Espanol 4- Examen del semestre Leccion 1

Espanol 4- Examen del semestre
Leccion 1- Vocabulary pg. 39
1.1 Present Tense - Stem-changing & irregular “yo” forms pgs. 18-19
1.2 Ser and Estar- pgs. 22-23
Exam will be approximately 100 multiple choice
1.3 Gustar and similar verbs pgs. 26-27
and you will need to write out the proper forms of
Present Perfect Tense- Verb Packet pg. 9
verbs in the following tenses:
Present Progressive Tense- Verb Packet pg. 10
Leccion 2- Vocabulary pg. 77
*approximately 5-10
2.1 Preterite Tense pgs. 56-57
verbs in each tense
2.2 Imperfect Tense pgs. 60-61
2.3 Preterite vs. Imperfect pgs. 64-65
past perfect
Past Perfect Tense- Verb Packet pg. 9
present progressive
Past Progressive Tense- Verb Packet pg. 10
past progressive
Conjuguemos- Extra Credit
This extra credit must be turned in before you take your exam!
1. Go to the website and click link for (No need to have username or password.)
2. For each tense on exam you should take the following steps and PRINT YOUR RESULTS before going on to the next
tense. DO NOT USE THE PRINT RESULTS- PRINT/SEND RESULTS LINK! It won’t work. Just file/print or print screen to
print your results.
Click the Don’t time me! box
At the bottom choose “all but vosotros” in the choose pronoun area.
Press START and begin answering until you get up to 100 correct. It doesn’t matter how many tries or what the
percentage correct is. Just keep going until you have 100 correct answers.
PRINT RESULTS before going on to the next tense.
*This extra credit is worth up to 14 points of extra credit on
Do the following tensesthe exam (2 points per tense). It is not all or nothing. If you
7. Present Tense: All verbs
only do some of the tenses or do less than 100 correct on a
11. Preterit Tense: All verbs
tense, you can still receive partial credit.
12. Imperfect Tense: All verbs
17. Present Perfect: All participles
18. Pluperfect: All participles (This is Past Perfect- just called by a different name!)
21. Present Progressive: All participles
22. Past Progressive: All participles
PRACTICA- Exam Review and sample questions
Vocabulario Completa el párrafo con las palabras de la lista.
_____ Murió su mujer y vive solo.
_____ No le gusta gastar su dinero.
_____ Se siente mal y está triste.
_____ No vive con su esposa.
_____ Tiene muchas ganas de ganar.
a. separado
b. tacaño
c. viudo
d. ansioso
e. deprimido
No pertenece Selecciona la palabra que no pertenece (does NOT belong) al grupo.
6. a. deprimido b. tranquilo c. preocupado d. enojado
7. a. ligar b. discutir c. enamorarse d. coquetear
8. a.pareja b. compromiso c. ánimo d. matrimonio
9. a. casado b. disgustado c. viudo d. soltero
10. a. inseguro b. fabuloso c. maravilloso d. genial
11. a. almas gemelas b. pareja c. chisme d. matrimonio
12. Mi esposo (es/ está)de Colombia y yo (soy/ estoy) de Guatemala.
13. Los libros (son/están) en el armario.
Gustar and similar verbs
14. A Pedro _______________ (encantar) el desayuno y el café.
a. le encanta b. le encantas c. le encantan d. le encanto
15. A nosotros _______________ (doler) las piernas porque hicimos mucho ejercicio ayer.
a. nos dolemos b. nos duelen c. nos dueles d. nos duele
Preterite vs. Imperfect
16. Ayer (compraba/ compré) un regalo precioso para mi enamorado.
17. Mientras yo (conducía/ conduje), mi amiga y yo íbamos hablando.
1. ellos (ser)__________________________
2. nosotros (vivir)______________________
3. él (tomar) _________________________
4. tú (comer) _________________________
5. yo (tener) __________________________
1. tú (salir) ________________________
1. yo (llamar)__________________________
2. ella (cantar) ______________________
2. nosotros (hacer) _____________________
3. yo (llegar) _______________________
3. tú (escribir) ________________________
4. nosotros (ir)______________________
4. ellos (tener) ________________________
5. ellas (ayudar)_____________________
5. él (trabajar)_________________________
1. nosotros (leer)_______________________
1. nosotros (traer)_______________________
2. yo (mirar) __________________________
2. yo (cantar) _________________________
3. ellos (escribir)________________________
3. ellos (salir)__________________________
4. ella (vivir) __________________________
4. ella (pedir) __________________________
5. tú (llegar) ___________________________
5. tú (regalar) _________________________
1. nosotros (creer)_______________________
1. nosotros (traer)_______________________
2. yo (escuchar) ________________________
2. yo (desayunar) _______________________
3. ellos (escribir)________________________
3. ellos (hacer)________________________
4. ella (dormir) _________________________
4. ella (decir) __________________________
5. tú (abrir) ___________________________
5. tú (llegar) ___________________________