UTTGAM-20-2 Social Justice and Education: A Sociological

UTTGAM-20-2 Social Justice and Education: A Sociological Perspective
Component A (25%)
An individual presentation of 5 minutes exploring one dimension of education
and social justice.
Component B (75%)
A 2500 word piece of coursework exploring dimensions of inequality,
education, social justice and sociological theory. In all written work evidence of
key and contemporary theory and examples is expected. It is expected that
you will draw upon a range of valid and relevant resources to include
legislation, policy, textbooks and journal articles. You are to choose one title
from the following:
1. Is class still relevant today in an educational context? Debate this with
reference to how perceptions of socially deprived groups and
individuals might lead to differential treatment education.
2. In what ways might inequality impact upon school choice? Consider in
relation to class and ethnicity.
3. It has been suggested that “laddish” and “ladette” behavious may
impact on educational achievement (Jacson, C., 2006) Discuss this with
clear reference to social class.
4. Has schooling been “feminised?” Discus this with clear reference to
theory which claims that males are under-represented within primary
5. What issues might lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
groups and individuals face within education? Discuss with reference to
EITHER teachers or students.
6. What might be the effects of stereotypical beliefs and bullying on a
student’s identity and educational outcomes? Discuss in relation to
EITHER Travellers or sexuality.
7. Sex and sexuality education. To what extent should schools implement
this? Discuss using examples of alternative curriculum practice.
8. To what extent do you consider the British education system to be
inclusive? Discuss in relation to Bristol’s ethnically diverse population
and to its response to national policy such as: ‘Duty to Promote
Community Cohesion’ (DFES, 2007).
9. To what extent do you consider that policy has widened the
participation of disabled people in Higher Education? Consider the
effectiveness of the social model of disability and possible impacts of
the Single Equality Act 2010.
Assessment Criteria (both components):
AL2: Conceptual Domain (Core)
The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise
coherently relevant ideas and perspectives to interpret and/or explore issues
under study.
BL2: Literature Domain
The assignment demonstrates that the student has an awareness of
appropriate literature and can discuss its relevance to the task.
CL2: Contextual Domain
The assignment demonstrates that the student can differentiate contextual
factors (e.g. personal, locational, historical, political etc) influencing the area
of study.
For both components, please see your original handbook and teaching
materials for further guidance.
Module Leader: Helen Bovill
Email: Helen2.Bovill@uwe.ac.uk