Day 8 STAAR Review Compromises

Day 8 STAAR Review
Great Compromise
• Created at the Constitutional Convention to
solve the issue over the structure of the
legislative branch. Combined the Virginia and
New Jersey Plans
• Created a 2 house legislature (House + Senate
= Congress); Senate based on two
representatives per state; House of
Representatives based on a state’s population.
Three-Fifths Compromise
• Created at the Constitutional Convention to
solve the issue over how slaves would count
for representation and taxation purposes in
• Agreement would count three-fifths of a
state’s slaves as population for purposes of
representation and taxation
Missouri Compromise of 1820
• A series of laws enacted to maintain the
balance of power between slave and free
• Missouri would enter the Union as a Slave
• Maine would enter the Union as a Free State
• The 36’30 line was created; everything above
the 36’30 line would be Free and everything
below the 36’30 line would be Slave
Compromise of 1850
• A series of laws enacted to maintain the
balance of power between the slave and free
• California would enter the Union as a Free
• Fugitive Slave Act was passed
• New Mexico and Utah Territory were given
popular sovereignty on the issue of slavery in
their territories