ap spanish language summer assignment

Summer 2013
I am glad that you have chosen to take Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture next
year! AP Spanish is a rigorous course in Spanish composition and conversation. Students are
equipped in four skill areas: speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading. These
skills are not practiced in isolation, but rather are developed in an integrated fashion as they
would appear in real world contexts. The study of grammar, literature, history, current events
and culture is used as a means to develop a high level of proficiency in the Spanish language.
In order to prepare for our first unit of study, Growth through Adversity, I would like for you to
read the first nine chapters of the short novel, Cajas de carton, by Francisco Jiménez (ISBN
0618226168). The novel narrates several vignettes in the life of a young boy whose family
immigrated to the United States as migrant farm workers in 1947. Please see details below.
1. Start by reading “Nota del autor” on pages 121-125. It will introduce you to the author
and help set the scene and tone of the novel.
2. Next, read the first nine chapters of the book, ending with the chapter “Cajas de
carton,” from which the novel gets its title. As you read, look up vocabulary and write it
in your book. Make notes. Underline important quotes. On the first day of class, your
book should show evidence of your summer work!
3. Write brief summaries and detailed reactions to six of the nine chapters. These should
be like the encuentros that we practiced in class this year. You must include “Cajas de
carton” as one of the chapters that you write about. You can turn these in on the first
day of class, but I would be happy to have them emailed to me throughout the summer
at dsawyer@covenantschool.org.
4. Also, at some point during the summer, please visit the AP Spanish Language and
Culture course page on AP Central to learn more about the exam. Please read about the
exam and note what you think will be a challenge for you and how you plan to grow in
your language abilities.
5. Finally, the level of listening and reading comprehension required in the AP course is
challenging, so you should do everything you can this summer to keep practicing
Spanish. Read about culture or current events online. Watch a favorite DVD in Spanish,
or listen to a Spanish radio station on the web. Listen to podcasts online. Speak Spanish
by volunteering in the community, or eat out at a Mexican restaurant. Start with the
resources on my libguides page at:
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!
Señor Sawyer