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Dr. LARRY CRABB is distinguished scholar in residence at Colorado
Christian University. For seven years he served as chairman and
professor of its graduate department of biblical counseling. A frequent
conference speaker, Dr. Crabb is the author of numerous books, including
Hope When You're Hurting and Connecting. Dr. Crabb earned his
doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois in 1970. He
practiced psychology for ten years in Florida and directed the master's
program in biblical counseling at Grace Theological Seminary for seven
years. Dr. Crabb now lives in Colorado with his wife, Rachael.
Inside Out - Updated Edition
The Promise of Real Change.
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You don't have to pretend you've got it all together. . .when you don't. You don't have to pretend
your best relationship deeply satisfies . . . when it doesn't. You don't have to pretend your
struggle with sin is a thing of the past . . . when it isn't.
"Only Christians have the capacity to never pretend," says Larry Crabb. That's because real
change is possible only when you face the realities of your internal life and let God mold you
into a person who is free to be honest, courageous, and loving.
If you want a more vital union with God, a richer relationship with others, and a deeper sense of
personal wholeness, let Larry Crabb help you look inside yourself and discover how God works
real, liberating change when you live from the inside out. This new edition of Larry Crabb's
classic work now includes the twelve-week study guide.
Inside Out – Updated Edition
ISBN-13: 9781600060991
Published on 02/15/2007 by NavPress®
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Cover: Paperback
352 pages
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How to Deal with Anger
Practical advice about how
to handle angry feelings.
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How to Deal with Anger
By Larry Crabb
ISBN-13: 9780891095262
Trim Size: 3 7/8 X 7
Cover: Booklet
24 pages
If someone keeps you from achieving your goal, do you get angry? What do you do with those
feelings - keep them bottled up inside or lash out at those around you?
Well-known author and psychologist Larry Crabb offers down-to-earth counsel about how to
handle these emotions. He talks about the differences between goals and desires and what
factors to weigh when deciding whether or not to express your feelings. The booklet concludes
with some questions for reflection and action and some verses for meditation.
Understanding Who You Are
Life is all about relationships,
with God, with others, and
with ourselves.
Understanding Who You Are
Discount (10%): - $0.80
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By Larry Crabb
ISBN-13: 9781576830147
Trim Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Cover: Saddlestitched
80 pages
Life is all about relationships. How we relate to others reveals a lot about how we relate to God.
But relationships are fragile, and it doesn't take much to get them off course.
Ironically, it's when our relationships are on edge that we are best suited to grow - personally,
spiritually, and relationally. In Understanding Who You Are, Dr. Larry Crabb reveals five key
truths about people, helping us examine the way we respond to relational problems and
discover the underlying issues that allow our relationships to get off track.
Understanding Who You Are will give you the tools you need to heal broken relationships and
develop a more intimate relationship with God.
Order your copy today from today!