I can - St. Martin de Porres Primary School

Key Stage 2
These are the ‘I can’ statements for shape, space and measure that children use to assess their
own work in class:
MA3 Shape, space and measures
What can you do?
I can....
I can talk about 2-d shapes
I can talk about 3-d shapes
I can talk about where shapes are
I can put things in order
I can talk about corners, sides of shapes
I can measure some objects
Shape, space and measures
What can you do?
I can....
I know moths names for 2-d and 3-d shapes
I can talk about corners, sides of shapes
I know the difference between straight and turning
I know angles measure turns
I can recognise right angles
I can begin to measure length and mass
I can describe the position of an object
Shape, space and measures
What can you do?
I can....
I can sort objects and shapes using more than one criteria
I can sort the shapes which have all edges the same length and all angles the same size
I am beginning to understand the terms ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’
I can recognise right angles in shapes in different positions
I can find angles which are bigger or smaller than 90°
I am beginning to use the terms ‘obtuse’ and ‘acute’
I can recognise right-angled and equilateral triangles
I can show reflection symmetry by folding
I know when a shape does not have a line of symmetry
I can recognise common 3-D shapes
I know some nets of familiar 3-D shapes.
I can reflect shapes, presented on a grid, in a vertical or horizontal mirror line
I can use the words left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn, 90° to give directions along a
I can measure a length to the nearest ½ cm
I can read simple scales
I can read a 12-hour clock
I understand what area and perimeter are.
I can find areas of shapes by counting squares
I can recognise angles as a measure of turn and know how many degrees are in one whole turn
Shape, space and measures
What can you do?
I can....
I can name most quadrilaterals
I can recognise right-angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles
I can recognise an oblique line of symmetry in a shape
I can use words such as horizontal, vertical, congruent
I understand properties of shapes, e.g. why a square is a special rectangle
I can recognise shapes different positions
I can draw common 2-D shapes in different oppositions on a grid
I can use a grid to plot the reflection in a mirror line
I can rotate a shape about its centre
I can translate shapes horizontally or vertically
When measuring I can choose and use appropriate units and instruments
I can measure a length using mm.
I can measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5 degrees
I can find the area by counting squares and part squares
I can find the area of other shapes by dividing them into rectangles
I can calculate time durations that go over the hour
I can read and interpret timetables.
Shape, space and measures
What can you do?
I can....
I understand and can use the term ‘parallel’
I can classify quadrilaterals using their properties,
I can draw a parallelogram or trapezium of a given area on a square grid
I can calculate ‘missing angles’ in triangles, including isosceles triangles or right-angled triangles,
when only one other angle is given
I can find lines of reflection symmetry in shapes and diagrams
I can reflect shapes in oblique (45°) mirror lines where the shape either does not touch the mirror
line, or where the shape crosses the mirror line
I can reflect shapes not presented on grids
I can reflect shapes in two mirror lines
I can rotate shapes, through 90° or 180°,
I can translate shapes along an oblique line
I can visualise a 3-D shape from its net
I can visualise where patterns drawn on a 3-D shape will occur on its net
I can draw shapes with a fixed number of lines of symmetry
I can measure and draw reflex angles to the nearest degree
I can read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments
I can solve problems involving the more than one unit of measurement
I can find the length of a rectangle given its perimeter and width
I can find the area or perimeter of simple L shapes when given some edge lengths
The class teacher decides which sheets are appropriate for the child and they will be given the
sheet that provides the next level so that the child can see what they need to work towards