Los Angeles Valley College Department of Kinesiology Health 11- Principles of Healthful Living-Syllabus Spring 2016 Instructor: Monica Hang Section #7054 Office: North Gym # 2 Telephone: 818-947-2913 Email: hangm@lavc.edu Office Hours: email me for appointment COURSE MATERIALS: Health: The Basics (11th Edition) Rebecca J. Donatelle COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course offers concepts to use today and tomorrow as guidelines for self-directed responsible living. Emphasis is placed on relating health concepts to the individual’s well-being in personal, community, vocational and leadership roles. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Assume personal responsibility to reduce health risks associated with the leading causes of death and disability by recognizing high-risk behaviors. 2. Formulate and update a scientifically supported base of information that can be used to develop strategies for meeting personal health needs and interests. 3. Evaluate, develop, and maintain physical fitness as a key component of a healthy lifestyle. 4. Create a network of friends, family and the community-at-large to maintain healthy social relationships. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Students will examine the six dimensions of wellness and apply healthy lifestyle changes to improve all six dimensions of their wellness. a. Assessment Measure- Students will list the six dimensions of wellness and identify one healthy lifestyle skill to improve in each of the six dimensions of wellness. Accessing Your Health Promoting and Preserving Your Psychological Health Managing Stress and Coping with Life’s Challenges Preventing Violence and Injury Building Healthy Relationships & Understanding Sexuality Considering Your Reproductive Choices Recognizing and Avoiding Addiction and Drug Abuse Drinking Alcohol Responsibly and Ending Tobacco Use Eating for a Healthier You Reaching and Maintaining a Healthy Weight Improving Your Personal Fitness Reducing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Protecting Against Infectious Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections Preparing for Aging, Death, and Dying Promoting Environmental Health Making Smart Health Care Choices Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Grading: EXAM 1: EXAM 2: EXAM 3: EXAM 4: EXAM 5: Upload Profile Picture: Assignment 1: Assignment 2: Assignment 3: Assignment 4: Total Points: 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 10 points 15 points 25 points 25 points 25 points 600 points *Assignments and exams open/due date are posted online. It is your responsibility to make sure you turn all assignments/exams on time. There is no late or make up assignments. You will have 90 minutes to take the exam. Exams consist of 50 multiple choice questions that will be taken from your book and the powerpoint. It is your responsibility to read the chapters in the book and to review the powerpoint. Powerpoint viewing and downloading will be closed the midnight before the exam. Grade Point Scale: 540 and above = A 480 – 539 = B 420 – 479 = C 360 – 419 = D 359 and below = F Standards of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Action Plagiarism is the use of others’ words and/or ideas without clearly acknowledging their source. When you incorporate those words and ideas into your own work, you must give credit where credit is due. Plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is considered academic dishonesty and is not tolerated. Anyone found to be plagiarizing or cheating on assignments (e.g., copying or giving answers, using ‘crib’ sheets, etc.) will (1) receive a zero (F) on the assignment, and (2) be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for further disciplinary action, following due process. For further information on plagiarism, go to the Writing Center website http://www.lavc.edu/WCweb/plagiarism.html and refer to the Standards of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Action in the Schedule of Classes and Catalog. Accommodation Statement If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom access and accommodation, and have not contacted SSD, do so in a timely manner. SSD is located in the Student Services Annex, room 175 or call SSD at (818) 947-2681 or TTD (818) 947-2680 to meet with a SSD counselor. If SSD has already been contacted by the student and the instructor has already received a memo, the student can meet with the instructor to discuss arrangements. Financial Aid is available Call (818) 947-2412. The Financial Aid office is located in the Student Services Center, first floor. For more information, go to http://lavc.edu/financialaid/index.htmlindex.html Need Free Money for School? The LAVC Foundation office offers scholarships (free money – this is not a loan!) to students beginning in mid-January till the deadline to apply sometime in mid-March. The LAVC Foundation Scholarship application is available at the Foundation office in the Administration Building, room 100. For more information call (818) 947-2700 or visit http://www.lavcfoundation.org/scholarships.php Withdrawal It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a course. Instructors are allowed to withdraw students but students must not rely on their instructor to withdraw them if they wish to withdraw. If a student misses several classes or a test, he/she is responsible for dropping the class. Failure to drop the class will result in an F grade. *This syllabus is tentative and can change throughout the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of any changes.