Week of: September 8, 2014 Subject: Economics Date Lesson Activities Teacher: Miss Hribal Assessment/Assignment Three Basic Questions/ Scarcity Chapter Objectives: Students will… *explain the concept of scarcity and why it is always present in our economy *differentiate between production, distribution, and consumption *construct an example of the want-satisfaction chain in the real world Monday 9/8/14 Activities: 1. Question of the Day 2. Economic Skills Lab 3. Three Basic Questions reading 4. The Want-Satisfaction Chain 5. The Elusive McRib reading 6. Video clips-Production 7. Opportunity Cost WKS Tuesday 9/9/14 Wednesday 9/10/14 The Pillars of free enterprise Thursday 9/11/14 Friday 9/12/14 Assessment: reading responses; oral responses Assignment: Assessment: student responses; Final Activities: 1. Question of the Day project 2. The Cost/Benefit WKS Assignment: 3. Production Project Activities: Assessment: reading responses; oral 1. Question of the Day responses 2. Supply and Demand Assignment: Study for Quiz-Factors of reading 3. Corn Shortage reading Production 4. Supply and Demand video clips 5. Prices are set in the Market reading Chapter Objectives: Students will… * produce examples of the different categories of private properties * compare and contrast examples of private and public property Activities: 1. Question of the Day 2. Introduce vocabulary 3. Freedoms of a Free Enterprise System reading 4. The Role of the Consumer Assessment: quiz; vocabulary activity Activities: 1. Question of the Day 2. What is Property? Why Protect It? Assessment: comprehension questions Assignment: Assignment: