THE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF S E N S O R Y T O O L S I N A D Y N A M I C R E TA I L BUSINESS Carol Karahadian, PhD Starbucks Coffee Company November 4, 2015 S E N S O R Y A N A LY S I S I N T H E R E TA I L S PA C E : N I C E T O H AV E O R N E E D T O H AV E ? Communication needs in a small vs. large company Common knowledge vs. documented data driven results Qualitative vs. Quantitative information for documenting quality and product changes A time and place for different approaches – the key is knowing when to use which one Using the tools for product success and consumer satisfaction • Don’t for get the voice of the consumer as they are the ones who will make your product successful Decisions made on fact vs. individual opinion leads to greater product success Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY 2 E S TA B L I S H I N G A N I N T E R N A L C O M M O N L A N G U A G E • A common language is critical for effective communication within an organization • Language development does not happen in a vacuum but is a collaborative effort between sensory and coffee (subject) experts • Identify attributes are critical to coffee differentiation and quality • How are the attributes defined to ensure the meaning is the same for all? • How to establish guardrails/ranges for each attribute to ensure coffee character and identity is maintained Starbucks Confidential – INTERNAL USE ONLY 3