Better Quality Through Better Measurement Asia Pacific Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care Robert Lloyd, PhD, Mary Seddon, MD and Richard Hamblin Wednesday 19 September 2012 © 2008 R. C. Lloyd & Associates, R. Scoville and the IHI Faculty Robert Lloyd, PhD Executive Director Performance Improvement Institute for Healthcare Improvement Boston, Massachusetts, USA Mary Seddon, MD Clinical Director Centre for Quality Improvement, Ko Awatea Counties Manukau DHB, Auckland, NZ Richard Hamblin, Director of Health Quality Evaluation Health Quality & Safety Commission, Wellington, NZ © 2008 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd & R. Scoville 1 Discussion Topics • Why are you measuring? • The Quality Measurement Journey • Understanding variation conceptually • Understanding variation statistically • Linking measurement to improvement 3 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Exercise Quality Measurement Journey Self-Assessment This self-assessment is designed to help quality facilitators gain a better understanding of where they personally stand with respect to the milestones in the Quality Measurement Journey (QMJ). What would your reaction be if you had to explain why using a run or control chart is preferable to computing only the mean, the standard deviation or calculating a p-value? Can you construct a run chart or help a team decide which control is most appropriate for their data? You may not be asked to do all of the things listed below today or even next week. But, if you are facilitating a QI team or advising a manager on how to evaluate a process improvement effort, sooner or later these questions will be posed. How will you deal with them? The place to start is to be honest with yourself and see how much you know about the QMJ. Once you have had this period of self-reflection, you will be ready to develop a learning plan for self-improvement and advancement. Use the following Response Scale. Select the one response which best captures your opinion. 1 I could teach this topic to others! 2 I could do this by myself right now but would not want to teach it! 3 I could do this but I would have to study first! 4 I could do this with a little help from my friends! 5 I'm not sure I could do this! Source: R. Lloyd, Quality Health Care: A Guide to 6 I'd have to call in an outside expert! Developing and Using Indicators. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2004: 301-304. 2 Quality Measurement Journey Self-Assessment Source: R. Lloyd, Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2004: 301-304. Response Scale Measurement Topic or Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 Moving a team from concepts to set of specific quantifiable measures Building clear and unambiguous operational definitions Developing data collection plans (including frequency and duration of data collection) Helping a team figure out stratification strategies Explain and design probability and nonprobability sampling options Explain why plotting data over time is preferable to using aggregated data and summary statistics Describe the differences between common and special causes of variation Construct and interpret run charts (including the run chart rules) Decide which control chart is most appropriate for a particular measure Construct and interpret control charts(including the control chart rules) Link measurement efforts to PDSA cycles Build measurement plans into implementation and spread activities The Model for Improvement When you combine the 3 questions with the… PDSA cycle, you get… What are we trying to Accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? Our focus today What change can we make that will result in improvement? Act Plan Study Do …the Model for Improvement. Source: Langley, et al. The Improvement Guide, 1996. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 3 Measurement should help you connect the dots! ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Model for Improvement The three questions provide the strategy What are we trying to Accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? Our focus today What change can we make that will result in improvement? Act Plan Study Do The PDSA cycle provides the tactical approach to work Source: Langley, et al. The Improvement Guide, 1996. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 4 How will we know that a change is an improvement? 1. By understanding the variation that lives within your data 2. By making good management decisions on this variation (i.e., don’t overreact to a special cause and don’t think that random movement of your data up and down is a signal of improvement). 9 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Why are you measuring? Improvement? The answer to this question will guide your entire quality measurement journey! ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 5 “The Three Faces of Performance Measurement: Improvement, Accountability and Research” by Lief Solberg, Gordon Mosser and Sharon McDonald Journal on Quality Improvement vol. 23, no. 3, (March 1997), 135-147. “We are increasingly realizing not only how critical measurement is to the quality improvement we seek but also how counterproductive it can be to mix measurement for accountability or research with measurement for improvement.” ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Three Faces of Performance Measurement Aspect Aim Methods: • Test Observability Improvement Accountability Research Improvement of care (efficiency & effectiveness) Comparison, choice, reassurance, motivation for change New knowledge (efficacy) Test observable No test, evaluate current performance Test blinded or controlled Accept consistent bias Measure and adjust to reduce bias Design to eliminate bias • Sample Size “Just enough” data, small sequential samples Obtain 100% of available, relevant data “Just in case” data • Flexibility of Hypothesis Flexible hypotheses, changes as learning takes place No hypothesis Fixed hypothesis (null hypothesis) • Testing Strategy Sequential tests No tests One large test • Determining if a change is an improvement Run charts or Shewhart control charts (statistical process control) No change focus (maybe compute a percent change or rank order the results) Hypothesis, statistical tests (ttest, F-test, chi square), p-values • Confidentiality of the data Data used only by those involved with improvement Data available for public consumption and review Research subjects’ identities protected • Bias ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 6 “Health Care Economics and Quality” by Robert Brook, et. al. Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 276, no. 6, (1996): 476-480. Three approaches to research: • Research for Efficacy (experimental and quasi-experimental designs/clinical trials, p-values) • Research for Efficiency • Research for Effectiveness Quality Improvement Research ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Tin Openers and Dials • Concept from Carter and Klein (1992) • Tin openers open up cans of worms • Dials measure things to make judgements • Most of the time you need to ask the right questions before you try and get the right answers ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 7 Graphic Displays of Data You need to determine not only why you are measuring but also determine how you are going to analyze the data and then present it. You do have choices! All to often, however, health care professionals present data in ways that only lead to judgment: • Aggregated data and descriptive statistics • Static displays of data (e.g., pie charts, bar charts) • Performance against a target or goal 15 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Example of Data for Judgment CMS/HQA Core Measures Does this tabular display of data help us understand the variation in these measures? Are we getting better, getting worse or demonstrating no change? AMI CHF PN SIP State Average 79 61 46 52 Q3 04 77 56 16 41 4Q 04 79 58 16 43 Q1 05 78 81 63 56 20 43 54 Q2 05 80 62 31 49 YTD 05 78 79 58 60 20 44 47 Legend Better than or Equal to State Average Worse than State Average (Perfect Care Bundles – all aspects of a bundle must be met in order to receive credit) ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 8 Control Chart - p-chart 11552 - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section (VBAC) Percentage These data points are all common cause variation 0.6 0.5 Data for Improvement Proportion 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Dec-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Sep-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Jun-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Dec-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Sep-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Jun-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 0 0.6 Proportion 0.5 Data for Judgment 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 0 So, how do you view the Three Faces of Performance Measurement? As a… Research Judgment Improvement As… Or, ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 9 Relating the Three Faces of Performance Measurement to your work The three faces of performance measurement should not be seen as mutually exclusive silos. This is not an either/or situation. All three areas must be understood as a system. Individuals need to build skills in all three areas. Organizations need translators who and be able to speak the language of each approach. The problem is that individuals identify with one of the approaches and dismiss the value of the other two. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Dialogue #1 Why are you measuring? ─ How much of your organization’s energy is aimed at improvement, accountability and/or research? ─ Does one form of performance measurement dominate your journey? ─ Does your organization approach measurement from an enumerative or an analytic perspective? ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 10 Do you have a plan to guide your quality measurement journey? “The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are going.” Oliver Wendell Holmes ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Quality Measurement Journey AIM (How good? By when?) Concept Measure Operational Definitions Data Collection Plan Data Collection Analysis ACTION Source: Lloyd, R. Quality Health Care. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 2004: 62-64. 22 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 11 The Quality Measurement Journey AIM – freedom from harm Concept – reduce patient falls Measure – IP falls rate (falls per 1000 patient days) Operational Definitions - # falls/inpatient days Data Collection Plan – monthly; no sampling; all IP units Data Collection – unit submits data to RM; RM assembles and send to QM for analysis Tests of Analysis – control chart Change 23 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Quality Measurement Journey AIM (Why are you measuring?) Concept Measure Operational Definitions Data Collection Plan Data Collection Analysis ACTION 24 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 12 Moving from a Concept to Measure “Hmmmm…how do I move from a concept to an actual measure? Every concept can have MANY measures. Which one is most appropriate? ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Every concept can have many measures Concept Potential Measures Hand Hygiene Ounces of hand gel used each day Ounces of gel used per staff Percent of staff washing their hands (before & after visiting a patient) Medication Errors Percent of errors Number of errors Medication error rate VAPs Percent of patients with a VAP Number of VAPs in a month The number of days without a VAP 26 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 13 Three Types of Measures • Outcome Measures: Voice of the customer or patient. How is the system performing? What is the result? • Process Measures: Voice of the workings of the system. Are the parts/steps in the system performing as planned? • Balancing Measures: Looking at a system from different directions/dimensions. What happened to the system as we improved the outcome and process measures? (e.g. unanticipated consequences, other factors influencing outcome) 27 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Potential Set of Measures for Improvement in the ED Topic Improve waiting time and patient satisfaction in the ED Outcome Measures Total Length of Stay in the ED Patient Satisfaction Scores Process Measures Balancing Measures Time to registration Volumes Patient / staff comments on flow % Leaving without being seen % patient receiving discharge materials Staff satisfaction Financials Availability of antibiotics 28 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 14 Balancing Measures: Looking at the System from Different Dimensions • Outcome (quality, time) • Transaction (volume, no. of patients) • Productivity (cycle time, efficiency, utilisation, flow, capacity, demand) • Financial (charges, staff hours, materials) • Appropriateness (validity, usefulness) • Patient satisfaction (surveys, customer complaints) • Staff satisfaction 29 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Quality Measurement Journey AIM (Why are you measuring?) Concept Measure Operational Definitions Data Collection Plan Data Collection Analysis ACTION 30 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 15 Operational Definitions “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here,” asked Alice? “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where” - said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. From Alice in Wonderland, Brimax Books, London, 1990. 31 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd An Operational Definition... … is a description, in quantifiable terms, of what to measure and the steps to follow to measure it consistently. • It gives communicable meaning to a concept • Is clear and unambiguous • Specifies measurement methods and equipment • Identifies criteria 32 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 16 How do you define the following Concepts? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • World Class Performance Alcohol related admissions Teenage pregnancy Cancer waiting times Health inequalities Asthma admissions Childhood obesity Patient education Health and wellbeing Adding life to years and years to life Children's palliative care Safe services Smoking cessation Urgent care • • • • • • • • • • • • • Delayed discharges End of life care Falls (with/without injuries) Childhood immunisations Maternity services Engagement with measurement for improvement Moving services closer to home Breastfeeding Ambulatory care Access to health in deprived areas Diagnostics in the community Productive community services Vascular inequalities 33 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Exercise: Developing a Set of Measures and Operational Definitions • Identify a project you are currently working on or plan to address in the near future. • Select 1-2 Process , 1-2 Outcome and 1 Balancing measure and develop a clear operational definition for each measure. • Use the Measurement Plan and Operational Definitions Worksheet s to record your work. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 17 Measurement Plan Worksheet Type Measure Name (Process, Outcome or Balancing) Operational Definition 1. P 2. P 3. O 4. O 5. B Source: Lloyd & Scoville 2010 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Operational Definition Worksheet Team name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Contact person: ____________________________________ WHAT PROCESS DID YOU SELECT? WHAT SPECIFIC MEASURE DID YOU SELECT FOR THIS PROCESS? OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Define the specific components of this measure. Specify the numerator and denominator if it is a percent or a rate. If it is an average, identify the calculation for deriving the average. Include any special equipment needed to capture the data. If it is a score (such as a patient satisfaction score) describe how the score is derived. When a measure reflects concepts such as accuracy, complete, timely, or an error, describe the criteria to be used to determine “accuracy.” Source: R. Lloyd. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett, 2004. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 18 Operational Definition Worksheet (cont’d) Source: R. Lloyd. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett, 2004. DATA COLLECTION PLAN Who is responsible for actually collecting the data? How often will the data be collected? (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly or monthly?) What are the data sources (be specific)? What is to be included or excluded (e.g., only inpatients are to be included in this measure or only stat lab requests should be tracked). How will these data be collected? Manually ______ From a log ______ From an automated system BASELINE MEASUREMENT What is the actual baseline number? ______________________________________________ What time period was used to collect the baseline? ___________________________________ TARGET(S) OR GOAL(S) FOR THIS MEASURE Do you have target(s) or goal(s) for this measure? Yes ___ No ___ Specify the External target(s) or Goal(s) (specify the number, rate or volume, etc., as well as the source of the target/goal.) Specify the Internal target(s) or Goal(s) (specify the number, rate or volume, etc., as well as the source of the target/goal.) ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Dashboard Worksheet Name of team:_______________________________ Measure Name Operational Definition Data Source(s) (Provide a specific name such as medication error rate) (Define the measure in very specific terms. Provide the numerator and the denominator if a percentage or rate. Indicate what is to be included and excluded. Be as clear and unambiguous as possible) (Indicate the sources of the data. These could include medical records, logs, surveys, etc.) Date: _____________ Data Collection: •Schedule (daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly) •Method (automated systems, manual, telephone, etc.) Baseline Goals •Period •Value •Short term •Long term See Worksheet Packet Source: R. Lloyd. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett, 2004. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 19 Source: R. Lloyd. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett, 2004. NON-SPECIFIC CHEST PAIN PATHWAY MEASUREMENT PLAN Measure Name Operational Definition Data Source(s) (Provide a specific name such as medication error rate) (Define the measure in very specific terms. Provide the numerator and the denominator if a percentage or rate. Indicate what is to be included and excluded. Be as clear and unambiguous as possible) (Indicate the sources of the data. These could include medical records, logs, surveys, etc.) Percent of patients who have MI or Unstable Angina as diagnosis Numerator = Patients entered into the NSCP path who have Acute MI or Unstable Angina as the discharge diagnosis 1.Medical Records 2.Midas 3.Variance Tracking Form Denominator = All patients entered into the NSCP path Number of patients who are admitted to the hospital or seen in an ED due to chest pain within one week of when we discharged them Operational Definition: A patient that we saw in our ED reports during the call-back interview that they have been admitted or seen in an ED (ours or some other ED) for chest pain during the past week All patients who have been managed within the NSCP protocol throughout their hospital stay Data Collection: •Schedule (daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly) •Method (automated systems, manual, telephone, etc.) 1.Discharge diagnosis will be identified for all patients entered into the NSCP pathway 2.QA-URwill retrospectively review charts of all patients entered into the NSCP pathway. Data will be entered into MIDAS system 1.Currently collecting baseline data. 1.Patients will be contacted by phone one week after discharge 1.Currently collecting baseline data. 2.Call-back interview will be the method 2.Baseline will be completed by end of 1st Q 2010 See Worksheet Packet Total hospital costs per one cardiac diagnosis Numerator = Total costs per quarter for hospital care of NSCP pathway patients Denominator = Number of patients per quarter entered into the NSCP pathway with a discharge diagnosis of MI or Unstable Angina 1.Finance 2.Chart Review Baseline •Period •Value Can be calculated every three months from financial and clinical data already being collected 2.Baseline will be completed by end of 1st Q 2010 1.Calendar year 2010 2.Will be computed in June 2010 Goals •Short term •Long term Since this is essentially a descriptive indicator of process volume, goals are not appropriate. Ultimately the goal is to have no patients admitted or seen in the ED within a week after discharge. The baseline will be used to help establish initial goals. The initial goal will be to reduce the baseline by 5%within the first six months of initiating the project. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Now that you have selected and defined your measures, it is time to head out, cast your net and actually gather some data! 40 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 20 Key Data Collection Strategies Stratification • Separation & classification of data according to predetermined categories • Designed to discover patterns in the data • For example, are there differences by shift, time of day, day of week, severity of patients, age, gender or type of procedure? • Consider stratification BEFORE you collect the data 41 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd What does a stratification problem look like? Measure: running calorie total There are two distinct processes at work here! Total Calories 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 3/ 1/ 20 08 3/ 8/ 20 08 3/ 15 /2 00 8 3/ 22 /2 00 8 3/ 29 /2 00 8 4/ 5/ 20 08 4/ 12 /2 00 8 4/ 19 /2 00 8 4/ 26 /2 00 8 5/ 3/ 20 08 5/ 10 /2 00 8 5/ 17 /2 00 8 5/ 24 /2 00 8 5/ 31 /2 00 8 6/ 7/ 20 08 6/ 14 /2 00 8 6/ 21 /2 00 8 6/ 28 /2 00 8 7/ 5/ 20 08 7/ 12 /2 00 8 7/ 19 /2 00 8 7/ 26 /2 00 8 8/ 2/ 20 08 8/ 9/ 20 08 8/ 16 /2 00 8 8/ 23 /2 00 8 8/ 30 /2 00 8 9/ 6/ 20 08 9/ 13 /2 00 8 9/ 20 /2 00 8 0 1C-42 © Richard Scoville & I.H.I. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 21 The data should be divided into two stratification levels 3500 3000 Total Calories 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 3/ 1/ 20 08 3/ 8/ 20 08 3/ 15 /2 00 8 3/ 22 /2 00 8 3/ 29 /2 00 8 4/ 5/ 20 08 4/ 12 /2 00 8 4/ 19 /2 00 8 4/ 26 /2 00 8 5/ 3/ 20 08 5/ 10 /2 00 8 5/ 17 /2 00 8 5/ 24 /2 00 8 5/ 31 /2 00 8 6/ 7/ 20 08 6/ 14 /2 00 8 6/ 21 /2 00 8 6/ 28 /2 00 8 7/ 5/ 20 08 7/ 12 /2 00 8 7/ 19 /2 00 8 7/ 26 /2 00 8 8/ 2/ 20 08 8/ 9/ 20 08 8/ 16 /2 00 8 8/ 23 /2 00 8 8/ 30 /2 00 8 9/ 6/ 20 08 9/ 13 /2 00 8 9/ 20 /2 00 8 0 Travel days Home days What factors might influence your process? Track them in your data to provide insights about variation and how to change the process! © Richard Scoville & I.H.I. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Common Stratification Levels • • • • • • • • • Day of week Shift Severity of patients Gender Type of procedure Payer class Type of visit Unit Age What stratification levels are appropriate for your data? ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 22 Sampling When you can’t gather data on the entire population due to time, logistics or resources, it is time to consider sampling. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Relationships Between a Sample and the Population Population What would a “good” sample look like? Negative Outcome Source: R. Lloyd Positive Outcome ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 23 The Relationships Between a Sample and the Population A representative sample Population A Negative Outcome Positive Outcome A representative sample has the same shape and location as the total population but have fewer observations (curve A). Randomization is key – every element of the population has the same chance of being selected. Source: R. Lloyd ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Sampling Bias Population A positively biased sample A negatively biased sample C Negative Outcome A B Positive Outcome A sample improperly pulled could result in a positive sampling bias (curve B) or a negative sampling bias (curve C). Estimates of the population based on a biased sample will be incorrect. Source: R. Lloyd ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 24 Sampling Methods Probability Sampling Methods • Simple random sampling • Stratified random sampling • Stratified proportional random sampling • Systematic sampling Non-probability Sampling Methods • Cluster sampling • Convenience sampling • Quota sampling • Judgment sampling Source: R. Lloyd. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Enumerative Approaches Sampling Options Simple Random Sampling Population Sample Stratified proportional Random Sampling Sample Population Medical Surgical OB S S M M M OB OB Peds P M S Judgment Sampling Jan 50 Feb March Analytic Approach April May June ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 25 Judgment Sampling Source: R. Lloyd. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004, 75-94. Especially useful for PDSA testing. Someone with process knowledge selects items to be sampled. Characteristics of a Judgment Sample: • Include a wide range of conditions • Selection criteria may change as understanding increases • Successive small samples instead of one large sample 51 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Judgment Sampling in Action! Well the night shift is totally different from the day shift! It always seems pretty calm to me here in the afternoon. It is absolutely nuts here between 8 and 10 AM! ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 26 How often and for how long do you need to collect data? • Frequency – the period of time in which you collect data (i.e., how often will you dip into the process to see the variation that exists?) • Moment by moment (continuous monitoring)? • Every hour? • Every day? Once a week? Once a month? • Duration – how long you need to continue collecting data • Do you collect data on an on-going basis and not end until the measure is always at the specified target or goal? • Do you conduct periodic audits? • Do you just collect data at a single point in time to “check the pulse of the process” • Do you need to pull a sample or do you take every occurrence of the data (i.e., collect data for the total population) ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Frequency of Data Collection: The Story of Flight #1549, January 15, 2009 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 27 Flight #1549, January 15, 2009 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Question: Does the airline need data at a fixed point in time or data over time? Static View (Where are we right now?) It depends on the question you are trying to answer! Bird hit plane! Dynamic View (What happened over time?) The idea for this example was proposed by Alastair Philip, Quality improvement Scotland, 2010 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 28 Exercise: Data Collection Strategies (frequency, duration and sampling) • This exercise has been designed to test your knowledge of and skill with developing a data collection plan. • In the table on the next page is a list of eight measures. • For each measure identify: • – The frequency and duration of data collection. – Whether you would pull a sample or collect all the data on each measure. – If you would pull a sample of data, indicate what specific type of sample you would pull. Spend a few minutes working on your own then compare your ideas with others at your table. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Exercise: Data Collection Strategies (frequency, duration and sampling) The need to know, the criticality of the measure and the amount of data required to make a conclusion should drive the frequency, duration and whether you need to sample decisions. Measure Frequency and Duration Pull a sampling or take every occurrence? Vital signs for a patient connected to full telemetry in the ICU Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) to determine if the newly prescribed medication and dosage are having the desired impact Percent compliance with a hand hygiene protocol Cholesterol levels (LDL, HDL, triglycerides) in a patient recently placed on new statin medication Patient satisfaction scores on the inpatient units Central line blood stream infection rate Percent of inpatients readmitted within 30 days for the same diagnosis Percent of surgical patients given prophylactic antibiotics within 1 hour prior to surgical incision ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 29 The Quality Measurement Journey AIM (Why are you measuring?) Concept Measure Operational Definitions Data Collection Plan Data Collection Analysis ACTION 59 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd You have performance data. Now what the heck do you do with it? 60 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 30 Old Way versus the New Way Threshold Action taken here No action taken here Better Quality Worse Action taken on all occurrences Better Old Way (Quality Assurance) Quality Worse New Way (Quality Improvement) 61 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Understanding Variation Statistically “If I had to reduce my message for management to just a few words, I’d say it all had to do with reducing variation.” W. Edwards Deming 62 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 31 The Problem Aggregated data presented in tabular formats or with summary statistics, will not help you measure the impact of process improvement efforts. Aggregated data can only lead to judgment, not to improvement. 63 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Thin-Slicing “Thin-slicing refers to the ability of our unconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experience.” Malcolm Gladwell, blink, page 23 When most people look at data they thin-slice it. That is, they basically use their unconscious to find patterns and trends in the data. They look for extremely high or low data points and then make conclusions about performance based on limited data. R. Lloyd ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 32 20-20 Hindsight! “Managing a process on the basis of monthly averages is like trying to drive a car by looking in the rear view mirror.” Source: D. Wheeler Understanding Variation, Knoxville, TN, 1993. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Average CABG Mortality Before and After the Implementation of a New Protocol WOW! Percent Mortality 5.2 A “significant drop” from 5% to 4% 5.0% 4.0% 3.8 Time 1 Time 2 Conclusion -The protocol was a success! A 20% drop in the average mortality! 66 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 33 Average CABG Mortality Before and After the Implementation of a New Protocol A Second Look at the Data Percent Mortality 9.0 Protocol implemented here UCL= 6.0 5.0 CL = 4.0 LCL = 2.0 1.0 24 Months Now what do you conclude about the impact of the protocol? 67 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Measure The average of a set of numbers can be created by many different distributions X (CL) Time 68 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 34 If you don’t understand the variation that lives in your data, you will be tempted to ... • Deny the data (It doesn’t fit my view of reality!) • See trends where there are no trends • Try to explain natural variation as special events • Blame and give credit to people for things over which they have no control • Distort the process that produced the data • Kill the messenger! 69 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The to understanding quality performance, therefore, lies in understanding variation over time not in preparing aggregated data and calculating summary statistics! 70 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 35 Dr. Walter A Shewhart Shewhart - Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product, 1931 “A phenomenon will be said to be controlled when, through the use of past experience, we can predict, at least within limits, how the phenomenon may be expected to vary in the future” ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd “What is the variation in one system over time?” Walter A. Shewhart - early 1920’s, Bell Laboratories Dynamic View Static View time Every process displays variation: • Controlled variation stable, consistent pattern of variation “chance”, constant causes Static View 72 UCL LCL • Special cause variation “assignable” pattern changes over time ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 36 Types of Variation Common Cause Variation Special Cause Variation • Is inherent in the design of the process • • Is due to regular, natural or ordinary causes Is due to irregular or unnatural causes that are not inherent in the design of the process • Affect some, but not necessarily all aspects of the process • Results in an “unstable” process that is not predictable • Also known as non-random or assignable variation • Affects all the outcomes of a process • Results in a “stable” process that is predictable • Also known as random or unassignable variation 73 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Point … Common Cause does not mean “Good Variation.” It only means that the process is stable and predictable. For example, if a patient’s systolic blood pressure averaged around 165 and was usually between 160 and 170 mmHg, this might be stable and predictable but completely unacceptable. Similarly Special Cause variation should not be viewed as “Bad Variation.” You could have a special cause that represents a very good result (e.g., a low turnaround time), which you would want to emulate. Special Cause merely means that the process is unstable and unpredictable. You have to decide if the output of the process is acceptable! 74 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 37 Decision Tree for Managing Variation © Richard Scoville & I.H.I. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Statistically relevant variation in “real” time Alert signalled Plot goes up when there is a death Down when a patient survives Plot can never fall below zero 38 Responding to alerts in real time Continuous background monitoring Initial analysis Alert!! Central clinical review Local, detailed clinical review No issue Artefact Improvement plan Special Cause Variation Common Cause Variation Percent of Cesarean Sections Performed Dec 95 - Jun 99 35.0 Deaths from accidental causes CL=18.0246 15.0 10.0 LCL=8.3473 5.0 6/99 4/99 2/99 8/98 12/98 6/98 10/98 4/98 2/98 8/97 12/97 6/97 10/97 4/97 2/97 8/96 12/96 6/96 10/96 4/96 2/96 12/95 0.0 month Normal Sinus Rhythm (a.k.a. Common Cause Variation) Referrals per week 20.0 Number of Medications Errors per 1000 Patient Days UCL=27.7018 25.0 Percent C-sections 22.5 Medication Error Rate 20.0 30.0 Deaths/ month Referral rate 17.5 15.0 UCL=13.39461 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 CL=4.42048 2.5 0.0 LCL=0.00000 Week Atrial Flutter Rhythm (a.k.a. Special Cause Variation) 78 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 39 Attributes of a Leader Who Understands Variation Leaders understand the different ways that variation is viewed. They explain changes in terms of common causes and special causes. They use graphical methods to learn from data and expect others to consider variation in their decisions and actions. They understand the concept of stable and unstable processes and the potential losses due to tampering. Capability of a process or system is understood before changes are attempted. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Dialogue #2 Common and Special Causes of Variation • Select several measures your organization tracks on a regular basis. Percent of Cesarean Sections Performed Dec 95 - Jun 99 35.0 30.0 UCL=27.7018 Percent C-sections 25.0 20.0 CL=18.0246 15.0 10.0 LCL=8.3473 6/99 4/99 2/99 8/98 6/98 4/98 2/98 12/98 10/98 8/97 6/97 4/97 2/97 12/97 10/97 8/96 12/96 10/96 6/96 4/96 m onth Number of Medications Errors per 1000 Patient Days 22.5 • If not, what criteria do you use to determine if data are improving or getting worse? 2/96 0.0 12/95 • Do you and the leaders of your organization evaluate these measures according the criteria for common and special causes of variation? 5.0 Medication Error Rate 20.0 17.5 15.0 UCL=13.39461 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 CL=4.42048 2.5 0.0 LCL=0.00000 Week ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 40 Understanding Variation Statistically Unp la nned R etur ns to E d w /in 72 Ho urs M o n th M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S E D /1 0 0 41.78 43.89 39.86 40.03 38.01 43.43 39.21 41.90 41.78 43.00 39.66 40.03 48.21 43.89 39.86 36.21 41.78 43.89 31.45 R e tu r n s 17 26 13 16 24 27 19 14 33 20 17 22 29 17 36 19 22 24 22 uu uc cc cha ha harrrrtttt u ha 1 .2 1 .0 Rate per 100 ED Patients UC L = 0. 88 0 .8 0 .6 Mean = 0.54 0 .4 0 .2 LC L = 0. 19 8 6 4 9 1 1 17 15 1 1 9 8 13 7 2 11 1 6 10 5 4 3 1 DYNAMIC VIEW STATIC VIEW Descriptive Statistics Mean, Median & Mode Minimum/Maximum/Range Standard Deviation Bar graphs/Pie charts 2 0 .0 Run Chart Control Chart (plot data over time) Statistical Process Control (SPC) 81 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Elements of a Run Chart 6.00 The centerline (CL) on a Run Chart is the Median 5.75 5.25 Pounds of Red Bag Waste Measure 5.50 5.00 4.75 Median=4.610 ~ 4.50 X (CL) 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Point Number Four simple run rules are used to determine if special cause variation is present ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 41 What is a Run? • One or more consecutive data points on the same side of the Median • Do not include data points that fall on the Median How do we count the number of runs? • Draw a circle around each run and count the number of circles you have drawn • Count the number of times the sequence of data points crosses the Median and add “1” 83 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Run Chart: Medical Waste How many runs are on this chart? 6.00 5.75 5.50 Pounds of Red Bag Waste 5.25 5.00 4.75 Median=4.610 4.50 4.25 4.00 Points on the Median 3.75 (don’t count these when counting the number of runs) 3.50 3.25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Point Number 84 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 42 Run Chart: Medical Waste How many runs are on this chart? 6.00 5.75 14 runs 5.50 Pounds of Red Bag Waste 5.25 5.00 4.75 Median=4.610 4.50 4.25 4.00 Points on the Median 3.75 (don’t count these when counting the number of runs) 3.50 3.25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Point Number 85 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Rules to Identify non-random patterns in the data displayed on a Run Chart • Rule #1: A shift in the process, or too many data points in a run (6 or more consecutive points above or below the median) • Rule #2: A trend (5 or more consecutive points all increasing or decreasing) • Rule #3: Too many or too few runs (use a table to determine this one) • Rule #4: An “astronomical” data point 86 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 43 Non-Random Rules for Run Charts A Shift: 6 or more Too many or too few runs A Trend 5 or more An astronomical data point Source: The Data Guide by L. Provost and S. Murray, Austin, Texas, February, 2007: p3-10. 87 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd This is NOT a trend! 88 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 44 Rule #3: Too many or too few runs • If our change is successful, we will have disrupted the previous process • How many runs should we expect if the values all come from a stable process? • If there are fewer runs (or more), we have evidence that our change has made a difference ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Rule #3: Too few or too many runs Use this table by first calculating the number of "useful observations" in your data set. This is done by subtracting the number of data points on the median from the total number of data points. Then, find this number in the first column. The lower number of runs is found in the second column. The upper number of runs can be found in the third column. If the number of runs in your data falls below the lower limit or above the upper limit then this is a signal of a special cause. # of Useful Lower Number Observations of Runs 15 5 16 5 17 5 18 6 19 6 20 6 21 7 22 7 23 7 24 8 25 8 26 9 27 10 28 10 29 Total data points with 10 30 2 on the median 11 90 Upper Number of Runs 12 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 Total 20 20 21 useful observations ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 45 Source: Swed, F. and Eisenhart, C. (1943) “Tables for Testing Randomness of Grouping in a Sequence of Alternatives.” Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Vol. XIV, pp. 66-87, Tables II and III. 91 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Rule #4: An Astronomical Data Point 25 Men and a Test What 25 do you think about this data point? Is it astronomical? Score 20 15 10 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Individuals 92 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 46 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Run Chart Exercise Now it is your turn! • Interpret the following run charts • Is the median in the correct location? • What do you learn by applying the run chart rules? 1. % of patients with Length of Stay shorter than six days 2. Average Length of Stay DRG373 3. Number of Acute Surgical Procedures Source: Peter Kammerlind, (, Project Leader Jönköping County Council, Jonkoping, Sweden. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 47 % of patients with Length of Stay shorter than six days Antal patienter med vårdtid < 6dygn i % vid primär elektiv knäplastik (operationsdag= dag1) 90 80 Antal patienter i % 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Månad Source: Peter Kammerlind, (, Project Leader Jönköping County Council, Jonkoping, Sweden. Mäta för att leda ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Sekvensdiagram DRG 373 Average Length of Stay DRG 373 3,5 3 2 1,5 1 0,5 Ju li Au gu st i Se pt em be r Ju ni M aj Ap ril M ar s Fe br ja nu ar i Ju li Au gu st i Se pt em be r O kt ob er N ov em be r D ec em be r M aj Ju ni Ap ril M ar s Fe br 20 06 ja nu ar i 0 20 05 Vårddygn 2,5 Tidsenhet Source: Peter Kammerlind, (, Project Leader Jönköping County Council, Jonkoping, Sweden. Grundläggande statistik och analys ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 48 Number of Acute Surgical Procedures Akut kirurgi 160 150 Antal operationer 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Månad Source: Peter Kammerlind, (, Project Leader Jönköping County Council, Jonkoping, Sweden. Mäta för att leda ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Why are Control Charts preferred over Run Charts? Because Control Charts… 1. Are more sensitive than run charts A run chart cannot detect special causes that are due to point-to-point variation (median versus the mean) Tests for detecting special causes can be used with control charts 2. Have the added feature of control limits, which allow us to determine if the process is stable (common cause variation) or not stable (special cause variation). 3. Can be used to define process capability. 4. Allow us to more accurately predict process behavior and future performance. 98 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 49 Elements of a Control Chart 50.0 UCL=44.855 45.0 A An indication of a special cause 40.0 Number of Complaints Measure B (Upper Control Limit) 35.0 C 30.0 CL=29.250 C 25.0 X (Mean) B 20.0 A 15.0 LCL=13.645 (Lower Control Limit) 10.0 5.0 Jan01 Mar01 May01 July01 Sept01 Nov01 Time Jan02 Mar02 May02 July02 Sept02 Nov02 Month ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd How do we classify Variation on control charts? Common Cause Variation • Is inherent in the design of the process • Is due to regular, natural or ordinary causes • Affects all the outcomes of a process • Results in a “stable” process that is predictable • Also known as random or unassignable variation Special Cause Variation • Is due to irregular or unnatural causes that are not inherent in the design of the process • Affect some, but not necessarily all aspects of the process • Results in an “unstable” process that is not predictable • Also known as non-random or assignable variation ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 50 How do I use the Zones on a control chart? Measure UCL Zone A +3 SL Zone B +2 SL Zone C +1 SL Zone C -1 SL Zone B -2 SL Zone A -3 SL X (CL) LCL Time 101 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Rules for Special Causes on Control Charts There are many rules to detect special cause. The following five rules are recommended for general use and will meet most applications of control charts in healthcare. Rule #1: 1 point outside the +/- 3 sigma limits Rule #2: 8 successive consecutive points above (or below) the centerline Rule #3: 6 or more consecutive points steadily increasing or decreasing Rule #4: 2 out of 3 successive points in Zone A or beyond Rule #5: 15 consecutive points in Zone C on either side of the centerline 102 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 51 Rules for Detecting Special Causes 3. 4. 1. 2. 103 5. ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Notes on Special Cause Rules Rule #1: 1 point outside the +/- 3 sigma limits A point exactly on a control limit is not considered outside the limit . When there is not a lower or upper control limit Rule 1 does not apply to the side missing the limit. Rule #2: 8 successive consecutive points above (or below) the centerline A point exactly on the centerline does not cancel or count towards a shift. Rule #3: 6 or more consecutive points steadily increasing or decreasing Ties between two consecutive points do not cancel or add to a trend. When control charts have varying limits due to varying numbers of measurements within subgroups, then rule #3 should not be applied. Rule #4: 2 out of 3 successive points in Zone A or beyond When there is not a lower or upper control limit Rule 4 does not apply to the side missing a limit. Rule #5: 15 consecutive points in Zone C on either side of the centerline This is known as “hugging the centerline” ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 52 Using the Zones on a control chart Measure UCL Zone A +3 SL Zone B +2 SL Zone C +1 SL Zone C -1 SL Zone B -2 SL Zone A -3 SL X (CL) LCL Time 105 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Applying Control Chart Rules: You Make the Call! ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 53 Is there a Special Cause on this chart? Unp la nne d R e turns to E d w /in 7 2 H o urs M o n th M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S E D /1 0 0 41.78 43.89 39.86 40.03 38.01 43.43 39.21 41.90 41.78 43.00 39.66 40.03 48.21 43.89 39.86 36.21 41.78 43.89 31.45 R e tu rn s 17 26 13 16 24 27 19 14 33 20 17 22 29 17 36 19 22 24 22 u cha rt 1 .2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 Mean = 0.54 0 .4 0 .2 LC L = 0. 1 9 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 .0 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd PERCENT PATIENTS C/O CHEST PAIN SEEN BY CARDIOLOGIST WITHIN 10 MINUTES OF ARRIVAL TO ED EXAMPLE CHART What special cause is on this chart? 120% 110% Percent Patients Seen 10 Minutes Rate per 100 ED Patients U C L = 0.88 100% 90% 81.5 % 80% 70% 60% 50% Target Goal / Desired Direction: INCREASE in the PERCENT of patients c/o chest pain seen by cardiologist within 10 minutes of arrival to Emergency Department. Interpretation: Current performance shows (desirable) upward trend. 40% 30% 20% 10% P 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ma rc h 25, 2004 20 21 22 23 24 UCL Ave ra ge XYZ Medical Center P e rf orma nc e Improve me nt Re port 19 24 Weeks: October 2003 -- March 2004 LCL p-chart, possible range 0-100% Fic t it ious da t a for e duc a t iona l purpose s 108 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 54 Number of Patient Complaints by Month (XmR chart) Are there any special causes present? If so, what are they? 50.0 UCL=44.855 45.0 A 40.0 Number of Complaints B 35.0 C 30.0 CL=29.250 C 25.0 B 20.0 A 15.0 LCL=13.645 10.0 5.0 Jan01 Mar01 May01 July01 Sept01 Nov01 Jan02 Mar02 May02 July02 Sept02 Nov02 Month 109 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Appropriate Management Response to Common & Special Causes of Variation Is the process stable? NO YES Type of variation Right Choice Wrong Choice Consequences of making the wrong choice Only Common Change the process Treat normal variation as a special cause (tampering) Increased variation! Special + Common Investigate the origin of the special cause Change the process Wasted resources! 110 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 55 SPC Sphere of Knowledge I know the right chart has to be hiding in here somewhere! ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The choice of a Control Chart depends on the Type of Data you have collected Variables Data Attributes Data Defectives Defects (occurrences plus non-occurrences) Nonconforming Units (occurrences only) Nonconformities ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 56 There Are 7 Basic Control Charts Variables Charts Attributes Charts • X & R chart • p-chart (proportion or percent of defectives) (average & range chart) • X & S chart • np-chart (average & SD chart) (number of defectives) • XmR chart • c-chart (individuals & moving range chart) (number of defects) • u-chart (defect rate) ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Control Chart Decision Tree Source: Carey, R. and Lloyd, R. Measuring Quality Improvement in Healthcare: A Guide to Statistical Process Control Applications. ASQ Press, Milwaukee, WI, 2001. Decide on the type of data Variables Data Yes More than one observation per subgroup? No No < than 10 observations per subgroup? Yes X bar & R Average and Range No X bar & S Average and Standard Deviation Yes XmR Individual Measurement Attributes Data Is there an equal area of opportunity? c-chart The number of Defects u-chart The Defect Rate Occurrences & Nonoccurrences? No No Yes Are the subgroups of equal size? p-chart The percent of Defective Units Yes np-chart The number of Defective Units ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 57 Key Terms for Control Chart Selection Subgroup Observation Area of Opportunity How you organize you data (e.g., by day, week or month) The actual value (data) you collect Applies to all attributes or counts charts The label of your horizontal axis The label of your vertical axis Defines the area or frame in which a defective or defect can occur Can be patients in chronological order Can be of equal or unequal sizes May be single or multiple data points Applies to all the charts Can be of equal or unequal sizes Applies to all the charts 115 31 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The choice of a control chart depends on the question you are trying to answer! Type of Chart Medication Production Analysis X bar & S Chart What is the TAT for a daily sample of 25 medication orders? Individuals Chart (XmR) How many medication orders do we process each week? C-Chart Using a sample of 100 medication orders each week, how many errors (defects) are observed? U-Chart Out of all medication orders each week, how many errors (defects) are observed? P-Chart For all medication orders each week, what percentage have 1 or more errors (i.e., are defective)? 116 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 58 117 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd The Quality Measurement Journey AIM (Why are you measuring?) Concept Measure Operational Definitions Data Collection Plan Data Collection Analysis ACTION 118 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 59 Okay, I found the right chart in here, now all I have to do is to find the right improvement strategy! PDSA Sphere of Knowledge 119 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd A Simple Improvement Plan 1. Which process do you want to improve or redesign? 2. Does the process contain non-random patterns or special causes? 3. How do you plan on actually making improvements? What strategies do you plan to follow to make things better? 4. What effect (if any) did your plan have on the process performance? Run & Control Charts will help you answer Questions 2 & 4. YOU need to figure out the answers to Questions 1 & 3. 120 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 60 Wait Time to See the Doctor XmR Chart February 30.0 April 27.5 Intervention 25.0 22.5 Minutes 20.0 Where will the process go? 17.5 UCL=15.3 A 15.0 B 12.5 C CL=10.7 C B A LCL=6.1 10.0 7.5 Baseline Period 5.0 2.5 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 Freeze the Control Limits and Centerline, extend them 23 compare 25 27 the29 and new31process performance to these 22 24 26 28 30 32 reference lines to determine if a special cause has been 16 Patients in February and 16 Patients in April introduced as a result of the intervention. 11 10 13 12 15 14 17 16 19 18 21 20 121 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Wait Time to See the Doctor XmR Chart February 30.0 April 27.5 Intervention 25.0 Freeze the Control Limits and compare the new process performance to the baseline using the UCL, LCL and CL from the baseline period as reference lines 22.5 Minutes 20.0 17.5 UCL=15.3 A 15.0 B 12.5 C CL=10.7 C B A LCL=6.1 10.0 7.5 Baseline Period 5.0 2.5 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 13 12 15 14 17 16 19 18 21 20 23 22 25 24 27 26 29 28 A Special Cause is detected A run of 8 or more data points on one side of the centerline reflecting a sift in the process 31 30 32 16 Patients in February and 16 Patients in April 122 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 61 Wait Time to See the Doctor XmR Chart February 30.0 April 27.5 Intervention 25.0 Make new control limits for the process to show the improvement 22.5 Minutes 20.0 17.5 UCL=15.3 A 15.0 B 12.5 C CL=10.7 C B A LCL=6.1 10.0 7.5 Baseline Period 5.0 2.5 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 13 12 15 14 17 16 19 18 21 20 23 22 25 24 27 26 29 28 31 30 32 16 Patients in February and 16 Patients in April 123 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd “Change is possible if we have the desire and commitment to make it happen.” Mohandas Gandhi 124 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 62 The Primary Drivers of Improvement Having the Will (desire) to change the current state to one that is better Will Developing Ideas that will contribute to making processes and outcome better QI Ideas Execution Having the capacity to apply CQI theories, tools and techniques that enable the Execution of the ideas ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd How prepared is your Organization? Key Components* • Will (to change) • Ideas • Execution Self-Assessment • Low • Low Medium High Medium High • Low Medium High *All three components MUST be viewed together. Focusing on one or even two of the components will guarantee suboptimized performance. Systems thinking lies at the heart of CQI! 126 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 63 The Sequence of Improvement Make part of routine operations Test under a variety of conditions Theory and Prediction Sustaining and improvements and Spreading a changes to other locations Implementing a change Act Plan Study Do Testing a change Developing a change ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Summary of Key Points • Understand why you are measuring • Improvement, Accountability, Research • Build skills in the area of data collection • Operational definitions • Stratification & Sampling (probability versus non-probability) • Build knowledge on the nature of variation • Understanding variation conceptually • Understanding variation statistically • Know when and how to use Run & Control Charts 128 • Numerous types of charts (based on the type of data) • The mean is the centerline (not the median which is on a run chart) • Upper and Lower Control Limits are sigma limits • Rules to identify special and common causes of variation • Linking the charts to improvement strategies ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 64 “Quality begins with intent, which is fixed by management.” W. E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, p.5 129 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Thanks for joining us! Please contact us if you have any questions: Robert Lloyd Mary Seddon Richard Hamblin ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 65 Appendices • Appendix A: General References on Quality • Appendix B: References on Measurement • Appendix C: References on Spread • Appendix D: References on Rare Events • Appendix E: Basic “Sadistical” Principles 131 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Appendix A General References on Quality • The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance. G. Langley, K. Nolan, T. Nolan, C. Norman, L. Provost. Jossey-Bass Publishers., San Francisco, 1996. • Quality Improvement Through Planned Experimentation. 2nd edition. R. Moen, T. Nolan, L. Provost, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1998. • The Improvement Handbook. Associates in Process Improvement. Austin, TX, January, 2005. • A Primer on Leading the Improvement of Systems,” Don M. Berwick, BMJ, 312: pp 619-622, 1996. • “Accelerating the Pace of Improvement - An Interview with Thomas Nolan,” Journal of Quality Improvement, Volume 23, No. 4, The Joint Commission, April, 1997. 132 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 66 Appendix B References on Measurement • Brook, R. et. al. “Health System Reform and Quality.” Journal of the American Medical Association 276, no. 6 (1996): 476-480. • Carey, R. and Lloyd, R. Measuring Quality Improvement in healthcare: A Guide to Statistical Process Control Applications. ASQ Press, Milwaukee, WI, 2001. • Langley, G. et. al. The Improvement Guide. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1996. • Lloyd, R. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, 2004. • Nelson, E. et al, “Report Cards or Instrument Panels: Who Needs What? Journal of Quality Improvement, Volume 21, Number 4, April, 1995. • Solberg. L. et. al. “The Three Faces of Performance Improvement: Improvement, Accountability and Research.” Journal of Quality Improvement 23, no.3 (1997): 135-147. 133 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Appendix C References on Spread • Gladwell, M. The Tipping Point. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 2000. • Kreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. Organizational Behavior (2nd ed.) Homewood, Il: Irwin, 1978. • Lomas J, Enkin M, Anderson G. Opinion Leaders vs Audit and Feedback to Implement Practice Guidelines. JAMA, Vol. 265(17); May 1, 1991, pg. 2202-2207. • Myers, D.G. Social Psychology (3rd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990. • Prochaska J., Norcross J., Diclemente C. In Search of How People Change, American Psychologist, September, 1992. • Rogers E. Diffusion of Innovations. New York: The Free Press, 1995. • Wenger E. Communities of Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 134 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 67 Appendix D References for Rare Events Control Charts • Benneyan, JC, Lloyd, RC and Plsek, PE. “Statistical process control as a tool for research and healthcare improvement”, Quality and Safety in Health Care 12:458-464. • Benneyan JC and Kaminsky FC (1994): "The g and h Control Charts: Modeling Discrete Data in SPC", ASQC Annual Quality Congress Transactions, 32-42. • Jackson JE (1972): "All Count Distributions Are Not Alike", Journal of Quality Technology 4(2):86-92. • Kaminsky FC, Benneyan JC, Davis RB, and Burke RJ (1992): "Statistical Control Charts Based on a Geometric Distribution", Journal of Quality Technology 24(2):63-69. • Nelson LS (1994): "A Control Chart for Parts-Per-Million Nonconforming Items", Journal of Quality Technology 26(3):239-240. 135 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd Appendix E A few basic “Sadistical” Principles Statistics related to depicting variation The sum of the deviations (xi – x ) of a set of observations about their mean is equal to zero. The average deviation (AD) is obtained by adding the absolute values of the deviations of the individual values from their mean and dividing by n. The sample variance (s2) is the average of the squares of the deviations of the individual values from their mean. Which finally leads us to our good old friend, the standard deviation, which is the positive square root of the variance. Σ (xi – x ) = 0 AD = s2 = Σ | xi – x | n Σ ( xi – x ) 2 n -1 (See the next page for this fun formula!) ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 68 Appendix E (continued) What is the Standard Deviation? 2 Σ (X ( i – X) n-1 The Standard Deviation (sd) is created by taking the deviation of each individual data point (Xi) from the mean (X), squaring each difference, summing the results, dividing by the number of cases and then taking the square root. 137 ©Copyright 2010 Institute for Healthcare Improvement/R. Lloyd 69