Lesson Topic: 2.03 Review the Response: http://breeze.flvs.net:9090/lesson203/ tutorial for the verb ser: 2.03 When do we use the verb ser? 2.03 Translate we are, they are, you all are(formal & familiar) 2.03 Change alto to the plural form 2.04 Practice the days and months 2.04 List the days of the week 2.04 List the months of the year 2.05 List the masculine plural definite and indefinite articles 2.05 List the feminine http://www.quia.com/jg/1995058.html plural definite and indefinite articles 2.06 Name four school supplies(include articles) 2.06 Change lápiz to the plural form 2..06 When do we use “está en”? 2.07 How is the verb hay pronounced? 2.07 Translate “hay” 2.07 Translate ¿cuántas? 2.08 Review the http://www.screencast.com/users/jackielewis/folders/LEWIS/media/c30883f9- tutorial on 2e40-4405-a3ee-b498920fe45e telling time 2.08 How do we ask for the time in Spanish? 2.08 Translate: Es la madrugada Es mediodía Es medianoche Es tarde. Es temprano. 2.08 What is the special term for :15 and :45 when telling time? Also, for :30? 2.08 List the phrases for am or pm (2) 2.09 Count by 10s from 30-100 2.09 Translate 100 (only) 2.10 Name four classes in Spanish 2.10 What is the verb phrase to say I like…? 2.11 Study the –ar http://quizlet.com/6019099/ar-verbs-flash-cards/ verbs 2.11 Study the –ar http://quizlet.com/_15ojt verb endings 2.11 Answering http://screencast.com/t/NDM4YWY2YW questions with – ar verbs tutorial 2.11 Review how to conjugate the fun way 2.11 Say what you study in school in a complete sentence 2.11 What are the endings for the – ar verbs? 2.11 2.13 Name two things that good students do. Translate the main questions: ¿Quién es…? ¿Cómo es…? ¿Dónde…? 2.15 How many soccer clubs in http://www.safeshare.tv/w/oGvVOEwVcU Barcelona? 2.15 Name the architect who designed la Sagrada Familia in Barcelona 2.15 What is Columbus Day in Spanish?