Asset Allocation Models A tool to help simplify asset allocation Prepared for: Not sure how to invest? There’s help. Due to the fact that different asset classes (e.g. stable value, bonds, stocks/equities), fluctuate, allocating your assets among an assortment of investments can help strengthen your 401(k) portfolio amidst an ever-changing market. When properly used an asset allocation strategy can help you reduce risk and even increase potential return over time. The Retirement Consultant for your Plan, Benefit Funding Services Group, has designed twelve (12) asset allocation models using core investment options available in the Plan. The models are automatically rebalanced on a quarterly basis, to help ensure the proper allocation amongst the different asset classes. There is no charge to take advantage of this service. Continue reading to determine which model may be right for you! □ Determine your retirement time horizon. Time is an important factor to any investor. Not only will investments generally increase over time through the power of compounding, but time can also help smooth out the inevitable ups and downs of the financial markets. Your investment strategy will depend heavily on just how much time you have until you need to access your money. □ Understand your tolerance for risk. Conservative Investor Concerned about short-term market ups and downs. Prefers minimizing risk and maintaining principal. Seeks stability; does not prefer fluctuation in investment value Moderate Investor Willing to sacrifice safety of principal for potentially greater returns. Can tolerate modest market fluctuations. Concerned with safety, but wants to stay ahead of inflation Growth Investor Seeks to maximize investment returns. Can tolerate substantial market fluctuations. Accepts greater risks in exchange for prospect of greater rewards. □ Choose a pre-made asset allocation model. To determine which model may be right for you, start out by taking the Investor Style Quiz on the next page to find out whether you are a conservative, moderate or growth-oriented investor. At the end of the Quiz, calculate your Retirement Time Horizon (number of years until retirement). Knowing your risk tolerance and time horizon will enable you to choose one of the 12 models. A description of each model follows the Investor Style Quiz. More Conservative Potentially less investment risk and more inflation risk CONSERVATIVE More Aggressive Potentially more investment risk and less inflation risk MODERATE For further details on the investment options in the Portfolio Models, please refer to the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses. GROWTH Investor Style Quiz 1. How concerned are you that you won’t achieve a high enough rate of return over the long term? 8. Your level of experience with bonds or bond funds. Very Concerned 10 Somewhat Concerned 7 Not Concerned 3 2. How concerned are you about potential loss of “buying power” or “quality of life” due to the effects of inflation? Very Concerned 6 Somewhat Concerned 4 Not Concerned 1 Very experienced 5 Somewhat experienced 3 Very little experience 2 None 1 High 12 Fair 10 Very little 4 None 0 9. Your comfort level with stocks or stock funds. 3. How concerned are you over wide swings in the value of your account over a 1 – 3 month period? 10. Your comfort level with bonds or bond funds. Very Concerned 0 Somewhat Concerned 4 High 7 Not Concerned 12 Fair 4 Very little 3 None 0 4. How concerned are you over wide swings in the value of your account over a 1 – 2 year period? Very Concerned 2 Somewhat Concerned 6 Not Concerned 12 Add up the points corresponding to your answers and total your score below. INVESTOR TOTAL SCORE: 5. Which of the following causes you the most concern about the investments in your account? Ability to get back at least as much as I put in 2 My money is not earning enough 6 How much I’ve gained or lost this month 0 6. One of your investments has performed very well for a few years. If it suddenly dropped 15% in 3 months, what would you do? Conservative 0 – 40 points Moderate 41 – 60 points Growth 61+ points Sell immediately 0 The amount of risk that is appropriate for you also depends on your time horizon – the approximate number of years between now and your retirement. Calculate your time horizon below: Hold it 6 Your planned retirement age Buy more 8 (subtract) Your current age 7. Your level of experience with stock or stock funds. Very experienced 6 Somewhat experienced 4 Very little experience 2 None 1 YOUR RETIREMENT TIME HORIZON This quiz is designed to be used as a guide only and is not intended as financial advice. Your financial decisions should not be based solely on the score you have obtained using this worksheet. years Asset Allocation Models CONSERVATIVE MODERATE GROWTH Structure Asset Allocation Models are a composite of several investment options intended to be allocated in accordance with a Plan participant’s risk tolerance and time horizon to retirement. Since asset allocation is one of the most critical factors in a participant’s retirement savings success, Asset Allocation Models can be used to assist in determining the proper allocation. The Models are constructed to provide different risk/return characteristics that are determined by the underlying investment options. The investment options used in the Models are actively-managed mutual funds. Target Model Allocations Score 0-40 points Score 41-60 points Score 61+ points Conservative Moderate Growth Risk Tolerance Investm ent Options Years to Retirement 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-15 yrs 16+ yrs 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-15 yrs 16+ yrs 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-15 yrs 16+ yrs Stable Value Gartmore Morley Stable Value 60% 50% 30% 10% 55% 40% 10% 0% 50% 20% 0% 0% Bond PIMCO Total Return 20% 25% 30% 15% 20% 30% 25% 10% 25% 30% 15% 0% Large Cap Value Investment Company of America 10% 10% 15% 25% 10% 15% 20% 30% 10% 15% 25% 30% Large Cap Growth Growth Fund of America 5% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 20% 30% 10% 15% 20% 30% Mid Cap Value Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value 0% 0% 2% 5% 0% 3% 5% 5% 3% 5% 5% 5% Mid Cap Growth Artisan Mid Cap 2% 2% 3% 5% 2% 2% 5% 5% 0% 3% 10% 10% Small Cap Blend Royce Opportunity 3% 3% 3% 5% 3% 0% 5% 5% 2% 5% 5% 5% Small Cap Growth Vanguard Explorer 0% 0% 2% 5% 0% 0% 5% 5% 0% 2% 10% 10% Foreign Equity 0% 0% 5% 10% 0% 0% 5% 10% 0% 5% 10% 10% EuroPacific Growth 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Principal Risks All equity (domestic and international) and fixed income investments exhibit certain risk characteristics that include the potential for loss of principal value. Generally, the probability of loss of principal is greater with investments that also provide the greatest potential for returns. International investments carry additional risks that relate to currency and political uncertainty. The risks of Asset Allocation Models are based on the proportionate risk characteristics of the underlying mutual funds. Asset Allocation Models CONSERVATIVE MODERATE GROWTH Investment Option Profiles STABLE VALUE Gartmore Morley Stable Value – The objective of the Fund is to provide a low-risk, moderate yield investment. The Fund is managed to earn a consistent level of return, while providing for, preservation of capital, high credit quality and liquidity to pay plan benefits. BOND PIMCO Total Return – Seeks maximum total return. The fund normally invests at least 65% of assets in a diversified portfolio of Fixed-Income Instruments of varying maturities, which may be represented by forwards or derivatives such as options, futures contracts, or swap agreements. It invests primarily in investment-grade debt securities, but may invest up to 10% of total assets in high-yield securities (“junk bonds”). The fund may invest all assets in derivative instruments, such as options, futures contracts or swap agreements, or in mortgage- or asset-backed securities. LARGE CAP VALUE Investment Company of America – Seeks to provide long-term growth of capital and income, placing greater emphasis on future dividends than on current income. Principally invests in common stocks; may also hold securities convertible into common stocks, as well as bonds (generally rated Baa or BBB or better), U.S. government securities, nonconvertible preferred stocks, and cash and equivalents. The fund may invest up to 15% of its assets, at time of purchase, in securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States and not included in the S&P 500. LARGE CAP GROWTH Growth Fund of America – Seeks to provide long-term growth of capital through a diversified portfolio of common stocks. The fund emphasizes companies that appear to offer opportunities for long-term growth, and may invest in cyclical companies, turnarounds and value situations. Invests primarily in common stocks. May also invest in convertibles, preferred stocks, U.S. government securities, bonds and cash. May invest up to 15% of assets in securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States and Canada and not included in the S&P 500. May invest up to 10% of assets in debt securities rated below investment grade. MID CAP VALUE Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value – The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation. The Fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its Net Assets in a diversified portfolio of equity investments in mid-cap issuers with public stock market capitalizations (based upon shares available for trading on an unrestricted basis) within the range of the market capitalization of companies constituting the Russell Midcap® Value Index at the time of investment. Although the Fund will invest primarily in publicly traded U.S. securities, it may invest up to 25% of its Net Assets in foreign securities, including securities of issuers in emerging countries and securities quoted in foreign currencies. MID CAP GROWTH Artisan Mid Cap – Seeks maximum long-term capital growth. The fund invests primarily in U.S. companies and, under normal market conditions, the fund invests no less than 80% of net assets in the common stocks of medium-sized companies with a market capitalization greater than the market capitalization of the smallest company in the Russell Mid-cap Index and less than three times the weighted average market capitalization of companies in that index. The maximum investment in any single industry is 25% of net assets and no more than 5% may be invested in securities of a single issuer. For further details on the investment options in the Portfolio Models, please refer to the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses. Asset Allocation Models CONSERVATIVE MODERATE GROWTH Investment Option Profiles SMALL CAP BLEND Royce Opportunity – Royce Opportunity Fund’s investment goal is long-term growth of capital. Invests the Fund’s assets primarily in the equity securities of small- and micro-cap companies, those with market capitalizations up to $2.5 billion, in an attempt to take advantage of what it believes are opportunistic situations for undervalued securities. Such opportunistic situations may include turnarounds, emerging growth companies with interrupted earnings patterns, companies with unrecognized asset values or undervalued growth companies. SMALL CAP GROWTH Vanguard Explorer – The Fund invests mainly in the stocks of small companies. These companies tend to be unseasoned but are considered by the Fund's advisors to have superior growth potential. Also, these companies often provide little or no dividend income. The Fund uses multiple investment advisors. FOREIGN EQUITY EuroPacific Growth – Seeks to provide long-term growth of capital by investing in companies based outside the United States. The fund normally invests at least 80% of net assets in securities of issuers in Europe and the Pacific Basin that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth. Growth stocks are stocks that the investment adviser believes have the potential for above-average capital appreciation. For further details on the investment options in the Portfolio Models, please refer to the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses. Conservative Models CONSERVATIVE MODERATE GROWTH Conservative 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-15 yrs 16+ yrs Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: The primary objective of this Conservative Model is capital preservation. The Model is allocated with 60% in Money Market, 20% in bonds and 20% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is ideally suited for conservative individuals with a time horizon of 5 years or less. The primary objective of this Conservative Model is capital preservation. The Model is allocated with 50% in Money Market, 25% in bonds and 25% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is ideally suited for conservative individuals with a time horizon of 6 to 10 years. The primary objective of this Conservative Model is capital preservation with modest capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 30% in Money Market, 30% in Bonds and 40% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is ideally suited for conservative individuals with a time horizon of 11 to 15 years. The primary objective of this Conservative Model is capital preservation with a secondary objective of capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 10% in Money Market, 15% in bonds and 75% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is ideally suited for conservative individuals with a time horizon of 16 plus years. Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: 10% 20% 25% 30% 15% 40% 50% 20% 60% 25% 75% 30% Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Money Market Money Market Money Market 60% Gartmore Morely Stable 50% Gartmore Morely Stable 30% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Value Value Money Market 10% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Bond 20% PIMCO Total Return Bond 15% PIMCO Total Return Bond 25% PIMCO Total Return Bond 30% PIMCO Total Return Large Cap Value Large Cap Value Large Cap Value 10% Investment Company of 10% Investment Company of 15% Investment Company of America America America Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth 5% Growth Fund of America America Large Cap Value 25% Investment Company of America Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth 10% Growth Fund of America 20% Growth Fund of America Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 0% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap 0% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap 2% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Value Value Mid Cap Value 5% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Growth 2% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 2% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 3% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 5% Artisan Mid Cap Small Cap Blend 3% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 3% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 3% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 5% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Growth 0% Vanguard Explorer Small Cap Growth 0% Vanguard Explorer Small Cap Growth 2% Vanguard Explorer Small Cap Growth 5% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 0% EuroPacific Growth Foreign Equity 0% EuroPacific Growth Foreign Equity 5% EuroPacific Growth Foreign Equity 10% EuroPacific Growth For further details on the investment options in the Portfolio Models, please refer to the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses. Moderate Models CONSERVATIVE MODERATE GROWTH Moderate 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-15 yrs 16+ yrs Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: The primary objective of this Moderate Model is to seek both capital preservation and income. The Model is allocated with 55% in Money Market, 20% in bonds and 25% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for individuals with a moderate level of risk and a short time horizon of 5 years or less. The primary objective of this Moderate Model is to seek both capital preservation, income and moderate capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 40% in Money Market, 30% in bonds and 30% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for individuals with a moderate level of risk and a time horizon of 6-10 years. The primary objective of this Moderate Model is to seek income and capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 10% in Money Market, 25% in Bonds and 65% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for individuals with a moderate level of risk and time horizon of 11-15 years. The primary objective of this Moderate Model is to seek income and capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 0% in Money Market, 10% in bonds and 90% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for individuals with a moderate level of risk and time horizon of 16 plus years. Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: 0% 10% 10% 25% 30% 40% 25% 55% 65% 20% 30% 90% Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Money Market 55% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Money Market 40% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Money Market 10% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Money Market 0% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Bond 20% PIMCO Total Return Bond 30% PIMCO Total Return Bond 25% PIMCO Total Return Bond 10% PIMCO Total Return Large Cap Value 10% Investment Company of America Large Cap Value 15% Investment Company of America Large Cap Value 20% Investment Company of America Large Cap Value 30% Investment Company of America Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth 10% Growth Fund of America 10% Growth Fund of America 20% Growth Fund of America 30% Growth Fund of America Mid Cap Value 0% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 3% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 5% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 5% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Growth 2% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 2% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 5% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 5% Artisan Mid Cap Small Cap Blend 3% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 0% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 5% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 5% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Growth 0% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 0% EuroPacific Growth Small Cap Growth 0% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 0% EuroPacific Growth Small Cap Growth 5% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 5% EuroPacific Growth Small Cap Growth 5% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 10% EuroPacific Growth For further details on the investment options in the Portfolio Models, please refer to the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses. Growth Models CONSERVATIVE MODERATE GROWTH Growth 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-15 yrs 16+ yrs Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: Investment Strategy: The primary objective of this Growth Model is to seek capital preservation, income and moderate growth. The Model is allocated with 50% in Money Market, 25% in bonds and 25% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for growth-oriented individuals with a short time horizon of 5 years or less. The primary objective of this Growth Model is to seek capital preservation, income and moderate growth. The Model is allocated with 20% in Money Market, 30% in bonds and 50% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for growth-oriented individuals with a time horizon of 6-10 years. The primary objective of this Growth Model is capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 0% in Money Market, 15% in Bonds and 85% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for growthoriented individuals with a time horizon of 11-15 years. The primary objective of this Growth Model is long-term capital appreciation. The Model is allocated with 100% in domestic and foreign equities. This Model is appropriate for growthoriented individuals with a longterm time horizon of 16 plus years. Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: Target Allocation Mix: 0% 20% 25% 50% 15% 100% 50% 30% 25% 85% Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Investment Allocation: Money Market 50% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Money Market 20% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Money Market 0% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Money Market 0% Gartmore Morely Stable Value Bond 25% PIMCO Total Return Bond 30% PIMCO Total Return Bond 15% PIMCO Total Return Bond 0% PIMCO Total Return Large Cap Value 10% Investment Company of America Large Cap Value 15% Investment Company of America Large Cap Value 25% Investment Company of America Large Cap Value 30% Investment Company of America Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth 10% Growth Fund of America 15% Growth Fund of America 20% Growth Fund of America 30% Growth Fund of America Mid Cap Value 3% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 5% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 5% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Value 5% Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Mid Cap Growth 0% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 3% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 10% Artisan Mid Cap Mid Cap Growth 10% Artisan Mid Cap Small Cap Blend 2% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 5% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 5% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Blend 5% Royce Opportunity Small Cap Growth 0% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 0% EuroPacific Growth Small Cap Growth 2% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 5% EuroPacific Growth Small Cap Growth 10% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 10% EuroPacific Growth Small Cap Growth 10% Vanguard Explorer Foreign Equity 10% EuroPacific Growth For further details on the investment options in the Portfolio Models, please refer to the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses.