 2.7 363.7 37.2 199.5 20.4 0 0 30.9 3.2 2165 1.3 2753.3 1775.2 0.31 671.1 -307 Krong Pak district Value ($) % 977.5 100 475.7 48.7 38.6 4.0 5.7 0.6 345.7 35.4 111.8 11.4 0 0 33.3 3.4 2037 1.3 2615.6 1638.1 0.31 631.4 346.1 Eakar district Value ($) % 920.5 100 367.6 39.9 0.5 0.1 60.6 6.6 368.8 40.1 153.5 16.7 2.6 0.3 24.7 2.7 1867 1.2 2316.3 1395.7 0.31 578.7 341.8 Production cost varies among regions and households but most values are between $900 and $1200 per ha. Figure 2.13 shows the distribution of coffee production cost during 2006. 29 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam 0.0015 Density 0.001 0.0005 0 0 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 Cost per ha (USD) Figure 2.13: Distribution of coffee production cost, 2006 ($ per ha) Source: Thang (2008) 2.5.5. Source of Water The coffee households use different water sources for coffee, namely surface water resources (reservoirs and irrigation perimeters) and groundwater sources (i.e. from, hand-dug and drilled wells). According to the Coffee Farm Survey, over 60 percent of farmers used water from wells as their main source, and in Cu Mgar this proportion reached 96 percent. About 30 percent of the households principally used water from a nearby reservoir and lakes (see Table 2.15). This result is quite similar to a study by D’haeze (2004) in which he estimated that 21 percent of irrigation water in Dak Lak was extracted from surface water stored in artificial ponds and water reservoirs, 29 percent comes from natural rivers, streams and lakes and 57 percent is extracted from ground resources. Table 2.15: Main source of water (%) District Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar Total Source: Thang (2008) Wells 96 51.02 34 60.4 Lake, dam 0 28.57 66 31.54 Streams 4 20.41 0 8.05 Total 100 100 100 100 30 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam According to Chi and D’haeze (2005), coffee producers in Dak Lak mainly use two irrigation methods: basin and overhead sprinkler irrigations. Sprinkler irrigation is the most widespread method in coffee growing countries because this irrigation system can operate efficiently even in mountainous areas with uneven topography. Sprinkler irrigation can also apply a uniform amount of water over the tree canopy. Nevertheless, this method requires expensive irrigation facilities, high risk of water losses especially in windy conditions, and high-energy consumption because of high pumping pressure required for sprinklers. Coffee producers also use a basin irrigation method. This method has several advantages such as low initial investment cost, inconsiderable water losses, lower energy costs and low evaporative losses. However, basin irrigation method is labor intensive (operation costs and basin maintenance). Chi and D’haeze (2005) found that 85 % of their households in surveyed sites used the basin irrigation method, while only 15% used sprinklers. All the interviewed households of ethnic minority origin used basin irrigation, while sprinkler systems were only observed in Kinh households. Water supply is an important factor affecting the yield and quality of coffee cherries. According to farmers’ assessment, only 72 percent of households reported that they had enough water for coffee. Those farmers estimated that if there was a sufficient supply of water for coffee the yield could increase by about 20 percent compared to the current level. Table 2.16: Is yield limited by water (%) District Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar Total Source: Thang (2008) Enough Not enough 64 89.8 48 72.97 36 10.2 52 27.03 % increase with enough water 30 9.64 20.85 21.06 However, coffee production in the Central Highlands is facing water scarcity. There was a reduction of water flows in all rivers in the Central Highlands in 2003 – down by 20 and 50 percent on 2002 levels. The drought conditions resulted in a water supply shortage for 100,000 households in the Central Highlands (The World Bank, 2004). Similarly, in 2004 approximately 70,000 hectares of coffee was damaged or lost due to the water shortage. However, previous studies (D’Haeze et al., 2003, D’Haeze, 2004) pointed out that the amount of water presently used by coffee farmers exceeds the crop 31 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam water requirement and therefore endangers water resources in the region. To develop sustainable coffee production, apart from an irrigation program for constructing water reservoirs, training for farmers is also necessary. 2.6. Conclusion Coffee is an important crop in Vietnam’s agricultural sector. It is the second largest export agricultural commodity in Vietnam after rice. The coffee sector accounts for about 3.29 percent of total households in Vietnam. Most coffee households are located in provinces in the Central Highlands of Vietnam such as Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Lam Dong. The coffee production in Central Highlands accounts for over 90 percent of national output. The first planting of coffee in Vietnam occurred in 1857 but only became a commercially significant crop after the “Doi Moi” policy of Vietnam in 1986. The area of coffee increased exponentially, from 50,000 ha in 1986 to a peak level of about 600,000 ha in 2000. Policy reform (Contract 100, Contract 10, Land Law in 1993, resettlement policy, trade liberalization policy) and the development of a high price in the international market was a major contributing factor in the development of the coffee sector in Vietnam. The rapid expansion of the coffee area has made Vietnam an important coffee exporting country. At present, Vietnam contributes over 40 percent of Robusta and about 13 percent of the total world coffee market. In general, Vietnam has a comparative advantage in coffee production with high yields and low cost. With more than 90 percent of coffee output in Vietnam exported, the coffee price in Vietnam depends heavily on the international price. Low prices in 2002 led many farmers to cut coffee and switch to other crops. During three seasons (2001/2002 to 2004/2005), the coffee area in Vietnam reduced over 100,000 ha. In addition, despite achieving this rapid expansion, the coffee sector in Vietnam faces significant economic challenges. First, small farm sizes dominate the coffee sector. Second, a high percentage of coffee households are minority ethnic people with low levels of education. Third, a high proportion of coffee households are poor and have limited opportunities to diversify their income. 32 Chapter 2 The coffee Sector in Vietnam With such characteristics, coffee farmers are vulnerable to price fluctuations. In the following chapters, several models analyze the supply response of coffee and identify the optimal rules for coffee farmers in Vietnam. Chapters 4, 5, 6 apply the Fixed Form Optimization approach to analyze coffee farmer’s decision at individual or household level. Chapter 8 uses a “positive” approach to analyze the coffee supply response at an aggregate level. 33 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review CHAPTER 3. STOCHASTIC OPTIMAL INVESTMENT DECISION FOR PERENNIAL CROPS: A LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1. Introduction As established in Chapter 2, coffee is vitally important to Vietnam’s economy. The increased supply of coffee since the early 1990s led to the price reduction in the early 2000s that significantly reduced producers’ incomes. Due to the price collapse, a large number of households cut down coffee trees and switched to other crops. Many farmers lost money on their investments in coffee gardens. The expansion of the coffee area by farmers in Vietnam occurred rapidly without the intervention of the Government. Managing a farm is complex and the choice of farm strategy may be influenced by the farmer's knowledge of crop husbandry, machinery availability, economic/commercial factors, political events, legal constraints, historical trends, climate/weather, environmental issues, personal circumstances and any number of practical considerations (Pannell, 1996). In addition, coffee is a perennial crop, thus deciding when to plant or when to clear coffee trees is much more complicated than for annual crops. The investment decisions of farmers (including the planting, replanting, and cutting decision) are determined by factors such as: (i) resource availability, land, capital and labour; (ii) the age of orchards; (iii) profit expectations; (iv) relative profitability of substitute crops, such as rice and (v) risk aversion (Ruf and Burger, 2001). The main objective of this study is to solve the stochastic optimal control problem of coffee farmers by identifying the optimal removal and replanting price for coffee farmers to maximise the expected income from land use. Thus, the problem for the representative coffee producer considered in this study is one of achieving an optimal harvest, including planting and removing trees, under stochastic conditions. This chapter reviews the literature on optimal planting and clearing decisions. Prior to detailing stochastic optimal control methods, the next section begins with some basic theoretical models for optimal harvest of perennial crops. 34 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review 3.2. Theoretical Models for Optimal Investment Decision The fundamental questions for perennial crop and forestry economics are: when should farmers harvest or clear fell and when should they replant? This issue was first considered by forestry economists when they tred to determine the optimal harvesting rotation. Faustmann (1849) presents the first robust solution to the optimal rotation problem (Faustmann, 1995, Samuelson, 1976, Brazee, 2007). In this model, all parameters including stumpage price, replanting cost, the discount rate and timber volume function are deterministic and constant over time. The forest owners maximise the net present value (NPV) of their land. These assumptions imply that the optimal harvesting age is the same in every rotation. The basic Faustmann optimal NPV is given as (Samuelson, 1976, Faustmann, 1995, Buongiono, 2001, Brazee, 2007): Maximise V (T ) e iT G (T ) C e iT (e iT G (T ) C ) e (e iT G (T ) C )(1 e iT e 2 iT 2iT (e iT G (T ) C ) ... (3.1) ...) iT e G (T ) C 1 e iT where C is replanting cost, i is discount rate, T is harvest age and G(T ) is the value of stumpage harvested at age T. In the basic Faustmann model, the opportunity cost of land is the present value of future rotations. The opportunity cost may be the income from non-forestry crops. Let S be the maximum NPV of land from either non-forestry uses ( W ) or land expectation value (site value). Thus, the objective function (3.1) becomes: Maximize V (T ) e iT G (T ) C e iT S (3.2) To find the optimal harvest time, (3.2) is differentiated with respect to T and the derivative is set equal to zero e iT dG(T ) iG (T ) iS dT (3.3) 0 or dG(T ) dT (3.4) iG(T ) iS 35 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review After the first rotation, if non-forestry crops are more profitable than forestry uses, S is replaced by W in (3.4). Otherwise, income from forestry uses is higher, then (3.4) is rearranged as e it G(T ) C iG(T ) i 1 e iT dG(T ) dT i(G(T ) C ) 1 e iT (3.5) The results in (3.3) to (3.5) are the “Faustmann rule”. The assumptions of the Faustmann model characterize its weaknesses. The assumptions of the basic Faustmann model omits many important factors that affect the optimal rotation age and decision of farmers. Providing a more complete analysis for optimal decision of forestry growers, many economists extend the Faustmann model in various ways: by adding tax on forest value (Klemperer, 1976, Chang, 1982), including silvicultural efforts of the forest (Samuelson, 1976) and subtracting harvest cost, road building and maintenance costs at the time of harvest from the revenue (Heaps and Neher, 1979). The Faustmann rule has been applied not only in defining the optimal harvest age for a forest, where the yield is determined at the end of the economic life of the tree, but also in investigating the investment decision of agricultural crops (perennial crops) where there are continuous flows of benefits. Jayasuriya et al (1981) used a dynamic profit maximization model for analyzing the long-term investment decision of Sri Lankan rubber smallholders. The rubber farmers face the decision problem of when to replant existing trees. The study presents an analysis of planting decision and investigates the relevance of conventional investment decision criteria for rubber smallholders. The analysis starts from the formulation of NPV of the crop sequence: (3.6) T iT NPV R(t )e dt S (T )e iT 0 where R(t ) is net revenue in the year when the age of trees is t year; S (T ) is a salvage value at the end of its life in year T ; i is the discount rate 36 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review The optimal condition for maximizing NPV of the earning stream is: i R(T ) S '(T ) 1 e (3.7) T iT R(t )e dt S (T ) iT o When data is available in discrete form, this equation can be expressed as R(T ) S (T ) 1 (1 i) (3.8) S i t (1 i) R(t ) S (T ) T where i is the interest rate, t 1 S is change in salvage value in year T The optimal replacement age occurs when the marginal revenue from these trees (i.e income in current period plus the increase in salvage value as a result of keeping it for another period) falls below the highest perpetual annuity from the replacement crop. Farmers select the crop with highest NPV to replace the standing rubber tree and they replace the current trees when marginal revenue from these trees fall below the level of highest perpetual annuity from the replacement crop. By analyzing two groups: rubber replanters and non-rubber replanters (people who do not replant rubber), the study identifies the main reasons to explain why they continue tapping the existing trees (mainly due to low current income from current trees), why they decide on replacement (the common reason is old trees). However, this study does not investigate the relationship between cutting decision and age of rubber trees. Furthermore, the study does not investigate the price levels at which rubber smallholders should cut or replant. Applying the Faustmann formula, Kearnev (1994) used a dynamic LP approach to analyze the planting and replacement decision of farmers for pip fruit in New Zealand. The objective of the model is to explore the optimal variety mix for an individual apple orchard. The choice of variety mix within the orchard is an important strategic decision because the trees take 10 years to reach the maturity and consumer’s preferences change over time. The decision variables are NP1tj (where NP1tj is area of new planting of variety j at the beginning of year t in age class 1) and Aijt (where Aijt is area of age group i of variety j at the end of year t after removals have been deducted) The objective function is given by: 37 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review T Rt Maximise Z = t in which Rt 1 1 (1 i )t Akjt GM kjt FC t where R t is net return from Akjt and Akjt is area planted for each age group k and variety j, GM ijt is gross margin for age class k for variety j in year t, FC t is fixed costs in year t, i is the discount rate. The constraints of the model include land limitation, a cash constraint and harvest capacity constraint. The apple prices in the model were the average national price in the first year. The prices, assumed to reduce over the following 10 years at different rates for each variety and become stable for the remaining 10 years. The results from the model show the maximised profit, the removal of each variety and area change from 1991 to 2000. However, the model is deterministic with the impact of age on the cutting rule and possible input response of farmer in the short-run when ignoring price changes. The determination of the optimal harvest age for a growing forest has received a great deal of attention by economists. However, in the Faustmann model, the only economic value of a forest is through its wood production. However, other values of the standing trees ignore issues such as flood control, recreation, and other services. To incorporate those benefits into the basic Faustmann model, Hartman (1976) develops a model to analyse the optimal harvesting time when a standing forests has a additional non-timber values (denoted by F (t ) ). The additional non-timber values are assumed to increase with the age of trees. Let G(t ) be still the stumpage value at age t. In the simple model of one cutting forest, the objective is to maxinise the sum of the integral of discounted benefits F (t ) plus the discounted value of timber at harvest time. Mathematically, the problem is to find t to maximise (Hartman, 1976): (3.9) t it V (t ) it e F (t )dt e G (t ) 0 where i is the discount rate and t is the harvest age. 38 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review To find the optimal age T , one needs to solve the first order condition for a maximum V ' (t ) e it F (t ) G ' (t ) iG (t ) (3.10) 0 F (t ) G ' (t ) iG (t ) G ' (t ) G (t ) i F (t ) G (t ) and the second order condition is V '' (t ) ie it F (t ) G ' (t ) iG(t ) e it F ' (t ) G '' (t ) iG ' (t ) 0 (3.11) After replacing (3.10) into (3.11), the second order condition simplifies to: (3.12) F ' (t ) G '' (t ) iG ' (t ) The first order condition for optimality shows that the marginal loss by delaying cutting the trees one period is equal to the gain from postponing the harvest (it is the summation of recreational value and timber value over one period). In the absence of recreational value ( ( F (t ) 0) , the landowner should harvest the forest if its growth is equal to the discount rate. With recreational values, the landowner should harvest at a later age, when the growth rate is less than the discount rate. The conditions in (3.10)-(3.12), as mentioned earlier, are applied for the first harvest. For indefinite sequence of harvests, the objective now is to maximise (3.13) T it V (t ) G (t ) e e 2 it e 3it it ... e F (t )dt 1 e it e 2 it ... 0 T G (t )e it e ix F (t )dt 0 1 e it The first order condition for maximizing V (t ) is V ' (t ) ie it G (t ) e it G ' (t ) e it F (t ) (1 e it ) (3.14) T G (t )e it e ix F (t )dt ie it (1 e it ) 2 0 39 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review (3.15) T e F (t )dt ix G ' (t ) G (t ) 1 i 1 e 0 it it G (t )(1 e ) F (t ) G (t ) T The difference between (3.15) and (3.10) is the term in the brace. Because e ix F (t )dt 0 T and are positive, thus G(t ) 1 1 e e ix F (t )dt 0 it G (t )(1 e it ) is greater than 1, so T 1 i 1 e e ix F (t )dt 0 it G (t )(1 e it ) (which is referred to as the effective discount rate) is greater than the normal discount rate i. This change makes the optimal harvest age of the infinite time horizon harvest decision different from the one harvest horizon. 3.3. Faustmann Model with Risk In the optimal Faustmann model, a standing tree will grow until it reaches maturity unless cut down by the landowners. However, it is assumed that this is known with certainty - ignoring risk factors that affect optimal harvesting. Reed (1984) investigates risk of fire on the optimal rotation of a forest. Based on the basic Faustmann formula, Reed investigated the optimal harvest age for maximizing the expected return of a forest under the risk of fire. According to Reed’s model, the optimal cutting age to maximise the long-run expected yield is 15 ' V (T ) (3.16) (V (T ) C ) 1 e T where C is replanting cost and is the probability of fire occurrence per unit of time in a Poisson process. V (t ) is the stumpage value of a stand of trees at age t. This is the 15 To see how to get the optimal rules with risk of fire in detail, see Reed (1984) 40 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review same as Faustmann formula in (3.5) with the discount rate i replaced by the probability of fire occurrence . The optimal cutting age to maximise the expected discounted yield is ' V (T ) ( i)(V (T ) C ) 1 e ( i )T (3.17) This is also as the same as Faustmann formula in (3.5) but the discount rate i is replaced by ( i) . Thus, the effect on optimal rotation of fire risk is the same as that of an increase in discount rate by an amount of average rate at which fire occurs. This shortens the rotation length. In general, theoretical models for optimal harvest decision by Faustmann (1995), Hartman (1976) and Reed (1984) are useful to identify the optimal age for cutting the standing trees. However, they do not address the price uncertainty problem. In this case, there is no fixed output price as in the Faustmann model, and it varies stochastically. In addition, those models have not developed the detailed analytical framework to analyse the optimal cutting and replanting decision. When adding such factors into a problem of the optimal cutting decision, the problem becomes much more complicated. However, different mathematical methods may solve these problems. The next section will review different methods for solving the stochastic optimal control problem. 3.4. Stochastic Optimal Control Methods This section provides a literature review of different methods to solve the problem of stochastic optimal control. The discussion summarizes different methods including Dynamic programming, Real option approach, and other techniques for solving the complex dynamic problem. 3.4.1. Dynamic Programming (DP) Dynamic programming (DP) is a numerical and analytical method to solve dynamic optimization problems. It is based upon the principle of optimality which states that an optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting 41 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review from the first decision (Bellman, 1957). This principle gives the recurrence relation function or Bellman equation as (Dixit and Pyndyck, 1994, Kennedy, 1986): Ft ( xt ) Maxut t (3.18) 1 ( xt , ut ) 1 i t Ft 1 ( xt 1 ) where Ft ( xt ) is the outcome - the expected net present value, ut is a control variable, xt is a state variable, t ( xt , ut ) is intermediate profit flow, (1 1 i) is the discount factor and i is the discount rate. The aim is to choose the sequence of controls ut over time to maximise the expected net present value. DP is a technique ideally suited for use in finding the optimal sequencing problems of inputs and harvesting outputs in many types of agricultural products. Those problems entail decisions which are sequential, risky and irreversible (Kennedy, 1986). Furthermore, Kennedy (1986) also points out that DP is a technique particularly suited for obtaining numerical solutions to problems that involve functions which are nonlinear, stochastic or models in which state and decision variables are constrained to a finite range of values. Dynamic programming has found wide use in pest management, water resources, fisheries, and in the management of animal populations. However, DP can analyze crop rotations, and find the optimal cutting time for forest trees. Burt and Allison (1963) applied stochastic dynamic programming to analyze the decision to leave land fallow or plant wheat with soil moisture as the state variable. The model answered the question “when should the farmers fallow land?” The study indicates that an optimal policy based on soil moisture at wheat planting time will give an expected return per year of about 13 percent higher than a policy of continuous wheat and 30 percent than the fallow and wheat. Dynamic Programming applies in farm forestry analysis to identify the optimal cutting time. As noted previously, the question of optimally deciding when to cut down a tree is a major concern for forestry economics. Matheson (2007) applied DP for finding optimal harvest length when replanting is addressed. This is different from the previous standard model without replanting decision. Without replanting, farmers simply cut the timber if the growth rate is equal to the discount rate. However, with the presence of replanting and cutting costs, the tree-cutter has three options in each period: (i) leaving 42 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review the trees for later harvest (ii) cutting the trees and replant; (iii) cutting the trees and leaving land idle. The decision is based on the objective of present value maximization. The functional equation is given by: v(k ) max (3.19) v h(k ) , k v(0) RC , k In this equation, v k decision options. is the maximum value of the tree given the three alternative is the discount factor { 1/ (1 i) }; h is the growth function of the tree and represented by a third-degree polynomial form of time; k is the size of tree and kt 1 h( kt ) . RC is the replanting cost and is assumed constant overtime. Price of timber is exogenous and assumed to be 1. This equation is not solved analytically. The author uses a numerical method to find the optimal time for cutting. In this study, the author also simulated to find the optimal time when the discount rate was changed. Different factors determine the forestry yield such as variety, resource management and more importantly climate. To analyze the decision of the forester with weather uncertainty, Jia (2006) applied DP to find out the optimal forest rotation decision for loblolly pine in North Carolina (USA) under climate fluctuations. Two factors determine the growth of trees: genetics and climate in which the genetic effect is deterministic, and climate fluctuation is stochastic. A quadratic function of tree age expresses the growth of timber. The climate effect is introduced by using a multiplicative factor L, and in the paper, Jia investigated the optimal rotation in two possible cases: (i) L is assumed to follow a firstorder autoregressive process and (ii) L is a random walk model. The growth function with both effects would be: Y R (nt 1 ) Y R (nt ) L(nt ) Y (nt ) (3.20) R R n where Y (nt 1 ) is realized yield in year t 1 , Y (nt ) is realized yield in the previous year nt, L(nt ) Y (nt ) is the realized new growth in year nt , which is the product of 43 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review natural growth and the climatic fluctuation effect. The revenue function from timber is: R Y (nt , Lt ) PY ( Lt , nt ) K (3.21) where Y ( Lt , nt ) is saw timber yield (mbf/ac) obtained from a t year-old forest-stand, K is the given value of bare-land. The Bellman’s equation for a planning horizon of T years is: Vt (Yt , Lt , nt , X t ) max R(Yt , Lt ), ERt 1 (Yt 1 , Lt 1 ) where (3.22) is the discount factor, V is a reward function, and E is the expected value of timber. With the decision of cutting or keeping to maximise present value of forest over a certain time horizon, the author used DP to solve the problem of finding the optimal rotation age. The results of the study could identify the relationship between the climatic effect and age of tree and the expected rotation ages in both climate simulations. However, the model assumed a constant price so it did not identify at what price farmers should cut and replant. With biological features of forestry crops, DP has been applied to analyze tree production cycle/cutting time under the different impacts and conditions such as timber stock and resource management (Dixon and Howitt, 1980), stochastic price (Penttinen, 2006, Chladná, 2007), change in environment (Chladná, 2007), and interest rate variability (Alvarez and Koskela, 2004). The application of DP is very popular to solve optimization problems for farmers’ planning horizon in number of years. However, the increase in number of state and decision variables brings a computation burden when solving the DP problem. This issue has been termed “the curse of dimensionality” (Bellman and Dreyfus, 1962), often causing it to be dismissed. With the support of modern computation techniques, the capacity of current computers limits the maximum number of state variables to three. However, in many cases it is possible to use other approaches to solve approximately a DP problem with many state variables (Kennedy, 1981). One of the important approaches refers to Reinforcement Learning (RL) or Neuro- Dynamic 44 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review Programming (NDP) or Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP). In this approach, they use basis functions or neural networks to retain an estimate of the value function at each iteration within a dynamic programming algorithm. ADP primarily solves “the curse of dimensionality”. ADP avoids the exponential increase of computations by using parametric approximate representations of the cost-to-go function. Compared to traditional DP, which performs exhaustive sampling of the entire state space in solving the stage-wise optimization, these approaches sample only a small, crucial fraction of state space and thus require less computation. The detailed descriptions of RL, NDP or ADP is presented in Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis (1996), Sutton and Barto (1998), and Powell (2007). 3.4.2. Real Option Approach The conventional approach in selecting investment projects where there is uncertainty about future market conditions is based on the comparison of expected net present value. However, this basic principle is often erroneous because the expected net present value is built on faulty assumptions. Either the investment is reversible (it can somehow be undone and the expenditure recovered should market conditions turn out to be worse than anticipated), or if the investment is irreversible, it is a now or never proposition: if the firm does not make the investment now, it will not be available in the future (Dixit and Pyndyck, 1994). In most cases, one can delay investment. Thus to analyze the investment decision one needs to develop a better framework to address the issues of irreversibility, uncertainty and time. A firm that has an opportunity to invest is holding something like a financial option. The development of the option approach brings a richer framework for investment analysis. There are a number of detailed introductions to the options approach to investment (Dixit and Pindyck, 1994, Smith, 2004, Gilbert, 2004). An option exists when a decision maker has the right, but not the obligation, to perform an act. For example, financial options, the mostly common option in economics, give the owners the right, but not an obligation, to buy or sell financial assets at a predetermined price before a particular event. According to Gilbert (2004) and Mauboussin (1999), the real-options approach applies financial options theory to real investments, such as manufacturing plants, product line extensions, and research and development. Analogously, companies that make strategic investments have the right, but not the obligation, to exploit these opportunities in the future. 45 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review Real options refer to the fact that firms have similar rights with regard to real (nonfinancial) assets. Options add value as they provide opportunities to take advantage of an uncertain situation as the uncertainty resolves itself over time. The combination of two things need to be in place for a real option to exist: there must be uncertainty in terms of future project cash flows and management must have the flexibility to respond to this uncertainty as it evolves. Two well-known approaches for valuing an investment using real options theory are dynamic programming (DP) and contingent claims (CC). DP, presented in the previous section, is an older approach developed by Bellman and others in the 1950s and used extensively in management science. The Contingent Claims approach assumes the existence of a sufficiently rich set of markets in risky assets so that the stochastic component of the risky project under consideration can be exactly replicated (Insley and Wirjanto, 2010). Both CC and DP get a mention in the natural resources literature, especially in forestry economic modeling to determine the optimal harvesting decision. In the forestry economics literature, however, the DP approach has generally dominated (Insley and Wirjanto, 2010). There are numerous studies on forestry investment analysis by applying the real option approach and using DP. Most recent studies have focused on the optimal harvesting time of standing trees under price uncertainty. Thomson (1992) compares the optimal rotation ages of the Faustmann model with fixed timber prices with a binomial option-pricing model when prices follow a diffusion process. The study shows that the stand NPV from diffusion model is generally higher than Faustmann NPV and the rotation lengths are longer except at high prices where they are the same as the Faustmann rotation. Most studies of forestry investment analysis using option models have tried to expand the conventional approach by looking at more complicated variation process of timber price. Gjolberg and Guttormsen (2002) also investigate the impact of price variability on cutting decisions of forestry owners by looking at real option valuation of forest when prices are mean reverting. They indicate that the mean reverting price may significantly increase the option value in the forest investment as compared to the Faustmann rules. Insley (2002) applies DP and the real option approach to determine the value of the option to harvest standing trees in Canada and the optimal cutting time when lumber price is assumed to follow a known stochastic process (mean reversion and geometric Brownian motion). This study found that the mean reverting process had a significant impact on the optimal cutting decision and on the value of the 46 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review forestry investment rather than geometric Brownian motion process. In addition, for prices below the mean, a process of mean reversion has an option value higher than that of geometric Brownian motion. Kaakyire and Nanang (2004) also compare the forestry investment using the static Faustmann model and the real options approach but they use the binomial optionpricing model, where timber values are assumed to follow a multiplicative binomial process. By looking at four different management options (reforestation delay, expansion of the wood processing plant, abandon of the processing plant because of low timber prices and multiple options), the model results show that option analysis supported the reforestation investment although the Faustmann model rejected it. All options show that the reforestation investment was highly valuable for the owner. Insley and Rollins (2005) extend the model of Insley (2002) to a multi-rotational framework using a linear complementary formulation to estimate the value of a representative stand in Ontario’s boreal forest (Canada)16. The multi-rotation model can represent the “pathdependent option”. For the multi-rotational optimal harvest problem, the value of a stand today depends on the quantity of lumber, and thus depends on when harvesting of the stand took place. The important improvement of the linear complementary formulation is that it can assure that the solution will converge to a correct answer and the accuracy can be checked easily. Most recent studies using a real options approach and DP technique just focus on identifying the optimal harvesting decision for the stand of trees under different random price processes. They are rarely concerned about the price level at which cutting and replanting should occur. Furthermore, in many projects, the investment sequence covers many stages and control variables. Sometimes a firm in a sequential investment using DP cannot compute the identification of entry and exit points because of “the curse of dimensionality”. As mentioned earlier, however, in many cases, researcher can use Approximate Dynamic Programming approach for solving the problem of the curse of dimensionality (Powell, 2007). Although application of real options theory to study “entry and exit” decision of farmers is limited, it is more popular in financial and other sectors (Dixit and Pindyck, 1994). The expected output of entry and exit model using option theory is very similar to the coffee model in this study when identifying the optimal cutting (actually it is the exit 16 linear complementary formulation is described detail in Insley and Rollins (2005) 47 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review point) and replanting (entry point) prices. In the entry and exist model, the solution is a pair of trigger prices for entry and exits. Mathematically, the model can be described as follows (Dixit, 1989, Dixit and Pindyck, 1994): Let P be market price, determined exogenously. P follows the geometric Brownian motion as: dP P (3.23) dt dz or dP Pdt dt Where dz is the increment of a standard Wiener process, uncorrelated across time and E (dz ) 0, E (dz 2 ) dt . is trend growth rate of market price P and is the firm’s discount rate. where is a random number. Let V0 ( P ) be the expected net present value of an idle investment. Similarly V1 ( P) is the variable cost of a unit; k is the cost of investment defines for the active state; per unit of output; l is the cost of investment suspension per unit of output; PH is the market price level at which investment occurs and P L is the market price level at which abandonment occurs. The value of investment is V ( P, t ) . By a second order Taylor series, dV can be approximated as dV V dP P V dt t 1 2V (dP)2 2 2 P 2 V dPdt P t In the limit, dP, dt go to zero but (dP ) 2 V dP P V dt t Replacing dP Pdt dV dV V P P V t 1 2V 2 P2 2 1 2V (dt )2 2 2 t (3.24) P 2 dt . So (3.24) becomes (3.25) 2 2 P dt dt , it yields: 1 2V 2 P2 2 P 2 dt V P P (3.26) dt Since this is an infinite horizon problem, the derivative V can be deleted. t 48 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review 1 '' V ( P) P V ( P) 2 ' dV (3.27) 2 P 2 ' dt V ( P) P dt Taking the expected value of both sides, because E ( 1 '' V ( P) P V ( P) 2 ' E (dV ) dt ) 0 , so we have (3.28) 2 P 2 dt In asset equilibrium conditions, the expected capital gain of an idle project ( dV0 ( P ) ) is equal to normal return ( V0 ( P )dt ), so (3.29) 1 '' V0 ( P) P V0 ( P) 2 ' 2 P 2 dt V0 ( P)dt (3.30) 1 '' V0 ( P) P V0 ( P) 2 ' 2 P 2 V0 ( P) 0 Similarly, one can calculate the return on assets of an active project. The only difference is that there is dividend added to the expected capital gain. (3.31) 1 '' V ( P) P V1 ( P) 2 ' 1 2 P 2 V1 ( P) P 0 The general solutions for (3.30) and (3.31) are easy to obtain. The solution (3.30) can write as: V0 ( P) A0 P (3.32) B0 P and for (3.31) as V1 ( P) A1P B1P ( P (3.33) ) where A0 , B0 , A1 , B1 are constants to be determined and 2 2 (( 2 2 2 )2 8 2 2 ) 1 , is formulated as: (3.34) 2 0 and 49 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review 2 2 (( 2 2 )2 8 2 2 ) 1 2 (3.35) 2 1 For the idle project, the value of an investment should go to zero as price P goes zero. Because if A0 V0 ( P) 1 so V0 ( P) 0, A0 P B0 P goes to zero when P goes to infinity only 0 , so the function form value of the idle project now become: (3.36) BP Similarly, as price goes to infinity, option value of abandonment goes to zero. Because 1 so V1 ( P) goes to zero when P goes to infinity only if B 0 . Thus, 0, V1 ( P) A1P ( (3.37) PL ) Because PH is the price that triggers entry. The firm has to pay K to get V1 ( P) . Thus, PH must satisfy the value matching condition and the higher contact or smooth pasting condition: (3.38) V0 ( PH ) V1 ( PH ) k (3.39) V0' ( PH ) V1' ( PH ) Similarly, PL must satisfy: (3.40) V0 ( PL ) V1 ( PL ) l (3.41) V0' ( PL ) V1' ( PL ) Replacing V0 and V1 in (3.36) - (3.37) into (3.38)-(3.41), we get the system of 4 equations: APL APH PL PH (3.42) BPL l (3.43) BPH k 50 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review APL A PH (3.44) 1 1 1 B PL (3.45) 1 The parameters 1 BPH , , 2 1 are estimated from empirical data. Then, , can be easily calculated from (3.34) - (3.35). Finally, A, B, PH , PL can be obtained numerically. The determination of PH , PL is illustrated in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: The determination of PH and PL Note: G ( P ) V1 ( P ) V0 ( P ) So far, applying real option theory using entry and exit decision model for analyzing the cutting and replanting decision of perennial crops is very limited. To our knowledge, only one study implemented by Luong and Loren (2006) analyses the optimal decision for coffee farmers. The objective of this study is similar to one of objectives in the present thesis. In the study, Luong and Loren used a real option model to examine Vietnamese coffee farmers’ investment decisions. Starting with the role of fixed assets in agricultural production, the authors point out that the coffee production investment and disinvestment decision depends on the difference between the acquisitions and salvage price. This approach permits the authors to build a model of investment under uncertainty and captures the response in investment decision. Luong and Loren (2006) applied the same entry-exit model as described above to identify the entry/exit points for different groups of coffee farmers in Vietnam. There are three steps in their model: 51 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review Step 1: Determine the value of an idle project. At this stage, the value of the investment is equal to the value of the option to invest. Step 2: Specify the value of an active project, the value of the investment now comprises both the present value of the net revenue generated by the project and the value of the option to abandon the project. Step 3: Determine the entry and exit points. At the investment entry/exit points, the investor must be indifferent between being “idle” or “active”. This may result in two equilibrium conditions: (i) the value of an idle project is equal to the value of an active project, and (ii) the rate of change of an idle project’s value is equal to the rate of change of an active project’s value. So, equating the values of the idle and active project as well as their derivatives produces a system of four equations ((3.42)- (3.45)). By solving the system of equations simultaneously, the model finds the entry and exit points. The entry-exit model found that a small farmer would enter coffee production when the farm-gate price was above 47.2 cents/lb and exit the business if price dropped below 14.2 cents/lb. When price fluctuates between 14.2 and 47.2 cents/lb, no entry or exit would occur. The exit and entry points were calculated for three groups of farmers by production cost. The low cost/more efficient producers will decide to plant/or cut coffee at lower prices, while the less productive producers have to wait for better prices. The efficient farmers (with average yield of 3 tonnes per hectare) enter coffee production at price level of 38.8 cents/lb and exit at a price of 10.2 cents/lb. Meanwhile the entry and exit prices for average cost farmers (average yield of 2.08 tonnes per hectare) are 47.2cents/lb and 14.2 cents/lb, respectively. The low advantage producers who achieved only 70 percent of the average yield of 2.08 tonnes per decide price levels for entry and exit at 58.4 cents/lb and 20 cents/lb. The real option model by Luong and Loren (2006) identifies the optimal entry and exit points for coffee farmers. However, coffee is a multi-year crop in which yield and production cost vary by age of the trees. Thus, the age of the trees may influence the cutting decision. Other factors such as a cash constraint might influence coffee owners’ cutting and planting decisions. In addition, real options models assume that price follows a continuous time stochastic process while in many cases the problem is a discrete time process. 52 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review 3.4.3. Other Techniques of Solving the Complex Dynamic Stochastic Models These include a range of techniques developed to solve complex dynamic stochastic optimization models not solved by standard DP because of “the curse of dimensionality”. Two primary techniques popularly used for solving the problem of “the curse of dimensionality” are: Neurodynamic Programming –NDP (or Reinforcement Learning -RL or Approximate Dynamic Programming-ADP (Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996, Sutton and Barto, 1998, Powell, 2007)) and Simulation-based optimization (Carson, 1997, Azadivar, 1999, Ólafsson and Kim, 2002). As mentioned earlier, NDP/RL/ADP is primarily viewed as a way to solve optimal problems using the traditional DP because of “the curse of dimensionality”. In the NDP/RL/ADP they use basis functions or neural networks to retain an estimate of the value function at each iteration within a dynamic programming algorithm. The potential benefit of NDP/RL/ADP can be summarized as follows (Powell, 2007). First, in general they do not require an explicit model of the system that is to be controlled. The controller can learn to control ‘on the fly’. Second, they may avoid the ‘curse of dimensionality’ by providing approximate solutions. Third, they may not require an explicitly defined system performance measure, which is usually a function of the system states and the control actions in the classical optimal control theory. Some examples of NDP/RL/ADP are Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis (1996) Roy et al. (1997), Schutze and Schmitz (2007), Castelletti (2007), Powell (2007). Simulation optimization provides a structured approach to determine optimal input parameter values, where optimal is measured by a function of output variables (steady state or transient) associated with a simulation model (Swisher and Hyden, 1998). Simulation optimization can be seen as a process of finding the best values of some decision variables for a system where the performance is evaluated based on the output of a simulation model of this system (Ólafsson and Kim, 2002). Thus, the techniques of simulation optimization vary greatly depending on the exact problem setting. A survey of techniques for simulation optimization are described in Andradottir (1998), Swisher and Hyden (1998) Azadivar (1999) and Ólafsson and Kim (2002). Some recent examples of application of simulation optimization are L'Ecuyer et al (1994), Marbach and Tsitsiklis (2001), Konda and Tsitsiklis (2003) and Barton (2009). 53 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review Fixed form or policy space optimization is a special case of these techniques that obtains near-optimal feedback policies for complex ecosystem problems. It is a multidimensional extension of control-space optimization. In control-space evaluation, the analyst is largely limited to two control dimensions due to the curse of dimensionality17. However, when a objective function is defined with many control variables, it is still possible to find the optimization by adding additional parameters which make this function more flexible and general (Walters and Hilborn, 1978). According to Walters and Hilborn (1978), there are two basic steps in the development of fixed form optimization. The first is to find the algebraic form of the control function. Commonly, one can intuitively guess the form, and in systems with a few state variables and controls, one can simply make the control a polynomial function of the state variables. The second step in fixed-form optimization is to find the optimal values of the control parameters (Walters and Hilborn, 1978). There are two alternative approaches to this problem. The most elaborate is to use one of the many general gradient search algorithms developed for nonlinear optimization. However, each evaluation of a set of parameters involves a large number of numerical simulations. A second approach is much simpler: by testing a large set of randomly chosen values for the control parameters. Such random searching methods can work as well as gradient search methods for problems that involve discontinuous response surfaces, or ones with several peaks. In this thesis, to find the parameters of the optimal rule for cutting and replanting of coffee trees in Vietnam, the GRID method is used. The GRID method is presented in Section 4.3.7. Peterman (1977) applied the fixed form method for hazard index function (H) of budworm. He determined the optimal threshold value of H at which spraying should happen. Generally, spraying and tree harvesting are the two primary management options present for the budworm-forest system in eastern Canada. The paper investigated the "rules" for these options: the age above which trees were harvested and the ‘threat state’ above which insecticide should be applied. ‘Threat state’ measured by the hazard index was dependent upon egg density and amount of defoliation of both old and new foliage. A simple fixed-form optimization for spraying was defined as follows (see more in Peterman 1977; Walters and Hilborn 1978): 17 See more about control space optimization in Walters and Hilborn (1978) 54 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review H 1 (defoliation) 2 (eggs) Spray if H>1 Then, by seeking the values for 1 and 2 , the model can maximise the objective function. This form can extend by including the product of defoliation and eggs to account for potential interaction between these variables. When searching for the algebraic form of the control function, in a system with few state variables, authors can make the control a polynomial function of state variables. Walters (1975) explored the optimal harvest strategies for salmon in relation to environmental variability and uncertainty about production parameters. To meet the objective, Walters applied the fixed-form for exploitation rate as a function of total population (N) as follows: Exploitation rate 1 2 N 3 N2 4 N3 (3.46) After the different steps, Walter found the αi to give the best overall return and the relationship between harvest rate and population is the optimal control law. In a further study of budworm management, Sonntag and Hilborn (1978)18 used fixed form optimization for spruce budworm to decide whether farmers should spray or cut the trees. The fixed form is given by: Using this form of control law, they applied a random searching algorithm to optimize the objective function. The process used by Walters (1975) and Sonntag and Hilborn (1978) could more accurately be described as solving DP by approximation. They used “approximate” fixed forms to identifying the relations between variables in their models, from which they can simply solve the problem. 3.5. Conclusion In conclusion, there have been many studies that analyse the stochastic optimal control problems faced by farmers using three main methods: Dynamic Programming, Real 18 Quoted in Walters, J.C. and Hilborn, R. (1978) 55 Chapter 3.Stochastic Optimal Investment Decision for Perennial Crops: A Literature Review Options Approach and other techniques for solving the complex DP (including the Fixed form optimization). The model in this study aims to identify the optimal cutting and replanting rules for coffee farmers. The problem for optimal cutting and replanting decision of coffee in Vietnam is a stochastic dynamic problem. Coffee is a perennial crop, thus the decision made in any period will affect the state of following periods and in turn influence the total income from land. The model includes only two state variables (age of coffee tree and price) but a number of different control variables. There are five control variables in the coffee model reflecting the decision of farmers at each stage. They are: (i) keep coffee if land is occupied by coffee, (ii) cutting standing trees for other crop (maize) if land is occupied by coffee, (iii) cutting standing trees and replanting new trees, (iv) keeping other crop (maize) if land is not occupied by coffee, and (v) going back to coffee if land is occupied by maize. In addition, the model is stochastic dynamic because the price of coffee is uncertain. With such characteristics, it is not possible to apply the standard DP for solving the coffee model because of the problem of the “Curse of dimensionality”.To solve the coffee optimal rule problem, the study applies the fixed form approach. By assuming the fixed functional forms for cutting price and replanting price, the model can be solved with DP by approximation. The next chapter will describe the model structure, content and its results in detail. 56 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model CHAPTER 4. OPTIMAL REPLANTING AND CUTTING RULES FOR COFFEE FARMERS IN VIETNAM: FIXED YIELD MODEL 4.1. Introduction The main objective of the study is to solve the stochastic decision problem for coffee farmers in Vietnam. More specifically, the study builds a main model (and some extended models) to identify the optimal cutting and replanting prices for coffee farmers to achieve the maximum net present value that farmers can earn from their land. Given that coffee is a multi-year crop, the application of DP seems an appropriate method to solve the dynamic optimization problem of coffee farmers. However, this study is not using stochastic DP because of "the curse of dimensionality”. The models in this study use a horizon of 50 years for farmers and they have four decision options in each period: (i) keep growing coffee, (ii) cut and grow maize, (iii) cut and replant coffee; and (iv) switch to coffee if they are growing maize. In addition, models in this study also cover different groups of farmers categorized by the age of their coffee trees. Moreover, the coffee price in the model fluctuates stochastically. Thus, the number of decision and state variables becomes very large so one cannot use DP to solve them. In addition, the objective of the models in this study is a little different from traditional DP. The objective of the present model is to find the maximum net present value for coffee farmers earned from their land by identifying the optimal rules of cutting and replanting. There are only two previous studies that have examined the optimal ‘trigger’ prices at which farmers should change their coffee plantings in Vietnam (Luong and Loren, 2006; Oxfam, 2002). These studies are limited to presenting single period cost-benefit analysis and do not investigate the relationship between tree age and farmer’s decisions. To identify the optimal cutting and replanting price for coffee farmers in Vietnam under price uncertainty, this study applies the fixed-form optimization approach (Walters and Hilborn, 1978). The fixed form approach is applied to a specific functional form of the cutting and replanting price. Farmers will cut coffee trees to switch to other crops if output price is very low. However, the coffee yield and production cost of coffee normally varies by the age of coffee trees. Thus, replanting and cutting prices are related 57 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model (via an appropriate polynomial functional form) to tree age. With the assumption of fixed forms for cutting and replanting price, identifying the solutions for the optimal rules is much simpler as compared to conventional DP. This chapter starts with the Fixed Yield Optimal Model (FY model). The core objective of the FY model is to identify the optimal cutting and replanting rules for coffee farmers with the assumption of a fixed coffee yield function. In the FY model, yield of coffee varies via the age of the coffee tree but otherwise cannot be altered through management. The model is extended in the following chapters by adding a cash constraint and the possibility of a short-run yield response. Before moving to the detailed FY model, it is useful to understand the coffee farmers and their production system in Vietnam. The coffee farm system in Vietnam will be described in Section 4.2. The FY model structure is described in Section 4.3. Section 4.4 presents the results of the model. Section 4.5 gives some conclusions. 4.2. Coffee Farm System in Dak Lak Prior to discussing the practical optimization model, this section describes the farm system of coffee households based on a Coffee Farm Survey in Dak Lak province in 2007. Dak Lak is located in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. With favorable climate and land, Dak Lak (including Dak Nong19) is the principal coffee producing area in Vietnam, accounting for about 50 percent of national output. In the 1990s, the area for coffee in the province increased rapidly with an annual area growth rate of 14.1 percent. In 2000, the coffee area in Dak Lak reached the peak level of 260,000 ha, accounting for approximately 60 percent of cultivated land and 86 percent of the area of multi-year industrial crops in the province. 19 Dak Lak province was divided into two provinces in 2003: Dak Lak and Dak Nong. The map of Dak Lak location is presented in Appendix A. 58 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 300000 250000 ha 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 Figure 4.1: Development of coffee area in Dak Lak, 1986-2008 Source: MARD per com. After 2000, due to the price reduction, the coffee area in Dak Lak fell sharply. Since 2004, when prices started to increase, most cutters replanted again. According to a report of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dak Lak province, to the end of 2007 most of the farmers who had cut coffee grew coffee again (DARDD, 2008). As presented in Chapter 2, coffee households in Dak Lak are highly specialized, with the major land use being for coffee cultivation. Beside coffee, households utilize flat land to grow annual crops such as rice for both home consumption and cash. Maize, rubber, cashew and sugarcane are also the main alternative crops cultivated by coffee farms (see Table 2.12). The farm size varies highly among households and districts. In three surveyed districts in Coffee Farm Survey, coffee households in Cu Mgar have the largest land area with an average of over 1.9 ha while farmers in Krong Pak and Eakar have a smaller scale with the average of 0.9 ha and 0.73 ha, respectively. 59 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model Table 4.1: Percentage of household with other activities excluding cropping (%) District Chicken Pig Cattle/buffalo Other animal Aquaculture Wage Other activities Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar 20 20 14 0 0 10 2 8.2 49.0 16.3 2.0 4.1 26.5 30.6 8 4 0 0 58 50 4 Source: Thang (2008). When the price of coffee is depressed, most farmers had to reduce their inputs and labour cost to save money. Some farmers had to cut coffee and change to other crops, with maize as the main substitute crops for farmers in Dak Lak. According to the Coffee Farm Survey 2007, over 6 percent of coffee farmers in Dak Lak had to cut trees early because of the price fall (see Table 4.2). The majority of cut trees were in low yield areas and where farmers were relatively poor. These farmers replanted coffee land to other crops. The largest proportion cut coffee to grow maize (29.2 percent) and paddy (25 percent) (see Table 4.3). Table 4.2: Percentage of households reducing coffee area District Yes No Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar Total 0 4.0 14 6.0 100 95.9 86 93.9 Source: Thang (2008). Table 4.3: Percentage of farmer switched to other crops Paddy Maize Durian Sugarcane Cassava Pepper Bean Cashew Percent Cumulative 25.0 29.2 2.1 6.3 2.1 14.6 2.1 18.8 25 54.2 56.3 62.5 64.6 79.2 81.3 100.0 Source: Thang (2008). A large proportion of farmers (29.2%) switched to maize due to the price fall. Hence, to simplify the model it is assumed that coffee is always replaced by maize. . 60 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 4.3. Model Structure This section describes the structure of the Fixed Yield model (FY model) and introduces the procedure to get the solution. The FY model includes a profit function, a coffee yield function, a production cost function and a revenue function. The objective of the model is to identify the optimal cutting price and replanting price for coffee farmers to maximise expected net present value (ENPV). The model is similar to the option model by Luong and Loren (2006) because both aim to identify the cutting and replanting prices. However, their model does not cover the impact of tree age on the cutting decision of the farmers. Nor does it capture the presence of a competitive crop, while the FY model investigates the farmer’s decision when the profit of the replacement crop (maize) changes. 4.3.1. Objective Function The FY model aims at identifying the optimal cutting and replanting decisions that maximise the ENPV from “land use choice” per one unit of land (1 hectare) over the entire planning horizon. The representative farmer can either produce coffee on the land or switch the entire area to maize. The ENPV depends on the current tree age, coffee price and production costs. Thus, the ENPV of a block of land with coffee trees aged a at year 1, evaluated over a 50 years planning horizon given N possible random price sequences is given by: ENPVa 1 N N T e t t ,r ,a V (T ) (4.1) T r 1 t 1 where ENPVa is expected NPV given coffee trees at starting age a , for the next 50 years given N possible random price sequences; trajectory r and starting age a ; and e t , r. a is profit per ha in year t for price is the discount factor. V T denotes the terminal value of the coffee garden. However, given the model is defined over a long period of 50 years, at the end of the period the terminal value { V T T } will be insignificant and hence is set to zero in the model; and r identifies the replicate number for one age group. In this model, one hundred replicates are employed for each starting age group. 61 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model For each replicate, a separate random price trajectory is simulated. The method used to generate price simulations over 50 years are presented in Section 4.3.6 In the FY model, it is assumed that the farmer controls one hectare of land and the planning decision applies to the whole area i.e. they cannot make decisions on a fraction of the land area. This means farmers can produce either coffee or maize in a given year but not both. The model focuses on finding the price at which farmers switch to grow maize and investigating the age dependent cutting price. It does not allow for the case where farmers cut the coffee down and leave the land bare, even though this is a technically feasible option for farmers. Equation (4.1) assumes a particular age of the coffee tree at the start of the simulation. Although it would be possible to solve for the optimal cutting and planting assuming an arbitrary initial age (i.e. 1 year old), the impact of discounting would mean that the rule developed for trees at the end of the cycle would be relatively imprecise, as changes in the rule would have relatively little impact on ENPV. Therefore, it is important to solve for the optimal rule using a simulation that has all ages of trees represented in the initial period. Thus, it is necessary to develop a model that covers all different starting ages, such that the optimal cutting/replanting rule is the one that maximises the average expected NPV across all starting ages. Thus, the functional form and parameters of the optimal rule will be independent of any assumption about the starting age of tree used in the solution algorithm. In all optimal models in this study, the life cycle of coffee trees is assumed to be 22 years. Hence, the final objective function of the FY model and following optimal models is defined as the ENPV, averaged across all 22 initial ages: ENPV 1 22 ENPVa 22 a 1 (4.2) Thus, the ENPV in the FY model is average ENPV of all ENPV attained from 2200 random price trajectories (100 replications for each of 22 initial aged groups), over 50 years for each trajectory. This is used as the criterion for assessing the optimum when evaluating parameters in the decision rule function described in Section 4.3.3. From now when the maximum or optimal ENPV is mentioned in optimal models, it means the ENPV as given in (4.2) 62 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 4.3.2. Profit Function To develop the profit function from land use choice, whether coffee trees exist on the land or not is denoted by a binary variable. According to the model’s assumption if coffee is not on the land, maize is grown. Thus, profit at time t is as follows: e t , r .a ( Pt cYt c vtc ) St ( Pt mYt m vtm )(1 St ) (4.3) where St denotes the existence of coffee and equals 1 if coffee is growing and 0 otherwise; Pt c is the price of coffee in year t; Yt c is the coffee yield in year t; Pt m is price of maize in year t and vtc , vtm are annual costs of coffee and maize, respectively. In the model, the profit of maize is assumed constant and estimated from the Coffee Farm Survey 2007 (Thang, 2008). The annual profit of maize is fixed at $440 per ha. However, a sensitivity analysis is undertaken to investigate the impact of efficiency of maize on the farmer’s decision by changing maize profit to see how the optimal cutting and replanting rules respond. The decision of the farmer on whether to cut/plant coffee depends on the interaction between the price of coffee and the rule for keeping or cutting the existing trees. The farmer’s decision will be described in the following section. 4.3.3. Decision Rule The planting and replanting of coffee trees represent long-term investment problems for farmers, with a number of control variables. The first decision is the (re)planting decision; should the farmer (re)invest in coffee production, given current land area is not in coffee. Their second decision is when, within the tree’s life cycle, should they cut or replace coffee or leave the land idle. The cutting or replanting decision of farmers are based on future or expected prices, which are unknown. Yield of coffee trees relates closely to the age of the tree. Generally, after reaching the peak level, yield will start decreasing gradually. With coffee, yield usually attains the maximum level after the 7th year and the mature period generally lasts about 8-9 years. After that, the coffee yield declines. Thus, the cutting decision not only depends on the expected price of coffee but also depends on the current age of the tree. Within the 63 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model model, it is assumed that the maximal age of a tree is 22 years, at which point yield falls to zero. Conceptually, the farmers may cut existing coffee trees before they reach the maximum age for two main reasons. Firstly, the output price is relatively low so they may incur losses from coffee production and they will switch to other crops (as maize in FY model). The price at which farmers cut down the trees and switch to maize because it is too low is denoted as CP. In this study, whenever we refer to cutting price or replanting price, it means the prices at farm-gate and not the international or other prices. Secondly, however, one hypothesis also considered by the model is that if output price is very high and existing coffee trees are quite old, farmers may cut coffee trees earlier and replant new trees. The expected net benefit from bringing the future profit stream forward exceeds the loss associated with cutting trees before the net annual profit falls to zero. The price at which farmers cut coffee earlier and replant new trees are denoted as CP . In other cases, farmers have to cut trees because of cash flow concerns i.e. expected profit over the remaining lifetime of the tree is positive, but transitory losses mean that the tree has to be removed early. However, this issue is not analysed in the FY model. The cash constraint is analyzed later in the Fixed Yield – Cash Constraint model (FYCC model) in Chapter 5. When the coffee price is less than the CP, farmers cut trees down and switch to maize. However, they will grow coffee again if the price increases to the replanting price (RP). If the price is higher than CP , farmers with old trees may cut down the existing trees and replant new trees. Both CP and CP are expected to be age dependent. The identification of the optimal cutting (CP, CP ) and replanting rule (RP) based on the age of coffee trees with random prices are the outcomes of the FY model. The model covers both the stochastic and dynamic aspect of the problem. To deal with those problems, a sensitive fixed-form optimization technique is used for describing the decision of farmers. This approach is similar to the method applied by Sonntag and Hilborn (1978). To describe the decision rules of farmers, whether coffee trees exist on the land or not is denoted by a (0, 1) variable (St). The choice of the farmers is as follows: 64 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model St = 1 if St-1=1 and Pt > min (CP, RP) keep growing coffee St = 0 if St-1=1 and Pt ≤ min (CP, RP) cut coffee and switch to maize St = 1 if St-1=1 and Pt ≥ CP cut coffee and replant new trees St=1 if St-1=0 and Pt>=RP switch back from maize Because the life cycle of coffee is 22 years, all trees are cut down during their 22nd year regardless of the price level. In the above decision, farmers will cut coffee if P t is greater than the minimum value of CP and RP. This condition means farmers never cut down the trees and switch to maize if price is above RP. In its simplest formulation, the model will identify at what prevailing price should coffee producers cut and when they should replant. The main fixed-forms for CP in the FY model are defined as follows: The quadratic form CP: CP o age 1 2 (4.4) age2 The quadratic form of CP with price change effect: CPt o age 1 2 age2 ( Pt Pt 1 ) (4.5) In the “quadratic form”, CP is a quadratic function of the age of coffee trees (“age”). Hence, CP of trees at different age may not be similar. It is anticipated that younger trees that have a longer remaining productive life will be retained at lower prices than those closer to their maximum age. In the “quadratic form CP with price change effect”, the critical value for the current coffee price at year t depends not only on the age of trees but also on the change in coffee price between year t and t 1 . The price change effect allows for information on the direction of change in prices to influence decisions. Thus, if there is structure in the price series, one might expect that the cutting decision will be different - for the same current price level - if the change in price implies future increases, as compared to future falls. The fixed form of CP in FY model is defined as: 65 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model CPage (4.6) age As mentioned earlier, the appearance of CP in the model is to test whether farmers will cut and immediately replant with new trees, before the maximal age. The model does not identify the CP for all ages of coffee, it only identifies the CP for coffee trees over 18 years old, the ages at which yield tends to go down. Hence, age+ takes the values 18, 19, 20, 21. According to the decision rules, farmers will cut coffee to grow maize if the coffee price at time t is lower than age dependent CP. Hence, they cut to replant new trees if price at time t is greater than age independent CP . The replanting decision does not depend on the age of trees so RP function can be defined more simply as follows: RP (4.7) 3 If the land is planted to maize (or left bare) or the coffee tree are in the last year of the cycle (age of tree =22 year old), the farmer will replant if the price of coffee is greater than 3 A search procedure is implemented to estimate the values of i , i and which maximise the ENPV. All steps of the estimation procedure are described in Section 4.3.7. The profitability of substitute or competitive crops may change the decision of farmers. The CP or RP functions in the FY model do not include any measure of profit of the substitute crop. However, as mentioned earlier, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to see how the profit of maize influences the farmer’s decision. A hypothetical example of the optimal cutting and replanting rule is illustrated in Figure 4.2. As seen in the figure, farmers will cut coffee to grow maize if the coffee price is under the CP curve. If the coffee price is greater than RP, farmers will grow coffee again if they have maize or bare land. In another case, if the price is above the CP curve, farmers will cut older stands and replant new trees. 66 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model There is a hysteresis effect in farmer’s decision in Figure 4.2. If price drops below the RP but it does not go below the CP, farmer will continue to maintain existing trees. CP+ 3 CP coffee price ($/kg) 2.5 RP cut and replant CP+ keep coffee 2 1.5 1 CP keep coffee 0.5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of trees Figure 4.2. Example of optimal cutting and replanting rule 4.3.4. Yield Function The yield of a crop depends on various factors such as natural conditions (land quality, weather, and water supply), variety, level of intensive farming, farmer characteristics (such as experience, farm size, education) and so on. With perennial crops such as coffee, rubber, cashew or forestry, tree age strongly affects the yield. In the current model, yield is assumed fixed for any given age of coffee tree but variable with age (Figure 4.3). The first two years of the tree’s cycle are unproductive. Farmers can start to harvest coffee in the 3rd year, although the yield is still very low (only about 500 kg of coffee bean per hectare). After that, the coffee yield increases as the age of the tree increases and it gets to the peak level at age 8. Once hitting the mature yield, generally coffee yield becomes stable until it starts falling at around age 15-16. During the mature period, an average farmer can attain approximately 2500 kg per ha. The productivity of coffee starts declining when the trees are in its 16th year. In general, the coffee cycle is about 20 to 25 years. In the model, the coffee life cycle is 22. After that, farmers will cut down their trees and if price is profitable, they will replant new coffee trees. 67 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 3000 yield (kg coffee bean/ha) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 age of trees Figure 4.3: Coffee yield by age of tree Source: Thang (2008). The yield cycle by age in Figure 4.3 is based on the Coffee Farm Survey 2007 and experience of coffee experts. In practice, however, yield of coffee is affected considerably by input use, with some who farm intensively reporting yields of 2200 kg per ha for trees more than 17 year old, according to the Coffee Farm Survey 2007. This is the motivation for the study to develop the Variable Yield Optimal Model (VY model) in Chapter 6. 4.3.5. Production Cost Production costs by age group were estimated from the Coffee Farm Survey 2007. Production costs by age of tree are summarized in Table 4.4. The initial investment for (one-year old) coffee trees (replanting cost) is very high ($1440) because of expenditure on new trees, fixtures and land preparation and planting. In the model, it is assumed that the annual production cost in the 5-20 year age range are the same, about $930 per ha. In the last two years of the coffee cycle, the cost reduces to just over $600 per ha because of the reduction in labour cost for harvesting, and lower level of input application. 68 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model Table 4.4: Coffee production cost by age of tree (US$/ha) Items Seedlings Labour cost Chemical fertilizer Manure/organic Pesticide Lime Fixed asset Fuel/electricity Others Total cost Year 1 179.7 517.5 106.9 312.5 2.5 34.4 156.3 114.3 16.3 1440.2 Year 2 18.8 480.1 118.4 0.0 6.5 0.0 0.0 149.3 21.2 794.3 Year 3 9.4 420.0 134.7 312.5 7.5 0.0 0.0 114.3 16.3 1014.6 Year 4 Year 5-20 Year 21-22 0.0 0.0 0.0 515.0 602.5 301.3 168.8 181.3 90.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 15.0 7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 114.3 114.3 114.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 824.3 929.3 613.0 Source: Thang (2008). Based on the yield function and production cost data, we use a simple model to identify the rotation length. The results of the model determine that the optimal time for cutting and replanting is around 21 to 23 years depending on price levels. This strongly supports the assumption of a 22-year cycle for coffee trees used in the optimal models. 4.3.6. Price Simulation As mentioned earlier, the model operates over a period of 50 years. In order to get revenue and profit of coffee production, series of coffee prices for 50 years are simulated. This is an important step in the development of the optimal models in this as well as subsequent chapters. To attain the required age-structure, the model is based on 2200 price trajectories over 50 years, 100 series for each starting-age group. The simulation of these price trajectories was based on the historical price data and a price simulation model. The functional form of the statistical price model will generate different price structures that may change the optimal cutting and replanting rules. Two price models are estimated using the annual international Robusta price series from 1964 to 2006. These prices are taken from International Coffee Organization and measured in USD per kg20. The first model estimates the current price as a function of lagged prices, which is called the Lagged price model. Alternatively, the second model, Cycled price model, is based on a 9-year price cycle, and a trend. These estimated price functions for each model are used, in conjunction with a stochastic error term to produce the required coffee price trajectories. These price trajectories are used as exogenous variables in the model. 20 www.ico.org 69 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model It should be noted that in this study we are not trying to find the best price forecast model based on historical price series. We are just generating the price simulations from estimated models. These price simulations are expected to be consistent with the real price in history in terms of mean, variation or time series property. The following part of this step will provide the functional forms and results of two price models. Lagged Price Model The dependent variable in this model is current price and the explanatory variables are prices in previous years. By testing various functional forms with different numbers of lag, a parsimonious model is identified in which the logarithm of price lagged one and two years. The regression equation is specified as: lnPt = 0.093 p- value (0.08) se (0.05) R2 = 0.78% Prob. of Portmanteau =0.80 + 1.15lnPt-1 (0.000) (0.15) – 0.334lnPt-2 (4.8) (0.000) (0.15) The model results show a good fit with high R2 (0.78), and all coefficients are statistically significant. In this model, current price increases when the previous price goes up, but with some reversal from the second lag. The model also tests the autocorrelation property using the Portmanteau test or Q test (Ljung and Box, 1978, Pena and Rodriguez, 2002). The Portmanteau probability value is 0.80, meaning that the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation is accepted. The fitted logarithm of price and observed logarithm of price since 1964 are shown in Figure 4.4 70 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 2 log of price fitted values 1.5 1 0.5 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 -0.5 -1 Figure 4.4: Fitted and actual value of logarithm of price ($/kg) When conducting simulations, the price in year t is specified as: Pt e0.093 1.15lnPt 1 – 0.334lnPt 2 t (4.9) In (4.9), μt is a random variable. μt follows a normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance equal to that of the regression error from (4.8). To get price trajectories over 50 years, it is necessary to have initial prices. The initial price is drawn from a random distribution with a mean and standard deviation of historical coffee price from 1964 to 2006. Figure 4.5 provides some examples of international price simulation from the lagged model. These simulated international prices are converted to a farm gate price in the model, represented as a proportion of the international price. This proportion estimated from simple regression between farm-gate prices and international price is equal to 0.52521. 21 The farm gate coffee price in Vietnam is not sufficiently available in all provinces; the series is quite short which is not representative thus the author has to use the international prices for estimating price function. An attempt is made to estimate the relation between farm-gate price and international price. 71 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 12 10 USD/kg 8 6 4 2 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 time period (years) Figure 4.5: Examples of price trajectories predicted from Lagged price model Source: Simulated from Lagged Price model Price Cycle Model The Price Cycle model was motivated from observing the historical trend of coffee prices. By analyzing coffee price over the last 30 years, results show the coffee price seemingly follows a 9-year cycle. Although the Lagged price model does show some degree of lagged structure, it will not generate cycles within the simulated series. 350 Robustas Group (Dry and wet processed) Composite Indicator Price 300 250 200 150 100 2004 1995 1986 0 1977 50 Figure 4.6: Price cycle of coffee in the world market (UScent/lb) Source: ICO per com. Thus, an alternative model that simulates a 9-year price cycle is estimated as follows: 72 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model Pt a0 a1 sin(2 year / 9) a2 cos(2 year / 9) a3 year error _ term where (4.10) is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; approximately equal to 3.14, year is a trend variable. Equation (4.10) imposes a nine-year cycle, but the amptitude of the cycles and the trend effect is estimated. Using price series from 1964 to 2006 and applying a regression method, the estimated price cycle model is: Pt 175.5 p-val (0.00) se (21.7) 0.43sin(2 year / 9) (0.02) (0.13) 0.33cos(2 year / 9) (0.00) (0.14) 0.085 year (4.11) (0.00) (0.01) Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.74 Prob. of Portmanteau = 0.83 The results give a strong goodness of fit and the coefficients are statistically significant. The negative coefficient on the year variable captures the general downward trend in the price series. The Portmanteau probability value of 0.83 means that it accepts the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation in this model (Pena and Rodriguez, 2002, Ljung and Box, 1978). Based on (4.11), alternative series of price data for the model are generated. Similar to the Lagged price model, it is necessary to identify the starting price. However, rather than select an initial price at random, here the model selects an initial point in the cycle at random (each simulation employs a time trend yeart where the value of year0 is selected with uniform probability from 1-9) Pt 175.5 0.43sin(2 year / 9) 0.33cos(2 year / 9) 0.085* 2000 t (4.12) where μt is a random variable. Values of μt distribute normally with a mean of zero and a variance equal to that of the regression error from (4.11). The trend is held at 2000 because the coffee price in 2000 is closest to the mean of coffee price series from 1964 to 2006. Figure 4.7 gives an example of the international price trajectories predicted from the price cycle model. 73 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 Figure 4.7: Example of price trajectories predicted from Price Cycle model Source: Simulated from the Price Cycle Model Table 4.5 compares the distribution of historical international price series from 1964 to 2006 and simulated price data sets from the Lagged model and the Price Cycle model. The mean of price distribution generated from the two models is very close but variation of price distribution from the Lagged model is much larger. The distribution of price data set from the Lagged model gives a better fit to the historical data. Table 4.5: Distributions of actual international price and price data set simulated from two models Actual pricesa Lagged modelb Price Cycle Modelb 53 1.76 1.02 0.92 110,000 1.91 1.14 1.0 110,000 1.98 0.66 1.04 International price Number of observations Mean Standard deviation Farm-gate average pricec Note: a data price series from 1964 to 2006; b 2200 simulated price trajectories for 50 years c farm-gate price is derived from international price In the FY model, the identification of the optimal cutting and replanting price for coffee farmers is implemented using the price data set simulated from both price models (Lagged price model and Price cycle model). The price data set simulated from each model has its own characteristics. The price data in the Lagged model are quite quick to reverse to the mean but in the Cycled price model, price trajectories have a strong 74 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model structure with a 9-year cycle. The difference of price data simulations may affect the optimal rules as well as farmers’ income. 4.3.7. Procedure for Estimation To identify the optimal CP (and CP ) and RP that maximises the expected net profit, the model applies a search procedure for retrieving αi, γ and age in (4.4), (4.5), (4.6) and (4.7). The procedure for estimation includes the steps as follows: Step 1: Preparing Input-Output data In this step, data on coffee production cost, yield for 22 groups of coffee by tree ages, maize profit were calculated from survey data and other sources. Step 2: Price simulation This step generates the price simulations as presented in Section 4.3.6 and puts them into the model. In total, 2200 price trajectories for 50 years are generated by two models- Lagged price model and Price Cycle model. Step 3: Setting decision rule Select the fixed-form for the cutting rule and replanting decision of coffee farmers as presented in “decision rule” section of the model. Step 4: Search for the best parameters in CP (and CP ) and RP This step uses the searching method to find the cutting price rule (CP and CP ) and replanting price (RP) to get the maximum ENPV. As described above, the CP was expressed as a fixed form of coffee age, and change in price. Thus, the final objective of searching is to find the αi and γ to get optimal CP, CP and later RP to achieve the maximization of ENPV. To get optimal value for CP, CP and RP, the model applies the one-at-a time method. This is one of the simplest optimum seeking technique which may be applied to a function of any number of decision variables (Taylor et al., 1973). To apply the one-at-a time method, RP is first fixed by assigning an initial value and then finding the optimal 75 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model CP and CP . When having optimal CP and CP in Step 1, the cutting rule is now fixed and RP is searched over until its optimal value is determined. The entire procedure is repeated until CP, CP and RP converge, and the ENPV gets the maximum value. The strategy used is to start with a relatively coarse grid of g values, giving a total search space of gn (where n is the number of parameters) and then progressively refine the search with a smaller grid size around the maximal values. Excel software is used for running the model. The structure map of the spreadsheet model in Excel is presented in Figure 4.8. The model consists of different sheets: coffee price, decision sheet, coffee yield, production cost, revenue and profit. When the cutting and replanting rule changes, the farmer’s decision will change which in turn brings about the new cost, yield, profit and finally ENPV. 76 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model Figure 4.8: Model Structure Map Coffee Price sheet: 2200 price series in 50 years for 22 age group of coffee trees Decision sheet: This sheet expresses the decision of farmers: cutting for maize or keeping; replanting through the age of coffee tree. This sheet covers 22 starting age groups of coffee x 100 replications for one group (total of age replication is 2200, equivalent to 2200 price series in Sheet “Coffee price”. Changes in decision rule will vary age of tree, thus change cost, yield and profit Decision sheet Year 3 ………….. ………….. ………….. Year 49 2 3 2 3 Year 50 …… Age-Year 1 Year 2 1 1 100 replicants 0 3 3 2 3 0 …… …… 1 2 2 1 0 …… 22 22 22 0 Coffee cost: The production cost is derived from the age of coffee trees in Decision sheet. Yield The yield of coffee is also derived from the age of coffee trees in Decision sheet. Revenue The revenue of coffee is calculated by multiplying Yield and Coffee Price Coffee Profit The revenue of coffee was calculated by taking the difference between coffee cost and revenue Farm profit = coffee profit +maize profit To get the ENPV of farm profit for 2200 replications in 50 years, first we calculate the NPVa of farm profit for each starting age a for 50 years, and take the average of 2200 NPV. Changes in decision rule ( i , ) will produce a particular NNPV 77 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 4.4. Results of the FY Model This section presents results of the FY model. As mentioned above, the optimal rule may depend on the way in which the price of coffee is simulated. Thus, the presentation of results of the FY model is split into two parts. Section 4.4.1 discusses the results based on price simulations generated from the Lagged price model. The results based on price simulations from the Price Cycle model will be presented in Section 4.4.3. 4.4.1. Optimal Rule with Lagged Price Model With price trajectories simulated from the lagged price model and application of the searching procedure, the FY model finds the optimal quadratic CP and replanting rule for coffee as follows: CP = 0.402 - 0.0509age + 0.00367age2 (4.13) RP =0.74 ($/kg of coffee bean) Optimal ENPV = 9226 ($) The FY model finds that the ENPV achieves a maximum when CP for the 18-21 age group is infinitive (very high price). This means that it is never optimal within the model to cut trees early and immediately replant, in an effort to bring the future benefit stream from subsequent trees forward. However, in other cases if the replacement cost was relatively low and discount rates close to zero, CP would be finite. Because CP does not influence farmer’s decision, thus from now the FY model and other optimal models in following chapters eliminates the hypothesis which states that farmers cut very old trees and replace by new plantings if the coffee price is very high. Hence, only cutting rules of CP in which farmers cut coffee trees and switch to maize if price is low are considered hereafter by the FY model and other optimal models. Figure 4.9 depicts the optimal rule with quadratic CP for all age groups of coffee. The results shows that the optimal CP for one year old coffee is 0.34 $/kg. In initial years of the life cycle, the CP decreases slightly when tree age increases and CP is smallest for 7-year old trees, at only $0.23 per kg. 78 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model The replanting price of $0.74 per kg indicates that if farmers have bare land or land is occupied by maize production, they should switch back to coffee if the coffee price is equal to or greater than $0.74 per kg. 1 Optimal CP farm-gate price ($/kg) 0.9 keep coffee Optimal RP 0.8 RP=0.74 0.7 0.6 0.5 keep coffee 0.4 0.3 0.2 cut and switch to maize 0.1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of tree Figure 4.9: Optimal cutting and replanting rule from the FY model This optimal replanting price ($0.74 per kg) is significantly smaller than the optimal replanting price ($0.91 per kg) when the model is solved assuming constant deterministic price (i.e the price at which the NPV of coffee production is equal to NPV from maize only). This is because the average of simulated farm-gate prices is equal to $1 per kg of coffee bean and hence it is optimal to replant at lower price given that one expects the price to rise on average over the life of the tree. The model was also solved with a cubic form CP ( CP o age 1 2 age2 3 age3 ). However, the results are almost the same in terms of the cutting rule per age of tree, and ENPV generated, but the cubic model takes longer to determine the optimal rule because of the additional parameter ( 3 ). Thus, to save searching time with different scenarios, the model uses the quadratic function as the optimal form of CP. The optimal rule of the FY model is presented in Figure 4.9. However, the optimal rules do not show the frequency cutting decision. Thus, it is useful to see how many times the cutting rule is invoked at each age or the percentage of cases in which farmers actually cut their coffee at optimal rules. Perhaps the cutting rule is not invoked for some ages of trees due to the range of prices, and hence little reliance can be placed on the precise 79 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model value given for the cutting rule. Figure 4.10 presents the proportion of times a tree of a specific age is cut due to the optimal cutting rule being invoked. As shown in this figure, with price trajectories generated by the lagged model, farmers rarely cut if the age of the coffee tree is less than 11 year old. The cutting frequency is increasing continuously for trees of ages from 11 to 20. The implication is that, for the simulated price series used, which is based on historical data, it is seldom optimal to cut in this early period. This result may not hold in alternative circumstance i.e. where the price actual cut (%) series follow different distributions. 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of trees Figure 4.10: Proportion of actual cut in FY model with Lagged price simulation The optimal RP is quite consistent with stated replanting prices from the Coffee Farm Survey 2007. The optimal RP from the FY model ($0.74 per kg) is very close to the replanting price reported by farmers in Krong Pak district (Dak Lak province, Central Highlands of Vietnam). Krong Pak has a medium comparative advantage in coffee production. Coffee yield in 2006 in Krong Pak district was about 1920 kg coffee bean per ha (Thang 2008). The replanting price reported by farmers in the more productive area, Cu Mgar district with average coffee yield of 2100 kg per ha, is lower, only $0.706 per kg. By contrast, the replanting price of farmers in Eakar district was reported at $0.809 per kg. This means farmers in lower yield areas are less likely to replant coffee, for any given price. 80 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 0.820 0.809 0.800 0.780 $/kg 0.760 0.740 0.720 Optimal RP =0.74 0.743 0.706 0.700 0.680 0.660 0.640 Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar district Figure 4.11: Comparison of optimal RP of FY model and farmer’s estimates The decision to cut early is implicitly dependent on the prices that are expected to hold over the remaining lifetime of the trees. According to the cutting rule, the current price of coffee summarizes all possible information about that future trajectory. However, it is possible that this is not the case, and that additional information may be of value in making the optimal decision. The FY model also specifies the fixed-form cutting rule as a quadratic function of age with an additional price change effect. The hypothesis is that information on the most recent change in price may moderate the cutting decision (i.e. if the previous price change was positive, one may be less willing to cut than if it were negative, for any given price level). The results from this FY model show that the difference in price does not seem to influence the cutting rule (i.e =0.002). Similarly, the optimal ENPV and RP are almost unchanged. CPt = 0.40 - 0.050age + 0.0036age2 + 0.002 (Pt –Pt-1) (4.14) RP=0.74 ($/kg) Optimal ENPV =9228 ($/ha) The FY model was also solved with the constant CP form (i.e. CP= 0 ). This means CP does not depend on the age of trees. With such constant form of CP, the results show that the coffee farmer will get the maximum income if they cut trees at a price of $0.36 per kg. The optimal RP when there is a constant CP was found to be the same as RP when CP is a function of age (see Figure 4.12). 81 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 1 0.9 Optimal CP Best contant CP 0.8 RP RP=0.74 price ($/kg) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 CP =0.36 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 6 11 16 21 age of tree Figure 4.12: Optimal quadratic CP and best constant CP from the FY model Figure 4.13 presents the optimal income per ha attained by applying the three cutting rules: (i) the constant CP, (ii) the quadratic CP and (iii) no cutting rule (CP=0). The results show that ENPV per ha gained from the optimal quadratic CP rule is about 3 percent higher than income with a constant CP (the best constant CP =0.36), and nearly 5 percent higher than income if farmers never cut early. 9300 100% 9200 NPV ($) 9100 9000 97% 8900 95% 8800 8700 8600 NPV with constant CP Optimal NPV NPV with no cutting rule Figure 4.13: The maximum ENPV per ha among different CP rules The results of different cutting rules are summarized in Table 4.6 82 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model Table 4.6: Summarized results of different cutting rules of FY model Cutting rule (CP) Optimal cutting price Optimal RP ENPV ($/ha) Quadratic form CP = 0.402 -0.0509age + 0.00367age2 0.74 9226 Quadratic with price change effect CPt = 0.4 -0.05age + 0.0036age2 + 0.002(Pt –Pt-1) 0.74 9228 0.36 0.74 8950 n.a 0.74 8760 Constant never cut early Source: optimal model results To explore the benefit from the application of the optimal quadratic CP against “no cutting” rules, the FY model is used to identify the ENPV for different starting age of trees in two cases. Figure 4.14 shows the results of ENPV (per ha) for “never cut early” and quadratic CP by the starting ages (the age of the tree at first year of period in the model). With the younger trees, ENPV does not show a big change but the difference gets larger with the increasing starting age. This is consistent with the evidence presented earlier that the optimal cutting rule was seldom invoked for young tree ages. As a result, for blocks with initial trees of young ages, divergences in behavior will only occur after a significant number of years have lapsed, and the impacts of these will be discounted. On the other hand, blocks with trees that are of older age will see divergences in behavior more quickly in the time sequence. 13000 12000 11000 no-cut NPV ($) 10000 Optimal rule 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 initial age of tree Figure 4.14: ENPV with different starting ages for quadratic CP and no cutting rule 83 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 4.4.2. Impact of Substitute Crop on Coffee Farmer’s Decision In the FY model, maize is assumed to be the sole replacement for coffee. If the coffee price is too low, farmers will cut coffee and switch to maize until the price comes back to the replanting price. In addition, maize profit is also assumed fixed. However, the change in profit for the substitute crop may affect the cutting and replanting decision of coffee farmers. To examine how the profit of the substitute crop affects the farmer’s decision, the FY model has been resolved for a number of alternative values for the maize profit. The model is only solved with the quadratic form of CP ( CP age o 1 2 age2 ). First, maize profit is assumed to increase by 20 percent. With young coffee groves, the CP is seemingly unchanged when maize profit rises by 20 percent. However, farmers are more likely to cut older trees. With 20 percent increase in maize profit, total income per ha is $9405, approximately 2 percent higher than the previous ENPV. With a reduction in maize profit, coffee farmers are less likely to cut and the ENPV is also lower (see Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16). This happens because with lower income from replacing crop, farmers will not cut earlier and they should continue to grow coffee trees if the expected profit from coffee production is still greater than that from maize. 1.2 1.5 Optimal CP 20% reduction in maize prof it CP Optimal CP 20% increase in maize profit CP Optimal RP 20% increase in maize profit RP 1.3 1 Optimal RP 20% reduction in maize prof it RP 1.1 price ($/kg) price ($/kg) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 age of coffee trees 15 17 19 21 -0.1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee trees Figure 4.15: Changes in optimal rule when maize profit varies 84 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 9500 9405 9400 ($/ha) 9300 9226 9200 9080 9100 9000 8900 Optimal 20% reduction in maize profit 20% increase in maize prof it Figure 4.16: Changes in the maximum ENPV when maize profit varies Another simulation in which maize profit is increased to $1500 per year has been solved. The results shows that in this case all coffee farmers will cut their coffee trees and switch to maize. They will never grow coffee trees except under the circumstances that the farm-gate price of coffee bean exceeds $7.6 per kg. 4.4.3. Optimal Rules with Price Cycle Simulation Model In the previous section, the FY model identifies the optimal rule for coffee farmers based on price series simulated by using an autoregressive model. The estimated equation implies some structure in the price series, but no structural cycles. If a coffee cycle exists, then it may make prices more predictable. In this case, the decision to cut and replant trees may depend on not only the level of the price, but also where price is in the cycle. However, the lack of significance of the change in prices term in the fixed form rule may be accounted for by the relatively weak structure within the price simulation (i.e. it closely approximates a random walk). This may not be the case if there are clearly predictable cycles in prices. This section reports the results from solving the FY model with the same procedures but with price data generated from the Cycle model. With the Price Cycle model, the optimal quadratic CP and RP are identified as follows: CP = -0.07 - 0.087age + 0.0065age2 (4.15) RP = 0.61 ($/kg) ENPV= 9659 ($/ha) 85 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model The rules are depicted in Figure 4.17 below. The results show that if price follows the cycles with the same distribution as occurred in the past, farmers should never cut coffee if trees are younger than 14 years. If land is either bare or grows maize, they replant earlier, and the optimal RP is only $0.61 per kg of coffee bean. The optimal ENPV with the Price cycle model is similar to the maximum ENPV from the Lagged price model simulation. 1.4 Optimal CP 1.2 optimal RP price ($/kg) 1 keep coffee 0.8 0.6 0.4 cut and switch to maize keep coffee 0.2 0 -0.2 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 -0.4 age of trees Figure 4.17: Optimal rule of the FY model with Price cycle model 1.4 CP-Price cycle simulation RP-Price cycle simulation CP-Lagged price simulation RP-Lagged price simulation 1.2 1 price ($/kg) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 -0.2 -0.4 age of trees Figure 4.18: Optimal rules of Price cycle and Lagged price simulations 86 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model The difference between the optimal rules in the two price simulations is in part due to the distribution of price trajectories predicted from the two models. Figure 4.19 graphs the distribution of farm-gate price data sets simulated from the Lagged price model and the Price cycle model. The mean of the two data sets is similar but the distribution is quite different. Price data generated from the Lagged price model is skewed to the left with a long tail to the right and a higher standard deviation (0.6) whereas the Price cycle .5 Density .6 .4 0 .2 0 Density .8 1 1 data is symmetric with similar mean (1.04) and smaller standard deviation (0.34). 0 1 2 Lagged price model 3 4 0 .5 1 1.5 Cycle price model 2 Figure 4.19: Distribution of farm-gate price data set simulated from two models From the optimal rule, the model identifies the actual percentage of trees at each age that is cut in this case. Figure 4.20 compares the percentage of times trees are cut at each age under the two alternative models. As shown in the histogram, with the Lagged price model simulation farmers are more likely to cut earlier. With the Price Cycle model, the cutting percentages of trees increase rapidly in the 17 to 19 age group. Although the two rules look visually quite different, in terms of economic implications, both predict very low levels of cutting up to age 10. 87 2.5 % actutal cut Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Lagged price model Price Cycle model 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee Figure 4.20: Simulated percentage cut at each age of trees from two data sets As was undertaken with the Lagged price model, the Price cycle model was simulated allowing for a price change effect in CP. In this case, the form of CP can be repeated as follows: CPt o age 1 2 age2 ( Pt Pt 1 ) With the above cutting function, the model was solved again and the new optimal rule is identified as follows: CPt = -0.16 - 0.083age +0.0063age2 -0.24(Pt-Pt-1) (4.16) RP = 0.61 ($/kg) NPV = 9660 ($) The negative sign of price difference coefficient (-0.24) in (4.16) is expected and it shows that if the current price follows a downward trend, farmers should cut earlier and vice versa. The coefficient (-0.24) also shows the more significant impact of price differences in the Price Cycle model simulation compared to the Lagged Price model. However, the new results from (4.16) give an almost unchanged optimal ENPV and the same RP when compared with those from (4.15), suggesting that allowing for this additional information does little to improve the economic performance of the farmer. Figure 4.21 presents the optimal rules for the quadratic model with price change effect CP assuming that the price difference is equal to zero. Similarly, the actual cutting percentages at different age of coffee trees are illustrated in Figure 4.22. According to 88 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model the results, with the CP form of quadratic and price change effect, farmers are less likely to cut. The cutting percentage in this case is a little bit lower than in the Price cycle model and quadratic form of CP. 1.3 Quadratic CP 1.1 RP Quadratic with price change effect CP (assume price change =0) price ($/kg) 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 -0.1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 -0.3 -0.5 age of trees Figure 4.21: Different optimal rules of FY model with Price cycle simulation 12 With cycled price model, quadratic CP % actual cut 10 With Price cycle model, quadratic with price change effect CP 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of trees Figure 4.22: Actual cut of the FY with Price cycle model and different CP forms 4.5. Conclusion There are many approaches to analyze farmer’s decisions and identify the optimal cutting and replanting rules. By using fixed form optimization, this chapter develops the 89 Chapter 4.Optimal Replanting and Cutting Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: Fixed Yield Model FY model to identify the optimal cutting rule and replanting rule for coffee farmers in Vietnam. Results from the FY model found the optimal CP is dependent on the age of coffee trees. In addition, the FY model found that the optimal RP is $0.74 per kg of coffee bean. The maximum ENPV earned from one hectare of land is $9226. With optimal rules, farmers rarely cut if the age of coffee trees is less than 11 year old. The cutting frequency increases continuously for the coffee trees from the 12th year. The FY model was also solved with other fixed forms of CP (i.e. age dependent cubic CP, and quadratic CP with price change effect). However, the results are very similar. Solving the FY model with constant form CP, the results shows that the maximum ENPV from optimal quadratic CP is higher than the ENPV from the optimal constant CP (CP is not a function of age) by 5 percent. The coffee farmer’s decision changes when the profit of maize (substitute crop) varies. The results from the FY model indicate that if the profit of maize increases, coffee farmers are more likely to cut, and then only replant coffee at a higher price. By contrast, coffee farmers are less likely to cut with a lower profit of maize and they will plant coffee again at lower prices. In general, the FY model identified the optimal CP and RP for achieving the maximum ENPV for coffee farmers. Furthermore, the model can investigate the change of coffee grower’s decision when the price of the substitute crop changes. However, farmers in the FY model are assumed to have no cash constraint i.e. they can take on high levels of debt in initial years in anticipation of profit streams in the future. In practice, coffee farmers, especially poor farmers may not be able to follow this optimal decision. Based on the FY model, the following chapter will develop the Fixed Yield- Cash Constraint model (FY-CC model) to investigate changes of the coffee farmer’s decision if they face cash constraint, and the impact on their income. 90 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint CHAPTER 5. OPTIMAL COFFEE PLANTING DECISIONS UNDER A CASH CONSTRAINT 5.1. Introduction In the previous chapter, the Fixed Yield (FY) model was developed to determine the optimal cutting and replanting price for coffee farmers in Vietnam to get the maximum ENPV per ha of land. In the FY model, it was assumed that the farmer’s decision only depends on the price of coffee and returns to maize. However, if farmers do not have enough working capital from either retained profits or credit to pay for new coffee gardens they may be unable to replant optimally. In addition, they have to wait several years to get income from coffee. During those years, they need money to cover their living expenditure and pay for inputs. This chapter will look at the coffee farm as a household and analyze the impact of cash constraints on the farmer’s decision. With that goal, this chapter focuses on relatively poor coffee farmers, who are presumed to have a shortage of cash for farm investment and living expenses. This chapter aims to identify to what extent the expected profit from coffee/maize is reduced under a cash constraint and examine the impact of credit policy on the income and planting decisions of poor coffee farmers; To achieve the above objectives, this chapter develops the Fixed Yield- Cash Constraint model (FY-CC). This differs from the FY model in Chapter 4, as the model includes other aspects of the household such as expenditure, savings, loans and household size. However, yield and production costs remain fixed in the same manner as in the FY model. The remainder of the Chapter is organized as follows. Section 5.2 briefly reviews the theoretical literature on the impact of cash constraints on farmer decisions. Section 5.3 describes the main characteristics of poor coffee households in Vietnam including income, expenditure and savings. Section 5.4 describes the FY-CC model and its decision rules. The final section presents results from the FY-CC model. 5.2. Impact of Cash Constraints on Farmer’s Decision 91 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Rural households in developing countries like Vietnam are characterised by low and variable incomes. These households suffer from income variability due to fluctuations in weather and output prices. Farmers are also vulnerable to other risks associated with small businesses. During periods of low income, farm households have to use their savings and borrow money to continue farming and cover living expenses. Agricultural investments tend to be funded by credit from banks and other organizations. Thus the development of financial markets has become more important for households as well as the agricultural sector, especially for poor households (Gutierrez, 2002). A shortage of cash results in many problems for households. According to Mendola (2007), having poor initial asset endowments means that poor households may not be able to use their existing resources as efficiently as better-off households. In other words, poverty contributes to deviations in the behavior of farm households from full efficiency. Similarly, Winter-Nelson and Temu (2005) indicate that small farmers in developing countries are trapped in poverty for lack of cash needed to make profitable investments. Thus, increased access to credit could generate economic growth amongst poor households. There have been many studies to evaluate the role of credit and the impact of cash constraints on household’s behaviors and income. It is widely believed that farm households in developing countries are credit constrained and the provision of credit would lead to an increase in production and income (Simtowe et al., 2006, Freeman et al., 1998). Credit access may affect the household production and income in various ways. Through access to credit markets, households can move away from risk reducing but low return diversification strategies and concentrate on risky investment that gives higher returns (Simtowe et al., 2006). Similarly, by using a dynamic inter-temporal model for the analysis of the rate of investment in the agricultural sector in Italy, Gutierrez (2002) pointed out the importance of financial constraints in capital markets in determining the rate of investment. He showed that when credit constraints hold, the expected marginal profit per unit of capital is reduced. In a similar vein, through looking at the role of a credit constraint on dairy households, Rosenzweig and Wolpin (1993) found that low incomes combined with borrowing constraints are the primary reasons for underinvestment in bullocks in India, with improvements in earnings increasing agricultural profitability by permitting farmers to accumulate larger capital stocks. With better access to credit, farm productivity increases. By comparing the impact of credit 92 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint programs on capital constrained and non-constrained dairy small holders in Ethiopia and Kenya, Freeman and Ehui (1998) showed the significant impact of loans on farm productivity. According to the study, the marginal contribution of credit to milk productivity is relatively high on liquidity-constrained farms compared to liquidity nonconstrained farms: one percent increase in credit used to purchase crossbred dairy cows leads to 0.6 percent increase in milk productivity on credit-constrained farms and 0.4 percent increase on non-credit constrained farms in Ethiopia. In Kenya one percent increase in credit for investment in crossbred dairy cows leads to 1.6 percent increase in milk productivity on credit constrained farms and 0.9 percent increase on non-credit constrained farms. Issues related to poor households and poverty in Vietnam have been extensively studied. However, most of them focused on the causes of the poor and suggesting solutions for attacking the household poverty (SRV, 2002, MOLISA, 2003, Svendsen, 2003, The World Bank, 1999, The World Bank, 2003, The World Bank, 2005, The World Bank, 2007, Inter-Ministerial Poverty Mapping Task Force, 2003 , Shenggan et al., 2003). Very few studies were concerned about the poor coffee households, and mostly focused on the Central Highlands region, especially the Dak Lak province. For example, ICARD and Oxfam (2002) implemented a study to evaluate the impact of the collapse in the global coffee trade on Dak Lak province. This study described some problems of coffee farmers and poor households under the price crisis in early 2000. Similarly, ADB and ActionAid Vietnam (2003) investigated determinants of poverty in Dak Lak and analyzed solutions that can support poor households. Those studies on the poor coffee farmers did not investigate the optimal cutting and replanting decision of the poor coffee farmers as well as the impact of credit policy on their income. These issues will be analysed in the FY-CC model. Before moving to the model section to estimate the impact of cash constraints and identify behaviors of coffee household under a cash shortage for investment, the next section will review the poverty trend in Vietnam and investigate some characteristics of poor coffee households in Vietnam, especially in the Central Highlands where most of coffee producers are located. 5.3. Poverty Trends in Vietnam Economic growth over the 1990s generated significant improvements in living standards in Vietnam. The national trend shows strong poverty reduction in the past 15 93 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint years throughout Vietnam. Poverty incidence22 was reduced from nearly 60 percent in 1993 to only 16 percent in 2006. The rate of decline in poverty was faster in urban areas, but rural populations also saw improvements in well-being. 70 60 66 Vietnam 58.1 poverty incidience (%) Urban 50 40 30 Rural 46 37.4 36 28.9 25 25 20 19.5 20 16 9 10 7 4 4 2004 2006 0 1993 1998 2002 Figure 5.1: Poverty trend in Vietnam 1993-2006 Source: GSO per com The declining trend in poverty is evident in all regions. Poverty rates and the speed of poverty reduction vary from region to region. The North West is the poorest region in the country, followed by the Central Highlands and the North Central Coast. Poverty rates are also relatively high in the two deltas, and in the South Central Coast, but are much lower than in the Central Highland. The poverty map and poverty depth map by provinces in Vietnam are presented in Figure A5 and Figure A6 in Appendix A. Figure 5.2 shows the poverty trend in all regions in Vietnam since 1993. It is noted that in the period 1998-2002, the fraction of the population deemed poor was declining in all regions, excepting the Central Highlands. There was no reduction in poverty in the Central Highlands from 1998 to 2002. Coffee is the main crop in the Central Highlands and the slow rate of poverty reduction in this period could be explained by the sharp fall in the coffee price during the same period. The nominal farm gate price in 2002 was one fourth of that in 199823. Consequently, the percentage of coffee producers with incomes below the poverty line in Vietnam remained at around 35 percent in 1998-2002. 22 This is based on the poverty line of per capita income of less than $12.5 a month in rural areas and $16.25 a month in urban areas 23 Calculation based on VHLSS1998 and VHLSS2002 94 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 100 90 80 1993 1998 2002 2004 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Vietnam North East North West RRD NCC SCC CH NES MRD Figure 5.2: Poverty trend in Vietnam by regions 1993-2004 Note: RRD: Red river delta; NCC: North Central Coast; SCC: South Central Coast, CH: Central Highlands, NES: Northern East South; Mekong River Delta The decline in the coffee price in the early 2000s forced many farmers to reduce their coffee area, as revenue did not cover variable costs. Many producers, mainly poor farmers, could not cover their expenditures (living costs and input investment) so they had to shift to other crops such as rice or maize for food security. Poor farmers are especially vulnerable and influenced strongly by external shocks such as price reductions and natural disasters. The causes of poverty are diverse. Table 5.1 presents the main causes of poverty from the perception of poor people and local authorities in Dak Lak province (the largest coffee production province in Vietnam) with lack of capital, shortage of land, uncertainty of market, and poor infrastructure are the main reasons. Table 5.1: Perceived causes of poverty in Dak Lak Province Perceptions of Poor People Poor infrastructure: irrigation systems, roads Poorly developed markets Ineffectiveness of Government policies and programs at grass-root level Lack of transparency, accountability, resulting in corruption; lack of Perceptions of Local Authorities Lack of capital Shortage of land Many dependents to support/subsidy Lack of experience, and inability and incapability to apply new farming techniques Investment failure, risks in agriculture (coffee price dropped) 95 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint people’s participation in decision making Inability and weakness of grass-roots authorities and cadres Villagers’ inability to apply new farming techniques and low level of education Shortage of land Lack of capital Free in-migration Poor health and lack of labour Harsh climatic conditions: drought Poor health, disability, getting old Lack of labour Committed to social diseases (drug addicted), and laziness Harsh climatic conditions: drought, flood Source: ActionAid Vietnam & Asian Development Bank (2003) Of the eight ecological regions in Vietnam, the Central Highlands is the major coffee area with nearly 90 percent of coffee output produced in this region24. Farmers in the Central Highlands invested heavily in coffee over the mid to late 1990s and the subsequent fall in coffee prices left many of them with low incomes. About 40 percent of households in the Central Highlands produce coffee. This proportion does not vary across the population, except for the richest fifth who were much less involved in coffee growing. According to ActionAid Vietnam & Asian Development Bank (2003), the number of trees planted, on the other hand, varies substantially. Coffee farmers in the poorest population quintile have, on average, 6500 trees. Those in the second-richest quintile have nearly doubled this number (see Table 5.2). Table 5.2: Coffee farming in Central Highlands Expenditure quintile I-lowest Households growing coffee (% of total household) Average area (m2) 38 6539 II 43 9499 III 40 9184 IV 44 12820 Vhighest Central Highlands 24 11487 39 8881 Source: ActionAid Vietnam & Asian Development Bank (2003) Generally, the coffee farm size in Vietnam is quite small with less than 1 ha per household. The result provided by ActionAid Vietnam & Asian Development Bank 24 GSO (2006) 96 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint (2003) is consistent with data from Agrocensus_2006. According to Agrocensus_2006, the farm size of poor coffee farmers is much less than higher income households, only 5287 m2. Even poor farmers in Kon Tum province have nearly 3500 m2 land of coffee (see Figure 5.3). The expansion of coffee area in Central Highlands has been limited by land availability. The development of the coffee area in Central Highlands and in Vietnam has moving together with migration and forest exploitation. The Central Highlands region has become an important destination for migrants since 1980, with the population of Dak Lak increasing from 35,000 people to more than 2 million in 2003. According to provincial statistical authorities, sixty percent of current population is migrants (ActionAid Vietnam & Asian Development Bank, 2003). The Statistical Office of Dak Lak indicates that one million hectares of forestry land has been converted to other uses (especially coffee) since 1975. 10000 Overall Poor household 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Kon Tum Gia Lai Dak Lak Lam Dong Average Figure 5.3: Coffee area of poor farmers in Central Highlands by provinces Source: Calculation based on Agrocensus_2006 Within coffee farmers in the Central Highlands, there are approximately 25 percent of households living under the poverty line. In four provinces in Central Highlands, Kon Tum province has the largest proportion of poor coffee farmers with over 39 percent; followed by Gia Lai (24.4 percent)25. Table 5.3: Poverty incidence of coffee farmers in Central Highlands, Vietnam Province Poor Non-poor Total Kon Tum Gia Lai 39.9 24.4 60.0 75.5 100 100 25 Calculation based on Agrocensus_2006. 97 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Dak Lak Lam Dong 24.0 20.4 75.9 79.5 100 100 Overall 24.58 75.4 100 Source: Calculation based on Agrocensus_2006 There is not much difference in family size between poor and non-poor farmers. Most households have four or five people. On average, there are 5.23 people in poor household while this number in non-poor household is 4.11 persons. Only 15 percent of coffee household have more than six people 30 Poor Non-poor percentage 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 people per household Figure 5.4: Structure of family size of poor and non-poor coffee household Source: Calculation based on Agrocensus_2006 In general, poverty in Vietnam is still relatively high, especially in rural areas and amongst coffee households. The next section will look at the relationships between income, expenditure and savings, as savings are the principle way in which households overcome variability in income. 5.3.1. Saving and Income Level in Vietnam The analysis of income and savings is important for modeling the decisions of poor coffee households in the FY-CC model because savings determines the investment capability of households. The cutting and replanting decision of farmers depends on various factors, but mainly based on (i) coffee and replaced crop price levels and (ii) cash available to the household. Farmers cannot replant coffee if they do not have enough money for new investment and for household expenditure especially while coffee trees are unproductive. In addition, analysing the relationship between household 98 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint expenditure and income of household helps us understand how much farmers spend on living costs and other expenditure, and how much they save for production investment. Unfortunately, data on expenditure and income for poor coffee farmers is not available. Hence, in this study, the relationship between savings and income of poor household is investigated using the VHLSS2006 data26. One important issue should be noted that the poverty line is usually based on household expenditure rather than income. Poverty is measured using expenditure because income data is less reliable than expenditure data in the VHLSS. In this section, per capita expenditure is the criteria for distinguishing between poor and non-poor households and applying the poverty line set by the General Statistical Office of Vietnam and Ministry of Labour and Invalid Social Affair (MOLISA). According to this line, households in rural area are poor if their per capita expenditure is less than US$12.5 a month. This number increases to US$16.25 a month for households in urban areas. According to the VHLSS2006, the average total income of non-poor households in rural areas was $2420 per year while poor household earnt $1168 per year. Non-poor households expenditure was on average about $1300 per year while for poor households it was $628 per year (see Table 5.4). On average, poor farmers in rural areas could save $540 per year. Table 5.4: Household income and expenditure in rural area in 2006 ($/year) Total household income Total household expenditure Household savings Non-poor 2422 1310 1111 Poor 1168 628 540 Type of household Source: calculation from VHLSS2006 There is a big gap in household income between urban and rural areas. According to VHLSS2006, per capita income of households in urban areas in 2006 was approximately $900 whereas in rural area it was only $550. However, the expenditure of households in urban area is much higher than those in rural area. The average per capita expenditure in urban areas was over $600, doubled that of rural areas (see Figure 5.5) 26 Actually, data on poor coffee farmers can be extracted from VHLSS2006 but the sample is very small which cannot represent poor coffee household’s behaviours. 99 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 1000 Urban area 900 Rural area 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 per capita income per capita expenditure Figure 5.5: Per capita income and expenditure by area in 2006 ($/year) Source: calculation from VHLSS2006 Rural household income and savings vary slightly among regions. Surprisingly, even being one of poorest region in Vietnam, rural households in Central Highlands (CH) has the highest average income as well as saving. The average household’s income and saving in Central Highlands in 2006 were $1450 and $790, respectively. The higher saving of household in Central Highlands in 2006 was mainly due to relatively high profit from coffee in that year. The farm gate price of coffee in 2006 was over $1 per kg, triple the price level of 200127 Table 5.5: Household income and saving in rural by region in 2006($)28 Region Red River Delta North East North West North Central Coast South Central Coast Central Highlands North East South Mekong River Delta Poor household Household Household income saving 1066 530 1170 509 1162 473 1051 487 929 360 1452 790 1329 674 1234 617 Non-poor household Household income Household saving 2053 868 2176 1008 1886 738 1880 800 2005 759 3343 1905 3261 1368 2878 1474 Source: calculation based on VHLSS2006 27 Coffee Farm Survey 2007 Vietnam is currently divided into 8 regions: Red river delta (RRD), North East (NE), North West (NW), North Central Coast (NCC), South Central Coast (SCC), Central Highlands (CH), Northern East South (NES) and Mekong River Delta (MRD). The regional map of Vietnam is presented in Figure A1 in the Appendix A. 28 100 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Although having the highest household income and savings, due to the large household size, the average per capita income of poor households in the rural area of Central Highlands (CH) was only $ 230. This level is similar to per capita income in Northern East South (NES) and slightly lower than per capita income of poor households in rural areas of the two deltas (Red River delta and Mekong River delta). 300 per capita expenditure per capita income 250 USD 200 150 100 50 0 RRD NE NW NCC SCC CH NES MRD Figure 5.6: Per capita income and expenditure of the poor in rural areas by regions, 2006 ($) Source: calculation based on VHLSS2006 Households usually keep their savings in several different forms. A study by CAP (2008)29 shows that the main types of total savings are cash (accounting for nearly 40 percent of total saving) and gold, silver (23%). The study also pointed out that agricultural households generally have the lowest saving level ($526), much smaller than that of households in the service sector ($927). Table 5.6: The saving flows of household by types 29 CAP: Center for Agricultural Policy 101 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint % by type of saving Total saving ($) Assets Deposit Cash Gold, silvers… Holdings, Others 602 551 14.5 7.3 10.3 18.8 38.4 37.5 22.6 23.9 14.2 12.4 100 100 Household head’s gender Male Female Household types Total Agriculture Industry Service Gov. officer Others Income group Poorest 2 3 4 Richest 526 588 927 787 696 18.4 7.7 5.4 9.9 7.1 10.3 5.1 4.6 8.8 31.0 35.2 51.8 42.5 35.9 33.6 22.0 21.8 23.0 29.1 23.6 14.1 13.7 24.5 16.2 4.6 100 100 100 100 100 143 263 483 648 1344 38.7 21.4 19.9 14.1 6.9 0.0 15.7 6.3 9.3 14.9 36.7 37.9 32.8 36.0 41.3 14.7 20.3 20.2 22.5 24.9 10.0 4.7 20.7 18.0 12.0 100 100 100 100 100 Average 594.3 13.4 11.7 38.2 22.8 13.9 100 Source: CAP (2008) 5.3.2. Relationship between Income and Expenditure of Poor Farmers Because of the dynamic nature of the household model used, one needs a model of how savings are accumulated over time. This requires an understanding of the relationship between income, expenditure and savings. The relationship between income and expenditure is estimated using the econometric method. These estimates are important for the FY-CC model when identifying the saving level of household, a key factor determines the coffee farmer decision to cut, keep or replant coffee. As mentioned earlier, data on expenditure and income for poor coffee farmers are not available. Thus, data on the poor households in VHLSS2006 is used as a basis for this analysis. The total number of poor households in VHLSS2006 is 1038 of which 912 households are located in rural area. Table 5.7 presents the number of poor households extracted from VHLSS2006 by regions to estimate the relationship between income and expenditure. 102 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Table 5.7: Number of poor households by region in VHLSS2006 Region Red River Delta North East North West North Central Coast South Central Coast Central Highlands North East South Mekong River Delta Total Frequency 92 209 191 175 60 119 58 134 1,038 Percent 8.86 20.13 18.40 16.86 5.78 11.46 5.59 12.91 100 Source: Summarised from VHLSS2006 There is expected to be a non-linear relationship between expenditure and income. By testing different functional forms it was found that a simple linear spline function provided the best fit, with two sections and a ‘knot’ at $180 per capita (Table 5.8). The dependent variable is per capita income while household size, income group 1 (less than $180 per person per year), income group 2 (greater than $180 per person per year) are explanatory variables. The negative coefficient of family size (-3.53) means per capita expenditure decreases as the number of people in the household increases, possibly reflecting economies of size in consumption or a reflection of poverty in particular. The positive coefficients of both income groups indicate the per capita expenditure will increase with higher income. However, the much higher coefficient of income group 1 (0.42) compared to group 2 (only 0.02) means that with lower per capita income, farmers tend to spend a larger share of income. As income increases farmers tend to save more for other activities. This pattern can be seen more clearly in Figure 5.7 with the variation of fitted expenditure per person versus per capita income for different family sizes and Figure 5.8 with observed values. 103 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Table 5.8: Regression between per capita income and expenditure of poor HHs Type of variables Dependent Variable name Pcexpend Description Per capita expenditure Independent Hhsize Family size variables Pcincome1 Income per capita if income Coefficient Standard Errors P>t variable < $180, 180 otherwise Pcincome2 -3.53 0.34 0 0.42 0.03 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 73.53 4.49 0 (Income per capita -180$) if income > $180, 0 otherwise _cons Constant term 160 Source: Estimated from VHLSS2006 140 household size =6 household size=4 80 100 120 household size=2 100 200 300 per capita income ($/year) 400 500 Figure 5.7: Fitted per capita income and expenditure by family size 104 50 100 150 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 0 100 200 300 per capita income ($/year) 400 500 Figure 5.8: Plot of per capita income and expenditure of the poor Source: based on VHLSS2006 Next section will describe the structure of the Fixed Yield–Cash Constraint Model (FYCC model) with its objectives, functions and decision rules. 5.4. Structure of the FY-CC Model The FY-CC model is a representative cash-constrained farm based on the characteristics of the household set out in Table 5.9. The average land holding of poor coffee farmers is 5287 m2. The annual average loan and saving of poor households are $625 and $567, respectively. These values of loan and saving are used as base loan and base saving. Table 5.9: General data of poor coffee household Indicators Value Sources Farm size (m ) Non-coffee maize income ($) % family labour Family size (persons) Average loan (base loan) ($/year) Average saving (base saving) ($ per year) 5287 200 30 4.7 625 567 Agrocensus_2006 Thang (2008) Thang (2008) Agrocensus_2006 Thang (2008) VHLSS2006 Replanting cost ($/ha) 1440 Thang (2008) 2 Note: Non-coffee maize income or other income from other activities of households 105 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Before moving to look at the detailed functions and decision rule of the FY-CC model, it is important to note the main differences between the FY model and the FY-CC model. The differences include: First, the FY model identified the optimal rule to maximise the ENPV per hectare of land. The FY model did not consider other issues such as farm size, expenditure, saving, credit, other income, and family labour return. The FY-CC model tries to integrate all the above issues to investigate the optimal rules of resource poor coffee households, so the FY-CC is a resource poor coffee household model. In the FY-CC model, the objective function is not the ENPV per one hectare, it is replaced by the ENPV per resource poor farm (only 5287 m2). Second, farmers in the FY model are assumed unconstrained by liquidity issues. Thus, the household’s budget does not restrict decisions to keep or replant the coffee trees. However, in the FY-CC model, resource poor coffee households may operate under a cash constraint and this may affect their decision. Thus, decision rules of the FY-CC model are different from the FY model. Third, the FY model considered several fixed form equations of age dependent CP (quadratic, cubic and quadratic with price change effect) solved to find the corresponding optimal rules and ENPV. However, the results of different age dependent CP were quite similar. Thus, the FY-CC model assumes a quadratic form of CP ( CP o age 1 2 age2 ). The CP is found infinite in the FY model thus it is ignored in the FY-CC model Fourth, the FY model in the previous chapter identified the optimal cutting and replanting rules for coffee farmers with two price simulation models (Lagged price model and Price Cycle model). However, the price data simulations generated by the Lagged price model are more realistic in terms of the underlying stochastic process. Besides that, the estimated price function using Lagged prices had a more suitable match with higher R2 and F-value. Thus, this chapter only considers the case where prices are generated using the Lagged price structure. The following sections will describe the main functions in the FY-CC model such as the objective function, profit function, yield and production cost function, expenditure and 106 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint saving, decision rules. The general structure of the model is similar to the FY model, but there are significant differences. 5.4.1. Objective Function The FY-CC model aims to identify the optimal rules to maximise the ENPV for a resource poor farm. Thus, the objective function of the FY-CC model is the same as the objective function of the FY model in (4.1) and (4.2). The ENPV function is given by: ENPV (5.1) 1 22 ENPVa 22 a 1 in which ENPVa 1 N N (5.2) T e t t ,r ,a V (T ) T r 1 t 1 where ENPVa is expected NPV given coffee trees at starting age a , for the next 50 years given N possible random price sequences; trajectory r and starting age a ; and e t , r. a is profit per ha in year t for price is the discount factor. V T denotes the terminal value of the coffee garden and it is set to zero in the model; and r identifies the replication number for one age group. As same as in the FY model, one hundred replications are employed for each starting age group. For each replication, a separate random price trajectory from the Lagged Price model is simulated. The only difference in the objective function between the FY model and the FY-CC model is the size of land area managed by farmers. In the FY model, it is assumed that the farmer controls one hectare of land and the planning decision applies to one hectare. However, the poor coffee farmers in the FY-CC only control 5287 m2 (the average coffee area of poor coffee farmers). Thus, the ENPV in the FY-CC model is achieved for that farm size. 107 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 5.4.2. Profit, Yield and Production Cost Function The yield and production cost function in the FY-CC model are the same as those used in the FY model. The coffee yield and production cost are fixed for any given age of coffee tree but variable with age. In reality, resource poor coffee farmers usually own the less productive coffee land so the yield of poor households is generally lower than that of non-poor households. However, the FY-CC model assumes no yield difference between poor and non-poor households. With this assumption, it makes the comparison of results between the FY model and FY-CC model possible. The profit function in the FY-CC model here has a very small change with the inclusion of the “other income” component. The profit of coffee poor household at time t is as follows: e t ,r ,a [( Pt c .Yt c vtc ).St ( Pt m .Yt m vtm ).(1 St )] I o (5.3) where St denotes for the existence of coffee. St is equal to1 if coffee is growing and 0 otherwise; Pt c is price of coffee at year t; Yt c is coffee yield at year t; Pt m is price of maize at year t; Yt m is coffee yield at year t; I o is the other household income that is besides profit from coffee and maize. In common with the FY model, in the FY-CC model the profit of maize and other income are assumed constant. The profit of maize is fixed at $440 per hectare or $232 per poor farm. The other income of poor coffee households is estimated by Thang (2008) and is fixed at $200 per year. 5.4.3. Expenditure, Saving and Loan The household expenditure (HE) is estimated from income based on the regression result in Table 5.8. HE is given by: HE = hhsize (73.53 -3.53hhsize +0.42pcincome) if per capita income (5.4) of household is less than $180 per year HE = hhsize (73.53 -3.53hhsize +0.42*180 +0.02(pcincome-180) if (5.5) per capita income of household is greater than $180 per year 108 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint where hhsize is number of persons in household; pcincome is per capita income of poor household. The annual saving of the household is measured as the difference between household income and expenditure. Thus, aggregate savings available in year t will be given by: Savingt Savingt ă t (5.6) HEt Farmers cannot invest in a new coffee garden if they do not have enough money, even if the expected profit from the investment is positive. In general, farmers can mobilize capital from two sources: household saving and loans. Thus, the capital function in the model is given by: (5.7) Capitalt = Savingt + Loant According to Coffee Farm Survey 2007 in Dak Lak province, the average loan of coffee farmer was $837. This level is slightly larger than the base loan borrowed by poor coffee household in the FY-CC model ($625 per year). Farmers in Cu Mgar district borrowed larger amounts because they have a larger farm size and more productive land. Most loans have a term of one or two years (see Table 5.10). Table 5.10: Loan amount and duration District Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar Overall Average Loan ($) Duration (months) 921.5 848.5 741.1 837.0 18.3 16.2 13.1 15.9 Source: Coffee Farm Survey 2007 The main proportion of loans is used for buying inputs and hiring labour (over 70%). In Cu Mgar district, farmers spend 90 percent of loan value for input purchases and labour payment. Only 2 percent of loans borrowed by farmers in Eakar are used for hiring labour. This can be explained because farmers in Eakar are quite poor so they employ mainly family labour. About 17 percent of loans are spent for other economic activities of households (see Table 5.11). 109 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Table 5.11: Main loan purpose (% respondent) Loan purpose Cu Mgar Buy inputs Hire labour Other economic activities Other Total Krong Pak 82.0 7.6 10.2 0 100 57.5 6.0 27.2 9.1 100 Eakar Total 66.6 2 14.2 17.0 100 69.8 6.3 16.2 7.5 100 Source: Coffee Farm Survey 2007 The main sources of loans for farmers are banks. According to the Coffee Farm Survey 2007, over 70 percent of loan value was borrowed from banks. In Krong pak, this number reached nearly 85 percent. Private lenders are also important credit providers. In Eakar, over 50 percent of loans came from private lenders. Table 5.12: Percentage of loan by different sources by districts Sources of loan Banks Private lenders Relatives Women's association Commune Committee Other support programs Total Cu Mgar Krong Pak Eakar Total 76.9 2.5 10.2 0 0 84.8 0 0 3.0 9.0 42.8 52.3 4.7 0 0 72.0 12.9 5.3 1.0 3.2 10.2 100 3.0 100 0 100 5.3 100 Source: Thang (2008) 5.4.4. Decision Rule The decision rule for deciding when to replant/cut coffee in the FY-CC model is slightly different from the FY model. To describe the decision rule, St is denoted for the coffee area at year t. Whether coffee trees exist on the land or not is denoted by a (0, 1) variable. Thus, St is equal to 1 if coffee is planting, otherwise it takes 0. The decision of poor coffee household in the FY-CC model is as follows: (i) St = 1 if St-1=1 and Pt > min [(CP, RP) and (Capitalt + Io>= Costt+1 + Minexpend)] where Io is other income of household, Minexpendt is the minimum expenditure for household in year t and it is about $270. The minimum expenditure is estimated from regression results of income and expenditure in Table 5.8; Pt is the price of coffee, Costt+1 is production cost in year t+1, Capitalt is capital of household in year t (Capitalt= savingt + loant) 110 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint This condition means that if farmers are growing coffee, they will keep coffee if price is greater than the minimum level of CP and RP and the household’s budget can at least cover the minimum household expenditure and the production cost in the coming year. (ii) [St = 0 if St-1=1 and Pt ≤ min (CP, RP)] or St = 0 if St-1=1 and [Pt > min (CP, RP) but (Capitalt + Io< Costt+1 + Minexpend)] This constraint indicates that farmers will cut coffee and switch to maize if (i) price is below the minimum level of CP and RP or (ii) despite price being higher than the minimum level of CP and RP if the household’s budget cannot cover the minimum household’s expenditure and production cost in next year. (iii) St=1 if St-1=0 and Pt>=RP and (Capitalt + Io< replanting cost + Minexpend) This relationship gives the condition for replanting coffee if farmers are growing maize. The farmers grow coffee again if price is above the RP and the household budget can at least cover the minimum expenditure and replanting cost. As mentioned earlier, the FY-CC model is limited to only the quadratic CP. Thus, the fixed-form law for cutting price in the model will be defined as follows: CP age o 1 2 age2 (5.8) The replanting price is again specified as: RP = (5.9) 3 To find the optimal CP and RP, it is necessary to solve the FY-CC identifying o , 1 , 2 , 3 for the maximum ENPV. 5.5. Results of the FY-CC Model 111 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 5.5.1. Impact of Cash Constraints on Income Before re-solving for the optimal cutting/replanting rules under cash constraints, it is informative to identify the extent to which the poor farmers lose income because of cash constraints if they still apply the optimal rules of the FY model as in the previous chapter. Recall, the optimal rules in the FY model are identified as follows: CP = 0.402 - 0.0509age + 0.00367age2 (5.10) RP =0.74 ($/kg of coffee bean) (5.11) With optimal rules, the maximum ENPV per hectare from FY model is $9226. This number falls to $4878 if farm size is reduced from one hectare to the average farm size of poor coffee households (5287 m2). Now, this rule applies to household in the FY-CC model in conjunction with characteristics of poor coffee households presented in Table 5.9. The result shows that the maximum ENPV of farm income is about $4300 per poor farm size, about 15 percent lower than the ENPV achieved by the FY model for the same coffee area (see Figure 5.9). The income reduction is due to cash shortages that prevent farmers replanting coffee even if the current coffee price is greater than the RP ($0.74 per kg). Furthermore, income is also reduced because in some simulations farmers may not have enough money to sustain both their production and living costs so they have to cut and switch to maize. 5000 4900 Expected NPV($) 4800 4700 4600 4500 4400 4300 4200 4100 4000 ENPV from FY-CC if imposing optimal rule of FY model Optimal ENPV from FY at poor farmsize Figure 5.9: ENPV from FY-CC if imposing optimal rule of FY and optimal ENPV from FY ($/poor farm) 112 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 5.5.2. Effect of Loans and Savings The income loss when applying the optimal rule of the FY model into the FY-CC model shows the important role of saving and credit to support farmers. To investigate the importance of saving and loan on income, the FY-CC model can be solved by changing the saving and loan levels while still keeping the optimal rules of the FY. Figure 5.10 presents the results for different levels of initial savings, holding all other factors constant. As expected, with high initial savings levels, the maximum ENPV from the FY-CC model is close to the ENPV from the FY model. However, as initial savings fall, so does ENPV. The results of the FY-CC model give an interesting point with respect to the contribution of initial savings in the range of $500-$1100. It would appear that in this range, changes in initial savings have little impact on ENPV, suggesting threshold effects within the model. The saving range of $500-$1100 cannot cover the production cost of coffee in non-productive period and other living expenditure of household. Thus, it may not help the poor people optimize their investment decision, so the ENPV remains unchanged. 4900 4800 loan =$625 ENPV($) 4700 4600 4500 4400 4300 4200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 initial saving ($) Figure 5.10: ENPV from FY-CC at different initial savings at annual loan of 625$ Similarly, to investigate the impact of limits on credit on income, the FY-CC model is solved with a fixed initial saving value and exploring the impact of changes in the maximum level of annual loan. The results are depicted in Figure 5.11. As shown in Figure 5.11, the increase in annual loan strongly improves ENPV if farmers do not have any savings. The ENPV increases from $3300 (with loan = 0) to about $4400 (with 113 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint annual loan of $1100). The growth of ENPV is much lower once the loan is over $1200 and mostly unchanged with loans over $2500. 4800 4600 Average NPV($) 4400 4200 NPV with initial saving = 567$ 4000 NPV with initial saving =0 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 annual loan ($) Figure 5.11: ENPV of farm income at different annual loans and savings With initial savings of $ 567 (base saving), the increase in loan has much less impact on farm income. The ENPVs with two different initial saving levels converge when the available loan is over $2500. This means the initial savings does not affect ENPV once the annual loan exceeds $2500 and if farmers can get enough credit they will achieve the optimal decision regardless of the initial saving. The small increase in ENPV with base saving ($567) explains the way in which ENPV is calculated. The ENPV here is the mean of ENPV from 22 starting age groups. However, it is anticipated that the importance of savings will vary according to age of coffee trees. Figure 5.12 reports the results for ENPV over a 50-year horizon time for farmers with different initial ages of coffee trees. As shown in Figure 5.12a, the ENPV with different annual loans varies significantly by the starting ages of coffee trees. For farmers who have just replanted coffee trees, loans under $500 do not help them change their income. More interestingly, even with a loan from $500 to $1100, the average income of farmers tends to be low. This can be explained by the fact that with this level of loan, farmers can only afford to replant coffee but they do not have enough money for keeping coffee in the following years. The amount of loan is effective for farmers who want to replant coffee when it is over $1100. With over $1100, household’s farm income increases steadily and nears the maximum level at a loan of about $2000. 114 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint With the starting age of 2-year old coffee trees, the variation of ENPV by loans is less complicated. After reducing slightly with loan under $400, average ENPV increases quickly with loan amounts and get close to the maximum at loan of $1500. The results in Figure 5.12a also indicate that the ENPV of farm income with starting age of coffee from 3 to 5 year old are getting higher with bigger loans. However, the amount of loans that helps income to reach maximum level at different starting ages is not similar. For the farmers with trees of an initial age of 5, the amount of loan does not significantly affect the ENPV. This suggests that once trees are established the income stream from coffee is sufficient for even poor farmers to follow the optimal decision rules. The variations of ENPV for starting age of trees in the mature period (from 6 to 15) are quite similar and increase slightly with higher loans. However, the higher amount of loan does not produce a large impact on farm income for those groups. This happens because with mature coffee garden, farmers may have a good income that helps them save enough for keeping coffee or replanting new trees (see Figure 5.12b). However, when trees are in the last years of the life cycle with downward yield, the size of loan becomes more important and has significant effects on farm income. Figure 5.12c presents the change in ENPV by loan for different starting ages from 17 year old to 22 year old. With trees from 20 to 22 year old, the impact of loan is quite similar to young trees in gestation period. The ENPV rises with greater credit and the role of loans are much more significant when trees are getting older. This is because, at this stage in the cycle, landholders are approaching the point at which they will replace trees, and if they have not built sufficient savings over the productive portion of the trees lifecycle, they will find it difficult to re-establish the coffee trees, if the replanting rule suggests that that is appropriate. 115 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 7000 starting age of trees =5 years old 6000 average NPV ($) starting age =4 5000 4000 3000 starting age =3 starting age =2 2000 starting age =1 1000 10 00 12 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 26 00 28 00 30 00 80 0 60 0 40 0 20 0 0 0 annual loan ($) (a) with starting age from 1 to 5 year old starting age of tree =8 Average NPV ($) 6400 6200 starting age =9 6000 starting age =10 5800 starting age =11 5600 starting age =12 5400 5200 5000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 annual loan ($) (b) with starting age from 8 to 12 year old 4000 starting age of trees =17 years old 3800 3600 starting age =18 Average NPV ($) 3400 starting age =19 3200 3000 starting age =20 2800 starting age =21 2600 starting age =22 2400 2200 2000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 Annual loan ($) (c) with starting age from 17 to 22 year old Figure 5.12: ENPV of FY-CC with different starting age of trees and loans 116 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 5.5.3. Optimal Rule for Poor Coffee Farmers The previous analysis has taken the estimated optimal decision rules, estimated without liquidity constraints, and simulating behavior in the presence of such constraints. However, it is also of interest to see if the behavioral rules themselves would change if the fixed form optimization process were repeated, with explicit consideration given to the presence of liquidity constraints. To find the optimal rules for poor coffee households, the FY-CC model repeats the searching procedures for the FY model. As mentioned earlier, The FY-CC model only investigates the optimal rule for poor coffee households with the Lagged price simulation model and quadratic form of CP. With application of the grid searching procedure, the FY-CC identifies the optimal rules for poor coffee households as follows: CP =0.458 -0.46age +0.00325age2 (5.12) RP=1.4 ($/kg) (5.13) ENPV =4375 ($) (5.14) The optimal rules of the FY-CC model are illustrated in Figure 5.13. The optimal CP for one year old trees is about 0.4($/kg). The CP reduces slightly when the age of trees is getting close to their mature period. After that, the CP increases gradually with older ages. The comparison of optimal rules between the FY model and the FY-CC model is presented in Figure 5.14. As shown in the Figure 5.14, the CP of poor coffee growers is generally higher than CP in the FY model. This means that poor households in the FYCC model are more likely to cut compared to farmers without a cash constraint in the FY model. This may happens because of cash shortage for buying inputs and for household consumption. That is why the poor farmers have to cut earlier and switch to maize. 117 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 1.6 replanting 1.4 1.2 price ($/kg) CP of FY-CC model 1 keep coffee RP of FY-CC model 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 cut and switch to maize 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of trees Figure 5.13: Optimal Rules of the FY-CC model 1.6 price ($/kg) 1.4 1.2 CP of FY model CP of FY-CC model 1 RP of FY model RP of FY-CC model 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 age of trees Figure 5.14: Optimal rule of FY model and FY-CC model The optimal RP in the FY-CC model ($1.4 per kg of coffee bean) is much higher than in the FY model ($0.74 per kg of coffee bean). This suggests a much more cautious approach to replanting which is logical: because of the period when trees are unproductive, it is highly disadvantageous to plant trees and then remove them within a couple of years because of cash flow shortages. Thus, the poor farmers usually wait for significantly higher prices before making replanting decisions. 118 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint Due to the cash constraint, poor farmers in the FY-CC model cannot make the optimal decision as in the FY model. Thus, the optimal ENPV of the FY-CC model is only $4370 per poor coffee household size (5287m2). This value is still much lower than optimal ENPV of the FY model ($4878) at same area of coffee. With optimal rules, the actual cutting percentage of coffee farmers in the FY-CC model is quite different from the FY model. In general, poor farmers in the FY-CC model are more likely to cut than coffee farmers in the FY model, especially when the trees are still young (less than 4 year old) and very old (over 20 year old). The cutting frequency is not much different when trees are 6-19 year old (see Figure 5.15). 30 FY model % actual cut 25 FY-CC model 20 15 10 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee trees Figure 5.15: Actual cutting percentages by age of trees The higher cutting frequency of poor coffee farmers can be derived from the optimal cutting rule and cash constraint. Hence, it is much better to split the impact of those two factors on cutting decision of poor coffee farmers. Figure 5.16 below presents the separated cutting percentage by age of coffee trees under the impact of CP rule and cash constraint. When trees are young (less than 4 year old), cash constraint influences significantly on cutting decision of poor farmers. However, when trees are older, the cutting decision is mostly not affected by cash constraint. 119 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 30 by CP rules actual cutting (%) 25 by cash constraint 20 15 10 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee trees Figure 5.16: Impact of cutting decision by CP rule and by cash constraint in the FY-CC model To investigate the change in the optimal rules of the FY-CC when initial savings varies, a simulation in which $1500 replaces the base initial saving ($567) is solved. The model output shows that with higher initial saving, poor coffee farmers are less like to cut and more likely to replant than with the base initial saving. Furthermore, the new maximum ENPV increases to $4712. This level is higher than the maximum ENPV from the FYCC model with base saving and near to optimal ENPV of the FY model with poor farms. In addition, the optimal CP in the FY-CC model with initial saving of $1500 is very close to the optimal CP in the FY model. However, the optimal RP in the FY-CC model ($1.07 per kg of coffee) with initial savings of $1500 is still relatively high compared to the FY model (RP=$ 0.74) (see Figure 5.18). 120 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 1.8 CP with initial base saving CP with initial saving of $ 1500 RP with initial saving of $ 1500 RP with initial base saving 1.6 coffee price ($/kg) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 age of coffee trees Figure 5.17: Optimal rule of the FY-CC model with different initial savings 1.6 1.4 price ($/kg) 1.2 CP of FY-CC, initial saving=$1500 RP of FY-CC, initial saving=$1500 CP of FY model RP of FY model RP =1.07 1 RP = 0.74 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 age of coffee trees Figure 5.18: Optimal rules of FY model and FY-CC with initial saving of $1500 121 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint 5.6. Conclusion Rural households in general and coffee farmers in Vietnam have volatile and low incomes. Many coffee farmers are poor and they often have cash constraints on investment. Due to the cash shortage, poor farmers may not be able to use their own assets as efficiently as the non-poor’. They are disadvantaged when trying to optimize their decisions. This is a common finding in other developing countries where agricultural investments tend to rely heavily on credit from banks and other organizations. The FY-CC model in this chapter investigates the changes of coffee farmer’s decision when they face a cash shortage. The model found that the poor coffee farmers could not be optimal compared to whose without a cash constraints. Compared to the FY model, due to cash constraint, poor coffee households in the FY-CC model have to cut coffee earlier and switch to maize. Furthermore, they replant coffee at a higher price as compared to the FY model. Savings and loans play an important role in helping farmers allocating their resource optimally. In general, poor coffee households can get higher income with access to larger loans. However, the importance of loans and saving varies according to the initial age of coffee trees. The amount of loan plays a more important role in improving household’s income when trees are younger. For farmers who have just replanted coffee trees, loans under $1000 do not help them change their income but the ENPV increase considerably with loans above that. The amount of annual loan is also important for starting age of trees under 4 years old. With the initial age of trees in mature period, the increase in loans does not have a substantial impact on household income. The result of the analysis of actual cutting decisions when optimal rules are invoked show that poor farmers in the FY-CC model are more likely to cut than the coffee farmers in the FY model, especially when the trees are less than 4 year old and over 20 year old. The cutting frequency is not much different when trees are in the 6-19 year old group. The model result also indicates that the liquidity constraint affects considerably on the cutting decision for young trees in the gestation period. The FY-CC model identifies the change in the decision rules needed when considering poor coffee household with the cash constraint. The impacts of savings and loans on 122 Chapter 5. Optimal Coffee Planting Decisions under a Cash Constraint different coffee groups are also investigated using the FY-CC model. However, in both the FY model and the FY-CC model, the cost and yield of coffee are fixed according to the age of trees. In practice, coffee yield is influenced by input use (including labour). In addition, farmers often change their input application in response to the output price. The response of production cost to output price and the yield response to input use are the possible short-run responses of farmers. The presence of short-run responses reflects closely to coffee farmer’s behavior in practice. The decision of farmers and the ENPV may change considerably with the appearance of short-run responses. In the next chapter, the yield function of coffee will be estimated based on the age of coffee trees and the production cost. After that, the estimated yield function will be integrated into the FY and the FY-CC model to see how farmers’ decisions change with the possibility of the short-run response. 123 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam CHAPTER 6. SHORT-RUN RESPONSE AND OPTIMAL RULES FOR COFFEE FARMERS IN VIETNAM 6.1. Introduction This chapter investigates the farmer’s decision when it is possible to make short-run ‘tactical’ changes to coffee yields by adjusting input levels. In the previous models FY and FY-CC, the farmer’s decision merely determines the coffee area. In this chapter, the farmer adjusts variable inputs within the production season. However, the response to yield, cost and price in the short-run, can also influence the optimal decision of farmers in terms of cutting and replacement rules. Thus, input use is included as a decision variable in the simulation model. The model is then re-solved to identify optimal rules and farmer’s choices under an extended choice set. To this end, this chapter develops two extended models: Variable Yield Optimal Model (VY model) and Variable Yield- Cash Constrained Model (VY-CC model) This chapter consists of five sections. Section 6.2 will review previous studies on yield response functions. Section 6.3 will estimate the relationship between coffee yield and variable inputs in Vietnam. An analysis of the supply elasticity with respect to price based on the estimated yield function is reported in Section 6.4. The optimal rule and income of coffee farmers under these conditions will be analyzed in Section 6.5 and Section 6.6. 6.2. Review of Literature on Yield Response Functions There have been numerous studies on crop yield response functions. Much of the work has been focused on the best functional form to identify crop yield response to fertilizer as well as using these models to identify the optimal level of fertilizer (Reeder and McGinnies, 1989, Wight and Godfrey, 1985, Ackello-Ogutu et al., 1985, Taylor and Swanson, 1973, Mendelssohn, 1979, Rajsic et al., 2009). The majority of studies have applied polynomial functions (quadratic or square root) to represent the relationship between fertilizer and yield (Mendelssohn 1979; Reeder and 124 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam McGinnies 1989; Rajsic et al. 2009). However, other researchers have pointed out the inappropriateness of polynomial crop response functions because they allow substitution between nutrients and tend to overestimate the maximum yield and optimal fertilizer application (Anderson and Nelson, 1975). Thus, some have applied different forms when estimating the response of the crop yield. For instance, Anderson and Nelson (1975) used linear-plateau models to estimate a Tennesse corn yield function in North Carolina. Similarly, Tembo et al (2008) developed a method of estimating a response function with a stochastic plateau that can capture random effects and determine economically optimal levels of nitrogen fertilizer for wheat in the Southern Great Plains of the United States. Ackello-Ogutu et al. (1985) used the von Liebig response function instead of a polynomial function to analyze fertilizer and yield response for corn, soybean, wheat and hay rice using data from a thirty year experiment conducted on the agronomy farm at Purdue University (USA). Water and fertilizer management are crucial to high yields. Irrigation water is becoming an increasingly limited resource in many areas in different countries, and as a result, an appropriate choice of irrigation is needed. Furthermore, optimal combinations of fertilizer and water can increase crop yield and reduce groundwater pollution. Thus, previous papers have tried to estimate the relationship between yield and fertilizer levels, in combination with irrigation (Di Paolo and Rinaldi, 2008, Reid et al., 2002, Pandey et al., 2000, Lovelli et al., 2007) or evaluate the impact of water deficit as well as irrigation method on crop yield (Dagdelen et al., 2006, Oktem, 2008, Karama et al., 2003, Pandey et al., 2000, Panda et al., 2004, Topcu et al., 2007, Melgar et al., 2008, Jalota et al., 2009, Karam et al., 2009, Kunzová and Hejcman, 2009, Li et al., 2009). Literature on measurement and effects of fertilizer-water use efficiency are reported in Zwart and Bastiaanssen (2004) and Oktem (2008). In agricultural production, the effects of input use can carry over from season to season. Input carryover effects have been included in a number of studies. Akbar (2003) used field studies to estimate residuals of input (N, NPK) from cereal and legume cultivation. Segarra (1989) applied a dynamic optimization model in which an intertemporal nitratenitrogen residual function was used to derive and evaluate nitrogen fertilizer optimal decision rules for irrigated cotton production in the Southern High Plains of Texas (United States). Ackello-Ogutu (1985) estimated an econometric model for phosphorus carryover in United States based on the geometric distributed lag form, prices and yields of hay, wheat and corn. 125 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam Studies on yield response have been extended to include the impact of weather and price risks. Rötter and Van Keulen (1997) analysed risks and opportunities of small farmers in Kenya when they assessed the variation in yield response to fertilizer application for maize. The risk assessment approach in this paper is based on crop growth modeling in which risk is assessed based on yield probability distributions, product prices, costs of inputs and the level of the most important economic and environmental risks. Stochastic weather and soil conditions explain why farmers tend to apply more than the recommended levels of nitrogen. Rajsic et al (2009) examined the effect of temporal uncertainty on the optimal level of nitrogen application for both risk-neutral and riskaverse corn producers in Haldimand-Norfolk County, United States. The authors found that uncertainty plays a role in the application decision of farmers but not in the manner typically assumed. While uncertainty can justify farmers applying more than the recommended inputs for risk neutral farmers, it does not for risk-averse farmers. Most studies on yield response to inputs have focused on annual crops. The number of papers looking at the response of perennial crop is limited. Salardini (1978) investigated the response of tea to fertilizer in Iran. However, this study is only based on experiments on different sites with a single treatment of fertilizer. Similarly, Cong (2001) estimated the response of some crops (rice, coffee, cabbage, and rambutan) on different types of land in the south of Vietnam. This study identified that the coffee yield increases with nitrogen application as well as potassium. However, this study only did an experiment with three levels of input application, and it did not estimate a relationship between yield and fertilizer. Garcia and Sively (2001) used DEA method to measure the technical efficiency of coffee producers in Daklak province, Vietnam. They studied the effect of different inputs on technical efficiency and found that 30% of farms are identified as efficient under an assumption of CRTS (Constant returns to scale) and 39% are identified as efficient under an assumption of VRTS (variable returns to scale). The following section reports a yield response function of coffee based on Vietnamese Agrocensus_2006 data. After estimation, the yield function is incorporated into the FY model and the FY-CC model to investigate whether the possibility of a short-run response changes the optimal cutting/replanting decisions, and incomes. In previous models (FY, FY-CC), yield of coffee trees is assumed to be constant for a given age. However, in this model (VY, VY-CC), the yield of coffee trees will be determined as a function of production cost. 126 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 6.3. Coffee Yield Function in Vietnam 6.3.1. Yield Coffee Function Estimation This section estimates a coffee yield function based on two explanatory variables: annual production cost and age of trees. Unlike the yield response functions for inputs (such as fertilizer inputs or water) reviewed in Section 6.2, this study does not use yield response as a function of physical inputs (nitrogen, potassium or phosphate, and labour or water), but instead uses variable input costs as an index of aggregate inputs. To investigate the impact of short-run response on coffee farmer’s behaviors and ENPV, the assumption is that coffee farmers will optimize input use to maximise profit, and the relationship between inputs and yield will be incorporated into the FY model and the FY-CC model to develop the VY model and the VY-CC model, respectively. The data used for estimating the coffee yield function are based on a sub-set of the coffee production efficiency survey reported in Agrocensus_2006. In the data set, 500 coffee farmers in four provinces in the Central Highlands were interviewed. The sample of this survey is presented in Table 6.1. Variables in the data set relate to coffee area, age of coffee, production cost, selling price and quantity sold. Table 6.1: Sample distribution of coffee households in Agrocensus_2006 Number of surveyed coffee households* Province Dak Lak Kon Tum Gia Lai Lam Dong Average coffee Average age area/household (m2) of trees 200 100 100 100 Average sale price ($/kg) 9471 12894 12080 7.6 9.7 10.2 1.0 1.1 1.0 7541 8.5 1.1 Source: calculated from Agrocensus_2006 A number of potential functional forms could be used for the relationship. One restriction is that the functional form has to be amenable to the solution for the optimal input use, and to be easily implemental within the optimization model. The quadratic form has a satisfactory fit (high R2, F_value and the significant level of estimates) while allowing a simple expression for the optimal input use, conditional upon coffee price. The estimated equation takes the form of: q 0 C 1 2 C2 3 A 4 A2 i Di (6.1) 127 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam where q is the yield of coffee (kg per ha), C is production cost of coffee per ha ($), A denotes the age of coffee trees and Di is dummy variable for district i30. The regression results are presented in Table 6.2. As shown in the table, R2 value is quite high, 75 percent. The negative sign of cost per ha squared and age squared give a concave function. Coefficient values of the region dummy variables are highly statistically significant. This means that coffee yield varies among selected districts. Table 6.2: Regression Results of Coffee Yield Function Number of obs : F( 16, 477): Prob > F : Adj R-squared : Variable Dependent variable yield kg/ha Independent variables District Dummies Kon Tum, Dak To Kon Tum Kon Tum, Dak Ha Gia Lai, Ia Grai Gia Lai, Chu Se Dak Lak, C M'gar Dak Lak, Krong Buk Dak Lak, Krong A Na Lam Dong, Da Lat city Lam Dong, Lam Ha Lam Dong, Di Linh Lam Dong, Bao Lam C C2 A A2 _Cons 494 91.81 0.0000 0.75 Coefficient T-value -462.79 -121.71 -13.74 -303.81 -543.16 -403.14 367.58 -408.33 -213.71 12.41 -126.23 -13.07 2.55 -0.00043 62.05 -2.60 -665.72 -4.88 -1.35 -0.14 -3.04 -4.99 -4.41 4.35 -4.21 -2.03 0.13 -1.04 -0.11 12.17 -5.84 2.41 -2.18 -3.63 Source: Estimated from Agrocensus_2006 data Note: C is annual cost per hectare of coffee ($), C2 is square of cost per hectare, A is age of coffee trees and A2 is square of age of coffee trees. 30 The extension of (6.1) by adding the interaction term between age of tree and production cost (CA) was also tested but was not statistically significant. 128 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam To see the impact of age of trees on coffee yield, the cost is fixed at the average cost from Agrocensus_2006 ($1230 per ha). The relation between coffee ages and yield is presented in Figure 6.1. In the early years, after the gestation period, coffee yield increases as trees get older. The coffee trees reach a maximum yield at 11 year and then reduce gradually. However, the variation in the coffee yield by age is not large (although statistically significant). The difference of yield by age in the estimated yield function is much smaller than that in the yield function used in the FY model in Chapter 4 and the FY-CC model in Chapter 5, which was based on judgments from a coffee expert focus group and Coffee Farm Survey 2007. A change in yield by coffee age is small, possibly because the age of trees in the sample are mainly mature, with only a few households with young and very old trees. 2600 2550 yield (kg/ha) 2500 2450 2400 2350 2300 2250 2200 2150 2100 0 5 10 15 20 25 age of coffee Figure 6.1: Coffee yield – age relationship at average cost Figure 6.2 illustrates the cost-yield relation for 11-year old trees. According to the estimated results, the yield of coffee increases as variable inputs increase and reaches a maximum yield of 3600 kg per ha when the production cost is approximately $3000 per ha. After reaching the maximum level, coffee yield tends to reduce. However, the maximum cost in the sample is $2880 per hectare, implying that, within the data range, there is a positive relationship between yield and inputs. 129 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 4500 range of surveyed cost 4000 3500 yield (kg/ha) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 2883 0 0 339 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 cost (USD/ha) Figure 6.2: Cost –yield relation for 11 year old coffee trees The result of the estimated yield function will be used (with some modification) in the farm model to investigate changes in coffee farmer’s behavior and income if they have optimal responsiveness to price. The next section will identify the optimal variable cost. 6.3.2. Optimal Cost Specification by Output Price This section estimates the optimal cost as a function of price based on the yield function estimated in the previous section. Starting from the yield equation based on cost per hectare of coffee land and age q 0 C 1 2 C2 3 A 4 A2 i Di The profit of coffee per ha is the difference between revenue and production cost pq C Profit reaches a maximum level when its first derivative equates to zero, and so Coptimal 1 p 1 2p 2 In the estimated coffee yield model, (6.2) 1 =2.55 and 2 =0.00043. Figure 6.3 graphs the cost and yield relationship base on the estimated function for Ia Grai district (Gia Lai 130 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam province) and the price of coffee in 2006 for 11-year old trees. As shown in the figure, farmers can get the maximum yield of 3600 kg per ha when they invest a cost of about $2800. 4500 Maximum yield 4000 Optimal yield Yield (kg per ha) 3500 3000 2500 2000 Surveyed yield 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Cost per ha (USD) Figure 6.3: Simulation of cost and yield relationship (age of tree =11 year old, medium yield level district) 6.3.3. Supply Price Elasticity To get the supply price elasticity, optimal cost in (6.2) is substituted into the estimated yield function: q q q q(' P ) p q 0 C 1 2 0 1 p 1 1 2p 2 0 3A 1 2 2 p3 p q(' P ) q 2 C2 2 4A 3 2 A 4 2 1 p 1 2p 2 1 4 p2 (6.3) A2 3 A 4 A2 2 1 2 4 2 (6.4) 1 2 2p q (6.5) With the average sale price and average yield from data set of $1.05 per kg and 1932.8 kg per ha respectively, the supply price elasticity is 0.54. This means that if price 131 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam increases by 1 percent, yield of coffee increases by 0.54 percent. The relationship between price and yield of coffee is given in Figure 6.4. As p increases, the price elasticity is getting smaller. This happens due to a declining marginal yield. price Yield Ymax Figure 6.4: Simulation of price and coffee yield 6.4. Variable Yield Model (VY model) 6.4.1. Model Structure The model structure of the VY model is the same as the FY model presented in Chapter 4. The objective function, profit function and decision rule are unchanged. The VY model as well as the VY-CC model in this chapter only investigate the optimal rules with lagged price simulation and the quadratic CP ( CP o age 1 2 age2 ). The only difference between the FY model and the VY model is the definition of the yield and cost function. As presented in the FY model, yield and cost depends only on the age of coffee trees and these functions derive from the Coffee Farm Survey data and estimation of coffee experts. Figure 6.5 repeats the yield-age function used in the FY model. However, in the VY model, the yield of coffee is a function of optimal production cost and age of trees in which optimal cost is a function of coffee price as shown in (6.2). 132 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 3000 yield (kg bean/ha) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -500 age of tree Figure 6.5: Coffee yield by age of tree in FY model However, there is a difference between the estimated yield function in Table 6.2 and yield in Figure 6.5. Thus, to compare farmer’s behavior for optimizing profit in both cases with and without short-run response, it is necessary to adjust the estimated yield function to make it consistent with yield function in the FY model. The next section will present the adjustment of the yield function used in the VY model. In addition, the optimal cost in the VY model is a function of price. 6.4.2. Adjustment of Yield function The estimated yield function from Agrocensus_2006 is different from the yield function used for the FY model in Chapter 4. To compare farmer’s optimal decisions in the FY model (where yield is only a function of age), and in the VY model (where yield is a function of age and production cost), it is necessary to adjust the yield function so as to give the same yield at mean level of input, while at the same time reflecting the shortrun response to prices. This means when the average production cost of coffee used in the FY model is used in the yield function and for the VY model, yields should be similar. The adjustment changes the intercept term in the estimated yield function in Table 6.2 and fixing yield for trees of age 7 to 17 years at a constant level. The adjusted yield function for coffee in the mature period is: 133 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam Ym 89 2.55*cos tpha 0.00043cos tpha2 62agemax 2 2.6agemax (6.6) where Ym denotes for yield at mature period; agemax is age at which coffee attains the maximum yield and costpha stands for cost of production per hectare ($/ha). This function describes yield of trees in the mature period only. The yield of coffee in non-mature years is rescaled by yield in the mature period to make yields in both cases (yield is constant at each age of coffee trees and yield is function of production cost and age of coffee trees) consistent, and shows as follows: If age of coffee trees is smaller than 3 years (age <3), yield of coffee trees is equal to zero If age coffee trees is greater than 2 and smaller than 7 (2<age<7), Yield Ym age 2 5 If age of coffee trees is greater than 16 year old, Yield Ym 27 age 11 The yield function used in the FY model and the adjusted yield function in the VY model are presented in Figure 6.6, for the case where the average production cost is $930 per ha. They are very close to each other at all ages. In summary, the adjusted yield function replicates the age-dependent yields based on expert judgment, while at the same time incorporating the estimated impact of variable inputs. 134 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 3000 2500 kg per ha 2000 1500 yield in optimal model 1000 Adjusted yield function 500 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of tree Figure 6.6: Yield in the FY model and Adjusted Yield in the VY model at cost of $930/ha The adjusted yield function moves up and down based on production cost as shown in Figure 6.7. 3500 3000 kg per ha 2500 2000 1500 Adjusted yield (Cost =930USD) 1000 Adjusted yield (Cost =600USD) 500 Adjusted yield (Cost =1200USD) 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee tree Figure 6.7: Yield variation at different production costs 135 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 6.4.3. Optimal Rule of the VY model The optimal cutting and replanting rules are re-solved in the VY the model, given the new opportunity for short run yield response. The optimal rule for the VY model is as follows: CP = 0.14 - 0.029age+0.0034age2 (6.7) RP = 0.51 ($/kg) (6.8) (6.9) Maximum ENPV = 14369 ($) The optimal rule for the VY model, sketched in Figure 6.8 1.2 CP of VY Model RP of VY Model 1 price ($/kg) 0.8 keep coffee keep coffee Replanting price 0.6 0.4 keep coffee Cut and grow maize 0.2 0 0 3 6 9 12 age of trees 15 18 21 Figure 6.8: Optimal cutting and replanting rules in the VY model More importantly, the profit of farmers with a short-run response increases significantly compared to the FY model. The maximum ENPV achieved by the VY model is approximately $14380, an increase at over 50 percent compared to the maximum ENPV in the FY model (see Table 6.3 and Figure 6.9). 136 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam Table 6.3: Comparison of optimal rule between FY and VY model Models Results Unit Cutting rule CP =0.402 -0.05age +0.0036age2 $/kg Replanting price RP =0.74 $/kg maximum ENPV NPV =9226 $ VY model Cutting rule CP =0.14 - 0.029age+0.0034age2 $/kg Replanting price RP=0.51 $/kg maximum ENPV NPV=14369 $ FY model 1 CP of FY Model CP of VY Model RP of FY Model RP of VY Model coffee price ($/kg) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 age of coffee trees Figure 6.9: Optimal rules for FY model and VY model As illustrated in Figure 6.9, the optimal replanting price in the VY model is only 0.51 ($/kg), much smaller than that in the FY model (0.74 $/kg). In addition, the results from the models show that in the FY model coffee farmers are more likely to cut than in the VY model. However, the calculation of the percentage of farmers who really cut the coffee when the optimal rule is invoked with our price simulation gives alternative trends. The percentage of cutting cases in both models is not much different for trees under 15 years old. However, with older trees, the percentage cutting coffee in the FY model is much higher than in the VY model (see Figure 6.10). This implies the difference in the cutting prices at low ages is not binding on behavior, but at higher ages is. 137 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 20 FY model 18 VY model 16 % cutting 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 age of coffee trees Figure 6.10: Percentage of cases in which farmers cut coffee at optimal rule The comparison between profit levels generated from the FY model and the VY model may not be fully accurate, as the yield and cost in the FY model are not representative for the average cost yield in the VY model. This is because the optimal variable input costs, as solved within the VY model is much higher, and hence gives a higher yield, than in the FY model (see Table 6.4). Thus, to see more clearly the change in benefit gained by farmers with the short-run response, the FY model is re-solved for the optimal rule, with the yield replaced by the higher average yield in the VY model. The results of both models are presented in Table 6.5. Farmers in the FY model are still more likely to cut than in the VY model. However, the replanting price is the same in both. In addition, the maximum ENPV in the re-solved FY model is still much lower than in the VY model. This shows that if farmers have the opportunity for a short-run response of cost and yield to price, they can greatly improve their profit. 138 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam Table 6.4: Average cost and yield from the VY model and the FY model Age of trees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Average cost from the VY model 1440 800 296 592 877 1166 1466 1466 1474 1476 1471 1470 1465 1466 1469 1470 1344 1204 1074 940 808 672 Annual cost in the FY model 1440 800 1015 824 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 929 613 613 Average yield from the VY model 0 0 987 1603 2102 2519 2870 2874 2886 2889 2882 2876 2867 2865 2871 2878 2743 2573 2403 2204 1989 1752 Yield in the FY model 0 0 500 1200 1500 2000 2300 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2300 2100 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 Table 6.5: The results of FY model with average cost and yield from VY model Models Results Unit FY model with average cost and yield from VY model Cutting rule CP =0.3 -0.025age +0.0034age2 $/kg Replanting price RP =0.51 $/kg maximum ENPV NPV =10966 $ VY model Cutting rule CP =0.14 - 0.029age+0.0034age2 $/kg Replanting price RP=0.51 $/kg maximum ENPV NPV=14369 $ The next section will incorporate the short-run response in the FY-CC model which was presented in Chapter 5 and investigate how the poor household’s decision changes. 139 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 6.5. The Variable Yield – Cash Constraint Model (VY-CC model) 6.5.1. Model Structure The structure of the VY-CC model is almost the same as the FY-CC model but the coffee yield is replaced by the adjusted yield function as presented in Section 6.4.2 and a small change in decision rules is introduced. The objective function is still the maximum ENPV from land choice per poor farm size (5287 m2). The coffee yield function in the VY-CC is the same as in the VY model. Similar to the VY model, production cost of coffee in the VY-CC model is determined by the coffee price as follows: Coptimal where 1 1 p 2p (6.10) 1 2 =2.55 and 2 =0.00043 The yield is a function of production cost and age of coffee trees as presented in (6.6). However, the production costs for the first two years of gestation period are not dependent on price; they are estimated from Coffee Farm Survey 2007. This is the same as the VY model. There is a small change in decision rule in the VY-CC model compared to the FY-CC model. With the FY-CC model, production cost is fixed for a given age so farmers keep growing coffee if: coffee price >min (CP,RP) and Capitalt + Io>= Costt+1 + Minexpend In the VY-CC model, only production costs for the first year coffee trees (replanting price) and the second year are fixed. The production costs for older trees are a function of output price. If prices are too low, farmers may not apply inputs for coffee production. This means the variable cost for trees greater than 2 years can be zero. However, this decision will affect the coffee output through the yield function. Thus, in the VY-CC model when farmers are growing coffee, they will keep coffee if: coffee price >min (CP,RP) and 140 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam Capitalt + Io>= Cost2 (if aget-1 =1) + Minexpend where Io is other income of poor household, Cost2 is production cost of 2 year old coffee trees, Minexpend is the minimum expenditure of household. If farmers are growing maize or they want to replace old coffee trees (if coffee age is 22 year old), price and household budget must satisfy two conditions: coffee price >= replanting price, and Capitalt + Io>= replanting cost + Minexpend The VY-CC only investigates the optimal rules using the lagged price simulation and the quadratic fixed form of CP (i.e. CP o age 1 2 age2 ) 6.5.2. Optimal Rule of the VY-CC model Using the grid search method to solve the VY-CC model, the optimal rules are identified as follows: CP = 0.19 – 0.067age + 0.0044age2 (6.11) RP = 0.59 ($/kg) Optimal ENPV per poor farm size = 7086 ($) The output from the VY-CC model shows significant changes compared to the FY-CC model in Chapter 5. Model results indicate that poor coffee farmers with short-run response in the VY-CC are much less likely to cut. Poor farmers with 4 year old to 11 year old coffee trees should not cut coffee even if price reduces to 0 ($/kg). A farmer with trees over 12-year old is much more likely to cut. Model output also shows that farmers should replant coffee when price reaches 0.59 ($/kg). The optimal cutting and replanting rules for poor farmers with short-run response is illustrated in Figure 6.11. A comparison of optimal rules between the FY-CC model and the VY-CC model is presented in Figure 6.12. As shown in the figure, with the option of a short-run response, poor coffee farmers replant much earlier and are much less likely to cut for growing maize. 141 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam 1 0.9 CP of VY-CC Model RP of VY-CC Model 0.8 keep growing coffee price ($/kg) 0.7 replanting price 0.6 0.5 0.4 keep growing coffee 0.3 0.2 cut and grow maize 0.1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee trees Figure 6.11: Optimal rule of the VY-CC model 1.6 price ($/kg) 1.4 1.2 CP of FY-CC model RP of FY-CC Model 1 CP of VY-CC Model RP of VY-CC Model 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of trees Figure 6.12: A comparison of optimal rule between FY-CC and VY-CC model The difference between the FY-CC model and the VY-CC model is shown clearly by the percentage of cases in which farmers cut their coffee trees when optimal rules and the cash constraint are invoked. As presented in Figure 6.13, the actual cutting frequency in the FY-CC model is always higher than that in the VY-CC model, especially for 2-year old trees. As shown in the FY-CC model, some farmers have to cut their coffee trees because they cannot afford to keep coffee when the price goes down. 142 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam According to the VY-CC model output, the percentage of farmers who cut their trees in the first year remains high. The reason is the same as in the FY-CC model in which farmers have to cut trees because of the cash constraint. This is shown clearly in Figure 6.14. Similar to the FY-CC model, the liquidity constraint is the main cause that force farmers with young coffee trees to cut down. Meanwhile, farmers cut old trees when the CP rule is invoked. 30 % cases optimal rule invoked FY-CC model 25 VY-CC model 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 age of coffee tree Figure 6.13: Percentage of cases in which farmers cut coffee at optimal rules 14 by CP 12 by cash constraint % actual cut 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 age of coffee trees Figure 6.14: Percentage of actual cut of the VY-CC model by cutting rule and by cash constraint 143 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam Figure 6.15 compares maximum ENPV gained by farmers for different models with a farm size of 5287m2. As is shown clearly in the figure, with the short-run response, poor coffee farmers can get much higher income compared to the FY-CC model. The maximum ENPV from the VY-CC model is 7086 ($/poor farm-size), much higher than income from the FY-CC model in Chapter 5 (only $ 4375). However, due to the cash constraint, poor farmers in the VY-CC model cannot optimize their decision, thus the maximum ENPV in the VY-CC model is still lower than the ENPV in the VY model. 8000 7600 7086 ENPV-$/per poor farmsize 7000 6000 5000 4376 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 FY-CC model VY-CC model VY Model Figure 6.15: Comparison of ENPV from different models at poor farm-size The comparison between incomes from two models (FY-CC and VY-CC) is to some extent incomplete because production cost and yield from the FY-CC model is not compatible with those from the VY-CC model. Thus, to see the ENPV gained by poor farmers from being able to utilize the short-run response, the FY-CC model is re-solved and cost and yield are replaced by average cost and average yield from the VY-CC model. The re-solved optimal rules of the FY-CC model with average cost and yield from the VY-CC model are presented in (6.12). The model output shows the improvement of maximum ENPV, but it is much lower than maximum ENPV from the VY-CC model. Again, this result confirms the importance of short-run response and its impact on coffee farmers’ decision. 144 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam CP = 0.38 - 0.026age + 0.0018age2 (6.12) RP = 0.74 ($/kg) Optimal ENPV at poor farm size=5323 ($) 6.6. Conclusion This chapter investigates the coffee farmer’s decision when it is possible to change yields in the short-run. By integrating the coffee yield function in the short-run into the FY model and the FY-CC model, this chapter develops two corresponding models: the VY model and the VY-CC model. In general, in the presence of a short-run response, farmers in both the VY model and the VY-CC model are much less like to cut as compared to the FY model and FY-CC model. Farmers in the VY model seem never cut if the coffee trees are less than 11 years old. With the short-run response, the actual cutting percentages in the VY-CC model at optimal rules reduces significantly compared to the FY-CC model. The VY-CC model shows that the poor farmers never cut when coffee trees are in 4-16 age groups. They only cut in the early years of the cycle or when the trees are getting quite old. Similar to the FY-CC model, farmers with young trees in the VY-CC model have to cut coffee trees because of the liquidity constraint. Furthermore, with the short-run response, farmers are more likely to replant coffee if they are growing maize or having bare land. The VY model found that farmers should replant when the price is $0.51 per kg. The optimal replanting price in the VY-CC model is only $0.59 per kg of coffee, much lower than that in the FY-CC model ($1.4 per kg). The short-run response of farmers improves the value of ENPV considerably. The maximum ENPV from the VY model increases by over 50 percent compared to the ENPV in the FY model. Similarly, the maximum ENPV of the VY-CC model is about 60 percent higher than that in the FY-CC model. The ENPV of the FY model and the FY-CC model is changed when the yield and cost functions in these models are replaced 145 Chapter 6. Short-run Response and Optimal Rules for Coffee Farmers in Vietnam by the average cost and average yield from short-run response, however it does not improve significantly. In chapters 4, 5 and 6, different optimal models are developed to investigate the coffee farmer’s decision in different scenarios. The following models are expanded from the FY model. The objective and general structure of models are similar but the detail functions and decision rules are quite different. Thus, it would give a much better understanding when comparing and summarizing main ideas, structure and output of all models. This will be done in next chapter. 146 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models CHAPTER 7. SUMMARY OF THE OPTIMAL MODELS 7.1. Introduction In the three previous chapters (4, 5 and 6), four version of a simulation model were developed to identify the optimal cutting and replanting rules for coffee farmers in Vietnam. The four model version are: Fixed yield optimal model (FY model) Fixed yield optimal model with cash constraint (FY-CC model) Variable yield optimal model (VY model), and Variable yield optimal model with cash constraint (VY-CC model) Latter models have a similar structure and specification to the FY model but with additional constraints added to explore different aspects of the economic behavior of coffee farmers. This chapter is a synthesis of the previous optimal model discussion to compare results across the models. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a synthesis of the results from these models, and provide some interpretation as to their implications. Following the introductory part, Section 7.2 will summarize the differences of objective, structure and particular constraints among models. The change in farmer’s decision will be presented in Section 7.3. 7.2. Model Development 7.2.1. Objectives of Models In general, all models aim to identify the cutting price (CP) and replanting price (RP) for maximizing the expected net present value from “land use choice” (ENPV). However, each model investigates the optimal rules in different contexts. The FY and VY model identify the optimal rules to maximise ENPV per ha of farm land. The land can be used to grow coffee or maize (as a substitute crop). 147 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models Similarly, the main objective of the FY-CC and the VY-CC model is to investigate the change in the poor coffee farmer’s decision, when they face a cash constraint. These latter models concern a household as a whole, and cover other aspects of a household such as living expenditure, other income, loans and family labour. In addition, the farm size in those models is fixed at an appropriate size (5287 m2). The aims and objective function of the models are summarized in Table 7.1 Table 7.1: Main objective of models Models Core objective FY model Identifying the optimal CP and RP to maximise the ENPV for 1 ha of land Objective function: maximum ENPV per ha FY-CC model Investigating the optimal CP and RP to maximise the ENPV for poor coffee farmers in the presence of a cash constraint Objective function: maximum ENPV per poor coffee farm (size 5287 m2) VY model Finding CP and RP to get the maximum ENPV with the incorporation of short-run response in which coffee yield is a function of production cost and tree age Objective function: maximum ENPV per ha VY-CC Model Specifying the optimal cutting and replanting rule to maximise ENPV for poor coffee farmers in the presence of a cash constraint and short-run response Objective function: maximum ENPV per poor coffee farm (size 5287 m2) 7.2.2. Rules and Constraints The models apply the fixed form optimization approach to specify the cutting and replanting prices for obtaining the maximum ENPV. The fixed form used for CP and RP is as follows: CP o RP 3 age 1 2 age2 148 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models To find CP and RP, models finally need to identify o , 1 , 2 and 3 . Each model contains particular rules and constraints. In the FY and the FY-CC model, coffee yield and production cost vary by age of tree, but cannot be altered by the farmers. In FY model, coffee farmers are assumed to not have a cash constraint. Thus, the cutting and replanting decision are only dependent on the price of coffee at which farmers will cut coffee and switch to maize (as a substitute crop) if coffee price falls below CP. They will decide to grow coffee again if price increase to RP (see Table 7.2). The cutting and planting decision rules of the VY model are the same as the FY model. The structure of the FC-CC and the VY-CC model are different from that of the FY and the VY model. The FC-CC and the VY-CC model concern the farm as a household and focus on the decision of the poor coffee household. Some additional equations are added into these models such as living expenditure, family labour return, saving and credit. However, coffee yield in the FY-CC model is the same as in the FY model: yield is fixed at a given age of coffee trees. The decision of poor coffee households in the FYCC model and the VY-CC model depends on both the price and the cash availability of the household. Decision rules can be presented as follows: Keep growing coffee if (i) the price is greater than the CP and (ii) the household budget (savings + borrowings + other income) can at least cover the minimum household expenditure and production cost in the following year. Otherwise, they will switch to maize. Replant coffee if the price is greater than or equal to the RP and the budget of households is greater than the sum of replanting cost and minimum household expenditure. Table 7.2 summarizes the decision rules and constraints in the four optimal models. Table 7.2: Decision rules and constraints Models FY model VY model Relaxed constraints o o o o Yield is fixed by age of coffee trees yield =f(age);cost =f(age) no cash constraint decision rule: cut and replace with maize if price <CP otherwise keep growing; and replant if price >=RP o Yield is now a function of age and production cost 149 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models FY-CC model VY-CC Model o yield =f(age, production cost); cost =f(coffee price) o no cash constraint o decision rule: cut and replace with maize if price <CP otherwise keep growing; and replanting if price >=RP o include expenditure function, saving, other income, loan o yield =f(age); cost =f(age) (as for FY model) o New rule: keep coffee if price > CP and household’s budget >= minimum household expenditure+ production cost in next year. Otherwise, cut for maize. Replant coffee if (price >=RP) and (household’s budget> replanting cost + minimum household expenditure) o including expenditure function, saving, other income, loan o yield =f(age, production cost);optimal cost =f(coffee price) o rule: keep coffee if price > CP and household’s budget >= minimum household expenditure+ production cost in next year. Otherwise, cut for maize. replant coffee if (price >=RP) and (household’s budget> replanting cost + minimum household expenditure 7.3. Changes in Coffee Farmer’s Decision The main outputs of all models are summarized in Table 7.3. The maximum ENPV from the VY model is highest with about $14370 per hectare (or equivalent to $7600 per poor farm size). This means that if coffee farmers are not restricted by a cash constraint and input use is responsive to the output price, they can achieve the maximum returns from investment in coffee and optimize their decision. The maximum ENPV in the VY model is about 50 percent higher than in the FY model (see Figure 7.1). The difference reduces to 31 percent if the yield function in the FY model is replaced by the average yield of the VY model. Table 7.3: Main results of simulation models Models Main output FY model CP = 0.402 - 0.0509age + 0.00367age2 RP = 0.74 ($/kg of coffee bean) ENPV = 9226 ($/ha) ~= 4878 ($/poor farm size) VY model CP = 0.14 - 0.029age+0.0034age2 RP = 0.51 ($/kg) ENPV = 14369 ($/ha) ~=7600 ($/poor farm size) 150 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models FY-CC model CP = 0.458 -0.46age +0.00325age2 RP = 1.4 ($/kg) ENPV = 4375 ($/poor farm size) CP = 0.19 – 0.067age + 0.0044age2 VY-CC Model RP = 0.59 ($/kg) ENPV = 7086 ($/poor farm size) Note: poor farm size is 5287m2 100% Expected NPV ($/poor farm size) 8000 92% 7000 6000 5000 64% 57% 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 FY model FY-CC model VY model VY-CC model Figure 7.1: Maximum ENPV achieved from models The hypothesis behind the FY-CC and the VY-CC models is that in some cases farmer’s efficiency may be altered by the cash constraint. They may have to cut earlier than the original optimal point or they cannot replant because of the cash shortage. The results of models are consistent with farmer’s expected behaviors. A comparison between the FY and the FY-CC shows that farmers in the FY model are less likely to cut and they replant earlier (see Figure 7.1 and Figure 7.2). Households represented by the FY-CC model cannot achieve the oreginal optimal land use choice and earn less than those who are represented by the FY model. The income of poor farmers reduces by 15 percent if they follow the optimal decision of the non-poor farmers. However, despite the cash constraint if coffee farmers adjust input use efficiently to coffee price, they can greatly improve their income. This explains why the ENPV in the VY-CC is much higher than in the FY-CC. 151 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.2 CP of FY model CP of FY-CC model 1 RP of FY model RP of FY-CC model price ($/kg) price ($/kg) 1.4 0.8 0.6 1.2 CP of FY-CC model RP of FY-CC Model 1 CP of VY-CC Model RP of VY-CC Model 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 1 0 5 10 15 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 20 age of trees age of trees Figure 7.2: Optimal cutting and replanting rules in different models The effect of a cash constraint on farmer’s decision is expressed more clearly through the actual cutting farmers in models when optimal rules are invoked. The cutting frequency in the FY-CC is higher than that in the FY model, especially for young trees and very old trees (see Figure 7.3). The cutting decision of poor coffee households is influenced by both the optimal rules and cash constraint. This can also be seen in Figure 7.3 where the cutting percentage is affected by the combined impact of the CP rule and the cash constraint. The result shows that cash problems have a significant effect on the cutting decision of farmers with young trees. 30 30 by CP rules FY model 25 FY-CC model 20 % actual cut % actual cut 25 15 10 by cash constraint 20 FY-CC model 15 10 5 5 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 age of coffee trees 15 17 19 21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 age of trees Figure 7.3: Actual cutting percentage at optimal rules in FY and FY-CC model The cutting percentage also changes if farmers have an efficient short-run response. Figure 7.4 presents the cutting percentage at optimal rule in both the FY and the VY models. There are two points to note in this figure. First, the optimal rule shows a positive value of CP for all trees, but the real cutting percentage under the price simulation in the FY and the VY models for young trees is very small. This means 152 19 21 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models without cash problems, farmers mostly never cut if trees are less than 11 year old. In addition, the actual cutting percentage under 15-year old trees is also quite small. This pattern is almost the same for both the FY and the VY models. Secondly, the actual cutting percentage in the VY model is generally smaller than in the FY model. The actual cutting (%) difference between models becomes significant for 17 year old and older trees. 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 FY model VY model 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 age of trees Figure 7.4: Cutting percentage at optimal rule in FY and VY model The optimal replanting prices vary across different models. The replanting price reflects the expected income earned by farmers from coffee production. According to model output, farmers in the VY model decide to replant at a relatively low price of $0.51 per kg. Due to the cash constraint, farmers in the VY-CC model wait for a higher price to replant coffee trees and they grow coffee again at a price of $0.59 per kg (Figure 7.5). The poor households in the FY-CC model optimize their decision to replant coffee at $1.4 per kg. In this case, farmers do not have the response of input use to the output price. In addition, their decision is constrained by a cash constraint so they wait until there is a high price to reduce the chance of low future price occurring. This explains why poor farmers without short-run response are much less likely to replant. 153 Chapter 7. Summary of the optimal models 1.6 1.4 price ($/kg coffee bean) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.74 0.59 0.6 0.51 0.4 0.2 0 The FY model The FY-CC model The VY model The VY-CC model Figure 7.5: Optimal replanting prices for different models The optimal cutting and replanting prices for the fixed yield models in this study differ from those of Luong and Loren (2006). Luong and Loren (2006) found that a farmer would enter into coffee production when prices are above 1.04 $/kg and exit if the price dropped below 0.32 $/kg. Hence, farmers without cash constraints in optimal models replant earlier. An important improvement in decision analysis in this study compared to the model by Luong and Loren (2006) is that, cutting prices in fixed form are a function of the age of trees. It is not a fixed number for all coffee groups as presented in Luong and Loren (2006). 7.4. Conclusion The application of simulation models helps to understand the replanting and cutting decisions of individual farmers. More clearly, the models identify at what price farmers should cut their trees down and switch to other crops. In addition, the optimal models point out when farmers should replant coffee if they currently have bare land or are growing other crops. One conclusion in all models is that coffee farmers optimized their decision at different ‘trigger’ prices for cutting and replanting. This asymmetric response of coffee households may be reflected in an asymmetric response of coffee area at aggregate levels to price changes. To test this hypothesis, the next chapter will analyze the supply response of the aggregate coffee area. 154 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam CHAPTER 8. COFFEE SUPPLY RESPONSE IN VIETNAM 8.1. Introduction The estimation of supply response functions could improve the understanding of the price mechanism and the responsiveness of supply to price changes (Nerlove and Bachman, 1960). Understanding supply responsiveness can assist policy makers in achieving production targets in markets where price is considered as a policy tool. In addition, estimated supply functions can be used for forecasting. Estimating supply functions for perennial crops such as coffee is more complex than for annual crops due to the time lags associated with the decision to increase production and production capacity becoming available. Furthermore, supply decisions are a function of expected cost and return over the whole life cycle of coffee trees. The input requirements and yields of perennial crop vary as a function of tree age, implying that annual production depends on the age composition of the tree stock. Furthermore, the age composition of trees influences plantings and removals. The pioneering work of Nerlove (1956) on supply response was concerned with annual crops (wheat, cotton and corn). Nerlove’s model has been adopted by later authors to represent the supply response of perennial crops. From the output of the simulation models in previous chapters, it is optimal for different farmers to cut and replant at different prices. The cutting/replanting gap may be reflected in an asymmetric response of the coffee area at the aggregate level to price changes. This chapter investigates a supply function based on time series data to see if the behaviour of farmers identified in previous chapters can be observed in the time series data. The supply function is used to estimate short and long-run elasticities. The function tests the hypothesis that the coffee supply in Vietnam shows an asymmetrical price response, i.e. is relatively responsive to price rises but is unresponsive to price falls. 155 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam Section 8.2 reviews previous methods and studies on supply response using time series data. The application to coffee supply response in Vietnam is introduced in Section 8.3. Some conclusions are highlighted in Section 8.4. 8.2. Literature Review on Supply Response Analysis using the Econometric Approach This section begins with standard models where supply response is symmetric or reversible and then reviews studies of asymmetric supply responses. The structural equation approach (Sadoulet and deJanvry, 1995) is based upon production economics and the theory of the firm and includes primal approaches, based around the production function and dual approaches using the profit function and the cost function. Alternatively, the reduced form supply function approach simply explains supply of a commodity as a function of selected commodity prices, with relatively limited constraints derived from theory. The Nerlovian model (Nerlove 1956b) is a reduced form model and this approach will be applied here. When looking at the crop supply response, researchers often study the area grown of a crop, but not the output. For annual crops, the supply response model looks at the change in area but for perennial crops such as coffee, the cutting and replanting area should also be included. Thus, the area equation of perennial crops is identified as: At At 1 Nt Rt where At is crop area in year t, At 1 is the lagged area, N t is new planting area in year t and Rt is the removal area in year t. For perennial crops, the analysis of supply by decomposing the response into a response for plantings and a response for removals would give understanding of the response to price changes. However, time series data on new plantings or removals is often not available, instead only an aggregate area is available. . 156 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam 8.2.1. Nerlovian Approach Coffee is a perennial crop with a three to four year establishment period between initial planting and the first harvest. Thus, when deciding to replant, coffee producers base their decision on expected, not observed, prices. Because of the time lag in crop production in general, modeling with expected prices has been an important consideration in the analysis of crop supply response. The time lag in production means that there is often a divergence between desired and actual output (Sadoulet and deJanvry, 1995). To address these issues, a number of models have been developed in the literature. The Nerlovian model of crop supply response is formulated in terms of desired area, yield and output. The generalized Nerlove’s model basically includes three equations (Nerlove, 1956, Askari and Cummings, 1977, Sadoulet and deJanvry, 1995) Atd 1 At At Pt e Pt e1 Pt e Pt Pe 3 ( Atd At 1 ) vt ,......... 0 ( Pt Pt e1 ) wt 2 t 1 1 (1 1 Zt (8.1) ut 1 (8.2) (8.3) ) Pt e1 wt where At is the actual area under cultivation at time t , Atd is the area desired to be under cultivation at the time t , Pt is the actual price at time t , Pt e is the expected prices at time t , Z t is the other exogenous factors affecting supply at the time t , and γ are termed the expectation and adjustment coefficients, respectively, ut , vt and wt are error terms. In (8.1), desired area is a function of expected prices, own price and price of a competing crop and other exogenous factors affecting supply (such as weather). Equation (8.2) is a land adjustment equation. Full adjustment cannot be achieved in the short run, thus the actual change between year t and t 1 is only a fraction ( ) of desired adjustment. Equation (8.3) is an adaptive expectation price equation. Because the expected price cannot be observed, the model expresses expected prices based on 157 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam actual/observed prices. This equation represents a price learning process where farmers adjust their expectation as a fraction of the forecast error in the previous year. Pt e and Atd are not observable, but by substituting Pt e and Atd from (8.2) and (8.3) into (8.1), Pt e and Atd are eliminated and the reduced form of the area equation is: At 1 2 t 1 P 3 ) (1 ) )(1 ) At 1 4 At 2 5 Zt 6 Zt 1 et (8.4) where: 1 1 2 2 (1 3 4 (1 5 3 6 et (1 3 vt (1 ) )vt ut 1 (1 1 There are six coefficients ( 1 original equation system: 1 )ut 6 , 2 1 2 wt ) in the reduced form but only five parameters in the , 3 , , . Hence, to get the unique solution for parameters in original equation system, the following constraint has to be imposed on the coefficients in the reduced form: 2 6 2 5 4 3 5 After estimating 0 6 1 6 from the reduced form, we can identify the parameters in the original system. 2 ( 3 1 4 2) 1 /(1 ) 3 4 0 / 1 1 2 2 / 5 5 / The general Nerlovian model described above has been applied in numerous crop response studies (see Askari and Cumming (1977). Nerlove’s model has been modified to represent livestock supply and perennial crops. Studies on the supply of perennial 158 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam crops are more common but are challenging due to the characteristics of perennial crops, summarized by French and Matthews (1971) as follows: (i) The long gestation period between initial input and first output or time of establishment period (ii) The extended period of output flowing from initial production or investment (iii) The deterioration of plants over time A supply response model for perennial crops has to explain not only the planting process but also replanting and removal. Knapp (1987) also pointed out that perennial crops pose additional challenges compared to annual crops because production extends over several years. The planting decisions have to reflect expected costs and returns over several years. Despite the difficulties in studying supply response for perennial crops, a number of researchers have used the Nerlovian model. One of the earlier applications of the Nerlovian model to perennial crop supply response was Bateman (1965) who analyzed the case of cocoa in Ghana. He assumed that the farmer’s objective was to maximise the discounted value of the future stream of net returns from cocoa. The planting area of cocoa was a function of its own expected real price and coffee price (as a substitute crop) and the output was a function of yield. After taking the differences of output and combining output and area equation, Bateman obtained the final reduced form function in which output is a function of lagged prices of cocoa and coffee, rainfall, humidity and lagged output. Similarly, Behrman (1968) applied a Nerlovian model to estimate the supply function of cocoa for leading producing countries. In contrast to Bateman, he started with an area function in which desired area is a function of expected cocoa price and coffee price. After that, Behrman transformed this function to output function by applying a yield factor. Similar to Bateman, by taking the first difference of output, the change of cocoa output finally became a function of lagged cocoa price difference, coffee price difference and the second and third difference of output. Saylor (1974) applied Nerlovian equation systems to measure the supply elasticities of coffee in Sao Paulo (Brazil). The data used in the model were coffee area in Sao Paulo for the years 1947-1970 and farm-gate coffee price in the 1945-1969 period. In the study, Saylor estimated several alternative models, with the main explanatory variables being lagged price, lagged area, time trend and price index of 20 leading agricultural 159 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam 31 commodities in Sao Paulo . Saylor pointed out that the Nerlove model could explain most of the variation in coffee supply and found that the price elasticities are relatively low for both short-run and long-run, with the long-run values (ranging from 0.5 to 0.73 depending on particular supply equations) much higher than the short-run (from 0.1 to 0.19). 8.2.2. Extended Nerlovian Approach For perennial crops, removal and replanting are influenced by expected price and costs. Replanting also allows new technology to be adopted. For these reasons, it is much better for supply response analysis to explicitly represent planting and removal decisions. Thus, to develop the Nerlovian model for analyzing total area response, researchers have estimated new planting and removal equations. French and Bressler (1962) used this approach to develop a supply model of lemons in California (USA) in which they estimated new plantings and removals. Originating from the relationship in which the acreage of new lemon trees depends on expected long run profitability, age distribution and expected profitability of other activities, the authors tried to approximate the relationship by a linear function of long-run profit expectation. The profit expectation in this paper was calculated using five years of past net returns. Similarly, tree removals were expressed as a function of expected current profit and proportion of fruit bearing trees over 25 years. However, they found that the proportion of fruit bearing trees over 25 years was insignificant due to its small variation during the observed period, and expected profit did not give statistically significant results. Thus, the estimate of the proportion of removals is simply the mean value of the ratio of bearing acres divided by acres of trees removed. To describe the characteristics of perennial asparagus crops, French and Matthews (1971) provided a model of supply response with 5 major components: (1) functions explaining quantity of production and crop bearing acreage desired by growers; (2) a new plantings function, (3) removed acreage each year (4) relationships between unobservable expectation variables and observable variables and (5) an equation explaining variation in average yield. However, because of data constraints, they tried to simplify their model by constructing an equation system to express those relationships based on the expected profit function with explanatory variables such as price, a wage index and a supply equation. The expected profit is: 31 This variable attempts to see whether the price of competing activities influence coffee area. 160 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam e c0 c1 ( P / M )e u e where denotes expected profit, P is grower price, W is wage rate. The e means an expected value. The supply function consists of change of acreage (At-At-1) and a number of independent variables such as previous acreage and (P/M) ratio and dummy variables32. This equation was estimated by the Ordinary Least of Square method (OLS). However, the estimated coefficients could not be used to recover the structural parameters because the model was under-identified. Thus, the effect of harvest and investment decisions could not be measured separately. 8.2.3. Wicken - Greenfield Approach Wicken and Greenfield (1973) criticized the Nerlovian model, because the model fails to distinguish between the investment decision regarding the stock of trees and the harvesting decision. Thus, they have attempted to develop a vintage production, investment and supply response model for the coffee crop in Brazil. Their structural equations are: q n P t It I , i t i i 0 ao a1I t-1 0 P 1qt a 2 Pt m qt P qt i 2 t i 1 i 0 where qtP is the potential output, qt is the actual output, I t denotes investment and Pt is producer price. Wicken and Greenfield obtained the reduced form of supply in which output is a function of the distributed lag of price and area as follows: m qt P i t i ( 1 )qt 1 q 1 t 2 cons (8.5) i 0 Where: 32 See more detail in French and Matthews (1971). 161 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam i 2 i i 2 2 1 0 i a2 1 m 1 i a2 1 i cons i=0 2 1 0 1 t 1 1 m 1 i = 1,…m i = m+1 i=m+2,…..n. is the constant term The Wicken-Greenfield model has been applied to a number of crops. Dowling (1979) used the Almon Lag model to analyze of the supply response of rubber in Thailand. Hartley et al (1987) looked at a similar supply response of rubber in Sri Lanka. In their models, new planting was a negligible component of total area so the researchers focused on modeling the uprooting and replanting decision. Both authors conclude that the relationship between production and the stock of trees was considerably more complex than specified by the Wickens-Greenfield model. After estimating removal, supply and new planting equations, they conclude that the Wicken-Greenfield model is not appropriate for the rubber sector in Sri Lanka. Some coefficients in the estimated equations had wrong signs: price was estimated to have a significant negative effect on new planting, and the wage is significantly positive. Akiyama and Trivedi (1987), provide an extended critique of the Wicken-Greenfield approach. First, the model is over-identified. Second, it is difficult to add non-price variables in the planting equation (because they appear as a distributed lag in the reduced form). Akiyama and Trivedi (1987) developed a Vintage production model for perennial crops and applied this to the tea sector in three countries (India, Sri Lanka and Kenya). This model included new plantings, supply, replanting and uprooting based on different explanatory variables such as moving average price, capacity for new plantings, extension service (for India), expenditure per hectare for extension and service, new plantings, real price (for Kenya), and tea production cost, tea price, new plantings and uprootings, and a replanting subsidy (for Sri Lanka). Akiyama and Trivedi’s vintage production model requires reliable time-series data for production, area planted and credit availability. For many countries, these data are not available. Furthermore, econometric models of commodity markets are valid only when the relationships among variables are stable over time without any significant structural changes. These are also problems raised by Nerlove (1979). According to Nerlove (1979), there are four main problems when studying supply response for perennial crops 162 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam in developing countries using time series data. First, time series data needs to be available, especially new planting data and current age structure data. Second, government intervention is wide-spread and affects the supply response. Third, there is frequently an imperfect relationship between output and stock of the perennial crop. The depletion of stock varies not only because of cutting but also because of weather and disease. Fourth, technical change (new varieties) produces an additional element of uncertainty. 8.2.4. Price Asymmetric Response When estimating the response of supply to price, the standard approach is to assume that supply responds symmetrically to price increases and decreases. Based on Deaton and Laroque (2003), Olsen (2005) built a model for world coffee supply response and showed that the supply response is asymmetric. In particular, supply responds to price increases but is unresponsive to price decreases. There is even some evidence of a perverse supply response where decreasing prices may cause coffee farmers to increase production. Olsen (2005) explains these findings by farmers being able to survive through subsistence crops while they wait for the coffee price to increase; and a lack of alternative income sources. Olsen (2005), proposes that the existence of a “fixed asset” causes an asymmetric supply response. Low salvage values cause producers to continue production even though prices are low because the acquisition costs are high. A method for studying asymmetric supply response was introduced by Tweeten and Quance (1969) when looking at crop and livestock supply in the United States. They analyzed the supply response to price change by splitting the price variable into two variables one each for price increases and price decreases, thus: Qt 0 1 pt t pt (8.6) in which p1 pt p2 1, otherwise 0 p1 p pt , if t 1, otherwise 0 pt 1 p1 , if pt pt , if pt 0 and pt 0 , if pt pt However, according to Wolffram (1971), the price split by Tweeten and Quance causes incorrect solutions for irreversible supply reaction and differentiation of partial 163 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam influence because the supply in Tweeten and Quance’s method cannot reflect by change of price (decrease or reduce). Thus, Wolffram splits the price series by using price differences. According to Wolffarm’s method the supply function can be estimated by: Qt 0 WRt 1 (8.7) WFt 2 Where WRt is the sum of all period to period increases in expected price from its initial value up to period t and WFt is the sum of period to period decreases. Mathematically, the split price series can be expressed as follows: WR1 p1; WRt WRt 1 WF1 p1; WFt WFt 1 α =1 if p t -p t-1 ( pt (1 pt 1 ) )( pt pt 1 ) 0, else=0 Houck (1977) modified Wolffram’s approach by cumulating positive and negative first differences, beginning with zero and not with the actual first observation. Furthermore, to focus on the identification of starting points and measurement through levels, Houck (1977) changed the dependent variable to Qt – Q0, where Q0 is quantity in the first period. Traill et al (1978) criticized the Wolffram function because it implies that for given starting and finishing prices, the greater are price changes in intermediate periods, the larger is output at the end of the period. However, in practice highly variable prices would lead to an output reduction due to risk concerns. Traill et al (1978) pointed out that the response of supply to price will only become elastic once it has risen beyond the previous maximum price. Thus, Traill et al (1978) modified Wolffram’s method so that when the price increases but remains below the previous maximum level, price change is added to the price fall series (modified Wolffram fall – MWF ) rather than to the price rise series (modified Wolffram rise – MWR ). Following Wolffram’s model, the modified Wolffram supply equation is Qt 0 1 MWRt 2 MWFt (8.8) The responses of supply to price changes in both models Wolffram and Modified Wolffram are presented in Figure 8.1. It should be noted that the coefficient of MWRt no longer presents the response of output to every price rise, but the response to price increase beyond the previous maximum. 164 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam Figure 8.1: Hypothetical response overtime of Wolffram model and Modified Wolffram model Source: Traill et al (1978) Traill et al (1978) point out that using the maximum price in all previous periods to specify rise and fall price series may cause the “eternal asset” problem. The method of splitting the price data are only relevant in the short-run, as in the long-run depreciation of crop specific assets will erode the asset fixity. However, when generating the maximum price empirically, there is no historical limit because price has to rise above its previous maximum before there is an elastic response. This implies that, once bought, the asset exists eternally. This specification will cause estimation problems if there is a high price early in the series that is not surpassed and the price rise effectively becomes a constant. To overcome this difficulty, Burton (1988) suggested using the “window” technique. This technique defines the previous maximum price as the maximum level occurring in only n previous years, not all previous years and n is determined empirically. This method ensures that at some point historically high levels of investment cease to have an effect on current output decision. With the window technique, the price difference can be expressed as: pt ptmax,n n ptmax, 1 if ptmax,n max, n t pt p n ptmax, 1 (8.9) otherwise And pt pt ptmax,n if ptmax,n 0 n ptmax, 1 (8.10) otherwise Where ptmax,n max pt , pt 1 , , pt n In addition, Burton (1988) indicated that the introduction of a dynamic response makes the price partitioning method used in the modified Wolffram technique invalid, as a peak in the price series can only specify a maximum desired asset level, and not necessarily the capital assets held on the farm. Thus, the modified Wolffram technique should not be used in conjunction with a distributed lag on the price, as it produces 165 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam incorrect signals of excess capacity. In addition, Burton suggested a new model based on partial adjustment with a comparison between desired output and maximum level output in previous periods. The model is: St* P 3 St St Stadj (8.11) 4 t 1 2 Stmax (Stadj (1 St 1 ) 1 (8.12) D)(St* Stmax ) (8.13) where St* is the desired output at time t, Pt is the price at time t, St is the output level at time t, Stmax is the maximum level in n previous period. Stadj denotes adjusted desired output, Dt is dummy variable taking a value of 1 if St* < Stmax and 0 otherwise. By substituting (8.11) and (8.13) into (8.12), the supply response function is given as: St 2 3 P (1 2 4 t 2 )St 1 2 1 Dt (Stmax 3 (8.14) P) 4 t Granger and Lee (1989) introduce an alternative approach using the error term. This model is called the Error Correction Model (ECM) and instead of partitioning price, the ECM splits the error correction term ut 1 into ut max(ut 1 , 0) and ut 1 1 min(ut 1 ,0) . The error correction term ( ut 1 ) is derived from the regression: yt ut x 0 1 yt 1 (8.15) ut 1 t (8.16) x 0 1 t 1 The reduced structure of an asymmetric error correction model is given by: yt 0 1 xt u 2 t 1 u 3 t 1 4 yt 1 5 xt 1 (8.17) However, according to Wolffram (2005b), the asymmetric relations cannot be estimated with positive and negative component of the split error correction term ( ut 1 ) from the ECM proposed by Granger and Lee (1989). The reason is that the sign-separation of ut 1 based on its sign does not correspond with asymmetry changes in yt 1 . Besides, Wolffram (2005b) criticizes the symmetric as well as asymmetric ECM proposed as not completely specified if the x-variable with level data and the time lag t-1, on which the co-integrating regression is based, is not included in the function. Neglecting these 166 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam variables causes the parameters to be biased. Alternatively, Wolffram (2005b) suggests the calculation of error correction terms for yt 1 and yt 1 derived from yt 1 enabling the quantification of asymmetric relations within ECM. The yt 1 and yt 1 variables are given as yt 1 = yt 1 if yt 1 yt 2 0 yt 1 = yt 1 if yt 1 yt 2 0 until yt 1 yt 2 0 until yt 1 yt 2 0 , otherwise 0 , otherwise 0 Thus, yt 1 yt yt 1 (8.18) 1 According to the calculation of error correction term ut 1 , the following co-integrating relations are defined for the yt 1 and yt 1 as: yt 1 a0 ut new 1 yt a1 xt 1 1 a0 (8.19) ut new 1 a1 xt (8.20) 1 Similarly yt 1 a0 ut new 1 yt a1 xt 1 a0 1 Substitute yt 1 (8.21) ut new 1 a1 xt and yt (8.22) 1 1 from (8.19) and (8.21) to (8.18), the transformed equation is given as: yt 1 a0 a1 xt 1 ut new a0 1 a1 xt 1 ut new 1 (8.23) This is similar to the Granger and Lee approach but with a different error correction term. The difference between the two approaches is clarified by Wolffram (2005a) when he applied different methods to analyze price transmission between a wholesale price for pork in north-western Germany and the producer price. 8.2.5. Previous Studies on Supply Response of Coffee in Vietnam 167 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam To date there have been only few econometric analyses of the supply response of coffee in Vietnam. Ha and Shively (2008) used multinomial logistic regression model to examine the responses to a drop in producer coffee prices of smallholder coffee farms in the Central Highlands. They found that farmers responded to price drop by different ways: no response, reductions in use of purchased inputs, changes in land use, and responses aimed at enhancing liquidity through off-farm work or borrowing. Tien (2006) analysed supply response in the Central Highland region and concluded that the Nerlovian model was the best representation. The estimated supply equation for the Central Highland region is: ln At 1.3 0.28Pt 1 0.91At 1 where At is area of coffee in year t, and Pt the farm gate price in year t. However, due to data limitations, Tien only used a time series data for one region in Vietnam from 1990 to 2004, so the number of observation is very small. The other study to estimate the supply function of coffee was prepared by EDEIPSARD (2007). This study estimates the coffee supply function to forecast supply. The study used time series data for five main coffee producing provinces (Dak Lak, Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Lam Dong and Dong Nai) and “all other” provinces in Vietnam over 20 years (1986-2005). The area model was given as: ln( At At 1 ) 2.12 0.69ET 0.17Pt 0.13Pt where At is area of coffee in year t; At 1 2 is lagged area; Pt is the real FOB price of coffee in year t; and E T is the exponential trend. This model has a high level of fit and estimates are statistically significant. However, the exponential trend term forces a trend on the data. More importantly, both studies (Tien 2006; EDE-IPSARD 2007) assumed that supply response of coffee area was symmetric. The following section provides an empirical study on the supply response of coffee in Vietnam. Both reversible and irreversible supply response of coffee will be analyzed. 168 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam 8.3. Empirical Model of Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam 8.3.1. Data Table 8.1 gives the data used in this chapter. Coffee production data are collected by General Statistical Office of Vietnam (GSO). Data on prices (coffee and fertilizer) are from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD). Table 8.1: Data series and source Data series Time Source National coffee area & production Coffee area & production in Dak Lak province Coffee area & production in Gia Lai province Coffee area & production in Lam Dong province Coffee area & production in Kon Tum province Coffee area & production in Dong Nai province Coffee area & production in other provinces FOB coffee price Domestic urea price National consumer price index Agricultural land by provinces US_CPI 1985 - 2006 1985 - 2006 1985 - 2006 1985 - 2006 1985 - 2006 1985 - 2006 1985 - 2006 1986 - 2006 1986 - 2006 1986 - 2006 1986 - 2006 1986 - 2006 GSO GSO GSO GSO GSO GSO GSO MARD-IPSARD MARD-IPSARD GSO GSO World Bank Source: Author’s summary 8.3.2. Model Results The supply function for coffee in Vietnam is estimated in logarithmic form with the logarithm of coffee area as the dependent variable. The use of the logarithmic form can help to infer directly the impact of explanatory variables on coffee area as estimated coefficients are elasticities. Several approaches reviewed in the previous section are applied to investigate whether coffee supply response to price is symmetric (reversible supply) or asymmetric (irreversible supply). Because the replanting time series data in Vietnam is unavailable, application of models with replanting area cannot be used. Instead, area is used. To analyze the coffee supply response in Vietnam, a ‘mother’ model (or full model) which nests potential different models, including Nerlovian, Burton and Modified Wolffram/or Wolffram models is developed. This ‘mother’ model for coffee supply is: 169 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam St a3 a4 MWRt a6 MWFt a1 Dt ( S max t a3 a5YMAt a4 Pt a2 St 1 a7 St a5YMAt ) (8.24) 2 i Di where St denotes logarithm of coffee area in year t . MWRt and MWFt are log of price rise and log of price fall in Modified Wolffram model. YMAt is the yield of mature coffee area in year t . Stmax is maximum logarithm of coffee area in a window of length n years. In the empirical model of supply response in Vietnam, the maximum coffee area is defined as area in previous years. However, Stmax can be imposed by different lengths n . Dt is a dummy variable and equal to 1 if S max t a3 a4 Pt a5YMA and 0 otherwise. Dt shows the impact of the difference between the maximum area and the desired area on variation of coffee area. Di is the provincial dummy variable. Note that, this `mother’ model is not consistent with any individual model, but it provides a basis for comparing alternative specifications, which can be identified by parameter restrictions. In this model, yield of mature area (YMA) is added into the area response model. The YMA is a measure of yield per hectare corrected for the area of immature trees. It is measured by the ratio of coffee output and equivalent mature area (EMA). The coffee tree achieves mature yield (maximum yield) from 8th year to 16th year. Thus, the mature area equivalent for other coffee groups out of 8-16 age groups is calculated as follows: EMAa Ya Areaa Ym where Ya and Areaa are the yield and area of coffee at age a; Ym is yield at mature age. This ‘mother’ model in (8.24) can be restricted down to the Nerlovian model, Burton model, Modified Wolffram model. The ‘mother’ model becomes the Nerlovian model by imposing a4 St a3 a6 and a1 =0. In this case, model is given as: a4 MWRt a4 MWFt The Burton model occurs if a4 a5YMAt a2 St 1 a7 St 2 i Di (8.25) a6 and a7 =0. The expression of the Burton model is now: 170 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam St a3 a4 MWRt a1 Dt ( S max a4 MWFt a3 t a4 Pt a5YMAt a2 St a5YMAt ) (8.26) 1 i Di The case of a1 =0, the full model becomes the Modified Wolffarm model. In this case, the model is: St a3 a4 MWRt a6 MWFt a5YMAt a2 St 1 a7 St 2 i Di (8.27) The Wolffram model has the same form to the Modified Wolffram model, except that the price rise and fall by Modified Wolffarm model presented in (8.8) are replaced by price rise and price fall in (8.7) The estimation of different models is tested by non-linear regression. The procedure for estimating the full models includes several steps. Step 1: Defining n. Defining the window length determines the relevant maximum area in that period, Step 2: Estimating the function St value St* a3 a4 Pt a3 a4 Pt a5YMAt et and predicting the fitted a5YMAt from the regression Step 3: Generating dummy variable Dt . D takes 0 value if St* <St-1, otherwise D is equal to 1 Step 4: Running the full model using non-linear regression method: St a3 a4 MWRt a1 Dt ( S a6 MWFt max t a3 a5YMAt a4 Pt Step 5: Substituting the new value of St a3 a4 Pt a5YMAt a2 St 1 a5YMAt ) a7 St i 2 Di ut a3 a4 a , and 5 from Step 4 into fitted equation * to get new value of St a3 a4 Pt a5YMAt Step 6: Calculating Dt again and substituting it into the equation St a3 a4 MWRt a1 Dt ( S a6 MWFt max t a3 a5YMAt a4 Pt a2 St a5YMAt ) 1 a7 St i Di 2 ut 171 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam and run this regression again Step 7: Iterating the steps above until a3 a4 a5 , , and i converge The procedure for estimating other models are the same as for the full model. However, some parameters in the full model are restricted in particular models. The estimated results of different models are presented in Table 8.2 Table 8.2: Estimated results from different models Variable names ‘Mother’ Nerlovian Burton Wolffram Parameters model model Model model Constant /a3 1.00* -0.31 -0.18 0.97* Price rise /a4 1.06* 0.23* 0.14** 0.35* Price fall /a6 0.17* 0.23* 0.14** 0.13* Yield /a5 0.20* 0.12* 0.05 0.23* Lag(1) /a2 0.73* 1.02* 1.04 0.87* Asy. Adjb /a1 0.03 ---0.02 ---Lag (2) /a7 0.2 0.04 ------/D2 Gia Lai 0.21 -0.04 -0.02 0.20* /D3 Dak Lak 0.41 -0.15 -0.09 0.42* /D4 Lam Dong 0.29 -0.09 -0.05 0.29* /D5 Dong Nai 0.14 -0.13*** -0.08 0.17** Other /D6 0.18 -0.07 -0.04 0.19* 2 Adjusted R 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 P_value of autocorrelationc 0.013 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 Adjusted R 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 Note: *significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 10% a Modified Wolffram modela 1.58* 0.87* 0.21* 0.12* 0.84* ------0.26* 0.45* 0.34* 0.12** 0.27* 0.99 0.06 0.99 with window length of 6 years; b asymmetric adjustment c : autocorrelation test for panel time series data using Wooldridge test. H0: no first order autocorrelation The ‘mother’ model results show that the estimate of a1 is not significant. This means that the asymmetry variable can be dropped from the model. Similarly, the estimate of a7 is not significant as well. This indicates the area lagged by two years does not affect to the current coffee area in the full model. The results of the Nerlovian model and the Burton model violate economic theory with the estimates of a2 in both Nerlovian (1.02) and Burton models (1.04) being greater than 1. This means that the current area of coffee will increase continuously holding 172 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam other variables constant. In addition, the Burton model does not show the impact of area adjustment to the previous maximum because the estimate of a1 is not significant. The results of the Wolffram model and Modified Wolffram model (with window length of six years33) indicates statistically significant estimates. According to the Wolffram model, if price increases by one percent, the coffee area will increase correspondingly by 0.35 percent. However, coffee area reduces only 0.13 percent in response to a one percent reduction of output price. However, as mentioned earlier, the Wolffram model is not consistent with economic theory. In addition, the regression results indicate the autocorrelation problem. The modified Wolffram model with window length of six years gives the best estimate. The difference between price rise and fall coefficients in the Modified Wolffram model is positive. The response to a price rise (with coefficient of 0.87) above the previous maximum is about five times as large as the response to price fall (coefficient of 0.21 only). The Modified Wolffram model does not have autocorrelation problems. The t-test proves that the difference between coffee acreage responses to a price rise against a price fall is statistically significant34. All coefficients of the provincial dummy variables are also different from zero and statistically significant with confidence level of 10 percent. Given differences in size of the provinces, this is not surprising. However, the response of coffee area to price rises and falls and to the lagged dependent variables may or may not be the same. To test the hypothesis of the same response to price as well as lagged dependent variables, we run unrestricted Modified-Wolffram model in which provincial dummy variables are included in the Modified-Wolffram equation with window length of 6 years for all independent variables. The results of this model are presented in Table 8.3 and shows that coffee acreage responses to price rise are not different among provinces while there is a significant difference of response to price fall between Dak Lak and Lam Dong with Kon Tum. 33 Ihe study also estimated coefficients in the Modified Wolffram model with different window lengths. The model with window length of six years gave the best estimates. The results of other Modified Wolffram models are presented in Table C1 in the Appendix C. 34 To test the difference, author uses the “test” command in STATA after regression test mwr =mwf ( 1) mwr- mwf = 0 F( 1, 115) = 36.05 Prob > F = 0.0000 With Prob>F =0.00, it strongly indicates the significant difference between the coefficients of price rise and price fall. 173 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam Table 8.3: Results for testing the difference of coefficients among provinces, Modified Wolfram model with window=6 Independent variables Coefficients Constant 0.45 Constant dummy vars. Gia Lai 2.54 Dak Lak 2.86 Lam Dong 3.73 Dong Nai 1.61 Other 1.03 Lnareat-1 0.99 Lnareat-1 dummy vars. Gia Lai -0.30 Dak Lak -0.28 Lam Dong -0.40 Dong Nai -0.18 Other -0.12 lnYMA 0.08 lnYMA dummy vars. Gia Lai 0.03 Dak Lak 0.07 Lam Dong -0.01 Dong Nai 0.05 Other -0.02 MWR (n=6) 1.03 MWR dummy vars. Gia Lai 0.60 Dak Lak -0.22 Lam Dong 0.96 Dong Nai -0.38 Other -0.42 MWF (n=6) 0.37 MWF dummy vars. Gia Lai -0.26 Dak Lak -0.32 Lam Dong -0.30 Dong Nai -0.17 Other -0.21 R2 98.7 Prob > F Note: In the regression, Kontum is the reference province P-value 0.74 0.14 0.18 0.05 0.37 0.54 0.00 0.16 0.22 0.07 0.38 0.56 0.47 0.81 0.65 0.95 0.70 0.87 0.00 0.27 0.67 0.07 0.37 0.36 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.05 0.22 0.16 0.00 A general F-statistic is calculated to test the overall significance of this unrestricted Modified-Wolffram model and the restricted Modified-Wolffram model (as its results are presented in Table 8.2). The general F-statistic is given by F ( SSER SSEU ) / J SSEU / (T K ) 174 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam where J is the number of hypotheses, T K is denominator degrees of freedom, SSER is the restricted sum of squared errors, SSEU is the unrestricted sum of squared errors. From regression results of both models, the F-test statistic value is only 1.07, smaller than F critical value (F(20,84) ~=1.7). This concludes that the overall significance of restricted Modified-Wolffram model is not statistically different from the unrestricted one. The elasticities of coffee area with respect to price fall and rise are summarized in Table 8.4 for three models. The estimates of short-run elasticities to a price fall produced by the three models are not much different. In contrast, the estimates for short-run elasticities with respect to price increases are quite different, increasing from the Wolffram model (0.35) to the full model (1.06). Table 8.4: Elasticities of coffee acreage to price Model ‘mother’ model Wolffram Modified Wolffram (n=6) Short-run price elasticities Long-run price elasticities Price fall Price rise Price fall Price rise 0.17 0.13 0.21 1.06 0.35 0.87 3.9 2.7 5.4 3.9 2.7 5.4 Source: Summary from regression results From previous discussion, it was concluded that the Modified Wolffram (n=6) is the best choice of the three approaches for analyzing the asymmetric response of coffee area in Vietnam in 1985-2006. The model is consistent with economic theory and produces very high goodness of fit and statistically significant levels. Figure 8.2 presents the fitted and actual coffee area by provinces and it shows that the fitted value and actual area are very similar in all provinces. 175 80000 15000 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam Gia Lai province 0 0 20000 5000 40000 10000 60000 Kon Tum province 1985 1990 1995 year 2005 1985 1990 fitted value 1995 year actual area 150000 300000 actual area 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005 fitted value Lam Dong province 0 0 100000 50000 200000 100000 Dak Lak province 2000 1985 1990 1995 year 2000 1985 2005 1990 1995 year actual area fitted value fitted value 50000 80000 actual area Dong Nai province 0 10000 20000 20000 30000 40000 40000 60000 other provinces 1985 1990 1995 year 2000 2005 1985 1990 1995 year actual area actual area fitted value fitted value Figure 8.2: Fitted and actual area from Modified Wolffram model (ha) 176 Chapter 8. Coffee Supply Response in Vietnam 8.4. Conclusion Studies of supply response play an important role for farmers and policy makers. They can help farmers use their resource more efficiently. More importantly, the understanding of supply response can support policy-makers to allocate production resources and achieve targets. In addition, the supply response equation is useful in forecasting future supply. However, studies on coffee supply response in Vietnam are still limited and all of them have assumed a symmetric response when estimating the coffee supply function. This chapter uses the “positive approach” to estimate the supply response of coffee in Vietnam. Both symmetric and asymmetric responses of coffee area in Vietnam are estimated with different econometric models. The Nerlovian model with reversible supply response was tested but it had the nonstationary problem. The estimates are not statistically significant. The symmetric model cannot explain the variation of coffee area in Vietnam in the past. Application of the Wolffram model and the Modified Wolffram model investigated whether the coffee area in Vietnam has responded asymmetrically. The Modified Wolffram model with window length of six years gave the best estimate. The output of the model shows that if the price rises by one percent, the coffee area will increase by 0.87 percent, while if the price falls by one percent, the coffee area reduces by only 0.21 percent. However, the elasticity of price is much larger in the long-run (5.4). The results of testing the overall significance of the model indicate that the response of coffee area is not different among provinces. The estimated model of coffee predicts an appropriate value for all provinces. The optimal models in previous chapters provide insights into individual farmer’s decisions, especially replanting and cutting decisions. The output of optimal models showed that individual farmers decide to cut and replant at different “trigger” prices. This cutting/replanting gap in farmer’s decision explains the asymmetry of coffee supply response at the aggregate level. 177 Chapter 9.Conclusions CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS This final chapter comprises four main sections. The first section provides a brief summary of the background and objectives of the thesis. The second section presents the main findings derived from the different models in the study. The third section discusses some limitations of the study and other complexities not addressed in this thesis. Finally, the opportunities for further work are mentioned. 9.1. Background Coffee is an important crop in Vietnam’s agriculture sector. It is the second largest export agro-commodity in Vietnam after rice. In addition, coffee plays an important role in labour absorption in rural areas. In the peak season, the coffee sector employs about 800,000 workers (The World Bank, 2002). Following the implementation of the “Innovation” policy in 1986, the coffee area in Vietnam increased rapidly, from only 50,000 ha in 1986 to about 600,000 ha in 2000 (GSO, 2001). The rapid expansion of coffee area and production has made Vietnam become a significant exporter: currently, Vietnam contributes over approximately 40 percent of Robusta and 13 percent of all coffee traded on the world market. Despite its rapid expansion, the coffee sector in Vietnam faces a number of issues. First, the coffee sector is dominated by small households with over 60 percent of households having less than one ha of coffee land. Secondly, about one-fourth of coffee households are poor and 30 percent of farmers are from one of Vietnam’s ethnic minorities. In addition, coffee households are highly specialized and thus it is not easy for them to diversify their income. Furthermore, the coffee price is highly volatile and depends heavily on the international market. The price crisis in early 2000 adversely affected the whole coffee sector in Vietnam, but especially coffee farmers. The coffee price received at that time by coffee farmers did not cover the variable costs, thus many farmers had to cut down coffee trees and switch to other crops such as maize. During three seasons (from 2001/2002 to 2004/2005), over 100,000 ha of coffee trees in Vietnam were uprooted. 178 Chapter 9.Conclusions The reduction of coffee area in the early 2000s was in line with policies from both Central and Local Government. At that time, the Government advised and supported farmers with poor lands or households with old coffee gardens to clear trees and switch to other crops. The Government partly subsidized uprooting costs and provided substitute crops. Cutting coffee trees in response to price reductions is a complex decision as establishment costs are high and a farmer may regret a decision to cut if a price fall is temporary. To avoid the costly practice of cutting too early and to support farmers in their decision-making process and planners in policy formulation, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the optimal behavior for coffee households with respect to price variation. To this end, this study examined two main problems: (i) identifying the optimal price for cutting and replanting coffee trees so that farmers can attain the maximum expected net present value (ENPV) when price varies randomly and (ii) estimating the aggregate supply response function for coffee in Vietnam. Solving the first problem employed a number of models to: (i) determine the optimal cutting and replanting rule for coffee farmers in Vietnam to maximise their expected NPV from “land use choice”, (ii) investigate to what extent poor farmers lose income from deviating from the optimal rules because of cash constraints and (iii) analyze how much farmers can improve their income if they follow an optimal short-run yield response. To identify the optimal cutting and replanting price of coffee farmers, the study develops optimal models using the fixed form optimization approach. The fixed form method specifies particular functional forms for cutting price and replanting price rules. The purpose of the models is to identify the cutting and replanting price to maximise the expected NPV from “land use choice” of coffee farmers. The term “land use choice” refers to the planting decision of coffee farmers on their land: they can grow coffee or switch to maize if the price of coffee is too low. To solve this problem, the study develops four main optimal models. The first model is the Fixed Yield model (FY model). This model identifies the optimal cutting and replanting prices to achieve the maximum expected net present value (ENPV) while 179 Chapter 9.Conclusions coffee yield is assumed to vary by age of trees but fixed at a given age. The second model, Fixed Yield- Cash Constraint Model (FY-CC model), is an extension of the Fixed Yield model. This model integrates the liquidity constraint of coffee households when they make their decision. In the FY-CC model, the cutting/keeping or replanting decision of coffee farmers does not only depend on price levels but is also based on the availability of cash after living costs are subtracted. The third model, Variable Yield Model (VY model), is based on the FY model but it goes a further step to investigate the farmer’s decision when the yield in the short-run can change. The change in inputs affects the yield of coffee as well as production cost and thus influences the optimal decision of farmers in terms of the cutting and replacement rules. The fourth model is the Variable Yield–Cash Constraint Model (VY-CC model). The structure of the VYCC model integrates the two previous variants: both cash constraints and variable yields are included. Coffee is a multi-year crop and the cutting/keeping or replanting decisions in the current year affect the expected income of households in subsequent periods. In addition, the objective function of the optimal models is to maximise the expected NPV under price uncertainty. Thus, the conventional stochastic dynamic programming (DP) is seemingly a useful technique to solve this problem. However, the application of DP for coffee models in this study faces the problem of “the curse of dimensionality” because the optimal models cover a period of 50 years. At a given stage, coffee farmers have to choose different options: (i) keeping coffee, (ii) cutting standing trees and replace by a substitute crop (maize), (iii) replanting coffee or keep growing maize if land is being used for maize. In addition, the objective of the present modeling approach is more complex because the aim is to also consider the effect of cash constraints and short-run responses on optimal cutting and replanting rules. Thus, application of the fixed form approach with a grid search method is a simpler way to solve the coffee models to find out the optimal rules and the maximum expected NPV. Because of the impact of age of the tree on current and expected future yield, we estimate optimal rules as a function of the age of the tree. The estimation of the coffee supply response function is based on historical data at provincial levels of Vietnam from 1986 to 2006. Different symmetric and asymmetric forms of supply function were estimated to find the best-fit function. 180 Chapter 9.Conclusions 9.2. Key results 9.2.1. Response at the Farm Level The analysis of response at the farm level explains the optimal decisions for an individual farmer, especially the replanting and cutting decisions. Cutting and Replanting Decision Although details of the optimal rules vary among different models, the results of all optimal models indicate that farmers have different trigger prices for cutting and replanting. This asymmetric response of individual households leads to an asymmetric supply response at the aggregate level. The cutting/replanting gap means farmers usually switch out of coffee production more slowly than commencing and expanding production. The asset fixity problem will lock them into the coffee sector and, should prices go down, they may lose money. By contrast, farmers should not be in a hurry to cut the coffee down and switch to other crops. In addition, there is an obvious relationship between the cutting rules and age of coffee trees. In general, optimal cutting price for trees which are at the age of starting to produce cherries (5-6 year old) are lowest. However, results from the optimal models indicate that farmers should not cut their trees down even if they are mature (up to 12 year old), even if the price is very low. Furthermore, farmers should never cut their coffee earlier than its biological limit if the price of coffee at that time is very profitable. That is because they would have to forgo yield for some years, and given the price volatility of coffee it is better to get the benefit of existing yield at high prices, than to wait for the new tree to mature because prices might not be as high then. The optimal cutting price is significantly influenced by the age of the coffee tree. Thus, the model with age-dependent optimal cutting price generates higher income as compared to a constant cutting price. This finding lends support to the type of approach used here, compared to a real options approach applied by Luong and Lorrent (2006) which focuses on a fixed cutting and replanting price. However, the model results are almost unchanged among different fixed forms of CP (cubic CP, quadratic CP and quadratic with price change effect CP) 181 Chapter 9.Conclusions Impact of Cash Constraints on Farmer’s Behaviors Farmers in developing countries like Vietnam have volatile and low incomes. They often suffer from different risks caused by bad weather, agricultural price shocks, business failure and illness. A shortage of cash for investment causes many problems for rural households. About 25 percent of coffee households in Vietnam are poor and they often need support from credit organizations. When farmers have cash problems they cannot optimize their long-run income and they have to change cutting or replanting decisions to satisfy their short-term cash needs. The FY-CC model results indicated that when poor coffee farmers have a cash-constraint, they lose about 15 percent of their income if they follow the optimal rules of non-poor farmers. This is because they do not have the cash to replant coffee when the price rises. If they use rules derived explicitly for accounting for the constraint, there is a small change in CP but a significant increase in RP. Generally, the poor households are more likely to cut as compared to the non-poor. Furthermore, the poor farmers usually wait for significantly higher prices before deciding to replant. In addition, under the new optimal rules to the constraint, the income of poor farmers is about 11 percent lower than that of non-poor farmers derived from the FY model. From the optimal rule, optimal results indicate the frequency cutting decision or cutting percentage of coffee farmers with respect to different age groups of trees. The cutting percentage is the percentage of cases in which farmers actually cut their coffee trees down at optimal rules. The cash constraint problem has a remarkable impact on the cutting percentage of poor households, especially for those whose coffee trees are still young (less than 4 year old). As indicated by the FY-CC model, the actual cutting percentage of coffee trees under 4 year old due to the cash constraint is about 10 percent, and this number reduces to only 2 percent when trees become older. Due to the cash constraint, farmers cannot optimize their decision so they earn less than they could. This implies that credit supports are important for coffee farmers but the priorities should go into new households or farmers with young trees. The amount of loan available for the poor household has a significantly impact on the farmer’s income and behavior. In general, poor farmers can get a higher income with bigger loans. In many cases, it is inefficient to support poor households with a loan that is too small, as it has little impact on incomes, as there appear to be threshold effects. Moreover, the model output also shows that, if the annual loan increases to $1500, poor 182 Chapter 9.Conclusions households can nearly optimize their investment, and their decision and expected income is very close to the non-poor farmers. The importance of loans varies depending on the age of coffee trees the farmer has at the start of the period. The amount of annual loan is more important for farmers with the young trees, especially for non-productive trees. With the mature trees, the impact of loans becomes less important. Change of Farmer’s Decision with Short-run Response The liquidity constraint has a significant impact on the optimal decision of the coffee farmers, especially for those whose trees are still young. Farmers cannot optimize their long-run income if they are poor. The poor farmers often cut earlier and wait longer before replanting. The output of the optimal models shows that the optimal decisions of farmers significantly change if they make efficient, short-run changes in input use in response to output price changes. The change of input influences the yield of coffee trees. The ability to respond in the short-run has a significant impact on the farmer’s planting and cutting decision and on income. The income of coffee farmers increases significantly when farmers can optimize their response of input use to output price. This is true because they do not apply as much input in low-price years. With the short-run response, coffee farmers can increase their expected income by over 30 percent of their expected income when compared to the case without a short-run yield response at the same average yield. In addition, with the presence of a short-run response, coffee farmers are much less likely to cut and more likely to replant coffee. With short-run response, the non-poor farmers optimize their decision to replant at a price of $0.51 per kg. The poor farmers wait for a higher price and they decide to replant at a price of $0.59 per kg of coffee. These replanting prices are much lower when compared to the optimal RP of the poor and non-poor cases without the short-run response ($0.74 and $1.4 per kg, respectively). Significant improvements in profit that can be achieved as the result of being able to change input use in the short-run implies that it would be valuable for farmers to be educated about the benefit of short-run response. 183 Chapter 9.Conclusions Impact of the Profitability of the Substitute Crop In the optimal models, maize is assumed to be the substitute crop when coffee trees are cut down. The maize profit is constant in the optimal models. The sensitivity analysis from the FY model in Chapter 4 concluded that if the replacement crop profit increases, farmers are more likely to cut and less likely to replant and vice versa, as one would expect. However, the model simulation shows that if the annual maize profit increases by 20 percent, the ENPV will increase by only 2 percent. The switching decision of coffee farmers to annual crops such as maize or rice is mainly carried out to overcome a cash shortage, when there is insufficient cash for food. Thus, this issue relates closely to credit and other subsidy policies. If the price is too low but the household budget (including loans and household income) is sufficient for farmers to cover living expenditure, they can continue producing coffee while waiting for higher prices. 9.2.2. Coffee Supply Response at Aggregate Level Empirical results in this study show that the supply response of the coffee area in Vietnam is asymmetric. Farmers respond much more quickly to price rises than price falls. The short-run elasticity of coffee area to output price rise (0.87) is much higher than to the price fall (0.21). The irreversible supply response of coffee is consistent with the asymmetry of individual farmer’s behavior in cutting/replanting found in the individual-farmer decision models. The asymmetric response of coffee in Vietnam is similar to the pattern of world coffee supply found by Olsen (2005). According to Olsen, the supply response of world coffee to price does not comply with standard economic theory, as it is asymmetric. The reasons that coffee farmers in developing countries do not want to move away from the coffee sector, even when prices are low are: (i) possibility of subsistence farming in conjunction with coffee enables farmers to survive, with an expectation to earn higher income from coffee, (ii) lack of alternative income sources, and (iii) low education 184 Chapter 9.Conclusions Olsen (2005), also identified that the existence of a “fixed asset” is an important factor which leads to the asymmetric supply response. Low salvage values motivate producers to keep growing coffee even when output prices are low because of high acquisition costs, which again is consistent with farm-level models developed in this thesis. 9.3. Policy implications The analysis and results from the farm level and supply response models provides insights into policy implications for Vietnam’s Government Coffee farmers in Vietnam and other coffee producing countries clearly perceive that the price of coffee is very volatile. Sometimes, the price of coffee drops below the production cost. However, the government can provide the information about when its optimal to switch out. At some times it is optimal but it might be difficult for farmers to identify the optimal triggers. The intervention could either be information as to when it should happen, or direct incentives such as grants for removal if that is seen as needed. So assistance of Government to provide such information would be good for helping farmers to optimize their decision. In addition, the government could encourage coffee farmers with young trees under 10 years old to not cut coffee trees even if the price of coffee is very low. Historically, coffee prices increase after several years of reduction thus if farmers cut down the young coffee trees they will lose money from future coffee sales. In addition, the models shows that farmers can make better decisions based on expected changes in prices (i.e. they have better information about what is likely to happen) and if they do not have that then presumably they will be in difficulties. Thus, Government could provide information about price forecast for coffee growers so the growers can base their investment decision on that information. The aggregate supply model shows that response of coffee to coffee prices is asymmetric, which is consistent with the farm level models. So the government should advise farmers to not cut down their trees or hurriedly switch to other crops if coffee price is declining, because the price of coffee will recover so farmers will lose their income from coffee production. Coffee farmers should perceive clearly that the yield of coffee trees do not always increase accordingly to greater input use. Overuse of chemical fertilizer not only causes 185 Chapter 9.Conclusions high expenditure but also lowers the yield of coffee trees. Furthermore, the model shows that farmers can save their cost and increase their profit with better response in input use to changes in output prices. So the diffusion of information by the Government about the benefits of short run response in use of fertilizer is also needed. The price of coffee is very volatile, and periods of low prices may induce farmers to cut trees, especially if they have cash constraints. This suggests that policies to support farmers via a stabilized market price would help make farmer’s income stable. A floor price, or subsidized credit policy for coffee exporters can be good measures but it is experienced in the past that farmers could not get much benefit from such policies. The results from the optimal models with cash constraints show that credit policy for coffee smallholders plays a very important role to help them overcome low price years and optimise their investment decision. The provision of credit facilities would assist farmers in avoiding being forced to cut because of cash flow problems. However, it is necessary to be concerned about the size of loans for farmers in a credit program. Small/inefficient loans are not sufficient to allow them to improve their decision and cannot improve their livelihood. The model shows that there is a need to make sure that the loan for coffee farmers is provided at the efficient level. It means that there is no point if it is too small because farmers cannot afford to invest, but also there comes a point where larger loans provide little additional benefit. 9.4. Limitations Despite numerous insights provided by this study, it has a number of limitations. First, the optimal rules being identified in the optimization models are only valid for the existing price simulation. This does not refer to the specific price series themselves, but the assumptions about the mean and variance of the price distributions. If there was a change in the behavior of these time series then it is likely that the rules would alter. Second, all fixed forms for cutting prices and replanting price in optimal models (age dependent quadratic CP, quadratic CP with price change effect, age dependent cubic CP) are specific forms to present the relationship between age of coffee trees and CP. However, those forms may not be the best/optimal form for CP in reflecting the cutting decision and age of trees. There may exist some alternative specifications that could improve expected returns for farmers. This is equivalent to the issue of identifying a 186 Chapter 9.Conclusions local optimal in a conventional programming problem: although the search through the existing set of functions suggests that the optimal has been identified, it cannot be guaranteed. Third, due to the unavailability of time series farm-gate price data by different provinces, the study used FOB price as a proxy to estimate the supply function of coffee at provincial level. In addition, FOB prices used in the study were average price at national level. Thus, this may not reflect accurately the regional price received by farmers. Fourth, the optimal models assumed that all trees on a property are of a single age, so when cutting coffee farmers switch all land to maize. The limitations of this assumption will impinge on the results for the cash-constrained poor farmers, where their behaviour may be different if they have the capacity to run mixed-age plantations, or remove only part of their tree stock. Fifth, the cutting and replanting decision of coffee farmers depends on the profit of substitute crops. Thus, the replacement decision can be a function of certain maize returns. In the optimal models, the sensitivity analyses were undertaken to see how the optimal rule changed when maize profits varied. More realistically, the cutting price might be influenced by the mean and variance of the maize price. Sixth, the price of inputs may change the decision of farmers. In the optimal models, prices of input (including fertilizer and labour) are assumed unchanged. In practice, the price of inputs will vary over time, and again, have some degree of uncertainty associated with them. Seventh, the estimation of income and expenditure in this study for the poor coffee households is based on data of all poor households from the VHLSS2006. The data for income and expenditure for poor coffee households is not available. This result may bring some bias when analyzing the structure of income distributed to investment and household expenditure. Eighth, the estimation of coffee yield neglected factors that significantly influence the yield of coffee such as rainfall, type of land, education of households. Furthermore, the same yield response function in this study is used for both poor and non-poor farmers. 187 Chapter 9.Conclusions However, in reality, poor farmers usually have poorer land and their yield will respond differently to the non-poor farmer. 9.5. Further Studies There are some complexities which have not been addressed in this study. In the area of optimal decision for coffee farmers, optimal models could be further improved in some ways. a. It would be useful to identify better empirical data on the productivity vs. age relationship for the Robusta varieties in Vietnam. In this study, the author's assumption of the production pattern over time is in line with suggestions in the literature. This information is crucial to the models, since the question remains "should the government stimulate replanting when plantations reach 22 years, or is production still economically viable after 22 years and for how long" i.e is the assumption of a 22 year life span for the trees appropriate. b. In the optimal models, maize price was assumed to be unchanged. The sensitivity analysis showed that farmer’s behavior would be changed when profit of maize varied. An improvement to the model would be to see how maize price influences the cutting and replanting decision by adding maize price into the function of CP and RP. This would make the optimal models much larger and would take longer to solve. c. The price simulations in the model were generated from a lagged price model using the time series data. The distribution of such price simulation has an extended range. The change of the distribution of price will change the farmer’s decision rules. It would be useful to investigate the optimal rules with different limits of the price distribution. d. The optimal models in this study identified the cutting and replanting price based on the normative approach. However, it would be interesting to develop a model based on actual data for individuals for cutting and replanting decisions, possibly derived from farm surveys. This model would be based on the farmer’s reported data on the time they cut down the trees, the price at which they cut, input price, other crop price and other household’s characteristics. The output of this model could be compared with the simulated behaviors of the normative models. 188 Chapter 9.Conclusions e. When developing the yield response function to study the impact of short-run response to farmer’s decision, this study did not address the dynamic effect of fertilizer use. The application of inputs identifies only the yield of coffee in that year. In practice, use of fertilizer has carry-over effects. 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Vietnam and Dak Lak province 200 Appendix A Figure A3. Coffee Area Map in Vietnam 201 Appendix A Figure A 4. Coffee Output Map in Vietnam 202 Appendix A Figure A 5. Poverty map of Vietnam 203 Appendix A Figure A 6. Depth of Poverty Map in Vietnam 204 Appendix B 205 Appendix B Appendix B Table B1. Vietnam GDP at current price in 2008 by sector GDP at current price (bill. VND) (%) 2007 2008 2007 2008 1144015 1478695 100 100 Agriculture, forestry and aquaculture 232188 325166 20.3 22.0 Construction and Industry 475681 590075 41.6 39.9 Services 436146 563454 38.1 38.1 Vietnam Source: GSO per com Table B2. Area and output of selected perennial crops in Vietnam, 2007-2008 2007 Fresh tea Cultivated area (1000 ha) Harvested area (1000 ha) Yield (quita/ha) Output (000 tonnes) Coffee Cultivated area (1000 ha) Harvested area (1000 ha) Yield (quita/ha) Output (000 tonnes) Rubber Cultivated area (1000 ha) Harvested area (1000 ha) Yield (quita/ha) Output (000 tonnes) Pepper Cultivated area (1000 ha) Harvested area (1000 ha) Yield (quita/ha) Output (000 tonnes) Cashew Cultivated area (1000 ha) Harvested area (1000 ha) Yield (quita/ha) Output (000 tonnes) Source: GSO per com 2008 Change 2008/2007 Level % 126.6 107.4 65.8 706.8 129.6 110.7 68.6 759.8 3.0 3.3 2.8 53.0 102.4 103.1 104.3 107.5 509.31 489.0 19.7 961.7 525.1 500.2 19.9 996.3 15.8 11.2 0.2 34.6 102.4 102.3 101.0 103.6 556.3 377.8 16.1 609.8 618.6 399 16.6 662.9 62.3 21.2 0.5 53.1 111.2 105.6 103.1 108.7 48.4 41.1 21.7 89.3 50 43 24.3 104.5 1.6 1.9 2.6 15.2 103.3 104.6 112.0 117.0 440.1 302.8 10.3 312.5 404.9 314.3 10 313.4 -35.2 11.5 -0.3 0.9 92.0 103.8 97.1 100.3 206 Appendix B Table B 3. Vietnam coffee export, 1991-2008 Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Quantity (000 tonnes) 93.50 116.20 122.60 176.40 248.10 283.70 391.60 381.80 482.46 733.94 910.00 719.00 749.24 974.80 892.37 775.46 1200.00 1000.00 Value (Mil.$) 76.30 91.50 110.80 330.30 598.10 400.26 493.71 593.80 585.30 501.45 385.00 317.00 504.81 641.02 735.48 826.99 1800 2115.00 Source: MARD per com Table B 4. A comparision of coffee export cost in some countries (cent/lb) Countries Production cost extra cost Vietnam India Indonesia Brazil 20.5 30 29 55 4.5 4 8 0 Source: PI-IPSARD per com Table B 5. DRC of main commodities of Vietnam Commodity DRC Rice 0.59 Coffee 0.37 Rubber 0.7 Tea 0.79 Source: CAP (2006) 207 Appendix B Table B 6. Number of coffee households by region and age structure in Vietnam 2006 Number of coffee Less than households 0,5 ha 0.5-1 ha Vietnam + Red River Delta By farm-size 1-2 ha 2-3 ha 3-5 ha 5-10 ha Over 10 ha 128,491 32,093 11,638 2,113 192 18 1 477,235 156,611 146,097 7 5 2 7 5 2 + North East 20 15 5 Ha Giang 8 6 2 Lao cai 12 9 3 +North West 11 9 2 Lai Chau North CenTral Coast 11 9 2 10,463 5,617 2,366 2,050 332 79 Thanh hoa 405 217 91 79 14 4 Nghe An 2,189 808 757 574 40 9 1 Ha Tinh 5 4 Quang Binh 245 184 59 2 Qung Tri Thua Thien – Hue South Central Coast 6,404 3,525 1,247 1,284 268 64 15 1,215 879 212 110 10 2 2 3,364 657 966 1,307 309 101 19 5 Binh Dinh 1,798 211 551 824 166 35 9 2 Phu Yen 1,035 168 280 400 119 55 10 3 Khánh Hoa Central Highlands 531 278 135 83 24 11 427,316 139,393 131,797 114,927 28,696 10,450 1,888 165 Kon Tum 9,877 4,327 2,138 2,385 689 276 49 13 Gia Lai 69,370 28,147 19,629 16,600 3,596 1,165 205 28 Dak Lak 180,434 62,224 60,770 44,195 9,650 3,054 507 34 Dak Nong 53,534 9,447 14,059 19,763 6,894 2,758 580 33 Lam Đong North East South 114,101 35,248 35,201 31,984 7,867 3,197 547 57 36,054 10,915 10,959 10,207 2,756 1,008 188 21 Ninh Thuan 7 3 2 2 Binh Thuan 1,144 186 328 418 140 63 9 Binh Phuoc 8,000 1,226 1,910 3,156 1,081 493 118 16 Binh Duong 221 84 39 47 21 17 11 2 Dang Nai Ba Ria - Vung Tau 18,352 5,638 6,074 5,068 1,197 336 37 2 8,330 3,778 2,608 1,516 315 99 13 1 Ha Tay 1 1 Source: GS0, 2007 208 Appendix B Table B 7. Area of coffee in main provinces in Vietnam, 1986-2006 (ha) Year Kontum Gia Lai Dak Lak Lam Dong Dong Nai Vietnam 1986 2536 5438 29949 10159 10890 65630 1987 3695 7926 39014 15854 17588 92300 1988 5152 11051 63265 23009 22270 135940 1989 5088 10911 61233 23909 26306 139568 1990 4660 9996 70242 24883 28326 153627 1991 4782 10381 69320 23120 29686 153060 1992 3006 8857 73546 23391 26553 153060 1993 3195 10548 82147 22031 21984 158729 1994 3046 11387 96768 25508 21358 176302 1995 4219 23999 112477 49561 23049 232424 1996 6479 29796 165694 67777 28823 323694 1997 7177 40274 216964 98435 31576 436504 1998 10667 58506 257504 119492 47089 549882 1999 14112 66005 267994 128734 49364 599768 2000 15492 87156 278596 122805 38516 604304 2001 15234 86898 277323 132922 35618 606571 2002 14110 85961 257558 129159 29305 566889 2003 12368 77571 232416 118229 25072 510200 2004 11513 76063 232961 116739 22471 496800 2005 10594 75854 241800 117428 20288 491400 2006 9844 75910 242250 118788 16857 497000 Note: the data for Dak Lak province includes Dak Nong 209 Appendix C Appendix C Table C 1. Estimated results from Modified Wolffram model with different window length Dependent variable: lnarea (logarithm of coffee area) Independent variables Lnareat-1 lnYMA MWR (n=3) MWF (n=3) MWR (n=4) MWF (n=4) MWR (n=5) MWF (n=5) MWR (n=6) MWF (n=6) Provincial dummy variables Gia Lai Dak Lak Lam Dong Dong Nai Other constant R2 F-value MWM (window =3 years) Coef. t ratio 0.86 18.31 0.14 4.24 0.35 6.82 0.22 5.47 MWM (n =4 years) Coef. t ratio 0.85 18.91 0.14 4.26 0.42 0.22 0.23 0.37 0.29 0.08 0.22 1.44 0.98 790 3.02 2.73 2.93 1.12 2.78 3.95 0.23 0.39 0.30 0.09 0.23 1.49 0.98 804 MWM (n =5 years) Coef. t ratio 0.85 18.95 0.14 4.27 6.31 5.62 3.22 2.97 3.16 1.28 2.97 4.22 0.45 0.22 6.19 5.62 0.24 0.40 0.31 0.10 0.24 1.53 0.98 912 3.34 3.11 3.29 1.39 3.07 4.36 210 Appendix D Appendix D COFFEE FARM SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Name Code Province District Commune/town Village Interviewer Respondent Address of respondent Phone Date of interview 211 Appendix D A. HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS …………………………………………………………………………… 1. Name of household head ? 2. Gender of household head ? ___________ 3. Year of household head’s birth ?__________ 1. Male 2. Female …………………………………………………………………………… 2. Other (specify) …………………………. 4. Ethnic origin ?____________ 1. Kinh 5. Geographical origin ?_____________ 1. Local resident 2. Migrant 6. [If migrant] When did you come here ? ………...(year) 7. [If migrant] Where do you come from ? province name__________ 8. Total No. of HH members ? provinve code________ …………………………………………………………………………… 9. No of adults (>=15 year old and <= 65) ? …………………………………………………………………………… No of children (< 15 year old) ? ………………… 10. How many people are usually working in agriculture? ____________ 212 Appendix D B. LAND AND LANDUSE rownum 1 Crop name 2. Crop code 3.Plant area (m2) 4. Harvested area (m2) 5. Harvested output (kg) 6. sale output (kg) 7. Sale price (d/kg) 8. Sale value (000 D) Note: if forestry trees, “Harvested output” can be blank 213 Appendix D C. OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME Source of revenue Revenue (000 D) 1.Livestock from pig from chicken from cattle/buffalo from other animal 2. Aquaculture 3. Wage/salary 4. Pension 5.Other income (specify____________________) 214 Appendix D D.COFFEE PRODUCTION 1. When did you start growing coffee?____________(years) 2. Total area for coffee cultivation last years? ……………………… (m2). # of plots for coffee cultivation ?........ 3. Coffee distribution per plot and land quality ? # Plot 1 Plot 1 2 Plot 2 3 4 Plot 3 Plot 4 Planting year Area (m2) % rented Soil type code: 1. Ferralsol (đất đỏ) 5. % removal and replantings in each year Age of tree (years) % removed 0-3 3-8 8-15 15-20 20-25 >25 6. Yield of coffee by age (kg bean/ha) ? Age 3 4 5 6 Yield Registered with red certificate 1. Yes 2. No 2. Arcrisol (đất xám) % irrigated Soil type (see Harveted code) ouput (kg) 3. Luvisol (đất đen) Yield (kg/ha) 4. Other (specify) % replantings 7 8-15 15-20 20-25 >25 215 Appendix D E. THE LARGEST PLOT How large the biggest plot is ________________(m2)….. Out put………..(kg) and how old is it?________________(years) Could you please tell us the cost in last year for the biggest plot # A 1 2 3 4 B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 C 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D 21 22 Cost items Preparation cost seedlings (trees) land rent well water system (pumb, tube…) Fertlizer/pesticide Ure (kg) KCL(kg) Nitro(kg) DAP(kg) SA(kg) NPK Manure Pesticide Labour Hole, design Growing Weeding Water Prunning Fertilize, pesticide Harvest Energy Electricity, Petrol irrigation Quantity Price(d/unit) value (000VND) 216 Appendix D F. GROW AND CUT DECISION 1. Have you ever reduced coffee area? __________1.yes When was the most recent reduction?_______(year) Why did you redude?_________1. fall in coffee price If (1), At what price did you cut?_________(d/kg) Maximum area did you cut? __________(m2) 2.no 2.Other ___________ 3. When you decide grow coffee, what do you base on most?_________ 1. Price of last year 2. Price of last several years 3. Advice of local authority 4. Price prediction 4. What was the received price in last year?___________(d/kg coffee bean) 5. At what minimum price/and how long it last do you intend to cut ? Price level (VND/kg) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 <4000 If price in one year % reduction If price in 3 years % reduction If price in 5 years % reduction 6. After cut, do you intend to grow coffee again when price up?___________ 1. Yes 7. At what minimum price do you intend to grow coffee again ?_________(d/kg) If price in 10 years % reduction 2.No 217 Appendix D G. FARMER’S RESPONSE TO COFFEE PRICE REDUCTION When price reduced, did you reduce input application? 1. Have you ever switched to other crops due to price fall? __________1.YES 2.NO If yes, please list two main crops which were replaced for coffee _________ __________ If not, why did not you change to other crops # 1 2 3 4 5 Reasons Keep coffee and expect higher price Lack of capital to grow other crop Do not know which crop should be replace Risk afraid Other (specify)________________ 1. True 2. False 2. In bad price years, could household income cover the household expenditure and annual cost? _______ 1.YES 2. NO If not, what did you have to do for overcoming the problem? # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Solutions Using saving stock Borrowing money Reducing expense of household Selling asset, animals Finding other job Selling coffee garden 1. True 2. False 218 Appendix D H. CREDIT 1. When did you borrow last loans (year)?________ Amount of loan?___________(000 VND) interest rate ?_____(%/year) loan duration_____(months) 4. Main purpose of loans?________ 1. Buying input for coffee production 2. Paying for labour cost for coffee production 3. For other activities 4. Buy food 5. Other 5. If you want to get loan for coffee production, do you get sufficient loan ? _________1.YES 2.NO If not, How many percent did loan account for total requirement ?_______(%) 6. Main source of loan?___________ 1.Bank 2.Private lenders 3.Relatives 4.Women’s association 5.Commune Committee 6.Other credit programs 7.Other I. HIRING LABOUR 1. In last season (2005/2006), did you hire labour for coffee production? _____1.YES 2.NO 2. If yes, percentage of hired labour in total?________ (%) 3. Did you get any problems to hire labours?________1.YES 2.NO If yes, which problems?_____________ K.WATER 1. What is main source of water for coffee plantation?__________1. Wells 2. Lake, reservoir 3. Streams 2. Are your coffee plantation provided enough water?_____1.YES 2.NO 3. According to your estimation, Is yield of your coffee plantation limited by water scarcity ?________1.YES 2.NO 4. If yes, how much can coffee yield increase with enough water ?_________(%) 4.Other 219