www.pwc.com/uk/careers Employability – Assessment skills A bit about me... Presenters name Time at PwC Which area of the business Interesting personal fact Interesting client or project worked on Outside of PwC I like to.... PwC 2 Agenda PwC – who we are Why use assessment tools in recruitment? Types of assessment tools used in recruitment How you can prepare for “reported” assessments How you can prepare for “observed” assessments Practice session: group assessment Practice session: psychometric assessment Review and your questions PwC 3 What we do “As professional advisers we help our clients solve complex business problems and aim to enhance their ability to add value, manage risk and improve performance.” Our business areas: Consulting Tax Actuarial Technology Deals Assurance And also as part of the PwC network: PwC Legal LLP PwC PwC facts 1 in The Times Top 100 Graduate Number 4th place in Rate My Placement awards beating our key competitors Employers survey for a record-breaking 11 years Over 1200 graduates and school and college leavers joined us in 2013. And over 700 joined on a work experience programme. PwC Audit 41% of the FTSE 100 and 29% of FTSE 350 Over 1,800 employees volunteered in the ‘One Firm One May’ programme Four wins at the Management Consultancies Association (MCA) Awards 15th position in the Times Best Big Companies to work for 2014 (highest of the Big Four) Where we do it We have 57 offices across the UK, the Channel Islands and the Middle East. All of our people across our extensive network are working to create the value our clients are looking for. PwC Globally PwC Why we use assessment tools in recruitment? PwC 8 Recruitment Tools can be used in recruitment to: PwC Measure your abilities Understand your experiences and skills Establish your preferred working styles Identify your behavioural responses Provide a job preview for yourself 9 Types of assessment tools used in recruitment PwC 10 Recruitment assessments Tools can be used to collect information in two ways: Reported information Observed information PwC 11 Recruitment assessments Tools that may be used to collect reported information from you: • Curriculum vitae or resume • Application forms • Interviews (by telephone, in person or panel interview style) • Personal presentations • Personality or preference questionnaires PwC 12 Recruitment assessments Tools that may be used to collect observed information from you: PwC Ability tests (online and supervised) Situational judgement tests or questionnaires Work sample exercises In-tray exercises testing your prioritising and sorting skills Case studies Presentation exercises Report writing exercises Group discussions Interviews (by telephone, in person or panel interview style) And more, in isolation or combination with each other 13 Preparing for “reported” assessments PwC 14 PwC reported assessments Application form What are these? Interview Work style preference questionnaire PwC 15 Preparing for “observed” assessments PwC 16 PwC observed assessments Ability tests What are these? Written exercise /In-tray (Higher Apprentices) Group/de-brief case study exercise PwC 17 PwC observed assessments Ability tests • Reasoning tests, e.g. verbal, numerical or logical • Supervised and unsupervised testing (timed) • Objective form of assessment • Standardised and fair • Can practice ability to be sure to perform at your best, e.g. for a numerical exercise: - do daily calculations in your head (e.g. shopping, discounts) - read numerical information in various forms (e.g. financial newspapers and web sites • Practice session today • Online facilities to practice further - www.pwc.com/uk/careers - www.shldirect.com - www.opp.co.uk PwC 18 PwC observed assessments Written exercise • You are provided with a scenario to write about. • Be clear and keep to the point. • Use good grammar and appropriate punctuation. • Structure your report so that the main points can be found easily. • Explain your reasoning (provide facts or figures) so that the reader can follow your logic. • The in-tray exercise will ask you to select from multiple choice answers as well as complete a written communication. PwC 19 PwC observed assessments Group exercise • You are provided with a scenario to discuss. • Use the preparation time to get an understanding of the topic to be discussed. • Express yourself and your ideas clearly. • Invite others to express themselves and listen to their ideas. • Avoid competitive behaviours; the group shares responsibility for the outcome achieved. • Aim to meet the exercise objectives; keep track of the time available and the objectives the group has been given. PwC 20 Practical session Group assessment PwC 21 Practical session We will now practice a group discussion exercise PwC Please treat this session as you would a real assessment session: - concentrate on the instructions - cooperate with your fellow group members - manage your time to meet your objective 22 Practical session Your turn to talk How did you find that? Did you express your ideas? Did you listen to others’ ideas? What did you find easy about working as a team? What was most difficult about working with the rest of the team? What can you do differently next time? How did the session compare with what you may have expected? PwC 23 Practical session Psychometric assessment PwC 24 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Why will employers use a numerical reasoning test? Verbal Reasoning Logical Reasoning • Numerical reasoning tests give you an opportunity to make decisions or inferences from numerical data, presented in reports, graphs and tables. • Numerical reasoning goes beyond simple use of data; when doing a numerical test you can demonstrate your ability to plan, prioritise and analyse data, see trends and follow numerical reasoning and logic. • These skills are relevant to a range of functions that require working with money or finance, also general management, finance and sales to data processing. PwC 25 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning PwC 26 26 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning PwC 27 27 Preparing for a psychometric assessment If you were told you were going to do a numerical reasoning test, how would you prepare? • Remind yourself of the basics of mathematics, with and without using a calculator. Can you calculate percentages, ratios, fractions, currency conversions etc? • Read the financial section of a quality daily newspaper . It will help familiarise you with financial and numerical information. • Look at numbers presented in tables and charts and see if you can establish the relationships between the numbers. • Practise doing maths puzzles . Such as adding up your shopping bill in your head, especially if discounts are applied to the price; keep the score of a game you are playing (like darts or cards). PwC 28 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Why will employers use a verbal reasoning test? Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning • Verbal reasoning tests measures your ability to reason with and to evaluate the logic of verbal information. • The process is similar to the skills required to summarise large reports and extract verbal data at meetings . It's very relevant for roles that require analysis of verbal information. PwC 29 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning PwC 30 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning PwC 31 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning If you were told you were going to do a verbal reasoning test, how would you prepare? Logical reasoning PwC 32 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning If you were told you were going to do a verbal reasoning test, how would you prepare? • Read newspapers, journals, reports and books • Have a go at solving verbal reasoning puzzles for example crosswords or word finding games • Practice reading passages of information and summarising the key points PwC 33 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Why will employers use a logical reasoning test? Verbal reasoning • Logical reasoning is a measure of reasoning, which is independent of an individual’s numerical or verbal ability Logical reasoning • The test provides an opportunity to work through problems and isolate information or rules that are relevant to solving the problems • This sort of reasoning is relevant for jobs which require the capacity to learn new things and work through complex problems in a logical, systematic and analytical manner PwC 34 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning What comes next in the sequence? PwC 35 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning If you were told you were going to do a logical reasoning test, how would you prepare? Verbal reasoning • Logical reasoning You can sharpen your logical reasoning ability by doing abstract or shape-based puzzles • Review diagrams you have at home, such as manuals for electric circuits of your household appliances or selfassembly instructions for furniture. Try to understand the manufacturer’s presentation of the information, then draw one of your own • Take some time to play sequence or strategy games like draughts or chess, make an effort to plan your moves ahead of time, considering the reactions that would result • Think about the sequenced tasks you’d do. What steps would you take when planning a holiday? PwC 36 Practical session Your turn to talk How did you find that? How did the session compare with what you may have expected? Do you feel any differently about doing tests in future? PwC 37 Practical session Understanding your results • You might not have been able to answer all. • You might not have got them all right. • Did you work quickly? • Did you work accurately? Don’t take your score on this particular test too seriously; these tests are short and less accurate than real tests PwC 38 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Logical reasoning Work style preference questionnaire Other tips: • Book into Careers Service for test session • Look at websites, for example: • www.pwc.com/uk/careers • www.shldirect.com • www.opp.co.uk • Practise using the skills that are to be assessed • If you have a disability, inform your recruiter prior to attendance PwC 39 Preparing for a psychometric assessment Numerical reasoning Other tips: Verbal reasoning Much like when you’re taking any test, such as an interview or exam, give yourself the best possibly opportunity to perform at your best: Logical reasoning Work style preference questionnaire • Get a good night’s sleep • Give yourself plenty of time to get to the session • Listen to what you’re asked to do. Pay full attention to test instructions • Read through questions carefully • Work through quickly but accurately PwC 40 Summary points of all assessments PwC 41 Summary points What more can you do to prepare for an assessment exercise? • Review any preview information you are offered thoroughly • Get a good night’s sleep and allow plenty of time to get to your session • Take a watch along so that you can manage your time • Listen carefully to the instructions and ask if anything is unclear • Make sure you understand the answers to any examples offered • Read through questions carefully (or check your understanding in an interview) • When you are being timed, work as quickly and accurately as you can • If you have time when you’ve completed an assessment, go back and check your answers PwC 42 Our brand promise “Great people make us a great business. So not only do we look for the best; we go to extraordinary lengths to help our people continue to grow. Join us and the skills, knowledge and relationships you build right from the start will benefit you for life.” Ian Powell Chairman & Senior Partner Opportunities for you to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. PwC Work experience and graduate opportunities School & college leaver opportunities Higher Apprenticeships Flying Start Degree Programme Career Information Days PwC How to apply… 1. Research 2. Get online (Outstanding Achievement*) 3. First interview 4. Assessment day 5. Final stage interview 6. Offer 7. Pre-employment screening 8. Before you join www.pwc.com/uk/careers PwC Teach First An independent charity with a vision that no child’s educational success is limited by their socio-economic background • Intensive teacher training leading to Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) • Opportunity to pursue a Masters qualification • Ongoing leadership development, coaching, business training and skills workshops • Access to professional development and network of supporters How to apply: • Register interest and complete an online application at www.teachfirst.org.uk • 2.1 degree | 300 UCAS points | Relevant degree and/or A-levels required www.teachfirst.org.uk PwC Questions...? PwC 47 Take the opportunity of a lifetime www.pwc.com/uk/careers PwC