Andrew Carnegie and the Discourse of Cultural Hegemony Author(s): Alun Munslow Source: Journal of American Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Aug., 1988), pp. 213-224 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Association for American Studies Stable URL: . Accessed: 19/10/2011 10:56 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Cambridge University Press and British Association for American Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of American Studies. Andrew Discourse and the Carnegie of Cultural Hegemony ALUN MUNSLOW as a function of discourse ? A discourse change be explained a mode of is any language territory, whether thinking, talking or writing, which shared between its producer and presupposes assumptions consumer. This means that the relationship between and language is a nature the of discourse. This upon ideology dependent particular Can cultural offers paper on comments this with question reference to the formation of the post-bellum American business culture and its ideology by examining the written works of one of its leading exponents, the industrialist Andrew from the assumption that this business Carnegie1. Working was culture man's 1 Andrew Other 2 reveal how White Beaconside, Carnegie, in Staffs., Triumphant of a new ones, does it helped and Michel is Lecturer Munslow Polytechnic, interests Populist-Producer discourse Both Hayden Alun the serving subordinate group ruling an evaluation create Foucault the Department ST18 England, Democracy at the of of expense the business that ideological domination ?2 have claimed that culture can of Humanities, North Staffordshire oAD. (London, (London, Essays 1901), The Empire The on the literature scholarly Populist-Producer the past decade. Notable are Lawrence landmarks Timely 1886); The Gospel of Business (London, culture has expanded of Wealth And 1902). over markedly Democratic Promise Goodwyn, (New and Community. Class The Industrial York, Revolution in Lynn 1976); Alan Dawley, G. Gutman, Herbert and Society Culture in Mass., (Cambridge, 1976); Work, America Susan E. Hirsch, Roots (New York, Industrializing 1977); of the American Class: The Industrali^ation in Newark, 1800?1860 Working of Crafts (Philadephia, 1978); Class Community in Industrial America: and John T. Cumbler, Working Work, Leisure, Struggle in two Industrial Cities, 1880?1930 Conn, (Westport, 1979); David Montgomery, Worker's Control in America Mass, ed., American (Cambridge, Cantor, 1979); Milton Working Conn., Class Culture: 1979); David Explorations Workers Brody, in American in Industrial Lahor and Social History (Westport, (New York, 1980); Bruce (Philadelphia, 1980); Paul G. Faler, America Laurie, r8oo-i8jo Working People of Philadelphia, Mechanics and Manufacturers in the Early Industrial Revolution: Lynn, Massachusetts, The Roots iy80-1860 Yeoman Hahn, (New York, 1981); Steven of Southern Populism: Farmers and the Transformation 1850?1890 of the Georgia Upcountry, (New York, 1983); Francis G. Cou vares, The Remaking :Class and Culture in an Industrializing of Pittsburgh The Practice City, 1877-1919 (New York, Bensman, 1984); David of Solidarity: American Journal of American Studies, 22 (1988), 2, 213-224 Printed in Great Britain 8 AMS 22 Munslow Alun 214 to the primary figurative modes of discourse, by reference to this the tropes of metonymy Basic and synecdoche. particularly to cultural formation that ideology is its assumption rhetorical approach even is a function the most devoted of discourse, though White, be explored Foucault's recognises bound up with force.3 Assuming business of cultural practices, of the poetic foundation in the world and is that discourse resides insight of the theory practitioner of and the imposition property power ownership, in a dominant social formation, that power is embedded like spokesmen Carnegie, working to maintain the authority of a particular cultural practices class, did so through a range of discursive In the Gramscian that contended with others for dominance.4 of model Hat Finishers the House 3 in theNineteenth of Labor : The Century Workplace, (New York, 1987). Alan Trachtenberg were in the late nineteenth century (New York, Incorporation of America The Fall of (Urbana, 1985); David Montgomery, the State, and American Labor Activism, 186J-1921 is most clear that the two centres of opposition see The the Populists and the working classes, 1982). at the College de Lecture "The Order of Discourse," Foucault, Inaugural 2nd December France, 1970. The Archaeology (New York, 1972); The Order of Knowledge Sciences An and (New York, of Things: Archaeology of the Human 1973); Madness A History Civilisation: of Insanity in the Age of Reason (New York, 1973); The Birth of the Michel Clinic Practice: Selected Foucault, (New York, 1975); Michel Counter-Memory, Language, and Interviews, ed. by D. F. Bouchard and Punish: Essays (New York, 1977); Discipline The Birth of Prison Selected Interviews and Other (New York, 1979); Power /Knowledge; in The Historical Writings (New York, 1980); Hay den White, Metahistory: Imagination in the Nineteenth "The Value of Narrativity Century (Baltimore, Europe 1973), of Reality," Critical 1980), 5-27, "The Question Theory, 7, 1, (Autumn in Contemporary Historical and Theory, 23, 1, (1984), History Theory," in Cultural Criticism, Baltimore, 1?33, Tropics of Discourse: 1978), "Structuralism Essays and Popular ; Culture," 7, (1974) 759-75 Journal of Popular Culture, 4 insists that in order Antonio The Prison Notebooks Gramsci, (London, 1982). Gramsci Representation of Narrative to is how the processes of cultural formation what must be explained it happens " explore that there co-exist and currents of philosophical these how many systems thought, currents are born, how and why in the process of diffusion they are diffused, they fracture lines and in certain directions" (327). In his section on the "The along certain on and "Notes Italian History," in The Prison Notebooks Gramsci in detail. Beginning of hegemony the complexities the crucial role by noting a social in the process of the intellectual of establishing Gramsci the offers hegemony are the dominant central that the intellectuals the insight groups' "exercising deputies subaltern functions of social hegemony and political (12). The functions government" to the consent "The include 'spontaneous' given by the great masses... general on social is direction life by the dominant fundamental this consent group; imposed caused by the prestige... which of its the dominant group 'historically' enjoys because " in the world and function of production. of the The second major function position is to operate intellectuals the "apparatus of state coercive which power 'legally' " on those groups who do not 'consent' or enforces either actively discipline passively. as mechanical as it at first The is not of course establishment of a social hegemony Intellectual" describes sounds. Consent and repression exist together and hegemony is moral as well as Andrew cultural Andrew change an was Carnegie according industrial bourgeoisie.5 wealthy Foucault Although to exterior the the emphasises text, White Hayden organic in as much intellectual constraints chooses of to z 15 Hegemony of the new fundamental to the interests he functioned and Cultural Carnegie as class of the relations power the emphasise early the that the theory of tropes provides position forms of historical and cultural basis for imagination In this exercised any given period of a society's development. during manner the exercise of power in each historical epoch ismediated through Foucaultian narratological the classifying infrastructure with the tropes tropic representing level of White has tried to marry consciousness.6 figurative deep that theory of tropes with Foucault's study of history by arguing the its dominant For economic. compromise. resort groups masses it is and subordinate between dominant there is also every conflict groups when there is a crisis of authority that the dominant It is only at moments to coercion. describes the relationship between the therefore, Hegemony, of society groups through social consciousness. Among through significantly use. and the elite is language the masses 5 a fundamental are those among intellectuals Organic and his the dominant politics the most and economics significant but most link between are class, and created by it, who and character and conscious of the ends it is pursuing. its functioning Gramsci " was very on the as an organic intellectual: of the entrepreneur He precise special position not all entrepreneurs, at least an elite must of men_If be an organiser of masses to be an of society in general, them must have the capacity amongst organiser including to the state organism, all its complex of because of the need services, organism right up to the expansion most to create the conditions of their own class" favourable (Gramsci, can achieve are the fundamental who groups op. cit., 5-6). The hegemony only or the bourgeoisie. in the achievement the proletariat The central question of classes is established. It is how intellectual and ideological is precisely leadership hegemony aware of clearly a not hegemonic is in part class simple cement. How to be found to act as the of ideology be achieved? The answer harmony of language and discourse. Gramsci preceded in reinforcing the role of discourse cultural domination. For alliance. It is, rather, can a genuine in the nature the function ideological in his stress upon " is assumed of language, that is, the Great Gramsci, by the general question importance a of collectively climate," op. cit., 349. (his emphasis), question attaining single cultural out recently the nature of the available benchmarks discourse As Jackson Lears pointed Foucault that which is allowable, It may and de-legitimises certain lines of discursive argument. to articulate it impossible their problems, for potentially groups oppositional of Cultural "The Problems and Possi Lears, T.J.Jackson Concept Hegemony: is the essence Historical The American bilities," Review, 90, 3 (June, 1985), 569?70. This make in discourse, is constituted The individual and because interpellation. to the structure of the discourse, the is homologously related ideology in ideology. is thereby constructed subject 6 a different and equally mode of consciousness, which Each trope represents legitimate to characterise has in turn culturally formative It is, therefore, consequences. possible to different cultural of particular historical according linguistic epochs practices the process the structure of of protocols. analytical of White model maintains the theory that that the historicised language is culturally of culture study constitutive. requires as 8-2 its ziG Alun Munslow to characterize to its dominant possible the cultural of any historical epoch practices argues tropical protocol. Like Foucault, White to difference with particular cultural attitudes according that the tropes determined to the changes in the treatment reference and nineteenth centuries. White in the eighteenth of the insane that maintains the treatment of the insane, are the objects of difference, was the result of society thinking about of substitution them in the mode of metonymy through the conceptual an a part for the whole which one to of its parts reduces that is, object who as socially them viewing of advent the "humane" nineteenth because century they of trope separate were which as viewed part of For American society, from discourse of the culture characterised a of the in the insane the more became mode, linguistic or emphasises continuity objects by to refer to its essence. So the insane became a variation within one cultural development to which it is possible the extent therefore, entities. With contiguous treatment between synecdoche, the part of an object taking though the predominantly m?tonymie of the new order. To put the norm.7 test of White and Foucault is, to trace a shift in Carnegie's to a synecdochic it plainly, construction did Carnegie impose a 7 It isWhite's loc. cit., 772-73. and Popular "Structuralism Culture," position White, is but base nor superstructure neither is possessed that language by the economic consciousness between of mediation is the instrument to both, and language anterior who would for the cultural materialist of divergence is the point This and being. the for White of tropic determination. is a function that ideology However, dispute or the that insists White for all cultural is the basis function trope activity. poetic of emplotment, act then offers us only a limited range of modes linguistic prefigurative sense of our culture to events and make with which and ideology explain argument there are three parole discourse of narrative model In White's (1-42). Metahistory, and the ideological of explanation implications argument by emplotment, strategies The of representation. there are four modes each strategy of the first two. Within or at the conscious are elective in White's the elements between grid relationships or most affinities elective The writer. so-called choice of the historical unconscious likely relationships are: Ideological Trope Emplotment Argument Metaphor Romantic Formalist Metonymy Tragic Comic Mechanist Radicalism Organicist Contextualist Conservativism Implications Synecdoche Irony Satirical Anarchism Liberalism are determined of explanation pr?figuration by their tropological strategies treatment of recent previous at the level of the langue. The most operating in Richard to be found is of writing theories White and his narratological J. history and the Turner Ellis and Alun Thesis," "Narrative, of Munslow, Journal Myth American Culture, 9, 2, (1986), 9-26. The of writer's the data Andrew syncedochic reading his toward attitude nature the ? that a a social from shift terms, movement Carnegie's conservative in the structure a ; the emplotment acknowledged to argument and cognitive from model explain in devices dangerously a to radical position. has a plot which is model every narrative of the hero over his environment. The hero of to White's According determined by the power business Carnegie's was no White's Carnegie organicist ; and the result of these narrative change ideological an to mechanistic a comic which to in order power? to shifts to tragic even labour, democracy, by reference is, from issues of the unionised agrarianism, of the laws of social development in effect safe populists narrative Carnegie's nature and entrepreneurial and political groups oppositional that this task be undertaken requires - like in particularly new the 217 Hegemony development, it be of American and individualism the new distribution of economic rationalise of certain culture, producer historical whether "difference," or toward heroes on American and Cultural Carnegie longer was discourse an appropriate the figure The entrepreneur.8 the because late hero pioneer nineteenth century Act never materialised. As a by the Homestead agrarian utopia promised the political crisis evidenced result by the rise of an oppositional industrial bourgeoisie. the culture threatened emergent Populist-Producer a for the in the existed As Carnegie realised, potential tragic emplotment new order dialectical its heroic ? militant cleavages conflict. a new for and who hero trades create could not unions, wealth only was consensus achieved of men hero businessman order in My to and ensure experience labor and a truer conception on been to trades that reconcile Triumphant Democracy, of end a the contradictions This class cohesion of and a m?tonymie to what emplotment, within the mode of comic harmonised of democracy. emplotment culture. Carnegie's within reconciliation the is new is evident unionism: trades-unions, They certainly capital. of the relations of 8 Carnegie, the a more produces the triumph has to that needed views Carnegie's that maintains White and in the corporate age desire to Carnegie's from revealed as a potentially tragic cultural pr?figuration be a comic emplotment inWhite's taxonomy would synecdoche. reconciliation social switch his by farmers also but The heritage of Jeffersonian individualism and its democracy. be fatal to the Republic promote in America's lay the acknowledgement consensus. could It silverite state required rise of the corporate The elite. entrepreneurial 442. are beneficial both the whole, and give them the working-men than they could otherwise and labor upon educate capital a 2i8 A.lun Munslow The ablest form. the voice made, front who case Carnegie's patronising for the Only this among the the front that these in without labor through of the men will men, arises demagogue chiefly their real which every to be works come eventually to the employers.9 was unions trades ignorant the men of organization the best leaders, to complaisance, unionism. of the power expressed.... the natural by which and confer freely with to knows who who man, regards capital ignorant so much to embitter relations between does organisation A proper be come eventually workman intelligent but the blatant ; and employed of proper lack workmen the helpless, of labor enemy and can is capital natural employer from the best is not organisations_It his brother as and "blatant thus a produce man" ignorant in couched of language business pliant, and the orientated "ignorant demagogue" the comity between doubt labor and capital. This language a discursive shift from a potentially evidences tragic to a comic cultural and was a rejection of the agrarian, individualistic democracy emplotment, inspired by Carnegie's reading of Jefferson, in favour of a new corporatism would to essential the In White's of authority new the order. uses as a the writer is couched argument a was is law. For it of which causal Carnegie premise of society. laws that ultimately determined the nature to view of poverty was a further expression of his attitude model the the major syllogism, Darwinian Carnegie's social stability, Spencerian creators but philosophy. should be a view it was Carnegie Although the role which he was model, a modification of required insisted that his heroic wealth realist to admit enough that not own So he and poverty had to be rationalised. everyone property, set up "all conquering as the ultimate His rationale education.10 poverty" " : wealth for the maldistribution of wealth was unequivocal is a curse to could young poor and men, and were boys, a poverty "12 schools?poverty. sternest in that in But "The blessing."11 trained to order was millionaires... procure to appeal started but most a efficient harmonised of as all culture to the qualities of personal Carnegie again impelled in found the classless In hero. this fashion he enterprise entrepreneurial some kind of that poverty indicated rejected Herbert Spencer's notion unfitness. Indeed, the true hero was the poor boy who, through pursuit of the was Carnegie process. of Gospel His 11 12 was Carnegie, Gospel Carnegie, Empire Carnegie, Gospel Carnegie, Empire able to compelled insistence 9 10 Success, that 55. of Wealth, 109. of Business, wealth. this modify poverty 115-22. of Wealth, 113. of Business, to achieve was a Ultimately, mechanistic positive good however, cause-and-effect had to be matched Andrew a mechanistic for organicist economic z 19 Hegemony This shift in progress. in of his substitution taxonomy, and social in terms of White's is revealed, emphasis an in universal belief by his and Cultural Carnegie within argument narrative. his The in a argument relationships or ideas that serve to instead to the principles sense, appealing In this sense Carnegie was processes integrate historical ideologically. determinism of poverty able to deny the mechanical except as a spur to as Darwinian well as, by implication, advancement, biological personal denies organicist mechanical of to appeal and instead determinism, nature the for search causal to the supposed and harmonic organic society. bourgeois the nature of Carnegie's shift of signification argument through a clear modification which of the tenets of Social Darwinism reached This was The in the Reform fulfilment their ultimate analysis which precepts of "natural Sumnerian of the Progressive Era. Darwinism an absolute of the rejection required was and "equality" rights," "liberty" Jeffersonian to Carnegie. the signifiers, Whilst Carnegie retaining unacceptable their Natural selection for resulted not in signification. Carnegie changed the survival of the fittest and the accretion of wealth permanently in the hands of or cannot are allowed selection neither since warfare induced "13 "14 exist. Reform advocating illustration classic eighteenth and were of explanation process heterogeneity. concluding heterogeneous [in impossible if economic class any In effect Carnegie that natural argued " a uninfluenced society, democracy by birth This state Sumner's replaced of economic for survival. struggle Sumner's mechanistic as well. Despite his Darwinism but also appeal to the in reality Carnegie was pushing on toward in than virtually any other businessman surface a within Biological analogies society, of the late the m?tonymie consciousness deep nineteenth centuries, explained by mechanistic early modified reality. by Carnegie essence of The the from passed actually Carnegie that is in Darwinism. of all matter whereby wealth permanently by the unequal not only rejected Carnegie denied Spencer's philosophy rhetoric of Social Darwinism, further meliorism. He went arguments, of aristocracy remain free play. a classless produced rank "An few: wealth America]... laws the rise of the to the homogeneous, of development. path upward 13 Democracy, Triumphant Carnegie, 15 89. Gospel of Wealth, Carnegie, to Spencerian a state of reversed trust and "15 Carnegie's 366. this was an produce Darwinism to homogeneity fundamental "an is clearly need organicist was the evolution another to view 14 Ibid., one of premise, from step society 365. the in the as a 2 2o Alun M unslow ideal his conclusion that the corporate totality necessitated as of "the organism known human benefit the thrifty members harmonised must "16 society. Economic the Gospel of Wealth, the paternalism, was the essence scientism remained, but appeal to Darwinian The mechanistic for explaining argument as development InWhite's are an into transmuted toward tending tropological in revealed the ultimate strategy that coherence and organicist model the heart of evolution. The reductive in a highly modified form. had been social change accounted towards the for cultural harmony. the ideological attitude the writer's at notion stewardship of cultural of discourse implications of pace social and change is most ends of civil in his views society. Carnegie's ideological position on the administration of wealth. Given his to of metonymy adjustment linguistic mode tropological and his congruent shift from a tragic to a comic emplotment synecdoche of the entrepreneurial hero in American and the rejection of history, in favour of an organicist mechanistic laws to explain social change shown clearly from the Carnegie was pushed away from what inWhite's explanation, terminology a In would be radical to a conservative potentially ideological position. a a an terms offers defence "not of idealized past but White's conservative "17 of the present social dispensation. The conservative defends the status quo by as an society constructing unity organic radicals that claim has yet for an organic intellectual like Carnegie any Consequently, in any oppositional residual culture of Jeffersonian radicalism found his actions during groups had to be excised from public discourse. Whilst the 1892 Homestead dispute, when he allowed Henry Clay Frick to use to be achieved. Pinkerton to break agents physical discourse Carnegie's repression, a culture the strike, may structured in the ideological have signified the continued dominance the power struggle to of create of his entrepreneurial class. The proper in of wealth was summarised most famously " that wealth should be considered surplus administration Carnegie's Gospel as a sacred trust of Wealth, to be administered hands it falls, by those into whose their the the lives, for good of community" [My emphasis.]18 Perhaps during the group most vilified by Carnegie for its differentness was the unworthy poor. His primary through practice 16 18 Ibid., Carnegie, rationalisation for the unequal distribution of wealth as the society was that rich and poor could be reconciled of stewardship. As he said, "Under its sway [the the notion of the stewardship of wealth] we shall have an ideal State, in end of civic 17 White, 86. Gospel of Wealth, 54. Metahistorv, zz. Andrew which the surplus wealth of property The the of the few will because many, to administer wealth. for of charity, was Carnegie clear absolutely "19 good. the most being that the the sense, common the 221 Hegemony in the best become, administered a denial to this was corollary and Cultural Carnegie dubious way members only of the poor who could be assisted were those who could help themselves. The capitalist mind of Carnegie was summarised when he said aphoristi "Those cally of worthy the Among assistance... in groups dangerous seldom assistance."20 require were not society the only unworthy poor but also errant farmers. In 1891 Carnegie addressed the issue of silver :"our... Republic and Populists is boldly plunging deeper and deeper into " the He of dangers silver farmers warned there coinage... and his wider is trouble readership wherever " that The is silver. there man who to tries is twin brother [free silver] in the hope of profit... the express train for the chance of sharing its wreck this disaster bring about to him who would is a wrecker contents_He and His speculator. interests are to opposed "21 of the toiling masses. The implied alliance of his class with a a few little that of the toiling masses hollow, rings given his behaviour later during the Homestead Strike. Because months the primary obstacle the interests to the a of creation and significations live and experience cultural their is class hegemonic practices relations the need which through to the total to the incorporate subordinate classes social formation, the to had conservative articulated absorb ideology by Carnegie them from opposing in a manner which would the such groups prevent on views and the distribution and of class its administration hegemonic dominant wealth. such a procedure of by the simple measure operated as or subordinate groups uniquely specific reprehensible Like farmers and political the undeserving silverite poor, Carnegie isolating dangerous. were radicals as constituted also potential destroyers of social harmony. in the popular magazine The Forum in August 1886, to comment Writing that summer, he produced the labour riots earlier his classic upon : statement of ideological incorporation the Following foreign excitement was a is not labor fitting justly which with riot 19 Ibid., Carnegie, Chicago one and in opinion public after organization but volunteered disorder, labor 20 of Business, work who Milwaukee, thought to execute their revolutionary their doings, with nevertheless 12. Empire the mad and opportunity chargeable discredited came there disturbances, in temporarily with promptitude all sympathy 21 labor anarchists 55?61. Ibid., 17. of they a handful saw of in the Although plans. of labor the cause The these outbreaks. by not another only disclaimed to enroll itself into armed 222 Alun Munslow force not should order, were necessary, proof the masses of men, threatened for of the maintenance convincing proof, is seriously country in the educated but down classes, are determined industrious workers, to death the by the thrower. order of not armies, by citizens orderly steady under the Rioters institutions, thus The not from known as closed down work "mad However, labour legitimate peaceful "from significantly and the alternative to of swift down ; not standing and peaceful and that including irresistible the force, and to...the with in organised masses "the of open interpretations elements and down shot in the reader's mind citizens orderly means anarchists" organisations capitalist professions ranks lowest by overwhelming masses of by the of...foreign invites comparison are certain doubtful of only this and sentiment.22 public revolutionary plans" is implying Carnegie "masses in the people, a distance, but the down from capitalist constitutes combined influence whose discourse not of the peace and the above troops brought of all classes... reader. to is another overlooked_It that whenever the very through to maintain it. Bomb-throwing will be remorselessly assembling... government working-man, democratic Carnegie's to be if further all "their what labour. of men" and but most classes," steady working-man," " " and classless fashion in remorselessly respond in truly democratic down rioters and bomb-throwers. shooting Carnegie's linking of demo cratic institutions with and "public sentiment" opinion" "public constitutes the reader as a unified subject in conflict with that which exists the text. Through outside of his discourse the power is Carnegie " " to masses to the their culture for that of attempting persuade exchange the hegemonic class. The therefore, 1890s may be interpreted, using will Gramsci's sectors had as terminology, of American to be sanitised The a of period passive revolution some whereby excluded as illegitimate and society were deliberately in the best interests of the hegemonic class.23 world view was m?tonymie. Its reductive certainty Jeffersonian classic eighteenth laws of politics and economic century as viewed human atomistic After relationships contiguities. and science indus and tragedy was the potential for cultural cataclysm trialization, however, to be conceived real if it continued in these terms. The very 22 23 142-43. of Wealth, Gospel Carnegie, term passive The revolution is defined masses are absorbed and neutralised the hegemonic opposing class reformism inspired class. to A as a form of hegemony by Gramsci thus preventing by the bourgeoisie, o? passive revolution is essentially period establish a spurious consensus over the the whereby them from a of period ends of civil the results from expansive hegemony which masses and the creation the of the of the interests class, by hegemonic adoption genuine are of the people revolution large sections will. In the period of passive of a popular means the from the excluded by system adopted through deliberately hegemonic intellectuals like Carnegie. See Gramsci, 105?20. 58-9, government. It is differentiated from an rise of the Andrew and Cultural Carnegie zu, Hegemony a new conception state demanded of the role of the individual corporate on how social change and the ends of civil society could and a consensus the dominant be explained. As an organic intellectual representing corporate to constitute the new the cultural culture Carnegie imperative expressed world of industrial capitalism. He was forced to seek out rationalisations that allow would his to class entrepreneurial and modify re-draw cultural the discourse map. synecdochic popular Carnegie's of American of his the necessary emplotment re-working produced a new and his modified for social argument history, explaining change of social in role this process Carnegie's complex ideological position. was to disassemble elements oppositional change through re-signification Jeffersonian of the residual a new a connection of an Success, Darwinism, of praxis ethic to each linking democracy. model how illustrates use, language the cultural Gospel and Reform republican of White's between a modified as manifest triumphant application them within and re-articulate of Wealth Gospel and resurgent This a order bourgeois of self-help, a culture discourse predicates and power knowledge, ideology. to acknowl of cultural change forces historians language model are and ideology and that the ideological interrelated, edge that discourse " " as of discourse much be read may any implications through a text's structure as traditional historical methods of textual linguistic through White's and verification. Whilst White's that language is the argument comparison not terrain of ideological of his position the is weakness disputed, struggle It simply in of the absolute primacy remains in its insistence textuality. : case to create a in this ignores human agency Carnegie's will knowingly dominant culture through contribution is most a preferred ideological discourse. his is where This Gramsci's the recognition that although cultural important: in also reveals the ebb be manifest discourse dominance discourse, may and flow of an economically driven cultural struggle. of his readership with What Carnegie was about was the identification constituted orderly, of wealth represented, creation of intellectual principles embarked upon and a the process As of of appraisal true social formation were all directed structure. value popular his upon change the dominant ideological a national Carnegie social acceptable for his class. For these based position a that Carnegie the towards organic bourgeois cultural what administration transformation groups. he participated in the ideological of oppositional absorption as of the The image of Andrew Carnegie the classic representative Robber Barons' whereby force and striving a status-stricken to ensure middle-class their over dominance ignores the a reluctant complexity not labour only of 2 24 Alun Munslow his discourse, in the constitution but also its function of a hegemony as as both cultural well economic possessing unity. Although Carnegie's passive revolution was only fully realised during the so called Age of Reform, on the way to it the most powerful became Carnegie interpreter of the emergent business culture.