Do It Yourself Automobile Repair Bicycle Repair Furniture

Winter/Spring 2016
Have a renovation project you want to try or a room that needs sprucing up? We have home improvement and decorating experts to help you out! Do It Yourself
Small Engines
Learn to diagnose, tune-­up and repair gasoline engines including lawn mowers, chain saws, out-­
board motors, snowmobiles, or ATVs, etc. Please EULQJSDSHUDQGSHQWRWKH¿UVWFODVV,QVWUXFWRU
for the remainder of the class. ‡5LGJHPRQW+6+HQU\7RP ........ #80150
Feb 03, 8 wks, Wed, 7-­10:00pm $180.00+hst
‡5LGJHPRQW+6+HQU\7RP ........ #81297
Apr 20, 8 wks, Wed, 7-­10:00pm $180.00+hst
FSC logo
Find out from an experienced installer if a solar electricity generation system is for you and how to get it. Learn about on or off-­grid cottage systems, KRZWRVL]HDV\VWHPWR¿W\RXUHOHFWULFDOQHHGVDQG
more. Please bring a calculator, pen and notepad.
Feb 23, 2 wks, Tue, 6:00-­9:30pm $53.00+hst
‡5LGHDX+66WHYHQ'XIUHVQH ..... #81837
May 10, 2 wks, Tue, 6:00-­9:30pm $53.00+hst
Become familiar with the different operational systems in a vehicle (i.e., brakes, lubrication and cooling systems as well as suspension, and charging systems). After this course, you should be able to perform basic inspections and small UHSDLUV DV ZHOO DV EH DEOH WR WDON FRQ¿GHQWO\ WR
your local mechanic. ‡5LGHDX+67\OHU0DF'RQDOG ..... #80359
Feb 02, 8 wks, Tue, 6:30-­9:00pm $150.00+hst
‡5LGHDX+67\OHU0DF'RQDOG ..... #81791
Apr 19, 8 wks, Tue, 6:30-­9:00pm $150.00+hst
An experienced mechanic will teach you about troubleshooting brakes (callipers, wheel cylinders, leaks, etc), transmission, scanning and clearing codes, locating and correcting simple electrical faults, etc. Students will gain a broad knowledge and understanding of health and safety associated with working in a garage, etc. Participants are en-­
couraged to work on their own car. Supply fee $10. ‡5LGHDX+6+RUUDFH5R[ERURXJK #80360
Feb 03, 8 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:00pm $150.00+hst
Apr 20, 8 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:00pm $150.00+hst
TO REGISTER: 613-­239-­2751
Car Clinic
to get your car ready for safe driving. Brakes, tires, ÀXLGVDQGPRUHZLOODOOEHFRYHUHG6XSSO\IHH
Mar 05, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
May 14, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ....... $46.00+hst
28 LEARNING for Life, Winter/Spring 2016 %LF\FOH5HSDLU
Bring your bicycle to class.
Overhaul and tune up your bike. Learn proper servicing and repair techniques for each part of the drive-­train, bearings, and wheels. Bring your bicycle to class. Please bring cables and brake pads (if they need to be replaced). Shop fee $5.
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUJ7HUUHWW ...... #80367
Apr 02, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUJ7HUUHWW ...... #80368
Apr 09, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUJ7HUUHWW ...... #81800
Apr 30, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUJ7HUUHWW ...... #81801
May 07, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ....... $46.00+hst
Learn about fabrics, construction, the stripping SURFHVVUHJOXLQJVSULQJW\LQJVWXI¿QJDQGPDN-­
ing cushions. Supplies are extra. Please arrange to transport your work pieces each night. Do QRWEULQJDQ\WRROVRUIXUQLWXUHRQWKH¿UVWQLJKW
evening only. ‡5LGHDX+67LP0F&XUG\ ........... Feb 02, 8 wks, Tue, 6:30-­9:30pm $164.00+hst
‡6LU*X\&DUOHWRQ7LP0F&XUG\ . #80196
Feb 03, 9 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:30pm $186.00+hst
‡6LU*X\&DUOHWRQ7LP0F&XUG\ . #80197
Feb 01, 8 wks, Mon, 6:30-­9:30pm $164.00+hst
‡5LGHDX+67LP0F&XUG\ ........... #81880
Apr 19, 8 wks, Tue, 6:30-­9:30pm $164.00+hst
‡6LU*X\&DUOHWRQ7LP0F&XUG\ . Apr 20, 8 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:30pm $164.00+hst
‡6LU*X\&DUOHWRQ7LP0F&XUG\ . Apr 18, 8 wks, Mon, 6:30-­9:30pm $164.00+hst
Winter/Spring 2016
can be your own handyman/
handywoman around the home.
Turn that cold dark space into a warm inviting place to live! Discuss design, permits, heating, plumbing and electrical requirements. Learn how to do-­it-­
yourself correctly and economically. ‡%HOO+65D\6ZDQVRQ ............... #80320
Feb 01, 8 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $121.00+hst
‡%HOO+65D\6ZDQVRQ ............... #81593
Apr 18, 8 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $121.00+hst
Learn about design and proper planning — plans, permits, etc. Topics include construction tech-­
niques and proper materials to use. Discuss plumb-­
insulation, drywall, etc. Also cover problems with basements such as humidity, ventilation, heating, foundations and much more. Bring plans to class. Supply fee $15.
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... Feb 06, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... #81901
Apr 23, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
ing. Examine initial planning, choosing the right PDWHULDOVDQGSURSHULQVWDOODWLRQWHFKQLTXHV,Q-­
structor will provide a basic installation guide for \RXUVSHFL¿FSURMHFWDQG\RXDUHHQFRXUDJHGWR
also include the hands on use of a snap cutter, til-­
ing tools, and the use of a wet saw. This course is designed for the do it yourselfer who is planning DWLOLQJSURMHFW6XSSO\IHHFRYHUVWKHFRVWRI
a demonstration, mortar, tiles and grout.
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... Apr 02, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst ‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... #81900
Apr 30, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm ........ $46.00+hst
Interior Decorating
TO REGISTER: 613-­239-­2751
Decorating Crash Course! *New
This program will give you an overview of the many options to consider when taking on a redecorat-­
arrangement, creating a focal point, using colour DQGSDWWHUQÀRRUZDOODQGZLQGRZFRYHULQJVDQG
‡%HOO+6$ODQQD7R]HU .............. #80323.
Feb 03, 8 wks, Wed, 7:00-­9:00pm $121.00+hst
‡%HOO+6$ODQQD7R]HU ............... #81595
Apr 20, 8 wks, Wed, 7:00-­9:00pm $121.00+hst
Design Your Interiors
Don’t know where to start? Too many choices? This class will provide you with the knowledge DQG FRQ¿GHQFH WR PDNH WKH EHVW FKRLFHV ZKHQ
Feb 01, 5 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $76.00+hst
Apr 18, 5 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $76.00+hst
Learn the basics of hardwood and laminate instal-­
lation including initial planning, choosing the right materials and proper installation techniques. Mar-­
cel will provide a basic installation guide for your SURMHFWV\RXDUHHQFRXUDJHGWREULQJDSURMHFW
Supply fee of $30 covers the cost of a demonstra-­
tion as well as supplies of hardwood and laminate.
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... Mar 05, 2 wks, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm $90.00+hst ‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... #81899
May 07, 2 wks, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm $90.00+hst
Confront household problems such as basic car-­
ing to paint, ceramic grouting, weather-­stripping, leaky faucets, problems with toilets, electrical repairs, etc. Supply fee $25.
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... Feb 20, 2 wks, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm $90.00+hst
‡%URRN¿HOG+60DUFHO5LYHW ...... #81897
May 28, 2 wks, Sat, 9:30-­3:30pm $90.00+hst
Always wanted to build your own home? Learn about purchasing a lot, excavation, foundation, IUDPLQJHOHFWULFLW\SOXPELQJH[WHULRU¿QLVKHWF
Additional supply cost of $10.
‡%HOO+65D\6ZDQVRQ ............... #80321
Feb 03, 8 wks, Wed, 7:00-­9:30pm $150.00+hst
‡%HOO+65D\6ZDQVRQ ............... Apr 20, 8 wks, Wed, 7:00-­9:30pm $150.00+hst
Learn how to measure, order and install kitchen cabinets and vanities, including tools needed for proper installation or repair.
Feb 09, 4 wks, Tue, 7:00-­9:00pm $61.00+hst
Apr 26, 4 wks, Tue, 7:00-­9:00pm $61.00+hst
Interior Decorating class
Learn basic design elements and principles that will help you decorate or renovate your home with style. Explore and learn about colour, furniture VW\OHVURRPOD\RXWÀRRUFRYHULQJVZLQGRZDQG
wall treatments, lighting and accessorizing. The ODVWFODVVZLOOEHD¿HOGWULSWRDPRGHOKRPHWR
assess what we’ve learned and see how it can be applied. ‡6LU*X\&DUOHWRQ7UDF\3UDLOO .... #80208
Feb 03, 8 wks, Wed, 7:00-­9:00pm $121.00+hst
‡6LU*X\&DUOHWRQ7UDF\3UDLOO .... Apr 20, 8 wks, Wed, 7:00-­9:00pm $121.00+hst
LEARNING for Life, Winter/Spring 2016 29 Winter/Spring 2016
Please check KWWSVHFRQQHFWRFGVEFD for all the details.
Safety measures are stressed thoughout these classes.
A professional home inspector shares his secrets and insights in all areas of the home. The workshop will cover what to look for when carrying out the inspection along with smart consumer techniques LQJHWWLQJWKHMREGRQH%ULQJ\RXUOXQFK2SWLRQDO
text fee $20.
This course is designed for the Beginner do-­it-­your-­ ‡%URRN¿HOG+61DWKDQ:HLQVWRFN #80578
selfer and the slightly knowledgeable. Students will Mar 12, Sat, 9:30-­2:30pm ........ $38.00+hst
be guided through all the phases, from an idea to ‡%URRN¿HOG+61DWKDQ:HLQVWRFN #81995
SODQVPDWHULDOVSRZHUWRROVWHFKQLTXHVDQG¿QLVK May 07, Sat, 9:30-­2:30pm ....... $38.00+hst
The correct and SAFE use of hand and power tools /RYH\RXU+RPH$JDLQ*New
and procedures will be stressed throughout the Learn re-­design and staging techniques that can breathe new life into your home. Are you selling? course. A shop fee of $10 is charged. Learn the Top Ten staging solutions that can make ‡%HOO+6+HQU\7RP ................... Feb 01, 8 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:30pm $150.00+hst your sale fast and effective. Materials fee $10.
‡%HOO+6'DUOHQH%HOOHDX ........... #82095
‡%HOO+6+HQU\7RP ................... #81616
Apr 18, 8 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:30pm $150.00+hst Feb 01, 2 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $33.00+hst
‡%HOO+6'DUOHQH%HOOHDX ........... #82096
Apr 04, 2 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $33.00+hst
Learn to use your router to make fancy edges on ‡%HOO+6'DUOHQH%HOOHDX ........... #82097
frames, plaques, table edges, etc. Discover how Apr 25, 2 wks, Mon,7:00-­9:00pm $33.00+hst
hands-­on course, students are asked to bring their May 30, 2 wks, Mon, 7:00-­9:00pm $33.00+hst
own router, safety glasses and router bits to class. 6WDJHWKH2XWVLGHRI<RXU+RPH*New
Materials fee $15.
The real estate mantra is curb appeal. Look at how ‡5LGHDX+60DUFHO5LYHW............ #80570
Feb 03, 4 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:30pm $90.00+hst
hands-­on, one-­day workshop led by a seasoned ‡5LGHDX+60DUFHO5LYHW............ #81987
landscaper, who often stages the outside of homes Apr 20, 4 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:30pm $90.00+hst
before selling. You want prospective buyers to drive up and feel that the property appeals to them. No :RRGZRUNLQJ5RXWHU²$GYDQFHG
This hands-­on course follows the Beginner/Basic curb appeal.... they could drive off. Bring photos course and covers how to make raised panel doors. (any season), paper, and an open mind.
Bring your own router and bits. Students need to ‡%URRN¿HOG+6&LQG\%LFNHUWRQ . #80579
supply their own materials and glue. Supply fee Apr 02, Sat, 9:00-­3:30pm ........ $49.00+hst
$15. Please bring safety glasses. Apr 23, Sat, 9:00-­3:30pm ........ $49.00+hst
‡5LGHDX+60DUFHO5LYHW............ #80571
Mar 02, 4 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:30pm $90.00+hst ‡5LGHDX+60DUFHO5LYHW............ #81988
May 18, 4 wks, Wed, 6:30-­9:30pm $90.00+hst
A comprehensive introduction to woodworking and furniture making. Cover shop safety, proper use of KDQGWRROVSURMHFWGHVLJQDQGMRLQHU\WHFKQLTXHV
This hands-­on course is dedicated to building and FRPSOHWLQJDSURMHFWRI\RXUFKRRVLQJLHVPDOO
table, bench, a hanging plate shelf, or a design of your own). Cost of materials varies depending on SURMHFW6RPHKDQGWRROVPD\EHUHTXLUHG3OHDVH
bring safety glasses. Please do not bring used wood.
‡27660DUFHO5LYHW ................... #80572
Feb 02, 8 wks, Tue, 6:30-­9:30pm $180.00+hst
‡27660DUFHO5LYHW ................... #81989
Apr 19, 8 wks, Tue, 6:30-­9:30pm $180.00+hst
TO REGISTER: 613-­239-­2751
**While these courses are designed for women, everyone is welcome! 30 LEARNING for Life, Winter/Spring 2016 NEWS
Coming August
2016, we are
launching a
new registration system
for sessions beginning in the Fall.
Watch for our helpful tips for
navigating our new system,
available on our website at