Math 193_2847 Fall 2014 Syllabus Page 1 of 5 Dr. K. Morgan Ivy

Instructor: Dr. Karen Morgan Ivy
Office: Karnoutsos Hall Room 516
Office Phone: 201-200-2150
Office Hours: Tuesday 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Thursday 1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m
Email Address:
Note: I find email to be a convenient method of correspondence and strongly encourage you to feel free to contact me via email
should you not be able to reach me during my office hours. In the event that you contact me via email, please include “Math 1932847” and the title of the email (e.g., homework question, attendance) in the subject line. For example, the subject line may read
“Math 193-2847: Homework.” Expect an email reply within 36 hours during the work week.
Course: MATH 193 CALCULUS AND ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II CLASS NO. 2847 (4.0 semester hours)
Course Catalog Description: This course deals with the applications of the definite integral including area and volume problems,
surface area, and work problems. Logarithmic and Exponential Functions, Hyperbolic Functions, Techniques of Integration,
L’Hopital’s Rule, and Infinite Series are also included.
Meeting Place and Times: Karnoutsos Hall Room 554 Tuesday and Thursday 10:20am-12:00pm
Text: Larson & Edwards, Calculus, 9th Edition, Brooks /Cole Publishing Company; Belmont, CA, 2010
Chapters 5 – 10, ISBN-10: 0-547-16702-4; ISBN-13: 978-0-547-16702-2
Custom Text available in the NJCU Bookstore ISBN: 9781111482817
Calculator: A graphing calculator is required in this course. I prefer that you use a TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 Plus.
However, you may use also use another graphing calculator that you know how to operate. (Please Note: No CAS calculators
are allowed.)
Prerequisites: Math 192 – Calculus and Analytic Geometry I or its equivalent
Online Resource: The author of the book maintains an online help website at This site contains solutions to
all odd-numbered exercises, as well as an online “Calc Chat Assistant” to whom you can ask questions. Many of the solutions are
worked out, not just final answers like in the back of the book. To use the site, you must select your textbook from a drop down
list; our textbook is “Calculus 9e.” Then click on the Calculus text image.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Make use of differentiation rules to differentiate transcendental functions.
• Make use of the concepts of definite integrals to solve problems involving area, volume, work, and other physical
• Make use of integration techniques to evaluate definite and indefinite integrals.
• Apply the concepts of limits, convergence, and divergence to evaluate some classes of improper integrals.
• Determine convergence or divergence of sequences and series.
• Make use of Taylor and MacLaurin series to represent functions.
• Make use of Taylor or MacLaurin series to integrate functions not integrable by conventional methods.
• Find areas, lengths of curves, and representations of conic sections by using the concept of polar coordinates.
• Express mathematical concepts and solutions in writing by producing reports based on class work or computer
• Examine simple mathematical concepts and describe them orally and in writing.
Math 193_2847 Fall 2014 Syllabus
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Dr. K. Morgan Ivy
Outcomes Assessment
a. Critical Thinking
Item 3: Remember
A. Recalls content and details
B. Restates main ideas, concepts, and principles
Item 2: Understand
A. Explains ideas, concepts, and principles
B. Contextualizes ideas, concepts, and principles
Item 3: Apply
A. Applies knowledge
B. Seeks alternative solutions
C. Applies procedures and concepts
Quantitative Reasoning
Item 1: Results and conclusions
A. Reasonableness of results
B. Checks results for correctness
C. Justifies conclusions
Quantitative Reasoning
Item 2: Uses the language and processes of mathematics in varied contexts
Item 1: Demonstrates an ability to operate technology
A. Operations/Tasks
B. Troubleshoot
Item 3: Uses technology as a problem-solving tool
Very Important:
1. If an exam is missed during the course of the semester (including the final exam), a grade of zero will be given. It is
intended that there will be absolutely NO make-up exams, quizzes or homework given. Allowances may be made, but are
not guaranteed, in the cases of emergency. Verifiable documentation must be provided and the approval of the instructor
is required.
2. The final exam’s percentage may be used to replace one missed exam score or a student’s lowest exam score during the
regular semester, provided the final exam’s percentage is higher.
3. Students must show all work for each test question and arrive at a correct answer. Partial credit may be awarded in some
4. Every student is responsible for turning in his/her own work.
5. Each student should maintain an impeccable and irreproachable demeanor during quizzes and exams. Anyone who
displays an action that might be interpreted otherwise may be subject to sanctions including, but not limited to the
following: Removal from the classroom, failure of the course, suspension or dismissal from the university.
6. Students are allowed to use a graphing calculator during exams and/or quizzes; however, no cell phones, wireless devices
or CAS calculators are allowed.
7. Please respect your peers and me by silencing all communication devices during class.
8. Texting, tweeting, updating statuses, instant messaging, web surfing, and any other extracurricular activity that requires
the use of your smartphone or wireless device are not allowed during class.
9. If a student is disruptive during the class, the instructor reserves the right to demand that said student leave the classroom.
10. The instructor reserves the right to amend syllabus as deemed necessary.
Attendance and Punctuality
• Attendance is expected of all students. Any student who is absent for more than eight (8) class meeting hours without
acceptable documented reason must contact the instructor regarding future participation in the course and may NOT be
allowed to take the final exam.
• I will take attendance every day at times specified by me. If a student enters the classroom after the attendance has been
noted for that day, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor immediately after class so that the absence may
be recorded as tardy.
• Students are expected to arrive on time for class. Three tardies are equivalent to one absence.
• A tardy will also be recorded for each time a student attends a significant portion of the class, but leaves class before the
class has ended.
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Dr. K. Morgan Ivy
Exams and Quizzes:
1. Two major 60-minute exams will be administered during the semester. Each exam will count a maximum of 150 points.
The exam exercises will be similar in format to the examples done in class, the examples in the book, and the assigned
homework exercises. No make-up exams will be given.
2. Quizzes and/or hand-in assignments will be given during the course of the semester. A grade of zero will be given for
each missed quiz or hand-in assignment. No make-up quizzes or assignments will be given. The lowest score among your
quizzes and assignments will be dropped. Please note that these hand-in assignments are different from selected textbook
exercises assigned as regular homework. Your quizzes and homework assignments will be calculated as a weighted
average to be worth a maximum of 100 points.
3. After the conclusion of each class and by 12:00pm the following day, each student is required to submit responses to the
Math 193 Calculus II Survey. You may access the survey via the Calculus II link on my faculty website at or via the following link You will receive 2 points for each survey you submit on time.
Your survey submissions are worth a maximum of 56 points.
4. You will be required to submit two poetry assignments on topics/content selected by the instructor. Each poetry
assignment will be worth a maximum of 25 points. More details will be provided at a later time.
5. The final exam is comprehensive and will be worth a maximum of 200 points.
6. Your class attendance and active participation will be worth a maximum of 44 points.
Final Grade: The cumulative point total for the semester exams, quizzes, writing assignment, workshop attendance, class
participation, and the final examination is 750 points. The following point scale will be used to determine your
final grade.
Grade Points Necessary for Grade
690 – 750
578 – 599
A675 – 689
555 – 577
652 – 674
C525 – 554
630 – 651
450 – 524
B600 – 629
0 – 449
Exam Dates:
Exam 1: Thursday, October 16
Exam 2: Thursday, December 4
Final Exam: Friday, December 19 from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Poetry Assignment Dates:
Poetry Assignment 1: Thursday, October 9
Poetry Assignment 2: Tuesday, November 25
Other Important Dates:
Last Day to Drop a Course for 100% Refund of Tuition: Monday, September 8
Last Day to Withdraw from a Course for 50% Refund of Tuition: Monday, September 29
Deadline for Faculty to Submit Midterm Grades: Wednesday, October 15
Final Day to Withdraw from a Course for a “W” Grade: Monday, November 3
Thanksgiving Recess: Thursday, November 27 – Saturday, November 29
Last Class Meeting: Thursday, December 11
Final Exam Period: Saturday, December 13 – Friday, December 19
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Dr. K. Morgan Ivy
University Policies:
Statement for Students with Disabilities
New Jersey City University offers support services for students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability and
wish to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, please register with the Office of Specialized Services and
Supplemental Instruction (OSS/SI). To begin this process, complete the registration form available on the OSS/SI
website at (listed under Student Resources-Forms). Students are encouraged to do this as soon
as possible at the beginning of the semester. Students who are requesting accommodation(s) must provide the instructor
with a letter of accommodation from OSS at the beginning of the semester. Accommodations can only be made after the
instructor receives the OSS letter of accommodation. Contact OSS/SI at 201-200-2091 or visit the office in Karnoutsos
Hall, Room 102 for additional information.
Statement for Veterans
New Jersey City University offers support services for students who are veterans. If you are a veteran of the armed
services, and need assistance, contact the Veteran’s Office (website at: at 201-2002157 or visit the office in Vodra Hall, Room 101 for additional information.
Statement on Scholastic Dishonesty
Acts prohibited by the college for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not
limited to, cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside
work. Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, work, research or self-expression.
Academic work is defined as, but not limited to, tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either
individual or group; classroom presentations; and homework.
Statement on Scholastic Dishonesty Penalty
Students who violate the rules concerning scholastic dishonesty will be assessed an academic penalty that the instructor
determines is in keeping with the seriousness of the offense. This academic penalty may range from a grade penalty on
the particular assignment to an overall grade penalty in the course, including possibly an F in the course. NJCU’s
NJCU Academic Integrity Policy
The Academic Integrity Policy is available on the NJCU Senate website at
Math 193_2847 Fall 2014 Syllabus
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Dr. K. Morgan Ivy
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned during class. I recommend that you write the
assigned problems in the table below.
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Dr. K. Morgan Ivy