Metabolic Engineering of Hydrogen Production in Filamentous Cyanobacteria Alfred M. Spormann, Wing-On (Jacky) Ng Departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering, of Biological Sciences, and of Geological & Environmental Sciences Stanford University September 19, 2006 Photons (hν ) H2O PS II+PS I Physiological Path CO 2 Cell Mass O2 2[H] + 1/2 O2 Engineered Path Hydrogen formation and oxygen evolution are naturally incompatible H2 Photons (hν ) H2O PS II+PS I Physiological Path O2 2[H] + 1/2 O2 Engineered Path Hydrogen formation and oxygen evolution are naturally incompatible H2 Oxygen sensitivity of Hydrogenases 2H+ O2 H2 [e-] (reduced Ferredoxin) The microorganisms of choice: Nitrogen-fixing Filamentous Cyanobacteria Fluorescence Images of Vegetative cells and Heterocysts MH PH Light Reaction in Heterocysts Function of heterocysts in filamentous cyanobacteria N2-ase reaction O2 N2 + 8 e- + 8 H+ + 16 ATP 2 NH3 + H2 + 16 ADP + 16 Pi Engineering heterocysts for cyanobacterial hydrogen production Anabaena wild type Engineered Anabaena Plasmid for shydA expression H2 Chromatogram: H2 Peak Relative transc ript l evels o f nifD and shyd A Relative transc ript l evels o f nifD and shyd A sHy dA prot ei n leve l Integration of shydA into the nifHDK operon in Anabaena 7120 Hydrogen production from Anabaena 7120 ex-conjugant Assembly and Maturation of Fe-only Hydrogenases Alfred M. Spormann, Galit Meshulam-Simon, James R. Swartz The active site of Fe-only hydrogenase The 6.8 kb SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 SO3925 Hypothetical hydE SO3926 hydF Helper proteins involved in HydA maturation - Role of HydGEX SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 l hydX SO3925 hydE SO3926 hydF µmol H2/ OD 200 150 100 50 0 ∆hyaB (hydA+) ∆hyaB/∆hydG ∆hyaB/∆hydE ∆hyaB/∆hydX Acknowledgements • Jim Swartz • Chia-Wei Wang • Peter Wolk (MSU) • Terry Thiel (UM, St. Louis) Funding: Stanford SOE seed fund Fe-only Bi-directional Hydrogenases 2H+ H2 [e-] (reduced Ferredoxin) Helper proteins involved in HydA maturation - Role of HydG SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 l hydX SO3925 hydE SO3926 hydF 400 Active HyaB 350 µmol H2 / OD 300 250 Active HydA 200 150 100 50 0 wt WT ∆hydA ∆hydA ∆hydA∆hydG ∆hydA/∆hydG ∆hyaB ∆hyaB∆hyaB∆hydG ∆hyaB/∆hydG Helper proteins involved in HydA maturation - Role of HydE SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 l hydX SO3925 hydE SO3926 hydF 400 350 µmol H2 / OD 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 wtWT ∆hydA ∆hydA ∆hydA∆hydE ∆hydA/∆hydE ∆hyaB ∆hyaB∆hyaB∆hydE ∆hyaB/∆hydE Helper proteins involved in HydA maturation - Role of HydX SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 hydX SO3925 hydE SO3926 hydF 400 350 µmol H2 / OD 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 wtWT ∆hydA ∆hydA ∆hydA∆hydX ∆hydA/∆hydX ∆hyaB ∆hyaB ∆hyaB∆hydX ∆hyaB/∆hydX Helper proteins involved in HydA maturation - Role of HydE SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 l hydX SO3925 hydE SO3926 hydF 400 350 µmol H2 / OD 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 wtWT ∆hydA ∆hydA ∆hydA∆hydE ∆hydA/∆hydE ∆hyaB ∆hyaB∆hyaB∆hydE ∆hyaB/∆hydE Helper proteins involved in HydA maturation - Role of HydX SO3920 SO3921 hydA hydB Large subunit Small subunit SO3922 fdh SO3923 hydG SO3924 hydX SO3925 hydE SO3926 hydF 400 350 µmol H2 / OD 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 wtWT ∆hydA ?hydA ∆hydA/∆hydX ?hyaB ∆hyaB ?hyaB?hydX ∆hyaB/∆hydX ?hydA?hydX Solar Energy Microorganisms, Plants H 2O CO 2 Biological Ecosystems Fossil Fuels O2 Biomass Solar Energy Engineered Microorganisms O2 H 2O Sustainable clean energy Fuel cell engines H2 Photons (h ν ) H2O PS II+PS I Physiological Path CO 2 Cell Mass O2 2[H] + 1/2 O 2 Engineered Path H2 Filamentous Cyanobacteria Unique biological adaptation of filamentous cyanobacter Anabaena sp. Heterocysts (Anaerobic, N2-Fixation) Vegetative cells (Oxygenic Photosynthesis) Source: Nitrogenase reaction O2 N2 + 8 e- + 8 H+ + 16 ATP 2 NH3 + H2 + 16 ADP + 16 Pi achim/research/magneto.html Programmed Heterocyst Differentiation Indirect (2-Stage) Photolysis of H2O How does the indirect photolysis system work? Engineering Metabolic Pathways in Heterocysts Engineering Metabolic Pathways in Heterocysts Hydrogen Measurement: Hydrogen Analyz Gas sample Batch Cultures Reduction Detector: HgO + H2 Æ Hg Hydrogen(g)Analyzer GC Measured by Spectrophotometer Hydrogen evolution in S. oneidensis MR-1 wild type and mutants OD (660 nm) 1.00 ∆ hydA WT 0.10 ∆ hyaB ∆ hydA / ∆ hyaB 0.01 0 25 50 75 100 Time (hr) 80 WT 70 ∆ hydA H2 ( µmols) 60 ∆ hyaB 50 40 30 20 10 ∆ hydA / ∆ hyaB 0 0 25 50 Time (hr) 75 100 Loss of hydrogen evolution from Anabaena 7120 after culturing on nitrogen repleted medium for extended period of time Oxygenic Photosynthesis: Light Reaction H2 Direct Cyanobacterial Hydrogen Production Sunlight hν hν 2 H2O PS II PS I O2+ 4 H + Reduced Ferredoxin NADP + NADPH SynechocystisCatabolism New Pathway Glucose 2 Pyruvate 2 Acetyl CoA + 2 CO 2 2 Reduced Ferredoxins Hydrogenase ClostridiumpasteurianumCatabolism 2 H+ H2 Biomass BioenergyCrop Biomass Residues Biomass CO 2 Direct photobiological H2 production Biomass H2O CO 2 Biomass H2O Biomass H2O Biomass Biomass Gasification Food Wood H2 CO 2 Source: NAS/NRC 2004 Gasification H2 CO 2 H2 O2 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Algal ) H2 Production System: Sulfur StressÆPSII degradationÆAnaerobiosisÆH2ase induction Melis & Happe. 2001. Plant Physiol: 127:740. Our Goal: To develop a new biological system to extract hydrogen from water (Biohydrogen). Features of this system include: -Driven by sunlight -Renewable (Sunlight + Water) -Can be performed under ambient air condition (Does not require anaerobic condition -Higher photo-conversion efficiency (Light energy Æ Hydrogen) -Minimal impact on the environment (Low nutrient input, Use of GMO) -Inducible Limitations of currently available systems for Biohydrogen production (For Example, the Algal/Chlamydomonas system): -Nearly all require anaerobic condition during hydrogen production -Low photo-conversion efficiency -High cost -Discontinuous production (Initial biomass accumulation phase followed by the anaerobic hydrogen production phase) The low efficiency is due to the inherent conflicts involving the 2 biochemical processes (Oxygenic Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Evolutio X The solution: Separate Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Evolution spatially: Indirect (2-Stage) Photolysis of H2O H2 Chromatograph: H2 Peak Indirect (2-Stage) Photolysis of H2O Goal: Photosynthesis and hydrogen production occurs in spatially separate compartments (cell types). Simplified version of biochemical pathways in (A) normal vegetative cells and heterocysts and in (B) modified heterocysts for hydrogen production.