10.3 New Political Parties


10.3 New Political Parties

Missouri Compromise

• All states admitted to the Union south of the

36 degree parallel line were to be slave states all north of it were to be free states

What were the effects of the Missouri


• It did not deal with slavery when the land was divided into territories and not states

• According to this the new territory gained in the southwest should have been slave states

5 parts of the “Compromise of 1850”

• Congress admits California as a free state

• The people in New Mexico and Utah would decide for themselves if slavery would be legal

• Abolished the sale of slaves, but not slavery in Washington


• Texas would give up claims to New Mexico for $10 million

• The Fugitive Slave Act – all citizens in the United States were ordered to assist in the recapture of runaway slave;

Slaves were denied a jury trial

What did the “Compromise of 1850” accomplish?

• It only actually made California a free state

• It did little else other than make the north angry by strengthening the ability for slave owners to capture runaway slaves

How did political parties change in the


• The major national party the Whigs were declining and eventually were wiped out

• New parties such as the Know-Nothings, who were a group that was against immigration were on the rise

Why did Stephen Douglas propose the

Kansas-Nebraska Act?

• He was looking to make Chicago benefit from the development of the west

• To gain support of the Southern Democrats during his presidential campaign

Why did the Kansas-Nebraska upset many northerners?

• It repealed the Missouri Compromise and supported the idea that the people living in the territories should decide if they were going to become slave or free states

• They felt that it was a sell out to the south

How did many of them respond to the passage of the act?

• They responded to the act by creating the

Republican Party
