 2­3acc cap1A
nombre:_____________________________________ ¿Cómo puedo incorporar LOS VERBOS DE CAMBIO RADICAL DEL PRESENTE en mi comunicación? Aprende a usar LOS VERBOS DE CAMBIO RADICAL para narrar en el presente y variar tu vocabulario.. Mira el video y toma apuntes. Luego, inventa tus propios ejemplos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AV­z1johRI Preguntas 1. When do you use the present tense? 2. What are the ­AR, ­ER, and ­IR endings for present tense? 3. In what forms/persons does the stem change occur? Why are stem change verbs often called “shoe” or “boot” verbs? 4. What are the 4 types of stem changes? What are some examples of each type of stem change verb and what do they mean in English? 5. How do you know if a verb is a stem change verb? Apuntes (notes) Mis ejemplos ­ Write examples of each type of stem change verb in Spanish and English. (level 3 = 3 verbs each; level 4 = 4 verbs each) internet resource: http://www.spanishdict.com/topics/show/38 • o-ue ___________________ _________________ ___________________ ___________________ • u-ue ___________________ (there is only 1 common example) • e-ie ___________________ _________________ ___________________ ___________________ • e-i ___________________ _________________ ___________________ ___________________ Preguntas 6. How do you conjugate VOLVER in the present tense? 7. How do you conjugate PREFERIR in the present tense? Apuntes Mis ejemplos ­ Write two original sentences (level 3 or level 4) to demonstrate your understanding of present tense stem change verbs. (topic: school). 1. 2. Study strategies. What are some strategies you can implement to learn present tense stem change verbs so you can use them in your communication? 