No online items Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Processed by Special Collections staff; Compiled by Margaret Goesfeld; machine-readable finding aid created by Steven Mandeville-Gamble Stanford University. Libraries.Department of Special Collections and University Archives Stanford, California 1997 Copyright © 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Note This encoded finding aid is compliant with Stanford EAD Best Practice Guidelines, Version 1.0. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 1 Overview Call Number: SC0160 Creator: Terman, Frederick Emmons, 1900-1982 Title: Frederick Emmons Terman papers Dates: 1920-1978 Physical Description: 110 Linear feet Language(s): The materials are in English. Repository: Department of Special Collections and University Archives Green Library 557 Escondido Mall Stanford, CA 94305-6064 Email: Phone: (650) 725-1022 URL: Information about Access None. Ownership & Copyright Copyright has been transferred to Stanford University for unpublished materials authored or otherwise produced by the creator(s) of this collection. Copyright status for other collection materials is unknown. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user. Cite As [Identification of item], Frederick Emmons Terman Papers (SC0160). Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Calif. Bibliography Alumni Almanac (Stanford), May 1970. "Herbert Hoover medal to Frederick Terman." American Men and Women of Science. 14th edition. New York : R. R. Bowker, 1980. Blakeslee, Sandra. "Stanford to honor Fred Terman at Engineering Center October 6," Campus Report (Stanford), 5 October 1977. Blum, Walter, "The Grand Vizier of the age of electronics: Terman of Stanford," San Francisco Examiner, 24 March 1963. Buzan, John, "Terman to retire from his position as V.P. and Provost," Stanford Daily, 25 May 1965. Bylinsky, Gene. "California's great breeding ground for industry," Fortune, June 1974. Bylinsky, Gene. The Innovation Millionaires: how they succeed. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1976. "Hewletts, Packards main donors to Terman Engineering Center." Campus Report (Stanford), 18 April 1973. Elder, Rob. "The man who discovered electronic gold at Stanford," San Jose Mercury-News, 2 October 1977. Glover, Frederic O. "Dr. Terman's paper trail," Sandstone and Tile, Winter, 1979. The International Who's Who. 43rd edition. London : Europa Publications, 1980. Medeiros, Frank A. "The Sterling years at Stanford: a study in the dynamics of institutional change," Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1979. Moffat, Samuel. "Bridge to the future," The Stanford Magazine, Fall/Winter 1976. Paine, Adelaide. "Dr. Frederick Emmons Terman: Vice President, Provost, Stanford University," The Microwave Journal, March 1961. Rivers, William L. "Terman of Stanford," Stanford Today, Autumn 1965. Rummell, Frances V.and Paine, Adelaide."He searches for 'steeples of talent," Reader's Digest, December 1962. "Stanford Engineering School helps draw industry to the area." Palo Alto Times. 29 February 1956. Rummell, Frances V.and Paine, Adelaide."Stanford's talent scout extraordinary." Salzman, Ed. "One man sparks Peninsula electronics boom," Oakland Tribune, May 1961. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 2 Seagoe, May V. Terman and the gifted. Los Altos, Calif. : William Kaufmann, 1975. "Frederick Emmons Terman." Stanford Engineering News, July 1965. Terman, Sibyl W. "Personality of the month: F. E. Terman," The Link (Stanford Electronics Laboratories), December 1955. Wascher, Jim. "New engineering center planned," Stanford Daily, 18 April 1973. Who's Who in America. 41st edition. Chicago : Marquis Publishers, 1980. 1900 1905 1910 1914 1920 1922 1924 Born in English, Indiana on June 7, son of Lewis Madison and Anna Belle Minton Terman. Moves with family from Indiana to California. Settles permanently at Stanford when Lewis Terman joins Stanford Education Department faculty. Begins experimenting with radio as a "ham" operator. A.B. in Chemistry from Stanford University. Engineer's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford. Sc.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from M.I.T. Offered teaching position at M.I.T., but because of first onset of tuberculosis, declines appointment. 1925 1926 1927 Begins half-time teaching in Stanford E. E. Department. Begins full-time teaching at Stanford. Appointed Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Co-authors Transmission Line Theory with W. S. Franklin. 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1935 1935 1937 1938 1940 1941 1942 -45 1943 1944 1945 1946 1948 1950 1952 1953 1955-65 Marries Sibyl Walcutt, graduate student in psychology, on March 22. Birth of Frederick Walcutt Terman, March 10. Appointed Associate Progessor of Electrical Engineering. Birth of Terrence Christopher Terman, September 3. Publishes book, Radio Engineering. Publishes Measurement in Radio Engineering. Birth of Lewis Madison Terman, August 26. Becomes full professor and Executive Head of Electrical Engineering Department. Publishes-Fundamentals of Radio. Publishes Radio and Vacuum Tube Theory. Elected President of the Institute of Radio Engineers. Director of the Harvard Radio Research Laboratory, engaged in military research on radar countermeasures. Publishes Radio Engineers's Handbook. Appointed Dean of Stanford's School of Engineering, succeeding Samuel B. Morris. Awarded honorary Sc-D. from Harvard University. Decorated by the British government for wartime research. Elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Receives Presidential Medal of Merit. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Institute of Radio Engineers. Co-authors Electronic Measurements with Joseph M. Pettit. Elected chairman of the Engineering Section of the National Academy of Sciences. Provost of Stanford University. 1959-65 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 Vice-President of Stanford. Acting President of Stanford University, February to August. Becomes Emeritus, August 31. Engineering Building 500 named the Frederick Emmons Terman Laboratory. Receives "Distinguished Citizen's Award" from the city of Palo Alto. Tours U.S.S.R. as a member of three-man delegation sponsored by U.S. Office of Education to study scientific and engineering education in Russia. 1970 Receives Stanford Alumni Association's Herbert Hoover Medal for Distinguished Service. 1973 1975 Elected President of the Society of the Sigma Xi. Death of Sibyl Terman on July 23. 1975 Awarded Korea's Order of Civil Merit Medal by President Chung-hee Park. 1976 1977 Receives National Medal of Science from President Gerald Ford. Donates his campus home to the University to establish educational research fund in honor of his late wife, Sibyl Walcutt Terman. 1977 1978 Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Center dedicated October 6. Receives Stanford Associates Uncommon Man Award. 1982 Died at his home on the Stanford Campus, December 19, 1982. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 3 FREDERICK E. TERMAN PROFESSIONAL AND FRATERNAL AFFILIATIONS 1. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2. American Institute of Electrical Engineering (now IEEE). Fellow. 3. American Philosophical Society. 4. American Society for Engineering Education. 1. Vice-President and Chairman of Administrative Council, 1949-51. 2. Lamme Medal, 1964. 3. Honorary Member, 1966. 4. "Hall of Fame," 1968. 5. Ampex Corporation. Board of Directors, 1953-64. 6. Army Advisory Committee on Contractual and Administrative Procedures for Research and Development, 1948. 7. Army Electronics Proving Ground. Advisory Council, 1954-57. 8. Audio Engineering Society. Honorary member, 1955. 9. California Academy of Sciences. Fellow. 10. California Co-ordinating Council for Higher Education. Consultant, 1967-68. 11. Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Consultant, 1966-67; 1970. 12. Committee on Higher Education in the State of New York. Consultant, 1960. 13. Defense Science Board, 1957-58. 14. Department of Commerce 1. Industrial Research and Development Division. Consultant, 1946-47. 2. Patent Panel, 1963. 15. Department of Defense. 1. Special Technical Advisory Group, 1950-53. 2. T.A.P.E.C. Committee, 1953-56. 16. Dreyfus Foundation. Chairman, Special Advisory Committee to Trustees, 196917. Eta Kappa Nu. 18. Granger Associates. Board of Directors, 196319. Harvard University. Visiting Committee, 197020. Harvard Radio Research Laboratory. Director, 1942-45. 21. Hewlett-Packard Company. 1. Board of Directors, 1957-73. 2. Director Emeritus, 197322. Industry Committee for a Graduate Center for Science and Technology in New Jersey. Consultant, 1955-66 23. Institute for Defense Analysis. Trustee, 1965-73. 24. Institute for Science and Technology (New Jersey). Executive Committee, 1966-68. 25. Institute of Radio Engineers (now IEEE) 1. Director, 1940-43. 2. Vice-President, 1940. 3. President, 1941. 4. Medal of Honor, 1950. 5. Founder's Award, 1962. 26. Korean Institute for Advanced Science. Trustee, 1973. 27. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Visiting Committee, 197028. National Academy of Engineering. Founding member. 29. National Academy of Sciences. 1. Ad Hoc Committee on Tests of Battery Additives, 1953-54. 2. Chairman, Engineering Section, 1953-56. 3. Council, 1956-59. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 4 30. National Bureau of Standards. Visiting Committee, 197031. National Defense Research Committee 1. Divisions 14 and 15, member, 1942-45. 2. Vacuum Tube Development Committee, 1943-45. 32. National Research Council. Engineering Division, 1943-46. 33. National Science Foundation. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1. Member, 1955-59. 2. Chairman, 1958-59. 34. Naval Research Advisory Committee. 1. Member, 1956-64. 2. Chairman, 1957-58 35. New York State Education Department. Consultant, 1968-69. 36. Phi Beta Kappa. 37. Phi Lambda Upsilon. 38. President's Science Advisory Committee. Consultant, 1959-63; 1970-73. 39. RCA Fellowship Board. Chairman, 1947-50. 40. Sigma Tau. 41. Sigma Xi 1. Education Board, 1956-58; 1967-70. 2. President, 1975. 42. Signal Corps Research and Development Advisory Committee, 1954-62. 43. Sloan Foundation Science Book Program. 44. Southern Methodist University Foundation for Science and Engineering. 1. President and Trustee, 1965-74. 2. Trutsee, 197445. Stanford Bank. Board of Directors, 1964-71. 46. Stanford Research Institute. Board of Directors, 1955-65. 47. State Department. Board of Foreign Scholarships, 1960-65. 48. State University of Florida. Consultant, 1970-71. 49. Tau Beta Pi. 50. Texas Christian University Research Foundation. Advisory Committee, 197251. Theta Xi. 52. US/AID Team to Korea. Party Leader, 1970. 53. U.S. Office of Education. Mission to U.S.S.R., 1965. 54. Utah System of Higher Education. Consultant, 1972-73. 55. Varian Associates. Board of Directors, 1948-53. 56. Watkins-Johnson Company. Board of Directors, 1957Biography Frederick Emmons Terman, the first child of Lewis Madison and Anna Terman, was born in English, Indiana on June 7, 1900. Due to Lewis Terman's chronic tuberculosis, the family sought a more salubrious climate, moving to the Los Angeles area in 1905. With the elder Terman's appointment to the Stanford University Education Department in 1910, the family settled permanently in the Stanford area. Lewis Terman, an eminent psychologist and educator, is perhaps best known for his development of the Stanford-Binet intelligence tests. His work on IQ testing was however, only one aspect of a life-long professional interest in individual giftedness and leadership. Frederick was undoubtedly influenced by some of his father's concepts, and later integrated them into his own system of identifying faculty and students of unusual promise, and encouraging the fullest realization of their potentials. Growing up in an academic environment also instilled an early and thorough understanding of university operation, later to serve well in Dr. Terman's administrative career. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 5 Childhood at Stanford University had its less serious aspects as well. Dr. Terman recalls hiking in the Stanford foothills, fishing in Felt Lake, and swimming in Lake Lagunita. At the age of fourteen, Frederick and his neighbor, Herbert Hoover, Jr., began experimenting with "ham" radio, resulting in Dr. Terman's life-long involvement with radio. Nine years old before he began primary school, Dr. Terman progressed rapidly and graduated from Stanford University in 1920 with a degree in Chemistry. After obtaining an additional degree in Electrical Engineering at Stanford under Professor Harris J. Ryan, Terman went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for graduate study under Professor Vannevar Bush. Bush emphasized the practical, industrial applications of engineering in addition to theoretical research. Upon the completion of his doctorate in electrical engineering in 1924, Dr. Terman accepted a teaching appointment at M.I.T. Health was to play a decisive role in Frederick Terman's career as it had for his father. While visiting his family at Stanford in the summer of 1924, he had a serious attack of tuberculosis, keeping him bed-ridden for a year. For his recovery, the California climate was preferable to Massachusetts, and the following year Dr. Terman accepted a part-time instructorship in electrical engineering at Stanford University. He continued his convalescence throughout the academic year of 1925-26, getting up only a few hours each day to teach. Despite serious illness, these years were very productive. With the intense concentration characterizing all his endeavors, Terman used the time to read extensively the existing radio engineering literature and to begin drafting his own first book. In the academic year 1926-27, Terman began full-time teaching at Stanford, specializing in electronics. Although the electronics laboratory suffered from a severe shortage of funds, in the years between 1926 and 1941, Dr. Terman was able to build up a program distinctive in its output of ideas, people and publications. Meanwhile, Dr. Terman's own career was flourishing. In 1937, he became a full professor and executive head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. Five of his seven books were published and were well received. More than 600,000 copies would be published in nine languages. According to Dr. Terman, his books "reflect his interest in the systematic organization of knowledge, and his desire to find simple quantitative ways to treat each topic." He was also active in numerous professional societies, particularly the Institute of Radio Engineers. In 1941 he was elected President of the I.R.E., a notable honor signifying the growing national visibility of Dr. Terman and the Stanford electronics program. Pre-WW II years were significant in his personal life as well. In 1928, he married Sibyl Walcutt, a graduate student in psychology. Their three sons, Frederick, Terrence and Lewis, were born between 1929 and 1935. The outbreak of World War II was a turning point for Dr. Terman. He was appointed to organize and direct the Harvard Radio Research Laboratory, which was responsible for developing countermeasures against enemy radar. This research project eventually had more than 850 employees. It devised electronic radar jammers; designed tunable receivers for locating and analyzing radar signals; and manufactured billions of aluminum strips (called "chaff") which confused enemy radar reception when dropped from airplanes. The Radio Research Laboratory (operating over Europe) was credited with saving many of the allied bombers, and Dr. Terman was decorated by both the American and British governments for his wartime efforts. At the same time that he was directing the Harvard Laboratory, Dr. Terman was educating himself in the strategies of successful university administration. He benefited by living near the treasurer of Harvard University, from whom he learned how Harvard's administrative structure and policies contributed to its pre-eminence among universities. Other issues discussed were the future of government support for university research after the war, and how such funding could best be utilized. Terman felt World War II had clearly demonstrated the importance of technological superiority in military success, and as a result, the federal government would place a new priority upon sponsoring advanced engineering research. Terman returned to Stanford in 1946 as Dean of Engineering. In his new position of responsibility, he was able to carry out the concepts he had developed for strengthening the engineering program at Stanford. There were three basic components in his plan: the use of government research contracts; enhancement of the symbiotic relationship between local industry and the university; and distribution of funds for maximum academic benefit. The contacts Dr. Terman had made as director of the Harvard Radio Research Laboratory were useful in obtaining the federal government contracts for Stanford. The newly established Office of Naval Research sought Dr. Terman's assistance, and with the approval of Stanford president, Donald B. Tresidder, research projects were initiated in chemistry, physics, and electronics in 1945 and 1947. Terman developed administrative guidelines to assure that sponsored research would benefit, rather than compete with, the educational mission of the University. Among the important aspects of these guidelines were that all research projects should be built around the specific interests of individual faculty members, rather than being obtained by administrators and assigned to the faculty, and that research should actually be carried out by students and faculty as an integral part of their academic programs rather than being undertaken by professional research staff as an adjunct to educational goals. The conditions established with these original sponsored projects have continued as the basis for the successful applied research programs at Stanford. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 6 Dr. Terman had long been opposed to the "ivory tower" image of universities. He recognized the practical and mutual benefits that could accrue from interaction between industry and academia, and encouraged a closer relationship between them. Palo Alto is often called the "birthplace of electronics" in honor of Lee DeForest's pioneering research with the audion tube in 1912, but when Dr. Terman began his teaching career in the 1920's, there were very few innovative engineering companies in the Bay Area. Terman was disturbed to find most of his best students moving to the east coast to find jobs. In the 1930's Professor Terman attempted to ameliorate the situation by helping talented students establish their own small companies. His greatest success was the Hewlett-Packard company; Terman arranged for a 8500 research assistantship to bring his former student, David Packard, back from a job at General Electric in New York to collaborate with William Hewlett, another of his inventive students. Terman was the "godfather" of this and several other student-initiated ventures that formed the nucleus of the San Francisco Bay Area's industrial development, today's "Silicon Valley." As Dean of Engineering, Dr. Terman could effectively foster cooperation between Stanford's engineering program and local research-oriented companies. He encouraged faculty consulting, developed industrial affiliates programs through which companies could keep informed of the latest scientific developments in their fields, and initiated the Honors Cooperative Program, allowing employees of local firms to study part-time toward advanced degrees at Stanford. These arrangements proved to be mutually beneficial. Innovative industries benefited from the intellectual stimulus of a strong university, whose graduates also provided an exceptionally qualified work force. Programs like the Honors Cooperative became added recruitment incentives. In return, the Stanford Engineering School received financial support through the affiliates and cooperative programs. Potential students were attracted by the favorable employment environment as well as academic excellence. The opening of the Stanford Industrial Park in the 1950's strengthened the university-industry liaison, and the Stanford pattern has since been emulated throughout the United States. More important to the Engineering School's development than sponsored research or industrial cooperation was Dr. Terman's program for obtaining maximum benefit from available resources. As Dean, Terman directed the fiscal policies of the School. He was firmly committed to the concept of investing in faculty, not in buildings. As an expression of this, he felt money should be directed towards hiring the finest research-oriented engineers possible. He considered it wasteful to construct new buildings, filled with expensive equipment, without top-quality scientists to use them. He also felt it was better economy to pay the high salaries necessary to attract a few leading engineers, than to use the same amount of money to hire a greater number of mediocre professors at lower salaries. He has compared his strategy to a track team, saying, "It's better to have one seven-foot jumper on your team than any number of six-foot jumpers. He called this principle the "steeples of excellence." These steeples consist of very small groups of experts in significant fields, who by leadership in their professions, can attract grant money, as well as the finest students and junior faculty members. Terman's formula for the judicious combining of federal money with industrial support propelled the Stanford Engineering School from a merely regional institution into national prominence. With his appointment as Provost of Stanford University in 1955, Dr. Terman assumed broader administrative responsibilities. Although President J. E. Wallace Sterling, historian, and Frederick Terman, engineer, had different academic backgrounds, they shared similar administrative and educational philosophies. Like Terman, Sterling believed institutional superiority was based upon the outstanding achievement of individual faculty members. Highest priority was placed upon hiring and retaining the finest scholar-teachers, and faculty search, selection, and tenure polices were made more rigorous and competitive at all levels. As can be seen in Series III of this collection, Dr. Terman and his Provost's Office staff kept meticulously detailed data on the operations of every department throughout the University, including average class sizes, number of student contacts for each faculty member, Ph.D. output per professor, faculty salaries and anticipated retirement dates. Dr. Terman often had a fuller knowledge of the workings of a department than did its chairman. These statistics were invaluable for strengthening and streamlining the academic programs in all areas of Stanford. During the Sterling-Terman administration, the University experienced unprecedented growth in national academic prominence and prestige. Although Dr. Terman retired as Provost in 1965, he has continued to serve as a part-time consultant to the President, and has designed and carried out several studies on school and department budgets, faculty planning, benefits and retirement. Dr. Terman has continued to be active in many professional societies, holding elective offices or committee appointments in the Institute of Radio Engineers, the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the National Academy of Engineering, and Sigma Xi. In keeping with his belief that the United States must maintain technological superiority in a highly competitive world, he has served as a consultant or advisor for the Institute of Defense Analysis, the Defense Science Board, the President's Scientific Advisory Committee, and the Navy, Air Force, and Signal Corps. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 7 Since his retirement in 1965, he has devoted particular attention to the development of higher education in science and engineering, both in the United States and abroad. Among these project have been the Southern Methodist Foundation for Science and Engineering, the Korean Institute for Advanced Science, and a U.S. Office of Education mission to the U.S.S.R. Dr. Terman once said, "I most enjoy helping to build something up, taking an unformulated enterprise and making it into what it could become." Today Stanford University, and the surrounding communities of technical scholars, bear witness to the continuing influence of that idea. TERMAN: MAJOR CORRESPONDENTS 1. The following list includes only major correspondents in the Terman collection. For a complete index to the Terman collection of personal and corporate names, see the card index of the Terman collection in the Stanford University Archives. 2. Abramowitz, Moses 3. Abramson, Norman 4. Adams, Dwight B 5. Albert, Arthur L 6. Alford, Andres 7. Alger, Philip 8. Allen, Peter C 9. Allyn, Nathaniel C 10. Almond, Gabriel 11. Alway, Robert H 12. American Association for the Advancement of Science 13. American Council on Education 14. American Institute of Electrical 15. Engineers 16. American Telephone and Telegraph 17. Angell, James B 18. Anliker, Max 19. Arbuckel, Ernest C 20. Arizona, University of 21. Armstrong, Edwin H 22. Arrow, Kenneth 23. Ayer, William E 24. Axt, Richard 25. Bacchetti, Raymond C 26. Bacon, David C 27. Bailey, George 28. Bailey, Stuart L 29. Bailey, Thomas A 30. Baker, W R G 31. Barus, David N 32. Beadle, George 33. Bechtel, Stephen D 34. Bell Telephone Laboratories 35. Benjamin, Curtis G 36. Bennett, Merrill K 37. Bennett, Rawson 38. Berkner, Lloyd 39. Beverage, H H Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 8 40. Black, John D 41. Black, Leonard J 42. Bloch, Felix 43. Boelter, L M K 44. Boring, M M 45. Bowker, Albert H 46. Bowles, Edward 47. Bown, Ralph 48. Brandin, Alf E 49. Brandt, Karl 50. Brittain, James E 51. Bronk, Detlev 52. Bronwell, Arthur B 53. Brooks, E. Howard 54. Burden, William A 55. Bush, Robert N 56. Bush, Royal Robert 57. Bush, Vannevar 58. Buttner, Harold H 59. Byrne, John F 60. California Institute of Technology 61. California, University of (all campuses) 62. Campbell, W Glenn 63. Carlson, Donald T 64. Carnegie Corporation of New York 65. Carter, E Finley 66. Cassidy, Harold G 67. Celanese Corporation 68. Chaffee, E L 69. Chambers, Dudley 70. Chernoff, Herman 71. Chestnut, Harold 72. Chicago, University of 73. Chodorow, Marvin 74. Christeller, Norman L 75. Clayton, John M 76. Clement, Lewis 77. Coates, Leonidas D 78. Coggeshall, I S 79. Columbia Broadcasting System 80. Columbia University 81. Compton, Karl T 82. Conant, James B 83. Cook, Lyle E 84. Copp, William C 85. Cornell University 86. Cowlich, W B 87. Crawford, Frederick Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 9 88. Crawford, John D 89. Creighton, Kenneth 90. Crone, W Reed 91. Cross, James E 92. Croxton, Frank C 93. Cullum, A Earl 94. Cuthbertson, Kenneth 95. Daniell, C M 96. Davis, Joseph S 97. Davis, Paul H 98. Davis, William 0 99. Dawson, Francis M 100. Dazey, Kendal I 101. Dees, Bowen C 102. de Forest, Lee 103. Dellinger, H 104. Djerassi, Carl 105. Dodds, John W 106. Donner, Stanley T 107. Dornbusch, Sanford M 108. Dow, William G 109. Doyle, Morris 110. Dubridge, Lee A 111. Dunn, Donald A 112. Durand, William F 113. Eastham, Melville 114. Eastman, Austin V 115. Ekstrand, Philip 116. Eldred, W Noel 117. Eliassen, Rolf 118. Elliot, Harold 119. Elwell, Cyril F 120. Encyclopedia Britannica 121. Engstrom, E W 122. Erwin, E S 123. Eurich, Alvin C 124. Everest, F Alton 125. Everitt, William L 126. Farnsworth, Paul 127. Farnsworth, Philip 128. Farnsworth Television and Radio Company 129. Faulkner, Ray 130. Faville, David E 131. Federal Telegraph Company 132. Field, Lester M 133. Fink, Donald G 134. Flax, Alexander H 135. Florida, University of Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 10 136. Flory, Paul 137. Flynn, James 138. Folkers, Karl 139. Ford, Thomas W 140. Ford Foundation 141. Ford Motor Company 142. Forslund, Dolores 143. Forsythe, George 144. Foster, John S, Jr. 145. Franklin, Gene 146. Franklin, Ruth 147. Freund, C J 148. Fubini, Eugene 149. Fuller, Leonard F 150. Gannett, E K 151. General Electric Company 152. General Radio Company 153. Gentry, Kenneth M 154. Georgia Institute of Technology 155. Gere, James M 156. Gibbons, James F 157. Gibson, Weldon B 158. Gilfillan Brothers 159. Ginzton, Edward 160. Glover, Frederic 0 161. Goheen, John D 162. Golmark, Peter 163. Goldsmith, Alfred N 164. Goldstein, Avram 165. Gould, D H 166. Grad, Arthur 167. Graham, Virgil M 168. Granger, John V N 169. Gregory, George T 170. Greulich, William 171. Grieder, Elmer 172. Grinter, Linton E 173. Grobstein, Clifford 174. Guy, Raymond F 175. Haley, Bernard 176. Hall, Harvey 177. Haller, George L 178. Hann, Paul 179. Hansen, William Webster 180. Harman, Willis 181. Harris, Donald B 182. Hartig, Henry E 183. Harvard University Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 11 184. Haskins, Carly P 185. Hastorf, Albert 186. Hawkinson, John 187. Hazeltine, Alan 188. Hazeltine Service Corporation 189. Heebink, David 190. Heffner, Hubert 191. Heintz and Kaufman 192. Heising, Raymond A 193. Helliwell, Robert A 194. Helm, 0 W 195. Henline, H H 196. Hewlett, William R 197. Hewlett-Packard Company 198. Hildebrand, Roger 199. Hilgard, Ernest R 200. Hilton, Ronald 201. Hoff, Nicholas 202. Hofstadter, Robert 203. Holloman, J Herbert 204. Holme, Thomas T 205. Hooper, WilliamL 206. Hoover, Herbert 207. Hoover, Herbert Jr. 208. Horle, Lawrence F F 209. Huggins, Robert 210. Hughes Aircraft Co. 211. Hulstede, G E 212. Hunter, Could H 213. Hurd, Paul 214. Hutchinson, Eric 215. Hygrade Sylvania Co. 216. Illinois Institute of Technology 217. Illinois, University of 218. Institute for Defense Analysis 219. Institute of Electrical and 220. Electronics Engineers 221. Institute of Radio Engineers 222. International Business Machines 223. International Standard Electrical 224. International Telephone and Telegraph 225. Ireson, W Grant 226. Israel, Dorman D 227. Jackson, J Hugh 228. Jaconbson, David 229. Jensen, Peter L 230. Johns Hopkins University 231. Johnson, William S Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 12 232. Jones, Thomas 233. Jones, William 234. Kaar, I J 235. Kaisel, Stanley F 236. Kaplan, Henry 237. Kays, William 238. Kelly, Mervin J 239. Kemnitzer, William 240. Kennedy, Donald 241. Kenworthy, Dudley 242. Kern County Land Company 243. Kerr, Clark 244. Killian, James R 245. Killian, Thomas J, Jr. 246. Kindy, Ward B 247. King, James R 248. Kixmiller, Richard W 249. Klipsch, Paul 250. Knowles, Hugh S 251. Kornberg, Arthur 252. Kranzberg, Melvin 253. Krauskopf, Konrad 254. Kushner, LawrenceM 255. Lampe, J H 256. Langle, Robert 257. Lapp, John 258. Larson, Robert W 259. Laun, Harold 260. Lebacqz, Jean 261. Lederberg, Joshua 262. Lieberman, Gerald 263. Lippincott, Donald K 264. Linsley, Ray K 265. Linvill, John G 266. Linvill, William 267. Llewellyn, Fred B 268. Lockheed Aircraft 269. Long, Moses C 270. Loughren, Arthur V 271. Lyman, Richard 272. Lynd, John 273. Lyon, Richard F 274. McCord, William 275. McCormack, James, Jr. 276. McDaniel, Joseph 277. McDonough, John 278. McFadden, Duncan I 279. McGhie, L Farrell Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 13 280. McGraw-Hill Book Company 281. Mackay Radio and Telegraph 282. McKenzie, Lawson M 283. MacKeown, Samuel S 284. Manning, Bayless 285. Mason, David 286. Massachusetts Institute for Technology 287. Menneken, Carl E 288. Meyer, Myrl 289. Meyrhof, Walter E 290. Michigan, University of 291. Miller, William 292. Millman, Sidney 293. Minnesota, University of 294. Mohr, Lawrence 295. Morris, Albert J 296. Morris, Samuel B 297. Moses, Lincoln 298. Mothershead, John 299. Motorola Incorporated 300. Moulton, Robert 301. National Academy of Science 302. National Broadcasting Company 303. National Science Foundation 304. Nelson, Lyle 305. Neville, Harvey A 306. New York University 307. Noller, Carl 308. Norberg, Arthur 309. Northrop Aircraft 310. Northwestern University 311. Norton, Garrison 312. Oakford, Robert 313. O'Brien, Richard 314. Oglesby, Clarkson 315. Ohio State University 316. Oliphant, Charles 317. Olson, Jane V 318. O'Neil, Marshall 319. Oregon State College 320. Otis, Brooks 321. Owen, Lillian C 322. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph 323. Packard, David 324. Page, Benjamin 325. Pake, George 326. Panofsky, Wolfgang K H 327. Park, Charles Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 14 328. Parks, George 329. Pearson, Daryl 330. Pearson, Gerald 331. Pederson, Carlton 332. Pennsylvania State College 333. Pennsylvania, University of 334. Perkins, David 335. Peterson, Allen 336. Pettit, Joseph M 337. Phinney, Edward D 338. Pike, Thomas 339. Pindar, Frederick V L 340. Pior, Emmanuel 341. Pitzer, Kenneth 342. Polkinghorn, Frank A 343. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 344. Pond, Samuel 345. Poniatoff, Alexander M 346. Post, Serafim Fred 347. Pratt, Haraden 348. Princeton University 349. Quillen, I J 350. Radio Corporation of America 351. Raffel, Sidney 352. Rambo, William R 353. RAND Corporation 354. Ray, Dixy Lee 355. Raytheon Company 356. Rees, Mina D 357. Reich, Herbert J 358. Rhinelander, Philip 359. Rich, Charles S 360. Ritchie, Jesse M 361. Rochester University 362. Rockefeller Foundation 363. Rogers, Rutherford 364. Rosenzwieg, Robert 365. Rothwell, C Easton 366. Royden, Halsey 367. Ryan, Harris J 368. Ryan, Lawrence V 369. Ryder, John D 370. Saville, Thorndike 371. Schiff, Leonard 372. Schoenfeld, Earl 373. Schramm, Wilbur 374. Scientific Research Society of America 375. Scoles, Edward A Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 15 376. Scroggs, Joseph C 377. Seaborg, Glenn 378. Sears, Robert 379. Seeger, Raymond J 380. Seitz, Frederick 381. Sensabaugh, George 382. Shackelford, Benjamin E 383. Shepard, Jack 384. Shockley, William 385. Shute, Ellison 386. Siegman, Anthony E 387. Sigma Xi Society 388. Sinclair, Donald B 389. Skilling, Hugh H 390. Smith, Ralph 391. Snyder, Rixford 392. Solomon, Herbert 393. Sommers, Armiger H 394. Southern California, University of 395. Southern Methodist University 396. Southern Pacific Railroad 397. Spaeth, Carl 398. Spaght, Monroe 399. Spangenberg, Karl 400. Spencer, Eldridge T 401. SDerry Gyroscope Company 402. Stanford Research Institute 403. Stauffer, John 404. Stearns, H Myrl 405. Steel, Geoffrey 406. Steere, William 407. Steiner, Kurt 408. Sterling, J E Wallace 409. Stewart, Arthur 410. Stewart, Irvin 411. Stow, Lyman 412. Stratton, Julius A 413. Strothman, F W 414. Sturrock, Peter 415. Susskind, Charles 416. Suits, C Guy 417. Supervised Investors Services 418. Suppes, Patrick 419. Swain, Robert E 420. Swank, Raynard C 421. Sylvania Electric Products 422. Sylvester, Peter 423. Syntex S. A. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 16 424. Tarr, Curtis 425. Tarshis, Lorie 426. Taylor, Maxwell D 427. Television Shares Management Company 428. Texas, University of 429. Thompson, B J 430. Thompson, James S 431. Thurber, James 432. Tresidder, Donald B 433. Tucker, E A 434. Turner, H M 435. Twitty, Victor C 436. U. S. Air Force U. S. Army 437. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission 438. U. S. Commerce, Department of 439. U. S. Defense, Department of 440. U. S .Health, Education and Welfare, Department of 441. U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 442. U. S. Navy 443. Van Dyke, Arthur 444. Van Valkenberg, M E 445. Varian Associates 446. Vennard, John 447. Villard, Oswald G, Jr. 448. Vogel, Ralph H 449. Wagener, Winfield G 450. Wagner, Harvey 451. Walker, Eric A 452. Walker, Frank Fish 453. Walker, Robert 454. Washington University (St. Louis) 455. Washington, University of 456. Waterman, Alan 457. Watkins, Dean A 458. Watkins, James T, IV 459. Webster, David Locke 460. Weigle, Clifford 461. Weiner, Norbert 462. Weisner, Jerome B 463. Wert, Robert 464. Westinghouse Electrical Company 465. Westman, Harold P 466. Weyl, F Joachim 467. Wheeler, Harold P 468. Whitaker, Douglas 469. Whitaker, Virgil 470. White, William C 471. Wiggins, Ira Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 17 472. Wilbur, Ray Lyman 473. Winbigler, H Donald 474. Winters, Arthur Yvor 475. Wired Radio Incorporated 476. Wisconsin, University of 477. Wise, Lauress 478. Woodyard, John 479. Wright, Gordon 480. Yale University 481. Young, Richard G 482. Zahl, Harold A 483. Zworykin, Vladimir K Scope and Contents The papers of Frederick Emmons Terman, dating from 1920 to 1978, document all phases of his long and influential career as an educator, electronics engineer, administrator, and author. The collection consists of nearly 200 boxes of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, speeches and miscellaneous materials accumulated by Dr. Terman and his staff throughout his professional life. Because of Dr. Terman's varied career, and the corresponding breadth of this collection, these papers will be a valuable resource for researchers in many disciplines, including the history of science, military history, educational administration and even urban development. The bulk of this collection was donated by Dr. Terman in April, 1977. Since that time, he has continued to send smaller groups of materials as he no longer needed them. The actual processing of the collection began in December, 1977, and was completed in the summer of 1980. The project costs were generously underwritten by a grant from Dr. Terman. The files had been divided between his campus office and his home study. When the papers arrived, they had, for the most part, already been segregated into discrete groups such as "Provost's Personal Files," and "Institute of Radio Engineer's Records." In arranging these papers, I have respected Dr. Terman's own organizational scheme as much as possible. Because the collection is so large and varied, a series structure was devised to provide more convenient access for researchers. In some cases, such as the "Harvard Radio Research Laboratory Records," the current series is equivalent to Dr. Terman's own compilation of records on that subject. But in some other cases, such as the "Professional Organizations Series," several smaller groups of papers were brought together topically as subdivisions of a larger series. Thus, a researcher with a particular interest in the history of engineering societies, for example, needs only to consult Series IV of the collection. Within each series, I have arranged the papers according to their original organization when possible. In some series, this work was limited to merely rearranging a few misfiled papers. In other groups , the plan of organization was not apparent, so the folders have been ordered in a manner consistent with the overall structure of the collection. There are two modes of access to this collection: through the subject-oriented box and folder register; and through the index of correspondents, both of which are divided by series. The researcher is advised to consult the series descriptions to determine which are most relevant, and then check through the inventory and index of the appropriate series. This procedure will insure maximum coverage and accessibility of the collection. The index is available for use in the Stanford University Archives. Access Terms California Institute of Technology.. Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 Radio Research Laboratory (U.S.). Stanford University -- General subdivision--Administration.; Stanford University. Department of Electrical Engineering. -- General subdivision--Faculty.; Stanford University. Office of the Provost. Stanford University. School of Engineering. Sterling, J. E. Wallace, (John Ewart Wallace), 1906-1985 Terman, Frederick Emmons, 1900-1982 Wilbur, Ray L., (Ray Lyman), 1875-1949 Clippings. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 18 Electronics. Engineering--History.--United States Engineering--Societies, etc. Engineering--Study and teaching. Microelectronics industry--California--Santa Clara County. Microelectronics industry--History.--United States Minutes. Patents. Reports. Science--History. Speeches. Preface Frederick Terman ranks as one of the most successful of American administrators of science, engineering, and higher education in this century, a reputation that has eclipsed his deserved stature as a leading researcher and teacher in the field of radio engineering. Terman figured prominently in the development of electrical engineering as an academic discipline, the mobilization of American science and engineering in support of the war effort between 1942 and 1945, and the rapid growth after the war of an international center of industry based on advances in science and technology which we know today as the "Silicon Valley." It is fitting that the preservation of Terman's personal, scientific, and administrative papers should match his other accomplishments as a unique and virtually inexhaustible legacy, this time to historians. The Terman papers will be approached from a variety of angles, a fact recognized and encouraged by the organization of this guide. Historians interested in the institutional basis of science and technology in wartime will be drawn to virtually complete records--including scarce or unpublished administrative histories and technical reports--stemming from Terman's role as director of the Harvard Radio Research Laboratory. Utilizing documents generated or collected by Terman during his tenure in a succession of offices at Stanford and within the national engineering community, the historian can trace the development of numerous organizations in science and engineering, including the Institute of Radio Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the President's Scientific Advisory Committee, the Institute for Defense Analysis, the Stanford Electronics and Microwave Laboratories, and the School of Engineering at Stanford University. As a Stanford University administrator, most notably as Provost of the University from 1955 until 1965 and consultant to the President of the University until 1975, Terman formulated a philosophy of faculty selection and research funding based on the notion of "steeples of excellence." Example's of Terman's application of this philosophy abound in his administrative files, preserved in this collection, so that the historian will find here a laboratory in which to examine in unusual detail and intimacy how a broad range of academic disciplines were supported in a particular institutional setting. Terman's papers are a rich resource regarding the ideas and instruments of science and engineering. His own research, inventions, teaching, and consulting activities are well documented. Yet, Terman's contemporaries and proteges best remember him as the man with his finger in every pie and on every pulse; attention to detail, his astonishing memory, and ready access to voluminous and well-managed files struck most Terman watchers as the keystones of his success as a judge of talent and recruiter. Terman's carefully organized observations and reports on the careers and work of others amount to a running reportage on the progress of research at Stanford and numerous other universities and industrial labs; the reports he prepared as scientific advisor to the Television Shares Management Company between 1948 and 1978 provide a particularly noteworthy example of Terman in his role as commentator on the technical achievements of his day. As voluminous and complete as the Terman papers may be, additional sources are available to Terman biographers and historians wishing to investigate his life and times. Foremost among these is a series of interviews with Terman conducted by Arthur L. Norberg, Charles Susskind, and Roger Hahn, transcripts of which are housed at the Stanford University Archives and The Bancroft Library of the University of California, Berkeley. Collections of the personal, scientific, and administrative papers of scientists and engineers associated with Terman and with Stanford University, such as those of Felix Bloch, William W. Hansen, David Locke Webster, and Leonard Schiff further illuminate many of the events and projects with which Terman was involved and are housed in the Stanford University Archives, while the papers of Cyril F. Elwell, housed in the Department of Special Collections of the Stanford University Libraries, provide additional background material concerning the early development of the electronics industry in the San Francisco Bay Area. Henry Lowood Bibliographer for History of Science and Technology Collections, Stanford University Libraries Acknowledgements Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 19 Sincere thanks are due to all whose efforts contributed to this project, especially to Dr. Frederick E. Terman, who made the generous gift of this collection, and financial support for its processing. In addition, this project would not have been possible without the work of former University Archivist Ralph Hansen, and the current Archivist Roxanne-Louise Nilan, who were responsible for arranging the transfer of these papers, and overseeing the complicated logistics accompanying a collection of this size. Series I Harvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 Scope and Content Note This series consists of correspondence, reports, committee minutes, newspaper and magazine articles related to Dr. Terman's tenure as director of the Harvard Radio Research Laboratory during World War II. This laboratory, which at its peak had approximately 880 employees, was responsible for the two major aspects of radar countermeasures: first, designing devices to jam or otherwise confuse enemy radar; and second, to build receivers that would determine the location and operational characteristics of enemy radar installations. Among the laboratory's inventions were various transmitters, both air-borne and land-based that would emit electronic signals to jam radar, and "chaff," strawlike aluminum strips that when dropped in large quantities from airplanes would reflect radar beams to confuse the radar image. The Harvard Radio Research Lab was credited with having saved many of the American bombers that operated over Germany. Its equipment also played an important role in the Normandy invasion. The laboratory was administered by the National Defense Research Committee, which in turn was a component of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, created by President Roosevelt's Executive Order of June 28, 1941. For further information on the administration and history of the H.R.R.L. and its overseas branch, the American British Laboratory, see Box 9 of this series. Box 1: Stanford-Radio Research Lab (R-R-L). Correspondence, 1941-46. Alphabetically arranged subject files of correspondence between Dr. Terman at the Radio Research Lab, and Stanford University faculty, students, and administrators, chiefly on University business. Included is one folder concerned with Dr. Terman's appointment as Dean of Engineering, a position he assumed immediately upon returning to Stanford. Boxes 2-4: R.R.l. General Files, 1941-46. Alphabetically arranged subject files of Dr. Terman's correspondence and memoranda relating to all aspects of the Laboratory's operations. Boxes 5-8: Project Committee, 1941-45. Minutes and supporting documents of the Project Committee, which assigned and supervised the research project of various working groups within the R.R.L. Box 8: Publicity, 1945-46 . News releases, newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and other publicity materials related to the R.R.L.'s wartime efforts. Box 9: Administrative histories and operational reports. Published and unpublished histories of the R.R.L. and A.B.L., and operational reports on the use of radar countermeasures. Most of these were written soon after the war ended, in 1945 and 1946. Boxes 10-16: R.R.L. Reports, 1941-46. Technical reports, including those issued by the Laboratory as a whole, and separate series issued by the various working groups within the Lab. These reports, primarily in published form, are filed according to the numbers assigned by the R.R.L. Box 17: Chaff and rope samples. Examples of the various forms of aluminum "chaff" and "rope" developed at R.R.L. to confuse radar reception. Box 1, Folder 1 STANFORD - R.R.L. CORRESPONDENCE. 1942-1945 Box 1, Folder 2 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers C D SC0160 20 Series IHarvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 STANFORD - R.R.L. CORRESPONDENCE. 1942-1945 Box 1, Folder 3 Deanship (including Tresidder, Morris, Skilling, etc. -- see also alphabetical folders under individual names) Box 1, Folder 4 Box 1, Folder 5 E-F G Box 1, Folder 6 Box 1, Folder 7 Box 1, Folder 8 H J-L M Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, N (National Defense Research Committee) P-R S-Skilling SM-SZ T Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Box 1, Folder 14 Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, W-Z R.R.L. GENERAL FILES Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Box 2, Folder 6 American British Laboratory: Correspondence, 1943-1945 Building - R.R.L. Floor Plans. Demobilization Program: O.S.R.D. and R.R.L., 1944-1945 Division 15 Problems. 1943-1944 Equipment: Development projects, nomenclature, installation and shipping. 1943 October-1945 July Equipment: Development projects, nomenclature, installation and shipping. 1945 August-1945 December Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Equipment, operational use of in the E.T.O. 1943-1945 European Theater of Operations -- Reports from. 1943-1947 Japan--Pacific Theater of Operations--Reports 1944-1946 Organization Charts. 1942-1945 Personnel--General folder. 1943-1945 Personnel Directories. 1942-1946 Personnel Distribution--Weekly lists. 1942-1944 Personnel Distribution--Weekly lists. 1945-1946 Personnel--Final report. 1945 December 15 Personnel-Placement Office. 1945-1946 Personnel--Terminations (Demobilization). 1945-1946 Personnel--Terminations (Demobilization). 1945-1946 Personnel--Terminations (Demobilization). 1945-1946 Personnel--Terminations: Weekly Summaries. 1945-1946 Post-War: N.D.R.C. Division 15. 1948-1957 Post-War: O.S.R.D. 1946-1947 Post-War: Oliphant, Charles. 1946 Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Post-War: R.R.L. 1946-1947 Post-War: R.R.L. 1953-1970 Prize Story Contest. 1945 Radiation Laboratory (M.I.T.): Personnel Directories and Placement Survey. 1944-1946 Box 4, Folder 2 Box 4, Folder 3 Box 4, Folder 4 Radio Research Lab: Basic Papers. 1942 Radio Research Lab: Miscellaneous. 1942-1946 Radio Research Lab: Publications. 1945 Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Radio Research Lab: Publications. 1946 January-February Radio Research Lab: Publications. 1946 March-1948 May Radio Research Lab: Scope. 1942-1944 Radio Research Lab Technical Program. 1944 Terman, F.E.--England Trip (Personal). 1942 Terman, F.E.--England Trip (Technical). 1942-1943 Terman, F.E.--Letters of Commendation. 1942-1946 Terman, F.E.--O.S.R.D. appointments (Divisions 14 and 15). 1942-46. Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Box 4, Folder 13 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Terman, F.E.--Personal interest items. 1942-49. SC0160 21 Series IHarvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 R.R.L. GENERAL FILES Box 4, Folder 14 Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 7, Box 7, Vacuum Tubes. 1944-45. PROJECT COMMITTEE: PAPERS ASSOCIATED WITH MEETINGS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 #2 - 12 (May Oct. 1943) #13 - 20 (Oct. - Dec. 1943) #21 - 26 (Jan. - Feb. 1944) #27 - 32 (Feb. - March 1944) #33 - 42 (March - June 1944) #43 - 52 (June - August 1944) #53 - 64 (Sept. - Oct. 1944) #65 - 73 (Nov. - Dec. 1944) #74 - 79 (Jan. - Feb. 1945) #80 - 84 (Feb. - March 1945) #85 - 89 (March - April 1945) #90 - 92 (May 1945) #93 - 95 (May - June 1945) #96 - 98 (June - July 1945) #99 - 101 (July 1945) #102 - 105 (July - Aug. 1945) Minutes: Summary of business at meetings 1 61; Minutes #1 - 24 (May 1943 - Jan. 1944) Box 7, Folder 3 Minutes: #25 - 50 (Jan. 1944 - July 1944) Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Minutes: #51 - 73 (Aug. 1944 - Jan. 1945) Minutes: #84 - 95 (March - June 1945) Minutes: #74 - 83 (Jan. - March 1945) Minutes: #95 - 105 (June - Aug. 1945) Executive Committee: Papers associated with meetings. #1 - 18, Oct. 1943 - July 1944. Folder 4 Folder 6 Folder 5 Folder 7 Folder 8 Box 7, Folder 9 Box 7, Folder 10 Executive Committee: Minutes #1-- 17, Oct. 1943 - Oct. 1944. Management Committee: Papers associated with meetings. Aug. - Nov. 1945. Box 7, Folder 11 Management Committee: Minutes Aug. - Nov. 1945. Box 8, Folder 1 Box 8, Folder 2 Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, PUBLICITY Magazine and Radio Publicity. Newspaper Clippings: 1944-46. Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Press Parties; News Releases. 1945. Radar Magazine. 1944-45. Photographs: American-British Laboratory. Photographs: Navy Installations of R.C.M. Equipment. Photographs: Press Photos. Photographs: War in the Ether: Operational Radar Countermeasures in WW II (Photos from report of that name. Numbers on back of photos indicate section of report they were to be inserted into.) Box 8, Folder 9 Box 9, Folder 1 Photographs: "window." ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORIES AND OPERATIONAL REPORTS Box 9, Folder 2 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Administrative History of the Radio Research Laboratory by F. E. Terman, Director. March 21, 1946. Bound. 64 numbered pages, 80 pages of figures, 11 pages of Appendix A. (Note: Although report's author is officially listed as F. E. Terman, Dr. Terman says that report was actually written by Oswald G. Villard, Jr.) Administrative Report of the American-British Laboratory of Division 15 of the NDRC. October 1, 1945. Bound, 84 pages. Illustrated with photographs and charts. SC0160 22 Series IHarvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORIES AND OPERATIONAL REPORTS Electronics Warfare: A report on Radar Countermeasures. Released by the Joint Board on Scientific Information Policy for: OSRD, War Department, Navy Department. 1945. Pamphlet, 38 pp. "Flack Radar Countermeasures in the European Theater of Operations: A Review and Evaluation of their Use by the 8th Air Force." [n.d.] Mimeographed, 30 pp. "Intelligence Information on R.C.M. effectiveness in the E.T.O." Prepared by R.S. O'Brien and R.A. Soderman. June 16, 1945. Mimeographed. 56 numbered pages, 4 appendices. The Operational Use of RCM in the ETO as related to the Technical History of the American-British Laboratory. NDRC Division of Radio Coordination. "Philosophy, History, and Operation of the Radio Research Laboratory Transition Department." By E. D. Brooks, Jr. Nov. 1, 1945. Typescript in binder. 44 typed, numbered pages; 44 unnumbered pages of appendices. "Radar: A Report on Science of War." Released by the Joint Board on Scientific Information Policy for: OSRD; War Department; Navy Department. 1945. Pamphlet, 51 pages. War in the Ether: Operational Radar Countermeasures in World War II. Mimeographed, in two parts. Part 1 - "European Theater of Operations," 101 pages. Part 2 - "RCM in the Pacific Theaters of Operation," 132 pages. [n.d.] Radar Countermeasures, RCM: A Brief Look at the NDRC Division 15's Impact on Radio Countermeasures (RCM) Activities During the Second World War. Association of Old Crows History Committee, Armand J. Morin, editor. [1982] Box 9, Folder 3 Box 9, Folder 4 Box 9, Folder 5 Box 9, Folder 6 Box 9, Folder 7 Box 9, Folder 8 Box 9, Folder 9 Box 9, Folder 10 Box 9, Folder 11 List of Sources of Information on RCM in World War II. Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, R.R.L. REPORTS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 R.R.L. Reports checked out to persons outside Lab. 1953-58. List of R.R.L. Documents; Classification of Documents. Index of code words and abbreviations. Jan. 29, 1943. Special Reports: 1, 3, 4. Special Reports: 6, 7, 7a, 9. Special Reports: 11, 13, 14, 15, 15a. Special Reports: 16, 17, 18, 20. Special Reports: 21, 22, 23. Special Reports: 24, 26, 28, 30. Special Reports: 31, 32, 34, 35. Special Reports: 36 40. Special Reports: 41, 42, 44. Special Reports: 45, 46, 48, 49, 50. Special Reports: 51 54. Special Reports: 57 60. Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 11, Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 1 Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: 61, 62, 64, 64a, 64b. 66 - 68, 70, 70a. 72 - 74. 76 - 79. 81 - 84. 86, 86a, 88, 89, 90. 91, 92, 94, 95. 96 - 99. Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: 100. 100a. 101 - 103. 105, 106, 107, 109, 110. 111 - 114. 115 - 119. 121 - 125. 126 - 130. Box 11, Folder 10 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Special Reports: 131 - 134. SC0160 23 Series IHarvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 R.R.L. REPORTS Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 26 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Special Reports: 135 - 138, 140. Special Reports: 141 - 144. Special Reports: 146 - 150. Special Reports: 151 - 155. Special Reports: 156 - 160. Special Reports: 161 - 165. Special Reports: 166 - 170. Special Reports: 171 - 175. Special Reports: 177 - 180. Special Reports: 181, 183 - 186. Special Reports: 187, 187a, 188, 190. Special Reports: 191, 192, 194, 195. Special Reports: 196 - 200. Special Reports: 201, 202, 203, 203a, 205. Special Reports: 206 - 210. Special Reports: 211 - 215. Special Reports: 216 - 220. Special Reports: 221 - 224. Special Reports: 225 - 230. Special Reports: 231 - 235. Special Reports: 236 - 240. Special Reports: 241 - 244. Special Reports: 245 - 247. Special Reports: 251 - 255. Special Reports: 256 - 260. Special Reports: 262 - 264. Special Reports: 265, 266, 268, 270. Special Reports: 272, 274, 276, 277 280. Special Reports: 281 - 285. Special Reports: 286, 287, 289, 290. Special Reports: 291 - 295. Special Reports: 296 - 298. Equipment Specifications Reports: 8, 11, 12, 13, 13a, 13b. Equipment Specifications Reports: 14 - 17, 19, 20. Equipment Specifications Reports: 22, 24 - 28. Test Reports: 1 - 5. Test Reports: 6 - 10. Test Reports: 11 - 18; 20. Test Reports: 21 - 26. Test Reports: 27 - 30. Test Reports: 32 - 35. Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Test Reports: 36 - 40. Test Reports: 41 - 45. Test Reports: 46 - 50. Test Reports: 51 - 56; 59, 60. Memorandum Test Reports: MTR 1 MTR 10. Memorandum Test Reports: MTR 11 MTR 21. Technical Memoranda: 1 - 9. Technical Memoranda: 10 - 20. Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 13 Folder 15 Folder 14 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 21 Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical Box 13, Folder 20 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Memoranda: Memoranda: Memoranda: Memoranda: Memoranda: Memoranda: Memoranda: Memoranda: 21 - 28. 36, 38, 38a, 39, 40, 40a. 30 - 35. 41 - 47. 48 - 54. 55 - 59. 61 - 66. 81 - 85, 87. Technical Memoranda: 67 - 69;, 71; 73 - 80. SC0160 24 Series IHarvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 R.R.L. REPORTS Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 28 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Technical Memoranda: 88 - 94. Technical Memoranda: 95 - 101. Technical Memoranda: 102 - 108. Technical Memoranda: 109 - 113; 115 - 117; 119. Technical Memoranda: 120 - 126. Technical Memoranda: 127 - 129; 131 - 135. Technical Memoranda: 136 - 141. RRL Internal Reports: Group A. RRL Internal Reports: Group B. RRL Internal Reports: Group D. RRL Internal Reports: Group E. RRL Internal Reports: Group F. RRL Internal Reports: Group J. RRL Internal Reports: Group M. RRL Internal Reports: X Series. RRL Internal Reports: All other groups. Progress Reports: 5, 8, 10, 12, 19, 27, 33, 43, 47, (Oct. 1942 - June 1943). Internal Progress Reports: 13 - 15 (Oct. - Dec. 1943). Internal Progress Reports: 16 - 18 (Jan. - March 1944). Internal Progress Reports: 19, 20 (April - May 1944). Internal Progress Reports: 21 - 22 (June - July 1944). Internal Progress Reports: 23 - 24 (Aug. - Sept. 1944). Internal Progress Reports: 25 - 26 (Nov. 1944 - Jan. 1945). Internal Progress Reports: 27 - 28 (Jan. - May 1945). Internal Progress Reports: 29 (May - July 1945). Instruction Books: 1; 8a - 8d. Instruction Books: 9 12. Instruction Books: 13 - 17. Instruction Books: 18 - 19. Instruction Books: 20 - 25. Instruction Books: 26; 28 - 30. Instruction Books: 31; 33 -37. Instruction Books: 38 - 39. Instruction Books: 40 - 45. Instruction Books: 46 - 50. Instruction Books: 51 (large binder). Instruction Books: 54 - 56; 58 - 59. Instruction Books: 61, 62) 65, 68. Instruction Books: 70 - 74. Instruction Books: 75 - 78. Instruction Books: 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89. Instruction Books: 90, 91, 93. Technical SEMINARS: Lectures 1 8; 12 - 14. Liaison Reports: Daniell. 10 34 (July 1944 - Jan. 1945). Liaison Reports: Daniell. 35 49 (Feb. - Sept. 1945). Liaison Reports: Hammett. 1 - 4 (Feb. - March 1945). Liaison Reports: Holt. 1- 17 (June 1944 - Aug. 1945). Liaison Reports: Villard. 1 - 15 (Feb. 1944 - Aug. 1945). Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Liaison Reports: Miscellaneous. 1945. Teletype Conferences: European Theater of Operations. June - July 1944. Teletype Conferences: E.T.O. July - Oct. 1944. Teletype Conferences: E.T.O. Nov. 1944 - Jan. 1945. Teletype Conferences: E.T.O. Jan. - May 1945. Teletype Conferences: Mediterranean Theater of Operations July - Dec. 1944. Teletype Conferences: M.T.O. Jan. - May 1945. Teletype Conferences: Pacific operations March - June 1945. Box 16, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Teletype Conferences: Pacific Operations: June - Aug. 1945. SC0160 25 Series IHarvard Radio Research Laboratory 1942-1946 R.R.L. REPORTS Chaff and rope samples. Note: Dr. Terman says that the aluminum and paper squares in the net bag were not produced by the Harvard R.R.L., though they were a type of radar countermeasure. Box 17, Folder Series II Stanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 Scope and Content Note Frederick Terman participated in the activates of the Stanford School of Engineering at all levels, first as a student, and later in-teaching appointments ranging from Instructor in Communication to Dean of the School. The papers in Series II document his entire range of professional service to the School. For further information on the history of the Engineering School at Stanford, see Stanford University Archives collection SC 165, Engineering School Records. Boxes 1 -4: Electrical Engineering Correspondence, 1931-46. Alphabetically arranged subject files of correspondence and memoranda related to Dr. Terman's career as a faculty member, and from 1937 to 1945, Executive Head of the Department of Engineering. Boxes 6 -9: Student-faculty research, 1928-35. Laboratory notes, reports, graphs, articles and correspondence related to research projects undertaken in the Electronic Laboratory under the direction of Dr. Terman. Some of these projects were collaborative efforts between Terman and his students, while others were entirely student work. Each folder contains the papers pertaining to a specific research project, and the folders are filed chronologically. Boxes 10 -12: I.T.T. invention disclosures, 1936-42. Research notes, reports, and correspondence related to an agreement with the International Telephone and Telegraph Company. I.T.T. supported the Communication Laboratory in two ways, First, it provided grants to underwrite the cost of certain specific research projects that interested the company. Further, it made an annual lump sum payment to support basic research in the laboratory. In return, I.T.T. was given "first refusal" rights on any inventions which were discovered in the course of this research. The general research problems were usually suggested by Dr. Terman, and worked on by graduate students as assignments of theses. If any promising ideas arose, they were submitted to I.T.T. as invention disclosures, and the company determined whether it wished to negotiate for patents. Although no major inventions resulted from this arrangement, it was very beneficial to Stanford, providing needed support to the Communication Laboratory in a significant stage of its development. This group of papers shows an early stage of the University-industry cooperation that Dr. Terman actively fostered. Boxes 13 -17: Stanford Electronic Laboratories Correspondence, 1951-5 As Dean of Engineering, Dr. Terman was also the director of the Stanford Electronics Laboratories, which consisted of the Electronic Research Laboratory, primarily for unclassified basic research, sponsored research contracts. These boxes contain the administrative files of the laboratories, including general correspondence, contracts, personnel and budget information, arranged alphabetically by subject. Box 18: Microwave Laboratory Correspondence, 1949-54. The Microwave Laboratory was administered jointly by the Physics and Electrical Engineering Departments. Edward L. Ginzton was the director of this laboratory, and most of this box actually consists of copies of Dr. Ginzton's administrative correspondence made for Terman's information. The folders are arranged alphabetically by subject. Box 19: Teaching materials. This box contains syllabi, lecture notes, and course evaluations for several electric engineering courses taught by Dr. Terman. All of these items are undated except the evaluations, which date from 1952 to 1954. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CORRESPONDENCE Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Box 1, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers A. 1937 - 41. Appointments. 1931 - 36. Appointments. 1937 - 46. B. 1934 - 41. Bell Telephone Company. 1929 36. SC0160 26 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CORRESPONDENCE Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 7 Folder 6 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 10 C. 1934 - 41. Communications Laboratory, Reports on. 1927 35. D. 1932 - 41. E. 1935 - 41. Eastern Trip. 1938. Employment Information. 1932 36. Employment Information. 1937 40. Engineer's Council for Professional Development. 1936 - 40. English for Engineers. 1931 - 33. F. 1937 - 41. Former Students. 1931 - 33. Food Research Institute - soundproofing. 1932. Former Students. 1934 - 35. Former Students. 1936. G. 1936 - 40. Geophysics. 1938. Gifts. 1927 - 33. Gifts. 1934 - 45. Gifts - Paul Davis Information. 1937 41. H. 1934 - 41. I. 1935 - 41. J. 1935 - 41. K. 1935 - 41. Klystron Project 1939 - 40. Klystron Project 1941 - 43. L. 1934 - 41. M. 1935 - 40. Morris, Samuel B. 1936 - 41. N. 1936 - 40. 0. 1935 - 39. P. 1934 - 41. Palo Alto Police Radio. 1933 - 34. Prospective Students. 1931 - 35. Q. 1939. R. 1935 - 41. Recommendations. 1934 - 37. Reports on school and department activities. 1926 - 30. Research Projects - miscellaneous. 1940 - 46. Ryan High Voltage Laboratory Dedication. 1940. Ryan Laboratory: Impulse Generator (Gardner Company). 1938 - 44. Ryan Laboratory: Impulse Generator (K-P-F Company). 1939 - 44. S. 1934 - 41. Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 9 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Ryan Laboratory: Impulse Generator (Pacific Electric Corp.). 1939 - 41. Spangenberg Position - candidates. 1937. T. 1937 - 41. Travel. 1932 - 35. V. 1935 - 40. W. 1935 - 41. Wide-Grid Tube Project. 1938 - 39. Wilbur, Ray Lyman. 1936 - 43. Box 4, Folder 18 Box 5, Folder 1 Box 5, Folder 2 Box 5, Folder 3 X, Y, Z. 1937 - 39. DEAN'S PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE. 1946-1954 Box 5, Folder 4 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers A B C D SC0160 27 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 DEAN'S PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE. 1946-1954 Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 E F G H I J K L M Mc N Box 5, Folder 16 Box 5, Folder 17 Box 5, Folder 18 0 P R Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, S T U V W Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Box 5, Folder 24 X, Y, Z STUDENT-FACULTY RESEARCH. 1928-1935 Scope and Content Note notes, lab reports, graphs, reprints, correspondence about papers, arranged chronologically Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder I Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 The Circle Diagram of a Transmission Network. 1926. Transient Skin Effect. 1926. The Electrical Engineering Research Situation in American Universities. 1927. Effective Heating of Code Transmitters. 1928. Screen Grid Tubes. With B. Dysart. 1928. Inverted Vacuum Tube. 1928. Audio Frequency Transformers. Marcel Lissman and I. E. Wood. 1929. High-Efficiency, High Output Vacuum Tube Oscillator. (Illustrations to accompany thesis by E. H. Fisher). 1929. Box 6, Folder 9 Box 6, Folder 10 Some Properties of Vacuum Tube Detection. 1929. Harmonic Generation by means of Grid Circuit Distortion. With D. E. Chambers and E. H. Fisher. Box 7, Folder I Box 7, Folder 2 Induction Frequency Changer. 1930 - 31. Induction Frequency Changer: Data. Philip Ekstrand. 1931 - 32. Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Induction Frequency Changer: Notebooks. Philip Ekstrand. 1931 - 32. Induction Frequency Changer: Summaries of work. Philip Ekstrand. 1931 - 32. Wunderlich Tube. 1932. Variable Resonator Research. Philip Ekstrand. 1932 - 33. Resistance Stabilized Oscillators. With Philip Ekstrand. 1933. Tuned Class B and Class C amplifiers. M. M. Santour. 1933. Resonant Transmission Lines as High-Frequency Circuit Elements. 1934. Low Loss Coils. 1935. Box 7, Folder 11 Box 7, Folder 12 Miscellaneous Studies by Frederick Terman. 1928 - 35. Class C Amplifier Analysis. Contains work by W. C. Roake, M. M. Santour, John Ferns, Philip Ekstrand. 1933 - 36. Box 7, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Electron Motion. Victor Carson. 1938. Harmonic Generator Research: Data. 1938. Analysis and Design of Harmonic Generators. 1938. A High-Efficiency Grid-Modulated Amplifier. With John Woolyard. 1938. Condenser Input. Wilton Abbott. 1938. Folder 13 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Box 8, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers The Condenser Input Rectifier. Richard Chard. 1939. SC0160 28 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 STUDENT-FACULTY RESEARCH. 1928-1935 Box 8, Folder 6 Frequency Response Characteristics of Amplifiers Employing Negative Feedback. With Wen-Yuan Pan. 1939. Box 8, Folder 7 Research Notebooks. Chung-Kuei Chang. 1939 - 40. Box 9, Folder 1 Box 9, Folder 2 Box 9, Folder 3 Detection: Data and papers. Chung-Kuei Chang. 1939 - 40. A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Detectors. Chung-Kuei Chang. 1940. Resistance-coupled Amplifier Studies. With William Hewlett, Charles Palmer, Wen-Yuan Pan. Circuit Design to Improve the-Frequency Response of Output Transformers. Research notes for thesis by Charles Moreno. 1940. Box 9, Folder 4 Box 9, Folder 6 Box 9, Folder 5 Miscellaneous Research by Frederick Terman. 1937-47. Circuit Design to Improve the Frequency Response of Output Transformers. Charles Moreno. 1940. Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, ITT INVENTION DISCLOSURES Folder I Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 ITT - Electronics Laboratory Correspondence. 1938-39. ITT - Electronics Laboratory Correspondence. 1940-42. Federal Telecommunications Laboratory (ITT affiliate). 1943 - 49. #1 - Loss Modulators (accepted). 1936 - 39. #2 - Linear Amplifying System (filed). 1939 - 40. #3 - Modulation Systems (filed). 1938 - 39. #4 - Multirange Meters (declined). 1939. #5 - Stabilized Oscillation Generator (accepted). 1939 - 41. #6-7 - Modulation Systems (accepted). 1939 - 40. #8 - Distortion Correction Remodulation System (declined). 1939. #9 - Distortion Correction (declined) [n.d.] #10 - Frequency Changing System (declined). 1939 - 40. #11 - Distortion Correction (declined). [n.d.] #12 - Distortion Correction (declined). 1939. #13 - Distortion Correction (declined). [n.d.] #14 - Multiple Lead Tube (declined). 1939 - 40. #15 - Sound Absorbing System (accepted). 1940. #16 - Direction Finding System (accepted). 1939 - 40. #17 - Stabilized Amplifier (declined). 1938 - 40. #18 - Diode-Type Detector for Heterodyne Signals (declined). 1940. #19 - Method of Removing Amplitude Modulation (accepted). 1940. #20 - Improvement in Klystron Detector (accepted). 1940. #21 - Method of Controlling High-Frequency Characteristics (declined). 1940. #22 - Method of Reducing Low Frequency Regeneration (accepted). 1940. #23 - Coupling Systems for Power Amplifiers (accepted). 1940 - 42. #24 - High Efficiency Loss Modulator (accepted). 1940. Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 20 Folder 19 #25 - Simple Impedance Inverter (declined). 1940. #26 - High Efficiency Amplifier (accepted). 1940-41. #27 - Diversity Receiving Systems (accepted). 1941. #28 - A System of High Level Frequency Modulation (accepted). 1942. #27a - Diversity Systems employing combined Amplitude and Frequency Modulation (declined) [n.d.] Box 11, Folder 21 Box 11, Folder 22 #29 - obtaining Correct Radio Compass Bearings (declined). 1942. #30 - Method of Avoiding Hunting in Control Systems (declined). [n.d.] Box 11, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, [unnumbered] - High-Density Beam (accepted). [n.d.] Group II - Agreements and General Correspondence. 1936 - 40. Group II - #1 - Modulator (declined). 1936 - 37. Group II - #2 - Stabilized Amplifier (filed). 1937 - 41. Group II - #3 - Linear Amplifying System (filed). 1939 - 41. Group II - #4 - Improvement in Grid-Modulated Amplifier (filed, but dropped). 1939 - 40. Folder 23 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Box 12, Folder 6 Group II - #5-9 - Distortion Correction System (declined). 1939 - 40. Box 12, Folder 7 Group II - #10 - Direction Finding System (declined). 1939. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 29 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 ITT INVENTION DISCLOSURES Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Group Group Group Group Box 12, Folder 12 II II II II - #11 #12 #13 #14 - Multiple Lead Tubes (declined). 1939 - 40. Sound Absorbing System (declined). 1940 - 41. Diode Type Detector for Heterodyne Signals (declined). 1940. Method of Removing Amplitude Modulation. 1940. Group II - #15-17 - Miscellaneous (declined). 1940 - 41. Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABORATORY CORRESPONDENCE FILES. 1951-1954 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Administration. 1951-55. Air Force - general correspondence. 1951 - 55. Airborne Instrument Laboratory. 1951 - 52. Applied Engineering Laboratory: Moving. 1953 54. Atomic Energy Commission. 1955. Ayer, W. E. July 1955. B. 1952-54. Bacon, David C. 1954-56. Budget. 1952. Budget. 1953 - 54. Budget. 1954 - 55. Building. 1951 - 53. Burroughs Corporation. 1954. Buss, Robert. 1952-54. Cate, Donald. 1955. Classifications. 1954 - 55. Classified Materials, Receipts for. 1954 - 55. Contract Negotiations - general. 1950 - 54. Contractor's Meeting. August 1955. Contracts: Air Force - Miscellaneous. 1953 - 55. Contracts: Air Force - AF 19(604)-686. 1952 - 55. Contracts: Air Force - AF 19(604)-795. 1953 - 56. Contracts: Air Force - AF 19(604)-1031. 1954 - 56. Contracts: Air Force - AF 19(604)-1065. 1954 - 55. Contracts: Air Force - AF 30(602)-8. Final Report: Low Frequency Navigation and Guidance Systems. 1953. Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 28 Folder 29 Folder 30 Folder 31 Folder 32 Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Air Force - AF 33(600)-27784. 1954 - 56. Air Force - Single Side Band. 1954. Air Force -Whistlers. 1955 - 56. Air Force -Purchase Request 559169. 1956. Air Force -Purchase Request 646609. 1956. Army Signal Corps. 1953 - 56. Atomic Energy Commission. 1956. Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: General Electric. 1954 - 55. Hewlett-Packard. 1953 - 55. Lincoln Project. 1954. Litton Industries. 1955. Miscellaneous. 1953 - 54. National Bureau of Standards - CST-3071. 1955. National Bureau of Standards - CST-10751. 1947 - 55. National Science Foundation - Grant NSF/IGY. 1955. Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Contracts: Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Box 14, Folder 17 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers of of of of of of of of Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Research Research Research Research Research Research Research Research - general. 1952 5 Nonr - 225(04). 1951-53. Nonr 225(04). Status Reports. 1952 - 53. Nonr 225(05). 1952 - 53. Nonr 225(07). 1951 - 53. Nonr 225(10). 1951 - 53. Nonr 225(10), Project 330. 1952 - 53. Nonr 225(12). 1952 - 55. Contracts: Office of Naval Research - Nonr - 251(07). 1951 - 56. SC0160 30 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABORATORY CORRESPONDENCE FILES. 1951-1954 Box 14, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Folder 18 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 16 Folder 15 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 28 Folder 29 Folder 30 Folder 31 Folder 32 Folder 33 Folder 34 Folder 35 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Contracts: Office of Naval Research - Nonr - 251(32). 1950-55. Contracts: Penta Laboratories. 1953 - 54. Contracts: Sandia Corporation. 1955. Contracts: University of California. 1954. Contracts: University of Colorado. 1952 - 54. Contracts: Varian Associates. 1951 - 55. Contracts: Villard. 1953 - 54. Dunn, Donald A. 1953 - 55. E. 1952 - 55. Edson, William A. 1952 - 54. Eitel-McCullough Grant. 1952 - 54. Electron Tube Conference. 1952 - 53; 1955. Field, Lester M. 1951 - 53. Fire Protection Reinspection Report. 1954. G. 1952 - 55. Ginzton, Edward L. 1951 - 55. Gilfillan Brothers. 1948; 1953. H. 1952 - 55. Hallicrafters. 1954. Hare, Milton. 1955. Harris, Donald B. 1951-55. Hewlett-Packard. 1952-54. Holt, Roland. 1952 - 55. Huggins Laboratories. 1955. I. 1953 - 55. Instrument Committee Minutes. 1954. J. 1952 - 54. Kaisel, Sidney F. 1952 - 55. Kohl, Walter H. 1954 - 55. L. 1953 - 54. Liaison Information. 1951 - 52. Lincoln Project. 1951 - 53. Linvill, John. 1955. M. 1951 - 55. McGhie, L. Farrell. 1952 53. Matthews, Allen R. 1951 53. Medical Electronics. 1955. Michigan, University of. 1951 - 55. Microwave - general. 1953 - 54. Miscellaneous Projects: Lists of Reports. 1955. Models. 1951 - 54. Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 N. 1953 - 54. Office of Naval Research: general correspondence. 1951 - 55. Operational Reports. 1951 - 1952. Organizational Charts. 1952 - 53. P. 1952 - 55. Patents. 1951 - 56. Personnel Assignments. 1953. Personnel Directories. 1952 - 53. Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Personnel Prospects: Inactive. 1950 - 53. Pettit, Joseph M. 1951 - 54. Proposals for Applied Research and Development. 1951 - 52. Publications. 1951 - 55. R. 1952 - 53. Rambo, William. 1951 - 56. Rambo, William. Project S-440. 1954-55. Rand Corporation. 1951. Box 16, Folder 22 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Rapid Scan Receivers. 1951 - 54. SC0160 31 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABORATORY CORRESPONDENCE FILES. 1951-1954 Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Raytheon. 1954 - 55. Research Corporation. 1953. S. 1951 - 56. Safety Committee Minutes. 1953 - 56. Salaries. 1953 - 56. Security. 1952 - 56. Senior Staff. 1951 - 54. Signal Corps - general correspondence. 1952 54. Spangenberg, Karl. 1951 - 56. Stanford Electronics Laboratories: Organization. 1955. Stanford Electronics Newsletter. 1952. Stanford Laboratories, Inc. 1955. Stanford University. 1951 - 52. Susskind, Charles. 1953 - 55. Sylvania Electric Products. 1952 - 54. Sylvania - Electronic Defense Laboratory. 1953 - 54. T. 1955. Technical Advisory Committee Meetings. 1951. Technical Advisory Committee Meetings. 1952. Technical Advisory Committee Meetings. 1953. Technical Advisory Committee Meetings. 1954. Technical Advisory Committee Meetings. 1955. Technical Advisory Committee Meeting. Spring, 1956. Technical Program. 1950 - 55. Technical Program Committee. 1954 - 55. Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 28 Television. March 1955. Terman, Frederick E.: memos to files. 1950 - 53. Terman, Frederick E.: Personal correspondence. 1954 Tube Shop. 1952. V. 1952 - 55. W. 1953 - 56. Waterman, Alan. 1953 54. Watkins, Dean H. 1953 56. Box 17, Folder 29 Box 18, Folder 1 Box 18, Folder 2 Box 18, Folder 3 Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Z. 1952 - 55. MICROWAVE LABORATORY Microwave Laboratory - general correspondence. 1950 - 52. Microwave Laboratory - general correspondence. 1954 - 56. Budgets and Finance. 1951 - 54. Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Building. 1952. Contracts: Ferroelectricity Project. 1951 - 54. Contracts: General Electric Company. 1952 - 55. Contracts: Miscellaneous. 1954 - 55. General Electric Company - general. 1951 - 55. Linear Accelerator Accounts. 1949 - 54. Microwave Laboratory Medical Program. 1952 - 54. Motz, Hans. 1951 - 52. Box 18, Folder 12 Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Pierce, J. R. November 1951. TEACHING MATERIALS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Box 19, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Network Theorems: Syllabus [n.d.] Networks: Lecture Notes [n.d.] Power Lines: Data and Notes [n.d.] Transmission Circuits: Syllabus [n.d.] Course Evaluation: Electrical Engineering 110. Winter Quarter 1950. SC0160 32 Series IIStanford School of Engineering 1925-1946 TEACHING MATERIALS Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Course Course Course Course Course Course Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Electrical Engineering 110 [n.d.] Electrical Engineering 111 [n.d.] Electrical Engineering 112. Spring Quarter 1952. Electrical Engineering 11' Spring Quarter 1953. Electrical Engineering 161. Winter Quarter 1955. Winter Quarter 1954. Class not identified. Box 20, Folder I Box 20, Folder 3 Box 20, Folder 2 Electrical Engineering 160, Fall 1953;1954. Electrical Engineering 162, Spring 1954;1955. Electrical Engineering 161, Winter 1953/54; 1954/55. Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Electrical Engineering 110, 111,112; 1947,1948,1950. Misc. Electrical Engineering course work, n.d. Radio Engineering: Misc. classes, 1937-41. Transmission Circuits, 1939. Transmission Circuits, exams, 1933-1940. Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Box 20, Folder 9 Transmission Circuits, exams cont., 1933-1940. Series III Stanford Administration 1948-1972 Scope and Content Note Boxes 1-60: Provosts' Personal Papers, 1955-65. These files consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports and clipping covering all phases of Dr. Terman's activities as Provost. They were called "personal" by Dr. Terman's office because they were controlled by Terman's own secretary, rather than being a part of the central President's and Provost's record group. The contents, however, deal strictly with University-related matters. These records provide revealing insights into Dr. Terman's philosophy and methods of strengthening academic departments as well as the general functioning of the highest levels of university administration. The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within each folder. Boxes 61-63: Provost's staff meeting, 1959-65. Agenda, minutes, and supporting documents for the biweekly meetings of Dr. Terman's office staff. Boxes 64-67: Studies for the President, 1966-75 Following Dr. Terman's retirement as Provost in 1965, he continued work part-time as a consultant to the President of the University. In this capacity, he carried out several studies for President Sterling and his successors, including control of faculty size, fringe benefits, retirement pensions, and funding of Stanford's professional schools. These four boxes contain correspondence, data, working papers and reports related to these studies. Boxes 68-75: Data processing in the Provost's Office, 1955-75. When the Registrar's Office computerized its operations in 1955, Dr. Terman saw the opportunity to obtain a vast amount of statistical data on the educational activities within Stanford. With a grant from the Ford Foundation, Terman and Professor Robert Oakford were able to program the system to provide a variety of information in a form that was useful to the Provost. These boxes contain computer print-outs divided into volumes by topics, which include statistics on courses taught by each instructor, enrollment statistics, age and salary distribution among faculty. Boxes 76-77: Budget working papers, 1955-65. Binders containing memoranda, data, and calculations compiled by Terman to be used in figuring yearly budgets. Arranged chronologically. Box 78: Miscellaneous administrative files, 1948-65.. Folders 1 -7 contain files on graduate division accounts; and Terman's study of undergraduate education. Folders 8 -13 are concerned with the search for the successor for Stanford's deceased President Donald B. Tresidder. Terman was elected to the Faculty Advisory Committee which recommended presidential candidates to the Board of Trustees. These files contain correspondence, minutes, agenda, and lists of candidates relevant to this task. PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 1, Folder 1 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers A SC0160 33 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 5, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder I Admissions Committee. 1956-57. Admission Committee. 1958. Admissions Committee. 1959. Admissions Committee. 1960 - 61. Admissions Committee. 1962 - 63. Admissions Committee. 1964 - 68 Admissions - Transfer Program. 1958 - 60. Administrative Policies. 1955; 1958 - 62. Administrative Policies. 1963 - 67. Administrative Policies. 1968 - 70. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). 1961 64. Advisory Board. 1956 - 62. Advisory Board. 1963 - 65. Advisory Board - Forms Revision. 1963 - 65. Aeronautical Engineering. 1958 - 63. Aeronautical Engineering. 1964 - 70. Agency for International Development (AID). 1962, 1964. Air Force. 1960 - 65. Algard, F. Thomas. 1961 64. American Association of University Professors. 1959 - 67. Ampex. 1960 - 64. Anthropology. 1957 - 65. Applied Mathematics. 1966. Applied Physics. 1961 - 65. Art Gallery and Museum - Art Department. 1956 - 61. Art Gallery and Museum - Art Department. 1963 - 64. Asian Languages. 1956 - 63. Athletics. 1957 - 61. Axt, Richard. 1960 - 64. B-BO BR-BZ Barclay, Tom. 1964. Behavioral Sciences. 1954 - 61. Berelson Graduate Study. 1958. Biochemistry. 1956 - 59. Biological Sciences. 1955 - 59. Biology. 1960. Biology. 1961 - 62. Biology. 1963 - 65. Biology - Department Head; Department Reappraisal 1963 - 65. Biology Search Committee. 1965. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Biology: Vanderbilt Foundation. 1960. Biomedical Engineering. 1960-67. Biophysics, general. 1959 - 65. Biophysics, Review of. 1961. Biophysics, Review of. 1962. Biophysics, Review of. 1963. Biophysics, Review of -Ginzton. 1960 - 63. Bowker, Albert. 1957 - 64. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Bowker, Albert. 1965 - 71. Bowker successor. 1963. Braun Trust. 1960. Brooks, Howard. 1957 - 66. Bunzel, John. 1957 - 63. Business, Graduate School of. 1955 - 58. Business, Graduate School of. 1959. Business, Graduate School of. 1960 - 73. Box 6, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Business, Graduate School of Long-range plans. 1956 - 64. SC0160 34 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 6, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 6 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Business Office. 1959 - 65. C-CL CO-CZ California Institute of Technology. 1956 - 63. California, U. of - Relations. 1958 - 62. California, U. of - Relations. 1963. California, U. of - Relations. 1964. California, U. of - Relations. 1965. Carnegie Institution. 1962 - 65. Case System. 1966. Center for Materials Research (CMR) See Materials Research Center (b. 38, f. 7). Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Chemical Engineering. 1949 - 55. Chemical Engineering. 1955 - 64. Chemistry. 1949; 1954 - 60. Chemistry. 1960 - 65. Chemistry - Biochemistry. 1958 - 59. Chemistry Building. 1959 - 60. Chemistry Building. 1959. USPHS Grants. Chemistry Building. 1960 - 61. Stauffer Dedication. Chemistry Building and Program. 1962 - 64. Chemistry - Classified Contracts (Aerosol Lab). 1951 -60. Chemistry - Djerassi. 1959 - 61. Chemistry - Finances. 1959 - 61. Chemistry Headship Search - general. 1956 - 59. Chemistry Headship Search - names of potential candidates. Chemistry Headship Search - Dossiers on 3 top candidates (all of whom declined position). Box 9, Folder 7 Box 9, Folder 8 Box 9, Folder 9 Box 9, Folder 10 Box 10, Folder I Box 10, Folder 2 Box 10, Folder 3 Box 10, Folder 4 Box 10, Folder 5 Box 10, Folder 6 Box 10, Folder 7 Box 10, Folder 8 Box 11, Folder 1 Box 11, Folder 2 Chemistry Headship - Johnson. 1958 - 59. Chemistry - Johnson. 1959 - 60. Chemistry - Microanalytical. 1960 - 61. Chemistry - New faculty. 1959 - 62. Chemistry Promotion - inactive. 1959 - 61. Chemistry Promotion - PACE. 1959 - 61. Chemistry - Useful data. 1949 - 59. Chemistry - Weissman. 1959. Civil Engineering. 1958 - 63. Civil Engineering. 1963 - 65. Classics. 1962; 1965. Classified Research. 1966 - 70. Coe, William Robertson - Fund for American Studies. 1956 - 64. Committee Membership. 1956 - 62. Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Communications and Journalism. 1955 - 64. Competitive offers. 1957 - 62. Competitive offers. 1963 - 65. Computation Center. 1955 - 60. Computation Center. 1961 - 62. Computer Science and Center. 1962 - 63. Computer Science and Center. 1964 - 65. Computer Science and Center. 1966 - 70. Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Computer Studies for FET. 1966 - 69. Contract matters (government). 1955 - 58. Contract matters. 1959. Contract matters. 1960 - 61. Contract matters. 1962. Contract and Grant matters. 1963. Contract and Grant matters. 1964 65. Controller. 1962. Box 13, Folder 4 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Corson Report. 1958. (text of report) SC0160 35 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Corson Report. 1958 - 59. (correspondence and reactions) Counseling Service. 1962. Cresap Study. 1964. Crossett Fund. 1960 - 64. D Dean of Students. 1959 - 63. Development Office. 1959 - 65. E Earth Sciences. 1956 - 57. Earth Sciences. 1958 - 59. Earth Sciences. 1961 - 62. Earth Sciences. 1963 - 66. Earth Sciences - Dean (search). 1963 64. Earth Sciences - Jahns, Richard Earth Sciences - Programs 1956 58 (reports by Visiting Committee of the Associates; report on long-range plans of School). Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 16, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Economics Department. 1940 - 55. (data, rather than correspondence). Economics Department. 1956 - 61. Economics Department. 1962 - 63. Economics Department. 1964 - 65. Economics of Universities. 1957. Education and Health Education. 1954 56. Education and Health Education. 1957. Education and Health Education. 1958 59. Education and Health Education. 1960 - 65. Education Reports. 1957 - 62. (2 binders) Education Reports. 1957-62. (2 binders) Electrical Engineering. 1958 - 59. Electrical Engineering. 1960 - 62. Electrical Engineering. 1963 - 70. E.E. Appointments Committee. 1957 - 58. E.E. Appointments Committee. 1959 - 60. E.E. Appointments Committee. 1961. E.E. Appointments Committee. 1962. E.E. Appointments Committee. 1963. Electrical Engineering - Solid State Electronics. 1958 - 59. Electrical Engineering - Solid State Electronics. 1960 - 62. Electrical Engineering - Solid State Electronics. 1963 - 65. Electrical Engineering - Solid State Electronics. 1966 - 69. Electronics Research Laboratory. 1956 - 57. Electronics Research Laboratory. 1958 - 59. Box 18, Folder 7 Box 19, Folder 1 Box 19, Folder 2 Electronics Research Laboratory. 1961 - 62. Electronics Research Laboratory. 1962 - 63. Electronics Research Laboratory. 1962 - 63. Research coordination and salaries charged to government accounts. Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Electronics Research Laboratory. 1964. Electronics Research Laboratory. 1965. End Quarter Deficiencies. 1962 68 (list of students). Engineering. 1958. Box 19, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 21, Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 1 Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Box 21, Folder 2 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965. 1966. Engineering. 1967. SC0160 36 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 22, Box 22, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Engineering. 1968. Engineering. 1969. Engineering. 1970. Engineering. 1971. Engineering Advisory Council. 1966 68. Engineering Advisory Council. 1969 - 72. Engineering-Economic Systems. 1961 - 67. Engineering-Economic Systems - Franklin A. Lindsay 1962. (file on candidate for teaching position) Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Engineering Education, Study of. 1967 - 69. Engineering - Engineering Mechanics. 1960 - 61. Engineering - Ford Foundation. 1958 - 59. Engineering - Ford Foundation. 1960. Engineering - Ford Foundation. 1961 - 65. Engineering - Plasma. 1959 - 62. Engineering - Plasma. 1963 - 64. Engineering - Undergraduate. 1962. English. 1958 - 63. English for Foreign Students. 1962 - 63. Executive Committee (of Academic Council). 1964. F Faculty Housing. 1959 - 63. (mainly concerns eligibility) Faculty Housing. 1964 - 65. Faculty Recreation Committee. 1960 - 62. Fair Employment. 1964 - 65. (minority recruiting practices) Fallout. 1962. Fellowship Funds. 1962 63. Food Research Institute. 1957 - 60. Food Research Institute. 1961 - 62. Food Research Institute. 1963 66. Food Research Institute Flores. 1964 - 65 (visiting Professor 1964). Food Research Institute - Terman Review. 1964 (large binder of memoranda, correspondence, reports and information compiled by Terman in a review of FRI faculty and operations in 1964). Box 25, Box 25, Box 25, Box 25, Box 25, Box 25, Box 25, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Box 25, Box 25, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Foreign Students. 1963 - 65. (enrollment statistics) Form Letters. 1956 - 62. (sample replies) French. 1962 - 64. Freshmen - Distribution among courses. 1960. (based on sample of 100 frosh). Freshman Overage. 1961 - 62. ("Overage" refers to greater number of frosh enrollees than anticipated folders deal with necessary adjustments) Foundation. 1956 - 59. Foundation. 1960 - 61. Foundation. 1962 - 70. Foundation - Data Processing Study. 1956 - 65. Foundation - Major grants. 1959 - 60. Foundation - Priorities Schedule. 1960. Foundation - School and department needs. 1960. Box 26, Folder 4 Box 26, Folder 5 Freshman Tensions. 1960 - 61. Fringe Benefits. 1960 - 62. Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Fringe Benefits. 1963 - 68. Fringe Benefits - Family Medical Plan. 1961. Fringe Benefits - Major Medical. 1960 - 61. Fringe Benefits - Major Medical. 1962. Fringe Benefits - Tuition Exchange. 1961 - 62. Furtado, Celsa. 1964. (Ousted superintendent of Development in Brazil, considered for Economics teaching position at Stanford.) Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Box 27, Folder 1 G - GI Box 27, Folder 2 GO - GZ Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 37 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 27, Box 27, Box 27, Box 27, Box 27, Box 28, Box 28, Box 28, Box 28, Box 28, Box 28, Box 28, Box 28, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 29, Box 30, Box 30, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 General Electric. 1955 - 1963. General Studies, Committee on. 1958 - 60. (Minutes) General Studies, Committee on. 1961 - 62. (Minutes) General Studies, Committee on. 1963. (Minutes) General Studies, Committee on. 1964. (Minutes) Geography Department. 1956 - 62. Gift Campaign. 1960 - 61. Gift Program - General. 1957 60. Gifts - Annual Giving. 1952 60. (Annual and weekly reports) Gifts - Annual Giving. 1961 62. (Weekly reports) Gifts - Annual Giving. 1963. (Weekly reports) Gifts - Annual Giving. 1964. (Weekly reports) Gifts - Unrestricted. 1961 - 65. Gilfillan Brothers, Inc. 1950 - 61. Government Policies on Research. 1963. Grade distribution. 1959 - 62. Grade distribution. 1963 - 64. Graduate Admissions Office. 1961 - 64. Graduate Dean; Graduate Study Committee. 1955 58. Graduate Dean; Graduate Study Committee. 1959. Graduate Dean; Graduate Study Committee. 1960 62. Graduate Dean; Graduate Study Committee. 1963 66; 1969. Graduate Division - Special Funds. 1963 - 65. Graduate Division - Special Programs. 1975. (Report by F. W. Crawford, "Review of Special Ph.D. Program, 1952 - 75) Box 30, Box 30, Box 30, Box 30, Box 30, Box 30, Box 30, Box 30, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 31, Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Graphic Arts. 1956. Guerard Professorship. 1960 - 61. H HI HO HZ Harvard University. 1956 - 60. Harvard University. 1961 - 70. Health Service. 1962 - 63. Heffner, Hubert. 1963 - 70. Hispanic-American Studies. 1958 - 61. Hispanic-American and Luso-Brazilian Studies.1962 - 65. History. 1956 - 65. Hofstadter, Robert. 1962 - 64. Hofstadter Accelerator. 1962 - 63. Honors Co-operative Program. 1956 - 59; 1971. Hoover Institution. 1956 - 61. Hoover Institution. 1962 - 65; 1973. Hoover Institution - Appointments. 1960 - 62. Hopkins Marine Station. 1958 - 60. Hopkins Marine Station. 1961. Howard, Jan. 1963. Hughes Aircraft. 1958. Humanities and Sciences, School of. 1958-60 Humanities and Sciences, School of. 1961-65 Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Box 32, Box 33, Box 33, Box 33, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Humanities Council. 1960-61 I Industrial Engineering. 1959-66 Industrial Park. 1958-70 Instructional Program at Stanford, development of. 6/12/80 International Business Machines (IBM) 1956-67 International Studies, Committee on. 1955-57 International Studies, Committee on. 1958 Box 33, Folder 4 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers International Studies, Committee on. 1959; 1962-66 SC0160 38 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 33, Folder v.5 Larger binder kept by FET of memos, reports, and funding proposals of International Studies 1961-65 Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 34, Box 35, L Jacks Fund. 1963-65 K Kemnitzer, William. 1962-66 Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr.- Foundation. 1964 Kern County Land Company. 1957-59 Klystron Royalties. 1952-75 Krafve, Richard E. L-LI LO - LZ Land and Building Development. 1955; 1957 - 58. (Advisory Committee - minutes and agenda) Land and Building Development,. 1959. (Advisory Committee - minutes and agenda) Land and Building Development. 1960. (Advisory Committee - minutes and agenda) Land and Building Development. 1963 - 65. (Advisory Committee - minutes and agenda) Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Box 35, Folder 2 Box 35, Folder 3 Box 35, Folder 4 Box 35, Box 35, Box 35, Box 35, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 36, Box 37, Box 37, Box 37, Box 37, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Box 37, Folder 5 Box 37, Folder 6 Box 37, Box 37, Box 38, Box 38, Box 38, Box 38, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Box 38, Folder 5 Box 38, Folder 6 Box 38, Folder 7 Land and Building Development - Engineering Subcommittee. 1955 - 59. Land and Building Development - Faculty Housing. 1955 - 59. Land and Building Development - Master Plan. 1954; 1956; 1960. Land Development - Annexation Election. 1960. Law. 1959 - 62. Law. 1963. Law. 1965 - 66; 1971. Law - New Dean. 1963. (Bayless Manning) Law - Ten Year Plan. 1961. (For years 1961-70) Leave Policy. 1964 - 65. Libraries. 1957 - 58. Libraries. 1959 - 60. Libraries. 1961. Libraries. 1962. Libraries. 1963 - 69. Library Development Fund. 1960 - 61. Library Development Fund. 1962 - 64. Library - Director. 1962 65. (Search for Ray Swark's successor - Appointment of Rutherford Rogers.) Library Needs. 1959 - 60; 1962. (Prepared in relation to Ford Foundation Proposal.) Linvill, John. 1959 - 70. (Contains much information on his invention, the Optacon.) Linvill, William. 1961 - 65. Linvill, William. 1966 - 70. Lockheed. 1956 - 65. L.S.D. 1963 - 66. M ME MI MY Box 39, Folder 1 Box 39, Folder 2 Box 39, Folder 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).1958 - 63. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 1964 - 69. Materials Research, Center for (C.M.R.). 1960 - 61. (Proposals submitted to the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the DOD; correspondence with this group; minutes of executive committee) Materials Research, Center for. 1962 - 68. Materials Science. 1959 - 60. Materials Science. 1961 - 63. Box 39, Folder 4 Mathematics. 1955 - 59. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 39 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 39, Box 39, Box 39, Box 39, Box 39, Box 40, Box 40, Box 40, Box 40, Box 40, Box 40, Box 40, Box 41, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 1 Mathematics. 1960 - 63. Mechanical Engineering. 1958 - 61; 1965. Medical School. 1955 - 58. Medical School. 1959. Medical School. 1960. Medical School. 1961. Medical School. 1962. Medical School. 1963. Medical School. 1964. Medical School. 1965. Medical School. 1966 - 71. Medical School - Committee on Appointment Policy. 1964. Medical School - Dean Search. 1964. Includes the following groups: a. Search Committee Statement b. Current Candidates C. Comroe, Julius d. Elaser, Robert e. Richmond, Julius f. Tenney, Marsh Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 41, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 42, Box 43, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Medical School - Morrell, F. 1960. Medical School Study - Background Material. 1956 - 61. Medical School Study - Clinical. 1960 - 62. Medical School Study - Finances. 1960 - 62. Medical School Study - Palo Alto-Stanford Hospital. 1961 - 62. Medical School Study - Pre-Clinical Departments. 1960 - 61. Medical School Study - Problems. 1962. Medical School Study - Miscellaneous. 1961 62. Men's Physical Education. Jan. 1964. Merner, Garfield and Paul. 1962 - 69. Metallurgy. 1958 - 59. Michigan State University. 1958 - 60. Microwave Laboratory. 1956 - 64. Modern European Languages. 1956 - 64. Moulton, Robert H., Jr. 1958 - 64. Moving Expenses. 1959 - 65. Music. 1956 - 1961. N National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 1961 - 62. NASA. 1963. NASA. 1964. NASA. 1965 - 70. National Defense Education Act (NDEA). 1958 - 59. NDEA. 1960 - 70. National Endowment for the Humanities. 1965. National Institutes of Health. 1962 - 68. Box 43, Box 43, Box 43, Box 43, Box 43, Box 43, Box 43, Box 44, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 National Merit Scholarships. 1963. National Science Foundation (including fellowships). 1957 - 59. NSF. 1960 - 63. NSF. 1964 - 70. NSF Facilities Proposals. 1959 - 62. NSF Facilities Proposals. 1963. NSF Facilities Proposals. 1964. Neuristor. 1960. (invention applicable to computer technology) Box 44, Box 44, Box 44, Box 44, Box 44, Box 44, Box 44, Box 44, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 New York, City University of. 1964 - 65. Nuclear Technology. 1957 - 66. 0 oceanography. 1959. office of Naval Research. 1956 - 75. Operations Research, Committee on. 1961 - 65. Operations Research: Committee in; Affiliated Faculty. 1961 - 64. Overhead Costs Studies: Department Administration. 1960 - 61. Box 44, Folder 10 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Overhead Costs Studies: General and Administrative. 1960 - 61. SC0160 40 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 44, Box 44, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 45, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Overhead Cost Studies. Medical School. 1960 62. Overhead Costs: Miscellaneous. 1960 - 64. P Patents. 1956; 1962 - 65. Peck Professorship. 1962. Personnel Office. 1961 - 64. Philosophy. 1955 - 1963. Philosophy: Nivison Appointment. 1957 - 58. Physical Sciences. 1960. Physics Department. 1954 - 57. Physics Department. 1958. Physics Department. 1959 - 65. Pike, Thomas. 1961 - 64. Political Science. 1955 - 65. Political Science: Visiting Chair. 1962 - 65. Ponlatoff Professorship. 1961 - 64. Potter, James. 1969. President's Scientific Advisory Council (PSAC): Travel. 1961 - 65. Press (Stanford University) Building. 1960. Princeton University. 1963 - 67. Pritchard Program. 1966 - 68. (R. L. Pritchard's program for graduate student recruiting) Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 46, Box 47, Box 47, Box 47, Box 47, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Prospective Students. 1960 - 64. Prospective Students. 1969 - 70. Prospective Students: Special Cases. 1958 61. Psychology. 1953 - 65. Q Quantitative Methods in Behavioral Sciences. 1958; 1962. R - Rh RI - RZ Radioscience Laboratory. 1965. Registrar. 1957 - 65. Research Corporation. 1959 - 64. Research Space Reserve. 1962 - 63. Rhinelander, Philip. 1956 - 61. Rhinelander, Philip: Problems. 1958 - 1961. Rousch Professorship. 1961 - 65. S SP ST SZ Sabbatical Leave. 1955 - 56. Salary Advances. 1961 - 63. Box 47, Box 47, Box 47, Box 47, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 2 Folder 1 Folder 3 Folder 4 Salary Scale Information. 1947 - 1959. Salary Scale Information. 1960 - 63. Salary Scale Information. 1964 - 71. Salary Tabulations. 1963 - 64. Schaffner, Charles. 1969. Sanford Project. 1963 - 65. Sears, Robert P. 1961-64. Senior Research Associate. 1957-64. Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Box 48, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Seven University Group. 1959. Shelters, Fall-out. 1963. Shiffman, Max. 1960 - 74. Shockley, William. 1955 - 67. Shockley, William. 1968 - 69. Shockley, William. 1970 - 72. Sloan Foundation. 1963 - 65. Small Classes. 1961. Box 48, Folder 13 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Sociology. 1955 - 58. SC0160 41 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 48, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 49, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 50, Box 51, Box 51, Box 51, Box 51, Box 51, Box 51, Box 51, Box 52, Box 52, Box 52, Box 52, Box 52, Box 52, Box 52, Box 52, Box 53, Box 53, Box 53, Box 53, Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Sociology. 1959 - 65. Spaeth, Carl. 1963. Special Programs in Humanities. 1957 - 1964. Spectrum Magnetic Industries. 1962. Speech and Drama. 1956 - 59. Speech and Drama. 1961. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - "Project M." 1956 - June 1958. SLAC. July-Dec. 1958. SLAC. 1959. SLAC. Jan.-Oct. 1960. SLAC. Nov.-Dec. 1960. SLAC. Jan.-May 1961. SLAC. June-Dec. 1961 SLAC. Jan.-May 1962. SLAC. June-Dec. 1962. SLAC. Jan.-June 1963. SLAC. July-Dec. 1963. SLAC. 1964. SLAC. Jan.-May 1965. SLAC. June-Dec. 1965. SLAC. 1966-71. SLAC Committee. 1960-61. SLAC Congressional Hearings. 1959 - 60. SLAC - 1961 Hearings booklet. SLAC - Physics Department. 1964. SLAC - Proposals and Publicity. 1957 - 59. SLAC - Woodside Power Problems - Sand Hill alignment. 1963 - 64. Stanford Overseas Studies. 1957 - 60. Stanford Overseas Studies. 1961. Stanford Overseas Studies. 1963 - 69. Stanford Research Institute: Basic Research. 1954 - 55. SRI: Basic Research. 1956. SRI: Basic Research Plans and Cash Flow Projections. 1964. SRI: Board of Directors. 1958. SRI: Board of Directors. Jan.-June 1959. SRI: Board of Directors. July-Dec. 1959. SRI: Board of Directors. Jan.-June 1960. SRI: Board of Directors. July-Dec. 1960. SRI: Board of Directors. Jan.-May 1961. SRI: Board of Directors. June-Dec. 1961. SRI: Board of Directors. Jan.-July 1962. Box 53, Box 53, Box 53, Box 54, Box 54, Box 54, Box 54, Box 54, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 SRI: Board of Directors. Aug.-Dec. 1962. SRI: Board of Directors. 1963. SRI: Board of Directors. 1964 - 66. SRI Board of Directors: Minutes. 1960 - 61. SRI Board of Directors: Minutes. 1962 - 63. SRI Board of Directors: Minutes. 1964 - 65. SRI - Computers. 1962 - 65. SRI - Demonstrations. 1968 - 69. Box 54, Folder 6 SRI - Draper Committee. 1965. (special committee chaired by William Draper to examine Institute's objectives) Box 54, Box 54, Box 54, Box 54, Box 55, Box 55, SRI SRI SRI SRI SRI SRI Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Box 55, Folder 3 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers - Executive Committee. 1960 - 63. Executive Committee. 1964 - 65. Executive Committee - memos and notes. 1964 65. Executive Committee - reports to Exec. Com. 1965. Finance Committee. 1961 - 62. Financial Statements. 1961 - 65. SRI - Folkers, Carl. 1964 - 65. SC0160 42 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 55, Box 55, Box 55, Box 55, Box 55, Box 55, Box 55, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 56, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 57, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 58, Box 59, Box 59, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 SRI - Fund raising. 1964 - 65. SRI Grant. SRI - New Associates Plan. 1965. SRI - Packard, David - material for. 1965 - 66. SRI - Personnel Committee. 1961 62. SRI - Research Committee. 1961. SRI - Scientist's Search. 1961 62 (Search for SRI Director). SRI - Stanford Relations. 1961 65. SRI - Stanford Committee. 1963 65. SRI - Stanford (Weldon Gibson). SRI - Stanford Joint Committee - Reports. 1965. SRI - Miscellaneous Problems. 1962 - 65. SRI - Miscellaneous Publications and Responses. 1964 - 66. Statistics, Department of. 1951 - 64. Statler Hotel Project. 1958. Steere, William. 1957 - 58. Student Financial Aid. 1957 - 60. Student Financial Aid. 1961 - 65. Student Housing. 1960 - 61. Student Problems - Stanford and Berkeley. 1964 - 65. Student Problems - Stanford and Berkeley. 1966 - 67. Summer Festival. 1963 65. Summer Session. 1956 59. Summer Session. 1960 65. Suppes, Patrick. 1965. Supplementary Compensation, Committee on. 1957 64. T TI. TO TZ Tarr, Curtis. 1960 - 72. Tenure Policy. 1959 - 63. Tenure Policy. 1964 - 65. Terman - Meetings with departments guidelines. 1956 - 57. Texaco. 1960. Trustees, Board of. 1956 - 61. Trustees, Board of. 1962 - 65. Tuition rates - information. 1960 74. U Undergraduate Education. 1961 - 63. Undergraduate Education. 1964 - 65. Undergraduate Instruction. May-Sept. 1962 (History Department experiment) Undergraduate Residence Program. 1964 - 69. Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Union Negotiations. 1964. (re Hansen Labs, SEL and SLAC) United States Office of Education. 1964 - 69. Universities Research Association. 1965 - 66. (re 200 bev National Accelerator) University Distinguished Professorships. 1957 59. University Relations. 1960 - 65. V Varian - Fellowship and General Correspondence. 1956 - 65. Vice-Presidents' Meetings. 1959 - 64. Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 59, Box 60, Box 60, Box 60, Box 60, Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Villard, Oswald G., Jr. 1963 - 66. Visiting Committees at Stanford. 1960 - 63. Visiting Committees: Harvard, MIT, Princeton. 1959 - 60. Visitors at Stanford. 1958 - 71. W WE WH WZ Weissbluth, Mitchell. 1962 - 63. Wert, Robert. 1958 - 67. Box 60, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Whitaker, Douglas. 1956. SC0160 43 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 PROVOST'S PERSONAL PAPERS Box 60, Folder 6 Box 60, Folder 7 Box 60, Folder 8 Whitaker, Virgil. 1963 - 71. Wickizes, Vernon. 1955 - 63. Wilbur, Ray Lyman. 1972. Box 60, Box 60, Box 60, Box 60, Box 60, William, Prince of Gloucester. 1963 - 65. Women. 1958 - 62. Women's Physical Education. 1956 - 57. Woodrow Wilson Fellowships. 1958 - 67. X-Y-Z. Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Box 60, Folder 14 Yale. 1960 - 65. PROVOST'S STAFF MEETINGS Scope and Content Note Contains minutes, agendas and supporting documents (memoranda) -arranged chronologically by meeting. For each meeting the agenda is filed first, followed by various attachments-relevant to meeting, and finally the minutes of the meeting. The supporting documents are not necessarily filed chronologically, but instead in the order in which they were attached to agenda. Box 61, Box 61, Box 61, Box 61, Box 61, Box 62, Box 62, Box 62, Box 62, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Box 62, Box 63, Box 63, Box 63, Box 63, Box 63, Box 63, Box 63, Folder 5 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Provost's Staff Meetings: Minutes, agenda, memoranda. April-June 1964. Staff Meetings: Minutes, agenda, memoranda. Nov. 1964-Feb. 1965. Staff Meetings: Minutes, agenda, memoranda. March-August 1965. appointment calendar. 1959 - 60. appointment calendar. 1960 - 61. appointment calendar. 1961 -62. appointment calendar. 1962 -63. appointment calendar. 1963 -64. Box 63, Folder 8 Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Meetings: Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, Minutes, agenda, agenda, agenda, agenda, agenda, agenda, agenda, agenda, agenda, memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. memoranda. Sept.-Dec. 1959. Jan.-June 1960. Sept.-Dec. 1960. Jan.-July 1961. Sept. 1961-April 1962. May-June 1962. Sept.-Dec. 1962. Jan.-June 1963. Dec. 1963-March 1964. Provost's appointment calendar. 1964 -65. STUDIES FOR STERLING Box 64, Folder 1 Box 64, Folder 2 Box 64, Folder 3 Control of Faculty Size (Faculty Planning) Faculty Planning Program Report. 1966 - 68. Memoranda requesting Study and Comments on results. Text of report by F. E. Terman, Oct. 1967. Data on faculty appointments: Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton, UCB - 1957-59; 1967-69. Data on faculty appointments at Stanford. 1955 - 67. -Statistics on faculty growth; student enrollment. -Miscellaneous tabulations: NAS summary; age distribution. -FET's tabulations of anticipated faculty retirements. 1967-2007. Box 64, Folder 4 Faculty Planning: 1969 follow-up report. -Statistics. -Drafts of 2 reports: "Higher education is a highly competitive business," and "Faculty planning." (according to note by Terman, study was never fully presented because of interference by student demonstrations) Box 64, Box 64, Box 64, Box 64, Box 64, Fringe Benefits Study. Fringe Benefits - general. 1967 - 60. Medical Clinic Plan. 1966. Retirement Study. Retirement Policy - miscellaneous material. 1955 - 65. Folder Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder Folder 7 Box 64, Folder 8 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Retirement Policy - approved by Advisory Board. March 1959. SC0160 44 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 STUDIES FOR STERLING Box 64, Folder 9 Box 64, Folder 10 Supplementary Pension Program. 1966 - 67. Faculty Retirement Dates: 1964 - 2007 (compiled in 1964 and 1967) (lists by department and by year) Box 64, Folder 11 Box 64, Folder 12 Retirement Study: Terman Report, Oct. 17, 1966. Retirement Study: Misc. correspondence. 1966 - 68. Retirement Study 1966 Scope and Content Note These two large binders contain the data and calculations compiled by Terman on all financial aspects of Stanford faculty retirement. Box 65, Folder Volume 1 Box 65, Folder Volume 2 Emeritus lists; information from personnel; TIAA and CREF tables and information; responses to Virgil Anderson's survey of emeritus faculty income. Individual salary and case histories, listed both by year of retirement, and alphabetically. Box 66, Folder 1 Budgeting Studies (General Fund Ceiling): GSB Request for General Fund Ceiling Study and background materials. Sept.-Nov. 1969. (Requested by President Pitzer through E. Howard Brooks, Vice-Provost) Box 66, Folder 2 Box 66, Folder 3 Box 66, Folder Volume 4 Box 66, Folder Volume 5 GSB Budget Study: Correspondence and data. 1969 - 71. GSB Budget Study: Working statistics. 1969 - 70. GSB Budget Study: Working materials. Binder containing memoranda, data, and calculations compiled by Terman for General Fund Ceiling Study. GSB Budget Study: Working materials. Binder containing GSB budgets, course consumption, and Controller's tabulations compiled by Terman for Study. Harvard General Fund Ceiling System. May 1970. (Terman's memos on conversations with Harvard administrative officers on their budgeting system.) GSB Budget Study: Final Report, March 10, 1970. (2 copies: one marked by Terman; the other unmarked) Box 66, Folder 6 Box 66, Folder 7 Folder 1 Budgeting Studies (General Fund Ceiling): Law School 1970. Law School Budget Study: Working materials. Binder containing memoranda, data, and calculations compiled by Terman for study. Law School Budget Study: Report July 1970. "Applications of General Fund Ceiling Operation to Stanford Law School and Stanford Graduate School of Business: A Comparative Study." Box 67, Folder 2 Budgeting Studies (General Fund Ceiling): Bershader Committee. 1975. Biography/Organization History Task force chaired by Dr. Daniel Bershader to review question of budget allocation in other Stanford professional schools. Box 67, Folder 3 Bershader Committee Materials. 1974 - 75. Box 68, Box 68, Box 68, Box 68, Box 68, Box 68, DATA PROCESSING IN THE PROVOST'S OFFICE (computer print-outs) Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 1951 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 - 52. - 56. - 57. Computer Print-outs - 58. - 59. -60. Box 68, Box 68, Box 69, Box 69, Box 69, Box 69, Box 69, Box 69, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 -61. -62. Course Enrollment Statistics: Three-Quarter Summary -63. -64. - 65. - 66. - 67. - 68. Box 70, Folder 1 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Course Enrollment: by student level. 1956 57. SC0160 45 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 DATA PROCESSING IN THE PROVOST'S OFFICE (computer print-outs) Box 70, Box 70, Box 70, Box 70, Box 70, Box 70, Box 71, Box 71, Box 71, Box 71, Box 71, Box 71, Box 72, Box 72, Box 72, Box 72, Box 72, Box 72, Box 73, Box 73, Box 73, Box 73, Box 73, Box 74, Box 74, Box 74, Box 74, Box 74, Box 74, Box 75, Box 75, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 1 Folder 2 Course enrollment: by level; by sex. 1958 59. Grade Distribution Report: 1956 - 57; 1960 61; 1962 63 Grade Distribution: Three-Quarter Summary. 1964 - 65. Course enrollment report: By quarter. 1970 - 71. Course enrollment report: By quarter. 1974 - 75. Courses by Instructor 1955 - 56; 1956 - 57. 1957 - 58; 1958 - 59. 1959 - 60. 1960 - 61. 1961 - 62. 1962 - 63. 1963 - 64. 1964 - 65. 1965 - 66. 1966 - 67. 1967 - 68. 1968 - 69. Courses by Instructor: 1969-70. Courses by Instructor: 1970 - 71. Courses by Instructor: 1971 - 72. Summer Session Enrollment: 1955 - 62. Summer Session Enrollment: 1962 - 69. Staffing: Business, Education, Engineering. Nov. 1967. Staffing: Humanities and Sciences. Nov. 1967. Staffing: Law, Earth Sciences, Misc. Nov. 1967. Staffing: Business, Education, Engineering. July 1968. Staffing: Humanities and Sciences. July 1968. Staffing: Law, Administration, Biophysics, FRI, misc. July 1978. Graduate Financial Aid. 1956 - 57. Graduate Scholarship Study. Dec. 1957. Box 75, Box 75, Box 75, Box 75, Box 75, Box 75, Box 75, Box 75, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Graduate Students: Tuition Fee Analysis. 1958. Room Utilization. 1956 - 57. Faculty Salaries. 1956 - 59. Faculty Salaries. 1961 - 62. Report of Department Restricted Funds. Nov. 30, 1957. Student Distribution by Major. 1956 - 57. Statement of Available Funds as of May 31, 1957. Retirement Calculations, Assuming Equities Funds and 15% throughout 1966. Box 75, Folder 11 Tuition Waiver Study (Faculty-Staff Children). Summer 1967. BUDGET WORKING PAPERS Scope and Content Note (binders containing memoranda, data and calculations compiled by Terman to be used in figuring yearly budgets) Box 76, Folder Volume 1 1956 - 57. Box 76, Folder 2 Box 76, Folder 3 Box 76, Folder 4 Box 76, Folder 5 Box 76, Folder 6 Box 76, Folder 7 Box 77, Folder Volume 1 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1961 1962 Box 77, Folder 2 1962 - 63, part II. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers - 58. 59. 60. 61. 62, part I (excludes H. and S. budget materials) 62 part II (H. and S.) 63, part I. SC0160 46 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 BUDGET WORKING PAPERS Box 77, Folder 3 1963 - 64: Controller's Information. Box 77, Folder 4 Box 77, Folder 5 Box 77, Folder 6 1963 - 64. 1964 - 65: Business, Earth Sciences, Education. 1964 - 65: Engineering, H. & S. Box 77, Box 77, Box 77, Box 77, 1964 - 65: Controller's Data; miscellaneous. 1964 - 65: Allocation; Planning; Graduate Division; Revisions. 1964 - 65: Non-academic; Libraries; Medicine; Reserve. Income and Expenditure Forecast 1963 - 66: Assuming Major and Prolonged Economic Decline starting 1962 - 63. 1962. Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Box 77, Folder 11 Box 78, Folder 1 Budget History. 1965. MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE FILES Graduate Division Accounts: General and Pending; N.S.F. Institutional Grants. 1964 - 65. Graduate Division Accounts: NSF Programs; NIH Pre-doctoral Fellowships, 1963 65. Box 78, Folder 2 Box 78, Folder 3 Box 78, Folder 4 Box 78, Folder 5 Graduate Division Accounts: NDEA: NASA; Woodrow Wilson. 1963 - 65. Graduate Division Accounts: Misc. Academic;Provost's Reserve. 1963 - 65. Study of Undergraduate Education: F. E. Terman's File. 1955. (grade distribution; percentage of undergraduate units taught by individuals of each rank; study of Freshman English; Report of the Committee on the Course of Study at Yale) Study of Undergraduate Education: Terman's File.1955. (Alumni survey; CEEB comparative institutional scores; survey of graduating seniors) Study of Undergraduate Education: Terman's File.1955. (Study of variables used to determine freshman admission; CEEB achievement test scores of entering freshmen) Box 78, Folder 6 Box 78, Folder 7 Box 78, Folder 8 Presidential Search (Tresidder's successor) - 1948:Faculty Advisory Committee correspondence, Agenda, Minutes, Lists. Presidential Search - 1948: Candidate recommendations from Stanford faculty and alumni. Presidential Search - 1948: "C" series candidate recommendations (recommendations to be distributed to Faculty Committee only, and not to Trustees Committee) Box 78, Folder 9 Box 78, Folder 10 Box 78, Folder 11 Box 78, Folder 12 Presidential Search - 1948: Solicited recommendations and acknowledgments. Presidential Search - 1948: Board of Trustees correspondence and lists. Box 78, Folder 13 Presidential Search - 1948: Lists of Candidates. Box 79, Folder Box 80, Folder STATISTICAL DATA (Termans' Personal Files) Direct Instruction Costs Per Student Credit Hour. 1962 - 63; 1968 - 69. 8 binders. Engineering School Statistics. 1962 - 65. 7 binders. Includes one binder on Honors Cooperative Program and one binder on Electrical Engineering. Student Statistics. 1962 - 65. 6 binders. Includes two binders on graduate enrollment; two binders on Ph.D. output per faculty member; one on financial aid; one on NSF fellowships. Box 81, Folder Faculty Statistics. One binder on faculty salaries, 1962 - 72; one binder, faculty rosters per department, 1962 - 72. Box 82, Folder Miscellaneous University Statistics, Physical Description: 4.0 Box 83, Folder 1 Box 83, Folder 2 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1951 - 52. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1953 - 54. SC0160 47 Series IIIStanford Administration 1948-1972 Miscellaneous University Statistics, Box 83, Folder 3 Box 83, Folder 4 Box 83, Folder 5 Box 83, Folder 6 Box 83, Folder 7 Box 83, Folder 8 Box 83, Folder 9 Box 83, Folder 10 Box 83, Folder 11 Box 83, Folder 12 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers COMMENCEMENT - 56. COMMENCEMENT - 58. COMMENCEMENT - 60. COMMENCEMENT - 62. COMMENCEMENT - 64. PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1955 COMMENCEMENT - 66. COMMENCEMENT - 68. COMMENCEMENT - 70. COMMENCEMENT - 72. PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1965 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1957 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1959 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1961 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1963 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1967 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1969 PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1971 COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS: ANNOTATED TO SHOW FACULTY Ph.D. OUTPUT 1973. SC0160 48 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Series IV Professional Organizations 1934-1977 Scope and Content Note Box 1: American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1934-49. Although he was a member of this group, and served on its Communications Committee, Dr. Terman was not particularly active in the organization. He was more active in the competing electrical engineering society, the Institute of Radio Engineers. In 1963, the two groups merged, forming the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. the A.I.E.E. folders are arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within each folder. Boxes 2-4: American Society for Engineering Education, 1946-77. From the time he became Engineering Dean in 1946 until his appointment as Provost in 1955, Dr. Terman was active in this society, including serving on its board of directors and holding a vice-presidency. During his years as Provost, he had little time to participate in the society, but after his retirement in 1965, became active again. Terman was awarded the Lamme Medal for distinction in engineering education in 1964, and was elected to the A.S.E.E. Hall of Famein 1968. Since 1969, the Hewlett-Packard Company has sponsored the A.S.E.E.'s Frederick Emmons Terman Award presented annually to an outstanding young electrical engineering educator. These files, containing correspondence, minutes, and reports are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically within each folder. Boxes 5-7: Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineering, 1963-77. I.E.E.E. was created in 1964 by the merger of A.I.E.E. and I.R.E. Dr. Terman became active in this group following his retirement in 1965, and was particularly involved in the activities of the Life Member Fund Committee, serving as its chairman for several years. He was also a member of the I.E.E.E. History Committee, and developed active cooperation between the two groups. In addition, he was an editorial advisor to the I.E.E.E. magazine Spectrum from 1973 to 1976. These papers pertain primarily to these three activities. The folders are arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within each folder. Boxes 8-16: Institute of Radio Engineers, 1936-52. The I.R.E. was the professional society in which Dr. Terman was most active, serving on many committees. He was elected president in 1941, the first Westerner to hold that office. In the course of his presidency, he restructured-the central offices of the I.R.E., and effected several other significant changes to upgradeadministrative efficiency. The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within each folder. Boxes 17-18: Institute for Science and Technology in New Jersey, 1965-69. This organization was formed by a group of corporate executives with major research laboratories in northern New Jersey. They had observed the positive influence of Stanford University on the surrounding high technology companies, and wished to create a similar environment in their area. They formed an industry committee to study the feasibility of creating and underwriting a suitable institution, and engaged Dr. Terman to work out in detail its design and cost. This proposed educational center was never built, because although most of the participating companies agreed with the plans in principle, they did not wish to fully commit themselves financially. The final report that Terman wrote for this project is especially interesting, for it describes in detail his concept of the ideal university-industry liaison. These topically arranged files contain background material and general correspondence; Terman's research and working materials; and his reports. Boxes 19-26: Sigma Xi, 1955-76. Sigma Xi is a national honorary society similar to Phi Beta Kappa which emphasizes ability or potential in scientific or technical research. Dr. Terman has been a full member of the Stanford Chapter since 1924, but these files are concerned with his more recent involvement in the society, after his retirement from University administration. He served on the Executive Committee from 1968 to 1976, and was the national president in 1975. Some of his important duties during this time were site visits to evaluate campuses wishing to affiliate with Sigma Xi, and presiding over the installation of new clubs and chapters. The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within each folder. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 49 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Box 1, Folder 1 General Correspondence. 1934 - 36. Box 1, Folder 2 Box 1, Folder 3 Box 1, Folder 4 General Correspondence. 1937 - 39. General Correspondence. 1941 - 42; 1945. Basic Sciences, Committee on. 1947 - 49. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Communications, Committee on. 1934 - 38. Communications, Committee on. 1939 - 42. Convention, 1939 (San Francisco). 1937 - 39. Convention, 1940 (New York). 1939 - 40. Research, Committee on. 1947 - 49. Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 10 Box 1, Folder 9 Education, Committee on. 1935 - 41. Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 General Correspondence. 1946 - 51. General Correspondence. 1956 - 71. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. Engineering College Administrative Council. 51. Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Engineering College Administrative Council. Meeting. Kansas City. 1949. Engineering College Administrative Council. Meeting. Seattle. 1950. Engineering College Administrative Council.Meeting. Washington. 1950. Engineering College Administrative Council. Program Plans. 1951. Engineering College Research Council. 1946 - 48. Engineering College Research Council. 1949 - 50. Engineering College Research Council. 1951. Engineering Manpower Statistics Committee. 1968 76. Executive Board. June 1949 - May 1950. Executive Board. June 1950 - June 1951. Institutional Development, Committee for. 1965 67. Lamme Award Committee. 1969 - 72. Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Terman Terman Terman Terman Terman Terman Terman Terman Box 4, Folder 11 Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Award. Award. Award. Award. Award. Award. Award. Award. 1946 48. 1949. 1950. 1951. Manpower Committee. 1950 - 51. Military Affairs Committee. 1950 - 51. Nominating Committee. 1951. Committees, miscellaneous. 1949. Committees, miscellaneous. 1950 - 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. Terman Award. 1977. INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Box 5, Folder 7 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers General General General General General General Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. 1963 1965 1967 1970 1972 1974. 64. 66. 69. 71. 73. Awards. 1970 - 73. SC0160 50 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Founders Award (to Hewlett and Packard). 1972 73. History Committee. 1969 - 70. History Committee. 1971 - 72. History Committee. 1973. History Committee. 1974. History Committee. 1975 - 77. History Committee. Alger, Philip correspondence. 1972 - 74. History Committee. Bicentennial Project (Harold Chestnut proposal). History Committee. Bicentennial Publication Project (James Brittain). 1973 - 75-. History Committee. Farmer, Moses. History Committee. Hughes, Thomas correspondence and lists. 1972 - 74. History Committee. Membership. 1972 - 74. History Committee. Oral History Project (Frank Polkinghorn). 1972 - 74. History Committee. Report. 1974. History Committee. Smithsonian Institution Correspondence. 1972 - 74. Life Member Fund Committee. 1970 - 71. Life Member Fund Committee. 1972. Life Member Fund Committee. 1973 - 74. Life Member Fund Committee. Annual Meeting Agenda. 1971. Life Member Fund Committee. Annual Meeting Agenda. 1972. Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Life Member Fund Committee. Finances. 1966 - 71. Life Member Fund Committee. Keyes, William. 1971 - 72. Life Member Fund Committee. Mailings. 1972. Life Member Fund Committee. Membership. 1970 - 71. Life Member Fund Committee. Suggestions for projects. 1971 - 72. Life Member Yearbook/Directory. 1972 73. Spectrum articles. 1973. Spectrum articles. 1974. Box 7, Folder 9 Spectrum articles. 1976. Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 General General General General General General General General General Box 8, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 General Correspondence. 1947 - 48. General Correspondence. Jan. 1949 - June 1950. General Correspondence. Sept. 1950 - Aug. 1952. General Correspondence. 1953 - 55. General Correspondence. 1956 - 59. General Correspondence. 1960 - 61. General Correspondence. 1962. Accountant's Report. 1941. Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Box 9, Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Accountant's Report. 1947. Accountant's Report. 1948. Admissions Committee. 1941 - 42. Annual Review Committee. 1946 - 47. Awards Committee. 1940. Awards Committee. 1942 - 44. Chicago Section. 1940 - 41. Code of Administrative Practice. 1941. Box 9, Folder 16 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. Correspondence. 1934 - 36. 1937 - 39. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. Constitution and Laws Committee. 1946 - 47. SC0160 51 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS Box 9, Folder 17 Box 9, Folder 18 Box 10, Folder 1 Box 10, Folder 2 Box 10, Folder 3 Box 10, Folder 4 Box 10, Folder 5 Box 10, Folder 6 Box 10, Folder 7 Box 10, Folder 8 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 10 Box 11, Folder I Box 11, Folder 2 Box 11, Folder 3 Box 11, Folder 4 Box 11, Folder 5 Box 11, Folder 6 Box 11, Folder 7 Box 11, Folder 8 Box 11, Folder 9 Box 11, Folder 10 Box 12, Folder 1 Box 12, Folder 2 Box 12, Folder 3 Box 12, Folder 4 Box 12, Folder 5 Box 12, Folder 6 Box 12, Folder 7 Box 12, Folder 8 Box 12, Folder 9 Box 12, Folder 10 Box 13, Folder 1 Box 13, Folder 2 Box 13, Folder 3 Box 13, Folder 4 Box 13, Folder 5 Box 13, Folder 6 Box 13, Folder 7 Box 13, Folder 8 Box 13, Folder 9 Constitutional Amendments. 1941. Conventions: 1937 (Spokane). Aug. 1936 -April 1937. Conventions: 1937 (Spokane). May - June 1937. Conventions: 1937 (Spokane). July - August 1937. Conventions: 1937 (Spokane). Undated material and fragments. Conventions: 1938 (Portland). Feb. - May 1938. Conventions: 1939 (San Francisco). Oct. 1938 -Feb. 1939. Conventions: 1939 (San Francisco). March 1939. Conventions: 1939 (San Francisco). April 1939. Conventions: 1939 (San Francisco). May - Aug. 1939. Conventions: 1940 (Los Angeles). Aug. 1939-Dec. 1940. Conventions: 1941 (New York, Detroit). 1940 42. Conventions: 1941 (Seattle). 1940 - 41. Conventions: 1947 (San Francisco). 1947. Conventions: 1948 (Los Angeles). 1948 - 49. Conventions: 1949 (San Francisco). 1949. Conventions: 1951 (San Francisco). 1950 - 51. Directors, Board of. 1939 - 40. Directors, Board of. 1941. Directors, Board of. 1942. Directors, Board of. Jan. - April 1943. Directors, Board of. May - Sept. 1943. Directors, Board of. Oct. - Dec. 1943. Directors, Board of. Oct. 1947 - Nov. 1948. Directors, Board of. Jan. 1949 - Jan. 1950. Education Committee. 1949 - 50. Election (Presidency). 1940. Electronics Committee. 1936 - 40. Executive Committee. Minutes. 1941. Executive Committee. Supporting documents. 1941. Executive Committee. 1942. Executive Committee. 1943. Executive Committee. 1948. Executive Committee. Jan. 1949 - Jan. 1950. Handbook Committee. 1945 - 48. Membership Committee. 1938 - 40. Membership Committee. Jan. - July 1941. Membership Committee. Aug. - Sept. 1941. Membership Committee. Oct. - Dec. 1941. Membership Committee. 1942 - 43. Membership Committee. 1949 - 51. Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership: Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Membership survey. 1941. New Sections. 1940 - 42. New York Section. 1940 - 41. Nominations Committee. 1951 - 52. Nominations Committee. 1953-; 1955. Office re-organization. 1941. Policy Development Committee. 1948 49. Pratt, Haraden. 1941. Box 14, Folder 13 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers John M. Clayton correspondence. 1941. Professors. 1941. Statistics and data. 1942. Students. 1938 - 40. Students. Undated material. c. 1938 40. Students. 1940 - 42. Students. 1948 - 50. Students. Manual for Institute Representatives. 1950. Presidency. 1940 - 41. SC0160 52 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 5 Folder 4 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Proceedings. 1941 - 42. Proceedings: Advertising Campaign. 1940 - 42. Proceedings: Advertising Solicitation. 1941. Regional Director. Oct. 1947 - Aug. 1948. Professional Groups Committee. 1947 - 48. Regional Director. Sept. - Dec. 1948. Regional Director. Jan. - May 1949. Regional Director. June - Dec. 1949. Regional Director. 1954 - 55; 1957. Reports, miscellaneous. 1941; 1948; 1949. Research Committee. 1945 - 48. San Francisco Section. 1938 - 41. Secretary's Report. 1939. Secretary's Report. 1940. Box 16, Folder 6 Box 16, Folder 7 Box 16, Folder 8 Secretary's Report. 1941. Secretary's Report. 1942. Secretary's Report. 1947. Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Secretary's Report. 1948. Secretary's Report. 1949. Secretary's Report. 1950. Sections Committee. 1941. Standards Committee. 1947. Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Box 16, Folder 14 Travel. 1941. Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, INSTITUTE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN NEW JERSEY Folder I Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 General Correspondence. 1965 - 66. General Correspondence. Jan. - May 1967. General Correspondence. June 1967 - 1969. Background Materials. 1965 - 66. Brochures. c. 1965 - 66. Bylaws and Charter. 1966. Expenses. 1966. Expenses - Industry Committee. 1965 - 66. Millman, Sidney. 1965 - 66. Minutes. 1966 - 67; 1969. President. 1967. Report. Sept. 1965. Report. Oct. 1965. Report. June 1966. Report: Worksheets. 1966. Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 8 Folder 7 Folder 9 Folder 10 Statements of purposes and goals. 1966. Supplementary memos. Sept. 1966. Working materials: corporations. 1965 - 66. Working materials: library and departments. 1965 66. Working materials: finances. 1965 - 66. Working materials: U.S. Government. 1965 - 66. Working materials: miscellaneous. 1965 - 66. Box 18, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 SIGMA XI General Correspondence. General Correspondence. General Correspondence. General Correspondence. General Correspondence. General Correspondence. General Correspondence. Box 19, Folder 8 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers 1955 - 58. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1973. 1974. General Correspondence. Jan. - June 1975. SC0160 53 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 SIGMA XI Box 19, Folder 9 Box 19, Folder 10 Box 19, Folder 11 Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Box 21, Folder 4 Box 21, Folder 5 Box 21, Folder 6 SIGMA XI General Correspondence. July - Dec. 1975. General Correspondence. 1976. Amendments to the Constitution, Committee on. 1973. Budget Committee. 1975. Building Fund. 1974 - 75. Committee Appointments. 1974. Conventions Committee. 1967 - 69. Directors, Board of. Meeting, June 1973. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Oct. 1973. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Jan. 1974. Directors, Board of. Meeting, April 1974. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Nov. 1974. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Feb. 1975. Directors, Board of. Meeting, June 1975. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Oct., Nov. 1975. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Feb. 1976. Directors, Board of. Meeting, June 1976. Directors, Board of. Meeting, Nov. 1976. Executive Committee Meeting. Dec. 1966. Executive Committee Meetings. March, Sept., Dec. 1967. Executive Committee Meetings. March 1968. Executive Committee Meetings. July, Oct. 1968. Executive Committee Meetings. Jan., June 1969. Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Executive Committee Meetings. June 1970. Executive Committee Meetings. Oct. 1970. Executive Committee Meetings. Feb. 1976. Executive Committee Meetings. May 1976. Finance Committee. 1971 - 73. Finance Committee. 1974. Finance Committee. 1975. Financial Information. 1976. Grinter, Linton E. (President). 1974. Installation ritual. 1974. Installation. F. E. Terman's speeches. 1973 74. Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 installations - miscellaneous. 1967 - 68; 1970. International Chapter. 1974. International Chapter. 1976. Lectureships, Committee on. 1966; 1973. Long Range Planning Committee. 1970 - 72. Long Range Planning Committee. Jan. - Feb. 1973. Box 22, Folder 10 Long Range Planning Committee. May 1973. Box 22, Folder 11 Box 22, Folder 12 Long Range Planning Committee. 1974. Long Range Planning Committee. Jan. - June 1975. Box 22, Folder 14 Box 22, Folder 13 "Lost" Stanford alumni. 1971 72. Long Range Planning Committee. July 1975 June 1976. Box 23, Folder 1 Box 23, Folder 2 Membership problem. 1975. Motto. 1968. Box 23, Folder 3 National meeting, 1966 (Washington, D.C.). Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 54 Series IVProfessional Organizations 1934-1977 SIGMA XI Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 National meeting, 1967 (Portsmouth). National meeting, 1968 (Portsmouth). National meeting, 1969 (Palm Springs). National meeting, 1970 (Palm Springs). National meeting, 1972 (Myrtle Beach). National meeting, 1973 (Fontana). National meeting, 1973 (Fontana). Reports of committees and proceedings. Box 23, Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Folder 11 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 National meeting, 1974 (Fredericksburg). National meeting, 1975 (Fredericksburg). National meeting, 1976 (Hershey). New Clubs and Chapters. Bowling Green State University. 1975. New Clubs and Chapters. Herbert Lehmann College. 1974. New Clubs and Chapters. Medical College of Georgia. 1974. New Clubs and Chapters. New Jersey Institute of Technology. 1975. New Clubs and Chapters. Oakland University. 1974. New Clubs and Chapters. Portland State University. 1972 - 74. New Clubs and Chapters. Southern Methodist University. 1974 - 75. New Clubs and Chapters. University of Dayton, 1970; 1973 - 74. New Clubs and Chapters. University of Texas, Arlington. 1969 - 70. New Clubs and Chapters. University of Texas, El Paso. 1971 - 72. New Clubs and Chapters. University of Texas, El Paso. 1973 - 75. New Clubs and Chapters. University of Toledo. 1975. New Clubs and Chapters. Miscellaneous. 1974 76. Box 24, Folder 4 Box 24, Folder 5 Box 24, Folder 6 Box 24, Folder 7 Box 24, Folder 8 Box 25, Folder 1 Box 25, Folder 2 Box 25, Folder 3 Box 25, Folder 4 Box 25, Folder 5 Box 25, Folder 6 Box 25, Folder 7 Box 25, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 News and Newsletter. 1973 - 76. Nominations Committee. 1972. Nominations Committee. 1975. President's message, American Scientist masthead. 1975. Box 26, Folder 4 Box 26, Folder 5 Regions, Committee on. 1973 - 75. Role of Sigma Xi in the Public Understanding of Science, Ad Hoc Committee on, 1975 - 76. Box 26, Folder 6 Science and Society Committee. 1975. Box 26, Folder 7 Box 26, Folder 8 Seeger, Raymond. 1974 - 75. Southwest Region (including Stanford). 1973 74. Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Box 26, Southwest Region Meeting. 1976. Stanford Chapter. 1973 - 74: Stanford Chapter. Activities. 1969 - 75. Stanford Chapter. Finances. 1972 - 74. Stanford Chapter. History. 1976. Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Box 26, Folder 14 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Travel Expenses. 1973 - 74. SC0160 55 Series VPatents, Consulting, and Research 1923-1978 PATENTS Series V Patents, Consulting, and Research 1923-1978 Scope and Content Note Box 1-Box 3, folder 5: Patent applications, 1926-40. Dr. Terman's invention disclosures; correspondence with attorneys; and correspondence with the U.S. Patent Office to obtain letters of patent for various electronic devices and systems. The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within each folder. Box 3, folder 6-Box 4: Correspondence and negotiations, 1928-35. Correspondence negotiating sale of Terman's patent rights to various individuals and companies. The folders are arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or company. Boxes 5-10: Miscellaneous consulting, 1928-78. These boxes contain papers documenting Dr. Terman's commercial consulting career as a technical advisor, or in some patent cases, as an expert witness,-for various individuals and companies including Cyril Elwell, Encyclopedia Britannica, Federal Telegraph, General Electric, Gilfillan Brothers, and Heintz and Kaufman. These folders are arranged alphabetically by the name of the company or individual. Of particular interest in this group are the papers related to the Television shares Management Company (Box 6, folder 9 -Box 10), an investment firm specializing in electronics and other high technology stocks. From 1948 to 1978, Dr. Terman was a scientific advisor to the company, keeping it abreast of the latest technological developments that might affect stock performance. In this capacity, he wrote monthly reports on electronics activities in the Bay Area that will be useful to researcher in the hisory of technology. Box 11: Miscellaneous research materials, 1923-39. Dr. Terman's student reports and papers; laboratory notebooks; and notarized papers related to his personal research. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, PATENTS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Applications: Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Applications: Signaling System. 1929 - 32. Applications: Thermionic Tube. (No. 532,742). 1930 34. Applications: Thermionic Tube. (No. 546,024). 1931 34. Applications: Thermionic Tube. (No. 546,025). 1931 34. Applications: Variable Reactance Circuit. 1930 - 35. Applications: Variable Vacuum Tube Resistor. 1931 - 35. Applications - abandoned: Chain Broadcasting System. 1930 - 31. Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Box 3, Folder 3 Box 3, Folder 4 Box 3, Folder 5 Applications - abandoned: Applications - abandoned: Applications - abandoned: Applications - abandoned: Amplifying. 1926 - 31. Applications - abandoned: Applications - abandoned: Applications - abandoned: Box 3, Folder 6 Correspondence and Negotiations: Elwell, Cyril F. 1932 - 37. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Electric Detector and Frequency Changing System. 1926 - 32. Electrical Measuring Instrument. 1927 - 33. Frequency Changing System. 1930 - 35. Frequency Multiplier. 1926 - 34. High Efficiency Amplifier. 1936 - 40. Inductance Coils. 1926 - 32. Loss Metering Circuit. 1929 - 33. Method of Adjacent Channel Transmission. 1932 - 33. Modulation Meter. 1931 - 33. Multirange Meter. 1936 - 39. Oscillating Radio Receiver. 1933 - 35. Radio Receiving System. 1931 - 36. Frequency Changing and Amplifying System. 1926 - 28. Frequency Changing System. 1927 - 29. Frequency Increasing Superheterodyne. 1926. Method and Apparatus for Frequency Changing and Radio Frequency Amplifier. 1926 - 29. Rectifying System. 1927 - 32. Sum Frequency Receiver. 1926. SC0160 56 Series VPatents, Consulting, and Research 1923-1978 PATENTS Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Data. 1927. Box 4, Folder 6 Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Negotiations: Federal Telegraph Company. 1929 - 31. Hazeltine Corporation. 1935. Heintz and Kaufman. 1934 - 37. Hickock Electrical Instrument Co. 1935. ITT and Subsidiaries. 1942 - 45. Patent Pool. 1930 - 40. RCA. 1935. Raytheon. 1935. Wired Radio, Inc. General. 1928 - 32. Wired Radio, Inc. Inductance Coil. 1929 - 31. Wired Radio, Inc. Inverted Vacuum Tubes. Correspondence and Negotiations: Wired Radio, Inc.. 1 1. 1. Inverted Vacuum Tube. 1928 -29. Correspondence and Negotiations: Wired Radio, Inc. Inverted Vacuum Tube. 1930 -34. Box 4, Folder 7 Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, and and and and and and and and and and and Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Correspondence and Negotiations: Miscellaneous. 1926 - 32. Letters Patent issued. 1930 - 34. Letters Patent issued. 1935 - 40. Numbered disclosures. Undated. Numbered disclosures. Undated. Box 4, Folder 13 Patent Searches - closed. 1930 - 31. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, CONSULTING Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Alco Products. 1932. Elwell, Cyril F. Television negotiations. 1933 - 35. Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook of Science. 1967. Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook of Science. 1968. Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook of Science. 1969. Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook of Science. 1970. Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook of Science. 1971 - 73. Federal Telegraph. 1928. Frank Rieber, Incorporated. 1928 - 30. General Electric Company. 1955 - 56. Gillfillan Brothers. May 1946 - June 1948. Gillfillan Brothers. July 1948 - July 1952. Heintz and Kaufman. 1930 - 33. McClatchy Broadcasting Company. 1945 - 46. McCormack Steamship Company. 1934. Patent interference cases. Miscellaneous. 1933 - 34. Box 5, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 17 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Patent interference cases. 1948 - 52. Patent interference cases. Armstrong Patents. 1949 - 51. Patent interference cases. Farnsworth vs. Zworykin. 1932 - 33. Patent interference cases. Heintz and Kaufman vs. RCA. 1935 - 36. Patent interference cases. Lowe Patents. 1934. Patent interference cases. Walsh Patents. 1932 - 34. Radio broadcast towers. 1934 - 38. Rand Project. 1947 - 48. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Stewart-Warner Corporation. 1954 - 56. Television Shares Management Company. Television Shares Management Company. Television Shares Management Company. Television Shares Management Company. Television Shares Management Company. Television Shares Management Company. Television Shares Management Company. Box 6, Folder 16 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers 1948. 1949. 1950 - 51. 1952. 1953. 1954 - 55. 1956 - 58. Television Shares Management Company. 1959 - 60. SC0160 57 Series VPatents, Consulting, and Research 1923-1978 CONSULTING Box 6, Folder 17 Box 7, Folder 1 Television Shares Management Company. 1961 - 62. Supervised Investor's Services. (Formerly Television Shares Management co.). 1963 - 65. Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Supervised Investor's Services. 1966 - 67. Supervised Investor's Services. 1968 - 71. Supervised Investor's Services. 1972 - 78. TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 9, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics Activities. 1974. TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics Activities. 1975. TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics Activities. 1976. TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics Activities. 1977. TSMC - SIS: Monthly Reports on Electronics Activities. 1978. Card files kept by Dr. Terman on high technology companies for use in preparing monthly reports for TSMC - SIS. Box 10, Folder Card files kept by Dr. Terman on high technology companies for use in preparing monthly reports for TSMC - SIS. Box 11, Folder 1 Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. Activities. 1955. 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 57. 59. 61. 63. MISCELLANEOUS RESEARCH MATERIALS Box 11, Folder 2 Box 11, Folder 3 Box 11, Folder 4 Miscellaneous reports and papers. (Includes some of Terman's student work.) 1923 - 27. Laboratory notebook. 1930 - 35. Laboratory notebook. Nov. 1938 - Feb. 1939. Notarized documents related to research discoveries. 1925 - 26. Box 11, Folder 5 Notarized documents related to research discoveries. 1927 - 29; 1937. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 58 Series VIGovernment-Related Consulting 1944-1975 BOARD OF FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS Series VI Government-Related Consulting 1944-1975 Scope and Content Note Dr. Terman has served on numerous advisory boards and technical committees sponsored by the various branches of the Federal Government, both military and non-military. Although some of these groups, like the Institute of Defense Analysis were not actually government agencies, they are included because they operated exclusively on government contracts. Boxes 1-2: Board of Foreign Scholarships, 1944-75. Chronologically arranged files containing minutes, agenda, and some correspondence related to this Board, which selects Fulbright Scholars. The Board is composed of well-known educators who are appointed by the President. Terman served on the Board from 1960 to 1965, first appointed by President Eisenhower, and reappointed by President John F. Kennedy. Boxes 3-7: Institute for Defense Analysis, 1958-73. Chronologically arranged files of minutes, agenda, correspondence, and annual reports. The I.D.A. was a consortium of universities, organized in 1955 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a contract operation for the Department of Defense. The mission of this group was to perform operations research on topics such as alternatives in weapons systems, and tactics for use of various weapons. Stanford was a member of the original five-university group that also included M.I.T., California Institute of Technology, Tulane University, and Case Western Reserve. Later, seven more universities were added. Each of the participating institutions had two person on I.D.A.'s Board of Trustees: the university president or his deputy; and a business officer. Dr. Terman was appointed by President J.E. Wallace Sterling to serve in the former capacity. Terman was a member of this board from I.D.A.'s inception in 1955 until mandatory retirement in 1973. Boxes 8-9: National Academy of Sciences Battery Additives Committee, 1948-53. Chronologically arranged correspondence files and test reports. This committee of scientists, to which Dr. Terman was appointed, was the final arbiter in a controversy, that although insignificant of itself, assumed national importance due to political circumstances. In the late 1940's, an Oakland businessman named Jess Ritchie began selling a battery additive which he claimed lengthened the life of automotive batteries, and in some cases could restore function to dead cells. The National Bureau of Standards tested the additive and reported that it was useless. Consequently, Ritchie's mailing privileges were withdrawn by the Federal Trade Commission. Ritchie retaliated with various testimonials and test reports which purported to show the usefulness of his substance. He charged that the big battery manufacturers were using the Federal Government to harass him, a small businessman working in the best interest of the public. The incident became more complicated when Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks fired Allen V. Austin, head of the National Bureau of Standards, for his role in the affair. Various congressional hearings resulted, and finally this N.A.S. committee was set up to evaluate all the evidence and determine if further testing was necessary. The committee concluded that the material was indeed useless, and that no further tests were needed. Boxes 12-14: Naval Research Advisory Committee, 1956-70. Chronologically arranged files of correspondence, minutes, agenda, and reports. This committee is a group of approximately ten significant civilian scientists appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to advise on technical matters. The group reports to the Chief of Naval Operations and the Chief of Naval Research, the two highest Naval officers. This committee is purely advisory, but because of the high caliber of its members, usually has considerable influence on Navy policies. Dr. Terman served on the N.R.A.C. from 1956 to 1964. Boxes 15-16: President's Scientific Advisory Committee, 1959-71. The Scientific Advisory Panel was formally established by President Eisenhower soon after the U.S.S.R launched Sputnick. This panel occasionally sponsored committees to study specific topics in the national interest, and Dr. Terman was appointed to two of them both dealing with scientific and engineering manpower and education. These papers, containing correspondence, minutes, and reports are divided into groups by the committee, and the folders are arranged alphabetically by topic. Boxes 17-19: Signal Corps and miscellaneous defense committees, 1948-68. Beginning in the years following World War II, Dr. Terman served on advisory boards to technical groups in all branches of the military services, particularly the U.S. Army Signal Corps. These three boxes contain Terman's files of correspondence, minutes, and reports related to arranged alphabetically by the name of each working 59 Guide to the Frederick Emmons membership on these committees,SC0160 group, and chronologically within each folder. Terman Papers Box 20: Miscellaneous non-military consulting, 1946-64. Dr. Terman served briefly on several committees of the Commerce Department and National Bureau of Standards, concerning such topics as patents, telecommunications, and industrial research and development. The files in this box are arranged alphabetically by group name, and chronologically within each Series VIGovernment-Related Consulting 1944-1975 BOARD OF FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, BOARD OF FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS Folder I Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Background material. 1944 59. Jan. - May 1960. June - Dec. 1960. Jan. - April 1961. May - Dec. 1961. Box 1, Folder 6 Box 1, Folder 7 Box 1, Folder 8 Jan. - May 1962. June - Dec. 1962. Jan. - March 1963. Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, April - Dec. 1963. Jan. - June 1964. July - Dec. 1964. Jan. - May 1965. June - Dec. 1965. Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Box 2, Folder 4 1966 - 1975. Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSIS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 1953; June - Dec. 1955. Jan. - April 1956. May - Aug. 1956. Sept. - Dec. 1956. Jan. - Aug. 1957. Sept. - Dec. 1957. Jan. - July 1958. Aug. - Dec. 1958. Jan. - May 1959. June - Dec. 1959. Jan. - May 1960. July - Dec. 1960. Jan. - May 1961. June - Dec. 1961. Jan. - May 1962. June - Dec. 1962 Jan. - March 1963. April Dec. 1963. Jan. - April 1964. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Aug. - Dec. 1964. Jan. - May 1965. July - Dec. 1965. Jan. - May 1966. June - Dec. 1966. Jan. - Sept. 1967. Oct. - Dec. 1967. Jan. - Feb. 1968. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 March - May 1968. June - Dec. 1968. Jan. 1969. Feb. - Aug. 1969. Sept. - Dec. 1969. Jan. - April 1970. May - Dec. 1970. Jan. - Sept. 1971. Box 7, Folder 6 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Oct. - Dec. 1971. SC0160 60 Series VIGovernment-Related Consulting 1944-1975 INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSIS Box 7, Folder 7 Box 7, Folder 8 Jan. - April 1972. May - Dec. 1972. Box 7, Folder 9 Jan. - March 1973. Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - BATTERY ADDITIVES COMMITTEE Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 General General General General Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 9, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder General Files. 1954 - 61. Brochures - Jess Ritchie. 1949 52. Draft Reports. 1953. M.I.T. tests. 1953. Reports: Terman file #1-5. Reports: Terman file #6-10. Reports: Includes Terman file #11-19. (National Bureau of Standards report and appendices, 1953) and final report and appendices of the National Academy of Sciences Battery Additives Committee, 1953. Files. Files. Files. Files. 1948 - 52. Feb. - July 1953. Aug. 1953. Sept. - Dec. 1953. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION. MATHEMATICAL, PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Box 10, Folder 2 Folder 1 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 General files. June - Oct. 1955. General files. 1952 - May 1955. Meeting, Oct. 1955. General files. Nov. 1955 - March 1956. General files. March 1956 (cont.). Meeting, March 1956. Box 10, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Folder 7 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 General files. April - Dec. 1956. Meeting, Oct. 1956. General files. Jan. - March 1957. Meeting, March 1957. General files. May - Dec. 1957. General files. Jan. - April 1958. General files. May - Sept. 1958. General files. Oct. - Dec. 1958. Box 11, Folder 8 General files. Jan. - Sept. 1959. NAVAL RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCIL Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 General files. April Dec. 1956. General files. Jan. June 1957. General files. Aug. Sept. 1957. General files. Oct. Nov. 1957. Meeting, Oct. 1957: Minutes. Meeting, Oct. 1957: Transcripts. General files. Dec. 1957. Box 12, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 5 General files. General files. General files. General files. Report: Basic General files. General files. Report: Basic Box 13, Folder 8 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Jan. - March 1958. April - July 1958 (and undated materials Jan. - July 1958). Aug. - Dec. 1958. Jan. - June 1959. Research in the Navy, v. 1. June 1959. July - Dec. 1959. Jan. - June 1960. Research in the Navy, v. 2. June 1959. General files. July - Dec. 1960. SC0160 61 Series VIGovernment-Related Consulting 1944-1975 NAVAL RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCIL Box 13, Box 13, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 General General General General files. files. files. files. Jan. - June 1961. July - Dec. 1961. Jan. - June 1962. July - Dec. 1962. Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 4 Box 14, Folder 5 General files. Jan. - July 1963. General files. Aug. - Dec. 1963. General files. 1964 - 65. Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Members, 1965 - 70. Notebook, Part I. Notebook, Part II. (Resolutions). Notebook, Part III. (Agendas). Notebook, Part IV. (organization). Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Box 14, Folder 11 Box 15, Folder 1 Notebook, Part V. (Minutes). PRESIDENT'S SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Seaborg Panel: Basic Research and Graduate Education. General files. Nov. 1959 Jan. 1960. Seaborg Panel: Basic Research and Graduate Education. General files. Feb. - Nov. 1960. Box 15, Folder 2 Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical (Congresswoman). March - June 1962. Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical 1962 - 63. Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical 64. Box 15, Folder 8 Box 15, Folder 9 Manpower. Manpower. Manpower. Manpower. Manpower. General files. 1960; 1962. General files. 1963. General files. 1964. Fellowships. 1961 - 63. Green, Edith Manpower. National Institute of Health. Manpower. Post-doctoral Research. 1963 - Box 15, Folder 10 Box 15, Folder 11 Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Manpower.Report. (first draft). Oct. 1964. Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Manpower. Report. (second draft). Jan. 1965. Box 16, Folder 1 Box 16, Folder 2 Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Manpower. Report. May 1965. Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Manpower. Statistics on Programs. Oct. 1963. Box 16, Folder 3 Box 16, Folder 4 Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Manpower. Technicians. 1962 - 64. Gilliland Panel: Scientific and Technical Manpower. Terman presentation. March Sept. 1962. Box 16, Folder 5 Box 16, Folder 6 Subpanel on Academic Science. General files. 1970. Subpanel on Academic Science. Brode, Wallace: Engineering Manpower. 1970 - 71. Box 16, Folder 7 Box 16, Folder 8 Subpanel on Academic Science. Report (draft). 1970. Subpanel on Academic Science. Terman paper: Supply of Scientific and Engineering Manpower. Drafts and comments. 1970. Subpanel on Academic Science. Terman paper. Correspondence re: publication. 1970 - 71. Box 16, Folder 9 Box 16, Folder 10 Box 16, Folder 11 Box 16, Folder 12 Box 17, Folder 1 Box 17, Folder 2 Box 17, Folder 3 Subpanel on Academic Science. Terman paper. Data. 1970 - 71. Subpanel on Academic Science. Terman paper. Graphs. Subpanel on Academic Science. York, Carl: Policy for Science in the U. S. Paper and comments. 1970 - 71. SIGNAL CORPS AND MISCELLANEOUS DEFENSE COMMITTEES Box 17, Folder 4 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Conflict of Interest in Consulting. 1962. Defense Science Board. May 1957 - June 1958. Defense Science Board. Aug. - Dec. 1958. Air Force. Scientific Advisory Board. March 1952 - Jan. 1953. SC0160 62 Series VIGovernment-Related Consulting 1944-1975 SIGNAL CORPS AND MISCELLANEOUS DEFENSE COMMITTEES Box 17, Folder 5 Box 17, Folder 6 Air Force. Electromagnetic Warfare Advisory Group. Feb. - Sept. 1959. Army. Committee on Army Research and Development Contracting Procedures. 1948. Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 18, Army. Hermes Project. April - May 1952. Army. Electro-Magnetic Environmental Test Facility. June - Dec. 1966. Army. Electro-Magnetic Environmental Test Facility. Undated material. 1966. Army. Electro-Magnetic Environmental Test Facility. Jan. - Feb. 1967. Army. Electro-Magnetic Environmental Test Facility. March - July 1967. Army. Electro-Magnetic Environmental Test Facility. Aug. 1967 - Jan. 1968. Army. Signal Corps. Army Electronic Proving Ground Advisory Council. Feb. - July 1954. Army. Signal Corps. Army Electronic Proving Ground Advisory Council. Aug. - Oct. 1954. Army. Signal Corps. Army Electronic Proving Ground Advisory Council. Oct. 1954 (cont.) Army. Signal Corps. Army Electronic Proving Ground Advisory Council. Nov. 1954 Jan. 1955. Army. Signal Corps. Army Electronic Proving Ground Advisory Council. Feb. 1955 April 1956. Army. Signal Corps. Army Electronic Proving Ground Advisory Council. June 1956 July 1957. Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 1 Box 18, Folder 2 Box 18, Folder 3 Box 18, Folder 4 Box 18, Folder 5 Box 18, Folder 6 Box 18, Folder 7 Box 18, Folder 8 Box 18, Folder 9 Army. Signal Army. Signal Army. Signal 1956. Army. Signal 1957. Army. Signal 1958. Army. Signal 1958. Army. Signal April 1961. Box 18, Folder 10 Box 18, Folder 1 Box 19, Folder 1 Box 19, Folder 2 Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. April - Dec. 1954. Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. Feb. - June 1955. Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. July 1955 - May Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. Aug. 1956 - Aug. Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. Sept. 1957 - Feb. Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. March - Dec. Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. March 1959 - Box 19, Folder 3 Army. Signal Corps Research and Development Advisory Council. May 1961 - June 1962. Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Navy. Statement on Research. 1948. Naval Warfare Research Center. Advisory Committee. 1957 - 61. Special Technical Advisory Group (STAG). March 1950 - Dec. 1951. Special Technical Advisory Group (STAG). 1952. Special Technical Advisory Group (STAG). 1953 - 54 and undated. Technical Advisory Panel on Electronics (TAPEC). June 1954 - March 1955. Technical Advisory Panel on Electronics (TAPEC). April 1955 - June 1957; Feb. 1959. Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Box 19, Folder 10 MISCELLANEOUS NON-MILITARY CONSULTING Box 20, Folder 1 Commerce Department. Industrial Research and Development Division. Aug. 1946 - Aug. 1947. Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Commerce Department. Patent Panel. March - Aug. 1963. Commerce Department. Patent Panel. Sept. 1963 - Aug. 1964. National Bureau of Standards. Technical Advisors Committee. 1953 - 57. Public Science Advisory Board. Membership Rosters. 1957; 1961; 1963. Telecommunications Planning Committee. March - May 1953. U.S. Agency for International Development of Korean Advanced Institute of Science (KAIS), 1970-1979 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 63 Series VIIDirect Instruction Costs per Student Credit Hour 1968-1969 Series VII Direct Instruction Costs per Student Credit Hour 1968-1969 Scope and Content Note Dr. Terman was always concerned with the state of engineering education in the U.S., and after his retirement in 1965, was able to pursue this interest more actively. This study, designed and carried out by him in 1968 and 1969, determined the instructional costs per student credit hour granted in the engineering schools of major colleges throughout the country. The survey also attempted to correlate these costs with the academic stature of each institution's engineering program. Box 1: Contains the survey questionnaires completed and returned to Terman by the participating schools, and some related Correspondence. This box is arranged alphabetically by the name of the college. Box 2, folders 1-3: Correspondence and list of institutions invited to participate in the survey, but either refused to participate or did not return the questionnaire. Box 2, folders 4-6: Correspondence requesting copies of Dr. Terman's report on the study, arranged chronologically. Box 2, folders 7-8: Tabulated results and working data for the study. Box 2, folder 9: Articles by, and correspondence with, other researchers studying engineering education costs. Researchers interested in engineering education should also see Series X of this collection for articles and reports on Terman's other educational studies. Box 1, Folder I Box 1, Folder 2 Box 1, Folder 3 Box 1, Folder 4 Box 1, Folder 5 Box 1, Folder 6 Box 1, Folder 7 Box 1, Folder 8 Box 1, Folder 9 Forms and Instructions. 1968. Forms and Instructions - Masters. 1968. Institutional Reports. A-CL. 1968 - 69. University of Arizona; Arizona State University; Auburn University; Carnegie-Mellon Institute; Case Western Reserve; City University of New York; Cleveland State University. Institutional Reports. CO-D. 1968 - 69. University of Colorado; Colorado State University; Dartmouth College; University of Delaware; University of Denver; Duke University. Institutional Reports. F-J. 1968 - 69. University of Florida; Harvard University; University of Hawaii; University of Illinois; Iowa State University; Johns Hopkins University. Institutional Reports. K-Mic. 1968 - 69. Kansas State University; Marquette University; University of Maryland; University of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Michigan; Michigan State University; Michigan Technological University. Institutional Reports. Min-N. 1968 - 69. University of Minnesota; University of Missouri; Newark College of Engineering; North Carolina State University; Northwestern University; Notre Dame University. Institutional Reports. O-R. 1968 - 69. University of Oklahoma; Oklahoma State University; Oregon State University; University of Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania State University; Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute; University of Rochester; Rutgers University. Institutional Reports. S-T. 1968 - 69. Southern Methodist University; State University of New York; Tennessee Technological 'University; University of Texas; Texas A and M University; Tufts University; Tulane University; Tuskeegee Institute. Box 1, Folder 10 Institutional Reports. U-Z. '1968 - 69. Utah State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute; University of Washington; Washington University; Wayne State University; University of Wisconsin; Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Yale University; Youngstown University. Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Invitations to participate - not followed through. 1968 - 69. List of schools invited to participate. 1968. Refusals to participate. 1968 - 69. Requests for copies of report. Aug. 1968 - April 1969. Requests for copies of report. May 1969. Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Box 2, Folder 6 Requests for copies of report. June 1969 - Sept. 1972. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 64 Series VIIDirect Instruction Costs per Student Credit Hour 1968-1969 Box 2, Folder 7 Box 2, Folder 8 Results of Study. 1969. Results of Study. Data. 1969. Box 2, Folder 9 Studies of Engineering Education Costs made by other researchers. 1970 - 74. Series VIII Speeches 1939-1977 Scope and Content Note The four boxes of this series contain drafts, notes, and occasionally transcripts of speeches given by Dr. Terman; and correspondence related to his speeches. All materials are arranged chronologically by the date of the speech. Terman spoke before both scientific and general audiences. Most of his talks for general audiences were related to the history of electronics, and stressed his influential concept of academic-industrial interaction. Box 1, Folder 1 1939 - 41 - notes for speeches most are untitled and undated. "Current trends in radio;" klystron - (speech to Stanford Associates); television, etc. (Feb. 26, 1939); Directional antennas (Oct. 13, 1939); A.I.E.E.: speech at IRE West Coast meeting - 1939 - 41. Box 1, Folder 2 1942 - 45 "Detectors, Distortionless -- and otherwise;" Report of Retiring President Frederick Emmons Terman - Presented at I.R.E. convention, Jan. 1942; Harvard Radio Research Laboratory - opening remarks, Nov. 16, 1945. Box 1, Folder 3 Speeches - 1946. "Fifteen years' electronic development in five years" - NAB address, Jan. 11, 1946; "Radar and Radar Countermeasures;" Commonwealth Club, March 15, 1946. "Modern Communication and its import: The social significance of communication" - Princeton Bicentennial, Oct. 4, 1946. Box 1, Folder 4 Speeches - 1947. "Youth looks to the future." Interview on Radio Station KQW, July 12, 1947; Speech to West Coast I.R.E. Convention, Sept. 1947; R & D. research panel; "Electronics: A Basic Industry 21st Regional Trust Conference of the American Bankers Association, Oct. 24, 1947; "WI'-de Band amplifiers" - Talk at Mare Island Naval Shipyards, Dec. 11, 1947. Box 1, Folder 5 Speeches - 1948 "Engineering Research" - speech to Stanford Associates, March 15, 1948; short radio talk for the inauguration of station KSRB, June, 1948 undated notes: speech on W. W. II technology given at Stanford conference, 1948; Radar Countermeasures speech to-AIEE-IRE. Box 1, Folder 6 Speeches - 1949 "Fundamental research in university and college laboratories..." - Northern California Research Conference, Jan. 26, 1949; Transcript of very similar speech given to Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce, Feb. 7, 1949; "Television -- one aspect of an electronic era" - speech delivered at Bond Club, Feb. 28, 1949, and at Stanford Conference, May 14, 1949; "WCEMA Talk" - June 2, 1949. Box 1, Folder 7 Speeches - 1950 - 57. "Radio Club Talk" - Feb. 1, 1950; "Some considerations involved in the direction of research," - seminar at Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, May 25, 1950; WCEMA Convention - 1950; Electronics in WW II - Kiwanis Club, May 31 no year, either 1950 or 51; remark at luncheon in honor of W. F. Durand, May 3, 1951; Talk at AAUP dinner meeting, May 30, 1951; "I.R.E. 'Old Timer's Talk," June 14, 1951; Electronics talk - Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1951; speech at Varian Associates, Dec. 3, 1951. Box 1, Folder 8 Speeches - 1952 - 54. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 65 Series VIIISpeeches 1939-1977 "Electronics in the world today," Stanford Conference, Monterey, Feb. 22, 1952; Engineering speech to Stanford Mother's Club, March 18, 1952; "Hughes" [speech at Hughes Aircraft?], June 18, 1952; Microwave Press Party, Dec. 9, 1952; address at opening of Tube Conference, June 1953; Introductory remarks at Varian Associates presentation of Five-Year Awards, June 18, 1953; "E.C.M. in W.W. II," Sylvania Conference, Aug. 17, 1953; Remarks as M.C. at IRE function, Oct. 28, 1953; speech at San Jose State College Dedication, Feb. 25, 1954; Speech on Engineering to Stanford Alumni Conference, March 20 and 21, 1954; "Dean's Talk," Dec. 14, 1954. Box 1, Folder 9 Speeches - 1955. "University Research" - Hughes, Feb. 15, 1955; speech on engineering at Stanford for Stanford Associates, at Bohemian Club, Feb. 20, 1955; speech on the importance of Bay Area in early history of electronics, WCEMA meeting, May 12, 1955; speech on electronics, L.A. Stanford Club, May 16, 1955; edited transcript of above report, prepared for publication; "General Electric Dedication," May 27, 1955; "Contractors," Aug 18, 1955; speech to Western Economics Association, Sept. 1, 1955; "New LD Engineers," Sept. 25, 1955; "Developments in Science and Technology, 1930 - 55," reunion of the class of 1930, Nov. 18, 1955; speech at dedication of Crothers Memorial Hall [no date]. Box 1, Folder 10 Speeches - 1956. "Contract Research," Dean's Luncheon, Jan. 10, 1956; "spivco (?) groundbreaking," Jan. 11, 1956 - [not given]; notes for speech on Stanford for Denver-Salt Lake City Group, Jan. 1956; Stanford Conference speech in Modesto [no date]; "Engineering at Stanford," Wilbur Hall, May 16, 1956; notes for panel on "Stanford's Answer to the Challenge of Education," Alumni Conference, May 19, 1956; Development of university research and industrial applications, for meeting of I.R.E. Engineering Management Group, May 21, 1956; AIEE luncheon, June 25, 1956; Electronics as "glamour field" in science, Bohemian Club, July 24, 1956; "Contractors," Aug. 27, 1956; "TAC," Aug. 29, 1956; remarks at 3rd Annual Bay Area Quality Control Conference, Sept. 14, 1956;"Electrical Engineering Curriculum in a Changing World," Meeting of American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Oct. 15, 1956 [typed copy of speech, ready for possible publication]; Box 2, Folder 1 Speeches - 1957. "Developments in Electronics," East Bay Stanford Men's Club, Jan. 23; "The obligations that are part of living with engineering," S. F. Engineers Week talk, Feb. 21; "The expanding field of electronics," Chicago Alumni Conference, March 9; "Some observations of engineering and scientific manpower problems in this country and Russia," E.E. seminar, April 4; talk to Stanford chapter of AAUP on university policy, April 8; "Some Observations of Engineering and Scientific Manpower Problems in this Country and Russia," (same title as April 4 speech above), AIEE San Jose section meeting, May 8; "The Expanding Field of Electronics," Stanford Alumni Conference, May 18; talk to General Electric -Math teachers group, June 23; talk about Stanford to group of student dorm resident assistants, Sept. 20; talk about field of engineering to Stanford freshman engineers, given Sept. 23, 1956 and Sept. 22, 1957; "Personal solicitation kickoff for School of Engineering," given in L.A., Oct. 1, S.F. Oct. 2; talk to Faculty Club on supply of engineers, Oct. 4; "Research Level," Board of Trustees, Oct. 17, 1956; opening remarks at Conference on Nuclear Size and Density Distribution, Stanford, Dec. 17; "Notes on CBS telephone interview," Dec. 30. Box 2, Folder 2 Speeches - 1958. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 66 Series VIIISpeeches 1939-1977 Panel discussion, "The Challenge of Sputniks," Tues. Evening Series, Mem. Aud., Jan. 7; same panel, same topic presented to Stanford Associates, San Francisco, Feb. 14; "The Real Meaning of Sputnik," Stanford Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, Jan. 19; "Cooperation between Industry and Education," Young Presidents' organization dinner, May 12; introductory remarks at West Coast Advanced Placement English Conference, June 26; "Some Observations on Engineering Education," Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, July 8, 1958; "Why do we do research," Stanford Business Conference, July 22; "Naval Structural Mechanics," Aug. 11; "Contractors," Aug. 12; "TAC," Aug. 14. Box 2, Folder 3 Speeches - 1959 and undated speeches from 1950's. "Reflections on the Space Age," presented to Stanford Conference, Fresno, Jan. 24, and Stanford Conference, Bakersfield, Jan. 25; welcoming remarks at Mu Alpha Theta Conference, Stanford, March 14; remarks at I.R.E. National Convention on Psychology and Electronics in the Teaching-Learning System, New York, March 25; welcoming remarks, Symposium on Applied Mechanics, Sept. 9; "Stanford University and the Electronics Community," Sept. 14; "Stanford's Academic Goals and Academic Needs," Board of Trustees, Oct. 10. Undated: "Ampex is a Pioneer," "Engineers Have to be Smarter," revised version titled, "Engineering and Engineering Education in the Modern World." Box 2, Folder 4 Speeches - 1960. Welcoming remarks at opening of G. E. Summer Program for High School Economics Teachers, Stanford, June 19; "Beckman," [notes], July 19; "Research in Industry and Education," July 22; Speech to Solid State Electronics Affiliates, Sept. 22; Speech to Stanford Academic Council, Sept. 30; "The Growth of Science in Industry: The Relation Between Education and Growth Industries," International Science Foundation Brainpower Forum, Monterey, Oct. 4; "Stanford Yesterday and Today," Stanford Faculty Club, Oct. 7; "Engineering at Stanford," luncheon for new engineering faculty, Oct. 18; "Education and the Growth Industries," taped radio speech made for broadcast on "Engineering News Report" program, Oct. 30, 1960; remarks at meeting of ASEE Pacific Southwest Section, Dec. 28; Box 2, Folder 5 Speeches - 1960 Biography/Organization History In a speech entitled "Education -A Basic Resource for Electronics" delivered at the Oct. 12, 1960 luncheon of the 16th National Electronics Conference held in Chicago, Dr. Terman pointed out the lack of R & D progress in Chicago area Industry, and how this was causing industry to lag seriously behind developments on both coasts. This speech caused considerable comment, both positive and negative. Folder contains typescript of the speech, copy of it as printed for distribution, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and notes related to speech. Chicago Speech, Oct. 12, 1960. Box 2, Folder 6 Speeches - 1961. Notes - TAC - Washington, March 24; "Higher Education and Training in a Research Community," Symposium on Research and the Community, New York, May 1; "Growth Industries and Education," Investment Bankers' Association Conference, Santa Barbara, June 20; remarks at Solid State Device Research Conference, Stanford, June 26; remarks introducing Dr. Killian, former President of MIT at Stanford Cubberley Conference on Education, July 27; welcoming remarks, Guidance Conference of American Rocket Society, Aug. 8; remarks at TAC and Contractors meetings, Aug. 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18; speech at Fairfield Semiconductor groundbreaking, Sept. 28. Box 2, Folder 7 Speeches - 1961. Chicago Speech, Oct. 11, 1961. One year after his Oct. 12, 1960, Chicago speech (see folder 5), Dr. Terman spoke again at the National Electronics Conference in Chicago and evaluated the progress that had been made since his last speech. Contents include Dr. Terman's notes for his NEC panel speech, an edited, typescript version of speech "Electronics in Chicago - One Year Later," and related correspondence, criticisms, and publicity. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 67 Series VIIISpeeches 1939-1977 Box 3, Folder 1 Speeches - 1962. "Stanford's Needs," Los Angeles, Jan. 10; "PACE Talk," given March - April in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Boston, El Paso; "Remarks made to United Kingdom Committee on Higher Education (Robbins Committee)," Bowman Alumni House, Stanford, April 17; "Engineering and Scientific Manpower for the Cold War - The Next Decade," President's Science Advisory Committee, April 21; "PSAC Panel on Scientific and Technical Manpower - Supplementary Remarks," May 8; Speech at National Academy of Sciences, April 23; "State of Science and Technology," Stanford Conference (at Stanford), May 12 -- same speech also presented at alumni conferences in Los Angeles, Orange County, New York, Washington, Monterey, Santa Barbara; "Scientificand Engineering Manpower - U.S. vs. U.S.S.R.,"Stanford Camp at Fallen Leaf Lake, Aigusc, 1967;talk at WESCON Future Engineers Luncheon, LosAngeles, Aug. 23; talk on Stanford goals in Ph.D.Research Experience for Stanford Solid StateElectronics Affiliates, Sept. 21; "PACE Address,"given in Wichita, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati,Pittsburgh, Oct. 1962. Box 3, Folder 2 Speeches - 1963. Higher Education and the Federal Government,"dated March 16, 1963 (dittoed typescript - noindication that this was delivered as a speech,but was filed with speeches by Dr. Terman); "IEEE -Impossible - except for Electrical Engineers," andremarks in response to Founder's Award, both speechesdelivered at IEEE banquet, New York, March 27;introductory remarks for Dr. Piore at N.A.S., April 23:"The Need for Quality," speech at groundbreaking forScience Research Center In Dallas, May 22; "FromWireless to Radio Electronics - Glamorous All theWay," Palo Alto Rotary Club, May 27; "Thomas F.Peterson - The Man," speech dedicating the Thomas F.Peterson Engineering Laboratory at Stanford, May 31;"Engineers Quantity or Quality?", ASME luncheon,San Mateo, Oct. 15; introductory remarks at meetingof Committee on Governmental Relations of theNational Association of College and UniversityBusiness Officers, San Francisco, Dec. 6; remarksupon receiving Wescon Award - [undated]. Box 3, Folder 3 Speeches - 1963 Colorado Speech - Nov. 5, 1963."The Newly Emerging Community of TechnicalScholars," 18 pp. typescript of speech presentedat the University-Industry Liaison Conference,Colorado Springs, Nov. 5, 1963. Also includedin folder are correspondence, publicity material,and programs related to this event. Box 3, Folder 4 Speeches - 1963 - Manpower Speech."Scientific and Engineering Manpower in a HighlyCompetitive World," 24 pp. typescript of speechdelivered on occasions: first at WEMA Convention,Jan. 8; and secondly, at Stanford Tuesday Eveninglecture series, March 5. Also included is relatedcorrespondence and publicity material. Box 3, Folder 5 Speeches - 1964. Remarks at McCullough Building groundbreaking Feb. 24; introductory remarks for Dr. Clark Millikin at NAS election, April 28; "Stanford Over the Years," Phi Beta Kappa, April 9; remarks made at dedication of White Plaza, May 23; speech accepting gift of Class of 1964 on behalf of University, June 13; remarks at Class Plate laying ceremony, June 13; commencement speech, June 14; welcoming remarks for first Carlos McClatchy lecture, Sept. 13; testimonial speech for William Gould Dow, U. of Michigan, Dec. 3. Box 3, Folder 6 Speeches - 1965. Stanford Today and Tomorrow Program, Jan. 13; "The University and Technology Utilization," NASA - University Conference, Kansas City, March 3; Dr. Terman's acceptance speech for Matrix Award given by Theta Sigma Phi, May 18; response at convocation honoring Dr. Terman, May 31; "Daddario Committee," Aug. 4; "Governing the University: Administrator's Role in Building a Strong University," Society for Religion in Higher Education, Aug. 22; community dinner speech accepting City of Palo Alto's Distinguished Citizen Award, Nov. 3 Box 3, Folder 7 Speeches - 1966-67. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 68 Series VIIISpeeches 1939-1977 Notes for remarks at IEEE Pioneer Night, Sunnyvale, April 20; remarks at SMU Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Banquet, Dallas, April 21; Stanford Alumni Conference, New York, April 28; "Education in a Planned Society [U.S.S.R.]," annual meeting of San Francisco Section of IEEE, June 15; same speech delivered at IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, San Francisco, July 12; same speech at Rotary Club luncheon, July 20; welcoming remarks at NSF Summer Institute on Case Methods for Teaching Engineering, Aug. 15; observation on Engineering Education in Soviet Union, WESCON Panel on Education, Aug. 25; "SMU Foundation for Science and Engineering," Industry-Faculty luncheon, Oct. 6; opening remarks at Joint URSI/G-AP Technical Session, Dec. 7, 1966. 1967: Opening remarks, NSF Summer Institute on Case Methods in Engineering, Aug. 21, 1967; speech at dedication of University of South Carolina Science Building, Oct. 21, 1967. Box 3, Folder 8 Speeches - 1968. SCAS speech, Jan. 24; SCAS Panel, April 30; Farmer's Investment Club, May 8; "Development of an Engineering College Program," Stanford Alumni Conference, May 18; CCHE Education Committee, May 20; SMU Foundation Board, May 22; "The Expanding Partnership between Industry and Engineering Education in the USA," Seminar on Engineering and Technology, Taiwan, June 24; "Observations on Modern Engineering Education in USA," Seminar on Modern Engineering and Technology, Taiwan, June 25; "Engineering Education as a Factor in Economic Development," Republic of China Manpower Panel, July 8; "Engineering in New York," Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, presentation to New York Regents, Dec. 20; speech on engineering education to ASEE, Dec. 27. Box 4, Folder 1 Speeches - 1969. "A Study of Engineering Education in California," Statewide Education Committee, California State Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 21; "Cost-Size Considerations," Institute for Engineering Deans, Monterey, April 2; "General Advice to Prospective Teachers," H. H. Skilling's teaching seminar, April 17; "Supply and Demand for Engineers," ASEE - Relations with Industry Committee, May 8; remarks in response to receiving ASE Award, June 24; introduction for Dan Noble at SSE Industrial Affiliates program, Sept. 29; "Faculty- Student Relations with the Industrial Environment," National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Nov. 11; "Plans, Programs, and Problems " Missouri Association of Colleges and Universities, Dec. 2. Box 4, Folder 2 Speeches - 1970. R.R.L. Technical Program - Division 15 Reunion, March 26; "Supply of Scientific and Engineering Manpower: Shortage or Surplus?" SMU Sigma Xi Club installation, April 16; remarks upon receiving Alumni Association's Hoover Medal Award, April 29; "Engineering and Scientific Manpower," PSAC presentation, June 15; "Early Evolution of Electronic Warfare Technology," Keynote Address at Association of Old Crows Convention, Oct. 6; remarks on the presentation of "Golden Spike Awards" at the 1970 Volunteer Leadership, Conference, Oct. 9. Box 4, Folder 3 Speeches - 1971. "Disparity between Educational System and the Need," remarks at E.E. class seminar at Stanford, Feb. 1; "Engineering Education in the Seventies," Engineering Dean's Institute, Austin, April 7, "Engineering is Relevant," address at U.C. Davis College of Engineering Commencement Ceremony, June 16; speech on Florida's State of Engineering Education, presented to U. of Florida Regents, Oct. 15. Box 4, Folder 4 Speeches - 1972. Introduction for Joseph Petitt, Tau Beta Pi dinner, Jan. 28; remarks presenting Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce's Distinguished Citizen's Award to David Packard, Feb. 29; remarks at SMU dinner, May 15; Memorial Tribute at Service for Stephan Timoshenko, June 15; "Trends in Engineering Education in the United States," Taiwan, June 27; "Role of Advanced Graduate Training in Industrial Development," Public lecture, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 1; "Early Electronics in the West," Wescon Convention, Sept. 20. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 69 Series VIIISpeeches 1939-1977 Box 4, Folder 5 Speeches - 1973. "Engineering Manpower for the Future," ASEE Relations with Industry Conference, Feb. 8; "The Graduate's Place in the World," speech at Initiation Banquet of Stanford Chapter of Sigma Xi, May 21; "On Engineers and Engineering," Palo Alto Rotary Club, Nov. 12; "Bay Area Electronics -- Then and Now," speech at WEMA's 30th Anniversary Banquet. Box 4, Folder 6 Speeches - 1974. "Eitel-McCullough Retirement Dinner," Jan. 21; speech to Stanford Fellows on building research programs at Stanford, Feb. 27; "Physics in WW II," Center for the History of Science and Technology, May 3; "Changing Times Bring Changing Problems in Electronics," Sigma Xi Installation Banquet, Portland State University, May 10; introductory remarks for Albert Bowker at 25th Anniversary of Statistics Department, May 21; tribute to Virgil Whitaker on his retirement, May 30; welcoming remarks to group of Korean educators visiting Stanford, Sept. 10; "Santa Clara Valley - A Model for High Technology Industry," Long Island Midsuffolk Businessmen's Association, Oct. 22; speech on development of Bay Area electronics to Fellowship Forum, Oct. 29; introductory remarks for Mina Rees, Sigma Xi assembly, Nov. 3; "Developing the Potential of Sigma XI," Sigma Xi Assembly, Nov. 4; speech to KAIS faculty, Nov. 20. Box 4, Folder 7 Speeches - 1975-77. "Origins of the RRL," 30th Anniversary Dinner, April 10, 1975; Memorial Tribute at service for Hubert Heffner, April 14, 1975; remarks at Sigma Xi meeting, May 12, 1975; "Stanford Engineering and Local Industry," presented to Visiting Chinese Delegation, July 17, 1975; "Foundations of San Francisco Bay Area Electronics... The First Thirty Years," WESCON meeting, Sept. 11, 1975; speech of same title, (but with different set of notes) presented to Ham Radio Club, Feb. 27, 1976; "Electrical Engineering - Then and Now," ASEE Convention, June 15, 1976 (speech written by Dr. Terman, but because of illness, he was unable to present it -- was delivered by Jack Ryder from Dr. Terman's manuscript); dinner speech at the Bohemian Club, May 6, 1977. Series IX Clippings and Articles about Frederick E. Terman 1940-1976 Scope and Content Note Box 1-Box 3, folder 4: Chronologically arranged files of clippings and articles about Dr. Terman and the programs with which he was affiliated. All of the newspaper and magazine articles cited in the bio-bibliography in this guide can be found in this series. Box 3, folders 5-7: Chronologically arranged files of correspondence generated by articles. Box 4, folders 8-Box 5: Correspondence related to Terman's books. Contains correspondence with editors and publishers about production; and with readers of his books. Box 1, Folder 1 1940 - 47 Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 1948 - 49 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Box 2, Folder 4 1965 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 70 Series IXClippings and Articles about Frederick E. Terman 1940-1976 Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Box 3, Folder 2 Box 3, Folder 3 Box 3, Folder 4 1974 1975-76 1977-78 Box 3, Folder 5 Box 3, Folder 6 1979 Manuscript of article on the growth of Stanford (includes material on Terman). By Nancy Parker, 1973. Box 3, Folder 7 Box 3, Folder 8 Correspondence related to clippings and articles. 1948. Correspondence related to clippings and articles. 1961-73. Box 3, Folder 9 Correspondence related to clippings and articles. 1974. Series X Publications 1932-1976 Scope and Content Note Box 1-Box 3: Chronologically arranged files of Terman's articles, papers and reports. Box 4-Box 5: Correspondence related to Terman's publications. Box 1, Folder 1 ARTICLES Box 1, Folder 2 Box 1, Folder 3 Box 1, Folder 4 Box 1, Folder 5 Box 1, Folder 6 Box 1, Folder 7 Box 1, Folder 8 Box 1, Folder 9 "Measurements of Transients," to be presented at the Midwinter Convention of AIEE, New York, N.Y., Feb. 14-17, 1923. "The Circle Diagram of a Transmission Network," presented at the Pacific Coast Convention of the AIEE, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 6-9, 1926. Book Reviews: --"Temperature of a Contact and Related Current-Interruption Problems," (Journal AIEE, Oct. 1926, p. 930), From Journal AIEE, vol. 45, Dec. 1926, pp. 1308-9. F. E. Terman communicated after adjournment. --"Wagner and Evans: Static Stability Limits," Discussion by F. E. Terman, Transactions AIEE, Sept., 1927, p. 121. "The Electrical Engineering Research Situation in the American Universities," Science, Vol.LXV, No. 1686, April 22, 1927, pp. 385-388. "The Inverted Vacuum Tube, A Voltage-Reducing Power Amplifier," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Feb., 1928. "Note on the Effective Heating of Code Transmitters," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 6, June, 19 8@, p-p. 802-804. "Some Principles of Grid-Leak Grid-Condensor Detection" Vol. 16, No. 10, Oct. 1928, pp. 1384-1397. "Detection Characteristics of Three Element Vacuum Tubes," by Frederick E. Terman and Thomas M. Googin, Proceedings of the Institute-of Radio Engineers, Vol.17, No.1, Jan., 1929, pp. 149-160."Grid-Leak Grid-Condensor Detection," Radio Broadcast, March, 1929, pp. 303-306. Box 1, Folder 10 "Grid-Leak Power Detection," Radio Broadcast, April, 1929 pp. 382-384. Box 1, Folder 11 Box 1, Folder 12 "Getting the Most Out of a Detector," Radio Broadcast, May, 19-9, pp. 37-40. "Detection Characteristics of Screen-Grid and Space- Charge-Grid Tubes," by Birney Dysart and Fredrick E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers Vol.17, No.5, May, 1929, pp. 830-833. "Electrophysics - Annual Report of the Electrophysics Committee," presented at the Summer Convention of the AIEE, Swampscott, Mass., June 24-28, 1929. Box 1, Folder 13 Box 1, Folder 14 Box 1, Folder 15 "Why the Grid Bias?" Radio, July 1929, pp. 57-58. "The Future of Radio Communication," Radio, Aug. 1929, pp. 23, S7-58. Box 1, Folder 16 "Linear Power Detection," Radio Broadcast, Nov. 1929, pp. 49-50. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 71 Series XPublications 1932-1976 ARTICLES Box 1, Folder 17 Box 1, Folder 18 Box 1, Folder 19 Box 1, Folder 20 Box 1, Folder 21 Box 1, Folder 22 Box 1, Folder 23 Box 1, Folder 24 Box 1, Folder 25 Box 1, Folder 26 Box 1, Folder 27 "For Engineers Only -- Salesmen Keep Out! Experimenting With Screen Grid Tubes," Radio, Dec. 1929, pp. 47, 72. "Audio Frequency Amplification with Screen Grid Tubes," Radio, Jan. 1930, pp. 45-46, 74. "Some Possibilities of Intelligence Transmission When Using a Limited Band of Frequencies, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.18, No. 1, Jan. 1930, pp. 167-177. "Stanford on the Air," The Stanford Illustrated Review March 1930, pp. 285-288. "Note on Variations in the Amplification Factor of Triodes," by A. L. Cook and Frederick E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.15 No.6, June 1930, pp. 1044-1046. "Volume Control in Transformer Coupled Audio Frequency Amplifiers," by C. R. Skinner and Frederick E. Terman, Radio, July 1930, pp. VI-VII. "Harmonic Generation by Means of Grid Circuit Distortion by D. E. Chambers, E. H. Fisher, and F. E. Terman, presented at the Pacific Coast Convention of the AIEE, Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2-S, 1930. "Linear Detection of Heterodyne Signals," Electronics, Nov. 1930, pp. 386-387. "Some Properties of Grid Leak Power Detection," by N. R. Morgan and F. E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.18, No.12, Dec. 1930, pp. 2160-217c "The General Circle Diagram of Electrical Machinery," by Theodore Louis Lenzen, Cecil Louis Freedman, -- Kenneth Alfred Rogers and Frederick E. Terman, 1930. "Further Description, and Characteristics of the Wunderlich Radio Tube," Radio Engineering, Niav 1932, pp. 25-28. Box 1, Folder 28 Box 1, Folder 29 Box 1, Folder 30 "Resistance Stabilized Oscillators," Electronics, July 1933, pp. 190-192. "Improved Circuits for Measuring Negative Resistance," Electronics, Dec. 1933. "The Calculation of Class C Amplifier and Harmonic Generator Performance of Screen-Grid and Similar Tubes," by J. H. Ferns and F. E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.22, No.3, March 1934, pp. 359-373. Box 1, Folder 31 Box 1, Folder 32 "Some Facts About Directional Antennas," Radio, July 1934, p. S. "Note on a Cause of Residual Hum in Rectifier-Filter Systems," by S. B. Pickles and F. E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio 'Engineers, Vol.22, No.8, Aug. 1934, pp. 1040-1041. "Some Possibilities for Low-Loss Coils," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.23, No.9, Sept. 193S, pp. 1069-1075. "Calculations and Design of Class C Amplifiers," by W. C. Roake and F. E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.24, No.4, April 1936, pp. 620-632. "Multirange Rectifier Instruments Having the Same Scale Gradations for All Ranges," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.23, No.3, March l@5,-pp. 234-241 "Dynamic Shift, Grid Bias Modulation," by F. A. Everest and F. E. Terman, Radio, No.211, July 1936, pp. 22-29, 80-82. Box 1, Folder 34 Box 1, Folder 35 Box 1, Folder 33 Box 1, Folder 36 Box 1, Folder 37 Box 1, Folder 38 Box 1, Folder 39 Box 1, Folder 40 Box 1, Folder 41 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers "Feedback Amplifier Design," Electronics, Jan. 1937, pp. 12-15. "Analysis and Design of Harmonic Generators," A paper recommended by the AIEE Committee on Communication, and scheduled for presentation of the ALEE Summer Convention, Washington, D. C., June -24, 1938, AIEE Technical Paper 38-73, May 1938. "A High Efficiency Grid-Modulated Amplifier," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.26, No.8, Aug. 1938, pp. 929-945, presented before Pacific Coast Meeting, Spokane, Washington, Sept. 2, 193' "Frequency Response Characteristic of Amplifiers Employing Negative Feedback," by Wen-Yuan Pan and Frederick E. Terman, Communications, Vol.19, no.3, March 1939, pp. 5-8. "Some Applications of Negative Feedback with Particular Reference to Laboratory Equipment," by R. R. Buss, W. R. Hewlett, F. C. Cahill, and F. E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.27, No.10, Oct. 1939, pp. 649-655. SC0160 72 Series XPublications 1932-1976 ARTICLES Box 1, Folder 42 Box 1, Folder 43 Box 1, Folder 44 Box 1, Folder 45 Box 1, Folder 46 Box 1, Folder 47 Box 1, Folder 48 Box 1, Folder 49 Box 1, Folder 50 "Calculation and Design of Resistance-Coupled Amplifiers Using Pentode Tubes," by W. R. Hewlett, C. W. Palmer, Wen-Yuan Pan, and F. E. Terman, paper 40-52, recommended by the AIEE Committee on Communication, and presented at the AIEE Winter Convention, New York, N. Y., Jan. 22- 26, 1940. "Developments in 'Double El," Stanford Illustrated Review, Vol.41, Feb. 1940, pp. 21-22. "Notes on Power Required for Noise Jamming," by W. D. White and F. E. Terman, Report No. 44, June 18, 1943, Radio Research Laboratory, Harvard University. "The Compensated Loop Direction Finder," by Joseph M. Petit and Frederick E. Terman, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.33, No.5, May 1945. "Science Legislation and National Progress," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.3S, No.9, Sept. 1947. "Administrative Policies and Objectives of Research in Engineering Colleges," Journal of Engineering Education Vol.38, No.4, Dec. 1947, pp. 281-28S. "Forward," Very High Frequency Techniques, McGraw-Hill Co., New York,-1947. "Fundamental Research in University and College Laboratories and Its Contribution to industrial Research and Development," address given at the afternoon session of Proceedings of the First Annual Northern California Research Conference, Jan. 12, 1949, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. "Great Strength in Engineering Traces to University Founders," Stanford Alumni Review, Vol.51, No.3, pp. 26- Box 1, Folder 51 Box 1, Folder 51a "New Times Bring New Problems," Jan. 1950. "Report on Engineering Education in the California State Colleges," by Members of the Engineering Survey Committee: Frank W. Fink, Paul E. Jefiers, H. Wayne Tau and Frederick E. Terman, June 1952. Box 1, Folder 52 Box 1, Folder 53 "From Classrooms Come Progress," Electrical West, Vol.1 No.6, pp. 90-92. "Electrical Engineers Are Going Back to Science!" Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.44, No.6, pp. 738-740. "Electrical Engineering Curricula in a Changing World." acceptance address of Members-for-Life Fund Medal presented at the Fall General Meeting, Chicago, Ill., Oct. 1-5, IS "Engineering and Engineering Education in a Modern World Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp. 19-20, paper preset. as featured speech at Welcoming Luncheon at Petroleum Branch Fall Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 14-17, 1956. "Why Do We Do Research?" An address at the Seventeenth Annual Stanford Business Conference, July 22, 1958. "Observations on Engineering Education," Aero/Space Engine , Vol.17, No.12, pp. 48-49, 54. "William F. Durand," Year Book of the American Philosophical Society, 1958, pp.118-203. Box 1, Folder 54 Box 1, Folder 55 Box 1, Folder 56 Box 1, Folder 57 Box 1, Folder 58 Box 1, Folder 59 Box 1, Folder 60 "Why Do We Do Research?" IRE Student Quarterly, Sept. 1 pp. 20-26. "Education - A Vitamin for Growth Industries , preprint of paper prepared for presentation at San Francisco Region- al Technical Meeting of American Iron and Steel Institute Nov. 6, 1959. Box 1, Folder 61 Box 1, Folder 62 "Engineering Education in New York State," April 1960. "The Growth of Science in Industry," Proceedings of the International Science Foundation, Brainpower Forum, 1960 Conference, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, Oct. 3-5, 1960, pp. 16-25, 142-146. "Education: A Basic Component of the New Electronics," presented at luncheon of the 16th National Electronics manufacturers, Oct. 12. 1960. "Scientific Progress, the Universities, and the Federal Government," statement by the President's Science Advisory Committee, the White House, Washington, D.C., Nov. 15, is "Electronics and Education in the Midwest," The Michigan Economic Record, Vol.3, No.1, Jan, 1961, pp. 7-8. Box 1, Folder 63 Box 1, Folder 64 Box 1, Folder 65 Box 1, Folder 66 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers "Engineering and Scientific Manpower for the Cold War - the Next Decade," presented to PSAC Manpower Panel, April 2-- 1962. SC0160 73 Series XPublications 1932-1976 ARTICLES Box 1, Folder 67 Box 1, Folder 68 Box 1, Folder 69 Box 1, Folder 70 Box 1, Folder 71 Box 2, Folder 1 Box 2, Folder 2 Box 2, Folder 3 Box 2, Folder 4 Box 2, Folder 5 Box 2, Folder 6 Box 2, Folder 7 Box 2, Folder 8 Box 2, Folder 9 Box 2, Folder 10 Box 2, Folder 11 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 13 Box 2, Folder 14 Box 2, Folder 15 Box 2, Folder 16 Box 2, Folder 17 Box 2, Folder 18 Box 2, Folder 19 Box 2, Folder 20 Box 2, Folder 21 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers "Education in 2012 for Communication and Electronics." Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.50, No.5, May 1 1962, pp. 570-571. "Electrical Engineering Education Today," Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.50, No.5, May 1962 pp. 955-956. "Electrical Engineering Education: 1912 versus 1962," IRE Student Quarterly, May 1962. "Meeting Manpower Needs in Science and Technology," a report of the President's Science Advisory Committee, the, White House, Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1962. "Higher Education and Training in a Research Community," Research and the Community, Department of Commerce, State of New York, 1962, pp. 11-21. "Stanford University," Industrial Research, April 1963, pp. 55-58. "Scientific and Engineering Manpower in a Highly Competitive World," Stanford Review, May-June 1963, pp. 16-21. "Statement on Manpower Needs in Science and Technology," statement prepared for Congresswoman Edith Greene, 1963. "The Newly Emerging Community of Technical Scholars," Colorado and the New Technological Revolution., Proceedings of the University-industry Liaison Conference, April 1964. pp. 43-53. Measure, Hewlett-Packard Co., Twenty-fifth Anniversary Issue, Vol.2, No.9, Sept.-Oct. 1964, pp. 4. "Comments on the Development of Centers of Excellence," written for Gilliland Panel, Oct. 7, 1964. "William Gould Dow," New Research Frontiers in Physical Electronics - Proceedings of a Recognition Seminar in Honor of Professor William G. Dow, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Dec. 3-4, 1964, pp. 1-7. "Engineering Schools in the State of Ohio," 1964. "Herbert Hoover, Engineer," Science, Vol.147, No.3654, Jan. 8, 1965, pp.125-127. "Engineering Growth and the Community," Journal of. Engine Education, Feb. 1965, pp. x, xiii. "The University and Technology Utilization," NASA University Program Review Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, March 1-3, 1965, pp. 291-299. "Research Trends in U.S. Universities," (article in Russian), Scinteia, Vol.35, No.6770, Oct. 14, 1965. "A Modern Community of Scholars," response to a talk by Dean Joseph Petite, Nov. 1965. "Education in Engineering and Science in the USSR," tri report, mission sponsored by U.S. Office of Education, Dec. 3-29, 1965. "Review of the National Science Foundation," hearings before the Subcommittee on Science Research and Development of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Eighty-ninth Congress First Session Vol.1, No.6, 1965, pp.687-690. "Engineering and Research," Listen to Leaders in Engineering, Ed. Albert Love and James Childers, Atlanta: Tuppe and Love, 1965, pp. 31-47. "Institute for Science and Technology in New Jersey: TI Dimensions of the University," preliminary report prepared for Industry Committee for Graduate Center for Science and Technology in New Jersey, Oct 15, 1965. "Excellence in Science and Engineering in Colorado Universities," by Frederick E. Terman, assisted by Robert Hind and George Masek, prepared for Colorado Commission on Higher Education under a contract with the Academy for Educational Development, Inc., Jan. 16, 1967. "A Study of Engineering Education in California," by Frederick E. Terman, assisted by Robert Hind and L.F. McGhie, prepared for Coordination Council for Higher Education, State of California, March 1968. "The Development of an Engineering College Program," Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.58, No.9, May 1968, pp. 1053-1055. "Economic Factors Relating to Engineering Programs," Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 59, No. 6, Feb. 1969. SC0160 74 Series XPublications 1932-1976 ARTICLES Box 2, Folder 22 Box 2, Folder 23 Box 3, Folder 1 Box 3, Folder 2 Box 3, Folder 3 Box 3, Folder 4 Box 3, Folder 5 Box 3, Folder 6 Box 3, Folder 7 Box 3, Folder 8 Box 3, Folder 9 Box 3, Folder 10 Box 3, Folder 11 Box 3, Folder 12 Box 3, Folder 13 "Engineering Education in New York," by Frederick E. Terman, assisted by Glenn E. Reeling, consultants to the State Education Department, the University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, March 1969. "The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn," by Frederick E. Terman, consultant to the State Education Department, the University of the State of New York, Albany, New York March 1969. "Engineering Education in Retrospect and in Prospect," Jan. 1970. "Education in Engineering and Engineering Technology in Colorado," by Frederick E. Terman, Archie Higdon, and M.R. Lohmann, Colorado Commission on Higher Education, Aug. 1970. "Survey Reports on the Establishment of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science," by Donald L. Benedict, KunMo Chun, Franklin A. Long, Thomas L. Martin, and Frederick E. Terman, prepared for U.S. Agency for International Development, Dec. 1970-Jan. 1971. "Comments on Organization and Planning for Korea Advanced Institute of Science," by KunMo Chun, reviewed by Frederick E. Terman, supplement to Survey Report on the Establishment of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science, prepared for U.S. Agency for International Development, Jan. 1971. "Supply of Scientific and Engineering Manpower: Surplus and Shortage," Science, Vol.173, July 30, 1971, pp. 399-405. An abbreviation of this article appears in the Jan. 1972 issue of Spectrum. There were no substantive changes in the abbreviated article. "A Study of Engineering and Engineering Technology Education in Florida," prepared for Chancellor's office, State University system of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida by Frederick E. Terman and Archie Higdon, Aug. 1971. "Changing Needs for Ph.D.'s," IEEE Spectrum, Jan. 1972. pp. 79-81. "Trends in Engineering Education in the United States," June 1972. "Study on Feasibility of Merging Lowell Technological Institute and Lowell State College," by Norman P. Auburn, Archie Higdon, William H. Plennons and Frederick E. Terman consultants for Academy for Educational Development, prepared for Lowell Technological Institute/ Lowell State College Merger Commission of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. "Measurement and the Growth of Knowledge," Basic Electronic Instrument Handbook, Clyde F. Coombs ed., McGraw-Hill Co., 1972, pp. 1.3-1.4. "Engineering Education in the State of Oregon," by C.V. Kirkpatrick, Carl W. Hall and Frederick E. Terman, Memorandum, Jan. 25, 1973. "Manpower Projections for Engineering - the Next Quarter Century," Engineering and Society: Opportunities for Change, Proceedings of the 25th Annual College Industry Conference, Stanford University, Feb. 8-9, 1973. "Engineering, Engineering Technology and Industrial Technology in Utah," by Archie Higdon and Frederick E. Terman, prepared for the Utah System of Higher Education (preliminary draft). Box 3, Folder 14 Box 3, Folder 15 "The H-P Experience Yesterday," Measure, Aug.-Sept. 1973, pp. 4-8. "Aid to Private Higher Education in Massachusetts: Why? How?" prepared for the higher education study conducted by the Academy for Educational Development for the Massachusetts Advisory Council on Education. Box 3, Folder 16 " Box 3, Folder 17 The Supply of Engineers," IEEE Spectrum , May 1974, pp. 58. "William Webster Hansen," American Dictionary of Biography, Supplement Four 1946-1950, Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y., 1974, pp. 357-359. Sigma Xi editorials printed in American Scientist, --"For the Encouragement of Scientific Research," Sept.-Oct. 1975; --"A Headquarters Organization to Serve Sigma Xi Members," Nov.-Dec. 1975. "William Frederick Durand, 1859-1958: A Biographical Memoir," Biographical Memoirs, Vol.XLVIII, The National Academy of Sciences of the United States, Washington, D.C 1976, pp. 152-193. Box 3, Folder 18 Box 3, Folder 20 Box 3, Folder 19 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers "A Brief History of Engineering Education," Proceedings Of the IEEE, Vol.64, No.9, Sept. 1976, pp. 1399-1407. SC0160 75 Series XPublications 1932-1976 ARTICLES - RELATED CORRESPONDENCE Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, ARTICLES - RELATED CORRESPONDENCE Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 9 Folder 8 Folder 10 Folder 11 Oct. 1954 - Sept. 1956. 1958 - 61. 1962 - 65. 1968 - 70. 1971 - 74. Durand Biography. National Academy of Sciences. 1959 - 77. Durand Biography. Dictionary of American Biography. 1975. Army/Navy Book Correspondence. 1938 - 41. Army/Navy Book Correspondence. 1937. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1932 - 36. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1937. Box 4, Folder 12 Box 4, Folder 13 Box 5, Folder 1 McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1938 - 41. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1942 - 45. Radio Engineering: production and pre-publication correspondence. 1929 - 31. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Radio Engineering: production and pre-publication correspondence. 1932. Radio Handbook: production and pre-publication correspondence. 1939 - 43. Readers, correspondence with. 1932 - 36. Readers, correspondence with. 1937 - 42. Readers, correspondence with. 1943 - 45. Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Box 5, Folder 7 Transmission Line Theory. 1924 - 33. Series XI History of Electronics 1934-1977 Scope and Content Note All three boxes of this series contain alphabetically arranged subject folders on topics related to the history of electronics and electrical engineering. The folders consist primarily of newspaper and magazine clippings compiled by Dr. Terman; and some correspondence with and about important figures in electronics. In addition, there are unpublished autobiographies of Cyril Elwell and Peter Jensen filed under their respective names. Researchers interested in the history of electronics should also see Series V, boxes 6 through 10 of this collection. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 A. 1963 - 74. Armstrong, Edwin. 1952 - 56. B. 1950 - 77. Bancroft Library. 1974 - 78. Bay Area Electronics. 1963 - 69. C. 1974 - 76. Corporate historians. 1977. de Forest, Lee. 1934 - 64. Dickow, H. W. 1967. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 E. 1958 - 64. Electrical Engineering. 1961 - 62. Electronics. 1952 - 65. Elwell, Cyril F. 1922 - 64. Elwell, Cyril F.: Autobiographies. 1958 59. F. 1961 - 77. Farnsworth, Phil. 1971 - 78. Federal Telegraph Company. 1912. Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 G. 1953 - 74. Gill, Sir Archibald. 1973 - 74. H. 1971 - 76. Hewlett-Packard. 1973. Hughes, Thomas. 1962 - 65. I. 1959 - 77. J. 1965 - 72. Jensen, Peter: Autobiography. 1955. Box 2, Folder 7 Klystron. 1947 - 75. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 76 Series XIHistory of Electronics 1934-1977 Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 1 Folder 3 Folder 2 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 L. 1961 - 75. Loughren, Arthur. 1973 74. M. 1960 - 76. Microwaves. 1963 68. N. 1974 - 76. 0. 1972 - 76. P. 1963 - 76. Palo Alto. 1955 70. Physics, Center for. The History of. 1975. Power, Electrical. 1972. Pratt, Haraden. 1959 - 64. R. 1964 - 75. S. 1961 - 74. Radar. 1972. Semiconductors. 1961 - 73. Stanford Engineering History. 1974. Stanford Research Institute. History, 1946 - 55. By Weldon Gibson, 1964. Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Susskind, Charles. Understanding Technology. 1972. T. 1963 - 74. Television. 1952 - 72. (See also files Farnsworth and Loughren.) Transistors, History of. 1973 - 74. U. 1961. V. 1961 - 75. Varian Associates. 1958 - 73. Wireless Radio - early history. 1972. Box 3, Folder 15 X, Y, Z. 1961 - 76. Series XII Personal Papers 1922-1978 Scope and Content Note The boxes in this series contain personal correspondence and papers of Dr. Terman. Included are two boxes of genealogical papers containing information on the Terman family and on his wife, Sibyl Walcutt's family. Boxes 3-5 contain correspondence between Terman and Sibyl Walcutt Terman, as well as letters from and to their parents, children, other relations and friends. Boxes 6-7 contain the professional files of Sibyl Walcutt Terman, including correspondence, manuscripts, and records from her work teaching children with reading problems and her involvement in the effort to reform how reading is taught in the public schools. GENEALOGY Box 1, Folder 1 Box 1, Folder 2 Box 1, Folder 3 Box 1, Folder 4 Terman Genealogy: general description of material in genealogical boxes (SC XII, Box I & 2), written by FET in 1979, 2 pp. David Crews Donan of Kentucky and His Family, 1774- 1974, by Frances Donan Patchett, Adams Press, Chicago, 1977. "A Tarman, Terman, Genealogy," unpublished ms. compiled by Arriel Crouch, Indianapolis, Ind., 1961, @200 pp. Correspondence with Fred Duncan and Purley C. Emmons, FET's namesakes, 1949-1977. Box 1, Folder 5 Box 1, Folder 6 Correspondence re. Lewis Terman's biography, 1976-78. Correspondence about James W. Terman and Martha Cutsinger Terman family, 1946-1977. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Papers about Lewis Madison Terman and Anna Belle Minton family, 1946-1977. Papers re. Anna Belle Minton's family, 1973 & n.d. Misc. correspondence from relatives seeking information from FET, 1966-1979. Correspondence w/ Hazel Gross and John Brunner, 1962-78. Correspondence w/ Maurice J. Terman, James A. Terman, Ernest L. Patchett and others about family history, 1965-1975. Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 77 Series XIIPersonal Papers 1922-1978 GENEALOGY Box 1, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 1 Miscellaneous Correspondence about Terman family, 1976-1977. Minton Family: letters from John Greenup Minton to his mother Armenia Mohlar, 1862-1864, and letters about JGM through 1868. Minton Family, letters from Harriet Hogan to her mother, Armenia Mohlar and brother, Eddie Mohlar, 1881-1882. Minton Family: letters from Franci Richardson to Armenia Mohlar, her sister-in-law, 1887-1890 and n.d. Box 2, Folder 2 Box 2, Folder 3 Box 2, Folder 4 Box 2, Folder 5 Minton Family: Misc. correspondence, 1846-1895. Lewis Terman Genealogy: correspondence. w/ Bertha Terman Clark, James A. Terman, John Terman and others, 1924-56. Box 2, Folder 6 Box 2, Folder 7 Lewis Terman Genealogy: correspondence. w/ Robert Terman, 1944-1955. Lewis Terman Genealogy: correspondence. w/ William T. Terman, and others, 1946-1956. Lewis Terman Genealogy: correspondence. w/ the Institute of American Genealogy, 1924-1938. Lewis Terman Genealogy: misc. correspondence., mostly about Arriel's Crouch genealogy on the Terman Family, 1928-1930. Box 2, Folder 8 Box 2, Folder 9 Box 2, Folder 10 Walcutt Genealogy: misc. papers, 1974 and n.d. Box 2, Folder 11 Walcutt Genealogy: Family Tree chart, n.d. Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, PERSONAL PAPERS Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Box 3, Folder 9 Box 3, Folder 10 Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 FET Incoming Correspondence, 1928-69 and n.d. F.E.T. Outgoing Correspondence, 1931,1941, 1954. F.E.T. to Sibyl Walcutt Terman, Aug. 1927- April 1942 and n.d. F.E.T. to Sibyl Walcutt Terman, April 1948- Aug. 1970 and n.d. F.E.T. miscellaneous papers and notes, 1940's, 1953, 1954,1967, & n.d. Sibyl W. Terman letters to F.E.T., Aug. 1927- June 1972 & n.d. Sibyl W. Terman: formal invitations, cards, 1925-64 & n.d. Sibyl W. Terman: medical records, notes on family history, clippings, etc., 1930-1970. Correspondence. from F.E.T.'s children, Terry and Fred Jr., to F.E.T. and S.W.T., 1940-1944. (Includes some school records.) F.E.T. letters to parents, Lewis Madsen Terman & Anna B. Terman, originals, March 1942-Nov. 1945. F.E.T. to L.M.T. & A.B.T., carbon copies, Oct. 1942 - Nov. 1945. F.E.T.'s wife, Sibyl, and their children to F.E.T.'s parents, 1942-1945. Sibyl W. Terman to L.M.T. and A.B.T., 1942-1946. Correspondence. from F.E.T.'s parents, Lewis and Anna Terman, June 1929- Nov. 1945. Box 4, Folder 5 Correspondence. from F.E.T.'s parents, Lewis and Anna Terman, n.d. Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Correspondence. to and from Lewis M. Terman's relatives, March 1952-April 1956. Papers relating to the death of Anna B. Terman, March 1956 - April 1956. Lewis M. Terman's will, 1948. Misc. Correspondence, 1949. Christmas Cards and telegrams, 1926-1949. Sibyl W. Terman to her relatives, 12/1920-7/1922. S.W.T. to friends, August 1922, Mar. 1973. Alice, S.W.T.'s sister, to S.W.T., 1/21-6/49 & n.d. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Box 5, Folder 8 Box 5, Folder 9 Box 5, Folder 10 Charles Child Walcutt (Bill), S.W.T.'s brother, to Sibyl, 11/21-9/45. Connie Mitchell, Sibyl W. Terman's sister, to S.W.T., 5/22-2/49 & n.d. Francie S.W.T.'s sister, to S.W.T., 10/1926-4/1927. Sue Walcutt, Mrs. Charles C. Walcutt (Bill), S,W.T.'s brother's wife, to Sibyl, 1/34-11/48 & n.d. Winkie Walcutt, Sibyl's sister, to Sibyl W. Terman, 1/21-1/1931 Winkie Walcutt, Sibyl's sister, to Sibyl W. Terman, 11/1932-1/1950 & n.d. Winnie, Sibyl's sister, to S.W.T., 6/1921-2/1950 & n.d Box 5, Folder 11 Sibyl Walcutt Terman's mother to S.W.T., 2/1921-1/1936 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 78 Series XIIPersonal Papers 1922-1978 PERSONAL PAPERS Box 5, Folder 12 Box 5, Folder 13 Box 5, Folder 14 Sibyl W. Terman's father to S.W.T., 12/ 1920-4/1922. Miscellaneous correspondence. from relatives to Sibyl W. Terman, 1956-58 & n.d. Sibyl W. Terman, correspondence. from friends, written in German, Dec. 1921-Jan. 1934 & n.d. Box 5, Folder 15 Box 5, Folder 16 Sibyl W. Terman, correspondence. from friends and relatives, 5/1921-7/1971. Sibyl W. Terman, incoming correspondence. about real estate matters, conferences in which S.W.T. participated, etc., 2/1928-5/1964. Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Sibyl W. Terman and F.E.T.'s wedding: newsclipping, gift record, 1928. Sibyl W. Terman's school papers, 1923-30. Sibyl W. Terman: sorority material, 1925. Sibyl W. Terman: College Papers, 1920's. Sibyl W. Terman: correspondence. w/ Dr. Melvin Page about family health problems, 1946-1947, n.d. Sibyl W. Terman: correspondence. w/ Drs. Barach and Pons about possible food allergies, 1963. Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Box 5, Folder 22 Box 5, Folder 23 Box 5, Folder Lewis Terman (F.E.T. & S.W.T.'s son): school papers, drawings, n.d. Lewis Terman (F.E.T. & S.W.T.'s son): school project: "Labor: Its Problems and Solutions (T@ Any)" n.d. Box 5, Folder 24 Frederick Walcutt Terman (F.E.T & S.W.T.'s son): misc. correspondence. and drawings, 1930's. 5 Box 5, Folder 26 Frederick Walcutt Terman: IQ Tests, school papers, 1930's-1940's. 5 25 Frederick Walcutt Terman: correspondence. to S.W.T., 1956- 58 and n.d. Box 5, Folder 28 Terrence Terman: ms. of childhood story, "The Adventures of the Double Bean," n.d. 5 29 The Modern Baby Book and Child Development Record: contains information on F.E.T.'s and S.W.T.'s children, n.d. 27 Terrence Terman (F.E.T. & S.W.T.'s son): correspondence. to S.W.T., 1956. Terrence Terman: School Records, papers, 1942-1948. PROFESSIONAL PAPERS OF SIBYL WALCUTT TERMAN: GENERAL FILES Box 6, Folder 1 "All Parents Aren't Stupid," correspondence., 1957-1959 and copy of article, [1958]. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Bliven, Bruce: correspondence., June-Sept. 19S8. Brauch, Betty: writings on phonics, n.d. Brown, Pat: correspondence., 1959-1963. Calif. Phonics Survey, n.d. Carden Reading Method: correspondence with Mae Carden and others, 1958-1961. Carden Reading Method: correspondence and papers re., 1961 & n.d. Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Box 6, Folder 8 Carden Reading Method: correspondence regarding Arthur T. Gates' article "Results of Teaching a Method of Phonics," 1961. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Carden Reading Method: papers concerning, 1961 & n.d. Caroline, Sister W.: papers, 1959-1963. Chall, Jeanne: correspondence & papers, 1963-65. Children's Books, Bibliography of, n.d. "Can Johnny Read," (no author, possibly Sibyl Terman), 15 pp., n.d. Citizens Advisory Committee: papers, n.d. Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Box 6, Folder 15 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Committee on Educational Standards, Arram Goldstein, Chairman, 1958-59. SC0160 79 Series XIIPersonal Papers 1922-1978 PROFESSIONAL PAPERS OF SIBYL WALCUTT TERMAN: GENERAL FILES Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Communism: notes and articles, n.d. Correspondence., general, 1956-60. Correspondence., general, 1964-6S. Cottrell, Alice: Phonics Digest, 1958. Council for Basic Education: corpse., 1959-62. "Cracking the Phonic Barrier," S.W. Terman & C.E. Walcutt, 1957. Davis, Marcus F.: correspondence and papers about the Hay- Wingo "Reading with Phonics" series, 1957. Box 6, Folder 23 Box 6, Folder 24 Box 6, Folder 25 Franklin Square Public School Tests, 1956-57. Gates Primary Reading Test, 1964 & n.d. Greenman, Margaret: correspondence and papers re. Fisher, Glen Hayden, and Champaign, Illinois study, 1960. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 28 Folder 29 Folder 30 Folder 31 Folder 32 Folder 33 Folder 34 Folder 35 Folder 36 Folder 37 Folder 38 Folder 39 Folder 40 Folder 41 Folder 42 Folder 43 Hanna, Paul R.: correspondence and papers, 1956-S9. Hendrickson, William A.: correspondence and papers, 1963-65. Hepburn, Peggy: report on her school difficulties, 2pp. Independent Schools, Calif. Association of, 19S8. Intelligence Tests, 1926, 1937. International Child Art Center, 1961 & n.d. International Reading Association: correspondence, papers., 1963-65. Jahn, Helen: correspondence and papers, 1964. Johnson, Mary (Mrs. E.G.): correspondence, papers, 1958-1965. Lecture Notes, n.d. Lippincott Co.: correspondence, May 1959-Sept. 1959. Lowe, Helen: correspondence, papers, 1965. Waiting Lists for Lectures, n.d. Metropolitan Achievement Tests: Mom's Township Public Schools, 1958. Misc. correspondence, mailing lists, 1961, 1965, & n.d. Monmouth College Phonics Workshop, 1959. Mosse, Hilde: correspondence and papers, 1963. "New Classifications of the Red-Green Color Blind," Sibyl W. Terman, Stanford University, pp. 237-251, n.d. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 44 Folder 45 Folder 46 Folder 47 Folder 48 Folder 49 Folder 50 Folder 51 Folder 52 Folder 53 Nonsense Tests - Digraphs, n.d. Open Court Publishing Co., correspondence and papers, 1964. Owens, Stephen: correspondence and papers, July 1959- Oct. 1960. Palo Alto Schools: minutes from meetings, reports, 1946-1959 & n.d. Pettit, Marilyn: correspondence and test results re., May 1963. Phonics: correspondence and papers re. Bremner- Davis method, 1963. Phonics, original system, n.d. Phono-visual method: correspondence and papers, 1962-65. Phono-visual method: examples of students' work using method, n.d. Phonics Systems, misc. 1960. Reading: Chaos and Cure, S.W. Terman and Charles Walcutt McGraw-Hill Book, Co., New York, 1959: correspondence, 1958-59. Box 6, Folder 54 Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Folder 55 Folder 56 Folder 57 Folder 58 Folder 59 Folder 60 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos and and and and and and Cure: Cure: Cure: Cure: Cure: Cure: correspondence, 1960-66, 1971 & n.d. Fred Terman Jr.'s criticism of, n.d. misc. papers, 1963-64. permissions to quote, 1958. reviews of, 1958-S9. Saturday Evening Post article re., 1960. Box 6, Folder 61 Reading: Chaos and Cure: Sibyl W. Terman's dictated solutions for original ms., n.d. Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Reading: Chaos and Cure: suggested deletions and revisions, 1957 & n.d. Reading: Chaos and Cure: typed quotes from other books, n.d. Reading: correspondence and papers about teaching reading, 1957-64. Reading: language disability, articles re., 1951-64. Reading: papers re. methods of teaching reading, 1961. Reading Problems: Notes about answers to educationists' theories regarding, 4 pp., n.d. Folder 62 Folder 63 Folder 64 Folder 65 Folder 66 Folder 67 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 80 Series XIIPersonal Papers 1922-1978 PROFESSIONAL PAPERS OF SIBYL WALCUTT TERMAN: GENERAL FILES Box 6, Box 6, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 68 Folder 69 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Reading Reform Foundation: correspondence, 1961-6S. Reading Reform Foundation: papers, 1962-65. Regnery, Henry: correspondence, 1960, 1965. Rubicam, Bettina: correspondence and papers, 1965. Spalding, Romalda: correspondence and papers, 19S8-1964 and n.d. Specific Language Disability: newsclippings, 1965. Spelling: examples of poor spelling and writing, 1956-58 & n.d. Spelling: misc. papers re. S.W. Terman ms. on spelling, n.d. Spelling Demons: notes, n.d. Spelling notes, n.d. (for S.W. Terman's ms. on Spelling). Spelling Rules: misc. notes, n.d. Spelling Tests: Stanford Achievement, 1953. Stanford Achievement Test , 1938. Stanford Achievement Tests, Intermediate, 1950. Stanford Diagnostic Phonics Survey, 1960. Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Sullivan Association: correspondence and papers, 1961-65. Sutich, Anthony Jr.: correspondence and papers, 1958. Taylor, Don: transcript of talk with S.W. Terman, 4/23/56. Teaching: Stanford faculty children with reading problems, Oct. 1957. Teaching: Mayfield School, 1951-52. Teaching: Stories written by Mayfield School children, n.d. [1951?] Tests, misc.: Interest Inventory, Diagnostic Inventory, Concept Mastery, n.d. "Through the Phonic Barrier," requests for, 1959-60. Box 7, Folder 22 Watson, Dorothy: papers and correspondence, 1961-62. Series XIII Addenda 1980 Scope and Content Note The boxes in this series were added to the collection in 1980, when the remainder of the collection had already been processed and a list typed. These files were thus made into a separate series instead of being integrated into earlier series. They include files on Terman's consulting activities, some folders connected with Stanford 'University administration, miscellaneous correspondence and reprints of articles and papers, office calendars from 1965 through 1978, and files on Terman's relationship with Vannevar Bush, Herbert Hoover, and Herbert Hoover Jr. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Bush, Vannever: correspondence and articles about, 1971-74. California State Museum of Science and Technology, Science Award, 1957-58. Consulting: Academy for Educational Development, 1972-7E Consulting: Arthur Vining Davis Foundation- John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, Calif. 1975-80. Box 1, Folder 5 Box 1, Folder 6 Consulting: Coordinating Council for Higher Education, 1968. Consulting: Coordinating Council for Higher Education, California State Colleges, misc., 1968. Consulting: Coordinating Council for Higher Education, Humboldt State College, 1969-70. Consulting: Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, correspondence with Lyle N. Nelson, 1957-77. Box 1, Folder 7 Box 1, Folder 8 Box 1, Folder 9 Box 1, Folder 10 Box 1, Folder 11 Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, new project, 1975. Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, Advisory Committee, 1976 Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, correspondence, papers, 1976. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, essays, 1976. Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, proposals, 1976. Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, correspondence, papers, 1977-79. Consulting: Dreyfus Foundation, correspondence, papers, 1980. Consulting: Southern Methodist University, dockets 1-3, 1965-77 Consulting: Southern Methodist University, dockets 4-6, 1972 and n.d. Consulting: Misc., 1928-1940. Correspondence, Misc., 1928-1979. Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Box 1, Folder 20 Government Appointments, misc., 1951-1963. Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 81 Series XIIIAddenda 1980 Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 26 Folder 27 Folder 28 Folder 29 Folder 30 Hoover, Herbert: misc. papers, 1939-1979. Hoover, Herbert: poll of Stanford University Faculty, 1941. Hoover, Herbert Jr.: papers about FET's relationship with him, 1921-1980. Job offers and feelers, 1930-1953. Job offers and feelers, Northwestern University, 1953. Mosher, Helen: correspondence, 1959-1970. Patents: Goddard Patent Case, April 1976. "Practical Considerations Concerning Feedback Amplifiers, FET ms., n.d. Rockefeller, David: papers concerning DR and the Institute for Defense Analysis, n.d. "Some Applications of Negative Feedback with Particular Reference to Laboratory Equipment," FET, R.R. Buss, W.R. Hewlitt, F.C. Cahill, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 10, Oct. 1939. Box 1, Folder 31 Box 2, Folder 1 Box 1, Folder 32 Box 2, Folder 2. (Binder) Box 2, Folder 3 (Binder) Stanford University Electrical Engineering Department, Budgets, 1937-43. Office Calendars, 1965-1978. Stanford University Electrical Engineering Department, Leadership, 1931. Duplicates of FET speeches, pamphlets, 1920-1978. Box 2, Folder 4 (Binder) Technical Publications of FET, filed by name of journal. Technical Publications of FET, 1923-46. Series XIV Addenda 1984 Scope and Content Note The boxes in this series were added to the collection in 1980, when the remainder of the collection had already been processed and a list typed. These files were thus made into a separate series instead of being integrated into earlier series. They include miscellaneous correspondence files arranged chronologically from 1965 through 1981 as well as miscellaneous correspondence files arranged alphabetically by subject ranging from 1947 through 1981; correspondence dealing with the Stanford PACE program; long range planning papers on the Stanford PACE program; articles, information sheets, and publications; engineering Ph.D. student files; office calendars from 1971 through 1979. Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Miscellaneous Correspondence by Year Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Aug. - Sept. 1965 Oct. - Dec. 1965 Jan. - Apr. 1966 May - Aug. 1966 Sept. - Dec. 1966 Box 1, Box 1, Box 1, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Jan. - Apr. 1967 May - Aug. 1967 Sept. - Dec. 1967 Jan. - Apr. 1968 May - June 1968 July - Aug. 1968 Sept. - Oct. 1968 Nov. - Dec. 1968 Box 2, Box 2, Box 2, Box 3, Box 2, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 9 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Jan. - Mar. 1969 Apr. - June 1969 July - Sept. 1969 Jan. - Mar. 1970 Oct. - Dec. 1969 Apr. - June 1970 July - Sept. 1970 Oct. - Dec. 1970 Box 3, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Jan. - Mar. 1971 SC0160 82 Series XIVAddenda 1984 Miscellaneous Correspondence by Year Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 3, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Box 4, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Apr. - June 1971 July - Sept. 1971 Oct. - Dec. 1971 Jan. - Apr. 1972 May - Aug. 1972 Sept. - Dec. 1972 Jan. - Apr. 1973 May - Aug. 1973 Sept. - Dec. 1973 Jan. - Apr. 1974 May - Aug. 1974 Sept. - Dec. 1974 Jan. - June 1975 Box 5, Folder 1 Box 5, Folder 2 Box 5, Folder 3 July - Dec. 1975 Jan. - June 1976 July - Dec. 1976 Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, Box 5, 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Box 5, Folder 9 Index to Correspondence, 8/65 10/69 Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 6, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Miscellaneous Correspondence by Subject Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Misc. Correspondence. "A" Academic Council, 1959 - 1971 Academic Council, 9/15/72 - 1/14/74 Academic Council, 4/l/74 - 1/6/75 Academic Council, 3/26/75 - 12/12/77 Academic Planning Office Administrative Policies, 1971 Administrative Policies, 1972 Administrative Policies, 1973 Administrative Policies, 1974 Administrative Policies, 1975-76 Admissions A.S.E.E. - General Association for Continuing Education Misc. Correspondence. "B" Brooks, E. Howard Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Budget Business School Misc. Correspondence "C" Caldwell, Dave Center for Materials Research Chemistry Department Civil Engineering Department Classified Research Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 7, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Box 8, Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Computer Science Corporate Friends Cullum, Allen W. Cuthbertson, Kenneth M. Misc. Correspondence "D" Davis, Paul H., 1947-70 Davis, Paul H., 1971-77 Misc. Correspondence "E" Box 8, Folder 5 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Earth Sciences SC0160 83 Series XIVAddenda 1984 Miscellaneous Correspondence by Subject Box 8, Folder 6 Box 8, Folder 7 Box 8, Folder 8 Box 8, Folder 9 Box 8, Folder 10 Box 8, Folder 11 Box 9, Folder 1 Box 9, Folder 2 Box 9, Folder 3 Box 9, Folder 4 Box 9, Folder 5 Box 9, Folder 6 Box 9, Folder 7 Box 9, Folder 8 Box 9, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 1 Box 10, Folder 2 Box 10, Folder 3 Box 10, Folder 4 Box 10, Folder 5 Box 10, Folder 6 Box 10, Folder 7 Box 10, Folder 8 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 10 Box 10, Folder 11 Box 10, Folder 12 Box 10, Folder 13 Box 10, Folder 14 Box 10, Folder 15 Box 10, Folder 16 Box 10, Folder 17 Box 10, Folder 18 Box 10, Folder 19 Box 10, Folder 20 Box 10, Folder 21 Box 10, Folder 22 Box 10, Folder 23 Box 10, Folder 24 Box 10, Folder 25 Box 11, Folder 1 Education School Electrical Engineering Department Emeritus Professors Engineering School Newsletters Engineering School - Misc., 1972-73 Engineering School - Misc., 1974-78 Engineering Advisory Council, 1973 Engineering Advisory Council, 1974 Engineering Advisory Council, 1975-76 Engineering Advisory Council, 1977-78 Engineering Advisory Council, 1979-80 Engineering Advisory Council, 1980-81 Engineering Management English for Engineering Students ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center Misc. Correspondence "F" Faculty Study Fringe Benefits Misc. Correspondence "G" General Secretary Ginzton Laboratory Dean of Graduate Studies Misc. Correspondence "H" Heffner, Hubert Hewlett, Walter Honors Cooperative Program Hoover Isolationism Episode Housing Misc. Correspondence "I" IBM IEEE Life Members Industrial Engineering Department Industrial Relations Institute for Energy Studies Misc. Correspondence "J" Misc. Correspondence "K" Kays, William M. Misc. Correspondence "L" Land Development Projects Libraries Linvill, John Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Lyman, Richard E. Misc. Correspondence "M" McCullough Space (Rm. 174 - 176) McDermott, Mary Mechanical Engineering Department Miller, William Misc. Correspondence "N" NASA Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 11, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 National Medal of Science National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation Misc. Correspondence "O" Misc. Correspondence "P" School of Engineering Placement Report, 1969-70 Planning and Placement Center: Employment of Planning and Budget Committee Report (Task Force VI) Box 12, Folder 4 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Misc. Correspondence "R" SC0160 84 Series XIVAddenda 1984 Miscellaneous Correspondence by Subject Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Box 12, Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Research Programs and Costs Retirement Plan Study ROTC, NROTC, AFROTC Misc. Correspondence "S" Salary Information San Jose State Cybernetics Program Security Shockley, William Skilling, Hugh H. SLAC Stanford Associates Sterling, Wallace Strong Vocational Test Students, Prospective Misc. Correspondence "T" Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Tarr, Curtis Tau Beta Pi Misc. Correspondence "U" United Stanford Employees Misc. Correspondence "V" Misc. Correspondence "W" Visitors and Guests at Stanford Misc. Correspondence "XYZ" Box 13, Folder 9 Yu, Frank and Philip Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Box 13, Stanford PACE Program Correspondence Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 23 Correspondence "A" Correspondence "B" Boswell Foundation Briggs, Mitzi Bulletins Bulletins Correspondence "C" Campaign for Stanford Coberly, C.J. Components of Campaign Correspondence "D" DuPont Correspondence "E" Eitel, William Box 13, Box 13, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 24 Folder 25 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Engineering Affiliates Correspondence "F" Foundations Correspondence "G" Gerstley, James Gifts General Prospects Correspondence "H" Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Harcourt, Brace, and World, Inc. Havas, George Hurd, C.C. Correspondence "I" IBM Correspondence "J" Correspondence "K" Kennedy Foundation Box 14, Folder 15 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Correspondence "L" SC0160 85 Series XIVAddenda 1984 Stanford PACE Program Correspondence Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 14, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 15, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 16, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 18 Folder 19 Folder 20 Folder 21 Folder 22 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 15 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Correspondence "M" McBean, Atholl McClatchy McCullough McMicking Meetings, 1961-62 Meetings, 1961-62 Miscellaneous, 1961-63 Miscellaneous, 1963-66 Morell, George Motorola, Inc. Muhs Foundation, 1957-62 Muhs Foundation, 1963-67 Muhs Foundation, 1968-72 Muhs Foundation, 1973-76 Muhs Foundation, 1977-80 Correspondence "N" Correspondence "O" Olin Foundation Correspondence "P" Peterson, T.F. Pfeiffer Foundation, 1959-61 Pfeiffer Foundation, 1961-62 Pfeiffer Foundation, 1962 Pfeiffer Foundation, 1963 Pfeiffer Foundation, 1963 Pfeiffer Foundation, 1963 Polhemus Fund Procter and Gamble Professorships Puls, Louis Correspondence "R" Regional Dinners Regional Meetings Correspondence "S" Correspondence "S" Sloan Foundation Standard Oil of California Stanford Cabinet Stauffer, John Stauffer, John Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Swim, Dudley Syntex Correspondence "T" Tax Considerations Correspondence "U" Union Carbide Correspondence "V" Varian Box 17, Folder 14 Correspondence "W" Box 17, Box 17, Box 17, Box 18, Stanford PACE Program: Long Range Planning Folder 15 Folder 16 Folder 17 Folder 1 Box 18, Folder 2 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Academic Goals and Financial Needs, 1950-1970 Academic Needs Background Data for Financial Needs Background Data for Financial Needs, 1960-70 Background Data for Financial Needs, 1960-70 SC0160 86 Series XIVAddenda 1984 Stanford PACE Program: Long Range Planning Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 18, Box 19, Box 18, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 1 Folder Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Building Space Improvements Building Space Improvements Building Space Improvements Expenditures Faculty Expansion Financial Needs Plan of Campaign, 1963 Private Gift Support Article: "Changing Needs for PhD's" Articles, Information Sheets, and Publications Article: "Economic Factors Relating to Engineering Programs" Article: "Steeples of Excellence" Article: "Steeples of Excellence" Article: "Supply of Scientific and Engineering Manpower Bay Area Electronics Industry Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Box 19, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 12 Folder 13 Folder 14 Building Plans and Information Building Plans and Information Campus Maps Cost of Student Instruction Cost of Student Instruction: Faculty Electronics Education Engineering B.S. Candidates Engineering Research Objectives Box 19, Folder 15 History of Electrical Engineering Education Box 19, Folder 16 Articles, Information Sheets and Publications Miscellaneous Speeches and Addresses, 1977-78 Box 19, Folder 17 Tutored Videotape Instruction Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 20, Box 21, Engineering Students Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Folder 1 PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 21, Box 22, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 PhD Candidates, 1971-72 PhD Candidates, 1972-73 PhD Candidates, 1973-74 PhD Candidates, 1974-75 PhD Candidates, 1975-76 PhD Candidates, 1976-77 PhD Candidates, 1977-78 Engineering Degrees and Enrollments, 1964-71 Box 22, Folder 2 Engineering Degrees and Enrollments, 1972-73 Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, Candidates, 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 Technological Corporations Box 22, Folder 3 Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers Granger Associates SC0160 87 Series XIVAddenda 1984 Technological Corporations Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 22, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Granger Associates Granger Associates Granger Associates Granger Associates Granger Associates Hewlett Packard Monthly Reports, Jan - Apr 1978 Hewlett Packard Monthly Reports, May - Aug 1978 Hewlett Packard Monthly Reports, Sep - Nov 1978 Box 23, Folder 4 Box 23, Folder 5 Box 23, Folder 6 Hewlett Packard Annual Reports 1977-78 Hewlett Packard: Miscellaneous Correspondence. Watkins-Johnson Co. Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Box 23, Reports on High Technology Activities in Northern California, 1972-73 Reports on High Technology Activities in Northern California, 1974-75 Reports on High Technology Activities in Northern California, 1975-76 Report on Minorities in Engineering, Part 1 Report on Minorities in Engineering, Part 2 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10 Folder 11 Box 23, Folder 12 Report on Minorities in Engineering, Part 3 Terman Office Materials Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Box 24, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 8 F.E. Terman's Office Manual Appointment Book, 9/71 - 9/72 Appointment Book, 9/72 - 9/73 Appointment Book, 9/73 - 9/74 Appointment Book, 9/74 - 9/75 Appointment Book, 9/75 - 9/76 Appointment Book, 9/78 - 9/79 Box 24, Folder 7 Appointment Book, 9/76 - 9/77 Box 25, Folder 1 Box 25, Folder 2 Large Size Folders Box 25, Folder 3 Three Quarter Summary of Enrollment, 1968-69 Registration Statistics, 1963-78 Summer Enrollment, 1969-70 Accession ARCH.2002-286 Additional Material Box 1 Frederick E. Terman Ph. D. dissertation at MIT: Characteristics and Stability of transmission systems Guide to the Frederick Emmons Terman Papers SC0160 88