COVER SHEET C S 2 0 1 4 1 2 2 2 9 SEC Registration Number A L V I E R A C O U N T R Y C L U B , I N C . (Company’s Full Name) A L V I E R A C O U N T R Y H A C I E N D A , P O R A C , C L U B , B R G Y . P A M P A N G A (Business Address: No., Street City / Town / Province) Atty. Yolanda M. Eleazar / Atty. Regina G. Santos 817-6791 Contact Person Company Telephone Number REGISTRATION STATEMENT Month Fiscal Year Day FORM TYPE Month Day Annual Meeting Secondary License Type, If Applicable Dept Requiring this Doc Amended Articles Number / Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned File Number LCU Document ID Cashier STAMPS Remarks: Please use BLACK ink for scanning purposes SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 12-1, AS AMENDED REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE 1. SEC Identification Number: CS201412229 2. ALVIERA COUNTRY CLUB, INC. Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter 3. Porac, Pampanga Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization 4. 008-805-693 BIR Tax Identification Number 5. Country Club General character of business of registrant. 6. Industry Classification Code: 7. (SEC Use Only) Principal Office: Alviera Country Club Brgy. Hacienda Dolores, Porac, Pampanga 2008 Philippines Tel No. 045 (304-1597) Postal Address: c/o Ayala Land, Inc. 28/F Tower One and Exchange Plaza Building Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226 Philippines Tel No. (632) 848-5842 Fax No. (632) 848-5392 Address, including postal code, telephone number, FAX number including area code, of registrant's principal offices 8. Not Applicable If registrant is not resident in the Philippines, or its principal business is outside the Philippines, state name and address including postal code, telephone number and FAX number, including area code, and email address of resident agent in the Philippines. 9. Fiscal Year Ending Date (Month and Day): December 31 Computation of Registration Fee Title of each class of securities to be registered Class B Shares Class C Shares TOTAL Amount to be registered 2,600 300 2,900 Proposed Maximum offering price per unit Proposed maximum aggregate offering price P = 750,000.00 P = 1,950,000,000.00 1,150,000.00 345,000,000.00 - P = 2,295,000,000.00 Amount of registration fee P = 1,147,612.50 1 Registration Statements filed pursuant to Section 12 of the Code shall be accompanied by a fee as follows: 1 = {[(P = 2,295,000,000.00 - P = 1,000,000,000.00) x (0.00025)] + P = 812,500.00} + (P = 1,136,250.00 x 0.01]). Alviera Country Club, Inc. Maximum aggregate price of securities to be offered Not more than P500 Million More than P500 Million but not more than P750 Million More than P750 Million but not more than P1 Billion More than P1 Billion Page 2 of 67 Amount of filing fee 0.10% of the maximum aggregate price of the securities to be offered P = 500,000 plus 0.075% of the excess over P = 500 Million P = 687,500 plus 0.05% of the excess over P = 750 Million P = 812,500 plus 0.025% of the excess over P =1 Billion In the case of warrants which have no issue value, the filing fee shall be P50,000. A legal research fee of 1% of the filing fee paid for filings made pursuant to SRC Rule 8.1 shall also be paid at the time of the filing. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 3 of 67 ALVIERA COUNTRY CLUB, INC. (Incorporated under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines) PROSPECTUS RELATING TO THE OFFER OF UP TO P =2,295,000,000.00 WORTH OF CLASS B and CLASS C SHARES IN A SECONDARY OFFERING OF 2,600 CLASS B NO PAR VALUE SHARES AND 300 CLASS C NO PAR VALUE SHARES AT THE OFFER PRICE OF UP TO P =750,000.00 PER CLASS B OFFER SHARE AND P =1,150,000.00 PER CLASS C OFFER SHARE. THE SHARES WILL BE SOLD OVER-THE-COUNTER THROUGH THE REGISTERED SALESMEN WHO WILL BE ENGAGED BY THE SELLING SHAREHOLDER. THE SELLING SHAREHOLDER DOES NOT INTEND TO UTILIZE THE SERVICES OF AN UNDERWRITER. This Prospectus is dated as of February 4, 2015 ALVIERA COUNTRY CLUB, INC. (ISSUER) NUEVOCENTRO, INC. (SELLING SHAREHOLDER) c/o Ayala Land, Inc. 28/F Tower One and Exchange Plaza Building Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226 Philippines Telephone No. (632) 848-5842 Fax No. (632) 848-5392 THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION HAS NOT APPROVED THESE SECURITIES OR DETERMINED IF THIS PROSPECTUS IS ACCURATE OR COMPLETE. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE AND SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 4 of 67 BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE OFFERING Number of Shares to be offered by the Current Shareholder: 2,600 Class B Shares and 300 Class C Shares currently owned by Nuevocentro, Inc. Total number of Shares Outstanding after the Offering: Total number of Authorized Shares of the Issuer is 3,700 Class A Shares, 2,600 Class B Shares, 300 Class C Shares and 200 Class D Shares. Total number of Outstanding Shares of the Issuer before the Offering is 1,025 Class A Shares, 650 Class B Shares, and 75 Class C Shares. The Selling Shareholder will eventually subscribe to the balance of the Offer Shares and offer such shares for sale in tranches. After the Offering, the total number of Outstanding Shares of the Issuer will be 3,689 Class A Shares, 2,600 Class B shares, 300 Class C Shares and 200 Class D Shares. Total gross proceeds to be raised by the Offering: Up to a maximum of P =2,295,000,000.00. Brief description of the use of proceeds from the Offering: The gross proceeds from the Offer, which is expected to range from a minimum of P =1,425,000,000 to a maximum of approximately P =2,295,000,000.00, net of certain transaction expenses, discounts and relevant fees and commissions, will inure to the benefit of the Selling Shareholder. As the construction of the Club progresses, the Selling Shareholding will contribute additional equity in the Club and, by way of additional paid-in capital, or a premium on its Class B and Class C shareholdings, the Project Development Costs. Underwriters’ fees: The Club and the Selling Shareholder do not intend to utilize the services of an underwriter and, as such, there are no underwriters’ fees. The Offer Shares will be sold over-the-counter through the registered salesmen who will be engaged by the Selling Shareholder. Dividend policy: Being a non-profit organization, no profit shall inure to the exclusive benefit of any of the shareholders; hence, no dividends shall be declared in their favor. However, upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Issuer, the shareholders shall be entitled to a pro-rata share of its assets at the time of its dissolution or liquidation. Address and telephone number of the Company's Principal Office: Principal Office: Alviera Country Club Brgy. Hacienda Dolores, Porac, Pampanga Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 5 of 67 2008 Philippines Tel No. 045 (304-1597) Postal Address: c/o Ayala Land, Inc. 28/F Tower One and Exchange Plaza Building Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226 Philippines Telephone No. (632) 848-5842 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 6 of 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 09 DEFINITION OF TERMS ….…………….................................................................... 12 RISK FACTORS AND RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES................................... 15 RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ............................................................................. 20 APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS ................................................................................... 21 THE OFFER ................................................................................................................... 24 NON-FINANCIAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ 30 DESCRIPTION OF SHARES ........................................................................................ 36 INCORPORATORS, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS ................................................. 49 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE .................................................................................... 57 PLAN OF OPERATIONS .............................................................................................. 58 FINANCIAL INFORMATION....................................................................................... 59 LIST OF CONSULTANTS ............................................................................................ 62 PART II - INFORMATION INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION STATEMENT BUT NOT REQUIRED IN PROSPECTUS.................................................................... 63 INDEX TO EXHIBITS ................................................................................................... 64 SIGNATURES ……….................................................................................................... 66 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 7 of 67 ALVIERA COUNTRY CLUB, INC. (A corporation organized and existing under Philippine laws) Secondary Offering of Up to 2,600 Class B No Par Value Shares and 300 Class C No Par Value Shares At the Offer Price of up to P =750,000.00 per Class B Offer Share and P =1,150,000.00 per Class C Offer Share This Prospectus relates to the secondary offering of up to 2,600Class B no par value shares and 300 Class C no par value shares, issued by Alviera Country Club, Inc. (the “Issuer,” the “Company” or the “Club”), to be offered for sale by Nuevocentro, Inc. (NCI), at a price of up to P =750,000.00 per Class B Offer Share and P =1,150,000.00 per Class C Offer Share (the “Offer Shares”). Unless otherwise stated, the information contained in this Prospectus is accurate as of the date hereof, and has been supplied by the Issuer and Selling Shareholder who accepts full and sole responsibility for the accuracy of the information, and confirms having made all reasonable and diligent inquiries that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, there are no material facts the omission of which would make any statement in the Prospectus misleading in any material respect. Neither the delivery of the Prospectus nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any false impression that the information contained herein is correct as of any time subsequent to the date hereof, or that there has been no change in the affairs of the Issuer since such date. The Issuer warrants that it has exercised due diligence in ascertaining that (i) all material representations contained in this Prospectus, its amendments or supplements, as supplied by its duly authorized corporate officers, consultants, members of the Board of Directors and shareholders, are, to the best of its knowledge and belief, true and correct, and (ii) no material information necessary in order to make the statements contained in this Prospectus not misleading, has been omitted. No dealer, salesman or other person has been authorized by the Company to issue any advertisement or to give any information or make any representations not contained in this Prospectus and, if issued, given or made, such advertisements, information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Company. This Prospectus does not constitute an offer or a solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in which the sale of the Offer Shares is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer. The Company has filed a Registration Statement and a copy of this Prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in accordance with the Securities Regulation Code. On ____________, the SEC issued an Order approving the Company’s Registration Statement and a Certificate of Permit to Offer Securities (the “Permit to Sell”) covering the Offer Shares. A REGISTRATION STATEMENT RELATING TO THESE SECURITIES HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION BUT HAS NOT YET BEEN DECLARED EFFECTIVE. NO OFFER TO BUY THE SECURITIES CAN BE ACCEPTED AND NO PART OF THE PURCHASE PRICE CAN BE ACCEPTED OR RECEIVED UNTIL THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT HAS BECOME EFFECTIVE, AND ANY SUCH OFFER MAYBE WITHDRAWN OR REVOKED, WITHOUT OBLIGATION OR Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 8 of 67 COMMITMENT OF ANY KIND, AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO NOTICE OF ITS ACCEPTANCE GIVEN AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE. AN INDICATION OF INTEREST IN RESPONSE HERETO INVOLVES NO OBLIGATION OR COMMITMENT OF ANY KIND. THIS PROSPECTUS SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER TO SELL OR THE SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 9 of 67 SUMMARY INFORMATION (The information in this summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of this Prospectus.) The Project The Project consists of the planning, development and construction of a world-class country club, and sports and recreational facilities to be maintained, operated and managed by the Alviera Country Club, Inc. (the “Club”), a corporation formed by Nuevocentro, Inc. (NCI), which is currently wholly-owned by Ayala Land, Inc. (ALI) but will eventually be 55%-owned by ALI and 45%-owned by its joint venture partner, LeonioLand Holdings, Inc. (LHI). The Club shall be located in the Municipality of Porac, Province of Pampanga, Philippines and shall have a clubhouse, and sports, recreational and other leisure facilities which are described in greater detail in the section Non-Financial Information under the heading Development Concept. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Alviera Country Club, Inc. was incorporated on July 9, 2014 to carry on the business and operation of a sports and country club and its facilities in the Municipality of Porac, Province of Pampanga, for the amusement, entertainment, recreational and athletic activities of its members. The Club is organized on a non-profit basis for the sole benefit of its members. A shareholder will be entitled to use all the recreational facilities and amenities of the Club, subject to the terms and conditions described under the section Description of Shares, and the rules and regulations of the Club which will be from time to time prescribed by the Board. The right to use the facilities of the Club may be transferred to an assignee only after approval by the Board. The Club has an authorized capital stock of 6,800 no par value common proprietary shares consisting of 3,700 Class A Shares, which shall also be Founders’ Shares, 2,600 Class B Shares, 300 Class C Shares, and 200 Class D Shares. Upon incorporation, 1,750 shares of the total authorized capital stock consisting of 1,025 Class A Shares, 650 Class B Shares, and 75 Class C Shares were subscribed to and fully paid by NCI at an issue price of P =76,000.00 per share, or an aggregate issue value of = P133,000,000.00. NCI paid for its subscription in cash at the aggregate issue value of P =133,000,000.00. As the construction of the Club progresses, NCI will contribute as additional equity in the Club and by way of additional paid-in capital, or a premium on its Class B and Class C shareholdings, the Project Development Costs (see Definition of Terms). The Offer The Selling Shareholder (see Definition of Terms) will be offering the Offer Shares (see Definition of Terms) in tranches on a staggered basis at increasing Offer Prices. The details relating to the Offer are summarized below as follows: Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 10 of 67 Number of shares to be offered Class B Class C Total by the Selling Shareholder: Nuevocentro, Inc. 2,600 300 2,900 CLASS B No. of Offer Shares Price per share 2014 650 450,000 2015 390 550,000 2016 390 600,000 2017 390 650,000 2018 390 700,000 2019 390 750,000 CLASS C No. of Offer Shares Price per share 2014 75 850,000 2015 45 900,000 2016 45 950,000 2017 45 1,000,000 2018 45 1,050,000 2019 45 1,100,000 Estimated Offer Period for Offer Shares: Class B Class C September 2014 to December 2019 September 2014 to December 2019 Estimated Maximum Offer Price for Initial Offer: Class B Class C P750,000.00 = =1,150,000.00 P Brief Description of Application of Proceeds The projected selling price per share will be from = P450,000 to P =750,000 for a Class B share and P = 850,000 to P =1,100,000 for a Class C Share. The shares will be offered in tranches and are projected to be fully offered by 2019. The gross proceeds from the Offer, which is expected to range from a minimum ofP = 1,425,000,000.00 to a maximum of approximately P =2,295,000,000.00, net of certain transaction expenses and relevant fees, discounts and commissions, will inure to the benefit of the Selling Shareholder. Risks of and Considerations for Investing The Club foresees competition with existing sports, golf and country clubs and other similar projects in Central Luzon in terms of operating history and reputation. Factors affecting the value of the Offer Shares include real estate appreciation/depreciation, the absence of an organized trading market which can make readily available the market valuation for Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 11 of 67 publicly-traded shares. The risks connected to political factors and foreign exchange rate fluctuations will also have an impact on the estimated Project costs. Prospective purchasers should take into consideration that the Club will be operated on a non-profit basis; hence, no dividends will be declared in favor of shareholders. The shares are also subject to the Club’s right of first refusal. Other considerations for prospective buyers would be the lack of operating history of the Club, the absence of an underwriter for the Offer Shares, and the pre-qualification requirements for membership in the Club. More detailed information on the Risks of and Considerations for Investing is provided under the section Risk Factors and Risk Management Strategies. Summary of Financial Information of the Club As of the date of this Prospectus, the Club’s audited income statement and balance sheet are as follows: Expenses Incorporation expenses Professional fees Taxes and licenses Other expenses P2,192,058 941,400 665,000 56,501 Net Loss 3,854,959 Other Comprehensive Income - Total Comprehensive Loss P 3,854,959 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Statement of Financial Position As of August 15, 2014 Assets Current Assets Cash Input VAT P Non-Current Assets Land P Liabilities and Members’ Equity Accounts and other payables 114,643,074.00 1,687,230.00 14,271,153.75 130,601,457.75 0 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Members' Equity Capital Stock Retained Earnings Total Members’ Equity Page 12 of 67 1,388,516.25 56,501.00 P 133,000,000.00 (3,843,559.50) 129,156,440.50 P 130,601,457.75 As of the date of this Prospectus, the Club has not started its regular business operations. The Club’s cash comes from that portion of its paid-up capital paid in cash by the subscribing shareholder in the amount of P =133,000,000 in exchange for 1,750 shares of stock. A copy of the Audited Financial Statements of the Club as of August 15, 2014 is attached hereto as part of the Exhibits. A summary of the financial information of NCI can be found in the section The Offer under the heading Selling Shareholder. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 13 of 67 DEFINITION OF TERMS “Affiliate” any Person directly or indirectly (through one or more intermediaries) Controlling, Controlled by, or under common Control with another Person “ALI” Ayala Land, Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine laws, and incorporated for the purpose of engaging in real estate business. “Articles” the Articles of Incorporation of the Club “Board” or “Board of Directors” the Board of Directors of the Club “By-laws” the By-laws of the Club “Club” Alviera Country Club, Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines “Control,” “Controlling,” “Controlled by” the possession by one Person, directly or indirectly (through one or more intermediaries) of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of another Person through the ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting stock of such Person “Director” a member of the Board including the qualifying nominee of a Selling Shareholder to the Board, and the independent directors required by law “Gross Parcel” the parcel of land located in Barangay Hacienda Dolores, Porac, Pampanga with an aggregate area of approximately 72,121.10square meters, constituting a portion of the parcel of land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 0422014005468 of the Registry of Deeds for San Fernando, Pampanga “Initial Offer” a portion of the Offer Shares consisting of 650 Class B Shares and 75 Class C Shares that will be initially offered for sale to the public “LHI” LeonioLand Holdings, Inc. a corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine laws, and incorporated for the purpose of engaging in real estate business “Member” a shareholder who has been granted membership Alviera Country Club, Inc. “NCI” Page 14 of 67 to the Club by the Board, with the rights and privileges defined in the Articles and By-laws, more specifically described in the section Description of Shares under the heading Classes of Shares Nuevocentro, Inc., a real estate corporation which is currently wholly-owned by ALI but will eventually be 55%-owned by ALI and 45%-owned LHI, formed for the development of Alviera, a masterplanned township located in the Municipality of Porac, Pampanga “Offer” the offering for sale of the Offer Shares to the public “Offer Period” the period during which the Offer Shares will be offered for sale to the public, more specifically described in the section The Offer under the heading Offer Period “Offer Price” the Peso price at which the Offer Shares shall be offered for sale to the public determined as of the date such Offer Shares (or portion thereof) are offered for sale, more specifically described in the section The Offer under the heading Offer Price “Offer Shares” a total of 2,900 common shares of the Club consisting of 2,600 Class B Shares and 300 Class C Shares to be offered for sale to the public “P =,”“Peso,” “Pesos” legal tender in the Philippines “Person” an individual or natural person, a partnership, joint venture, corporation, trust, and any other entity or unincorporated organization “Project” the planning, development and construction of the country club, and the sports and recreational facilities and amenities to be owned, operated, maintained and managed by the Club “Project Development Costs” the costs and expenses actually incurred by the Club in the planning, development and construction of the Club’s facilities and amenities “Prospectus” this document and any of its amendments pertaining to the issuance and sale of the Offer Shares “SEC” the Philippine Securities and Exchange Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 15 of 67 Commission “SRC” Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known as the Securities Regulation Code “Selling Shareholder” NCI “Usage Right” the right to the use and enjoyment of all the facilities and privileges of the Club pursuant to the Articles, By-laws, and the rules and regulations of the Club Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 16 of 67 RISK FACTORS AND RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (Prior to making an investment decision, interested investors should carefully consider, along with other matters set out in this document, the following investment considerations or risk factors, which are not intended to be exhaustive. The price of securities can and does fluctuate, and any individual security may experience upward or downward movements, and may even become valueless. There is an inherent risk that losses may be incurred or that profit may be made as a result of buying and selling securities. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. There is an extra risk of losing money when securities are bought from smaller companies. There may be a big difference between buying price and the selling price of these securities. An investor deals in a range of investments each of which may carry a different level of risk. This risk disclosure does not purport to disclose all the risks and other significant aspects of investing in these securities. The investor should undertake his own research. He may request information on the securities and issuer thereof from the Commission, which are available to the public. Furthermore, an investor should seek professional advice if he or she is uncertain of, or has not understood any aspect of, the securities to invest in or the nature of the risks involved in the purchase of the securities. The following risk factors, while not purporting to be all-inclusive, should be considered by prospective purchasers of the Offer Shares in conjunction with the information presented throughout this Prospectus. These risk factors are presented in the order of their importance.) Real Estate Appreciation/Depreciation The investment in the shares of the Club is an indirect investment in real property such that the usual risks associated with property ownership should be considered. These include natural calamities, adverse changes in political and economic conditions, environmental laws or applicable Philippine regulations, which may affect property values and could result in real estate appreciation or depreciation in the future. Market Valuation While the Offer Shares are transferrable after five (5) years from the date of commencement of commercial operations of the Club, it is not anticipated that an organized trading market for the purchase and sale of such shares will develop in the near future. Prospective buyers who intend to invest purely for potential capital gains should consider that the shares are not publicly traded and market valuation may not be readily available. Economic and Political Factors The depreciation of the Philippine Peso will directly affect the estimated construction and development costs for the Project, which includes the costs of imported construction materials and service fees of foreign consultants. Any escalation in development costs for the Project may affect Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 17 of 67 the Offer Price at which the Offer Shares will be offered for sale after the Initial Offer. Any political or economic instability in the future may have a negative effect on the Offer Price. In the event that the Offer Shares are not sold within the projected timetable because of economic and political factors that may decrease the selling price of the Offer Shares, NCI will contribute additional equity or advances or cause the Club to loan from third parties such amounts as may be necessary to complete the development of the Project. Mitigation Plan for the Above Risks NCI shall implement measures to ensure that investors’ investments in the Offer Shares shall be protected even during downturns and changes in business condition. To ensure that the Offer Shares will be marketable, NCI will promote the Club not as a stand-alone development but as part of the mixed-use township development project, Alviera. The Club will also be aggressively marketed together with the selling of residential lots and houses, as well as commercial and industrial lots, in Alviera. NCI will also use ALI’s wide network of internal and external sales force to market the Club. As the residents, investors and locators reside in Alviera, it is expected that the demand for the Offer Shares will continuously increase alongside the development and completion of each of Alivera’s communities, resulting in the appreciation of the value of the Offer Shares. To ensure that quality of the Club remains up to standards, the operations of the Club will be fully managed by ALI through its Affiliate, Ayalaland Club Management, Inc. (ACMI). Makati Development Corporation (MDC), the construction arm of ALI, will be the general contractor of the Club. Since MDC has a track record and is well-established in the construction industry, it has partnering rates with several suppliers and can easily lock-in prices of construction materials to manage the risk of cost fluctuations. Competitive Business Condition The Club is expected to encounter competition from existing sports, golf and country clubs which are located in Central Luzon and in other regions. The competition with these clubs is expected to be based on operating history, secondary price of available shares, amenities and facilities, and location and accessibility. The Club has suitably differentiated itself from the competition through its unique offerings. No other leisure development in the area, whether existing or currently being developed, offers proprietary shares in a club with both sports and country club facilities situated in a mixed-use township development amidst mountain nature setting. The Club’s design, surroundings and available nature-based activities will set it apart from competition. A more detailed discussion of its competitors are set out in the section Non-Financial Information under the heading Competition. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 18 of 67 Dividends Being a non-profit organization, no profit shall inure to the exclusive benefit of any of its shareholders; hence, no dividends shall be declared in their favor. However, upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Club, shareholders shall be entitled to a pro-rata share of the assets of the Club at the time of its dissolution or liquidation. Restrictions on Property Ownership Under the Philippine Constitution, certain restrictions are imposed on the ownership of private land. Private land may be transferred or conveyed only to citizens of the Philippines and corporations and associations at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital of which is owned by citizens of the Philippines, aliens (but only in cases of hereditary succession) and, subject to certain limitations, natural-born citizens of the Philippines who have lost their Philippine citizenship. As a consequence, not more than forty percent (40%) of the issued capital stock of the Club may be issued, transferred or sold to any person who is neither a citizen of the Philippines, nor a corporation or association of which at least sixty percent (60%) of the issued capital stock is owned by citizens of the Philippines. For this purpose, ownership shall be determined by reference to the register of shareholders. Restriction on Transfer of Shares As a condition precedent to the sale of the Offer Shares, buyers purchasing the Offer Shares from the Selling Shareholder shall undertake not to sell, dispose or convey in any manner nor to mortgage, pledge or in any manner encumber, the Offer Shares in favor of any person or entity until after the lapse of a period of five (5) years from date of commencement of the commercial operations of the Club, except for such class or classes of shares as the Board of the Club may, by resolution, exclude from the scope of this restriction. Subscribers will thus have the option of selling the Offer Shares only following the expiry of such five (5)-year period. No Operating History While the Club itself does not have any operating history, ALI, which is currently the majority shareholder of NCI, was instrumental in establishing the leisure clubs in Anvaya Cove: the Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club and the Anvaya Cove Golf and Sports Club. ALI’s development and management expertise contributed to the success of Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club. Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club has been operational since 2005 and has a membership base of approximately 2,500 members. On the other hand, Anvaya Cove Golf and Sports Club has been operational since 2010 and has a membership base of approximately 1,000 members. ALI has completed and fully turned over to the Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club and to the Anvaya Cove Golf and Sports Club all its committed deliverables. In addition, ALI has earned a reputation for development management excellence. As the most established real estate company in the industry, ALI has received numerous awards in the year 2013 including the following: Award Rank Award-Giving Body Alviera Country Club, Inc. Best Overall Developer in the Philippines Platinum Award for all-round excellence Over-all Best Managed Large Capital Company Best Investor Relations by a Philippines Company (Certificate of Excellence) Best Property Manager Page 19 of 67 By Country: Top 1 By Region: Top 5 Top 1 Euromoney Top 1 Asiamoney Top 1 IR Magazine By Country: Top 1 By Region: Top 5 Euromoney The Asset ALI is committed to cause NCI to deliver a club that meets its standards of service and management excellence. No Underwriter The Club and the Selling Shareholder do not intend to utilize the services of an underwriter. This may affect the rate at which the shares will be sold and there is no guarantee that all of the Offer Shares will be sold. In the event that not all of the Offer Shares are sold within the projected timetable, NCI will contribute additional equity or advances or cause the Club to loan from third parties such amounts as may be necessary to complete the development of the Project in accordance with the estimated budget stated and the facilities of the Club identified herein. Requirement of Membership Application Membership in the Club is a privilege. The Club shall qualify the prospective Club members before any actual sale, assignment or transfer of a share in the Club is executed. Prior to any sale, assignment or transfer of a share in the Club (other than transfers between designees of original subscribing corporate shareholders of Founders’ Shares), the prospective purchaser, assignee or transferee shall be pre-qualified by the Club in the manner determined in the By-laws and the rules and regulations of the Club as the Board of Directors may adopt from time to time. For this purpose, the prospective purchaser, assignee or transferee must file or cause to be filed an application for membership with the Board of Directors in accordance with the By-laws and such rules and regulations of the Club. Once accepted as a member of the Club, the assignee or transferee shall be entitled to use all the facilities of the Club, subject to the conditions prescribed by the By-laws and such rules and regulations of the Club. The consequences arising from the disapproval by the Board of Directors of an application for Club membership shall be governed by the By-laws and the rules and regulations of the Club. Prospective shareholders who are natural persons (other than a holder of a Founders’ Share) must file an application for membership with the Board of Directors for their admission as a Regular Member of the Club for purposes of Article II, Section 2(a) of the By-laws, or nominate a person for the latter’s admission as a Nominated Member of the Club for purposes of Article II, Section 2(b) of the By-laws. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 20 of 67 Prospective shareholders which are juridical entities must nominate natural persons who shall cause an application for membership to be filed with the Board of Directors for the admission of such persons as Nominated Members of the Club for purposes of Article II, Section 2(b) of the By-laws. Grantees of associate memberships shall similarly file an application for membership with the Board of Directors for their admission as Associate Members for purposes of Article II, Section 2(d) of the By-laws. A person shall be accepted for membership in the Club only with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Club, provided that the membership of persons who have been designated as Founding Members under Article II, Section 2(c) of the By-laws shall not require the approval of the Board of Directors. Once the Board of Directors deems the applicant qualified for membership, the applicant shall be a Regular Member, Nominated Member, or Associate Member (as the case may be) for purposes of Article II, Section 2 of the By-laws and shall be entitled to Usage Rights, subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws. Right of First Refusal The shares will be subject to the Club’s right of first refusal as set forth in the Articles. If any shareholder wants to sell, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any share or subscription right to any share of stock of the Club, the shareholder must grant a right of first refusal to the Club to purchase the offered share at a purchase price and under the terms and conditions set by the selling shareholder. If the Club accepts the offer, it shall transmit its written acceptance of the offer to the selling shareholder. Within five (5) days from receipt by the selling shareholder of the Club’s acceptance of the offer and payment of the offered share, the selling shareholder shall execute in favor of the Club a deed of absolute sale transferring the rights, title and interest in and to the offered share. Thereafter, the share(s) will be considered treasury share(s) that may be reissued by the Board of Directors at such price and under such terms and conditions as the Board shall determine and prescribe. If the offer is not accepted by the Club, it will waive its right to purchase the offered shares and the selling shareholder will have the option to sell the share(s) to a third party in the manner set out in the Seventh Article, Part B, of the Articles of Incorporation. A more detailed discussion is set forth in the section Description of Shares under the heading Right of First Refusal. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 21 of 67 APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS It is anticipated that the Offer will generate gross receipts that will range from a minimum of P1,425,500,000.00 to a maximum of approximately P2,295,000,000.00 for the duration of the Offer Period. The proceeds of the Offer, net of certain transaction expenses, including relevant fees, discounts and brokers’ commissions, shall accrue to NCI. Upon incorporation, NCI received 650 Class B Shares and 75 Class C Shares in exchange for its contribution of cash to the Club. These shares constitute the Initial Offer. NCI will eventually subscribe to the balance of the Offer Shares and offer such shares for sale in tranches, as set forth in the section The Offer under the heading Offer Period. Thus, should all the Offer Shares be sold to the public, 100% of the of the total proceeds from the sale of the Offer Shares, net of certain transaction expenses, including relevant fees and brokers’ commissions, shall accrue to NCI. As the construction of the Club progresses, NCI will contribute as additional equity in the Club and/or by way of additional paid-in capital or a premium on its Class B and Class C shareholdings, the Project Development Costs. NCI shall consequently be responsible for causing the entire development and construction work for the Club to be completed. A portion of the proceeds will be used to discharge debt incurred solely for the construction and operation of the Club. No material amount of the proceeds will be used to acquire assets or finance the acquisition of any other business not related to the purposes of the Club. No material amount of money shall be used to reimburse any officer, director or employee for service rendered, assets previously transferred, money loaned or advance otherwise. Net Proceeds based on Proposed Minimum Offer Price (in P) Receipts Gross Receipts - Total Offer Shares Less: Discounts Net Sales Less: Broker’s Commission Marketing Expenses Registration and other related expenses Total Cost of Sales, Marketing, Registration and Other Related Expenses Net Proceeds Development and Construction Cost Land Cost GAE and DOE advances Capital Gains Tax Total Development Cost, GAE and Capital Gains Tax 1,425,000,000 71,250,000 1,353,750,000 71,250,000 71,250,000 14,250,000 % Gross Receipts 100% 5% 5% 5% 1% 156,750,000 1,197,000,000 941,336,686 15,743,907 83,400,000 49,791,940 1,087,272,534 63% 1% 6% 3% Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 22 of 67 Net Income Accruing to NCI for Project Management and Cost of Capital 109,727,466 Net Proceeds based on Proposed Maximum Offer Price (in P) Receipts Gross Receipts - Total Offer Shares Less: Discounts Net Sales Less: Broker’s Commission Marketing Expenses Registration and other related expenses Total Cost of Sales, Marketing, Registration, and Other Related Expenses Net Proceeds Development and Construction Cost Land Cost GAE and DOE advances Capital Gains Tax Total Development Cost, GAE and Capital Gains Tax Net Income Accruing to NCI for Project Management and Cost of Capital 2,295,000,000 114,750,000 2,180,250,000 114,750,000 114,750,000 22,950,000 % Gross Receipts 100% 5% 5% 5% 1% 252,450,000 1,927,800,000 941,336,686 15,743,907 118,200,000 133,791,941 41% 0.7% 5% 6% 1,209,072,534 718,727,466 Details of certain accounts are more specifically described as follows: Selling and Marketing Expenses: Selling expenses are composed of broker’s commissions and selling-related administration expenses. Marketing expenses pertain to expenses incurred for advertising and promotions. General and Administrative Expenses (GAE): These are expenses to be incurred by ACC as developer in managing the market scanning, planning, development, construction and turn-over of the Project to the Club. This account includes the salaries of project development personnel and support staff such as technical planning, construction management, legal, accounting, and information systems. This also includes payment for third party contracts entered into during the planning and construction of the Project such as security, property management, and landscaping. Development and Construction Costs (Estimated with VAT): These costs are broken down as follows (in P): Alviera Country Club, Inc. Consultancy and Planning Country Clubhouse and Sports Center Main Club House, Grand Ball Room, Sports and Spa Facilities Miscellaneous (Permits, Licenses & Others) Total Development Cost Page 23 of 67 31,017,396 887,919,290 22,400,000 941,336,686 The actual costs incurred by NCI for construction and development of the various facilities of the Club will be revaluated and declared upon completion of commitments in the specified dates. The completion dates of the foregoing developments are specifically set out in the section on NonFinancial Information under the heading Completion Rate. Custodianship Agreement In compliance with Section 8E of SRC Rule 12.1, a Custodianship Agreement was executed between NCI and an appointed Bank as its custodian (the “Custodian”) (a copy of which is attached as part of the Exhibits) for the primary purpose of retaining custody of the proceeds from the sale of the Offer Shares. Under said Agreement, NCI shall open an account with the Custodian and deliver to the Custodian for deposit into such account all payments representing the proceeds from the sale of the Offer Shares under such terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by the parties. The fees payable to the Custodian will be shouldered by NCI. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 24 of 67 THE OFFER Offer Shares The Offer Shares shall consist of 2,900 no par value common shares composed of 2,600Class B Shares and 300 Class C Shares. Upon the incorporation of the Club, 650 Class B Shares and 75 Class C Shares were issued to NCI at the initial issue price of P =76,000.00 per share. These shares constitute the Initial Offer. NCI will eventually subscribe to the balance of the Offer Shares and offer such shares for sale in tranches, as set forth under the heading Offer Period below. NCI shall subscribe and fully pay all Offer Shares prior to the execution of sale agreements with the buyers. The Offer Shares are proprietary in nature. No profit shall inure to the exclusive benefit of any of its shareholders; hence, no dividends shall be declared in their favor. Ownership of any of the Offer Shares and the approved application for membership of the shareholder to the Club shall entitle the shareholder to Usage Rights, subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. A more detailed description of the features of the Offer Shares is set forth in the section Description of Shares under the heading Classes of Shares. The Offer Shares will be offered for sale in tranches by the Selling Shareholder. The number and class of Offer Shares to be offered for the account of the Selling Shareholder are more specifically identified under the heading Selling Shareholder below. The Initial Offer shall consist of 650 Class B shares and 75 Class C shares. The number of Offer Shares to be offered for sale in subsequent tranches is shown below under the heading Offer Price below. Offer Period The Offer Shares will be offered for sale in tranches. The Offer Period for each tranche will be driven by the sales take-up of the Offer Shares by the market for that specific tranche. Using average take-up volumes, the aggregate Offer Period for the Offer Shares is estimated to be five (5) years. The Offer Period is expected to commence in September 2014 and end by year 2019. The estimated Offer Period for each tranche is indicated below: Tranche Initial 2nd Tranche 3rd Tranche 4th Tranche 5th Tranche 6th Tranche Total Number of Shares Class C Class B 650 390 390 390 390 390 2,600 75 45 45 45 45 45 300 Offer Period September 2014 - December 2014 January 2015 - December 2015 January 2016 - December 2016 January 2017 - December 2017 January 2018 - December 2018 January 2019 - December 2019 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 25 of 67 The Selling Shareholder reserves the right to terminate or extend the Offer Period, and increase or decrease the number of shares for each tranche falling therein, at any time at its absolute discretion. Offer Price Offer Prices for the Initial Offer are pegged at an estimated maximum price of P =750,000.00 for Class B Shares, and P =1,150,000.00 for Class C Shares. The proposed schedule of offering activities and proposed Offer Prices subsequent to the Initial Offer are indicated below: Tranche Number of Shares Class B Minimum Offer Price (P) Initial 650 450,000 750,000 2nd Tranche 390 450,000 750,000 3rd Tranche 390 450,000 750,000 4th Tranche 390 450,000 750,000 5th Tranche 390 450,000 750,000 6th Tranche 390 450,000 750,000 Total Maximum Offer Price (P) Offer Period September 2014 December 2014 January 2015 December 2015 January 2016 December 2016 January 2017 December 2017 January 2018 December 2018 January 2019 December 2019 2,600 Tranche Number of Shares Class C Minimum Offer Price (P) Initial 75 850,000 1,150,000 2nd Tranche 45 850,000 1,150,000 3rd Tranche 45 850,000 1,150,000 4th Tranche 45 850,000 1,150,000 5th Tranche 45 850,000 1,150,000 6th Tranche Total 45 300 850,000 1,150,000 Maximum Offer Price (P) Offer Period September 2014 December 2014 January 2015 December 2015 January 2016 December 2016 January 2017 December 2017 January 2018 December 2018 January 2019 December 2019 In line with the premium character of the Club development, an overall premium pricing strategy will be employed. Comparable upper-end developments have initially priced their products within this range and have been received well by the market. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 26 of 67 The range of the Offer Price at which the Offer Shares will be sold subsequent to the Initial Offer is the Selling Shareholder’s current estimate of the value of the Offer Shares as of the date the relevant tranche is offered for sale. The increase in the Offer Prices is based on several factors, including: (a) the inflationary effects of estimated construction and development costs; (b) percentage of completion of the Project; and (c) expected appreciation of the market value of the Offer Shares. For these reasons, the Selling Shareholder reserves the right to terminate or extend the Offer Period and increase or decrease the number of shares for each tranche falling therein, at any time at its absolute discretion. Selling Shareholder Upon incorporation of the Club, NCI subscribed to all the Offer Shares in cash at its initial issue price of P76,000.00 per share, or an aggregate issue price of P133,000,000.00. As the construction of the Club progresses, NCI will contribute as additional equity in the Club and by way of additional paid-in capital, or a premium on its Class B and Class C shareholdings, the Project Development Costs. NCI shall consequently be responsible for causing the entire development and construction work for the Club to be completed. The following tables show the ownership of the Club’s Offer Shares before and after the completion of the Offer: Authorized capital stock of the Club Initial Subscription upon Incorporation NCI Founders Additional Subscription NCI Founders Upon Public Offering NCI Founders Public Class A 3,700 % Class B % 2,600 Class C 300 % Class D 200 % Total 1,014 11 650 - 25 - - 1,689 2,675 - 1,950 - 275 - 200 - 5,100 - - (2,600) 2,600 (300) 300 - (2,900) 2,900 6,800 After the Offer Class A % Class B % Class C % Class D % Total Alviera Country Club, Inc. Authorized capital stock of the Club Number of shares owned by: NCI Public Page 27 of 67 3,700 2,600 3,689 - 80% - 2,600 300 100% 300 200 100% 200 - 6,800 100% - 3,889 2,900 Board of Directors and Officers The following are the members of management of the Club and their respective ownership of shares: Name Bernard Vincent O. Dy Lawrence N. Leonio Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion Augusto D. Bengzon Leonardo L. Leonio Arturo G. Corpuz Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion Jaime E. Ysmael 2 Lawrence N. Leonio 3 Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio Liberato P. Laus 4 Oscar S. Reyes 5 Total Position Chairman &Director Vice-Chairman President &Director Treasurer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director Independent Director Nationality Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Share Subscribed (Class A) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 % Share 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.33% Other than NCI, no person has more than 5% ownership stake in the Club. The intention is for NCI to be a joint venture between ALI and LHI. It is currently wholly-owned by ALI but will eventually be 55%-owned by ALI and 45%-owned by LHI. NCI is primarily engaged in the real estate business, particularly the development of the 1,125hectare mixed-use estate called Alviera located in Porac, Pampanga. Alviera will be developed into an integrated, mixed-used township envisioned to be a world-class business and lifestyle hub. It will serve as a center of growth in Central Luzon with BPO buildings, retail centers, universities, an industrial and business park, a country club, recreational amenities and a full range of residential options. 2 At their meetings both held on July 17, 2014, the Board of Directors, by a majority vote, and shareholders owning or representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock of the Club, approved the amendment of the Club’s Articles of Incorporation to increase the number of directors from 7 to 11. The application for the amendment of the Club’s Articles of Incorporation is currently pending with the SEC. 3 Please see Note 2 4 Please see Note 2. 5 Please see Note 2. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 28 of 67 Plan of Distribution To undertake the distribution of its Offer Shares to the public, NCI has engaged the services of GG&A Club Shares Brokers, Inc. (GG&A), an accredited broker of the SEC, which will be paid an agency fee in the amount of P1,800.00 per Offer Share sold for the first 1,000 Offer Shares, and P2,000.00 per Offer Share for the succeeding Offer Shares sold, net of applicable taxes. A copy of the Agency Agreement is attached as part of the Exhibits. NCI shall engage the in-house brokers of ALI, ALI’s Affiliates such as Avida Land Corporation (Avida) and Alveo Land Corporation (Alveo), and third-party brokers like GG&A to promote, market, and sell the Offer Shares at such prices specified by NCI from time to time and on the standard terms and conditions of quotation or sale specified by NCI. The brokers shall also ensure completion of necessary reservation and booking documents of all buyers, including all forms required by the SEC. As commission for selling the Offer Shares, the brokers shall receive a maximum of 5% based on the net selling price of the Offer Share. The purchase price for the Offer Shares may be paid either in full or through installment schemes to be determined by the Selling Shareholder. The payment terms in effect for the Initial Offer may be adopted for subsequent tranches, subject to the right of the Selling Shareholder to revise such terms to conform to prevailing market conditions. A buyer of an Offer Share shall execute a Reservation Agreement and pay the Selling Shareholder a reservation fee as an expression of his or her firm intention to buy the Offer Share. This fee shall be non-refundable, except when the buyer’s application for membership has been disapproved by the Club, in which case, the Selling Shareholder shall refund the reservation fee in full without interest. In the event that a buyer opts not to proceed with the purchase of an Offer Share, or in the event of other circumstances of default as specified in the relevant sale agreement, such sale agreement shall be cancelled by giving the buyer a written notice of cancellation or demand for rescission by notarial act. The buyer shall thereafter be entitled to a refund of all amounts paid on the purchase price less the reservation fee, liquidated damages computed in the amount equal to 20% of the purchase price, penalties at the rate of 3% per month (or fraction thereof) of delay accrued as of the date of cancellation, broker’s commission, and any other unpaid charges by reason of the sale and purchase of the Offer Share. The relevant sale agreements are attached hereto as part of the Exhibits. The Selling Shareholder shall have full discretion, without any obligation to give any reason, to reject or accept any purchase. It shall also have the right to allocate the available Offer Shares in the event that the same is not sufficient to satisfy all purchase applications. The corresponding refunds in such case shall be without interest and shall be delivered within ninety (90) days from the date NCI or its appointed selling agents receive payment for the shares. There are no shares of stock designated to be sold to specified Persons. There are also no shares of stock allocated to an exchange and/or to its members or by an exchange to its members. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 29 of 67 Philippine Taxation The following discussion describes the principal Philippine tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of shares in the Club. This discussion does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all of the tax considerations that may be relevant to a decision to purchase the shares. As used herein, the terms (1) “domestic corporation” means a corporation organized and existing under Philippine laws; and (2) “Philippine resident” means (a) an individual, whether or not a citizen of the Philippines, who is actually present in the Philippines not merely as a transient or sojourner as this term is defined by relevant Philippine regulations, and (b) a corporation which is engaged in trade or business in the Philippines. Capital Gains Tax In general, a final tax is imposed on net capital gains realized during the taxable year from the sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares of stock in a domestic corporation, except shares sold or disposed of through the stock exchange, at the rate of 5% on the first P100,000.00 and 10% on the excess of P100,000.00, of the net capital gains by the holders of such shares of stock. This applies to individuals or corporations, regardless of whether such holder is a resident of the Philippines or not. However, this rule is qualified in case the holder of the shares is a resident of a country with whom the Philippines has an existing tax treaty. Depending on the provisions of the tax treaty, gains from the alienation of shares of stock in a domestic corporation may not be taxed in the Philippines or may only be taxed in the Philippines where the property of such domestic corporation consists principally of immovable property. The word “principally” has been interpreted by existing Philippine regulations to mean more than fifty percent (50%) of the total value of the assets of the Club. Thus, if this requirement is not met, the sale of shares by the holder who is not a Philippine resident is exempt from Philippine income tax. Documentary Stamp Tax Documentary stamp tax on the original issuance of shares is payable at the rate of P1.00 for every P200.00, or fraction thereof, based on the par value and in the case of the original issuance of shares without par value, on the actual consideration for the original issuance of such shares. Documentary stamp tax on the sale, agreement to sell or transfer of shares is payable at the rate of P0.75 for every P200.00, or a fraction thereof based on the par value of the shares and in the case of shares of stock without par value, the documentary stamp tax is equal to 25% of the documentary stamp tax paid upon the original issue of such shares. The foregoing taxes have to be paid to the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue before the transfer of said shares may be affected in the stock and transfer book of the Club. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 30 of 67 NON-FINANCIAL INFORMATION Form and Date of Organization The Club was organized as a stock, non-profit corporation and was duly registered with the SEC on July 9, 2014. The Club has no predecessors. As of the date of this prospectus, the Club has subsidiaries and is not yet operational. The Club is not involved in any bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceedings. Neither is the Club involved in any material reclassification, merger consolidation or purchase or sale of significant amount of assets not in the ordinary course of business. Description of Business The Club was incorporated for the purpose of maintaining, operating, managing and carrying on the business of a sports and leisure club and its facilities in the Municipality of Porac, Province of Pampanga for the amusement, entertainment, recreational and athletic activities, on a non-profit basis, of its members. NCI shall engage in-house brokers of ALI, ALI’s Affiliates, Avida and Alveo, and third-party brokers like GG&A to sell the Offer Shares. NCI will pay the brokers commission for selling the Offer Shares. Once the club is operational, revenues will be derived from monthly dues, use of sports equipment, sales of food and beverages, and other revenue-generating activities related to the operations of the Club. However, since it will be operated on a non-profit basis, no part of its net income shall inure to the benefit of any shareholder. Assessments, fees and dues collected from its shareholders shall be for the sole purpose of meeting the operational and maintenance expenses of the Club. The Club is a critical part of the over-all township plan for the Alviera development and enhances Alviera’s positioning as a growth center in Central Luzon. While there are existing leisure clubs around the area (see more detailed discussion in this section under the heading Competition), the Club intends to set itself apart from other leisure clubs in the country by making accessible a unique, interactive experience for its members in the context of a natural setting, while providing accessible, first-class facilities and amenities while still maintaining an environmentally sustainable approach. The quality of these facilities and amenities, coupled with the highest level of service, is the principal method of competition that the Club will utilize to ensure its long-term viability in the leisure industry. Also, the Club will be an exclusive club that will cater primarily to the Central Luzon market. It will also be part of a mixed-use development which will include commercial developments (e.g., retail and hotel). The Club will enter into contracts with suppliers and service providers which will be evaluated and will be finalized in preparation for potential project opening dates. Energy and power supply will be provided primarily by Pampanga Electric Cooperative (PELCO) which will also provide primary power to the entire Alviera development. In addition, NCI will engage Manila Water Company for the supply and distribution of water. The Club is not expected to be dependent on one or a limited number of suppliers for its essential raw materials. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 31 of 67 There are no patents, trademarks, copyrights, franchises or royalty agreements. The Club will rely heavily on a solid membership base and frequent usage. A successful launch and sales of the Offer Shares supported by continuous promotion will be primary initiatives. As the Club is not yet operational, it has not incurred any revenues, whether from foreign or local sales. The business of the Club is not dependent upon a single customer or a few customers, the loss of any or more of which would have a material adverse effect on the Club. As of the date of this Prospectus, there is no customer that will account for twenty percent (20%) of the Club’s revenues. The Club will engage ALI’s Affiliates, MDC and ACMI as the Club’s general contractor and the operations manager, respectively. Development Concept Description and Location of the Site The Club will form part of Alviera, the new masterplanned development by ALI, consisting of approximately 1,125 hectares, located in Porac, Pampanga. Alviera will house BPO buildings, retail centers, universities, a technology and business park, a country club, recreational amenities and a full range of residential options. The site of the Club is approximately 7.4 hectares plus a 0.86-hectare future expansion property bounded by the Alviera town center in the north, overlooking the Porac ridges in the south, and Subic-Clark Toll Expressway in the west. Principal Properties The facilities and amenities of the Club will be constructed on a 5.6-hectare parcel of land located in Porac, Pampanga. The parcel, also known herein as the Gross Parcel, is owned by the Club. The real property taxes on the Gross Parcel for the year 2014 have been paid by NCI to the Municipality of Porac. The Gross Parcel is free from any lien or encumbrance and is not the subject of any legal proceedings. The Club does not intend to acquire principal properties (such as real estate, plant and equipment, mines and patents) in the next 12 months. Description of Business Strategy The Club intends to enhance the family bonding experiences within Alviera. It intends to set itself apart from other leisure clubs in the country by providing a unique sports and leisure experience which not only provides for family activities but also showcases Alviera’s picturesque and dramatic landscape of mountains, natural rivers, gullies and ravines. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 32 of 67 The Club will also be an additional attraction to the 1,125-hectare mixed-use Alviera development. To control the exclusivity and quality of the facilities and development, only a limited number of shares shall be offered. Facilities In line with its development concept, the Club will offer the following facilities and amenities: Main Clubhouse Main Lobby and Reception Service Pavilion Shops Administration Office Board Room Clubhouse Veranda and Lounge Specialty Dining Function Rooms/Ballroom Sports Center Aquatic Center Pool Deck Lockers and Showers Game and Recreation Room Sports Recreation Gym and Fitness Area Multi-purpose room Racket Sports Multi-purpose Sports Courts Entertainment Area Kids Zone OthersAreas Spa Outdoor Garden Area where members and guests are welcomed Area where members can register and are processed Facility where operations staff are located Storage for towels and other sports equipment Area where visitors can buy food, pastries and sports apparel Of76fice space for the administration and operations team Venue for private meetings Lounge and dining area that provides sweeping views of the swimming pool in a casual al-fresco setting Air-conditioned dining area in a more intimate setting with specialty cuisine Area for events and large gatherings Flexible lay-out that can accommodate informal and formal events Large pool area broken down into different active pool zones for various water based activities Area around pool area for sun bathing and lounging Area reserved for comfort rooms, lockers and showers for sports center users Area reserved for video games and other recreational equipment Casual dining area in an alfresco setting Facility that provides for various fitness equipment that includes cardio and strength machines Room reserved for individual or group fitness sessions including yoga and pilates 2 indoor and 2 outdoor tennis courts 3 badminton courts 1 multi-purpose court that can host group sports like basketball, volleyball, footsal and badminton Area that can also hold large gatherings and events Area with interactive entertainment - billiard tables, darts, KTV rooms and movie rooms Area for kids’ swimming pool with slides and other kids’ play equipment Area for massage and wellness area Open outdoor area Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 33 of 67 Developer-Owned Facilities In addition to the Club facilities specified above, members will be allowed access to facilities developed by NCI for the use of the Club, which shall consist of the following structures or improvements: Facility Zipline Ropes Course Giant Swing Adventure Tower Ecological Trails Playground Harnesses and cables running between poles Obstacle course consisting of challenges involving ropes A larger version of the swing For wall climbing and rappeling and free fall Scenic paths with varying degrees of difficulty for walking, hiking and mountain-biking Kiddie playground made with natural materials and various educational elements Land Use Allocations Following the conceptual development plan of the Project, the Gross Parcels shall be devoted as location for the clubhouse and sports center and their respective amenities and facilities. Completion Rate The estimated completion for the Club’s amenities and facilities is first quarter of 2017. Competition The leisure market has proven to be of interest among numerous land development companies due to the extensive promotion of the industry, escalation of the market segment seeking vacation destinations, and increase in interest in the natural environment and tourism. Several clubs are considered competitors since they are well-known throughout the industry. Belle Corporation’s Tagaytay Highlands Country Club offers an array of various experiences for the entire family. The club complements the vacation residential development already set-up along the sprawling hills of Tagaytay. Individual shares are priced at P650,000.00 and the corresponding monthly dues are P3,200.00. The primary attraction of the club is the golf course. Timberland Sports and Nature Club by Filinvest Development Corporation is another development that is located in mountains and nature setting. The club offers nature treks and various sports with modern facilities. Membership in such club cost P560,000.00 and the monthly dues are P2,500.00. In addition, membership can only be acquired by referrals and invitations. Hamilo Coast Beach and Country Club is a project of SM Investments Corporation which tries to provide a tropical destination that is also eco-friendly. The club envisions the promotion of ecotourism in the Philippines. Shares of the club are currently priced at P460,000.00 and the monthly dues are P2,500.00. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 34 of 67 Punta Fuego is a LandCo Pacific Corporation development that provides an exclusive resort that takes advantage of its strategic location by the sea. It has a number of sports and relaxation facilities that provide services for its members. Club Punta Fuego shares are priced at P1,000,000.00 and the monthly dues amount to P3,000.00. The abovementioned developers are just a few of the competitors across the Philippines, but two major competitors that must be considered because of their proximity to the Project are the Subic Bay Yacht Club and Club Morocco. Subic Bay Yacht Club (SBYC) is a membership club that offers berthing facilities for different types of seagoing vessels. It frequently hosts events such as regattas and other boat races. It has a clubhouse with dining facilities. SBYC was launched in April 1997 with an offering of 3,000 shares. Market data provides that as of 2004, 1,600 shares have been sold at the selling price of P120,000.00 per share and a transfer fee of P250,000.00, or a total cost of P370,000.00. The membership club promotes its innovative design that creates the perfect ambience targeting the upper market. The segment targeted by the club includes primarily watersportsmen and businessmen with their families. Club Morocco is a development by Sta. Lucia Realty and Development Corporation that offers residential lots in a beach resort setting. It has water views and offers activities such as swimming, sailing and fishing. It has a hotel with 24-twin sharing rooms, 4 suites, coffee shops, restaurants, a gym, boutiques, a lake-type pool and game rooms. The Club intends to set itself apart from the foregoing clubs and other leisure clubs in the country by providing a unique interactive experience for its members in the context of a natural setting by making accessible in-nature facilities to be separately developed by NCI. It will also offer a wide variety of nature-based activities that the other clubs do not make available. The competitive advantage of the Club is also in its setting that provides a dramatic landscape of foothills, forest and the sea. The expertise and track record of NCI (through ALI) in the field of real estate development further guarantees a high-quality development the value of which will appreciate over time. Legal and Regulatory Matters As of the date of this Prospectus, the Club is not a party to any litigation which would have any material or adverse effect upon its business or financial condition. The Gross Parcel owned by the Club is not the subject of any legal proceedings. On August 23, 2014, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the Alviera development where the Project is located. Among the conditions under which the ECC was granted is the establishment of the following: 1. A Multipartite Monitoring Team (MMT) composed of local government units concerned, NGO/PO, DENR Region 3, Environmental Management Bureau Region 3, and the Project proponent. There is already an existing Multipartite Monitoring Team for Alviera that can take on this task. 2. A continuing Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Program to explain publicly its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 35 of 67 The foregoing conditions are intended to ensure that the development and operation of Alviera and the Club do not violate existing environmental laws. In view of the fact that the establishment of the foregoing programs is still on its planning stage, the costs attendant to compliance with the foregoing conditions are not determinable as of the date of this Prospectus. A development permit which covers the entire Alviera development has also been obtained. The development permit was approved and issued by the office of the Municipal Mayor. The Barangay resolution was approved on June 10, 2014. The Gross Parcel is covered by a Conversion Order issued by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) on June 4, 2003, which classified the Gross Parcel as “mixed use” to include, but not limited to, leisure, commercial, retail, residential and industrial use. A copy of the DAR conversion order is attached hereto as part of the Exhibits. NCI does not foresee any existing or probable government regulation which may in any way hinder the development and operation of the Club. Amount Spent on Development Activities The amount to be spent this year for development activities are estimated to aggregate approximately P82,400,000.00. The breakdown of which is presented as follows: Item Design And Planning Permits And Other Expenses Construction Total Expenses Amount (In P) 30,000,000.00 22,400,000.00 30,000,000.00 82,400,000.00 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 36 of 67 DESCRIPTION OF SHARES (The information in this section should be read in conjunction with the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Club.) The Club has a total authorized capital stock of 6,800 shares consisting of 3,700 Class A Shares, which shall also be the Founders’ Shares when initially issued to the original subscribers of the Club specified in the Eighth Article of the Articles of Incorporation, 2,600 Class B Shares, 300 Class C Shares, and 200 Class D Shares. Only the Class B Shares and Class C Shares are included in the Offer. All shares are without par value. Subject to the Articles of Incorporation, authority is conferred upon the Board of Directors to issue such shares for such consideration as it may from time to time fix, which in no event shall be less than the amount prescribed by law. The current issue price of the shares as determined by the Board of Directors is P76,000.00 per share. The following table details the shares to be offered by the Selling Shareholder: Class Authorized Shares A B C D Total 3,700 2,600 300 200 6,800 Current Subscribed Shares (NCI and Directors) 11 1,025 7 650 75 11 1,750 Directors’ Qualifying Shares Shares to be Acquired by NCI 6 2,675 1,950 225 200 Total Share Ownership of NCI 3,689 8 2,600 300 200 6,789 Offer Shares 2,600 300 2,9002,900 Upon the incorporation of the Club, 650 Class B Shares and 75 Class C Shares were issued to the Selling Shareholder at the initial issue price of P =76,000 per share. The Selling Shareholder will eventually subscribe to the balance of the Offer Shares and offer such shares for sale in tranches, as set forth in the section The Offer under the heading Offer Period. The Selling Shareholder shall subscribe and fully pay all Offer Shares prior to the execution of sale agreements with the buyers. The nature and type of the shares of the Club, the rights and privileges of the holders for each class thereof, particularly their rights over the facilities of the Club, are discussed hereunder. Classes of Shares Class A Shares Class A Shares shall be held by an individual, corporation, partnership or association, irrespective of nationality or citizenship. Each Class A Share shall be entitled to one (1) Usage Right which shall be exercised by its holder or his or its nominee in the manner set forth in the By-laws of the 6 NCI will eventually subscribe to the balance of the Offer Shares and offer such shares for sale in tranches. NCI will likewise subscribe to the balance of the Class A Shares and Class D Shares. 7 Includes 11 directors’ qualifying shares. 8 Excludes the 11 directors’ qualifying shares. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 37 of 67 Club. Subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, Class A Shares shall have voting rights, exercisable in accordance with the provisions of the By-laws. Class A Shares, when initially issued to the original subscribers of the Club specified in the Eight Article of the Articles of Incorporation, shall have the status of Founders’ Shares with all the rights and privileges ascribed to Founders’ Shares by the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. Founders’ Shares shall be subject to the following rights and restrictions: (i) Within a period of five (5) years from the date of incorporation of the Club, the holders of Founders’ Shares shall have the sole and exclusive right, to the exclusion of holders of Class B Shares, Class C Shares, and Class D Shares: (i) to nominate and vote for persons who shall serve as directors of the Club, (ii) to vote on any other matter requiring the vote of shareholders, and (iii) in case of natural persons, to be voted as directors of the Club, provided that the expiry of such five (5)-year period, such Class A Shares shall automatically cause the shares to lose their character as Founders’ Shares and the holder shall, for all intents and purposes, be deemed to be a holder of a regular Class A Share, in which event, the voting rights of the holders of the Class A Shares shall be equal in all respects to the voting rights of all the other classes of shares and, provided further, that these rights shall at all times be exercised in accordance with the By-laws. (ii) Within a period of five (5) years from the date of incorporation of the Club, the holders of Founders’ Shares shall be prohibited from selling, transferring, conveying or in any other manner disposing of the Founders’ Shares to third persons, except when the sale, transfer, conveyance or disposition of the Founders’ Shares is made by a juridical entity to the latter’s designees who will hold the shares for and on behalf of such juridical entity. Any sale, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of a Founders’ Share in violation of this provision shall be null and void and shall produce no effect whatsoever and shall not be registrable in the books of the Club, except as may be required by Philippine law. (iii) Each original subscribing holder of a Founders’ Share who is a natural person shall be entitled to automatic membership in the Club and shall thereby be entitled to exercise his Usage Right to the Club without need of any further act or deed and without paying any activation fee. (iv) Each original subscribing holder of a Founders’ Share which is a juridical entity shall be entitled to exercise the Usage Right attached to each share without need of any further act or deed and without paying any activation fee upon the application and qualification of its nominee for membership to the Club in accordance with the By-laws of the Club. Class B Shares Class B Shares shall be held by an individual, corporation, partnership or association, irrespective of nationality or citizenship. Each Class B Share shall be entitled to one (1) Usage Right which shall be exercised by its holder or the holder’s nominee in the manner set forth in the By-laws of the Club. Class B Shares shall have voting rights exercisable in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Club. In view of the issuance of Founders’ Shares, the voting rights pertaining to the Class B Shares shall be suspended for the period commencing from the date of incorporation of the Club up to and including the date prior to the fifth anniversary of such date of incorporation. On the fifth Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 38 of 67 anniversary of the date of incorporation of the Club, the voting rights of all Class B Shares shall be automatically activated and shall be equal in all respects to those of the holders of all the other classes of shares. Holders of Class B Shares shall not enjoy preemptive rights to subscribe to any or all original issuance of Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class D Shares of the Club and to any sale, assignment or transfer of any class of treasury shares. Class C Shares Class C Shares shall be held by a corporation, partnership, or association, irrespective of nationality. Each Class C Share shall be entitled to two (2) Usage Rights which shall be exercised by its nominees in the manner set forth in the By-laws of the Club. Class C Shares shall have voting rights exercisable in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Club. In view of the issuance of Founders’ Shares, the voting rights pertaining to the Class C Shares shall be suspended for the period commencing from the date of incorporation of the Club up to and including the date prior to the fifth anniversary of such date of incorporation. On the fifth anniversary of the date of incorporation of the Club, the voting rights of all Class C Shares shall be automatically activated and shall be equal in all respects to those of the holders of all the other classes of shares. Holders of Class C Shares shall not enjoy preemptive rights to subscribe to any or all original issuances of Class A Shares, Class B Shares, and Class D Shares of the Club and to any sale, assignment or transfer of any class of treasury shares. Class D Shares Class D Shares shall be held by an individual, corporation, partnership or association, irrespective of nationality or citizenship. Each Class D Share shall be entitled to one (1) Usage Right which shall be exercised by its holder or the holder’s nominee in the manner set forth in the By-laws of the Club. Class D Shares shall have voting rights exercisable in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Club. In view of the issuance of Founders’ Shares, the voting rights pertaining to the Class D Shares shall be suspended for the period commencing from the date of incorporation of the Club up to and including the date prior to the fifth anniversary of such date of incorporation. On the fifth anniversary of the date of incorporation of the Club, the voting rights of all Class D Shares shall be automatically activated and shall be equal in all respects to those of the holders of all the other classes of shares. Holders of Class D Shares shall not enjoy preemptive rights to subscribe to any or all original issues of Class A Shares, Class B Shares, and Class C Shares of the Club and to any sale, assignment or transfer of any class of treasury shares. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 39 of 67 Shareholders The following are the shareholders of the Club as of the date of the commencement of the Offer Period: Name Nationality Nuevocentro, Inc. Leonardo N. Leonio Bernard Vincent O. Dy Arturo G. Corpuz Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Augusto D. Bengzon Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion Jaime E. Ysmae 9 Lawrence N. Leonio 10 Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio Liberato P. Laus 11 Oscar S. Reyes 12 Total Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino No. and Class of Amount of Shares Subscribed Capital Stock A B C Total Subscribed (P) 1,014 650 75 1,743 132,468,0 00 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1 1 76,000 1,025 650 75 1,754 133,000,000 % of Total 98.9% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 100% Ownership and Transfer of Shares The Club is an exclusive club and is organized on a non-profit basis for the sole benefit of its shareholders. No profit shall inure to the exclusive benefit of any of its shareholders; hence, no dividends shall be declared in their favor. Shareholders shall only be entitled to a pro-rata share of the assets of the Club at the time of its dissolution or liquidation. In the event that any shareholder violates the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws or resolutions or rules and regulations duly promulgated by the Board of Directors or shareholders, or commits any other act or conduct which the Board may deem injurious or hostile to the purposes or interest of the Club, its guests and patrons or other shareholders, such shareholder may be expelled by the Board of Directors in the manner provided in the By-laws upon proper and prior notice and hearing. Thereupon, he shall cease to be a shareholder and shall have no right with respect to his share in accordance with the By-laws. A person or entity acquiring the shares of the Club from the original subscribers of the Club that are juridical entities (other than the designees of such original subscribers) shall be prohibited from selling, disposing, transferring, mortgaging, pledging, encumbering or conveying in any manner the shares of the Club in favor of any person or entity until after the lapse of a period of five (5) years from the date of commencement of the commercial operations of the Club. 9 Please see Note 2. Please see Note 2. 11 Please see Note 2. 12 Please see Note 2. 10 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 40 of 67 Any sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any shares of the Club not made pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation shall be null and void and of no effect whatsoever, and shall not be registrable in the books of the Club, except as may be required by Philippine law. In accordance with SRC Rule 12.1(8)(A), the sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any share of the Club shall be recorded in the books of the Club, and the share certificate in the name of the purchaser, assignee, or transferee shall be issued by the Club, within sixty (60) days from the date of full payment by such purchaser, assignee or transferee of the consideration for the share or, where no consideration was paid, from the date of execution of the document effecting the transfer, subject to the condition that such purchaser, assignee or transferee shall have qualified for membership as determined by the Board of Directors. The obligation of the Corporate Secretary to effect the sale, assignment, transfer or disposition of a share in the books of the Club and issue the share certificate pursuant to the immediately preceding paragraph shall, in any event, be exercised in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws. Club Membership Procedure for Membership Membership in the Club is a privilege. The Club shall qualify the prospective Club members before any actual sale, assignment or transfer of a share in the Club is executed. Prior to any sale, assignment or transfer of a share in the Club (other than transfers between designees of original subscribing corporate shareholders of Founders’ Shares), the prospective purchaser, assignee or transferee shall be pre-qualified by the Club in the manner determined in the By-laws and the rules and regulations of the Club as the Board of Directors may adopt from time to time. For this purpose, the prospective purchaser, assignee or transferee must file or cause to be filed an application for membership with the Board of Directors in accordance with the By-laws and such rules and regulations of the Club. Once accepted as a member of the Club, the assignee or transferee shall be entitled to use all the facilities of the Club, subject to the conditions prescribed by the By-laws and such rules and regulations of the Club. The consequences arising from the disapproval by the Board of Directors of an application for Club membership shall be governed by the By-laws and the rules and regulations of the Club. Prospective shareholders who are natural persons (other than a holder of a Founders’ Share) must file an application for membership with the Board of Directors for their admission as a Regular Member of the Club for purposes of Article II, Section 2(a) of the By-laws, or nominate a person for the latter’s admission as a Nominated Member of the Club for purposes of Article II, Section 2(b) of the By-laws. Prospective shareholders that are juridical entities must nominate natural persons who shall cause an application for membership to be filed with the Board of Directors for the admission of such persons as Nominated Members of the Club for purposes of Article II, Section 2(b) of the By-laws. Grantees of associate memberships shall similarly file an application for membership with the Board of Directors for their admission as Associate Members for purposes of Article II, Section 2(d) of the By-laws. A person shall be accepted for membership in the Club only with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Club, provided that the membership of persons who have been designated as Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 41 of 67 Founding Members under Article II, Section 2(c) of the By-laws shall not require the approval of the Board of Directors. Once the Board of Directors deems the applicant qualified for membership, the applicant shall be deemed a Regular Member, Nominated Member, or Associate Member (as the case may be) for purposes of Article II, Section 2 of the By-laws and shall be entitled to Usage Rights, subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws. Classification of Membership In granting membership in the Club, the Board of Directors shall classify members of the Club as follows: Regular Members A Regular Member is a natural person who is a registered owner of a Class A Share, Class B Share, or Class D Share and shall be admitted as member of the Club only with the approval of the Board of Directors. A Regular Member is entitled to exercise Usage Rights in his personal capacity, or assign such Usage Rights to a natural person who shall act as his Nominated Member and exercise such Usage Rights in his place. To qualify as a Regular Member, a person must possess the following minimum qualifications, the determination of which shall be made by the Board of Directors: (i) (ii) he must be of legal age; and he must be of good moral character and has not and is not exhibiting conduct which is inimical to the interests of the Club, its shareholders or members. The Board of Directors shall prescribe such other requirements for evaluation and approval of applications for regular membership as it may deem necessary and shall, at all times, inform the shareholders of such minimum qualifications for membership. Regular Members are entitled to exercise all the rights of a shareholder as provided for by law and to the extent indicated in the By-laws and Articles of Incorporation, such as the right to vote in all matters requiring approval of the shareholders and a right to a pro rata share of the assets of the Club upon its dissolution. In the event that a Class A Share, Class B Share, or Class D Share is registered in the name of two (2) or more natural persons as co-owners, only one co-owner shall be entitled to apply and qualify for membership in the Club as a Regular Member, provided that the authority of such co-owner to apply for membership and exercise the Usage Rights pertaining to such share shall be evidenced by an instrument (in the form prescribed by the Club) duly executed by all of the co-owners. The coowners shall further be entitled to exercise their rights as follows: (i) in exercising their right to vote, all co-owners, collectively, shall have one (1) vote pertaining to said Class A Share, Class B Share, or Class D Share and such right to vote shall be exercised through and by way of proxy executed by all co-owners in favor of one (1) co-owner or a third person, and (ii) the Usage Rights may be exercised only by the co-owner qualifying as a Regular Member to the exclusion of the other co-owners of such Class A Share, Class B Share, or Class D Share. Notwithstanding that the rights of membership pertaining to a Class A Share, Class B Share, or Class D Share may be exercised only by one co-owner at any given point in time, all co-owners shall be deemed jointly Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 42 of 67 and solidarily liable to the Club for any liability or obligation arising from the exercise of the rights of membership pertaining to said share. Nominated Members Nominated Members are natural persons who are assignees of: (i) Regular Members, or (ii) juridical entities holding any share of stock in the Club, and shall be admitted as members of the Club only with the approval of the Board of Directors. Juridical entities holding Class A Shares, Class B Shares, or Class D Shares shall, by resolution of its board of directors (a certified copy of which shall be submitted to the Corporate Secretary of the Club), designate one (1) person for each share of stock registered in the name of such juridical entity in the books of the Club who shall act as its Nominated Member, while those holding Class C Shares shall, by resolution of its board of directors (a certified copy of which shall be submitted to the Corporate Secretary of the Club), designate two (2) persons for each share of stock registered in the name of such juridical entity in the books of the Club who shall act as its Nominated Members. Nominated Members shall be entitled to exercise Usage Rights to the exclusion of the Regular Member who caused his nomination. However, Nominated Members shall not be entitled to exercise the right to vote, hold office, elect directors and any other right pertaining to a shareholder under the By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, or the Corporation Code of the Philippines, all of which rights shall continue to vest in the Regular Member or the juridical entity causing the nomination of the Nominated Member to the extent indicated herein and in the Articles of Incorporation, it being understood that upon the qualification by the Nominated Member to membership in the Club, the rights of such Regular Member or juridical entity causing his nomination shall only be that of a shareholder. To qualify as a Nominated Member, an assignee must possess the following minimum qualifications, the determination of which shall be made by the Board of Directors: (i) he must be of legal age; (ii) he must be of good moral character and has not and is not exhibiting conduct which is inimical to the interests of the Club, its shareholders or members; and (iii) if a nominee of a juridical entity, he must be a registered shareholder, officer or employee of such juridical entity. The Board of Directors shall prescribe such other requirements for evaluation and approval of applications for nominated membership as it may deem necessary and shall, at all times, inform the shareholders of such minimum qualifications for membership. A Nominated Member only derives his rights from the membership of the Regular Member or the juridical entity which nominated him as Nominated Member and exercises said rights only on behalf of such Regular Member or juridical entity. Thus, any limitation which may be imposed on the membership rights of the Regular Member or juridical entity causing the nomination shall be binding upon the Nominated Member, and the termination or suspension of the membership rights of the Regular Member or juridical entity shall also result in the termination or suspension of the exercise by a Nominated Member of such rights on behalf of such Regular Member or juridical entity. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 43 of 67 Founding Members Founding Members are natural persons (i) who hold Founders’ Shares in their names pursuant to Article Eighth of the Articles of the Club, and (ii) who hold the Founders’ Shares for and on behalf of the juridical entity having beneficial ownership of the Founders’ Shares. Founding Members, for as long as they continue to hold Founders’ Shares, shall be automatically entitled to exercise Usage Rights and all other rights of membership and rights of a shareholder pursuant to the Bylaws without need of any act or deed and without paying any activation fee. A Founding Member may be replaced by the juridical entity designating him to be its representative in the Club and the person so replacing him shall, for all intents and purposes, be deemed a Founding Member who shall be accorded all the rights and privileges of a Founding Member. As holders of Founders’ Shares, Founding Members shall have the right to vote and be voted for as director of the Club, exercisable in accordance with the By-laws. Founding Members shall not sell, transfer, convey or in any other manner dispose of to third persons the Founder’s Shares for a period of five (5) years from the date of incorporation of the Club, except to a designee of the juridical entity on whose behalf the Founding Member holds the Founders’ Share. Any sale, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of a Founders’ Share in violation of this restriction shall be null and void and shall produce no effect whatsoever and shall not be registrable in the books of the Club, except as may be required by Philippine law. Associate Members The Board of Directors may, by resolution, allow the creation of associate memberships whereby a Regular Member shall be entitled to grant to as many of his married legitimate children, or unmarried legitimate children, above twenty-five (25) years of age, Usage Rights to the Club for the purpose of making such children Associate Members, provided that the Regular Member shall have been determined by the Board of Directors to be a member in good standing for at least ten (10) consecutive years. Associate Members are natural persons who, being grantees of Usage Rights to the Club, shall be admitted as members of the Club only with the approval of the Board of Directors. For purposes of the By-laws, a member shall be deemed “in good standing” if such member: (a) is not delinquent in paying his dues and assessments, and (b) is not the subject of any disciplinary action by the Club. The Board of Directors may prescribe qualifications and criteria other than those provided herein for the purpose of determining whether a member shall be deemed in good standing. Associate Members shall be entitled to exercise Usage Rights to the Club to the same extent as, and simultaneously with, the Regular Member who granted such rights. However, Associate Members shall not be entitled to exercise the right to vote, hold office, elect directors and any other right pertaining to a shareholder under the By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, or the Corporation Code of the Philippines, all of which rights shall continue to vest in the Regular Member to the extent indicated in the Articles and the By-laws. An Associate Member only derives his rights from the membership of the Regular Member which granted him associate membership. Thus, any limitation which may be imposed on the membership rights of a Regular Member shall be binding upon the Associate Member, and the Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 44 of 67 termination or suspension of the membership rights of the Regular Member shall also result in the termination or suspension of the exercise by an Associate Member of such rights. The Board of Directors may prescribe such qualifications or requirements other than those provided herein for entitlement to associate membership. Lifetime Members The Board of Directors may, by resolution, allow the creation of lifetime memberships whereby a Regular Member shall be entitled to transfer the ownership of his share to one of his legitimate children of legal age without losing his own Usage Rights to the Club, provided that such Regular Member shall have been a member in good standing for such number of years as may be determined by the Board of Directors which shall in no case be less than 12 years. Upon effecting the transfer of his share to his child, the latter shall submit an application for regular membership to the Club with the Board of Directors. Upon the acceptance and qualification of the grantee as a Regular Member, the grantor shall be deemed a Lifetime Member of the Club. Lifetime Members shall be entitled to exercise the Usage Rights to the Club to the same extent as, and simultaneously with, the Regular Member to whom the share of the Lifetime Member was transferred. However, Lifetime Members shall not be entitled to exercise the right to vote, hold office, elect directors and any other right pertaining to a shareholder under the By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, or the Corporation Code of the Philippines, all of which rights shall continue to vest in the Regular Member to the extent indicated in the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws. Any limitation, termination or suspension on the exercise of the membership rights of the Regular Member to whom the share of the Lifetime Member was transferred shall not in any manner affect the exercise by the Lifetime Member of such rights who shall continue to exercise such membership rights without interruption. The Board of Directors may prescribe such qualifications or requirements other than those provided in the By-laws for entitlement to lifetime membership. Honorary Members Honorary Members shall be limited to persons who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, have merited the honor due them by reason of their stature, prominence, or reputation in society. Honorary Members are entitled to use the facilities of the Club whether for a limited or indefinite period of time as may be determined by the Board of Directors without need for ownership of any Club share. However, Honorary Members shall not have the right to vote, hold office, elect directors and any other right pertaining to a shareholder under the By-laws and the Articles of the Club. Applications for Membership All applications for regular, nominated, or associate membership in the Club shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. In the event that an application for regular membership by a prospective purchaser of Club share is disapproved by the Board of Directors, the sale, assignment or transfer of share in the Club shall not be executed. If the disapproval is with respect to a nominee of a juridical entity, the latter shall, within the same sixty (60)-day period, designate another person to be its nominee who is acceptable to the Board of Directors. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 45 of 67 Once the Board of Directors deems the applicant qualified for membership, the shareholder or his or its nominee or grantee shall be deemed a Regular Member, Nominated Member or Associate Member (as the case may be) for purposes of Article II, Section 2 of the By-laws. The Board of Directors may impose reasonable fees and charges for the evaluation of applications for regular, nominated, associate, and honorary membership and any transfers and changes in such memberships in accordance with Article XII of the By-laws. Club Dues and Assessments Holders of shares of the Club shall be subject to the payment of monthly dues in the manner discussed in Article XII, Section 2 of the By-laws in an amount to be prescribed by the Board of Directors, which amount shall in no case be less than Pesos: Three Thousand (P3,000.00) per month, to meet the expenses for the general operations of the Club and the maintenance of its premises and facilities. These monthly dues shall be in addition to fees and special assessments which the Board of Directors may require for the actual use of the Club facilities and for the improvement of its premises and facilities. The Board of Directors shall also impose reasonable fees and charges on activities of the Club which shall include, but not limited to, the following: (i) evaluation and processing of applications for all types of membership in the Club, including guest fees and visitor fees; (ii) any transfers and changes in memberships or transfers and changes in the ownership of the Club Shares; (iii) the use of the Club facilities by guests and immediate family members in accordance with Article IV of the By-laws, provided that the fees to be imposed by the Board of Directors on immediate family members hereunder shall be in addition to regular monthly dues which shall be payable by such family member in an amount equivalent to the following: (a) for each Junior Dependent, not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the regular monthly dues payable by the Club member, and (b) for each Senior Dependent, not more than fifty percent (50%) of the regular monthly dues payable by the Club member; and (iv) the use of the Club facilities by Associate Members and Lifetime Members which shall be in addition to the fees and dues imposable on the holder of the share of stock from whom their memberships are derived. The amount of the foregoing dues, fees and assessments shall be reviewed and fixed by the Board of Directors from time to time as it shall deem necessary. The foregoing dues, fees and assessments, together with all other obligations of the holders of the shares of the Club, shall constitute a first lien on the shares, second only to any lien in favor of the national or local government. In the event that a shareholder fails to effect the payment of dues and other obligations due to the Club, his or its shares may be sold at auction by the Board of Directors in the manner provided in the By-laws to satisfy said dues or other obligations of such shareholder. The original shareholders of Founders’ shares who are natural person shall be obliged to pay monthly dues, fees and assessments on the date of commencement of the commercial operations of the Club as determined by the Board of Directors. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 46 of 67 The original subscribing holders of Founders’ Shares which are juridical entities shall be obliged to pay the monthly dues, fees and assessments to the Club pertaining to a share upon the designation of its nominees for membership, provided that the Club shall have commenced commercial operations. Moreover, in the event that such original corporate subscribers transfer, sell or dispose of the Class A Shares held by them following the expiry of the five (5)-year period from the date of incorporation (other than to their designees), the obligation of the transferee or purchaser of such Class A Share to pay monthly dues, fees and assessments to the Club shall commence upon his or its acquisition of the Class A Share (whether or not the holder thereof or his or its nominee shall have qualified for membership in the Club), provided that the Club shall have started commercial operations. The obligation of a holder of a Class B Share, Class C Share or Class D Share (other than the original subscribers thereof)to pay monthly dues, fees and assessments shall commence upon his or its purchase or acquisition of a share of stock of the Club from such original subscribers(whether or not the holder thereof or his or its nominee shall have qualified for membership in the Club), provided that the Club shall have started commercial operations and, provided further that the liability of a holder of a Class C Share for the dues, fees and assessments shall be twice the amount imposable on the holder of a Class B Share or Class D Share, it being understood that the holder of a Class B Share or Class D Share is entitled to one (1) Usage Right and the holder of a Class C Share is entitled to two (2) Usage Rights. No monthly dues, fees, and assessments shall accrue upon the subscription to, and ownership of, the Class B Shares, Class C Shares and Class D Shares by the original subscribers thereof. Other Matters Concerning Club Dues and Assessments The Club will not collect monthly dues from its members unless 50% of the facilities and amenities of Phase 1 of the Project as disclosed in the section Non-Financial Information (under the heading Facilities) is usable. A report under oath will be submitted to the SEC concerning any proposed increase in monthly dues stating the rationale for the proposed increase, such report to be submitted within thirty (30) days from the approval of the Board of Directors. Members will be notified of any increase in fees and such notices will be posted on the Club’s bulletin boards placed in conspicuous places for the benefit of its members and the secondary market. Right of First Refusal The shares of stock shall be subject to the Club’s right of first refusal in the manner set out in the following provisions, which shall be indicated in all the share certificates of the Club: (i) In the event any shareholder (the “Offeror”) desires to sell, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any share or subscription right to any share of stock in the Club (the “Offered Share”), the Offeror shall grant a right of first refusal to the Club to purchase the Offered Share at the purchase price and under the terms and conditions specified by the Offeror. (ii) The Offeror shall send a written notice (the “Offer”) to the Corporate Secretary of the Club specifying therein the number of Offered Share(s), the purchase price per share and the other Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 47 of 67 terms and conditions of the sale. The Club shall have the right to purchase the Offered Share at the price and on the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer. The Club shall have the exclusive right and option to purchase the Offered Share(s) within sixty (60) days after receipt of the Offer (the “Offer Period”). (iii) In the event that the Club decides to accept the Offer, then it shall transmit its written acceptance of the Offer to the Offeror. Should the Offered Share be more than one (1), then the Club’s written acceptance shall indicate the number of shares it would like to purchase. Within five (5) days from the Offeror’s receipt of the Club’s acceptance of the Offer, the Offeror shall execute in favor of the Club a deed of absolute sale transferring all of the Offeror’s rights, title and interest in and to the Offered Share, and the Club shall pay the purchase price to the Offeror. Thereafter, the Offered Share shall be considered treasury share, which may be reissued by the Board of Directors at such price and under such terms and conditions as the Board shall determine and prescribe. (iv) Offered Shares not purchased by the Club may be sold by the Offeror within a period (the “Selling Period”) of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt from the Club of the waiver of its right to purchase the Offered Shares at not less than the price and on the same terms and conditions as those contained in the Offer. (v) If the Offeror is then unable to sell during the Selling Period the Offered Shares not purchased in accordance with the preceding sub-paragraphs at the same price and on the same terms and conditions specified in the Offer or if he should desire to sell at a lower price or under amended terms and conditions, the Offeror shall re-offer such shares to the Club, in the manner above prescribed, at such lower price or under amended terms and conditions, and the provisions of the preceding sub-paragraphs shall again become applicable to such revised offer. (vi) The preceding sub-paragraphs shall likewise apply to (a) a transfer by way of donation, in which event, notice of the Offer shall be deemed to have been received by the Club on the date the Club receives a formal notice of the proposed donation, or (b) a mortgage, pledge or assignment by way of security of shares in the Club or to an involuntary transfer, including but not limited to, a foreclosure of shares, levy on attachment or execution on shares of stock, in which event notice of the Offer shall be deemed to have been received by the Club on the date the Club receives actual notice of sale on foreclosure of such mortgage, pledge, assignment or transfer or at such time when such involuntary transfer is presented to the Club for registration in its stock and transfer book. In either case, the Board of Directors shall cause the fair market value of such shares to be determined by a reputable independent auditor and shall send written notice of the fair market valuation of such shares to the donor or party effecting such foreclosure. The Club shall have the right to redeem such shares in accordance with the procedures prescribed in sub-paragraph (c) at their fair market price as determined by such auditor, provided that the period within which the Club shall exercise its right to redeem shall commence on the date of the receipt by the donor or party effecting foreclosure of written notice of the fair market value of such shares and shall end ninety (90) days thereafter. (vii) The right of first refusal shall not apply to the sale or transfer of (a) Founders’ shares; (b) shares between family members within the second (2nd) degree of consanguinity or affinity or by way of intestate succession; (c) shares between a corporation and its majority shareholder; (d) shares between a corporate shareholder and its Affiliate; and (v) the share owned by a delinquent member pursuant to Article XII, Section 5 of the By-laws. For purposes hereof, (1) “Affiliate” means any Person directly or indirectly (through one or more intermediaries) Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 48 of 67 Controlling, Controlled by, or under common Control with another Person; (2) “Person” means, a partnership, joint venture, corporation, trust, and any other entity or unincorporated organization; (3) “Control” and any form thereof such as “Controlled” and “Controlling” mean the possession by one Person, directly or indirectly (through one or more intermediaries) of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of another Person through the ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting stock of such Person. (viii) Any sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any shares of stock of the Club not made pursuant to the foregoing shall be null and void and of no effect whatsoever, and shall not be registrable in the books of the Club, except as may be required by Philippine law. The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any share of stock of the Club shall be recorded in the books of the Club, and the stock certificate in the name of the purchaser, assignee, or transferee shall be issued by the Club, within sixty (60) days from the date of full payment by such purchaser, assignee or transferee of the consideration for the share or, where no consideration was paid, from the date of execution of the document effecting the transfer, subject to the condition that such purchaser, assignee or transferee shall have qualified for membership as determined by the Board of Directors, and the further condition that the recording of the sale, assignment, transfer or disposition of the share of stock in the books of the Club and issuance of the stock certificate shall be in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, including payment of applicable taxes. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 49 of 67 INCORPORATORS, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Incorporators and Board of Directors The incorporators of the Club are as follows: Bernard Vincent O. Dy Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Arturo G. Corpuz Augusto D. Bengzon Leonardo L. Leonio Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio The members of the Board of Directors of the Club for 2014-2015 are as follows: Director Bernard Vincent O. Dy Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Arturo G. Corpuz Augusto D. Bengzon Jaime E. Ysmael 13 Lawrence N. Leonio 14 Leonardo L. Leonio Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio Oscar S. Reyes 15 Liberato P. Laus 16 Nationality Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Independent Directors The Club has elected Mr. Oscar S. Reyes and Mr. Liberato P. Laus as independent directors, in compliance with the requirements of the SRC. 13 Please see Note 2. Please see Note 2. 15 Please see Note 2. 16 Please see Note 2. 14 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 50 of 67 Executive Officers The executive officers of the Club for 2014 to 2015 are as follows: Position Chairman Vice-Chairman President Treasurer Corporate Secretary Officer Bernard Vincent O. Dy Lawrence N. Leonio Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Clarissa L. Asuncion Sandra A. Luna-Arias Comprehensive Background The following describes the relevant business experience of the Club’s directors and officers for the past five (5) years: Chairman: Bernard Vincent O. Dy, Filipino, 50, is the President of ALI. He is also a member of the Management Committee. His other significant positions include: Director of Alveo Land Corp., Avida Land Corp.,Crimson Field Enterprises, Inc.,Fort Bonifacio Development Corp., Columbus Berkshire Holdings, Inc., Emerging City Holdings, Inc., Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation, Ayala Land Sales, Inc., Bellavita Land Corporation, Amaia Land Corporation, North Triangle Depot Commercial Corporation, Alabang Commercial Corporation, Station Square East Commercial Corporation, Ayala Greenfield Golf & Leisure Club, and Philippine FamilyMart CVS, Inc.,; Director and Chairman of Anvaya Cove Golf & Sports Club, Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club, Serendra, Inc., and Amicassa Process Solutions, Inc.; Chairman of Bonifacio Estate Service Corp., Ayala Land International Sales, Inc., Anvaya Cove Golf & Sports Club, Inc. and Amicassa Process Solutions, Inc.; Vice Chairman of Avida Land Corp. and Alveo Land Corporation; President of Serendra, Inc., and Varejo Corporation; and Treasurer of SIAL Specialty Retailers, Inc. and SIAL CVS Retailers, Inc. Vice-Chairman: Leonardo L. Leonio, Filipino, 66, is the Chairman of the Board of LeonioLand Holdings Inc.; Petrolift Inc. and its subsidiaries: Transoil Corporation, Seatrans Corporation, Oceanlink Tankers Incorporated, Marinelink Tankers Corporation, Translift Ship Management and Marinelift Shipyard and Repair Inc.; LNL Archipelago Minerals Inc., Sta. Cruz Mineral Port Corporation; and other companies into real estate, mining and marine-related business. He was a founding member of the Philippine Petroleum Sea Transport Corporation (PHILPESTA), the first association of petroleum tankering companies in the Philippines. He attended Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of the Philippines. President: Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy, Filipino, 43, is Vice President and member of the Management Committee of ALI effective August 2008. She is Head of the Strategic Landbank Management (SLMG). Her other significant positions include: Director and Executive Vice President of Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation and is a Director of the Nuvali Subsidiaries: Aurora Properties, Inc., Vesta Properties Holdings, Inc., and CECI Realty, Inc. Prior to joining ALI, she was Vice President of Benpres Holdings Corporation. Treasurer: Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion, Filipino, 46, is the Managing Director and Treasurer of LeonioLand Holdings Inc. She is the Treasurer and Director of Petrolift Inc. and its subsidiaries, Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 51 of 67 Treasurer and Director of LNL Archipelago Minerals Inc., Treasurer & Managing Director LLL Holdings, Inc.;. Vice Chairman and Treasurer of Circle Corporate Center. She graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the University of the Philippines and finished her Masters in Business Administration from Asian Institute of Management where she graduated with distinction. Director: Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio, Filipino, 43,is the President and Director of Petrolift Inc. & Subsidiaries, President & Director of Petrolift Holdings Inc., Director Leonio Land Holdings, Inc., Director of LLL Holdings Inc., Director of LNL Archipelago Minerals, Incorporated, EVP & Director of Circle Corporate Inc. He was appointed as the Board Member Private Sector Representative for Maritime Industy Authority. He finished EMBA in Asian Management. Director: Augusto D. Bengzon, Filipino, 50, joined ALI in December 2004 as Vice President and Treasurer. His other significant positions include: Treasurer of Avida Land Corporation, Makati Development Corp., Aurora Properties, Inc., Vesta Properties Holdings, Inc., CECI Realty, Inc. and HERO Foundation; Director of the Anvaya Cove Golf and Sports Club; Trustee of the PNP Foundation, Inc., and the Dr. Fe del Mundo Medical Center Foundation Phils., Inc. Prior to joining ALI, he was Vice President and Credit Officer in Global Relationship Banking at Citibank N.A. where he spent sixteen years in various line management roles covering Treasury, Portfolio Management, Structuring, Debt Syndication and Relationship Management. Director: Arturo G. Corpuz, Filipino, 58, is a Senior Vice President and member of the Management Committee of ALI since 2008. He heads the Urban and Regional Planning Division and the Central Land Acquisition Unit of ALI. He is a Trustee of the Makati Parking Authority and a member of the Board of Aurora Properties, Inc. and of Vesta Properties Holdings, Inc. He is a former President of the Philippine Economic Society and a Fellow of the Foundation for Economic Freedom and the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planning. Director: Jaime E. Ysmael, Filipino, 53, is a Senior Vice President, Chief Finance Officer, Compliance Officer and member of the Management Committee of ALI. Concurrently, he is a Managing Director of Ayala Corporation. His other significant positions include: Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Aprisa Business Process Solutions, Inc.; Director and President of CMPI Holdings, Inc. and CMPI Land, Inc.; Director and President of South Gateway Development Corporation; President of Tower One & Exchange Plaza Condominium Corporation; Director and Treasurer of Ayala Land International Sales, Inc., Ayala Land Sales, Inc., Alveo Land Corp., Laguna Technopark, Inc., Serendra, Inc., Ayala Hotels and Resorts Corporation and Anvaya Cove Beach & Nature Club, Inc.; Director, Treasurer and ExCom Member of Ayala Hotels, Inc. and Enjay Hotels, Inc.; Director of Cebu Holdings, Inc., Alabang Commercial Corp., Amaia Land Corp., Avida Land Corp., Cebu Insular Hotel Company, Inc., North Triangle Depot Commercial Corp., Station Square East Commercial Corp., Philippine Integrated Energy Solutions, Inc, Ceci Realty, Inc., Aurora Properties, Inc. and Vesta Properties Holdings, Inc. He is also a Director of the Asia Pacific Real Estate Association Ltd. and Chairman of the Board of Directors of its Philippine Chapter.] 17 Director: Lawrence Conrad N. Leonio, Filipino, 45,is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and a director of LeonioLand Holdings Inc and Petrolift Inc. and its subsidiaries: Transoil Corporation, Seatrans Corporation, Oceanlink Tankers Incorporated, Marinelink Tankers Corporation, Translift Ship Management and Marinelift Shipyard and Repair Inc. He also serves as the President and 17 Please see Note 2. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 52 of 67 CEO of LNL Archipelago Minerals Inc. and Sta. Cruz Mineral Port Corporation, where he is also a director. He is also a director of other companies into real estate, mining and marine-related business. He graduated with a degree of B.S. Management from De La Salle University. He also completed with distinction a Professional Shipping Course at the Norwegian Shipping Academy in Oslo, Norway and holds an MBA degree major in Entrepreneurship at Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College Massachusetts, USA.] 18 Director: Liberato P. Laus, Filipino, 64, is currently the Chairman of Laus Group of Companies, Chairman Emeritus of Pampanga Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. Chairman of San Fernando Heritage Foundation, Inc., Independent Director of Bank of Florida, Inc., Board of Trustee of San Beda Alumni Foundation, Inc., and Board of Trustee of Don Bosco Academy Pampanga. He was formerly President and Chief Executive Officer of Clark Development Corporation (2006-2008), Vice Chairman of Clark International Airport Corporation (2006-2008) and was a member of the Board of the Subic/ Clark Advisory Development Council (2006-2008). He was formerly director also of several private and government corporations including the Bases Conversion and Development Authority, Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation, and Bataan Technology Park, Inc. He graduated from San Beda Collage in Manila with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Major in Management. Director: Oscar R. Reyes, Filipino, 68, is the CEO and Chairman of Manila Electric Company (Meralco) and is the President, Chairman and Independent Director of Pepsi Cola Products Philippines, Inc. He serves as Independent Director of Bank of the Philippine Islands, Manila Water Company, Inc., Ayala Land, Inc., Basic Energy Corporation and Coco Capital Inc. He is also the President and Director of Meralco PowerGen Corporation, Chairman and Director of Redondo Peninsula Energy, Inc., Meralco Industrial Engineering Services, Inc., Meralco Energy, Inc., CIS Bayad Center, Inc., PacificLight Power Pte, Ltd., and Link Edge Inc. He is a Director of Republic Surety & Insurance Company Inc., Sun Life Financial Phils, Inc., Sunlife Prosperity Funds, Grepalife Asset Management Corp., Petrolift Corp. and Asian Eye Institute and a member of the Advisory Board of Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company. He served as Country Chairman of the Shell Companies in the Philippines and concurrently President of Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation and Managing Director of Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. He is a member of the Vice-Chairman and member of the Board of Trustees of One Meralco Foundation, Inc. and a member of the Board of Trustee of Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc., SGV Foundation, Inc. and El Nido Foundation, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, in Economics from the Ateneo de Manila University and finished post-graduate studies at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business Administration, Waterloo Lutheran University and the Harvard Business School.] 19 Corporate Secretary: Sandra A. Luna-Arias, Filipino, 32, is a Senior Counsel of the Ayala Group Legal. She serves as the Corporate Secretary of Nuevocentro, Inc., Taft Punta Engano, Inc. and Solinea, Inc. Executive Compensation No remuneration shall be paid by the Club, directly or indirectly, to the directors of the Club. The President of the Club shall not receive any remuneration or compensation from the Club. 18 19 Please see Note 2. Please see Note 2. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 53 of 67 Significant Employees The Club has no significant employees at the moment. Once operational, the Club expects to employ approximately 200 full-time employees and contractual workers and may recruit the services of a professional club management firm or general manager to oversee its daily operations. Consultants may also be hired for concerns that require expertise. Family Relationships Leonardo L. Leonio is the father of Clarissa T. Leonio Asuncion, Lawrence N. Leonio and Carlo N. Leonio. Involvement in Legal Proceedings For the past five (5) years immediately preceding the date of this Prospectus, none of the directors and officers has been involved in any material pending legal proceedings in any court or administrative agency of the Government. Security Ownership of Beneficial and Record Shareholders The security ownership of certain record and beneficial owners of more than 5% of common shares as of the date of this Prospectus is as follows: Title Name & Address of Record Owner & Relationship w/ Issuer Class A Bernard Vincent O. Dy (Founders’) 108 Bilbao Street, Abrio, Nuvali, Sta. Rosa, Laguna Chairman& Director Class A Leonardo L. Leonio (Founders’) 200 Cadena de Amor, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City Vice-Chairman &Director Class A Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy (Founders’) 219 Swallow Drive, Greenmeadows, Quezon City President& Director Class A Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion (Founders’) 167 Tanauan Street, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City Treasurer &Director Name of Beneficial Owner No. of Nationality & Relationship w/ Shares Record Owner % in same Class NCI-Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI- Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI-Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI- Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Class A Augusto D. Bengzon (Founders’) One Salcedo Place, J. Velasquez Street cor. Tordesillas and Leviste Streets, Makati City Director Class A Arturo G. Corpuz (Founders’) 67 Sarimanok Street, Mira-Nila Homes, Quezon City Director Class A Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio (Founders’) 325 Alitagtag Street, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City Director Class A Jaime E. Ysmael 20 # 183 Pili Road Ayala Westgrove Heights Silang, Cavite Director Class A Lawrence N. Leonio 21 Cadena de Amor, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City Director Class A Oscar S. Reyes 22 Unit 6, Kasiyahan Homes #58 McKinley Road Forbes Park, Makati City Independent Director Class A Liberato P. Laus 23 San Fernando, Pampanga Independent Director Class A Nuevocentro, Inc. (NCI) (Founders’) 31/F Tower One & Exchange Plaza, Ayala Avenue Makati City Class B NCI (same address) Class C 20 NCI (same address) Please see Note 2. Please see Note 2. 22 Please see Note 2. 23 Please see Note 2. 21 Page 54 of 67 NCI-Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI- Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI- Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI- Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. NCI- Nominee Filipino 1 Nil. Filipino 1 Nil. Filipino 1 Nil. Filipino 3,691 98.90% Filipino 2,600 100% Filipino 300 100% NCI is both beneficial and record owner of the Issuer. NCI is both beneficial and record owner of the Issuer. NCI is both beneficial and record owner of the Issuer. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 55 of 67 The Board of Directors of NCI has the power to decide how NCI’s shares in the Club are to be voted. The following are the members of the Board of Directors of NCI: Bernard Vincent O. Dy, Leonardo L. Leonio, Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion, Arturo G. Corpuz, Augusto D. Bengzon, Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio, Jaime E. Ysmael, Lawrence N. Leonio, Oscar R. Reyes and Liberato P. Laus. 24 Security Ownership of Management The security ownership of management as of the date of this Prospectus is as follows: Title Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Name Position Chairman/ Director Vice-Chairman/ Leonardo L. Leonio Director President/ Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Director Treasurer/ Clarissa Teresita L. Asuncion Director Arturo G. Corpuz Director Augusto D. Bengzon Director Jaime E. Ysmael 25 Director 26 Lawrence N. Leonio Director Carlo Leonardo N. Leonio Director Independent Oscar R. Reyes 27 Director Independent Liberato P. Laus 28 Director Security Ownership of all Directors Bernard Vincent O. Dy Amount & Nature of Ownership Citizenship 1 (record owner) Filipino 1 (record owner) Filipino 1 (record owner) Filipino 1 (record owner) Filipino 1 (record owner) 1 (record owner) 1 (record owner) 1 (record owner) 1 (record owner) Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino 1 (record owner) Filipino 1 (record owner) Filipino 11 None of the members of the Club’s directors and management owns 2.0% or more of the outstanding capital stock of the Club. Further, the Club has no commitment to its directors and officers with respect to the issuance of shares of any class. Recent Sales of Unregistered or Exempt Securities All of the Club’s outstanding shares were subscribed to by the incorporating shareholders. The Club has not sold any unregistered or exempt securities. Neither has it reacquired any securities, issued new securities, issued securities in exchange for property, services, or other securities, or issued new securities resulting from the modification of outstanding securities. 24 Messrs. Ysmael, Lawrence N. Leonio, Reyes and Laus shall assume their seats on the Board upon the SEC’s approval of the Chamber’s application for the amendment of its Articles of Incorporation. Please see Note 2. 25 Please see Note 2. 26 Please see Note 2. 27 Please see Note 2. 28 Please see Note 2. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 56 of 67 Changes in Control There are no arrangements which may result in a change in control of the Club. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions None of the directors, executive officers, and members of their immediate family owns ten percent (10%) or more of total outstanding shares in the Club. No transactions shall be entered into by the Club in which any director, executive officer, nominee for election as director, security holder in the Club, or immediate family member of any of the foregoing, shall have a direct or indirect material interest. The total outstanding capital stock of the Club is owned 100% by NCI. The breakdown of the shareholdings in the Club per class of shares is shown in greater detail under the section Financial Information (under the heading Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial and Record Shareholders). Apart from engaging the services of GG&A, there will be no transactions entered into by the Club with promoters. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 57 of 67 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The machinery for corporate governance of the Club is principally contained in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws and their amendments. These constitutive documents lay down, among others, the basic structure of governance, minimum qualifications of directors, and the principal duties of the Board of Directors and officers of the Corporation. The Club shall adopt a Manual of Corporate Governance substantially in the form attached hereto as part of the Exhibits in accordance with the Securities Regulation Code. The function of the Manual of Corporate Governance is to supplement and complement the Club’s Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws by setting forth principles of good and transparent governance. The Board of Directors, Management, officers and employees of the Club commit themselves to the principles and best practices of governance contained in the Manual of Corporate Governance as a guide in the attainment of its corporate goals. The Club shall make a continuing effort to create awareness of good corporate governance within the organization. New initiatives are regularly pursued to develop and adopt corporate governance best practices and to build the right corporate culture across the organization. There has been no significant deviation from the Club’s Manual of Corporate Governance. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 58 of 67 PLAN OF OPERATIONS The Club is targeted to start commercial operations not later than the second quarter of 2017. Members shall be obliged to pay monthly dues, fees and assessments on the date of commencement of the commercial operations of the Club as determined by the Board of Directors, provided that the facilities and amenities of the Project, more particularly described in the section on NonFinancial Information (under the heading Facilities), are at least 50% usable. Any increase in dues will be reported to the SEC within thirty (30) days from the approval of the Board of Directors. The Members will be notified of such increase. Notices on the dues will also be posted on bulletin boards located in conspicuous areas for the benefit of secondary markets. Facilities are expected to be open for use by Members and their guests by the 2nd quarter of 2017. Revenues will be derived from monthly dues and fees, and from the sale of food and beverages. Since the Club operates on a non-profit basis, no part of its net income will inure to the benefit of its shareholders. Assessments, fees and dues collected from Members shall be for the sole purpose of meeting the operational and maintenance expenses of the Club. Once fully operational, the Club expects to employ approximately 200 full-time employees and contractual workers in the course of its commercial operations and may be managed through a management agreement by NCI or by a professional club management firm to oversee its daily operations. Consultants may also be engaged for concerns that require outside expertise. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 59 of 67 MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION ON RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION Results of Operations and Financial Condition as of August 14, 2014 The Club is still in its pre-operating stage as of August 14, 2014. The Club’s balance sheet is composed of cash amounting to P =115,296,674 and land which was purchased from NCI. Expenses incurred pertain to registration fees and professional fees in relation to the Club’s incorporation. The Company has no existing long-term debt from financial institutions. Business Segments The Club shall have one segment which is to provide amenities to Alviera, a premier estate development in Porac, Pampanga, and a project of ALI. The Club shall have membership through the sale of Offer Shares. Ancillary services necessary to operating a country club shall also be introduced such as food and beverage outlets, banquets, among others. The Club has not reported any sales yet. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 60 of 67 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Net Proceeds based on Proposed Minimum Offer Price (in P) Receipts Gross Receipts - Total Offer Shares Less: Discounts Net Sales Less: Selling Expenses Marketing Expenses Registration and other related expenses Total Cost of Sales, Marketing, Registration and Other Related Expenses Net Proceeds 1,425,000,000 71,250,000 1,353,750,000 71,250,000 71,250,000 14,250,000 % Gross Receipts 100% 5% 5% 5% 1% 156,750,000 1,197,000,000 Development and Construction Cost Land Cost GAE and DOE advances Capital Gains Tax Total Development Cost, GAE and Capital Gains Tax Net Income Accruing to NCI for Project Management and Cost of Capital 941,336,686 15,743,907 83,400,000 49,791,941 66% 1% 6% 3% 1,087,272,534 109,727,466 Net Proceeds based on Proposed Maximum Offer Price (in P) Receipts Gross Receipts - Total Offer Shares Less: Discounts Net Sales Less: Broker’s Commission Marketing Expenses Registration and other related expenses Total Cost of Sales, Marketing, Registration, and Other Related Expenses Net Proceeds 2,295,000,000 114,759,000 2,180,250,000 114,750,000 114,750,000 22,950,000 252,450,000 1,927,800,000 % Gross Receipts 100% 5% 5% 5% 1% Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 61 of 67 Development and Construction Cost Land Cost GAE and DOE advances Capital Gains Tax Total Development Cost, GAE and Capital Gains Tax Net Income Accruing to NCI for Project Management and Cost of Capital 941,336,686 15,743,907 118,200,000 133,791,941 41% 0.7% 5% 6% 1,209,072,534 718,727,466 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Audited Balance Sheet As of the date of this Prospectus, the Club’s audited balance sheet is as follows: Alviera Country Club, Inc. Statement of Financial Position As of August 15, 2014 Assets 114,643,074.00 1,687,230.00 Cash Input VAT Land P 14,271,153.75 130,601,457.75 Liabilities and Members’ Equity 1,388,516.25 56,501.00 Accounts and other payables Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Members' Equity Capital Stock Retained Earnings Total Members’ Equity P P 133,000,000 (3,843,559.50) 129,156,440.50 130,601,457.75 As of the date of this Prospectus, the Club has not started its regular business operations. The Club’s cash comes from that portion of its paid-up capital paid in cash by the subscribing shareholders in the amount of P133,000,000.00 in exchange for shares of stock. A copy of the Audited Financial Statements of the Club as of August 15, 2014 is attached hereto as part of the Exhibits. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 62 of 67 External Audit Fees and Services The Club has engaged the services of SGV & Co. to perform the audit of the financial statements of the Club for financial year 2014 for an audit fee of P30,000.00. There were no disagreements with SGV & Co. on any matter of accounting and financial disclosure. No other services have been rendered by SGV & Co. apart from the audit of the foregoing financial statements of the Club. The Audit Committee of the Club, which shall prescribe the policies and procedures for the audit of the books of the Club, shall be formed upon the approval of the Club’s Manual of Corporate Governance. Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 63 of 67 LIST OF CONSULTANTS Architectural Structural Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire Protection Electrical, Telco BGM, Acoustics Interior Design Legal and Tax Counsel Locsin and Associates Makati Development Corporation Makati Development Corporation Makati Development Corporation K.G. Pua Acoustic Design & Consultants Locsin and Associates Castillo Laman Tan Pantaleon & San Jose Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 64 of 67 PART II - INFORMATION INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION STATEMENT BUT NOT REQUIRED IN PROSPECTUS OTHER EXPENSES OF ISSUANCE AND DISTRIBUTION The Company has incurred and expects to incur the following expenses in connection with the registration and sale of the Offer Shares: Activity Rate / Computation SEC (Basic) Registration Fee of the Offer Shares P = 812,500 plus 0.025% of the excess over P =1 Billion of the maximum aggregate price of the Offer Shares SEC Legal Research Fee of the Offer Shares 1% of SEC (Basic) Registration Fee Legal and Professional Fees (with 12% ValueAdded Tax) Estimated Other Fees and Expenses (publication, etc.) Estimated TOTAL Fees (PHP) 1,136,250.00 11,362.50 Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 65 of 67 INDEX TO EXHIBITS Exh. A (1) Corporate Secretary’s Certification / Board resolution approving the registration of the shares (2) Corporate Secretary’s Certification / Board resolution approving the disclosures in the registration statement B (3) Corporate Secretary’s Certification on corporate governance requirements C (4) Notice of Publication regarding filing of Registration Statement D (5) Plan of Acquisition, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation or succession NA (6) Underwriting Agreement NA (7) Articles of Incorporation and By-laws (latest amendment) E (8) Original copy of stock certificate F (9) Copy of instruments defining rights of security holders, including employees stock option plan and any instrument issued pursuant thereto F (10) Opinion of independent counsel on the legality of the Offer Shares to be registered G (11) Opinion of tax counsel on tax matters material to an investor and a representation as to tax consequences G (12) Consent of independent counsel G (13) Voting trust agreements (14) Material agreements (15) Annual Reports on SEC Form 17A; Quarterly Reports on Forms 17-Q NA (16) Audited Financial Statement August 15, 2014 with Statement of Management’s Responsibility NA (17) Auditor’s consent to use audited financial statements and awareness of use of unaudited interim financial information I (18) Unaudited Interim Financial Statements N/A (19) Material foreign patents NA (20) Letter regarding change in certifying auditor NA (21) Letter regarding director resignation NA (22) Letter regarding change in accounting principles NA (23) Reports furnished to security holders NA (24) Other documents or statements to security holders NA (25) Subsidiaries of the registrant NA NA H Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 66 of 67 (26) Published report regarding matters submitted to vote of security holders (i.e. SEC Form 20) NA (27) Power of attorney NA (28) Statement of eligibility of trustee NA (29) Notarized curriculum vitae and photographs of directors and officers (30) Copy of Board of Investments certificate (31) SEC Authorization regarding registrant’s bank accounts K (32) Copy of Manual of Corporate Governance L (33) Undertaking to Refund Investments of Purchasers of Securities within Ten (10) Days from Written Demand in the Event that the Project for which the Securities are Sold is not Completed as Disclosed House/Membership Rules and Regulations Member’s Handbook Environmental Compliance Certificate Tax Clearance Certificate Credit Line Agreement M (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) J NA N O P Q R Alviera Country Club, Inc. Page 67 of 67 SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Regulation Code, this Registration Statement is signed on behalf of the registrant by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of ________________________on__________, 2015. By: _______________________ Principal Executive Officer _______________________ Comptroller _______________________ Principal Operating Officer _______________________ Corporate Secretary _______________________ Principal Financial Officer _______________________ Principal Accounting Officer SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of _________ 2015 affiants exhibiting to me competent proof of identification, as follows: Name Competent Proof of Identification Date of Issue / Place of Issue NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No. ____; Page No. ____; Book No. ____; Series of 2015.