KEY Southwest Asia Study Guide 2014-1

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Page: _______________
Middle East/Southwest Asia Study Guide
This is DUE on ________________and worth ___ points! The test is on _______________.
For questions 1-9 Use page 6 in your binder and pages 407-411 in your textbook
1. Label (letter is okay) the following Southwest Asian countries and bodies of water on the map below.
Red Sea
Persian Gulf
Mediterranean Sea
Hindu Kush Mountains
Saudi Arabia
M. Qatar
N. Compass rose with
cardinal and
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Page: _______________
2. Describe the relative location of Saudi Arabia (south of, north of, southwest of…)
East of the Red Sea, Southwest of Iraq etc …
3. Describe the relative location of Iraq
West of Iran, Northeast of Saudi Arabia etc …
4. Describe the relative location of Israel
East of the Mediterranean Sea, South of Lebanon, West of Syria
5. The Middle East is a region in what CONTINENT?
6. Which country is in both Europe and Asia, and has the city named Istanbul?
7. Which climate is most common in the Arabian Peninsula?
8. What natural resource is most prevalent (common) around the Persian Gulf?
9. What exotic rivers, flowing through Iraq were the site of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization?
Tigris and Euphrates
For questions 10 – 15 use page 20 in your binder and section 20.2 in your book
10. Why is oil considered a non-renewable resource?
Oil takes millions of years to form, there is a limited amount, and is not easily/quickly replaced
11. What does OPEC stand for? The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Page: _______________
12. Name the Middle East OPEC members
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Iraq
3. Iran
4. Kuwait
5. Qatar
6. United Arab Emerites
13. What is a major goal of OPEC? To regulate the supply and price of oil around the world
14. About what percentage of the world’s oil is located in the Middle East? Around 50%, possibly more.
15. In what ways did the discovery of oil change the quality of life in the Middle East? (page 20 and page
424-425 in your textbook)
Oil provides the Middle East with an enormous amount of wealth. With the discovery of oil more roads
were built, more schools, hospitals, and factories. Also life expectancies and literacy rates both
increased. Countries with oil reserves saw increased GDP’s (Gross Domestic Product)
For questions 16 – 18 use page 9, and 14 in your binder
16. In what way(s) are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism similar?
All believe in one God (same God), all trace roots to Abraham, all began in the Middle East, all see
Jerusalem as Holy.
17. What city is holy to Jews, Muslims, and Christians? Jerusalem
18. Place the three monotheistic religions in order from OLDEST to NEWEST
1. Judaism
2. Christianity
3. Islam
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Page: _______________
For questions 19- 25 use page 11 and 12 in your binder and section 21.3 in the book
19. Even though the British supported the creation of a Jewish country in Palestine in 1917, why did it
take until 1948 for Israel to be established (in other words - how did the Holocaust affect Zionism)?
After the Holocaust, more people world-wide began to support a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
20. The Occupied Territories (Israel) include all of the following except: (circle the one that is NOT
part of Israel)
1. Syria
2. The West Bank
3. Golan Heights
4. The Gaza Strip
21. Which religion do most Israelis identify with? Most Israelis are Jewish
22. Which religion do most Palestinians identify with? Most Palestinians are Muslim
23. The Jewish Diaspora can best be explained as: When the Romans conquered Israel, many Jews left
and scattered around the Middle East, and Europe.
24. Explain Zionism: The goal of a Jewish homeland in Palestine/Israel
25. Pick two kids from the movie “Promises” to COMPARE, fill in the chart below using page 13 in your
binder ON OWN!
Belief about land
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Page: _______________
For questions 26-28, use page 18 in your binder
26. Which country was the first to use the atom bomb? Why was it used?
The United States used two atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII.
27. There are five countries that are allowed to have nuclear weapons, and are also a part of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. Explain what this treaty is and why it is important.
Russia, the U.S., China, Great Britain, and France are all allowed to have nuclear weapons according to
the NPT. This treaty was created to limit the amount of nuclear weapons in the world, and stop the
spread of nuclear weapons from one country to another.
28. Which Middle Eastern country is the Unites States (and much of the world) concerned about when it
comes to developing nuclear technologies? Iran.
For questions 29-36, use page 16,18,19, information from class discussion and section parts of
20.4 in your book
29. In 2001, the U.S. believed the Taliban was protecting Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, how did the
United States respond? The U.S. military responded by invading Afghanistan, removing the Taliban,
and setting up a democracy.
30. The Intifada were Palestinian rebellions to the Jewish occupation of Israel
31. More men than women can read in Afghanistan
32. The Taliban encourages women’s rights
33. Israel has nuclear weapons
34. An insurgent is someone who works for the government
35. The Arab Spring is a nice time of year in the Middle East
36. In 2004, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against his people and was
You are almost done! Just a few more
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Page: _______________
questions! 
SHORT ANSWER: Answer THREE OF the following 5 questions as thoroughly and completely as
possible. Try to use most of the space provided; if you need more space, use the margins or another
sheet of paper. These must be done on your own.
Each question is asking for more than one answer: two examples/details is the minimum acceptable, but
more detail is preferred, so if you know more, write more!
37. Where has the Arab Spring inspired rebellion? What are people trying to change in those countries?
(pg. 5 and 19 will help)
38. How did the events that occurred on September 11th, 2001 change America? (p.19)
39. Explain life for Malala, and other girls, under the rule of the Taliban (p. 19 will help)
40. Do you agree with the 1948 decision to create a Jewish state in Israel? Why or why not? (p. 11)
41. What will you remember about our study of the Middle East? Be specific and detailed in your answer.