DAG HAMMARSKJOLD MIDDLE SCHOOL 6th GRADE HEALTH Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of: _________________________________ Each year our middle school students are given the opportunity to participate in a Family Life and Human Development program as part of their health curriculum. The primary goals of this program are to work in partnership with you, the parents, to provide your child with valid and reliable information, skills, and an understanding of their reproductive health which will help him/her to make responsible choices. We know the parent is the most important and influential person for the young adult. We hope that you will take the opportunity to discuss with your child the topics we are learning about in Family Life and Human Development. The topics are as follows: Physical, Emotional, and Social changes during Puberty Personal Hygiene Communication Responsibility for Personal Health Behaviors Please do not hesitate the call us if you have any questions or concerns about this program. We can be reached at (203)294-3700. Thank you. **PLEASE SIGN THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE FOR YOUR CHILD** 1. __________________ My child, ___________________, has permission to participate in all classroom lessons. 2. __________________ My child, ___________________, will be educated about the Family Life information at home and will complete a health research project to earn points during the Family Life lessons. Sincerely, Christine Rich, Health Educator Ann Cocchiola, Principal DAG HAMMARSKJOLD MIDDLE SCHOOL HEATLH CURRICULUM, GRADING, & EXPECTATIONS CURRICULUM FOR GRADE 6 NUTRITION SOCIAL INFLUENCES FAMILY LIFE TOBACCO GRADING 40 POINTS: IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS 20 POINTS: NUTRITION TEST 20 POINTS: FAMILY LIFE TEST 10 POINTS: CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE 5 POINTS: BEHAVIOR 5 POINTS: PREPAREDNESS 100 POINTS OVER 10 WEEKS=100% (A+) EXPECTATIONS RESPECT IS MANDATORY INVOLVEMENT IN CLASS COME TO CLASS PREPARED HAND IN ASSIGNMENTS RULES If there are any issues or concerns with your child, a call or email will be made to help you to stay involved in his/her health experience. By signing this paper you recognize the grading policies and expectations I have of your child during health. Thank you.